
--- Day changed Tue Dec 16 2008
geneKanzure whichh geonavigator03:36
kanzurethe one by the government03:36
geneso I found a cache of ultracapacitors, what would you do with them?04:02
fennwell at least i'm 2 hours early, but wtf is MIT using PST?05:36
fennif anyone wants to read some forced verbiage: http://fennetic.net/pub/irc/mit-grad-app.html 05:37
fennskip down to "statement of objectives" unless you enjoy stalking me05:37
fenngene: what capacity/voltage/ESR05:38
genehell if I know05:38
fennwell what do they look like05:38
genethey are cylindrical05:39
fennhow big05:39
fenngimme a fucking dimensional unit you ass hole05:39
fennor maybe you could go work at ADL :)05:39
geneI estimate they are about a farad05:39
geneabout 1 centimeter tall05:40
fennok so probably 5V computer battery replacement05:40
geneyeah that sounds about it05:40
fennum.. make solar powered blinkies?05:40
genegood idea05:40
genegot me a whole bunch of minisolar panels just lieing around05:41
kanzure1982? no fair, you're cheating.05:49
kanzuremy mother wants to come by tomorrow and clean the dorm room. :/05:52
fenni was born too soon05:59
fennhave to put up with this stone age crap05:59
fenninternal combustion engines? houses made of wood?05:59
kanzurefrom my perspective I was born too late though, it would have been better to have been born in the 80s05:59
fennwhy the 80's?05:59
kanzureeverything leads back to the 80s for some reason06:00
fenni disagree06:00
kanzurebetter music, good Star Wars,06:00
fenneverything leads back to 196906:00
kanzurewell that too :)06:00
kanzureanywho, I'm really liking brlcad.06:01
fennbecause it has a command line? :)06:01
kanzureyeah :)06:01
geneso I can't find geonavigator06:01
kanzurebut I also know that this is just like the original cad systems06:01
kanzuregene: I also said try geocommunicator06:01
kanzuregene: as a backup, search for me + geocommunicator / geonavigator06:02
fenn"original cad systems" being what, APT?06:02
kanzurefenn: the downside is that I can't do rapid sketching of shapes. there's a shape editor mode, where I can do 2D sketches with segments and vertices, but you have to go back and click the buttons each time you place a vertex, etc.06:02
kanzurenot fun.06:02
fenncan import dxf outlines though right?06:03
kanzureit was my understanding that autocad from the 80s was a command line system essetnially06:03
kanzureyes, there's dxf integration06:03
fennso complain about qcad instead :)06:03
fennfree dxf cad program for linux06:03
fennnice snap-to and numerical specification of geometry06:04
kanzurewell there we go then.06:04
fennand for everything else, there's inkscape06:04
kanzureisn't inkspace just an alternative to blender?06:04
fennno, it's a 2d SVG editor06:04
kanzurewell then.06:05
fennand totally awesome btw06:05
geneoh qcad is awesome06:06
genemade some paper models with it06:06
kanzurebrlcad is well-scripted. can be done from bash, with tcl, or in the command window, so I'm thinking it might be nice to include a hook in in the skdb packaging.06:06
kanzureespecially since .g is nice and modular.06:06
genebtw anyone know of anyway to make solidworks files to usable files06:07
kanzurego to SAVE AS06:07
geneno wonder the military uses it 06:07
fenni like this one, but nobody else seems to: http://fennetic.net/sketches/emc-splash/emc-lathe-chips.svg06:07
* kanzure will check the images later. too lazy to move out of chair or something06:07
genelolz fenn06:08
fennmyeh.. /me hunts up some food or something06:08
geneon the last one06:08
fenngene: see how the chips say "emc"06:08
geneI do now06:08
genehmmmm... I still need some damn tiny, damn accurate linear actuators06:08
fennpester phreedom to hurry up on his piezo thingy06:09
geneI need more displacement that a piezo though06:11
fennit's an inchworm so it should move a few cm i think06:11
genebut a piezo might be useful for another project06:11
geneI want to do nuclear transfer06:12
Phreedomright, piezos are very underestimated06:12
genetransfer nuclear material06:12
Phreedomand there are no distance limitations06:12
genethere are size limitations though...06:13
fennPhreedom: any idea how fast it moves?06:13
genevery fast fenn06:13
fenndimensional units please!06:13
Phreedomgene: I'm not talking about using direct piezo expansion/contraction06:13
fennyou are thinking acceleration anyway06:14
geneI know06:14
Phreedomgene: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piezoelectric_motor06:14
geneyou're talking about inchworm06:14
Phreedomgene: ok. not really. there are many different designs06:15
Phreedombut the idea is more or less the same06:15
geneI know what you mean06:15
Phreedomfenn: speeds depend on load, how much wear you can tolerate and lots of other stuff06:15
genewhere do you get the elements?06:15
Phreedomfenn: 0,1-0,4m/s is realistic06:15
fennthat's pretty fast06:16
Phreedomgene: can be made at home :) or if you need a small number, you can buy06:16
fenn10cm/s right?06:16
genehow do you make them at home?06:16
Phreedomfenn: but for a motor that lasts, exerts a significant force, I'll be closer to 0,1m/s06:17
Phreedomfenn: yes06:17
fennhow large is it?06:17
fennand what is the power supply like?06:17
fennor driver or whatever you call it06:17
Phreedomgene: the same way they make it at a fab: you need PZT powder(made by mill or hydrothermal), press(carjack will do) and a furnace06:17
geneheh carjacj06:18
fennjack = hydraulic cylinder, what's funny about that?06:18
Phreedomfenn: 50-100g of PZT(density:7.6-7.8), some metal06:18
Phreedomgene: carjack is poor man's press06:18
Phreedomthey're really cheap06:18
fennPhreedom: no i mean the dimensions of the system06:19
geneI would have never though06:19
fennlike, a stepper motor is about 40mm cube06:19
Phreedomfenn: lol06:19
geneI have a ball mill under my sink, I just need a car jack and a furnace06:19
Phreedomfenn:  3-5cm diameter couple cm height tube06:20
fennhow much power to make it move?06:20
Phreedomfenn: oh and drivers, these are very low power so several low-power high-voltage half-bridges + MCU will do06:21
Phreedomfenn: 10-15 watts per motor will be sufficient06:21
Phreedomfenn: efficiency is likely to be 50%+ so input power will be 20-30 watts/motor06:22
fennhow high voltage? is this mosfet territory?06:22
Phreedomfenn:  1000V is mosfet territory too ;)06:22
fennwell, they make them, but they suck06:22
Phreedomfenn: you can use FETs or Bipolar, whatever is cheaper06:22
fennfor high voltage IGBT is best i think06:23
fennunless you need stupid quick turn on times06:23
Phreedomfenn: as I said I probably need low price the most ;)06:23
Phreedomeverything else is a bonus06:23
fennhmm ok i understand06:24
PhreedomI mean the performance of the driver isn't very critical at these power levels06:24
fennmy only search into mosfet/igbt was for ~300V electric car controller06:24
Phreedomand a 15w loaded motor moving at 0,1 m/s = 150N of force, two motors per axis... this is way too powerful for a desktop machine :)06:25
fennif it works at all...06:26
fenndo you think machined micro-grooves as sort of ratchet teeth might help?06:26
Phreedomfenn: for what?06:27
fennreducing wear06:27
Phreedomfenn: not sure. time will tell06:27
fennbtw you have seen the "squiggle" motor right?06:28
Phreedomfenn: actually I'm betting on a different approach to wear. The idea is to have a hard, eg chrome coating, which can be easily recoated as a service routine. So if it doesn't have to happen way too often, it's a good approach to the problem06:29
Phreedomquality commercial motors guarantee several thousand hours of operation06:29
Phreedomwhich means this might be a good approach after all06:30
Phreedomfenn: no. googling06:30
Phreedomfenn: looks nice06:31
Phreedomfenn: thre are tons of new designs pooping up everywhere right now06:31
Phreedomfenn: all I can say is that piezos are hot06:31
Phreedomfenn: the trouble of all these mini and micro piezo designs is wear. they aren't very optimized in this regard due to having other design goals06:35
Phreedomfenn: http://www.piezo-motor.net/06:41
Phreedomfenn: http://www.piezo.lt/  does it reming you of anything? ;)06:48
geneWOW that is amazing06:49
Phreedompiezo motor stuff isn't very new... but it's been very obscure06:50
geneyou might have fun with our labs sonicator06:50
genea high power ultrasonic sound source06:50
Phreedomgene: I'm too far away to enjoy it ;)06:53
geneit does show signs of damage though06:54
genebiologists apparently aren't very keen on treating their equipment well06:54
-!- fenn_ is now known as fenn07:26
Phreedoma piece of good enginering: http://www.break.com/index/failed-chinese-crash-test.html07:31
genethat's a classic07:36
kanzure_http://www.overcomingbias.com/2008/12/not-taking-over.html <- Evidence that he is, in fact, trying to take over the world.19:29
kanzure_"NOT TAKING OVER THE WORLD" <- in other words, yes he is19:29
kanzure_I think the situation in which this "unlimited power" that he speaks of, will arise in a particular situation and context, in which technicalities not so much "limit" the available actions but rather restrain (but also enable/empower) types of architectures that aren't so black and white. I'm not going to argue this though.19:30
kanzure_basically he's asking the "what to do" question ..19:31
kanzure_Phreedom: nepomuk just hit slashdot.19:45
genewhat's so bad about taking over the world?19:51
kanzure_"who polices the police"19:53
kanzure_(ad infinitum)19:53
genethe people19:53
genethat's who19:53
kanzure_so why are people being policed?19:53
kanzure_and who polices the policers?19:54
bkeroWe did19:54
genesystem crash19:54
bkeroNobody does now19:54
geneI'm all for AI government19:55
genebecause humans are dumb19:55
geneat least enhanced human19:55
kanzure_so what if they are dumb? Are you going to force everybody to upgrade, too?19:56
kanzure_Anyway, I don't know why you would want to install a dictator when other options exist - like ensuring you're using a good redundancy strategy instead of putting all of your eggs in one basket.19:57
genegood idea20:00
bkerohttp://www.coda.cs.cmu.edu/ljpaper/lj.html hawt hawt hawt20:02
Phreedomkanzure_: thanks20:04
kanzure_I need a super-fast introduction to Tcl. Maybe I should go read some code results from koders.com or Google codesearch?20:40
bkeroTCL is obsolete crap :/20:40
geneand I need a superaccurate linear actuator20:40
genego figure20:40
kanzure_bkero: No argument there, but the interpreter is Tcl.20:41
kanzure_google finds 198k files.20:41
kanzure_not bad.20:41
bkerokanzure_: Fucking army using old crap :(20:41
kanzure_my alternative is to use bash scripting, but from what I can tell I can't execute the 'oed' command because I need to 'draw' an object first (wtf)20:42
kanzure_Okay, nevermind. It works now.20:44
kanzure_See? No tcl.20:44
genethe arny uses old crap20:44
kanzure_I did find it nice how the brlcad configure script warned me about my noncompliance with IEEE 764.20:55
bkerowtf is ieee 764?21:05
kanzure_floating point multiplication :p21:11
fennbkero: does coda do versioning and branching? or is it just focused on "magically" merging everything from everyone21:42
bkerofenn: It's just a filesystem.  You want a revision control system.  Use git.21:47
bkeroIt uses a transaction-based system.  I'm not sure how it handles merging.21:48
fenni want a versioning file system dammit21:48
bkeroThere are tons21:49
bkeroUse fuse21:49
fennfuse is just an abstraction layer21:49
bkeroThere are tons written in fuse21:49
fennok. any recommendations?21:49
bkeroI know.  I wrote a FUSE filesystem for work last week.21:49
bkeroNope, haven't used any.  They're listed as examples on FUSE's site.21:50
fennhey i was talking about this a couple weeks ago: "hierfs - a simple way of managing a vast amount of data over multiple CD-R media by simulating all files on the CDs as if they were online on the harddisk."21:59
fennso, i didnt see a single versioning filesystem on this page: http://apps.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/fuse/index.php?title=FileSystems22:02
fenni did find one on google; "copyfs"22:02
kanzure_gene: http://heybryan.org/bioreactor/membraneless_filtration/2008-12-16_spiral_generator_works.png22:07
geneit's beautiful22:08
kanzure_and somewhat wrong22:08
genebut why's it made of blocks22:08
kanzure_why are my cross-sections lacking left-hand boundary22:08
kanzure_yes, but the blockyness is just because I'm doing it at a low resolution (1000 cross sections)22:08
kanzure_just need to do a bit of touchup on the cross section stuff (I was doing it blind, so, I'll fix that)22:09
kanzure_and then implement (1) narrowing/widening of the cross sections, and (2) a delta z. 22:09
kanzure_well, it's supposed to be a rectangle with a rectangle inside of it and subtracted from it22:10
kanzure_so that it would be a window frame22:10
fenncan't you just import a dxf outline?22:10
genewait what are you using brl cad?22:10
fennor is that not cool enuf22:10
kanzure_fenn: an outline of what?22:11
fennthe spiral22:11
kanzure_I'd like a generator :/22:11
fennwhat's a generator?22:11
kanzure_./spiral --make-me-a-spiral22:11
kanzure_gene: yes, I'm using brlcad22:11
kanzure_except without using it22:11
kanzure_i.e., this is scripted22:11
fennabusing it, is more likely22:12
kanzure_yes. tjos os anisove 22:12
kanzure_*this is abusive22:12
kanzure_I'm calling mged on every cross section, which is stupid because it causes a thousand hdd r/w cycles22:12
kanzure_but apparently when I saved all of the commands to be done at once, something blew up (I'll try it again in a moment)22:12
kanzure_http://heybryan.org/bioreactor/membraneless_filtration/spiral.g.stl (warning: 5 MB)22:13
kanzure_o epmfet og oy od rsu yp tesf yrcy ejrm oy od yu[rf gtp, pmr ;omr pbrt gtp, ejrtr oy od idis;;u ,rsmy yp nr22:15
kanzure_heh, nevermind22:15
fenng-stl converts from .g to .stl right?22:15
genePh'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn22:16
kanzure_fenn: yep22:17
kanzure_fenn: g-<tab> is an interesting list.22:17
kanzure_gene: I read it outloud and a beast appeared. is this bad?22:18
genehow much firepower do you have within five feet!22:19
kanzure_2.6 GHz22:19
geneSHOOT IT!22:19
fennthe power of euclidean geometry compels you!22:20
kanzure_"i'll take your square root any day."22:20
geneQUICK generate euclidean geometry in BRL cad22:21
kanzure_gene: be sure to read the .pl file. it's crap, but at least so that you know what's going on.22:21
geneyou know I probably should read that cthulu book22:22
fennnah it's lame22:23
kanzure_well, here's why it looks so bad22:23
kanzure_apparently I was doing the wrong orientation22:23
kanzure_the top view is supposed to be the front view.22:24
* kanzure_ fixes.22:24
kanzure_blah, qorot doesn't like zerovalue vectors.22:27
geneI don't like zerovalue vectors22:28
genethey seem pointless to me22:31
kanzure_that's it mister, you either eat all of your vector-o's or no dinner.22:34
kanzure_so I think I'm not considering something23:57
kanzure_as you get to the outer rings of the spiral, the distance between the cross-sections is increasing23:57
kanzure_which is bad.23:57
kanzure_Anyway, a nice problem to solve.23:58

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