
--- Day changed Tue Dec 23 2008
willPow3ryou guys ever use solidworks?03:36
geneI use solidworks04:05
willPow3rhow good is it in relation to pro/e?04:20
willPow3ri just downloaded it to use for some MIT OCW ME courses04:20
willPow3rMIT opencourseware mechanical engineering*04:22
geneI don't use pro e05:38
geneI learned cad on solidworks so I might be biased05:39
ppkhey, anybody around?09:20
willPow3rwhat up ppk 09:21
ppkI want to read those papers Drew Endy sent an email about09:21
ppkbut I don't have access09:21
ppkI bet Bryan has them09:21
willPow3ris he awake?09:28
ppkprobably not09:33
ppkI'll try to check back in tomorrow09:33
ppknight guys09:33
willPow3rsan diego fab lab: http://headsonfire.org/hof_v3/fablabwelcome.html12:06
willPow3rdidn't know we had one12:07
willPow3ri with their pages had fucking dates on them. i get the feeling this site is severely outdated12:12
willPow3rthey opened on 22 NOV 08. perfect12:37
willPow3rdoes anybody have full PNAS access (univeristy network, perhaps)?14:49
willPow3ri need the full text of http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2008/12/08/0807157106 but im too lazy to walk to campus14:49
kanzure_The ubuntu help forums have users that post a list of commands like, "1. cd ~/blah/ \n 2. vim file.txt \n ..". I think they miss the point of scripting.15:56
willPow3rits easy to not see the power of linux if you have no need of a powerful command line15:59
kanzure_http://heybryan.org/shell.html <- I've finally got around to typing out notes for 'typed shelling' or 'semantic shells' or whatever.16:26
kanzure_http://www.pidgin.im/survey/index.php?sid=84494 pidgin user survey. "3 million users" and counting, but not a lot of feedback.16:32
kanzure_Hi fenn.17:26
fenni think God is playing tricks on me18:09
kanzure_mega super huge post to om re: recipe representation, plus some PSL examples.18:18
kanzure_http://books.google.com/books?id=wfxKAAAAMAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=illustrated+engineering&as_brr=1&ei=ATtRSZiHApGeyATP3dVX   nice illustrated engineering book (sort of)19:26
kanzure_http://forums.parallax.com/forums/default.aspx?f=21&m=308220   basic stamp supercomputer. the worst thing known in existence.19:50
ybitmorning/afternoon everyone21:17
genemornoo as it is called21:36
geneFenn I think you mean Haruhi21:37
geneKanzure do you know what a microfilm machine is?21:37
geneIt's a machine for taking tiny photographs21:40
kanzure_right, libraries have microfilm archives21:46
kanzure_http://www.mel.nist.gov/psl/p4/demo/camile.idef3   ooh. What's this now?21:49
kanzure_hm, IDEF3 is a precursor to PSL21:56
kanzure_"The IDEF3 Process Description Capture Method provides a mechanism for collecting and documenting processes."21:56
genewhy no use one for making microchips22:06
kanzure_specialty chemicals.22:09
kanzure_I guess people acquire chemicals to do photography development in their dark rooms, so.22:10
kanzure_"The inability to freely exchange manufacturing information within the U.S. automotive industry supply chain costs at least $1 billion annually.   Read the report "Interoperability Cost Analysis of the U.S. Automotive Supply Chain.""22:13
kanzure_http://www.mel.nist.gov/psl/p2/reps-lis.htm  nice list of representation methods for processes22:15
kanzure_ahuh. Nothing like getting access to the private majordomo for NIST :-)22:27
genemy old highschool has the specialty chemicals22:28
geneand a whole damn fab22:28
kanzure_http://www.mel.nist.gov/psl/psl-secure/ 22:29
genewhat's a majordomo?22:29
kanzure_username: review-team22:29
kanzure_password: consensus22:29
kanzure_majordomo is an ancient mailing list manager22:29
genenot this?22:29
geneoh ok22:29
kanzure_ http://www.mel.nist.gov/psl/p3/semantics/issues-log/primitives-full.html22:36
geneI don't get it22:46
kanzure_http://www.mel.nist.gov/ims/about.htm  <-- "Intellectual Property Rights". guess open access has a ways to go23:14
kanzure_http://www.mel.nist.gov/psl/20questions.html "The following forms are intended to help map process characteristics into PSL Ontology concepts. Each form contains a questionnaire. When filling out a form, please make sure you enter a class name for your process's activities and that you check at least one box for each question. Click the "Submit" button at the bottom of the form to obtain PSL semantics corresponding to your an23:16
kanzure_http://stepmod.sourceforge.net/ STEP Module Repository Project23:17

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