
--- Day changed Mon Dec 29 2008
-!- willPow3r_ is now known as willPow3r00:02
geneok the pot's not broken but it looks like the regulator is00:34
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bkerogene: kill it with fire...fox01:20
geneI tried01:20
proctodoes anyone here enjoy steganography at all?01:23
genesǝʎ ʎɥʍ01:27
bkeroprocto: I'm a big fan of plausable deniability if that's any consolation01:30
geneit is a lot of fun to send "fuck you CIA" messages encrypted just over weakly01:34
proctoWell, here it is anyways http://www.mockingeye.com/index.php/2008/12/29/unistegpy-hiding-text-in-text-using-unicode/01:40
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fennheh 0.005 m^2 of meat08:48
fennhello there elias` 08:48
fennkanzure_: not sure what this is supposed to mean: outputRequirement = ingredient("", Measurement('7 cm^2'))08:50
fennthere has to be 7 cm^2 of empty space?08:51
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kanzure_fenn: yes. the idea is that the outputRequirement of the step that matches/satisfies/solves that, will assemble the burger and make all components exist within that 7 cm^2.09:57
kanzure_fenn: Emlyn was talking with me last night and wants to do full OOP here, i.e. where the "inputs" are an abstract object class (SomePaperTypeHere for, say, a papermachine or origamifoldingmachine). It's more specific than 'units', but I can't help but feel it leads down a bad path.11:19
kanzure_What if we opt to let this version just be breadth-first only? This means that each package has a BOM and a Bill of Technologies, and there's no computational representation of how all of those materials and technologies fit together. But each individual technology, of course, has its own instructions. The disadvantage is that there's no ability to search for alternatives re: the BOM/BOT lists, and most of the metadata stuff we were hoping for becomes inapplicable. Also, no package-level instructions for combining the instructions of each package on the BOT list. :-/11:24
kanzure_for alternatives re: the BOM/BOT lists, and most of the metadata stuff we were hoping for becomes inapplicable. Also, no package-level instructions for combining the instructions of each package on the BOT list. :-/11:25
kanzure_unless there's a better way to do the 'ingredient' class so that materials can be referenced throughout the system (it's just a material plus a quantative measurement). Emlyn also suggested having these 'ingredient' objects as skdb packages.11:30
kanzure_http://www.mel.nist.gov/div826/msid/sima/item2000/b05teets.pdf <- ECIX (electronic component information exchange). 11:42
kanzure_an example: http://archives.si2.org/si2_publications/pinpak/SampleInstances/KM736.xml11:43
kanzure_http://www.protimingdiagrams.com/tdml.htm '"announced the release of the Timing Diagram Markup Language (TDML) v1.0, an open industry-standard language for the exchange of interactive timing diagrams for digital systems."'11:49
kanzure_Neat, Temple will be speaking in Austin in April.12:38
kanzure_http://www.google.com/search?client=opera&rls=en&q=filetype:step+ISO-10303-21&sourceid=opera&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8    <- 12 step files on the internet. heh'12:46
kanzure_So this isn't too bad for some information - http://www.invert-a-bolt.com/data/F-87747-01.STEP  but this does not look serious: (CONVERSION_BASED_UNIT('DEGREE',#10)NAMED_UNIT(#9)PLANE_ANGLE_UNIT());12:48
kanzure_oh neat12:54
kanzure_I found the old Regli/NIST "national design repository"12:54
genewho's temple12:54
kanzure_I thought this was lost/dead/never-to-be-found .. cool.12:54
kanzure_gene, Temple is famous for her "My mind is a web browser" article12:54
geneTemple Grandin?12:54
kanzure_"My Mind is a Web Browser: How People with Autism Think"12:55
geneoh that Temple12:55
genePlease don't refer to people by their first name only12:55
genefor example: "do you know Ray?"12:55
kanzure_who else could it have been?12:55
kanzure_Ray would probably mean Kurzweil in this context.12:55
genebetter: "do you know Ray Bradbury"12:56
kanzure_hrm, there's also Robert Bradbury, who writes about Dyson sphere stuff, but nevermind12:57
genedo you ever give half an ip address? 12:57
geneso guess what I found on my computer?13:00
geneapparently when I installed autocad 2000, I also installed some quite obsolete plotter drivers13:01
kanzure_gene, do you know of any datasheet standards for non-electronic products?13:02
kanzure_huh? well, like electronics datasheets.13:03
genewhat non-electronic products?13:03
kanzure_anything: nuts and bolts, kitchenware, musical instruments, etc.13:04
geneI don't think there are any standards13:05
kanzure_example: http://www.datasheetarchive.com/pdf-datasheets/Datasheets-pdf-12/168635.pdf13:05
geneI mean I got some datasheets on pumps Sata gave me13:06
geneI can see why there should be some, and why you want them13:07
genecoding for SKDB?13:07
kanzure_trying to figure out if there's a better way to do "interchangeable parts" in recipes/instructions/designs.13:11
kanzure_the whole concept of 'interchangeable parts' *sucks* if you're not able to query a database to find relevant parts that meet the specs you need or whatever13:11
kanzure_somebody failed to finish the industrial revolution13:11
* kanzure_ grumbles13:11
kanzure_"In the U.S., Eli Whitney saw the potential benefit of developing "interchangeable parts" for the firearms of the United States military, and thus, around 1798, he built ten guns, all containing the same exact parts and mechanisms, and disassembled them before the United States Congress."13:15
kanzure_not thematic at all .. no siree.13:16
kanzure_theatrical, rather.13:16
kanzure_"The Congress was immensely impressed and ordered a standard for all United States equipment. " <- what standard?13:16
samrosehey y'all13:19
kanzure_Hi samrose.13:19
samroseworking with Open Cascade over next couple of weeks, and will have some files to play around with.13:20
kanzure_*poke* also check out brlcad.13:21
samrosecan you remind me where you currently have skdb available for download? ah, yeah will check out brlcad again13:21
samrosekanzure_ maybe I am fantasizing that you had a repo with code online somewhere?13:23
* kanzure_ checks his ip address real quick :-)13:24
kanzure_http:// and for cloning.13:24
kanzure_samrose: Don't know if you've been following my rant today, but basically I'm pretty sure that "interchangeable parts" is a giant scam and that technological ability doesn't actually exist ;-)13:25
kanzure_there's some demo code in the repo for recipes,13:25
kanzure_in an attempt to represent "interchangeable [solutions] to steps"13:25
kanzure_but the way that it's being done is not optimal. Check out recipes/recipes.py near the last few lines to see what I mean.13:26
samrosekanzure_ i think you are right in some ways about interchangeable parts, unless you are working with legos or some such thing13:26
samrosethere was a guy up here in Michigan, named Alden B Dow, who was extending that "lego" interchanability idea to production of physical object design, back in the 1940's. He was from the Dow Chemical family13:32
kanzure_earlier today I found that ECIX is an XML DTD standard for electronics datasheets, which seems to do everything from per-pin wattage specs to physical layout. Globalspec and thomasnet seem to have datasheets for some parts in their db, but it's very hit-and-miss and not standardized across their dataset.13:34
samrosewhen I try to clone warning: remote HEAD refers to nonexistent ref, unable to checkout.13:37
kanzure_heh, I've had this error before, one sec.13:38
kanzure_uh in the mean time13:40
kanzure_but that doesn't contain the recipe update.13:40
kanzure_samrose: try now?13:43
kanzure_nope, nevermind13:43
samrosekanzure_ yes, was same error13:44
samrosefennetic worked. I am going to mirror your dev, but use mercurial and hatta wiki, if you don't mind, and eventually moin wiki, once project to mount mercurial repo is done in moin13:51
kanzure_still fixing error thing. hrm..13:53
kanzure_samrose: try this? mkdir skdb; cd skdb; git init; git remote add origin ; git pull origin master ; 13:56
samroseall works save fatal: Couldn't find remote ref master13:58
kanzure_odd, it works on my system .. but I was using 'add origin http://localhost ..."13:59
kanzure_so apparently I don't know how to use git appropriately.14:01
samroseprobably just a web serving problem14:18
samrosehere is the fennetic repo in hg http://socialsynergyweb.org/hg/repos/hgwebdir.cgi/skdb/14:18
samroseI will add hatta in a moment...14:19
samrosethere, just added14:21
samrosekanzure_ what is the license for your software?14:52
kanzure_fenn had his code under a gpl license, and I guess that makes my code gpl too14:54
kanzure_all of these 1903 references to 'interchangeable parts' really only mean "factories that are very precise".15:00
kanzure_so it was all a scam: http://heybryan.org/books/Manufacturing/The%20Legend%20of%20Eli%20Whitney%20and%20Interchangeable%20Parts.pdf15:20
genewait a minute Dow's chemical processing plants are like legos?15:29
genelego I mean15:29
kanzure_"Honoré Blanc, Mémoire important sur les fabrications des armes de guerre (Paris: Cellot, 1790)."15:30
kanzure_can anybody fetch that for me?15:30
genewhat the first paper on interchangeable parts15:31
kanzure_no, the 1790 paper I just cited15:31
genenot now I might be spending the next few days in meatspace15:31
kanzure_btw, chemical processing plants are made up of "unit operations"15:31
geneso like lego?15:31
kanzure_and these are somewhat like legos, except not terribly standardized15:31
kanzure_not really. it's meant to be like lego, but it fails. still need to connect machines together with custom methods IIRC15:32
genewell then I want all the "lego parts"15:32
geneyeah and sometimes you have to use very special catalysts15:32
kanzure_hrm, this one cites the Blanc paper - http://www.compilerpress.atfreeweb.com/Anno%20Aldler%20Making%20Things%20the%20Same%20Representation,%20Tolerance%20and%20the%20End%20of%20the.htm  "to produce functionally identical artifacts"15:33
kanzure_that's not interchangeable parts .. that's just being precise and not sucking..15:33
genebut if chemplants are legos then that makes your BH toolkit seem a lot more feasible15:33
genespeaking of Eli Whitney, you know he didn't make any profit from the cotton gin, the prototype got stolen and was pirated15:35
genebut he did invent the mill15:35
kanzure_he also lied about interchangeable parts15:39
genehow so?15:41
kanzure_he was broke. wanted money. so he told congress what they wanted to hear.15:42
kanzure_see that last pdf link. it's on the first few pages.15:43
geneok thanks15:45
-!- Netsplit orwell.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: ybit, gene, bkero, drazak, willPow3r, boogles, samrose, procto, Overand, Phreedom, (+1 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them)15:49
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samrosegene: i am talking about this http://www.abdow.org/t16-unit-block-systems.aspx15:59
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fenn"Emlyn also suggested having these 'ingredient' objects as skdb packages."  yes that was the original idea16:30
fennsince i dont see much technological infrastructure difference between cold rolled steel bars and a cold rolled steel bolt and a stamped auto body16:31
fennto fix "remote HEAD refers to nonexistent ref" you have to do git-update-server-info or something.. this is specific to http only16:35
fenni think it's rather lame16:35
fenni dont know why you think interchangeable parts is a scam16:36
fenn"works for me"(tm)16:36
fennread up on optical comparators16:37
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kanzure_"I am the chief architect at Name Withheld - an Austin company that designs competitive X86 microprocessors. I am presently attending  UT as a PhD student just for fun. You seem to be really intelligent, and I would like a chance to meet you."16:54
kanzure_oh shit he's a patent agent17:00
kanzure_I find it strange how quickly the discussions on diybio have turned to patents..17:04
fennmight be interesting to talk to (if you dont gnaw his head off)17:06
geneName Withheld, I've worked there17:07
genetell him that you patent something and make the patent public17:07
genelike Mark Tilden did with  his nervous net patent17:07
fenncan anyone explain this to me: 17:08
fennAcademic Membership   17:08
fenn   Non-corporate Personal   $250 17:08
fenn   Individual Affiliated with17:08
fenn an Accredited Institution   $ 017:08
fennseems like it should be the other way around17:09
fennback to the cryo chamber for me17:12
generemember to have your brain frozen first fenn17:13
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kanzure_http://groups.google.com/group/diybio/t/93a354079b5bfdbb  <--- Longest email *ever* (or maybe not)20:10
kanzure_just about openness and diybio, super mega awesome link dump thing20:11
wrldpcThat's a treatise! ;D21:13
kanzure_hrm, where's my adp1 link?21:40
kanzure_aha. found it.21:51
kanzure_http://tech.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=1075583&cid=26260521 "Not only that, this developer somehow managed to get angel investment for a Firefox plug-in?"22:53
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