
--- Day changed Tue Dec 30 2008
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kanzure_http://www.ip-watch.org/weblog/index.php?p=1304   the Obama-Lessig connection (just showed up in an email, so.)09:04
kanzure_ "“I have not advised the campaign on intellectual property issues. I advised them during the primary on technology issues,” Lessig told Intellectual Property Watch. “I don’t expect there will be a fundamental change in IP policy, unfortunately, but of course I believe there will be a strong press to realise change.”"09:06
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* fenn wonders what paul's latest email was in response to09:57
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kanzure_fenn: probably my small book.10:03
kanzure_paul's kind of being a jerk10:05
kanzure_"gee bryan, you should have skipped high school"10:05
kanzure_*years and years of psychotherapy involving anger at parents for not letting him skip high school*10:05
kanzure_yeah, good job paul.. bringing that one up.10:05
fennreading small book now10:20
fenni skipped it because it was too long :)10:20
fennso, what, is he saying we should be talking about "more of the same" patents and other "intellectual property" held by large corporations?10:23
fennGee I love Monsanto! yay!10:24
fennof course we should be pushing in the opposite direction, that's the whole point10:24
fenni suppose the only way to respond constructively is for it to come from another person (me)10:28
kanzure_bkero: Thanks for recommending BT2.10:47
bkerokanzure_: bt2?10:47
bkeroo yea10:47
kanzure_Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 210:47
kanzure_Went and picked myself up a boxed set of Super DBZ, BT, BT2.10:48
kanzure_Don't know what's up with the 'super' disc. Doesn't even seem to work.10:48
kanzure_fenn: part of Paul's unmentioned point is an attempt to convince other people to "more constructively use their time in other pursuits"10:49
kanzure_wait, is six sigma == iso 9001 ? 11:18
kanzure_http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/transhumantech/all.html   <- all transhumantech mailing list posts, a dump of the thread.html pages.11:33
kanzure_(Garret Lisi has requested some "future tech" stuff, so.)11:33
fenn"is six sigma == iso 9001 ?"  no11:34
fenn404 on the actual posting .html files, is that on purpose?11:36
kanzure_no, I'm fixing11:38
kanzure_right now I have two files open on my screen11:38
kanzure_in one, I have a .sh script with wget <thread.html> about 20 times11:38
kanzure_in the other, I have wget --base=<right url> but then no url to thread.html11:38
kanzure_how do I combine these two with a regexp or something, instead of manually fixing?11:39
kanzure_"paste this buffer where each line is appended to the end of any current present lines"11:39
fenner, like i = <thread.url>; wget $i$line11:40
fennor do you need to split a url11:40
kanzure_hold on a sec.11:41
fennyou shouldnt have to use --base at all?11:41
fennwhy isnt this available from tt directly already?11:42
kanzure_well, the urls on pipermail are relative11:42
kanzure_the threads are, but only for each month individually11:42
kanzure_the second one is the one with --base11:42
kanzure_http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/transhumantech/get_threads.sh.txt  <- the first one I used11:43
fennok i see now11:43
kanzure_now, if I have "wget --base=blah \n <thread.html url>" I can use a "join lines" command11:43
kanzure_but I don't think I know how to combine files like that11:43
kanzure_without writing a script11:44
fenni think that using --base will redirect to postbiota.org11:44
kanzure_the --base is to set the <BASE HREF=> tag in the HTML doc11:44
kanzure_so that each thread.html page will link to the actual threads.11:44
kanzure_erm, actual emails.11:44
kanzure_instead of to a local heybryan.org file11:44
fennah i figured you would just rabidly archive the list as usual :)11:45
kanzure_well, I probably should11:45
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kanzure_oh pooh. it's -k that I want12:06
kanzure_okay. there we go.12:08
kanzure_archives are in that dir too, though12:08
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wrldpcDIYBIO Visits Fab Lab Deleted Scenes 1:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3Hj-PPbnM014:28
kanzure_s/visits/should live in a/14:29
kanzure_You should definitely post the fablab-diybio video links again to the diybio list14:31
kanzure_hey, I know these people :p14:32
kanzure_alec made an automated book scanner?14:33
fennwrldpc: could you explain the way "normal" people go about visiting/accessing the fablabs?14:38
fenndo you just walk in, and that's cool?14:39
wrldpcpretty much14:39
wrldpcthe fablabs in Boston have websites and schedules14:39
wrldpcsites w/ schedules14:39
wrldpcfor operating hours14:39
wrldpcsomeone needs to be there of course and they're usually regularly staffed14:39
wrldpcAlec is cool, I'll post these to the list.14:41
wrldpcMac likes Vimeo14:41
kanzure_I met Alec in Austin at the last Maker Faire.14:41
wrldpcso I may re-up them there14:41
kanzure_it was quite random14:41
wrldpcYeah that's right, didn't they send you a drive or something?14:41
kanzure_"Hi, I'm Bryan, <blathering on about cool stuff>"14:41
kanzure_"yeah, I know you Bryan"14:41
kanzure_"oh shit"14:41
kanzure_yep, he sent a drive14:41
wrldpcI saw Eagle Eye yesterday14:41
wrldpcfinished it this morning.14:42
fenni think you need to strap the camera to your head14:42
wrldpcYeah, man.14:42
wrldpcthat would be ideal.14:42
fennat MIT it probably wouldnt be too obtrusive14:42
wrldpcthe isight cameras in the macbooks should swivel.14:43
fennor maybe a camera parrot on your shoulder14:43
wrldpchaha that would be awesome14:43
wrldpcget one of those wowee toys flying insects and slap a cam on it.14:43
fenni've noticed that birds move their head around when you shake them to keep the field of view constant14:43
fennso you could have a cybird video parrot14:44
wrldpci saw that vid!14:44
fennwhat vid?14:44
wrldpca guy holds a chicken14:44
wrldpchold on14:44
kanzure_seriously though, that's like "graduating class of MIT '94" ;-)14:44
fenncertainly an eyetap would fit under those gigantic sunglasses :)14:45
wrldpcholy shite that's awesome14:45
wrldpcthey look Cannytrophic14:45
kanzure_also, I like Mac's spontaneous question for me14:45
fennnice video14:46
wrldpcwhat question?14:47
kanzure_the end of that video is good14:47
kanzure_wrldpc: in the diybio-fablab video, not the out-takes.14:47
kanzure_"and a question for Bryan Bishop ... hwo far along is the fab lab from replicating itself"14:47
kanzure_and alec says "this far"14:47
wrldpcahh yes!14:48
wrldpcmet this guy tom at the cannytrophic party who works for Gershenfeld.14:49
wrldpctons of robotics people there .. medialab heads.14:50
fennis that girl with the long black hair named sophia?14:50
fenni think she is from bloomington14:50
kanzure_medialab is a weird phenomenon.14:51
kanzure_why am I not at MIT. wtf is going on here.14:51
fennthat guy alec is like my clone14:52
kanzure_I met another guy at the austin robot group who was also like your clone14:54
kanzure_at least by the photo14:54
kanzure_but also with similar rants about cad14:54
kanzure_I asked him if his name was ben :/14:54
fennyeah mostly just the ranting topics and mannerisms14:54
wrldpcmassive influx of funding to help "story tellers" as part of a new initiative to develop and enhance film making technologies in collaboration/association with the new Plymouth Rock movie studio opening in Plymouth, MA.14:58
wrldpcThey're calling it "Hollywood East."14:58
wrldpcBryan, you know there's a place for you here.  Austin is huge in terms of Xhumanism though ... it's not like you're not where it is good to be :)14:59
kanzure_Austin isn't that huge.15:01
wrldpcSan Fran is the xhumanist capitol, eh?  JPL is recruiting you could go to San Bernardino :D15:01
kanzure_Our transhumanism group is Max, Natasha, Mike, Aaron, Shannon, Alex, Michael, gene_, ..15:01
fennjeepers i was just writing about this earlier today: http://aresnick.mit.edu/blog/unbecoming-expert/15:01
kanzure_you should quote that in response to emyln.15:03
fennyep, already doing so15:03
kanzure_Alec Resnick <aresnick@mit.edu>15:05
kanzure_wrldpc: did they ever get it?15:14
wrldpcthe accreditation?15:14
kanzure_the package15:14
wrldpcthe funding?15:14
wrldpcI dunno.15:14
kanzure_I never got notification, nor any complaints15:15
kanzure_and I don't want to end up hearing that someone is angry15:15
wrldpcdon't worry about it?15:16
wrldpcdid you get a tracking num?15:16
wrldpci want to know what's on the drive! :P15:16
kanzure_most of everything15:16
kanzure_but especially the 40 GB collection of a special nature15:16
wrldpcoh man15:17
kanzure_"INTERCEPTED BY FBI"15:17
wrldpc"DIY Earth v2.0"15:17
wrldpcer ... DIY Universe15:17
kanzure_no, I meant the journal15:17
wrldpcINTERCEPTED BY FBI is a Journal?15:17
wrldpcI'm so confused.15:17
wrldpcDoes Nature really own PLoS like that?15:18
wrldpcand whatever the name of the other OS journal site is.15:18
wrldpcown as in pwn15:19
kanzure_nature hardly pwns PLoS15:20
kanzure_I was talking with one of the managers for PLoS Biology back in August, they are experiencing ridiculously high levels of growth15:20
wrldpcobvious trending upward15:20
wrldpcoh arxiv15:20
kanzure_arxiv is ancient :)15:21
fennPLoS seems more "respectable" than arxiv somehow15:21
fenni think that's why it has grown15:22
kanzure_arxiv kind of avoids bio15:22
kanzure_the only reason nobody talks about arxiv is because the physics community did its job15:23
kanzure_"hey, we need a preprint archive!"15:23
kanzure_"ok. here you go."15:23
wrldpcJim Lehrer ftw.15:23
kanzure_"we need computers to process these massive datasets!"15:23
kanzure_"ok. here we go."15:23
wrldpclol have you ever read the arxivblog?15:23
fennhmmm supplementary materials to a successful fablab aplyee, this should be useful15:23
kanzure_yeah, I get crappy emails from arxivblog15:23
kanzure_fenn: link?15:24
fenni'm supposed to be putting together this exact thing right now15:24
fenn(deadline is today)15:24
fennhmm but he has aresnick.mit.edu/medialab in the docs so they can't be exactly what was submitted?15:25
fennah nepotism!15:26
fenndamn it all to hell15:26
wrldpcwhat was the name of those wearable computer glasses with the GPS overlay?15:27
wrldpcGPS capability15:27
kanzure_fenn: now that's shit.15:27
kanzure_that's pure shit.15:27
fennit's not confirmed shit, just a highly probable shit15:27
fennbut anyway alec seems cool15:27
wrldpcnepotism ftl.  but alec is cool15:28
kanzure_but still. why can't *my* dad be employed in the media lab15:28
fennceltic poetry is his "courses taken in preparation for graduate study"15:29
fennsurely i can finagle molecular genetics15:30
kanzure_a big thing that MIT was looking for with me was "team work"15:30
kanzure_esp. in the interview15:30
kanzure_I cited them hundreds of group projects that I'm on (web stuff)15:30
kanzure_but they hated it to all hell15:30
kanzure_it was honestly a let down15:31
wrldpcIf you didn't get accepted to MIT, Bryan then fuck MIT.15:31
kanzure_there's some discrepancy between the behavior that people show at mit (alec, david dalrymple, ed boyden) and the actual admission process15:31
wrldpcI didn't get hired.  I interviewed there ..15:31
wrldpcThere's a fucking gap between real and bullshit.  Pardon my language.15:32
wrldpcI like what Gershenfeld is doing.15:32
wrldpcAlec is trying to do it too ..15:32
fennwhy does MIT have such a high concentration of cool people and projects?15:32
kanzure_we all are, that's not the problem15:33
fennand why is it so hard to coordinate activities across the net?15:33
fenni mean most of the stuff they are doing is garage level engineering15:33
kanzure_the trick is that they are getting funding for the things that we want to do15:33
* kanzure_ backs down from a rant15:34
kanzure_fenn, could you elaborate on the alternative design that would avoid having to use something like my 'ingredients' class?15:40
kanzure_when you're done with the paperwork.15:40
fennfrom alec's cv (hope this pastes properly)15:43
fennCreating a web application with the Pylons and Dojo frameworks to make the documentation,15:43
fennsharing, and enabling of DIY projects an easy and efficient part of building community by15:43
fennmapping the resources available in a community and helping you find the resources you need to15:43
fenndo the projects you want, whether you need people, expertise, space, or materials.15:43
fennwe need to get him on board :)15:43
fennwell i guess he already is, sorta15:45
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kanzure_it's probably just a social networking site.16:16
fenni should probably just make this my homepage (with sufficient tweaking) http://fennetic.net/portfolio/16:46
fenncaptions forthcoming16:46
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kanzure_not bad.17:04
kanzure_http://fennetic.net/portfolio/DCP_0637.JPG   what's this about?17:05
fennthe page is generated from http://fennetic.net/portfolio/portfolio.list17:05
fenntrying to figure out how to embed youtube videos into a table17:06
fennperhaps not the best way to do it17:06
fennhmm seems to work: http://fennetic.net/portfolio/test.html17:09
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kanzure_I think I'll be going to codecon in April.17:52
kanzure_up in San Francisco.17:53
kanzure_hrm, some new groups to join18:02
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kanzure_news hour is on over here :) 18:27
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kanzure_my mom called me about it .. "why wasn't your name up there"18:58
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wrldpcWhat's up with AI?  I understand that is no the primary if at all the focus but I'd like to know what you think.19:07
kanzure_You mean, what's the latest?19:10
kanzure_IBM's project funding and the Blue Brain Project are still kind of the highlights for brain emulation or brain simulation work in computational neuroscience19:10
kanzure_I wonder how long it will take to get this video clip up on youtube19:11
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wrldpcwhat vid?19:53
wrldpcblue brain?19:53
wrldpcblue brain is Chinese isn't it?  Shouldn't it be red brain? ;P19:53
wrldpcI'm sorry.20:07
kanzure_the vid from pbs20:11
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willPow3ronly 2 of these actually are science21:04
kanzure_UCSD has some neat neurotransceiver research going on :)21:07
kanzure_San Francisco. Not quite San Diego.21:09
willPow3ronly a 6 hour drive21:10
kanzure_They have weekly meetings at a restuarant somewhere for lunch, anyone's allowed to show up.21:12
kanzure_*poke* fenn?22:15
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kanzure_hm. maybe we should do an overall portfolio page for open manufacturing and other cc'd/GPL/GFDL licensed content23:17
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emlynothe secret password is "Bryan sent me"23:27
ybithas the diybio news segment been posted to pbs.org23:30
kanzure_not yet23:35
kanzure_Hi emlyno.23:35
emlynohey there23:36
emlynosomeone said "semiotics" in openmanufacturing, and the warning lights are blinking across the board.23:43
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