
--- Day changed Wed Dec 31 2008
kanzure_emlyno: heh00:09
kanzure_emlyno: now imagine how it must be for the people on that list that hate philosophy00:09
kanzure_and are actually just plain ol' engineers00:09
emlynoI responded to that guy00:09
emlynohe actually is talking about namespaces and inheritance00:10
emlynojust doesn't know it00:10
kanzure_I'm still not convinced that OOP is better than Paul's natural language00:15
-!- wrldpc [n=ben@c-98-217-180-11.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]00:15
kanzure_fenn: so, alec got back to me. "I've been meaning to strike up correspondence with you, actually"00:15
kanzure_and whenever wrldpc gets back on, tell him that alec has been circulating the archives and to go ask for a copy00:15
kanzure_emlyno: what I mean to say is that it sounds like the OOP strategy has all of the same categorical-related problems as Paul's00:19
emlynooh do explain00:24
emlynoyou know the whole XML namespace thing is the same concept?00:25
kanzure_I'm not as familiar with how XML namespaces are supposed to work as I pretend to be00:25
emlynowell same idea00:26
emlynoI'm not either btw, but generally,00:26
emlynoyou can define a namespace, and your tags can be 00:26
emlyno<namespace::tagname />00:27
emlynosomething like that00:27
emlynoit dissambiguates00:27
emlynoand elsewhere in your document you reference schema(s) which play some role in declaring the namespaces, allowed tags, and schema itself00:28
kanzure_oh, but supposedly there's some formal process for xml namespaces or something00:29
kanzure_but just as a disambiguator, ok.00:29
emlynoNo formal process00:30
kanzure_paul's plan was just Semantic Mediawiki00:30
kanzure_all mediawiki installations are able to create namespaces too00:30
kanzure_so it's fundamentally not very different00:30
emlynoyou can define your own namespaces, stick them online wherever you like,00:30
kanzure_I don't see how it functionally improves on the architecture really00:30
emlynoand refer to them by uri00:30
* kanzure_ is still waiting to hear about fenn's ideas for treating materials as packages rather than creating all this OOP nonsense00:30
emlynome too00:31
kanzure_in the mean time, I sleep00:31
kanzure_the other hu-mans return tomorrow, so I guess I should party while I can.00:31
emlynoso anyway, what namespaces do for you is, that if two people choose to use the same namespace independently, they can communicate, you know?00:31
emlynosleep is good, cu00:31
kanzure_yes, I know00:31
kanzure_I've had enough intranamespace collisions for one lifetime already..00:31
emlynowell you shouldn't be using those dynamically typed languages then :-)00:32
emlynosoftware that fails to compile when you make a mistake is a gift from the gods00:34
-!- emlyno [n=emlyn@eth13582.sa.adsl.internode.on.net] has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.5/2008121622]"]00:34
-!- wrldpc [n=ben@] has joined #hplusroadmap00:54
kanzure_alec just linked me to http://www.aaronsw.com/weblog/tor2web00:56
kanzure_(Aaron did the RSS spec when he was 14)00:56
kanzure_which reminds me of http://advogato.org/article/972.html00:56
willPow3r_mmm... belvedere01:09
willPow3r_its actually gross as fuck but its polish01:12
willPow3r_what do you expect?01:12
-!- willPow3r_ is now known as willPow3r01:12
-!- jm|earth [n=jm@p57B9C178.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #hplusroadmap04:44
-!- jm [n=jm@p57B9BBF6.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]05:02
-!- elias` [n=me@unaffiliated/elias/x-342423] has joined #hplusroadmap07:38
-!- nsh [n=nsh@wikipedia/nsh] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]11:18
* kanzure_ just got an email from Ian Jackson11:21
wrldpcit was a radio blurb?  not video?11:21
kanzure_not video11:35
kanzure_on the show it had video11:35
kanzure_" To use an analogy, the solid rocket boosters never make it to space -11:55
kanzure_but the shuttle doesn't achieve liftoff without them."11:55
-!- ybit [n=heath@unaffiliated/ybit] has quit [Remote closed the connection]14:39
fennfrom the distributed bug tracker article comments:14:43
fennwebgit (not released yet AFAIK), to Git, where users can edit files in Git just by using their browser. 14:43
fennThe other is a wiki currently backed by Git and using asciidoc-files (but markup and backend are pluginable), uWiki is announced on freshmeat. The homepage will also be written using uWiki, so that it can easily be tracked using Git.14:43
fennlooks like webgit never took off14:44
wrldpcthis was cool:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZM9XkcS2zQ14:56
kanzure_fenn: alec claims he's packaging a debian package for a git2web thing15:05
fenni dont want git2web i want web2git15:05
kanzure_I might be calling it by the wrong name15:05
kanzure_wrldpc: really, you should post a link to the videos to the diybio list..15:06
fenngitweb already provides the functionality of git2web more or less15:06
kanzure_wtf how does my 'biotech toolkit howto' video have 646 views15:06
kanzure_it sucked15:06
* fenn is slogging through emails about "semiotics"15:06
fennit has a cool title15:06
kanzure_fenn: giving me some more info on how to treat materials as skdb packages would be nice15:06
fennthere's black boxing and there's introspection (duck typing)15:07
fenni dont believe in globally unique identifier crap15:07
kanzure_but how is this different from what emlyn has been talking about (i.e., OOP hell)15:07
fennit's not, how is what emlyn is talking about a problem?15:08
kanzure_"yay let's give a printer a PaperForPrinterOnly object!"15:08
kanzure_*input of a PaperForPrinterOnly object!15:08
kanzure_how is that *not* a GUID?15:08
fennfor attribute in PaperForPrinterOnly:  assert paper-like-object hasattr(attribute)15:08
fenni dont think we really need a new object just for that though15:09
fennit's essentially the input requirements of the printer15:09
fennso instead: for attribute in printer.requirements: assert ...15:09
kanzure_so the input requirements, then, is not a package.15:10
kanzure_instead it's an object15:10
kanzure_defined elsewhere in the system it seems?15:10
fennit's a list of requirements, which could be either measurements of interfaces15:10
fenninterface derives from measurement i guess15:10
fenninterface is a list of attributes15:11
kanzure_still feels like an OOP situation sprouting here. .. how are you going to force everyone to use the same Objects?15:11
fennif they don't, I will kill them.15:11
fennseriously though, the code will break if they dont use the objects15:12
fennits sorta like asking "how are you going to enforce that people use the right function names in your library?"15:13
fennwell, if they don't, it won't compile15:13
kanzure_but how do you know it will break? they will just come up with a new object15:13
kanzure_instead of wading through 20,000 other packages15:13
fenni hope the documentation would be good enough that it would be easier to use what exists than to write all new code15:13
fennwhat is the alternative?15:14
fennthere's only so much you can do with introspection15:14
kanzure_maybe I should just wait for you to type out some code so that I can see what you mean.15:15
fennyou have to say "is there a pipe coming out of it?" and it looks and says "no, there's only a tubular projection orifice"15:15
kanzure_where everything goes, where what defines what, etc.15:15
* kanzure_ pops some Adderall15:15
fennunless there's some way to link the concept "pipe" and "tubular projection orifice" then you can never resolve that "miss"15:16
fennand like i said before, i dont think we have enough computer power to do every simulation between every package in every configuration15:16
fennthere has to be _some_ level of black box15:17
fennor you end up running a simulated universe15:17
fenn(the set of all possible simulated universes, really)15:17
fennhow's the Adderall going?15:20
fenni wonder if i can get a bunch of space nerds to telerobotically mow my lawn15:21
kanzure_I'd do it, if I can get the mower every once in a while15:33
kanzure_the Adderall goes well15:33
kanzure_give it another 20 minutes to kick in.15:33
kanzure_yay it's on15:36
kanzure_Can anybody get a rip?15:37
fennhow bout i post replicable plans for the mower ins tead15:39
kanzure_You have schematics?15:40
kanzure_thank you15:42
fenni used "download helper" an annoying firefox plugin15:42
kanzure_gasp, firefox.15:44
fennkonqueror doesnt have flash installed, and i like it that way15:45
fennsheesh. "where's your biology license" wtf is that supposed to solve15:48
kanzure_gasp! you don't have a level three classification! you *can't* fuck!15:49
fennwelcome to China!15:49
kanzure_"god kills a kitten every .."15:52
kanzure_that could be made into an interesting 4chan meme I'm sure.15:52
kanzure_here we go15:58
fennhmm 4chan mention and anonymous youtube URL16:10
fenndo I really want to look?16:10
kanzure_the youtube url is supposed to be the news clip16:10
kanzure_yesterday I asked how long it would take to get the clip on youtube16:10
kanzure_so apparently I have to do it myself :p16:10
kanzure_"This video has been removed due to terms of use violation."16:11
kanzure_holy shit16:11
kanzure_they work fast?16:11
kanzure_"Rejected (length of video is too long)"16:11
fennyou can probably chop off the breast cancer stuff at the end to get it under 10 mins16:12
kanzure_how cruel16:13
fenni sort of wonder why the magical 10 minutes16:13
kanzure_you know that's how they sometimes deal with breast cancer, right?16:13
kanzure_"eh just chop it off"16:13
fennwe're living in the dark ages, remember16:13
kanzure_gah, I have no video editing tools16:14
fennone sec16:14
kanzure_gopchop? inigo? openmovieeditor?16:15
fennmencoder 20081230_4_living_machines.flv -ovc copy -oac copy -endpos 10:00 -o yourvid.flv16:16
kanzure_why can't youtube just shop it off16:16
kanzure_shop heh'16:17
fennmencoder 20081230_4_living_machines.flv -ovc copy -oac copy -endpos 532 -o yourvid.flv16:17
kanzure_mencoder is from where now?16:17
fennthat's the right endtime16:17
fennfrom a shell, silly16:18
kanzure_apt-cache search mencoder -> vstream-client ?16:18
kanzure_but installing vstream-client doesn't get it.16:18
fennit comes with mplayer16:18
fennhave you never ripped a video before in linux?16:18
kanzure_guess not16:18
kanzure_wtf, apt-get install mplayer is downloading some stuff16:18
kanzure_how is it that I can run mplayer though without16:18
kanzure_without mplayer being installed?16:18
kanzure_maybe it's a new package16:19
kanzure_nope, mencoder still not found16:19
fennmencoder is its own package apparently16:19
fennoh, i'm using debian-multimedia btw16:19
* kanzure_ goes to the sources16:19
fennthe regular debian mplayer package is fubared16:19
fenngo to debian-multimedia.net16:19
fenner, .org16:20
fennand then add some stuffs to your /etc/apt/sources.list16:20
kanzure_righ right16:20
kanzure_    deb http://debian-multimedia.org/ etch main 16:20
kanzure_apt-get update16:20
kanzure_the whole song and dance.16:20
fennbut i dont get why you wouldnt have mencoder if you have mplayer already16:20
kanzure_hrm, broken packages?16:21
kanzure_"the following packages have unmet dependencies: libavcodeccvs51, libavformatcvs51, libavutilcvs49, libpostproccvs51"16:21
kanzure_-f install doesn't fix.16:22
kanzure_am fixing..16:22
kanzure_mencoder still not found. Even after fixing those problems, and installing mplayer.16:30
kanzure_Ah, separate package.16:31
kanzure_http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IIWH6Hhcnc  <-- new url. wait for it to process please.16:46
-!- PeerInfinity [i=PeerInfi@stnbmb01bbe-ac02-35-220.dial.mts.net] has joined #hplusroadmap16:49
kanzure_hi PeerInfinity.16:49
PeerInfinityhi kanzure :)16:50
PeerInfinitythanks again for showing me this chatroom :)16:51
kanzure_http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IIWH6Hhcnc   finally16:55
PeerInfinitycongratulations :)17:03
--- Log closed Wed Dec 31 17:55:10 2008
--- Log opened Thu Jan 01 23:56:42 2009
-!- kanzure_ [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap23:56
-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 15 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 15 normal]23:56
-!- Irssi: Join to #hplusroadmap was synced in 1 secs23:56
kanzure_Back on my box.23:56

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