
--- Day changed Fri Jan 02 2009
geneI'll give you ten bucks if you can make an arduino drive a CD drive motor accurately00:10
geneas in the part that moves the laser not the disk00:13
kanzure_doesn't that depend on the driver?00:23
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kanzure_Hi parodyoflanguage.09:13
kanzure_So, does anybody have some advice for me? I'm running KDE 3.5.4. I have a bugfix, but KDE is currently version 4.x.x. Should I still submit the 3.5.4 bugfix?09:14
kanzure_http://tech.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=1078263&cid=26299423 "All too often, we are brought up on the perspective that the "killer" idea is more important than the execution. It's like some type of get-rich-quick scheme for thinkers."09:21
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kanzure_hm, I didn't know about autoproject14:20
kanzure_http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=182791 "14:20
kanzure_http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=182791 "14:20
kanzure_The output of autoproject currently includes a template .spec file for14:20
kanzure_building RPMs.  It would be nice if it also included a template Debian14:20
kanzure_package, perhaps by invoking dh_make after generating the package."14:20
genejust thought of a job for you kanzure, you could develop for the iPhone14:28
genewrite app, sell app, profit14:31
bkerokanzure_: help you out with what?14:34
kanzure_bkero: Job.14:38
kanzure_Although I just called the dorm, and I'm not going to be able to get out of the leasing contract, so this might be enough to convince the folks to let me stay in school.14:38
bkeroYou want a job/14:39
kanzure_quite possibly14:39
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kanzure_http://www.edge.org/q2009/q09_print.html  16:14
kanzure_interesting, they have PZ Myers on there16:16
kanzure_I wonder if that's just a publicity thing?16:16
kanzure_https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=132480  <- Okay. Patched.17:19
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kanzure_http://www.hodder.co.uk/book_details.asp?book=114589 Daniel Tammet trying to make a buck for himself.20:33
geneso you want to write apps for the iPhone or what Kanzure?21:10
geneI've got a couple ideas for apps21:10
geneyou know I thought PZ was against transhumanism, but I guess he is21:13
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bkeroI had $1000 worth of packages stolen22:15
kanzure_How's that?22:49
kanzure_hm. I need a way to keep track of about 100 video clips each with different sourcing information22:54
kanzure_*before* I even begin editing each one and splicing it into a larger hideous thing22:54
kanzure_argh. Nevermind, flickr is being a whore.23:32
kanzure_todo: script to process a list of IDs and throw into http://flickr.com/photo_embed.gne?id= format, extract all inner content to textarea elements, HTML-decode all of that content, paste to a page, then do a very long wireshark session and do a regexp for all .flv information23:33
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