
--- Day changed Tue Jan 06 2009
-!- ferrouswheel [n=jp@121-73-144-159.cable.telstraclear.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection]01:14
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samroselooks like there was an interesting discussion of compressed earth blocks yesterday07:21
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gene_check it out12:19
gene_carbon nanohoops12:20
gene_for making long carbon nanotubes12:27
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kanzure_gene_: are you in Austin yet?14:47
kanzure_didn't think it would ever happen, but it looks like I might see Steve again14:47
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gene_No I am not back in Austin, why do you ask?15:11
gene_hmmmm... I need to get the instructions from Sata on how to take algae samples15:12
kanzure_Steve's an interesting guy I found up in Palo Alto15:12
gene_last name plz?'15:13
gene_next time you visit palo alto, visit the computer history museum15:14
gene_I believe you'll find it worthwhile15:15
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gene_are you still there?15:38
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geneseems he's a bit right and very wrong16:26
geneseems he predicted DRM16:27
kanzure_kurzweil predicted everything so that he won't become wrong :p16:52
kanzure_the scatter shot approach: throw a lot of crap at the wall, and then say, "see! one sentence out of ten thousand came true!"16:53
geneso as you were saying earlier17:02
genebtw how far into "herbie rides again" are you17:04
genewell you know it might be possible to measure Kurzweil's accuracy17:06
-!- wrldpc [n=ben@c-98-217-197-216.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap17:16
kanzure_it's still downloading.17:18
genewow, the whole thing?17:19
genehow big is it?17:20
kanzure_700 MB. I have a fast connection, but not everyone on demonoid does17:22
kanzure_"Thomas Schwinge appointed GNU Hurd maintainer" hmm17:23
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jk4930kanzure_ are you around?18:37
-!- gene is now known as genehacker19:35
kanzure_jk4930: yes20:37
kanzure_jk4930: you're on ycombinator?20:37
jk4930yeah, but i don't post that often20:40
kanzure_What's up? 20:41
jk4930just wanted to say that i agree with your statements on OCE20:41
jk4930read your mail on exi-chat20:41
kanzure_Which one are you? *poke*20:41
jk4930jan klauck20:41
kanzure_a lurker?20:41
jk4930since several years :)20:42
jk4930(since 1999 i think)20:42
jk4930but i post at the OCE list. sometimes20:42
kanzure_uh oh :) so you already know a lot about me.20:42
jk4930i like your posts very much20:42
kanzure_my posts on the open manufacturing list are even better ;-)20:42
jk4930might be true, but i don't have the time to read too many lists20:43
kanzure_so what brings you hear tonight?20:43
jk4930just your exi-chat mail on oce :)20:43
kanzure_hm, I don't think it's been forwarded .. maybe it's in the super secret architects discussion list?20:44
jk4930it was the reply on stefano that oce is not about real engineering20:44
jk4930and you wrote similar things at the oce list, too20:45
kanzure_I don't know why I don't just give up .. everyone else is happy to participate with me (like the open source hardware people)20:45
jk4930was it you some time ago who said that most H+ers are just cheerleaders? well... :)20:46
kanzure_but for some reason these people put a stake in a lot of these technologies20:46
fennwhat is OCE?20:46
kanzure_"claiming the territory" almost20:46
kanzure_fenn: http://cosmeng.org/20:46
kanzure_fenn: it makes itself look like an *actual* engineering transhumanist group20:46
kanzure_but then proceeds to suck.20:46
fennpooh. why don't they do stuff?20:47
jk4930but it tastes more like a WoW kiddie assoc.20:47
jk4930fenn: because most can20:47
kanzure_then they should stfu20:47
fenntoo busy playing video games20:47
kanzure_eugen leitl should become their overlord or something20:47
fennthe only thing you were born knowing was how to shit and complain20:47
kanzure_he did that for WTA back in the 90s, but I was too young to comprehend20:47
jk4930don't know how much eugen is into this VR gaming20:48
jk4930i think he's one of those few people who can do something20:48
jk4930like keith20:48
kanzure_eugen > keith :)20:48
jk4930are you sure?20:48
kanzure_well, I know keith has more big names backing himself up, but keith is so pessimistic about everything these days20:49
* fenn mumbles something about thumbnails20:49
jk4930that can change20:49
jk4930don't forget his near history20:49
jk4930i talk with him offlist a bit20:49
kanzure_keith makes himself sound like the only "real" engineer on the list20:50
kanzure_and if that's true, why isn't he drawing schematics and doing shit20:50
jk4930sometime the list tastes like he's the only one...20:50
fenn", a transhumanist association, a space advocacy group, a spiritual movement, a literary salon, a technology observatory, an idea factory, a virtual worlds development group, and a global community of persons willing to take an active role in building, in realizing a sunny future."20:50
jk4930oh well he's calculating his SE + SPS stuff20:50
kanzure_anyway, the om list has a weird accumulation of transhumanists on it20:50
kanzure_it's kind of freaky actually20:50
fennnot sure how you get "makes itself look like an actual engineering group" out of that20:51
kanzure_we're just on about open source manufacturing20:51
kanzure_but everyone has transhumanist backgrounds there20:51
kanzure_Michel Bauwens did "Technocalypse" (the video)20:51
kanzure_Paul Fernhout did the Kurzweil critiques, doesn't call himself a transhumanist but knows generally about it20:51
kanzure_smari too ..20:51
kanzure_fenn: "order of cosmic engineers, the only truly radical transhumanist organization!"20:52
genehackercall me when you start doing engineering20:52
kanzure_genehacker: schematics don't count?20:52
jk4930fenn: they like to sound like engineers when they advertise themselves :)20:52
fennradical, like carrots and stuff?20:52
genehackerschematics for?20:52
kanzure_genehacker: equipment, unit processes, tools, dependency tree analyses20:52
kanzure_just because they don't teach you about tools to make more tools in engineering classes doesn't mean it's not an engineering/design issue20:53
fenni wouldnt mind schematics for an eye tracker or something mundane like that20:53
kanzure_the circuits?20:53
genehackerok where do I start?20:53
fenncircuits and software20:53
kanzure_start with what?20:53
genehackernormal webcams are capable of eyetracking I believe20:54
kanzure_see opencv20:54
genehackeranything kanzure20:54
fenngenehacker: make something cool and useful, document it thoroughly, release under a permissive license20:54
jk4930genehacker: and then make a startup with it20:54
kanzure_we kind of bounce around the idea of a startup every now and then sort of20:54
fenngenehacker is all about profits20:54
kanzure_but 20:55
genehackerhey why not?20:55
kanzure_everyone wants to do a startup, but "show me the money"20:55
fennafter reading paul graham i dont really want to do a startup20:55
jk4930fenn: why not?20:55
kanzure_which essays in particular?20:55
fennsounds like a lot of work20:55
fenni dont recall which essays, something about "why rich people are rich"20:55
kanzure_what I'd be okay with is if there was some sort of open source-only venture capitalist20:56
kanzure_where I don't have to explain what's so awesome about the permissive license aspects20:56
genehackerok so here's what I'm working on right now, an ECM setup for reprap, will be released under premise that you make it20:56
kanzure_because that's so much overhead in explaining it to vc guys20:56
jk4930then bootstrap it20:56
jk4930don't depend on VC20:57
kanzure_with what? some of that funding would be used to go get the tools to build more tools [more rapidly]20:57
fennwill be released under the premise that you make it? like, you wont actually test your chickenscratching and want to waste my time?20:57
kanzure_well, yeah, I'd do that but I'm in school, and I'd need something to fall back on20:57
jk4930then try some business angels. few might unterstand20:57
genehackerwell then I just release it with some good liscense or something20:58
kanzure_"open source industrial automation/engineering design firm" 20:58
kanzure_that's a pretty good way to word it methinks20:58
kanzure_or "cygnus but for manufacturing"20:58
fennthis morning i was daydreaming about fully automated grocery stores20:58
jk4930or look for an industrial sponsor20:58
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kanzure_jk4930: what? do you think an industrial sponsor would be interested in this?20:59
fenn"robot robot revolution"20:59
kanzure_they're so hush-hush with their IP ..20:59
kanzure_I would be surprised20:59
kanzure_" 20:59
kanzure_Cygnus Solutions, originally Cygnus Support, was founded in 1989 by John Gilmore, Michael Tiemann and David Henkel-Wallace to provide commercial support for free software. Its tagline was: Making free software affordable. Cygnus is a recursive acronym for "Cygnus, Your GNU Support"."20:59
jk4930there are some projects supported by intel btw20:59
kanzure_was this before or after there was a significant code base20:59
jk4930don't know21:00
jk4930kanzure_: look at this http://www.openarchitecturenetwork.org/about21:01
kanzure_jk4930: so, real quick now, one of the main projects in here is open source hardware packaging in a format like .deb21:02
kanzure_for apt-get but for more than just software21:02
jk4930for stuff like fab lab (or so)?21:02
kanzure_that's the idea :)21:02
kanzure_definitely with fablab integration (see fabuntu- but they're just domain squatting)21:03
kanzure_*name squatting21:03
fennlike fablab but more so21:03
kanzure_woah wtf21:03
kanzure_fabuntu.org "NOTICE: This domain name expired on 12/04/2008 and is pending renewal or deletion"21:03
jk4930i am sure there _are_ investors who are interested in this21:03
kanzure_glad I grabbed the (craptastic, anyway) ISOs21:04
kanzure_jk4930: which ones though?21:04
kanzure_I mean, how does one go about finding investors who know about open source, and fablabs?21:04
kanzure_is there a query box somewhere? :)21:04
jk4930i have to look. fablab is not yet my domain21:04
-!- Splicer [n=Splicer@h209n2c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #hplusroadmap21:04
fenndoes that mean i can squat fablab.org?21:04
jk4930but i can bring it up here and then21:04
fenner.. fabuntu.org21:04
kanzure_fenn: maybe. I say go for it.21:05
kanzure_in fact, if you can find if you can buy it, I'll chip in the money21:05
kanzure_fablab.org: "Welcome to the laboratory of cell biology and immunology"21:05
fennhmmm [BBINFreecycle~Y] WANTED:cooking thermometer, large pots/kettles, scale, beakers21:05
kanzure_we have support from Erik (on om) to host any large archive/mirror network (he hosts reprap.org and winehq)21:05
kanzure_hah, somebody from diybio?21:05
kanzure_jk4930: any hints would be awesome. Should I go to ycombinator?21:06
fennnah, fabric dyeing21:06
kanzure_"my team's ready, but I don't know about a command crew" or however the Star Wars quote goes.21:06
kanzure_(other way around)21:06
genehackerso here's a business plan, free medicine, except the medicine expresses ads for various upgrades you can buy21:06
fennkanzure_: if you're going on a begging for money roll, check out submeta.org21:06
jk4930ycombinator just gives around USD 5,000 21:06
kanzure_genehacker: that's a stupid idea. but free medicine is a good idea.21:06
kanzure_I know the submeta guy :)21:06
genehackeryeah that's why it's a joke21:06
kanzure_he contacted me a while back21:06
kanzure_genehacker: Andrew Hessel is doing free cancer treatments using open source biotech, btw21:07
jk4930kanzure_: when i find investors i'll tell you21:07
kanzure_Garret Lisi told me about submeta21:08
kanzure_Bruce Wonnacott <bwonnacott@submeta.org>21:08
Spliceran unrelated qustion: what was the name of that graphical gene/biobrick editor someone was building?21:10
Splicer(the last one)21:10
Spliceryeah.. thank you21:11
Splicer(lost some bookmarks)21:11
kanzure_oh crap, are you ok?21:13
kanzure_hm, submeta is showing up at bilconference (Todd's conference)21:14
kanzure_fenn: did I mention that Steve and Anna are driving in to Austin tonight?21:16
kanzure_they randomly called me while I was at the dentist's office today, so this is pretty sudden21:17
kanzure_what to do with a bunch of aspies at 2 in the morning21:17
Splicerkanz: me? I had the most important stuff on a usb stick... forgot about the bookmarks21:17
kanzure_jk4930: I seem to recall reading on ycombinator about you and asperger's21:17
kanzure_or some such21:18
kanzure_aspergian getaway island? /me double checks21:18
genehackerwell the answer is obvious: party21:18
kanzure_"We should note that IT itself is a kind of an "Aspergism-Amplifier": When one has an aspie-bias before, IT might make it stronger. And when one switches from math or IT to project management and similar social activities, aspergism steps a bit back (even if the untold rules, rituals, and mean social games can be a real pain). I experienced that myself several times and know of other people who told me that, too."21:18
jk4930kanzure_: well, yes :)21:19
kanzure_I was once building an Asperger's Amplifier21:19
kanzure_but that's probably the opposite direction that most people would like to go21:20
SplicerI don't know if you're familiar with the PUA community?21:20
jk4930sure :)21:20
kanzure_pick-up and seduction?21:20
SplicerMany of the really good ones there have social aquardnesses... 21:20
Splicerkanz: yeah21:20
Splicertyler durden comes to mind21:20
genehackerwith that asperger amplifier we might be able to make everyone an aspie21:20
jk4930genehacker: hell!!1!!21:21
kanzure_I'm mostly interested in just myself21:21
kanzure_but if you want to make a giant death ray or something21:21
kanzure_I might consider stopping you (maybe)21:21
fennpick-up and seduction community?21:21
Splicersocial hacking is useful21:21
kanzure_pick-up artists, I'm guessing it's how there's so much porn out there ..21:21
fennis this like, DIY hypnosis?21:22
fennfor nefarious ends21:22
kanzure_no, it's more like "hey, You Want a Drink" *jedi hand-waving*21:22
genehackerumm I don't have a giant death ray, it's just a laser21:22
Splicerit's everything now... it was hypnosis/NLP maybe 2 generations ago21:22
fennsame thing21:22
kanzure_nlp is still clogging the intertubes21:23
Splicernlp is not good but it's something21:23
genehackerwell you know kanzure, bombarding someone's retina with electrons they will forget the last 3-4 seconds of what just happened21:23
genehackerit's a bit like hypnosis21:24
fenngene at least get the physics right21:24
fenn(photons, not electrons)21:24
genehackerno really electrons21:24
Spliceri digress... my point was that many of the successful ones have traits that lean towads aspergers a bit... like tyler durden21:24
genehackerlike beta particles21:24
fennSplicer: tyler durden, or "the guy"21:24
kanzure_Splicer: social defiance disorder can be related.21:24
kanzure_erm, not social defiance, excuse me, it's .. uhh ..21:24
Splicersounds like more of the same to me21:25
kanzure_the one where you're purposely deceptive all the time and it's how business folk assrape everyone else21:25
Splicerfenn: I don't remember his name... I think his thing was "Real social dynamics"21:26
Splicerwall street21:26
jk4930kanzure_: sociopathy?21:26
kanzure_that's pretty close to the mark21:26
Splicerhey.. let's have a revolution and see what comes out21:27
genehackeryou guys are starting to sound pretty communist to me21:28
* fenn puts on the techno and starts dancing to "robot robot revolution"21:28
genehackerlet's have a technocratic revolution21:28
jk4930genehacker: bad idea.21:29
Splicersure... I'm in21:29
genehackerwhy fenn?21:29
kanzure_fenn: link?21:29
genehackerI want off this damn ball of rock!21:29
kanzure_genehacker: just because we don't slave to money doesn't make us communist21:29
fenngenehacker: i think this page summarizes the relevant arguments succinctly: http://wolfbat359.com/space.htm21:30
jk4930i like money :)21:30
kanzure_I'd rather have nothing to do with it21:30
jk4930(was a quote from Idiocracy)21:30
* kanzure_ points out that a friend of his got the electric car from Idiocracy :-)21:30
jk4930kanzure_: but for real, what's so bad about it? it's very useful.21:31
jk4930oh, does it drive with electrolytes?21:31
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kanzure_not sure :) I haven't seen it yet21:31
kanzure_so what's so bad about money .. uh, it's a useless layer on top of physics21:31
kanzure_I know I can do things, I don't need money to tell me if I can/can't21:31
fennkanzure_: sorry no link.. just the name of my daydream corporate entity behind the robot grocery stores21:32
jk4930no, it's not. it's an effective and efficient way of resource allocation in a complex, distributed system21:32
kanzure_resource allocation 21:32
kanzure_yay for scarcity assumptions21:32
* kanzure_ looks up at the sky21:32
jk4930we don't have post scarcity yet...21:32
genehackerthink of it this way: walmarts, MacDonalds, and stores like that are cell types in some large organism21:33
fennironically, money is not very good at resource allocation anymore, due to large bureaucracies spending other peoples' money21:33
kanzure_"Welcome, you have now become unemployed. We regret to inform you that there 21:33
kanzure_aren't many openings for jobs, and the alternative to working to live hasn't 21:33
kanzure_been able to fully scale and deploy at this time. Good luck."21:33
fennso things get "bought" that nobody really wanted in the first place21:33
genehackerespecially considering that HUGE bailout that they did21:34
jk4930the problems of consumerism or bailouts is not the problem of the existence of money21:34
kanzure_money doesn't even make sense to me. resource allocation is a nonsense topic, go look at memory allocation algorithms21:35
kanzure_there's no money running *my* kernel21:35
genehackerI believe that the bailout is over 900 giant robots right now21:35
jk4930different thing21:35
fennyes, btw here is a nice graphic illustrating the HUGENESS of it: http://voltagecreative.com/blog/2008/11/scary-bailout-money-info-graphic/21:35
genehackerso how do you power your computer?21:35
* fenn kicks slow internet21:35
kanzure_genehacker: fucking energy21:35
kanzure_not money.21:35
fenndamn people keep downloading stuff!21:35
genehackerhow do you get it?21:35
kanzure_the sun21:36
genehackerhow do you convert it?21:36
genehackerwhat happens when it get's dark?21:36
genehackerhow do you get the batteries?21:36
kanzure_I make them21:36
genehackerhow do you make them?21:37
kanzure_(and some tools)21:37
fennzinc air fuel cell is fairly straightforward to make from dirt21:37
genehackerhow do you get the land necessary for a suitably sized solarcell/bioreactor array21:37
kanzure_"how do you make the tools?" <-- bingo, that's what fenn and I are on about21:37
genehackerand I do too21:37
kanzure_how do I get it? 21:37
fennbut flywheels or gravity are probably better for stationary applications21:38
kanzure_I explained this to Paul, let me get a link21:38
kanzure_for some reason people were stupid when breeding21:38
genehackerflywheels aren't that great21:38
kanzure_"oh, let's just make a lot of little children"21:38
kanzure_"without making sure they have adequate resources"21:38
kanzure_breeding without a material acquistiion infrastructure is a really stupid idea21:38
kanzure_because then you have an exponential growth process over a finite material resource population21:38
kanzure_*resource cache21:38
jk4930(here we have a wellfare system that cares about those breeders.)21:38
fenngenehacker: lots of other ways to store energy, it's not a bottleneck21:38
genehackerflywheels are great if you have the ability to scale up a lot21:38
kanzure_hold on a for a link21:39
genehackercut the philosophy, let's get to making the tools to make the tools21:39
kanzure_no shit21:39
fenneh but which tools to make first?21:40
kanzure_bingo ..21:40
* kanzure_ needs another word for bingo21:40
* fenn points at mile-long project list21:40
genehackerwhat I don't already have in my garage21:40
jk4930whew, that's a long text...21:40
kanzure_how about "That's what we've been saying all the damn time"21:40
kanzure_jk4930: oh, well, let me get the relevant section21:40
kanzure_jk4930: start at "in reality there's not really"21:41
jk4930ok. i just read your statements on risks. you should own the book Systemantics to have a better orientation on that... :)21:42
kanzure_I like the wikipedia article on systemantics21:43
kanzure_[system[antics]] or semantics etc..21:43
jk4930i have the book. it's great21:43
fennthat was probably the wrong email to cite21:43
kanzure_fenn: oh?21:43
jk4930after studying system science that was the book over the untold dark secrets21:43
kanzure_jk4930: should I pick it up? I felt I got the jist of it from the wikipedia article a while back. I also liked Donella Meadows "Dancing with systems"21:43
kanzure_and then there's Stu Kauffman and a few other related books21:44
kanzure_"Dancing with systems" and "12 leverage points" being the main ones IIRC21:44
fennbtw fabuntu.org was not available21:44
kanzure_fenn: which email would have been better?21:44
kanzure_for that particular argument21:44
jk4930kanzure_: where in your posting is the stuff on economics/money?21:45
kanzure_well I was ranting about the subsection about being born into the system21:46
kanzure_but right, it's not specifically re: money.21:46
kanzure_personally once you have your own space habitat, feel free to bootstrap it and boot it up with any sort of crazy money pyramid scheme you want21:46
kanzure_just let the rest of us fork and get the hell away21:46
jk4930and reg. systemantics, it's a nice book with good examples. it elaborates on complexity and why so many designed systems fail21:46
kanzure_any scans?21:47
fennwhere's that damned automated book scanner I was promised?21:47
jk4930never found scans. bought the book then :)21:47
kanzure_even google ended up scanning in pages by hand :(21:48
kanzure_you can sometimes see fingers in the pages21:48
fennreal fingers? not robot fingers/21:49
kanzure_yes :(21:49
fennwhy did they do that?21:49
kanzure_human error21:49
kanzure_you inevitably slip up after so many pages21:49
fenni dont understand21:49
fenni mean why did they go with humans turning the pges21:50
fenninstead of using an automated book scanning machine21:50
kanzure_had to do something with their billions? :(21:50
fenns/an/an army of/21:50
kanzure_("quick! to the blogosphere!")21:51
genehackerok so what do we do to decide which tools to make21:51
kanzure_dependency trees21:51
genehackershow me them21:51
kanzure_we make them21:51
kanzure_take a hint from debian dependency trees21:52
kanzure_*by taking a hint21:52
kanzure_but we're also including instructions/recipes for how to make the package21:52
fennbuild dependency tree based on input/output requirements21:53
fennstandard computer science stuff21:53
jk4930and then we end up with a dependency hell?21:53
kanzure_at some bottom line the parts must be supplied from an external source, it's true, but Gingery for instance went extremist and did it via recycling, but only because his balls were the size of Jupiter.21:53
kanzure_jk4930: haha :)21:53
genehackerso what if it is hell? I don't care as long as it works21:54
kanzure_that's not what he means21:54
genehackeroh shoot21:54
genehackerI get it21:54
fennjk4930: we already have a dependency hell, the solution is to use software tools to actively manage it and make concise accurate decisions about what to do first21:54
kanzure_The issue of dependency hell may be regarded as an anti-pattern, where the fault lies less with the suppliers of the products than with the framework into which they have to fit."21:54
kanzure_In some Linux distributions, the system needs to install new packages to configure Internet access, but it also needs Internet access to download the packages. This is circular dependency hell (a form of a catch 22)."21:55
fenngingery stuff still has a lot of external dependencies21:55
kanzure_yes :(21:55
kanzure_Paul thought my finding gingery unfortunate was weird21:55
genehackerI think this dependency tree thing will show how dependent machines are on humans21:55
fennanything realistic will, for the next decade or so at least21:55
kanzure_but as awesome as gingery was it's still not optimal21:55
kanzure_genehacker: humans must still have instructions21:56
fennfar from optimal, most of it is amateur first attempts21:56
kanzure_it's not like this is magical21:56
genehackerwell how did the industrial revolution begin, how were the first lathes made21:56
fennthe difference is that gingery made a complete set21:56
kanzure_the industrial revolution was a scam21:56
kanzure_it was just "precise repetitive manufacturing of artifacts"21:56
fennwhereas most earlier authors only had random scattered magazine articles21:56
kanzure_not truly interoperable parts21:56
fenni think you're taking the whole interchangeable parts thing out of context21:57
fennit used to be that every bolt had its own custom hand-crafted nut21:57
kanzure_ok ok, we'll rant about that later21:57
fennand each blacksmith made their own specific wrenches for their bolts etc21:57
genehackeryeah I know fenn21:57
genehackerbut how were the bolts made?21:57
jk4930kanzure_: c'mon, industrial revolution was a scam? don't be so mean :)21:57
fennwell, in middle ages by twisting over a forge21:57
fennmore like lag screws than bolts really21:58
kanzure_jk4930: just some left-over rant waiting to come out of me :)21:58
jk4930industrial revolution was not only about production but also about distribution and social institutions21:58
kanzure_jk4930: I'm angry I don't have truly interoperable parts, not just "interchangeable parts"21:58
genehackerso how were machines that make bolts and screws made21:58
fennthey didnt have machines that made bolts21:59
kanzure_we don't need to use ancient machines though21:59
fennor are you asking how was the first leadscrew made?21:59
genehackerhow were the first ones made21:59
kanzure_it's not like this must sacrifice technical advancement for historical accuracy21:59
fenngoogle up henry maudslay21:59
genehackeryeah I know21:59
fennif you know then why are you asking? :)21:59
* kanzure_ picked up a book today called "A Handbook of Pictorials of Technical Devices"21:59
genehackerfor free?22:00
jk4930kanzure_: it seems you ignore the social dimensions of technological development and diffusion processes. wait, i've something for you22:00
genehackeror did you pay for it?22:00
kanzure_jk4930: I might have ignored it in my study of the industrial revolution, that's true22:00
genehackeryou should download "1800 mechanical movements"22:00
kanzure_the carnegie library?22:00
kanzure_oh, it's a book22:00
fenn1800 is pretty good from what i've browsed so far22:00
genehackerI don't see the point in dependency trees22:00
* fenn needs a djvu to pdf converter that doesnt suck22:01
jk4930kanzure_: http://www.efficientfrontier.com/ef/404/CH1.HTM22:01
genehackerI gave up and just downloaded DJVU22:01
fenngenehacker: please tell me what to make first then22:01
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kanzure_jk4930: I'll look into that. 22:02
genehackerfirst we need to demonstrate an automatic assembling system22:02
fennthat's first?22:02
fennwhat are you going to assemble together?22:03
genehackercapable of assembling pretty much anything, with minimal assistance of jigs or at least precision jigs22:03
fenni can assemble things in my sleep, tell my why i need a machine to do this22:03
genehackerwhy not?22:03
fennbecause there are other things i can't do with my bare hands22:03
genehackerI thought the end result of this was a self replicating machine22:04
fennno, the end result is the abolition of work22:04
fenni dont really care if it's self replicating or not22:04
kanzure_the same infrastructure is needed though anyway22:05
genehackerwell then we need a precision machine shop22:05
fennwhat do you base these assertions on?22:05
fennprecision machine shops have been around for hundreds of years22:06
fennand people still work..22:06
* fenn needs to find a different word than "work'22:06
genehackerdefine work?22:06
genehackeras in a precision machine shop that can make machine shops22:07
fennlabor, doing pretty much anything you don't want to do, for economic purposes22:07
fennok now you're getting somewhere22:08
fennso, why can't existing machine shops make more machine shops?22:08
genehackerof or relating to an economy, the system of production and management of material wealth;22:08
genehackermachine shops can't process ore22:08
kanzure_ore mining and processing operations are built by machine shops ..22:09
genehackersome machine shops can for the most part22:09
fennkanzure_: actually a lot of it is made in steel mills..22:09
genehackerwell some parts are made in foundary's22:10
fennbut the parts to make a steel mill are generally made by machine shops, so there's that22:10
genehackerlike big parts22:10
genehackerlike large single piece metal parts22:10
fennok so where do i start? the mining equipment? the foundry?22:11
genehackerthe machine for making the mining equipment22:12
fennweaksauce: " Google has released few details of its scanning project (the search company has nondisclosure agreements with its library partners)"22:12
kanzure_"it's made of people!"22:12
kanzure_srsly, respect--22:13
kanzure_you have a GDP larger than 50% of the nations of the world, and you can't even build a damn auto book scanner22:14
genehackerself replicating machine shop22:14
fenninternet archive has humans in the scanning process too22:15
fennexcept they hold the pages down with a pedal operated piece of glass22:15
fennthey have 10 whole "machines".. hmm22:16
* fenn wonders where that $5M went22:16
fennauto book scanner = $15k22:16
genehackerthis is off topic22:16
fennwhat is off topic?22:16
-!- genehacker changed the topic of #hplusroadmap to: eliminating work22:16
fennauto book scanners reduce the amount of work going into making information accessible22:17
kanzure_genehacker: your link just talks about a specific company22:17
genehackeryes it does22:17
kanzure_it's like saying "well, you have to believe me that this place Knows How To Do It"22:17
kanzure_so that's not a good answer to fenn's question, imo22:18
kanzure_unless he thinks otherwise ..22:18
* fenn reads gene's link22:19
genehackerso how can we make a part fabricator that uses minimal exogenous components22:20
fenndefine exogenous22:22
genehackernot makeable by the part fabricator22:23
fenn"A group of interacting extended self-replicating systems may form a still larger self-reproducing system with yet more complex capabilities. "22:24
fennthis is basically a summary of 1) life and 2) civilization22:24
genehackeryes indeed22:24
genehackernow moving on22:24
fennso, exogenous.. hmm22:25
fennwe're minimizing the number of different types of components or the raw amount?22:25
fennor some kind of halfway point22:25
fennbecause a mechanical computer seems like an easy way to reduce the number of different types22:26
genehackerit does22:26
fennbut i dont think it's realistic22:26
genehackerbut that comes at an expense of making it really huge22:26
genehackeryou didn't say it had to be automated fenn22:26
fennor using some new really small feature size machining technology22:27
fennit has to be automated because otherwise you require humans in the loop = work22:27
fennwe already have non-automated self replicating systems, it's called civilization, roughly22:27
genehackerthen let's figure out how to assemble pretty much anything with one or two machines22:27
genehackerfrom basic parts22:28
fennif i share my idea you will just poop all over it22:28
genehackerie, nuts, bolts, metal plates, gear boxes22:28
fennyou are stuck in lego-land22:29
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fennraw materials dont come in the form of a gear box22:29
genehackerindeed they don't22:29
-!- willPow3r [n=will@cpe-66-75-6-181.san.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap22:29
genehackerwe need a human replacer22:30
fennwhat functions does a human perform?22:30
* fenn wonders how long of a book that would be22:30
genehackera bunch of humans can assemble pretty much anything from a set of parts22:30
fennreally big things? really small things? electronic components?22:31
genehackeryes really big things, yes really small things, but they'd have to make intermediate parts to make the parts22:32
fennbut that's cheating22:32
fennyou can just say "..and then we make some intermediate parts, and here's the fully functioning nano replicator"22:33
genehackernanoreplicators are easy, but useless22:33
fenni'll ignore that comment22:33
fennso, what is a human capable of?22:33
genehackerpart positioning, rudimentary part checking,  part identification22:35
fennhint: the end result should include quantitative information like this: http://fennetic.net/pub/irc/human_strength_vs_position.png22:36
fenni think you more or less have to define a kinematic model and a function for muscle position vs force22:37
fennand then there are control and feedback parameters like reaction time or bandwidth etc22:37
genehackeryou know when they design a space station they make sure it is buildable by humans22:37
fenn"they" are a bunch of idiots22:38
genehackerhumans are cheap22:38
fennnot in space they arent22:38
fennwhen termites build a termite mound, they make sure it's buildable by termites22:38
fenndoesn't make a termite mound the best thing to build22:39
genehackerno really, when they design space station components they check to make sure that people don't have to get into near impossible positions to put stuff together22:40
fennyah i know, the big water tank22:40
genehackerno they do it with computers22:40
fennthey do the water tank too22:40
fenndid you  know NASA built a whole extra space shuttle just for testing?22:41
fennthere were two actually22:41
fennthey scraped one of them together into a functional shuttle, discovery i think?22:42
fennso, computers have come along a bit since the 70's but i still think there's a big place for real world testing22:43
genehackeroops I am sorry Fenn, it was to make sure that the humans didn't bump into the equipment22:44
fenner... why?22:44
fenni mean, you wouldnt have any appreciable velocity22:44
fennor is this for protein crystallization experiments where it has to be absolutely still22:45
genehackerbecause it really get's on your nerves bumping into a pipe everytime you walk through corrider 3122:45
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genehackeroh it was servicing22:46
fennthis is traffic flow stuff, more like fluid dynamics than kinematic constraints22:46
genehackeryeah it was what I described22:46
* fenn has lost interest22:46
genehackerKanzure it's on page 53-54 of graphics for engineers22:47
genehackerok moving on22:47
genehackerso how do we make a machine capable of assembling itself from spare parts?22:47
fennthat's been done, see numerous lego examples22:48
fennits the classic von neuman "sea of parts" scenario22:48
fennbasically it's semantics when you get down to it22:48
genehackeryeah but they can't replicate from "individual lego parts"22:49
fennthe apple resting on the ground is the final state, so look! it self assembled!22:49
genehackerI fail to see your analogy22:49
fennwell, what's a lego, in general?22:49
genehackerI'm not exactly sure22:51
genehackeran apple could be considered capable of replication though22:53
kanzure_surely you know what a lego is22:55
genehackershaped forms of plastic?22:55
fenni mean "apple falls from tree" as an oversimplified way of seeing self-assembly22:55
fennlike these "self assembling" robots that are basically just two legos snapping together22:56
genehackerif a machine can make itself from parts, it might be able to make the machines to make the parts22:56
fennlego == interchangeable/compatible part, designed for disassembly22:58
genehackerit is slightly interoperable too22:59
fenninteroperable with what?22:59
genehackerplease define interoperable22:59
fennby "compatible" i mean you can swap vastly different parts for the same general function, like 3 flat plates for one brick23:00
fennthat's not the best definition but whatever23:00
fennthere's a "system"23:00
fennthe system supports the maximum amount of diversity with the minimum set of parts23:00
genehackerlego parts aren't the best thing to use for making a replicator, they aren't adjustable23:01
fennanyone used any good FOSS OCR software?23:01
fennand it actually works? like, feed it hi-res scans and it turns into text23:03
kanzure_I fed it paper scans and it puked. but others swear by it.23:03
kanzure_paper scans from old journals.23:03
kanzure_bad fonts, bad paper, generally bad quality23:03
genehackeryou might ask Kurzweil, I believe he is an expert in that field23:04
fennno i'm just being lazy23:04
fenndont want to try out 50 different packages that all suck just to find out that there's nothing good out there23:04
fennif you have it set up and ready to go, would you mind try running tesseract on: http://fennetic.net/pub/irc/kscan_0005.png23:06
kanzure_I don't.23:07
fennok i will bother with it some other time23:08
-!- genehacker changed the topic of #hplusroadmap to: making a universal part assembling machine23:09
genehackerinteresting what is the scan from?23:09
fennstructure in nature is a strategy for design, and why is it interesting?23:10
fennmost boring page of the book23:10
kanzure_oh btw I get to go back to school :)23:11
genehackerso can we get back to designing that filter?23:11
genehackerwell the page is boring, the book seems otherwise23:12
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kanzure_yes, but not tonight.23:12
genehackerpoint made23:13
kanzure_fenn where were you going with all that and gene.23:13
jk4930fellows, i've to leave now. wish you a good night.23:14
fenni was trying to get him to see the necessity of something like SKDB23:14
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genehackerI still don't see it's necessity, sure it would help and all, but we could live without it23:15
fenni'm not so sure23:16
fennseems humanity has passed the point where we could lose any particular technology and not go extinct23:16
genehackerI don't see your point23:17
fenner.. so we need to solidify our foundations, by examining the cracks first of all23:17
fennsecondly by building new foundations23:17
fennfor example, why am i stuck on earth?23:18
fennat least in a space habitat there is an easily traceable global dependency tree23:19
fennecosystems and weather are textbook examples of complexity23:19
fennnevermind i'm not talking clearly23:20
fennthere's like 50 steps between each line and I dont feel like holding your hand through all of that23:20
fennoh come on.. tesseract can't read .png files?23:23
kanzure_convert magic?23:23
fennyeah  but it's just a stupid pain in the ass that shouldnt be there23:23
kanzure_bug patch to the rescue. seriously, "if file extension is .png, then call convert" -> let the bastards make a more elegant fix23:23
kanzure_since you're going to be calling convert anyway, might as well just call it a bugfix23:24
* fenn knew this was going to suck23:24
* fenn grumbles.. it has to be named .tif not .tiff23:28
genehackeryou know Kanzure I got an idea for solving our spiral generator problem23:29
genehackeri have a B/W image of the outline of the membraneless filter23:30
kanzure_my generator almost works.23:31
genehackerwe could write some code to make triangles from the black pixels23:32
kanzure_I wish there was an option on my voice mail to "send by email" instead of " saving for 14 days until it will be deleted" ..23:57
kanzure_what good is an archive that prunes on 14 day cycles ..23:57

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