
--- Day changed Sat Jan 17 2009
willPow3rwhat up foolios02:12
genehacker_the sky is, the02:15
genehacker_and the enemy's gate is down02:15
kanzurefenn: what part of igem?19:10
fennsee inbox19:17
kanzurealso, turns out that I'm still not paying for an internet connection on this box19:17
kanzureand this is the same ISP that just got super geek cred points on Slashdot for not whoring my information out19:17
kanzurewired.com called the other night and we had a quick pow-wow, I was going to call dad afterwards but then sadness19:18
kanzureum, so, could anybody tell the diybio london folks that smari is passing through? I'm not really able to do super email at the moment19:21
kanzureoops, that's ancient. Was working from a links2 cache apparently.19:23
kanzureI'm really just not sure about this ISP:19:47
kanzure<input type='radio' value='291.55,p' name='paymentamount' checked>$291.55 - Pay for <b>Spring</b> semester ONLY</span><br>19:47
kanzuresoo if you had to choose how much to pay for an internet connection, how much would you pay?19:55
kanzure<form name="autoSubmitForm" method="post" action="renewals"> <-- I've only seen action=post and action=get. What's this one about ?20:12
kanzureoh, method=get or post, meanwhile action is a filename20:12
kanzureblah, these don't seem like the type to .. well, you know, not know how to do a filename without an extension20:13
kanzureone too many nots in there20:13
kanzuresamrose: I just got an email from Zach Smith.20:35
kanzureapparently he's the only programmer behind thingiverse20:35
kanzureand he's totally for the packaging format stuffs :) 20:35
kanzureand in fact it seems like he'd be willing to do some collaboration20:35
kanzureyou mentioned you were wanting to do something similar a while back, esp. re: the web interface.20:36
kanzureZack Hoecken, I mean.21:00
kanzuregenehacker_: Are you back yet?21:00
genehacker_I know who Zach is21:00
genehacker_I will be today why?21:00
kanzureJust wondering. Sata was asking when he was at my house on Thursday.21:00
genehacker_I'm thinking of making some stuff for thingiverse21:01
kanzurewill you CC-BY-SA it?21:01
genehacker_well I don't think I will be able to take much in the way of algae samples21:01
kanzure *will you license it as CC-BY-SA21:01
genehacker_in order to take an algae samples I have to take 2 liters of water21:02
genehacker_yeah sure21:02
genehacker_does SKDB work to some degree?21:02
genehacker_could I throw a bunch of parts into it to see if I could make something that could assemble itself from the parts?21:03
kanzureto some degree. let me explain:21:04
kanzureyou can throw those parts in, yes, and if you wanted to see if they could make all of the parts that you throw in, that would be doable21:04
kanzurebut what you want to do is check *assembly* which is something a bit different than just make-dependencies21:04
kanzurefor just the make-dependency analysis, you don't need to do much really21:04
genehacker_could you do it for legos?21:05
kanzurebut for assembly, that would require the instructions to be in some data object21:05
kanzureso here's how you'd do assembly checking21:05
kanzureyou'd look at the instructions for assembling the overall part, and then you'd check to see if each of the steps involved goes to the other parts only21:05
kanzureso if you say "step 2 move part 3 to part 4" then it will stab you in the face21:06
kanzureunless 'move' is a part too.21:06
kanzure(and it won't actually look like "step 2 move part 3 to part 4" .. that's why I say XML/YAML/data-object-thingy)21:06
kanzurethere was this huge thread on om about recipe representation actually21:06
genehacker_lego cad software has a handy dandy, make into step feature21:07
kanzurelego instructions are always pictorial though21:07
kanzurehrm, I might as well check it out though21:07
kanzureI do remember using a lego cad program once, but it wasn't from Lego the company21:08
genehacker_then download MLcad21:08
kanzureis this the one with "make into step"?21:08
genehacker_it's still pictorial though21:09
kanzureso basically: state of your lego construction before, state of your lego thingy afterwards,21:09
kanzureand then it just spits out a rendering of the state change?21:09
genehacker_yeah, and you can figure it out from there21:09
genehacker_pretty much21:09
kanzurenot what I was hoping for, but ok21:10
genehacker_I don't really know that much about it21:10
genehacker_I haven't tried the make step feature21:10
kanzureldraw027.exe hangs on extraction via wine.21:13
kanzure"processing archive: Z:\... \n archive date: 1997-07-25 00:05:24 \n Continue extraction? no" <- infinite loop21:14
kanzureor something.21:14
samrosekanzure, yeah! I am interested for sure21:16
kanzure3http://arj.sourcearchive.com/documentation/3.10.22/arjsfx_8c-source.html   blah .. have to compile it myself maybe?21:16
samrosemet Zack Smith online21:16
kanzureah, good21:16
samrosewe should figure out a way to coordinate. I was mirroring your backend work, and trying to make it all work with python tools (mercurial, hatta wiki, etc)21:17
kanzurewell, supposedly that's what OM is for21:17
kanzureif it weren't for the damned economists21:17
kanzurenaysaying economists as it were..21:17
samrosemercurial = GIT hatta = whatever that wiki engine you were using is, etc21:17
genehacker_well what I want to find out is if there is a set of lego parts capable of apply enough force to put together and pull apart other lego parts21:18
kanzurewhat I recommended to Zach was that he could help out by just dumping the CC content and then I'd write up some shell scripts to pretty up the data a bit21:18
samroseah, yeah. I am probably jumping ahead a bit21:18
kanzurebut his data will not have an 'instructions format' nor interoperability information.21:18
kanzurenor dependency information21:19
kanzureso at a minimum I want to get the data set out there21:19
kanzureand then we can all go on a metadata spree all over it heh'21:19
kanzure(as opposed to me writing a crawler over thingiverse, which I would have done anyway, but at least this way we might get some of the data in a pretty format)21:20
kanzuregenehacker_: wait, what? That sounds simpler than what you wanted to do earlier.21:20
kanzurejust go look at the lego catalog for lego actuator parts..21:20
genehacker_I mean sets of parts capable of grasping parts21:21
kanzurebrb, fetching lunch21:22
genehacker_packing so I am semi here21:23
kanzureso it worked, it's a 'pending transaction' according to the broker/bank21:31
kanzurefor precisely $0.3721:31
genehacker_afk, email if you have any questions kanzure23:21

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