
--- Day changed Fri Jan 23 2009
fenni should make a babington oil-fired water heater00:00
fennand heat my house with it00:00
genehackerno, you should make a water heater fired with junk mail00:26
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wrldpcum .. anyone else see the ad in the Metro today for the "hi-tech" Amish-made free space heaters?01:15
fennwe dont live in the same region01:16
* fenn points at the internet01:16
fennwhat does an amish space heater look like?01:17
genehackeryeah, the amish space heaters are really really crappy from what I hear01:17
genehackerI wonder if I can get a handmade pneumatic powered amish computer01:19
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fennkanzure, want me to distill that inventory comparison down to something that makes sense?02:50
fennif it's even possible02:51
fennlooks like emachineshop is "the complete set"02:52
fennit's a list of processes though, not equipment02:53
fennhmm maybe not, they dont have a vinyl cutter or similar02:54
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fennooo plutocracy looks ripe for the stealing03:31
fennbasis for building smirf03:31
kanzure3wrldpc: I've seen those ads on tv :(08:47
kanzure3fenn: yes please.08:47
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genehackerkanzure do you have a multimeter?16:03
genehackera good one16:03
genehackerone with a diode test function16:04
genehackeror do you have a big resistor?16:17
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kanzureNo. Just a crap one.18:29
genehackerwhat there aren't any AWESOME electronic surplus stores around here?18:43
fennonly in san diego and tokyo18:44
fennand shenzhen if that counts..18:44
genehackerthere was an awesome electronics store where I used to live18:44
genehackerbut nothing like tokyo18:44
genehackerwhere are the awesome surplus stores in san diego?18:45
fenndunno i've never been there18:45
genehackerI've seen a fry's with a tesla coil, but never anything cool18:45
genehackerdown there18:46
genehackerthough they have The computer history museum18:46
genehackeryou should go sometime18:50
genehackerever seen magnetic core memory in real life?18:50
kanzurefenn: so I went in to ADL today to do fumble around on the machines18:51
kanzureand there's a new file format that the other universities want me to generate18:51
kanzureit essentially amounts to a list of 136 different component names18:51
kanzureand then a boolean value as to whether or not that component is present in the design18:51
kanzureand then some vector math on that. :(18:52
genehackerthat's sort of like legos18:52
kanzurethis is one of the most terrible ideas I've ever heard18:52
fennit's "digital" :P18:52
kanzurethe "slightly more complicated version" is a table where the columns are the 136 different components, and the columns are too,18:52
genehackerI think I misinterepreted18:52
kanzureso if you have "gear" connected to an "engine", the intersection would have a '1'18:52
kanzureor if there's more than 1, you'd ++.18:53
fennadjacency matrix == graph18:53
kanzurenot really,18:53
fennwhy not?18:53
kanzureimagine that you have 2 engine-to-gear occurences18:53
kanzurebut the engine-to-gear in one case connects to something else18:53
fennoh well that's just a stupid way to write your matrix, that's all18:53
kanzureit' stupid overall.18:53
kanzurewho the hell determined 136?18:53
fennit's specified in the talmud18:53
genehackerwhoever rolled the 200-d18:54
fenntalmud: oldest role playing game evar!18:54
genehackeris sharpened wedge a component?18:56
genehackerwhat about wings?18:56
kanzurenope, nope18:56
kanzurethis is why it's a bad idea.18:56
genehackername some of the components18:56
kanzureI don't have the list in front of me18:57
kanzureoh wait, one sec18:57
genehackerhmmm... so maybe several different daemons each design their own solution to the problem and then argue over which one is the best18:58
kanzurebrusher, diverger, nozzle, housing, electric cord, carousel, conveyor, belt, clutch, extension, shaft, heat exchanger, hinge, tube, diode, bearing, link, sled, ..18:58
kanzurefwd'd to both of you18:59
genehackerwhat's a brusher?18:59
kanzure3there's the PDF ..19:00
kanzureI immediately told the doc how stupid this is19:01
fennbecause a housing is certainly not a heat exchanger is totally different from a tube19:01
fennoh, no i really dont want to look at it, thanks19:01
fennhas anyone seen my xmms?19:02
kanzurexmms uninstalled itself on my system, I have to go hunt it down in backports19:02
kanzure(I just have xmms2 and audacious, and audacious sucks)19:02
fenndo you know what happened? wtf19:02
genehackerwhy not use muscle wire19:02
kanzuregenehacker: I think you're missing the point.19:03
genehackerhave fun19:03
kanzurebut don't you get it?19:03
kanzureI mean, this is a *bad* idea19:03
kanzurebecause you can't possibly make a global universal ontology19:04
kanzurewithout pointing a gun to everyone's head19:04
kanzureok, anyway19:08
fennah well at least audacious looks sorta interchangeable19:10
fennunlike the awful crap i saw for xmms2-client19:10
kanzureI've found it functionally lacking19:10
kanzurethere's a way to tell apt-get to ignore the xmms dependencies or something19:11
kanzurelike, if you go manually dpkg -i it, 19:11
kanzureand then set in your aliases for apt-get to always ignore it19:11
kanzurebut this is so much of a hack. I don't know what's wrong with xmms in the first place.19:11
fennit's a conspiracy19:14
fennthat's the only possible explanation19:14
fenni am sort of annoyed that it uninstalled and i didnt know19:15
fennpresumably apt-get told me at some point19:15
kanzurehm, xmms is not in etch-backports.19:16
fennlol "We are not an XMMS clone. Architecturally, Audacious is much different than XMMS, it just sorta looks like  XMMS, which I think sends the wrong message, but whatever. The fact is that we  do not consider ourselves to be an XMMS clone or an XMMS replacement, and you  should strongly consider that before removing XMMS and providing a transitive  upgrade path to audacious. 19:24
kanzureif I had enough chocolate I'd start writing up my "chainlinks" for command line arguments. 19:29
kanzurewrap each argument into a 'chainlink' (the subunit of a chain, whatever you call that)19:30
kanzureand then evaluate a 'loop' or 'chain' to see if all of the links "add up" or are compatible (i.e., some are mutually exclusive)19:30
kanzure(logic inference engine)19:30
kanzureNo. Not inference. Nevermind.19:32
fennAnd you know (you’ve got to know!) that this is going to turn into an obsession. First, you’ll completely forget to take the dog out. It’ll be standing by the screen door, darting its head about, as your eyes devour the code, as your fingers slip messages to the computer.19:56
fennThanks to your neglect, things will start to break. Your mounds of printed sheets of code will cover up your air vents. Your furnace will choke. The trash will pile-up: take-out boxes you hurriedly ordered in, junk mail you couldn’t care to dispose of. Your own uncleanliness will pollute the air. Moss will infest the rafters, the water will clog, animals will let themselves in, trees will come up through the foundations.19:56
fennBut your computer will be well-cared for. And you, Smotchkkiss, will have nourished it with your knowledge. In the eons you will have spent with your machine, you will have become part-CPU. And it will have become part-flesh. Your arms will flow directly into its ports. Your eyes will accept the video directly from DVI-24 pin. Your lungs will sit just above the processor, cooling it.19:56
fennAnd just as the room is ready to force itself shut upon you, just as all the overgrowth swallows you and your machine, you will finish your script. You and the machine together will run this latest Ruby script, the product of your obsession.19:56
fennAnd the script will fire up chainsaws to trim the trees, hearths to warm and regulate the house. Builder nanites will rush from your script, reconstructing your quarters, retiling, renovating, chroming, polishing, disinfecting.19:56
fennMighty androids will force your crumbling house into firm, rigid architecture. Great pillars will rise, statues chiseled. You will have dominion over this palatial estate and over the encompassing mountains and islands of your stronghold.19:57
kanzure3"And so was born the Second Law of the Civilized Worlds, which was that Man could not stare too long at the faces of the Computer or her children, and still remain as Man."19:58
kanzureI always find it remarkable how well others are able to describe my life without knowing me.20:08
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kanzurewhy are refridgerators made so that you have to do a lot of stupid things to get to the stuff in the back21:36
kanzurewhy not just use the kitchen island as a refridgerator? like a giant cooler (except with a partially sliding top, instead of letting out all of the cool air)21:36
kanzure(the point is that a sliding top, plus sliding layers, could allow a robotic arm to process standardized tv dinners or other thingies)21:57
-!- PeerInfinity [i=PeerInfi@stnbmb01bbk-ac07-60-48.dial.mts.net] has joined #hplusroadmap23:04
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kanzure3http://www.schweikhardt.net/man_page_howto.html man howto. just some basic stuff.23:15
kanzure3http://heybryan.org/books/Manufacturing/Case%20Studies%20in%20the%20Use%20of%20Design%20Repositories%20in%20Mechanical%20Engineering.pdf   Case studies in the use of design repositories in mechanical engineering23:35
kanzure3http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=J10XQ3kf7r0C&oi=fnd&pg=PA141&dq=%22Why+objects+are+not+enough%22&ots=EGmhMmZ-0d&sig=uaCQY1N5zKWzbMuZMvUhknd-_Bo   Why objects are not enough23:44
genehackerso Kanzure I want to do some transcranial direct current stimulation23:47
kanzureI know less about that than transcranial magnetic stimulation.23:48
genehackerI am having trouble figuring out how to get 35 cm sq electrode stuck to my head23:48
genehackerthat's pretty big23:49
kanzurewell, they usually do caps23:49
kanzureother times, I've seen them use those 'suction cups' that moms use for bath tubs for young kids23:49
kanzureexcept not for suction23:49
kanzureWasn't there an article that we were talking about in here where someone attached electrodes via a paper clip or thin needle?23:50
kanzureit's the same principle as sticking a sowing needle through the very fine layers of your thumb and not really feeling anything23:50
genehackerwell check to see if you have any papers23:50
genehackeror acupuncture?23:50
kanzureheh, acupuncture but through the skull? no thanks :)23:51
kanzurebut most of that is MEA stuff.23:51
genehackercommercial unit23:51
genehackerhow the heck do I get contact with the skin on my head23:53
kanzure3go bald.23:53
kanzure3ooh, fenn - http://heybryan.org/books/Manufacturing/A%20port%20ontology%20for%20conceptual%20design%20of%20systems.pdf23:53
genehackerI really don't want to23:53
kanzure3a port ontology for the conceptual design of systems23:54
kanzure3genehacker: well, if you knew absolutely that it would work, would you do it?23:54
kanzure3because you might as well just test with a hand23:54
kanzure3*would you do it (it = go bald)23:54
genehackerwhat electrically stimulate my hands?23:54
kanzure3well the neurons in particular :)23:55
genehackerthey call that TENS23:55
genehackertDCS is a bit different23:55
genehackertDCS allow neurons to fire at lower activation potentials23:56

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