
--- Day changed Sat Jan 31 2009
genehackerwhen you read it, you'll **** bricks00:00
fennyou must be shitting me00:02
fennToyota is NOT the reason we have "open source"00:03
fennand you've mixed a metaphor or something00:03
fennmemes reproduce by transferring from one mind/culture to another00:03
fennso horizontal meme transfer would be like a meme splitting in two inside one mind? (wank)00:04
genehackerthey do something similar to open source for the same reason it is good00:04
genehackeror transfer between Toyota cells in this case00:05
fennplease take your disgusting worldview elsewhere00:05
genehackerwell think about it fenn toyota, walmart, target, macdonald's, burger king, all function like highly specialized units. 00:06
genehackersome even follow similar developmental patterns00:07
fenncorporations don't create people00:07
fennthey merely exploit them00:07
genehackerfor example, you always tend to find MacDonalds by a road, not out in the middle of nowhere00:07
genehackerbut they do exhibit the capability to grow, and spread00:08
genehackerbut really look at it fenn, macdonalds behave almost like cells00:09
genehackeralbeit cancerous ones00:10
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genehackermacdonald's and such don't follow a body plan00:13
genehackerwhich is too bad, cuz I'd like to see cities self-organize into arcologies,00:18
genehackernow then what happens when you introduce non-specialized cells into the system, capable of doing much more than the specialized ones00:24
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genehackeroh crap I just posted philosophy01:15
UtopiahGHMLgenehacker: Knowledge Management is like a 10 years old discipline now.02:12
UtopiahGHML(doesn't necesseraly have a well define paradigm and is effective though but... it exists and people make money out of it.)02:13
genehackerI'd say even older02:13
UtopiahGHMLyep, 2009, guess way older, anyway my point is, that provides a framework to analyze what you describe I think02:14
genehackeryeah I guess so02:15
genehackerfor anyone who is still up, here's an interesting tidbit: http://silver.neep.wisc.edu/~lakes/Poisson.html02:15
UtopiahGHMLnever heard of Jaron Lanier before , checking out his work02:17
UtopiahGHMLoh yeah the dread lock guy :P02:18
UtopiahGHMLok ok CS IA/VR from Berkeley02:19
fenni've been reading his column in discover magazine, looks like he gets into all sort of stuff02:23
UtopiahGHMLyes, Ive read few things from him on Edge.org and few other sites but to be honest, none of his "work" papers, mostly philosophical point of views (even if highly articulated I admit)02:23
UtopiahGHMLrandom thought : anybody read a paper on simulation to design the most effective religion for mass control? like using game theory + multi agent-system for with evolutionary ethics having for fitness the number of followers? sth along those lines?02:28
fennsounds like something you might have read on SL402:29
UtopiahGHMLis there a way to search SL4 archives?02:30
UtopiahGHMLok, got other things to do, guess I won't design my new religion today then02:32
fenni'm not terribly disappointed02:33
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kanzurehm, awake yet again02:55
kanzureUtopiahGHML: to search sl4 archives, use site:sl4.org <search term>.02:57
UtopiahGHMLright, didn't think about using google archive, thx02:57
kanzurefenn, what the hell was genehacker smoking?02:57
kanzureisn't he anti open source still anyway?02:58
genehackerI don't smoke kanzure02:58
genehackerI like my lungs too much02:58
kanzurerather attache to them, huh02:58
kanzureoh, I know what it reminded me of02:59
kanzurethat old cult, organelle02:59
kanzureOkay. Back to sleep for me.03:00
genehackerI think you or your clone are posting on 4chan03:01
genehackerI'm working on this. I'm building a "real-life tech tree" in software (linking together encyclopedia-like summary articles, dependency graphs (eg "sand unlocks glass"), location-sensitive resource extraction (eg can't find whateversulfite minerals in southeast north america), etc.). Slowly, though. It's just me, and my shitty php/mysql-skills, and my greater affinity for physical action and...03:03
genehacker...the outdoors, and my dozen other projects...03:03
genehackerIF THIS INTERESTS ANYONE, you could help by: 1) finding the tech-tree info for some tech you have an interest in, and 2) doing it yourself - a million-times better and faster - instead of me.03:03
kanzurepost a link to me.03:03
kanzureor open manufacturing03:03
genehackerit's on 4chan03:03
kanzurewow, that came out wrong03:03
genehackerturn off images03:04
kanzure"post a link [to him] to me"03:04
kanzurethat's still wrong, let me go again03:04
kanzure"post a link [to him] to me [for him]"03:04
genehackeralso talks about basement semiconductors03:05
genehacker4chan of all places03:06
kanzuregenehacker: you'll find that many of our brightest are on 4chan03:06
kanzureSomethingAwful and 4chan have played central roles in my life, as awkwardd as that sounds03:07
kanzurethe Singularity Institute research group was actually being ran by a ringleader guy who was a SomethingAwful goon03:07
genehackerYou are kidding me03:07
kanzureand even before that, back to 2003, and 2004, I had some 4chan connections03:07
genehackerI have just started posting on 4chan03:08
kanzureI was surprised to learn that fenn didn't have a 4chan background, actually03:09
kanzureI used to waste quite a lot of my time on that server :/03:09
kanzureI wonder when Monroe is going to publish his xkcd graphs in arxiv.03:18
genehacker    Awesome, thanks for the links!03:19
genehacker    Basement semiconductors:03:19
genehacker    http://www.flickr.com/photos/jeriellsworth/03:19
genehacker    http://www.vimeo.com/jeri03:19
genehacker    BONUS: by a cute, intelligent (autodidactic), red-head.03:19
genehacker    (If anyone digs up better links, post!)03:19
kanzuregenehacker: post Meredith.03:19
kanzurewoman doing amatuer biohacking in her dining room03:20
kanzure3"Meredith L. Patterson is a polymath technologist and science fiction author. She has spoken at numerous industry conferences on a wide range of topics.[1] She is also a prolific blogger and software developer, and a leading figure in the biopunk movement."03:20
kanzure3"leading figure"03:20
kanzure3and then include a link to diybio.org03:21
kanzure3bonus points: married to a best friend of Mr. Bit Torrent himself03:23
kanzure3if you don't post it, I will :)03:24
kanzure3<--- is a karma whore03:24
genehackeruh just posted a non ideal post03:29
genehackerheh don't we all whore karma?03:29
fenneh where do you go about getting these wafers?03:34
kanzureCircuit Girl doesn't seem to be doing anything in her basement but playing with arcade machines03:34
kanzurewhich is fine of course, but still03:34
fennstuff! http://www.flickr.com/photos/jeriellsworth/sets/72157607161498665/03:35
kanzuremaybe if you waive your arms around fast enough, it will appear like actual work is being done03:38
genehackeryou buy them fenn03:40
genehackerunless you got a way to grow em....03:41
genehackerwonder if there is a way to have biology make them03:41
fennyeah, oysters.. hah03:42
kanzureGRG runs around the globe confirming 110+ age longevity claims,03:43
kanzurewe need something like that for "confirmed polymaths"03:43
kanzureexcept not 'tested' per-se.. something Other03:43
kanzurejust would be a fun list to have03:43
fennhuh the wafers are a lot cheaper than i expected http://cgi.ebay.com/6-inch-Silicon-Wafer-Dummy-Grade_W0QQitemZ320297218437QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_003:50
fennoh min qty 100003:50
fennstill seems you can find them in small qty for a couple hundred bucks03:53
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fennThe U.S. Navy has developed a flight suit for helicopter pilots that delivers little puffs of air on the side of the pilot’s body as his helicopter tilts in that direction. The pilot responds to the puffs by tilting away from them, and the suit passes those signals on to the helicopter’s steering controls. Pilots who train with this system can learn to fly blindfolded or to carry out complex maneuvers, such as holding the helic06:07
fennmagazine article from The Future!!06:08
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UtopiahGHMLPotomac, MD, to develop a beta biomass engine system which will be used to power RTI's Energetically Autonomous Tactical Robot (EATR(TM)), a project sponsored by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Defense Sciences Office.  http://www.reuters.com/article/pressRelease/idUS141880+28-Jan-2009+MW2009012810:31
fenndoes it eat slugs?10:36
UtopiahGHMLaccording to CyberpunkReview it could potentially eat PETA members ;)10:36
UtopiahGHML(joke about robots going vegan and stuff)10:37
fenn"radial six-cylinder, 16HP Waste Heat Engine" seems kinda overkill10:38
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fenn"Hikkikomori Quest" (a near-farcical parody of the Pokemon Game Boy games) in which the protagonist is flamed on 4-chan then goes to the shop to buy food due to the act that he ran out but also to prove to himself that he can go outside and come back home in one piece.11:02
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ppkdo any of you guys download your textbooks online?11:47
ppkwhat do you use?11:50
ppkI'm trying to get "Molecular Genetics of Bacteria "11:50
kanzureoh, you're in luck11:51
kanzure3oops: http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/Molecular_genetics_of_bacteria11:51
kanzure3sorry, got the name wrong.11:52
fenni had that book11:55
fenngave it to a nursing student11:56
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kanzure3http://sproutward.org/ <- Alec Resnick in disguise11:56
pppkbryan, how do you access the chapters?11:57
kanzure3magic. one sec.11:57
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kanzureI don't think I have it on the server. Sorry. :-(11:58
fenngee does boston really need another hardware hacking space?11:58
kanzurenublabs, fablabs, diybio, any others?11:58
kanzureNY has NYCresistor, but that's irrelevant I guess11:59
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fennuh, some other mit-ish thing i cant remember12:00
kanzuremedia lab? :p12:00
kanzurebut MIT doesn't count- I'm sure they have 20x machine shops on campus12:00
fennhmmers or something12:01
fennelectronics mostly12:01
fennsay, this looks rather familiar http://www.nublabs.org/12:02
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kanzureI should go call Alec out on this12:04
fennMechpy is a Python package to make the process of designing and building constrained, mechanical systems easier. Eventually, we'd like to hook mechpy up to existing catalogues of mechanical parts and assemblies to make designing for available materials a matter of process, rather than a point of friction in the design process.12:05
kanzure3gee, thanks alec for not mentioning it12:05
fenni wonder if nublabs is just changing names12:06
kanzurewhat the fuck12:22
kanzurethat was the CIA?12:22
fennnot what you expected?12:26
kanzureI don't know if handing myself over to the CIA is on my todo list12:28
fennhanding yourself over?12:31
fennjust think of the databases you could access! :)12:31
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kanzure3doodle works out pretty well for lab meetings.12:47
fenndaytimer bias inherent in the software.. sheesh12:50
kanzure3the professor had me remove the other hours, sorry12:50
kanzure3personally most of my free time is after 6 pm these days :) but apparently that's not a good time for a lab meeting, even though we all live on campus?12:51
fennwhy add artificial constraints I always say12:51
fennhey at least it's plain html12:52
UtopiahGHMLppk: I was using textbooktorrents till it died :/12:54
fennhuh. can you scan and return a textbook right after you buy it?12:58
fenn(btw was there ever any evidence for alec's mythical book scanner?)12:59
UtopiahGHML(now I just use Bitme and isohunt but Id like to have more information on the ebook group Elohim, they seem to release a lot of recent material including some interesting Springer books)13:01
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fennwow bitme sounds just awful13:11
fenndoes it actually work?13:12
fennmajecki on flakk.org #bookwarez/#bw used to be great, gone now though13:13
UtopiahGHMLyep but you don't have 0day content so doesn't really worth the trouble, few blogs for ebooks are better13:13
UtopiahGHMLbut if you need some educational videos, and quickly, bitme is ok13:14
kanzureI don't understand 0day torrents. how do they sustain themselves if people (like me) can't figure out where to submit 0days?13:14
fennit's linked into the warez irc channels somehow13:14
kanzurerizon, perhaps13:14
UtopiahGHMLwell torrent is just a way, you still have scene releases13:15
fennscene releases?13:15
UtopiahGHMLyep, according to quality rules with nfo and a defined information stream13:16
UtopiahGHMLby teams13:16
UtopiahGHML"old school warez"13:17
fenni've never heard that phrase before13:17
UtopiahGHMLthe scene? really?13:17
fennoh, "the scene"13:18
UtopiahGHMLlike http://nfodb.net/section_7_ebook_nfo.html with groups13:20
fennwonder why they put the publisher on everything.. taunting them13:22
UtopiahGHMLbecaues they have to, it's "the rules" of "the scene" :P13:23
kanzurethis still doesn't tell me how to up-push a 0day to the right people13:23
fennstupid rules13:23
UtopiahGHMLwell if you have pre-released material you should contact a team (like ELOHiM or DDU for ebooks) that's what they are for, to deliver13:24
kanzurehuh? These teams accept submissions?13:24
kanzureDo you know of any others?13:25
UtopiahGHMLideally you'd check sth like http://dupe-hq.info/index.php?search=Ebook. and see which one best fit your material 13:25
kanzureI'll get to that when I'm done with this episode of Haruhi.13:26
UtopiahGHMLusually inside the .nfo they leave some contact info13:26
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UtopiahGHMLhttp://www.securityfocus.com/brief/893?ref=rss "The images showed users doing typical tasks on their systems, but the company easily picked out four screenshots that showed malware analysts running advanced tools to reverse engineer the program." :P13:41
fennreminds me of spy vs spy in mad magazine13:44
fennAmong the images viewed by SecureWorks were screenshots that showed a user searching for pornography of underaged girls, Stewart said. The company referred the case to the FBI.13:45
fenni think that would take some serious lawyering13:45
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kanzure3Age 108: first reached in 183714:42
kanzure3Age 110: first reached in 189814:42
kanzure3Age 111: first reached in 192514:42
kanzure3Age 113: first reached in 192814:42
kanzure3Age 114: first reached in 198714:42
kanzure3Age 115: first reached in 199014:42
kanzure3Age 122: first reached in 199714:42
kanzure3http://github.com/sproutward/diyhealth/blob/dff4fbd6fbca04ca845e51ba41fea67a66d9a24a/journal.rst  chronic neck pain?14:55
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kanzure3fenn: http://github.com/aresnick/aresnick/blob/4792af83e48082141a895e19ca3bdd8bfdb9a695/Documents/journal.org  what do you think's going on here?15:16
kanzure3the syntax is unfamiliar to me15:16
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kanzure3* DONE [#B] Respond to Bryan Bishop              :grasping: DEADLINE: <2009-01-16 Fri> CLOCK: [2009-01-16 Fri 01:00]--[2009-01-16 Fri 01:19] =>  0:19 - Emailed about faultiness of open source analogy15:23
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kanzure3http://mit.edu/harold/Public/linkage/ "This page provides instructions and Python source code for simulating the behavior of mechanical linkages using Rigidity theory. The software was written to simulate the behavior of transformable Penrose tilings, but is general enough to simulate many planar linkages."15:36
kanzure3oh, just a brand name, ignore15:38
kanzure3 /home/aresnick/nub/projects/mechpy/solvers/15:41
kanzure3oh, it moved15:43
kanzure3that took forever15:43
kanzure3git clone 15:44
kanzure3git clone git://github.com/wbosworth/nub.mechpy.git15:44
kanzure3hehe, def convert(value, unit_1, unit_2)15:45
Utopiah(potential illustration for DNA work http://www.bobbiecarlylesculpture.com/images/SelfMadeMan.jpg )15:52
kanzureUtopiah: I wouldn't mind having that sculpture sitting on my desk as a paperweight.15:54
Utopiahyep made me think of Eschers drawing hands too 15:54
Utopiah(didn't know the tech versoin though)15:55
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wrldpcGeordi cleaning house sans visor.16:36
kanzure3http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formal_equivalence_checking "Formal equivalence checking process is a part of electronic design automation (EDA), commonly used during the development of digital integrated circuits, to formally prove that two representations of a circuit design exhibit exactly the same behavior."17:10
kanzure3http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=400508 "Dependency analysis in constraint negotiation"17:25
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kanzure3http://heybryan.org/books/Manufacturing/Inference%20in%20a%20mechanical%20design%20compiler.pdf  <-- fenn, 1989 paper. non-geometric constraints considered (i.e., torques)18:01
kanzure3neat, there's a book on mechanical design compilers (by the same name)18:03
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PeerInfinityso, um... hi again :)19:05
PeerInfinityplease excuse my ignorance, but is there a hplusroadmap wiki?19:09
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genehackerkanzure any website out there with dimensions of tube fittings?22:24

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