
--- Day changed Thu Feb 05 2009
kanzure3_http://www.greenergadgets.com/index.php/design-competition/ "vote now for your favorite greener gadgets"00:06
gene_so what do you say that just for the heck of it we enter our bioreactor in that campus challenge thign00:08
gene_I used to have a problem with one computer I had, it had a primarily plastic case00:10
gene_needless to say, it almost jammed AM radios00:10
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UtopiahGHMLfor the person who shared the link on stigmergic collboration there is also (Springer 2006) http://rapidshare.com/files/165310709/ebook.Stigmergic_Optimization_Studies_in_Computational_Intelligence.3540346899.zip03:41
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kanzure3_"Control of a system is exercised by the element with the greatest08:15
kanzure3_variety of behavioral responses."08:15
fennwhat's that from?08:15
fennaha. i knew it08:15
fennbecause it was totally wrong yet stated confidently08:16
* nsh smiles08:16
kanzure3_flap fast enough and you win?08:17
* nsh is no longer following08:20
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kanzure3_http://tropicaldisease.org/ another OSDD-like open source drug discovery project08:28
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kanzure2-Say, I wonder if it would help the diybio list if we forced everything about security to some alternative list, like diybio-security11:38
kanzure2-or rather,11:38
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kanzure3_well now, that's interesting17:32
kanzure3_have just entered the facebook seen for ADL17:32
kanzure3_David, the guy doing automated product disassembly work, lists favorite TV shows as "Neon Genesis Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Love Hina, Muteki Kanban Musume, Samurai Champloo, Ergo Proxy, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱),"17:32
genemust be an otaku17:34
genewonder if I should join the group17:34
kanzurehe doesn't seem like the type.17:35
genethat's what they say about things like that sometimes17:36
geneautomatic product disassembly?17:37
kanzureusing graphsynth though :(17:37
kanzurebasically, 17:38
kanzuremaximizing mass recovered and minimizing the total disassembly time (presumably the unit here is 'steps')17:38
genewhat we really need is a piece of software that takes solidworks assemblies, and turns them into commands for how to move robot arms17:39
kanzuredo we not have that?17:39
kanzureI mean, that's not terribly hard17:39
geneor maybe just serve as a 'goal' for the robot to do that17:39
kanzurecan you dig me up a link that describes the solidworks assembly fileformat?17:40
kanzureonce you know the file format, you can wire that up into the Robot Research Group's software,17:40
kanzureor in a worst case scenario, I figure we can generate simple instructions like which order things have to go in17:40
kanzureand then at the very end the fine motor detail like forces and stuff17:40
geneI mean have the robot recognize what the finished product is supposed to look like, so if it makes a mistake it doesn't mess  up17:40
kanzure(which is where it gets complicated, but the easy stuff first)17:41
kanzurethat's kind of stupid though17:41
kanzurewhy not let it do it blind?17:41
geneit's harder to do blind17:41
kanzurehow so17:41
kanzureI mean, if you have all of the data up front17:42
geneone of the main costs of automatic assembly is programming the robots17:42
kanzureno, this can be done automatically17:42
kanzureI mean, the programming thereof17:42
kanzurethat's what CAM is..17:42
genewhat if you drop a bolt? how do you pick it up?17:42
kanzurewhy would you drop a bolt17:43
kanzureit's supposed to be programmed to not drop a bolt..17:43
kanzurehave the bolts coming in via feeder tube to the mechanically actuated arm thingy that screws the bolts..17:43
genewell Kanzure, feeders have to be designed for each bolt, each part17:44
kanzuretrue, but to some extent the details are only slightly variable between each part17:44
kanzureconsider a catalog of bolts17:44
kanzureat most, I can imagine variation in a few size dimensions17:45
kanzureanything else though?17:45
geneone robotic arm one part17:45
genenot very efficient17:45
kanzurenobody said that :)17:45
kanzureI thought you knew about workercells17:46
kanzureor robotic arm cells or whatever17:46
genea dedicated assembly for putting in one part might be more efficient17:46
kanzurethat's true of course.17:46
kanzurejust saying:17:46
geneso what I am saying is one robotic arm almost all parts17:46
wrldpcdoes bkero just tape down the penny electrodes?17:46
kanzure(1) it is possible to program robotic arm worker cells to assemble a variety of differenyl dimensioned parts17:46
kanzure(2) it is also possible to somewhat automatically generate custom-made assembly jigs thingies17:46
kanzurefor #1, see CAM to some extent I guess17:46
kanzurewrldpc: heh, don't know :)17:47
geneI thought workercells need cameras?17:47
kanzuregene: one robotic arm for all parts. I think that's possible, but I'm not sure17:47
kanzuregene: really? cameras?17:47
kanzurewhy would they *need* cameras?17:47
geneto know where the part is17:47
geneto know if something is wrong17:47
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geneso you say #1 is possible? Has it been done?17:48
geneis there software to do #1?17:48
kanzureI thought so? CAM software, right?17:50
kanzurebut yes, there's been some papers I've recently linked to17:50
kanzurethat do automatic assembly instruction generation17:50
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/books/Manufacturing/ click the "date added" or whatever, and then click it again so that you can order the list of files by most recent17:50
kanzureand then there are a few papers that are obviously related to this theme17:50
genewell then that makes the challenge of building a replicator a lot easier17:51
kanzurehow so?17:52
kanzureI mean, that's why we're doing the software that we're doing in here ..17:52
kanzureautomatic assembly instructions etc.17:52
genewe don't have to design the jigs17:52
kanzurewell, arguably, jigs might be useful in some situations like #217:52
geneso what does it take to make a robotic arm that can assemble itself from parts?17:53
kanzureit's more important to ask how to make those parts though17:54
kanzureand then if those operations are doable by a robotic arm, etc.17:54
kanzuredidn't we already talk about this?17:54
kanzuresometime last year, maybe in October.17:54
kanzurecheck the logs17:54
genejigless assembly17:58
geneI think I now have more appreciation for having two arms18:02
genemore info18:10
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kanzure3_marc fawzi "I think that in general, you're good at finding information, but as far as your ability to reason, ..."18:22
kanzure3_this guy needs to fall over and die18:22
kanzure3_I have never wished ill harm to anyone18:22
kanzure3_but seriously.18:22
genejust figured out unicode18:25
geneoh yeah did you hear the ME 3d printer is broken?18:26
fennwhoops.. guess i shouldnt have printed that monkey wrench18:27
kanzurefenn: marc fawzi has invaded the postscarcity/abundance mailing list18:28
kanzureand now claims that I lack reasoning skills18:28
kanzurewhat in the fuck is going on18:29
kanzurehow do I stop this *NOW*18:29
kanzureI've tried talking to Joseph Jackson about Marc18:29
kanzurePaul agrees that Marc is a terrible thing, 18:29
kanzurebut this troll is still hurting things18:29
kanzurewhat do I do?18:29
kanzurehttp://groups.google.com/group/postscarcity (also, Nathan is apparently now at Factor E Farm)18:29
fennheh dunno man, i'm just happy he's not on OM anymore :)18:30
kanzuredid you listen to Joseph's talk over the radio?18:30
genethis is what the stock market did 〽18:30
fenni meant to remind you to dump the stream to disk but i forgot18:30
fenni think i've heard just about everything there is to hear about "post-scarcity" anyway18:31
kanzureit's true, nothing new was really said18:31
kanzurethough this was more for me to see where Joseph was in all of this,18:31
kanzurewhether or not he understands etc. and it seems like he does18:31
fennone way to do robotic assembly without machine vision or feeders is to line up your parts in boxes18:33
kanzure3_http://www.blogtalkradio.com/fastforwardradio  there was a download link for the mp3 but now the page sucks because the site sucks.18:33
fenngene there are like 30,000 unicode symbols..18:33
geneyou can also use laser scanners18:33
geneI know18:33
geneI am surprised they would even have ☣ in there18:34
fennthat looks like crap in xterm18:34
geneor for that matter this ✈▌▌18:34
kanzure3_okay, that's it18:34
kanzure3_"Look inside yourself for the answer"18:34
kanzure3_fuck him.18:34
geneis it time to b& him?18:35
genebehold the time cube: ⬔18:36
fennall i see is a box18:36
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kanzuregene, you going to the robot group meeting tonight?19:02
kanzureI'm trying to get Max More, Natasha, and Amil (or however you spell his name) to go19:02
kanzurehitching a ride with Derek Bridges in his tiny little two-seater truck19:03
nshare you going to try and pass yourselves off as very realistic cyborgs?19:06
nsh*androids even19:06
kanzureI seem to have already fooled you foolish mortals19:06
nshi had my suspicions :-)19:07
genewhy we do this:19:20
wrldpcwtf does fawzi do besides philosophize?19:24
genewhen's the robot group meeting?20:03
geneif you say today, no20:04
nshhe said20:05
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kanzureWell that was interesting.23:29
kanzureI went to the robot group meeting23:29
kanzureand spontaneously encountered David Treadwell23:29
kanzurequite interesting in person23:29
kanzureI'd put him in the same room with Steve..23:30

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