
--- Day changed Sat Feb 07 2009
-!- splicer [n=patrik@h71n1c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]00:03
kanzureso another issue is that we want to do full bootstrapping and kitmaking for other shops.00:06
kanzureI think I might have to go ask Alec and go figure out orgmode :)00:06
fenntoo much on your platter?00:07
kanzureno, I mean, I'll figure out orgmode on my own of course00:07
kanzureand yes, 00:07
kanzureif you're willing to take some off my platter for me, ..00:07
fennwhat needs doing?00:08
kanzurea business plan? heh'00:08
kanzureI mean, renting is fine, but I can't guarantee him that people would fill up the spots00:08
fennperhaps you should hire an MBA consultant for a few kilobucks :P00:08
kanzureand he's open to suggestions on other possible ways to do this00:08
fennwhat are the costs?00:09
kanzuretotal monthly rent, free water, electricity, health inspection (or something like that?)00:09
fennhe's renting the place?00:10
fennum, why?00:10
kanzuredon't know?00:10
fenndo you know how much rent is?00:11
* fenn grumbles00:12
fennnot insurmountable but enough to require constant attention00:13
fennthat's a CNC mill every month00:13
kanzureI want to go back and do a full inventory of the place re: all of the tools00:13
kanzureI wouldn't mind making a CNC mill every month00:13
kanzurethat's kinda the idea00:13
fennno i mean the materials for a CNC mill cost about $2k (using conventional methods)00:14
fennare you busy with school?00:15
kanzuresort of.00:15
kanzureless so than last semester, but still I'm busy00:15
kanzurebut this can take priority easily00:15
kanzureI was thinking of somehow getting you on the phone with Leslie (Les)00:16
kanzureand then going from there00:16
fenni'm not very good at the telephone00:16
kanzurehrm, well, email00:17
fennknow his number/schedule?00:18
kanzurehis schedule seems to be pretty free, hold on a sec00:18
kanzureLeslie Filip 512 962 653400:19
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kanzureargh, I need to have had "fabuntu" done *yesterday*00:20
fennactually things are looking pretty sweet on the linux cad/cam front00:21
kanzurewell I mean more for inventory, BOMs, accounting, stuff like that00:21
kanzureCAD/CAM does seem fine, yes00:21
fenndunno if you saw these links: http://code.google.com/p/libactp/ http://code.google.com/p/libarea/ http://code.google.com/p/heekscad/ http://code.google.com/p/heekscnc/00:22
kanzure I looked at libarea, but didn't see much 00:22
fennit's just this thing that i'd been working on for months00:22
fennand not making any progress ;P00:22
fennso anyway, you need fablab accounting software00:23
fenni think they spend too much money anyway00:23
kanzureI guess I need to become a super linux system admin at the minimum00:23
fennyou mean you're not?00:24
kanzurewell, if I was a super admin, it would have already happened00:24
fennsysadmin != accountant00:24
kanzureblah, but there should be accounting software already00:25
fennmaybe bring it up on OM00:25
fennnow that fawzi's gone we can talk about money in practical terms :)00:25
kanzuredidn't Ned Lilly say that he deals specifically with this?00:25
fennxTuple, formerly OpenMFG, provides an open source ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system for companies of all sizes.00:26
fennwhatever that means00:26
fennprobably some SQL frontend00:27
kanzureQT GUI thingy00:28
fenn  Product00:28
fenn  Inventory  Schedule00:28
fenn  Purchase  Manufacture00:28
fenn  CRM  Sales00:28
fenn  Accounting  System00:28
fennjust reading this page hurts my soul00:30
kanzureit seems like this is an opportunity to "do things right"00:31
fenni just want a search engine and a 'buy it now' button00:31
fennfor the local database that is00:31
fenni wish yaml werent so finicky00:32
fennok i dont think openmfg is worth using00:33
kanzureme either00:33
kanzuresomehow Ned makes $14k off of it in consulting fees or something00:34
fenni'm going to assume that since this is for fablabs that the users will add their own features, so i dont have to have a bunch of crap that nobody really needs00:34
fennwait a sec, why did you need fabuntu "yesterday"?00:35
kanzureoh, just a saying.00:35
fennyeah but why?00:35
kanzurewell because if I would have been more confident in myself, I would have worked on that sort of software more I guess00:36
kanzureand then I would have had the software and said "yep, I have this ready to go"00:36
kanzurefor just this type of thing to spontaneously happen..00:36
kanzureand here I am, about the only other guy he knows that understands everything he's ranting about00:36
fennseems like there would be lots of people like that in austin00:36
fennmaybe its just the internet getting to me00:37
kanzure"dear lazyweb, please give me a fablab" 00:37
fennhey i dont see why not00:37
fennbtw can we never use the word "maker" please :)00:42
fenni feel like i'm hearing an ad for make zine every time i hear that word00:43
kanzure3_well, you are.00:43
fennbah fabuntu.org got sniped00:44
kanzure3_and that's why I archived.00:44
fennyeah but the domain name is still important00:44
fenni mean it was never "implemented" in the first place00:45
fennso the idea is all that matters00:45
fennand the domain name is a large part of the idea00:46
kanzure3_oh right.00:46
kanzure3_I thought you thought the domain name sucked?00:46
fenni dont remember00:46
fennit might have been one of my cyclical "i hate the world and especially fablab" phases00:47
kanzure3_it's ok, we all hate each other or something00:47
-!- fenn changed the topic of #hplusroadmap to: "dear lazyweb, please give me a fablab" "okay"00:48
fennso i'm going to be inventorying my crap, and building an inventory app at the same time00:48
fennbut i think its bedtime for me today00:49
kanzure3_same here, but music first or something00:49
fenndamn programming projects are piling up lately00:49
fennyou know how to rotate things in opengl?00:50
kanzure3_um, translate3f ?00:50
kanzure3_blargh, where's my opengl superbible00:50
kanzure3_still at the dead house00:50
kanzure3_sounds about right00:50
fenner glRotatef(theta,x,y,z)00:50
fennanyway the problem is getting the order right, or something00:51
fennhttp://fennetic.net/pub/irc/vismach.py scroll down to Track and look at the apply method00:51
fennso i have azimuth and elevation but i cant figure out how to rotate the damn object to those angles00:52
kanzure3_hrm, are you sure it should come after glPushMatrix() ?00:52
-!- splicer [n=patrik@h71n1c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #hplusroadmap00:53
fennthat sets the origin at 0 so when i rotate it doesnt rotate around the center of the scene (i think)00:53
kanzure3_the others have glRotatef before glPushMatrix, btw00:53
kanzure3_the other methods I mean, like in CylinderX somewhere00:53
kanzure3_    #glPushMatrix()00:57
kanzure3_    #glTranslatef(-3.0, -2.0, 0.0)00:57
kanzure3_    #glRotatef(angle, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)00:57
kanzure3_    #glCallList(gear1)00:57
kanzure3_    #glPopMatrix()00:57
* kanzure3_ found Ray's "The Singularity is Near" on one of the bookshelfs00:58
kanzure3_http://www.boingboing.net/2009/02/06/crowdsourced-science.html  00:59
kanzure3_how to do a gel in a straw00:59
fenni made boingboing?00:59
kanzure3_yes :)00:59
fennand i didnt even have to do anything!00:59
fenntoo bad they got the credit wrong01:00
kanzure3_This was a recent topic of discussion on the DIYbio mailing list. Ben Lipkowitz wondered whether it would be possible to use a narrow, rigid tube to contain the gel, rather than a big carrier. This would allow for the use of less buffer and lower voltage, since a physically smaller amount of gel is a smaller resistor."01:01
* fenn investigates "keiki" stuff01:01
kanzure3_"We're calling these "keiki gels" because they're so small and cute -- and so simple, even a little kid can do them."01:02
kanzure3_"This should lend itself to easy mass production: take a largish tub, mix water and agar-agar in it and dump a couple of whole-sale packages of drinking straws in the tub.01:02
kanzure3_Lift each straw back out, pinching the ends, and put it to cool and set.01:02
kanzure3_And in a few hours, you've a years supply of phoresis tubes."01:02
fennheh google groups doesnt do a very good job of hiding email addresses01:19
fennoh nevermind that's my google account01:20
-!- splicer__ [n=patrik@h71n1c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has quit [Success]01:23
fennhttp://garethbranwyn.com/borg.html this is funny because its the guy who wrote http://streettech.com/bcp/03:05
-!- ybit [n=heath@unaffiliated/ybit] has quit [Remote closed the connection]05:22
-!- ybit [n=heath@unaffiliated/ybit] has joined #hplusroadmap05:40
-!- wrldpc [n=ben@] has quit []07:35
-!- mindspillage [n=kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]08:05
kanzure3_http://groups.google.com/group/diybio/members?&sort=date&order=rev 583 members08:31
kanzure3_http://www.halfbakery.com/idea/Nut_20Vending_20Machine   08:42
kanzure3_"Vending machine for nuts (the hardware type). For each type and thread of nut, have a long screw with a small motor (you could even have a hand-turned version). The screw is covered in nuts, in a hex-shaped hole. When money is deposited, the screw turns a fixed number of times for your selected product, and the nut falls off the end of the screw."08:42
kanzure3_"Fastenal—a vending machine that dispenses nuts and bolts."08:43
kanzure3_"SmartStore is a secure, fully-automated Fastenal store right in your location. Fastenal's exclusive SmartStore service provides you with the latest online Industrial Vending Technology. Local Fastenal Store personnel manage the inventory for you and keep your SmartStore stocked. Best of all, you only pay for the products you use."08:43
kanzure3_http://www.wickedblog.com/2007/02/17/open-source-vending-machine/   "freedom toaster" burns software.08:45
fennhahaha that's awesome09:18
kanzure3_http://img2.timeinc.net/people/i/2006/celebdatabase/keanureeves/keanu_reeves1ALT_300_400.jpg  <- Les might as well be his twin09:22
fenni like the rfid lockers http://www.fastenal.com/content/solutions/pdf/smartstore.pdf09:33
fennon the last page09:34
kanzure3_I wonder how this dispenses nuts and bolts09:37
kanzure3_I guess you could do it by the bag09:37
kanzure3_and then when you get stuff in the mail, sort it into little baggies09:37
kanzure3_Les mentioned "upcreation"11:37
kanzure3_but it just links over to Kevin Kelly's The Technium article on David Gingery11:37
kanzure3_http://openfarmtech.org/weblog/?p=499 steam engine schematics11:40
kanzurehm, Smari suggests letting the small stuff go for free, but then adding 10% of the price on the big stuff (like microcontroller boards etc.)11:49
kanzureand also asking people to give rough estimates of what they've used in terms of small stuff11:50
kanzurebut this doesn't sound like a good idea11:50
kanzureit would be awesome if I could force everyone to do BOMs11:50
kanzure3_Our product up in the RRG is OSCAR and the spin out company is Agile Planet."12:04
kanzure3_"A first company ARM Automation made a push for industrial grade,12:08
kanzure3_reconfigurable hardware automation, but found their best revenue sources12:08
kanzure3_didn't come from novel, expensive hardware but simply from the12:08
kanzure3_bunch-of-smart-guys-who-can-solve-your-automation-problems model."12:08
kanzure3_So we have: (1) http://www.instructables.com/id/5_minute_DNA_Extraction_in_a_Shot_Glass/ 12:50
kanzure3_and now there's (2) drinking draw molecular separator http://www.boingboing.net/2009/02/06/crowdsourced-science.html12:50
kanzure3_that's not a bad start. (3) ???12:50
kanzure3_methlyene blue is available at fish supply stores?12:52
fennyep, antifungal treatment13:00
geneguess what13:17
geneyou can do ligation with DNA polymerase13:19
genein extension PCR13:19
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@c-71-198-6-29.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap13:21
kanzureDavid Nunez, David Treadwell, David Rauchwerk, David Dalrymple, screw this. No more "Davids" allowed in the open source hardware scene. :p13:32
geneholy cow we did it13:55
kanzure3_fun to find out that it worked from boingboing13:56
kanzure3_rather than finding out from us, huh?13:56
geneI think I might start an extension PCR thread13:57
geneextension PCR+ maskless lithography gene synthesis = gene compiler13:57
geneoh yeah, Kanzure I forgot to tell you what the biobrick group is doing here14:00
genetheir putting eukaryotic genes into prokaryotes!14:01
kanzure3_I thoguht Ellington no longer wanted to do biobricks.14:01
kanzure3_is this a different group?14:01
genedifferent group14:01
kanzure3_which one?14:01
geneeukaryotic gene control sequences14:01
genenot sure14:01
kanzure3_No, what lab group.14:02
kanzure3_Then how do you know?14:02
genenot sure14:02
genelearned about at the undergrad research fair14:02
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@c-71-198-6-29.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit ["This computer has gone to sleep"]14:02
kanzure3_I think my six hours at the shop were better spent :)14:02
kanzure3_you'll have to go sometime14:02
kanzure3_bus accessible.14:03
genesix hours!14:04
genetime it takes to get there?14:04
kanzure3_ten minutes?14:04
kanzure3_we stopped and ate somewhere for lunch, or dinner or something14:04
genemachines they have there?14:05
kanzure3_I didn't do a full inventory list,14:05
kanzure3_but there's a mechmate, all sorts of vacuum presses and vacuums stuff, drill presses, full woodworking shop,14:05
kanzure3_table saws, drills, plans to start on a lathe soon, etc.14:05
geneno lasercutter?14:06
kanzure3_next time I go back, I'm doing a full inventory (screw this shit)14:06
kanzure3_no laser cutter, but the waterjet is down the street14:06
kanzure3_water cutter thing, I mean14:06
geneprice to use?14:06
kanzure3_no idea14:06
kanzure3_to use the water cutter? no idea14:06
genegood enough possibly better14:06
kanzure3_but using this fablab? near zilch14:06
gene3d printer?14:07
kanzure3_no, but let's make one14:07
geneummm... about that14:07
kanzure3_he's put in $100k+ into this shop so far, but he wants to bootstrap it14:07
genethe 3d printer is down14:07
kanzure3_this was going to be the Austin TechShop, but he backed out when he realized the business model sucked14:07
genehow's he paying for it?14:08
fenndear lazy web, please give me a business model14:08
kanzure3_fenn: coworking + consulting. that's what I'm thinking of at this point.14:08
kanzure3_gene: out of pocket.14:08
genethe 3d printer shows signs of sabotage14:09
fennwhat's that snickering sound?14:09
kanzure3_fenn: the gnomes.14:09
geneextruder got destroyed14:09
genethere are strange circular marks on the walls14:09
fennyep sounds like gnomes alright14:10
kanzure3_was there gold dust all over the place?14:10
fennwhen they swing down from the ceiling on their pirate ropes, their toenails make scratch marks on the walls14:10
genethere was a note saying: "DO NOT BUILD A REPRAP, DO NOT LET SKYNET BECOME SENTIENT"14:11
kanzure3_fenn: wouldn't that be the wrong parabolic arc that would be made?14:11
genethe printer is broken though14:11
kanzure3_hm, I guess not14:11
genebroke when printing the xcarriage too14:11
fennguess you'll just have to make it with materials on hand14:12
genethe biggest part14:12
kanzure3_I had a lot of fun just pushing around the mechmate :p14:12
geneor wait for the printer to get repaired14:12
genehmmm... I guess you could use a giant fancily carved victorian style sign on your door14:14
genemaybe even carved into your door14:17
genebut good luck sneaking out your door14:18
* fenn mumbles something about Hektor with a dremel attached14:21
kanzure3_yes, so we were talking about hektor the other day with Dave14:22
kanzure3_"so how would you figure out where it is" asked gene14:22
kanzure3_"well, you'd know the starting position"14:22
kanzure3_"how?" asked gene.14:22
kanzure3_or, rather, he said 14:22
kanzure3_something? and then the response was "or you can just take a picture" and that was the end of that14:22
kanzure3_gee, without that line this sounds kind of stupid14:22
kanzure3_but it's funny.14:22
kanzure3_so, *insert some ridiculously complicated method in place of my inability to remember the actual line14:23
fennparallel matrix deconvolution14:23
genenoncartesian positioning systems can be a bitch sometimes14:23
genebut not this one14:24
geneit doesn't rotate14:24
fennwe need someone who's proficient in ideonomy14:24
geneit's just acouple easy to calculate vectors14:24
kanzure3_the ideonomy guy quit. I'm sure the job was killing him.14:25
fenngene: what's the formula for hektor?14:25
kanzure3_isn't this just trigonometry though?14:25
kanzure3_the amount of string to release for each side is just a matter of the angle and current position in terms of vectors and such14:26
geneextracting math data files14:26
fennyou have 2 lengths and from that somehow you end up with x/y coordinates14:26
kanzure3_I mean, that's not clearly stated, but those are the components that you have to consider14:26
gene3 fenn14:26
kanzure3_hektor did 2,14:26
fennbut it's the "somehow from that" which was never clearly explained14:26
kanzure3_but dave suggested 314:26
fennyeah i think 6 is best14:26
fennfsvo "best"14:27
kanzure3_ok ok screw this shit14:27
kanzure3_let's just do a library that scales up for extra dimensions of movability14:27
kanzure3_so, with just one string hanging down from the side of the building, you should be able to do a line (minus wind)14:27
fennbut we dont have extra dimensions of movability14:27
kanzure3_and then if you have two, then you should be able to model that as well14:27
kanzure3_well, I was figuring you'd just let people add as many as they want for the situation14:27
fennthere's only 6 degrees of freedom14:27
-!- samrose [n=samrose@c-24-11-214-181.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap14:27
kanzure3_so model the max, 6, and then just disable parts14:28
kanzure3_*just disable some of them14:28
fenni dont know how to do that14:28
genewith one string hanging down from a building you could have jets that move the marker carriage around14:28
fennor gyroscopes!14:28
kanzure3_really? I'll spend a few moments on a piece of paper in a bit, this shouldn't be that hard14:28
kanzure3_this is trivial .. or at least it should be14:28
kanzure3_so one thing that people do with this is graffiti14:29
kanzure3_and I was just thinking it would be neat to construct one-time use 2-axis cnc machines for machining the sides of buildings14:29
geneor get rid of the string entirely and have a helicopter graffiti a building then fly away to some well hidden unmarked van that drives away14:29
genedisposable CNC machines?14:30
kanzure3_well, for sufficiently large buildings, the effect would far outweigh the price of deploying the cnc machine14:30
fennyou'd need at least 5 cables to properly restrain it, so might as well go with 614:30
kanzure3_not necessarily disposable, but at least "meh, we don't care if we lose it"14:30
kanzure3_maybe machine your likeness into the side of the building, for instance14:30
kanzure3_Mt. Bishop14:30
fenni was thinking you set up a giant octahedral truss with a suspended platform and then squirt out the building materials like a giant reprap14:31
gene"mam, my car appears to have broken down"14:31
kanzure3_fenn: are you talking about a giant reprap on the side of a building?14:31
kanzure3_what about the drip factor?14:31
kanzure3_("why build on the ground when you can build off the wall")14:32
gene"part #,"  "306A",  machine in the background hastily machine part 306A14:32
genedrip factor enhances some graffiti14:33
fennno i mean squirting out the whole building structure14:33
fenndrippy graffiti is just lame14:33
kanzure3_material cost, fenn?14:33
fennpossibly less than pouring big slabs of concrete14:33
kanzure3_if you put a reprap on the side of a building, with the nozzle horizontal, I'm pretty sure the plastic would just drip to the ground instead of making anything on the side of the building14:33
genespeaking of kreative krime kanzure, you know klok knot?14:33
fennthere was some site where they wanted to use various geometries of gypsum for different material properties, i cant remember the name of the site now tho14:34
fennguy was real into termite mounds14:34
genethat big piece waste of orange painted steel14:34
geneit's orange14:34
kanzure3_out in front of ETC?14:34
fennlooks red-orange to me14:35
genein the picture14:35
fenndoes it fling pumpkins?14:35
kanzure3_it does nothing :(14:35
geneok well they forgot to put in a placard saying what it is....14:35
geneit stays in static equilibrium14:36
fenneven a turd does more than that14:36
kanzure3_"Top: Mark di Suvero greets a well-wisher.14:36
kanzure3_Bottom: Crowd studies sculpture's base."14:36
kanzure3_not shown: crowd wonders why the fuck they spent a million on this14:37
fenni ought to go ride my bike or something14:37
geneit also attains thermodynamic equilibrium or trys to at least14:37
genethere is no placard saying what it is14:37
gene"here lies a bunch of steel welded into a quasi-random random configuration performing absolutely no function"14:39
fenngod all of his stuff looks exactly like that14:39
fennhow do these people do it?14:40
fennso, you going to give it poodle puffs or what?14:40
geneor this marks the fateful date in 1935, when man finally learned he was not alone in the universe, and a martian visitation ship landed on this very spot14:41
genegood idea fenn14:41
geneI have some incredibly strong magnets14:41
geneI wonder if I could scale that thing14:41
fennthink you could access the roof of three nearby buildings? :)14:41
fennhmm.. potato cannon?14:42
genemaybe, why?14:42
fenn(magnet)---rope---(giant puffball)14:42
fennaim high14:42
fennhmm i guess you'd need to deploy the puffball after it attached14:43
genewell one of my friends builds extremely elaborate custom nerf guns, just the other day, we ponder nerf darts with LEDs and magnets14:43
genethere is also a road that goes by that building14:43
fennman that thing would be so much cooler if it were a trebuchet14:44
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geneit would15:05
genebut I don't think they will let us reconfigure it for such purposes15:06
geneit's surrounded on all sides by buildings and road15:06
kanzure3_ilevine@usm.maine.edu  hm..15:17
kanzure3_phytoremediation technology development15:17
kanzure3_real name is Ira.. hah. 15:22
kanzure3_this guy has no published research in harvesting, why is he speaking about harvesting?15:25
kanzure3_http://scienceblogs.com/neurophilosophy/2009/02/synaesthesia_the_neurological_condition_in.php  genetics of syneaesthesia15:29
kanzure3_ 15:47
kanzure3_http://openwetware.org/wiki/Citizen_Science/The_Urinomics_Project   uronomics: open source piss15:48
kanzure3_http://www.youtube.com/swf/l.swf?swf=http%3A//s.ytimg.com/yt/swf/cps-vfl76849.swf&video_id=_FozZluRvrc&rel=1&eurl=http%3A//openwetware.org/wiki/Citizen_Science/Open_Spectrophotometer_Project/Application&iurl=http%3A//i4.ytimg.com/vi/_FozZluRvrc/hqdefault.jpg&sk=xh8zRZCDeFj01_Jr4YnstDkaTL0gVbnFC&use_get_video_info=1&load_modules=1&cr=US  spectrophotometer prototype on youtube15:49
geneI learned something bad about biodiesel the other day16:08
genediesel very dirt16:08
genecreates lots of particulates16:08
geneIE stuff that messes up your lungs16:09
kanzure3_did you think it had no output or something?16:09
kanzure3_I mean, when ran through an engine16:09
genewell you can get rid of the particulates though16:09
genefor a prices16:09
geneoh yeah there is such a thing as free energy16:09
kanzure3_only if you mean "without monetary bullshit"16:10
genesome wind farms out in west texas generate so much energy that they give it away for free16:10
kanzure3_right, but that's different16:10
kanzure3_originally, "free energy" meant "violating the laws of physics"16:11
kanzure3_but I've been using it recently to mean "without that thingy that everyone else calls money"16:11
geneI know what free energy originally meant kanzure16:12
genebut really kanzure, think about it16:13
kanzure3_you know what, money is like playing The Game16:13
kanzure3_the one that you just lost..16:13
geneyou put a factory there or a big server server farm16:14
kanzure3_put it where?16:14
genein west texas16:14
kanzure3_you're talking about the windmills?16:14
geneby the windturbines16:14
genewhat game?16:14
geneI have a note that says that all memories of that have been erased16:15
geneurinomics,  it's gross but it must be done16:17
kanzure3_"It is possible to keep N distributed copies synchronized by trajectory16:23
kanzure3_forcing which would make them one person, but it's rather pointless, other16:23
kanzure3_than as a hot spare in a high availability setup (My name is Inigo Montoya.16:23
kanzure3_You kill -9 my parent process. Prepare to vi)." - Eugen Leitl16:23
genewhat is bil conference?16:24
kanzure3_it's like TED except free and ran by Todd Huffman, destructive neural uploading technologist + fablab organizer16:24
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genealmost forgot, you know that supercomputer we have?16:27
geneit did surgery on a dog16:27
geneusing a laser16:27
kanzure3_"it did" what did it do exactly?16:28
geneprostatic laser excision of cancerous tissue16:28
kanzure3_yes, but what did *it* do?16:28
geneit looked at the tisse16:29
genemodeled the tissue16:29
kanzure3_so, it turned a camera on and off16:29
kanzure3_what does that mean though? data entry?16:29
genethen determined how much laser each cell could get16:29
generead it16:30
kanzure3_"Using precise lasers, state-of-the-art thermal imaging technology, and computational methods that synthesize complex information in a fraction of a second, dynamic, data-driven laser treatments are being pursued as a minimally invasive alternative to the standard treatment of cancer."16:30
kanzure3_so it was just Pennes' 1948 bioheat transfer model plus plugging in data taken from thermal imaging16:31
kanzure3_I guess that's "doing surgery". but it's really just a very specicifc hack16:32
geneso where's your dna synthesis page16:37
kanzurethat one?16:38
geneok good16:38
geneyou saw this?16:39
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kanzure3_"is there an mvc like rails, cakephp, django, etc for iphone apps?"18:08
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genespeaking of that18:17
genethere's an iphone dev club on campus18:17
kanzurehow do these students afford iphones again?18:17
genedidn't you see the posters?18:17
genethey're a dev group18:17
kanzuremaybe they're just playing with the emulators. hrm.18:18
kanzureno, I did not18:18
geneyou don't need a phone to dev18:18
kanzureSDK + emulator, yeah.18:18
geneI got an idea for a product18:18
genea very very useless one18:18
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geneit's simple too18:49
geneI want make a very very accurate simulation of [REDACTED]18:52
geneyou think you can run fluid dynamics on the iphone?18:53
kanzure3_the question is whether or not it would complete the fluid dynamics simulations within any reasonable amount of time18:54
kanzure3_but the answer is yes.18:54
genedon't worry in this application things move rather slowly18:54
geneit is a very useless iPhone app18:57
geneprobably even boring18:58
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genewould you like to help kanzure?19:00
kanzure3_you haven't told me what it is that you want to do yet.19:00
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kanzure3_http://unptnt.com/ hm. "unptnt is down. try blog.unptnt.com"20:41
kanzure3_http://unptnt.wufoo.com/forms/unptnt-alpha/ hm..20:42
kanzure3_http:// <- this is a tumblr page. wtf? 20:47
kanzure3_http://www.pokylinux.org/ "20:53
kanzure3_Poky is an open source platform build tool. It is a complete software development environment for the creation of Linux devices. It enables you to design, develop, build, debug, and test a complete, modern, software stack using Linux, the X Window System and GNOME Mobile based application frameworks for both x86 and ARM based platforms."20:53
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kanzure3_"Dave Rauchwerk, Chief Technology Officer 20:56
kanzure3_Dave is a founder of three45.  His background is bio-mechanical engineering.  He has worked with orthopedic surgeons to develop prototype surgical instrumentation for Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery and large gauge needle placement. He attended the Louisiana State University."20:56
kanzure3_just keeping track of things.20:57
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fennso james newton is behind massmind.org? that's lame22:09
fennoh maybe he just uses it22:09
fenni dont get why anyone would contribute to a wiki that "aggressively defends against copying"22:10
kanzure3_I don't know if James Newton == Jim Newton of TechShop22:24
fennso todd huffman immediately started organizing bil after returning from afghanistan?22:28
kanzurehe's been organizing it for quite a while22:29
kanzurealso, he travels like crazy22:29
kanzuredefense contracting pays well apparently22:29
proctoI'll be able to apply for US citizenship in just a few days22:30
proctoand when I get "in"22:30
proctoI'll be able to do fun defense contractin', too22:30
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* fenn adds to reading list: http://www.templetons.com/brad/robocars/22:39
fennthis sounds almost like an artificial immune system: "I read an article the other day about the FDA approving an experimental procedure for testing in humans - they pull out some T Cells, deactivate the gene that produces the protein HIV bonds to in the cell wall, breed billions of them, and inject them back into you.  Presto: HIV resistant immune system."22:42
kanzureI need to know how to do this fablab thing..22:44
kanzureit's a rather big system to wrap my head around22:45
fennask for help and delegate tasks?22:46
fennget commitments from people22:46
fennespecially make sure les won't back out22:46
kanzureI've been asking around- alec, smari, sam, talli, tito, hessel, todd, amy22:46
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kanzureI'm pretty sure les isn't going to back out :)22:46
kanzurelocally, treadwell seems interested in helping out, I'm sure charlie is interested, and maybe rauchwerk22:47
fenni'm willing to restructure my life around if necessary22:47
kanzuredavid nunez used to be interested, but he's in boston (and it turns out he was just speaking with alec yesterday)22:48
kanzureright, hrm, so I need to make sure things are going to be happening22:48
fenn(not that i had much of anything planned anyway)22:48
kanzureare you still jobless?22:48
kanzureprobability of that interview working out in your favor?22:48
kanzurewell, if we can figure out some way to put you up as "resident gnurd" or something, that would be ideal22:49
fenni wouldnt mind finding a nearby 20-something house, if such things exist in austin22:49
kanzure20 means what?22:49
fennbunch of kids living together sharing costs22:50
kanzureI need to get out of this dorm, remaining parent has been pushing me to dorm up with somebody else to split costs22:50
fenndorms are stupid22:50
kanzure(it costs an arm and a leg, you see)22:50
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fennit's like 70 degrees in austin, wtf do i need a house for22:52
fennno, see the plan is to migrate with the seasons :022:52
fennpossibly between austin/boston22:52
kanzurebut that would be smart22:52
fennyeah but unfortunately the whole rent/job thing is designed to prevent mobility22:53
fennunless you're wealthy enough to have a "summer home"22:53
kanzureI think you should email les and try to describe your interest in gingery, bootstrapping, fablabs, and see if he thinks things can go down if you move down here and if I also commit and might be able to get one or two others of variable commitment involved as 'core team' (though not in terms of funding)22:54
kanzureactually, maybe rauchwerk has funding. his angel asked me how much a fablab would need, last wednesday, and I said "$50k" and just sent an email explaining that it's much much less now.22:55
kanzure(or, not explaining that, but rather saying how it's already there)22:56
genelol I should probably change my nick23:04
fennwell, good night. perhaps i'll think of something to write to les23:12
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