
--- Day changed Mon Feb 09 2009
kanzure3_if Amazon had half a brain, they'd turn Kindle into "rekindle", a creative commons front.00:30
-!- gene [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-93-215.public.utexas.edu] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]00:45
kanzure3_well, you get the idea. not quite what I want though.00:45
-!- gene [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-93-215.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap00:46
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-!- wrldpc [n=ben@] has joined #hplusroadmap03:21
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-!- nsh [n=kaapo@c49.adsl.tnnet.fi] has quit ["Your mom is so ugly, when she went to McDonalds, they couldn't serve happy meals."]06:37
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kanzure3_what the fuck09:47
kanzure3_http://tinyurl.com/b4lrvm "what’s a fab lab good for? (killing Americans & American jobs?)"09:47
kanzure3_"Inside the Elphel open source camera: LinuxDevices has published a paper that goes deep into into the open sou.. http://tinyurl.com/dmo3ly"09:49
-!- samrose [n=samrose@c-24-11-214-181.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap09:51
kanzure3_http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:319 Oomlaut's automatic wire stripper09:59
kanzureugh. got an email from Eugen Leitl about "econophysicists" and their "identification of the world's top 10 most powerful companies"10:13
kanzure*stab stab stab*10:13
fenneconophysicist eh10:15
fennare there econochemists and econobiologists too?10:16
kanzureI wonder why oomlout was so disinterested in collaboration.10:24
fennhow's that?10:25
kanzure3_they're the ones who did an instructable on a 3-axis cnc machine, and now the automatic wire strippers,10:26
kanzure3_and when I emailed them, offering them the openmanufacturing list and such, they kindly asked me "if we're doing anything wrong, we'll change from using 'open manufacturing' to something else"10:26
kanzure3_i.e., very defensive. it was weird.10:26
-!- nsh [n=kaapo@c49.adsl.tnnet.fi] has quit ["Your mom is so ugly, when she went to McDonalds, they couldn't serve happy meals."]10:26
fenni wonder how long until someone trademarks "open manufacturing"10:27
fennhmmmmm @ http://wiki.elphel.com/images/7/70/10353-10369-assy_blowup.jpeg10:30
kanzure3_yay for mspaint arrows10:30
kanzure3_Fluorophores.org - Database of fluorescent dyes.11:00
fennFear the newest weapon in the war of music piracy! ARRRRR! http://www.flickr.com/photos/31040609%40N02/3211092627/in/pool-make11:18
fennjust don't leave it lying around in Boston11:18
kanzure3_"This is the worlds most utterly badass mp3 player. So badass in fact that you can't use it as you might die a horrible painful death."11:19
kanzure3_I think I'll mail one to ladyada, or whoever that poor chick was from the Boston-area airport.11:19
kanzure3_it needs to have a loudspeaker attached to it11:20
kanzure3_I was figuring it would be something that you toss into a crowd and it plays RIAA music and then charges every single person $15 or whatever the cost of the song was11:21
kanzure3_then proceed to toss it into a crowd at some fancy dinner.11:21
kanzurefenn: get to the les email.11:53
kanzure3_what an odd thing to complain about11:55
fenni find it hard to dump my life story on someone i dont know much about and have never talked to11:59
kanzure3_what can I do11:59
fennnothing, just kick me in the ass every once in a while12:02
fenneventually enough momentum will be imparted that i'll begin to move12:02
kanzure3_what I'm trying to figure out is how to guarantee to Les that "this time, we mean it for reals"12:02
kanzure3_because other times he's had these initiatives fail. last time it was because techshop sucked.12:02
fennwe need to analyze why techshop failed12:03
fennbecause it sounds like a great idea to me12:03
kanzure3_ho ho ho, he did. he has a great deal of work on that.12:03
fenni'm looking forward to seeing it12:03
kanzure3_well, it turns out it was because the business model was to have members paying $100/mo12:03
kanzure3_but then if you look at the number of tools that you have, and then the maximum capacity,12:03
kanzure3_there's this huge discrepancy.12:03
fennis $100/mo not enough?12:03
kanzure3_it's not enough, but also too much for an individual to pay.12:03
fenni dont see why the tools cost so much12:03
kanzure3_also re: max capacity of tool stations12:04
kanzure3_he's been building the $100k+ machines for $2k, that sort of thing12:04
kanzure3_I'm still surprised he was so much in line with what I was spewing12:04
kanzure3_if somebody spent nearly 100% of their time on this project,12:04
kanzure3_I wonder if that would be enough?12:04
fennhow much is enough? :)12:05
fenni dont think one person by themself is enough (been there, done that)12:05
kanzure3_well, there's also les.12:05
kanzure3_I think we can get four: me, you, les, treadwell, and then there's lots of others that have some varying degree of understanding of what's going on12:06
kanzure3_I don't know if though if you have a "core team" that understands the 'vision' is enough12:06
kanzure3_(oh, also rauchwerk, but I don't know if he's interested in devoting time to this)12:06
fennas long as we dont kill each other it should be great :)12:06
kanzure3_heh. "turn that light off! rawr"12:06
fennreminds me of bugs bunny12:08
kanzure3_how's that?12:08
kanzure3_les' priority might be getting some of the space rented out. in which case, the priority then is just randomly finding people off of craigslist interested in the coworking space. then it can start paying for itself. although maybe the consulting model would work (if les doesn't want to be a part of that, that's fine)- and get some funds in the name of the fablab in place.12:10
fenn"Turn out that light!" is a reference to countless WWII era cartoons  which used that same phrase.  This refers to the  mandatory blackouts of cities to prevent against night bombing.  12:10
kanzure3_or, maybe it would be a better idea to just do the mechmate kits first or something.12:11
kanzure3_hrm. I don't know where to begin.12:11
fenndo the kits first?  i thought mechmate was assembled and done?12:11
fennor you mean building them and shipping aruond the world12:11
kanzure3_also, the mechmate is only partially done12:12
kanzure3_the electronics aren't assembled, but they are laying around12:12
kanzure3_and there's a welding bug that has to be fixed.12:12
fennwell that sounds familiar12:12
fenni'll make sure to bring a round tuit12:12
fenngod i want to kill whoever decided to make images for signed-in-only on vbulletin12:13
fenn(as the default)12:14
kanzure3_sad that I once thought that I was 1337 for finding cracked versions of vbulletin12:14
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@] has joined #hplusroadmap12:21
xp_prghi anyone here?12:28
xp_prgI have basic wet lab questions, anyone interested?12:30
kanzure3_please don't ask to ask.12:34
xp_prgok, lets say I get the igem dna, what does it come in?12:34
xp_prgits like 3000 bio brick parts12:35
kanzure3_you mean, biobricks dna?12:35
kanzure3_last I heard, it's on paper in a notebook/binder12:35
xp_prgit is not a solution with dna in it?12:35
xp_prgI don't think your correct12:35
xp_prgthey send you and igem "kit"12:35
kanzure3_when you order DNA anyway, you usually get it without solution, i.e. draw12:36
xp_prgwhat is dry dna?12:36
kanzurelike a powder12:37
xp_prghmm... ok, then what do you do with it?12:37
kanzuremake a solution.12:37
xp_prgwhat is in the solution, just water?12:38
xp_prgis it pure water?12:38
kanzuremost definitely, must be.12:38
kanzure(brb, laundry)12:38
fennbiobricks come on filter paper12:43
xp_prgso then I put it into water, then what do I do with it?12:46
kanzure3_splice it into a plasmid vector12:48
kanzure3_you'll probably want to PCR it though, so that you have more of the same.12:48
xp_prgwhen do I want to use gel electrophloresis?12:49
kanzure3_"To check whether the PCR generated the anticipated DNA fragment (also sometimes referred to as the amplimer or amplicon), agarose gel electrophoresis is employed for size separation of the PCR products. The size(s) of PCR products is determined by comparison with a DNA ladder (a molecular weight marker), which contains DNA fragments of known size, run on the gel alongside the PCR products (see Fig. 3)."12:50
kanzure3_fenn: I wonder if the biobrick binder people are kind enough to provide a ladder.12:50
kanzure3_(although you shouldn't trust it even if they do)12:51
fenni dont believe in molecules anyway12:52
kanzure3_a conspiracy?12:52
fenncreative fantasy12:52
fenni dislike the gel ladder mentality12:54
fennit's partly why i wrote that post to diybio12:54
fennbiologists are so technically inept they are constantly finding ways to do things with the sloppiest techniques possible12:54
fennbut if their methods had decent repeatability you wouldn't need to run a calibration marker every single time12:55
kanzure3_where'd all our talk go re a non-gel method?12:55
fennnowhere, it was co-opted by "keiki gels"12:56
kanzure3_there was an article about a silicon surface used instead of gel electrophoresis, but IIRC it required some fancy semiconductor manufacturing12:56
kanzure3_wtf, I mentioned straws?12:56
fennthere's nothing wrong with gels inherently12:56
kanzure3_oct 19 200812:56
kanzure3_" 12:57
kanzure3_DNA electrophoresis in microfabricated arrays:"12:57
fennhuh. looks like tito was already thinking about this12:57
kanzure3_yay for our collective inability to remember what we wrote.12:58
fennthis is the inherent flaw of mailing lists12:59
kanzure3_recently I've been linking back to my earlier posts more frequently.12:59
kanzure3_new members not knowing what was discussed before (who the hell- other than me- reads archives?)12:59
kanzure3_aha, the july post.13:00
xp_prgwhat is this opensource camera thing?13:00
kanzure3_nope, wrong link.13:00
kanzure3_xp_prg: open source hardware :)13:00
xp_prgwhat does the camera do that is better than a normal camera?13:01
kanzure3_the information on how to make it is free.13:01
kanzure3_(more or less)13:01
fennyou can hack the sensor frontend13:05
kanzure3_http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/High%20resolution%20DNA%20separations%20using%20microchip%20electrophoresis.pdf High resolution DNA separations using microchip electrophoresis13:05
fennfor doing stuff like this (i guess): http://thomaspfeifer.net/fpga_dsp_bildverarbeitung.htm13:05
fennwatch the videos13:05
kanzure3_I wish I could find the original links on gels-but-with-no-gels13:05
fennum, scroll down to "squirrel tracker"13:07
fennhe later goes on to do augmented reality with barcodes13:17
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fennkanzure3_: http://fennetic.net/pub/irc/les-email13:52
fennis he a telephone sort of person?13:52
-!- Netsplit hubbard.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: UtopiahGHML14:21
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fenn"if you too have a few stepper motors, a hand-held wire stripper and a bunch of nuts and bolts your life, too, can become easier." and a frickin LASER14:28
fenncan we ban fawzi yet? wah15:03
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fennman, "dragon's egg" only sold for $10k15:55
fennand because of that we have to deal with copyright crap for the rest of eternity?15:55
kanzurefenn: he and I met by email, he called me once to signify that he was within the area to pick me up. 16:00
kanzureat one point a few months ago I realized I had picked up a nasty habit16:01
kanzurewhen I sent an email to Dr. Campbell, I'd walk into his office to give him a little summary of what was in it16:01
kanzurethis is precisely the same stupid shit that people complain about "they send an email and then they *walk over* to ask if I've read it"16:02
kanzureso I don't know whether or not you should call him just before/after sending it16:02
kanzurealso, one too many exclamation marks  in first few sentences.16:03
kanzurealso, I mentioned to him - when I was at his warehouse - that it would be fun to have you living in there. you might want to clarify that this won't be the case.16:03
kanzuredon't know how serious he thought I was- I joke somewhat from time to time.16:04
fennhum. one exclamation mark is too many?16:05
kanzure3_I counted two16:05
kanzure3_does the salutation not count?16:05
fenni only see one16:05
fennoh "this is great news!"16:05
kanzure3_that's fine, but the salutation feels funny then16:06
fennoh well16:06
kanzure3_i'd s/workshop/fablab/ and do a few other things,16:06
kanzure3_is it ok if I modify your email a bit and send it back your way?16:06
fennyeah i bounced back and forth on fablab/workshop16:06
fenni already sent it16:06
kanzure3_workshop feels less serious 16:06
fenn... and he already responded16:06
fennIt would please me to no end to have a work16:09
fennspace big enough for people to live in, at least temporarily, while they work on their big ideas, but that is pretty much16:09
fennoff the table at this point.16:09
kanzure3_is that all?16:09
kanzure3_because you don't have to live there..16:09
kanzure3_I'd be willing to house you if you can chip in a percentage of rent, even if it's not a fair share of rent.16:10
fennthere is a lot more, forwarded..16:10
kanzure3_looks fine to me16:13
kanzure3_I haven't seen him write a long email yet, I'm glad he's coherent16:14
kanzurefunny how skdb was supposed to be about "what to do first" and here we have him saying that he also doesn't know what to do next16:18
kanzureI've made a request to Eric Hunting to see if he could apply his brain to this little problem of "holy shit I actually have a fablab"16:18
* kanzure heads off to buy a book and hand gene the paperwork16:25
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-!- kanzure-- [i=bryan@dhcp-84-248.me.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap16:54
kanzure--wonder when I'll break down and learn screen.16:54
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fennas soon as you have to mess with remote servers over ssh16:56
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kanzure--So, there are two irssi processes running on the server (where "kanzure" is living). Consequently, the log is filled with dupes. One irssi process is attached to tty2, which I knew. The other is pts/2, what does this mean? Also, where might that process be from? I'm guessing it's kanzure2, but when did I spawn him?16:58
kanzure--Hello tarbo2.17:20
-!- PeerInfinity [n=someone@] has joined #hplusroadmap17:28
kanzure--On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 5:42 PM, Leslie Filip <lfilip@mac.com> wrote:17:58
kanzure--> Excellent observations, all. The devil is in the details, as they say. This17:58
kanzure--> it.17:58
kanzure--> time around I am trying to be as conservative as possible with the plans and17:58
kanzure--> try to focus on a larger goal than just renting out space to whoever wants17:58
fenn"pseudo-terminals (pts) are  used for implementing terminal emulators such as xterm"  20:11
fenntty = teletype, what you get when you press ctrl-alt-f120:12
fennscreen is easy20:23
fenntype screen20:23
fennnow type irssi20:23
fennnow press ctrl-a, d20:23
fennnow type screen -x20:23
fennnow type screen -x in another terminal20:24
fennthe hard part for me was learning vim and irssi, (instead of kate and xchat, which dont work so well over ssh)20:27
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@] has quit ["This computer has gone to sleep"]20:47
bkeroYou can21:09
bkeroxpra lets you attach/detach X windows like screen.21:10
bkeroalso xmove21:10
fennyes i learn about this much later (still havent tried xpra)21:16
bkeroI could never get it to actually work21:17
-!- ybit [n=heath@unaffiliated/ybit] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]21:17
fennssh -X really wants to be on a LAN anyway21:17
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fennthin organic polymeric light emitting semiconductor surfaces (TOPLESS)21:33
fennseems like one could use a fresnel prism layer to direct light downwards, instead of lamp shades21:34
-!- gene [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-182-248.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap22:06
geneso I'm watching the matrix22:06
geneand I'm doing thermo22:06
kanzureI was just watching the matrix last night.22:18
kanzure(because les looks like neo)22:18
kanzurefenn: yes, I knew what tty is :)22:19
genebut the floating ships are totally possible22:27
genewithout any crazy future tech22:27
genejust superconducting magnets superconducting powercables22:28
fennoh, that's all22:28
geneno really22:29
kanzure3_fenn: did you subscribe to robotgroup?22:29
fenncavorite is so much simpler22:29
geneok room temperature sueperconductors22:29
fennkanzure3_: yes but i havent received anything yet22:29
kanzure3_and if so, are you seeing the shit emails being sent out about everyone with their different plans for les' shop?22:29
kanzure3_I want to stab them :/22:29
genebut damn, the machines look so cool22:29
kanzure3_but I realize that maybe we can bleed money out of them.22:29
geneI totally want to build a reprap with a fluidic control system22:30
kanzure3_first step: make an ISA out of fluidics22:30
kanzure3_second step: lldvm/gcc port for that particular ISA.22:30
kanzure3_then you can directly translate all reprap C/C++ programs into fluidic circuits22:30
fennand make sure it runs java natively :P22:32
genekanzure3 you can make flipflops in fluidics22:32
fennnothing wrong with java bytecode22:32
fennwell, i dont visit hotdog factories either22:32
geneflipflops are the basic element of fluidics22:32
fennflipflop != inverter22:32
kanzure3_gene: that's fine. now go use VHDL tools like RTL and Verilog and VHDL from gEDA to go make a circuit schematic conversion of typical boolean algebraic circuits into fluidic circuits22:33
kanzure3_erm, I mean, using the boolean algebraic functions, take that definition and apply a "fluidicizer" program22:33
kanzure3_(recently on diybio I mentioned C/C++ --> ANNs, this is similar)22:33
genecheck it out22:34
kanzure3_fenn: so anyway, have you done a followup with les?22:34
genefluidic gyroscopes22:34
kanzure3_i want a way to guarantee that les isn't going to go run off with these stupid other ideas, i.e. preservation of "core vision"22:35
fennheh people always screw up square footage math: "4,000 sq ft is 200 on a side"22:36
fennmuseums are pretty gay22:37
fenni dont have any problem with hands-on science22:37
kanzure3_"look! this ridiculously old machine sits around and does nothing!"22:37
genenot the exploritorium fenn22:37
kanzure3_sure, but I'm not sure James Choate should be running things22:37
fennbut if i have to make everything "educational" just so some brat can break it, well, fuck that22:37
fenn"i'm james choate and you better do what i say!"22:39
kanzure3_that's what it feels like.22:40
kanzure3_he also sounded like that when I called him on the phone the other day22:40
kanzure3_(I was calling to ask him to clarify a few of his points, I was astonished and wondering how serious he was..)22:41
kanzure3_he was just really snappy and "I have work right now young man"22:41
kanzure3_and then hung up22:41
kanzure3_(despite being able to send out more emails than Marc Fawzi in a 10 minute period)22:41
genesoon as I make this cut22:41
geneit's cuttable IRL22:41
geneit's IRL22:57
kanzure3_http://xkcd.com/386/ <- bible of my life.23:04
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kanzure3_I think it should be called the James Choate Research Center"23:29
kanzure3_yay fenn.23:29
kanzure3_what a weird response he gave.23:33
fennseems people on robotgroup dont understand how mail threading works23:36
kanzure3_Luke Iseman probably only recently registered23:36
kanzure3_he's the makezine editor down here in Austin23:36
kanzure3_was just having a long discussion between Luke and David Nunez (dorkbot-austin initiator, used to be working closely with Les on techshop-austin)23:37
kanzure3_so David probably told him to go off on to the robotgroup list.23:37
kanzure3_consequently, threading was broken.23:37
fennno, it's totally borked in multiple places23:38
fennoften starting with brooks23:39
kanzure3_brooks is a moron23:39
kanzure3_in fact, many of these people are23:39
fennit's true, that's life23:40
fennwho has time to spend on a robot club mailing list :)23:40
kanzure3_only people who aren't, on that list, are generally vern and les, and les has only recently shown up23:40
fenn"My lack of participation in The Robot Group meetings and activities  23:49
fennhas more to do with my desire to put in place the infrastructure  23:49
fennneeded to build things than with the desire to talk about building  23:49
fennhey that sounds familiar23:49
kanzure3_(thanks lazyweb!)23:50

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