
--- Day changed Tue Feb 10 2009
-!- PeerInfinity [n=someone@] has quit []00:00
-!- davidnunez [n=davidnun@209-6-203-217.c3-0.smr-ubr1.sbo-smr.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #hplusroadmap00:01
kanzure3_(12:13:33 AM) David Nunez: I think ONE person could easily operate as a business within the context of a fablab as a separate entity from the space itself, pay their fair share, contribute to the community, etc AND make a decent personal income.00:14
kanzure3_(12:13:51 AM) David Nunez: I think that person could also hire members of the fablab.00:14
fenngiven that person has experience running a successful business00:14
fenna lot of people have to flail around and screw up 5 or 6 businesses before they figure it out00:15
kanzure3_separation of fablab and consulting gigs.00:15
fennyes, but if the gigs fail the fablab can't pay rent00:15
fennso it's not totally separate00:15
kanzure3_payoff ratio should be high enough?00:15
fenni dont know, never done "real" consulting00:15
kanzure3_first edition fablab mechmate kit might sell on ebay for a ridiculous sum, maybe that would be enough for a while :p00:16
fennnor do i know what sort of businesses exist in austin00:16
fennyeah maybe in a million years00:16
kanzure3_austin is like denver but less high.00:16
kanzure3_also a little bit like madison, wisconsin00:16
fennum. so lots of biotech labs? (thats all i know about denver since my aunt/uncle work at national jewish hospital)00:17
fennand an airport!00:17
kanzure3_there's supposedly a good number of biotech startups, but we're talking super-million IP thingies that I'm not really sure are doing anything00:17
fennwell they have more money than sense, that's good00:17
fenni need a manager00:18
fennor an "agent" i guess00:18
kanzure3_didn't I say that the other day? except for myself?00:18
fenni might have given you the idea earlier :P00:18
kanzure3_no sir, I think it is I who gave you that particular idea.00:19
fennno i got the idea while talking to my roomate about how it takes a certain set of skills to get hired00:21
geneahem kanzure, you know what taq polymerase is?00:27
geneand how profitable it was00:28
fennis the patent up yet?00:29
davidnunezI think my point (from watching some other spaces try the "we'll consult to pay the rent" approach) is that it turns out consulting involves a lot of overhead (finding gigs, servicing contracts, etc) that take away from the core purpose of a fablab00:30
fenndavidnunez: i want to make fablabs, ship 'em out by the dozens00:30
fennbecause nobody is doing that00:31
davidnunezI think getting a group of people together to build a space is enough of a major job w/o the overhead of running a business AS A GROUP.00:31
davidnunezHowever, with a subtle shift in group dynamics... this may work.  00:31
davidnunezFor example, I think an entrepreneur could pay his share of the fablab rent through a small product that he develops using fablab resources.00:32
kanzuresure, les is totally in on that.00:32
geneyup patent is up00:33
davidnunezso you have a loose affiliation of builders.  some are freelancing... some have day jobs... some are designing products... at the end of the month, though, everyone is responsible for producing their fare share of $X00:33
fenna fab-coop00:33
fennor something00:33
davidnuneznice. 00:33
davidnunezI think nycresistor acts exactly this way.00:34
kanzureinterestingly enough, pinkarmy is also a coop. just using more of the personalized biotech stuff as the coop open source goodness.00:34
kanzurenycresistor is just a sowing circle IIRC00:34
fennhow does resistor pay for their space?00:34
fennduh. nevermind00:35
davidnunezThe core members each provide their fair share.  They also hold fundraising events and classes... but individuals in the group produce those... (and by offering those services, they are in essence paying their share)00:35
davidnunezBut if you scan their member list, they each are doing their own thing for the majority of their time... is my point.00:36
davidnunez...and are heavy hitters in their own right.  They are less a sewing circle than they are a cult of personalities.  but they have stuff in their space that I would love to get my hands on.00:36
davidnunezI don't know how open their membership is.  00:37
davidnunezI suspect it's tough to get in.  which is another way it might differ from my understanding of what a fablab might be00:37
kanzurewe need to convince les to "lock in" on the core team and do membership like that. but he also wants to rent out the space to "whoever the hell can help pay the rent"- maybe we can have him allow priority to fablab-cohorts.00:38
fenndepends what you mean "get in"00:38
fennaccess to the space and entitlement are two different things00:38
genehmmm... perhaps we could set up a bunch of fablabs around the country and pool resources00:41
davidnunezthat make sense.  So I'm in Boston.  I've been to the Fab Lab in south boston.  My experience is that it's actually really closed.  There are open lab nights where you could, theoretically, get in there for a few minutes and lasercut something.  So, from that perspective, it's easy to "get in."  However, I've met lots of people now, that have all said, "actually, the lab is open all the time... you just have00:41
kanzurealready happening, gene.00:41
kanzuredavidnunez: cutoff at "you just have"00:41
kanzuregene: what's bad about that?00:42
davidnunez... you just have to know the right labbie who will vouch for you... and you have to have gone to MIT"00:42
genehow much does it cost to laser cut something?00:42
genejust electricity?00:42
davidnunezright. 00:42
gene3d printer usage?00:42
kanzureheh, I don't think you get it gene00:42
davidnunezI think you have to account for a per-hour cost on a lasercutter because the laser diode goes out after a certain number of hours and needs replacement00:43
geneI thought they used tubes instead of diodes00:43
davidnunezNot sure.  I think you have to pay for material to use.00:43
kanzureso, it's highly "select", it seems, davidnunez00:43
davidnunezgene: diodes/tubes.. whatever needs replacing00:43
kanzureI guess that's how they are able to maintain that high quality vibe or whatever it is that is sustaining htem00:43
fenn<- sick of hearing about laser cutters00:44
kanzurealthough this can happen in a place like boston very easily because of the large number of people00:44
kanzurewhat about in a place like austin? if we were going to limit it to people like fenn, we'd just have les or something00:44
genewell you did go to maker faire here kanzure...00:44
kanzuremeh, "popular science" crowd.00:45
fenni dont see the point in limiting access to the space to me and les00:45
davidnunezthe thing about fablabs is that they are supposed to be "open" for the community and in fact should be geared towards the very lowest skillset00:45
kanzureand the fablab people that were there were already mentioned (i.e., alec and friends)00:45
kanzuredavidnunez: yes, but there still has to be a "captain" at the helm that is maintaining the vibe/culture00:45
davidnunezso that's disappointing about the boston fab lab since it seems to operate counter to purpose00:45
kanzureotherwise it would just be a sowing circle, as I said :)00:45
fennresistor is a sewing circle because they arent using the space to support the space and other endeavors00:45
fennif it's just a hobby it will look like a hobby and be bound to hobby considerations00:46
kanzureright, for us this is a bit more than a hobby- maybe we're taking this a bit too seriously? i doubt it00:46
davidnunezfenn: Laser cutter is the one tool that I do not have that I would gladly pay a monthly fee to access.  as it is, I'm seriously just considering dropping the 6-10K needed to get one00:46
fennon the other hand, if it's a business you make more excuses to buy fancy toys :)00:46
genesame here00:46
fennpeople who want laser cutters just dont have experience with real machine tools00:46
geneI wonder, could you get advertizers to sponser a fablab?00:47
fennyes, but you'd have to do stuff to get their logo in the spotlight or whatever00:47
geneseems impractical00:47
fennso that's not something to do from the start00:48
davidnunezfenn: Well, ya know.  You haven't seen my work.  If you can pull off the intricate cuts I need on paper and plastic with normal machine tools at the high rate of production I require, then I bow to your skills.00:48
kanzureanyway, what I'm worried about happening is fenn moving down here and then James Choate applies voodoo magic and everything goes to hell00:48
kanzureI think les is more serious about that than to let that happen though00:48
fenndavidnunez: link?00:48
geneperhaps selling lasercut goods?00:48
kanzurebut it would be nice to have a bit more of a guarantee00:48
kanzuregene: kits have already been discussed.00:48
genelasercutter is free materials are not00:48
fennhm. is ponoko's facility in CA running?00:49
geneI am not quite sure00:49
kanzureI'll ask davidtenhave next time I catch him online00:49
fennlocal ponoko service would be the bomb00:49
kanzuredavid would support that.00:49
kanzurewell, maybe00:49
fennshipping from NZ.. puh leez00:49
kanzurehe's already into hardware packaging, but since he's into the business, local ponoko might kill his model, dunno00:50
genea local ponoko seems fit for austin00:50
fennwell, we can start a competitor then00:50
geneall those boutique(or whatever the hell they are called) shops could start selling lazer cut necklaces and shit00:50
kanzureright, we've been over this stuff a hundred times already00:50
fenni'd rather franchise than have to build market share00:51
fennbut that's just me00:51
genefenn around here in austin, they have these shops00:51
kanzurefenn: resist gene. don't be drawn in.00:52
fennartsy fartsy shops?00:52
geneyup you guessed it00:52
fennyeah i get the idea00:52
genebut alas00:52
fennour horde of minions00:52
fennthe first time is free, kid00:52
genehaving to lasercut necklaces might mean not being able to use the lasercutter00:53
kanzurethe whole point is that we'd know how to build a second lasercutter00:53
kanzureproblem solved.00:53
fenni dont think it's feasible to build a lasercutter for less than you can buy one00:53
kanzureI haven't looked into it yet00:53
kanzurewhat are we talking about?00:54
geneyeah zinc selenide mirrors aren't cheap00:54
fenn$2500 for a 45W system ready to go00:54
fennnow, that's tiny00:54
genefab lab funding I presume00:54
fennno just a quick google search00:54
kanzurefablab funding is taken care of, les and I have enough of a clue to make that happen00:55
davidnunezfenn: link to that one please00:55
kanzuredon't worry about that.00:55
kanzurebut the issue is that what if 00:55
kanzure(1) somebody without the fablab core vision comes along and offers a large enough sum of money to sufficiently distract operations?00:55
kanzureand (2) the original vision isn't being followed through on?00:55
kanzureif fenn was to come down here and for #2 to happen, he'd be a very unhappy individual I presume00:55
genemaybe we should write a constitution00:56
kanzurehow would that help00:56
fenngoogle for "45W laser" and it'll be in the ads on the right00:56
fennit depends what #1 is00:56
geneI guess it might not00:56
kanzure#1 would be marc fawzi.00:57
fenni'm not terribly excited about james choate's "founders will have ultimate authority for all eternity and no responsibilities"00:57
geneif we accrete a large enough community that shares the vision, that community will resist change of the vision00:57
fennif fawzi came down and did something real i'd be pleasantly surprised00:57
genefawzi might be a problem00:58
kanzuredavidnunez: do you know les well?00:59
davidnunezhe and I spent some time together when he tried to start the fab lab BEFORE techshop discussions00:59
kanzurefrom my own encounters with him, he's exactly in tune with us00:59
fennin bloomington we have this "co-op grocery" which is the only progressive thing happening in town. unfortunately they actually aren't progressive at all, they just sell health food at exorbitant prices and pay their employees minimum wage00:59
kanzureso would it be reasonable to plan that he's going to keep with these ideas?00:59
davidnunezhe's careful, measured, business-oriented, but has little tolerance for people not getting things done.01:00
fennbut it's a fun environment and they have slick marketing so people love to work there and the yuppies lap it up01:00
geneyikes fenn01:00
kanzuredavidnunez: would he be one to go back on his word if, say, I happened to be the answer to his prayers? heh'01:00
kanzureor something like that01:00
kanzurethis is hard to formulate into words.01:00
* fenn forgot where he was going with that01:00
fennkanzure for president!01:01
davidnunezI think Les operates with more integrity than I see in most people.01:01
davidnunezIncidentally, for the record.  I could care less how you put together your fab lab.. how it's funded... where the tools come from, whether or not a laser cutter is useful to you.  I'm more interested in engaging after you're up and running.  My interest right now is about the "So What?" ... and how communities can solve their own problems through resources like fab labs.01:03
kanzuredavidnunez: so, fenn might move down here into austin just to work on this project "full-time". can you see the situation that this might create?01:03
genethe reason I want to have a fablab is to just build stuff01:03
kanzuregene seems to be off in his own little dimension here01:04
kanzurebut yes, building stuff is of course good.01:04
kanzure(but "build what?" in particular- see openmanufacturing, etc. etc.)01:04
fenn"So What?"?01:04
geneI don't really see fablabs being able to solve problems01:04
fennthe "whats it good for?" problem?01:04
fenni dont really see gene being able to solve problems :P01:05
kanzurehah, if you need to ask "whats it good for" you're not thinking straight01:05
fennkanzure: i struggled to explain this to my family on multiple occasions01:05
geneproblems like?01:05
fennthey just dont understand why someone would make something themself01:05
kanzuregasp! evil! devilmagic!01:05
kanzureburn the gentoo users01:05
fennbecause they dont DO anything01:05
geneburn the freemason!01:06
fennso everything is available at the corner grocery, or at lowes home improvement or whatever01:06
davidnunezgene: I think that mindset is fundamentally short-sighted.  But I respect it.  I have a lot of work to do before I can convince people otherwise01:06
kanzureuntil it's not.01:06
fennyes everything they need01:06
kanzuredefined by who?01:06
fennby their narrow vision of what's desirable01:06
geneI would like an example of a problem that a fablab could solve01:06
fennswarms of dumpster-mapping UAV's01:07
geneok that seems pretty cool and definately worth it01:07
fennwifi blimp networks01:07
davidnunezHave you read Neil Gershenfeld's book??!  Dozens of examples.  Most not in the US (i.e. problems that are not more easily solved by driving to home depot and buying replacement parts)01:08
kanzureNo, but I've kind of read it "by osmosis"01:08
geneNo I haven't read his book01:08
fennwell, i read it01:08
fennbut i sing tenor01:08
fenner, yeah.01:08
fennan epilog laser is $16-20k01:09
fennwaterjet is about $100k01:10
fennEDM can be scrounged for $2k but is very slow01:10
davidnunezso gene, my latest kick is that there are lots of people who are learning how to build things and are actually stopping their learning because they do not have interesting problems to solve.   Or they are just building boring things.  That's not you, that's not me.. but there are tons of people reading Make and following paint-by-number recipes and assuming they are "innovating."01:10
genebuilding boring things is apparently what my senior project is limited too:(01:11
davidnunezI think our imaginations are, paradoxically, being limited by the democratization of technology and open manufacturing.01:11
fenni think our imaginations are being limited by O'Reilly publishing corporation01:12
davidnunez(fenn: bingo)01:12
kanzureno fair, I called it first!01:12
geneI call human nature01:12
fenno'reilly != open manufacturing01:12
fennit's kitbashing, crafts, and trash-art01:13
davidnunezRight.  And for most people that's all it will ever be.01:13
geneIn the second life, people always tend to buy things instead of being creative and making their own01:13
fennif it happens to involve some spinoff businesses like the "make controller" or arduino, that's cool01:13
fennbut the make controller isnt the central focus of make zine01:13
davidnunezHOWEVER.  They are the gateway drug.  01:13
genehmm... how useful would an automatic SMD pick and place robot be for a fablab?01:14
fennnot very useful01:14
kanzurewe'll take it though.01:14
davidnunezand I argue, again, that the openmanufacturing movement, from every paper, website, company I've seen has a too deep focus on the building of the tools themselves and not enough on what you do with them when you have them01:14
genenot for making mas amounts of wifi blimp control systems?01:14
kanzuredavidnunez: bullshit01:15
kanzureI haven't seen much focus on tools and what tools you need to make what tools01:15
fenngene: by the time i've loaded up all the parts into the machine and programmed it, i could have populated all the boards01:15
fenndavidnunez: you must be joking.. how many websites even talk about building tools?01:16
davidnunezkanzure: we must be looking at entirely different things01:16
genereprap I guess?01:16
fennok, that's one01:16
davidnuneztools and processes 01:16
genecnc zone01:16
kanzurenobody knows about tools and processes01:16
fenn(especially on cnczone)01:16
kanzureand if they do, it's not documented at all01:16
davidnunezjeez, look at the openmanufacturing list for the past month01:16
davidnunez(I'm scanning now... trying to find examples of application)01:17
kanzurewhat do you think the openmanufacturing list is anyway?01:17
davidnunezthe google group01:17
kanzureno, I mean,01:17
kanzureopenmanufacturing is hardly representative of O'Reilly's media empire01:18
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@dsl092-008-180.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has quit ["This computer has gone to sleep"]01:18
kanzurethe core ideas related to bootstrapping, upcreation, fablabs etc. don't really have a home anywhere else01:18
fenndavidnunez: is an elphel camera a tool or an end product?01:18
fennme, i dont really want much beside tools, why bother buying art when i can make them whenever i want01:19
fennart shouldn't be sold anyway01:19
fennso, besides art and tools, what is there to make?01:19
davidnunezfenn: Yeah. I'm reading that post... I don't know.  I'm not articulating this well.  elphel is not getting at the problem solving I'm talking about01:19
fennno, elphel is an experiment in open firmware, more or less01:20
kanzuredavidnunez: have you seen unptnt.com ?01:20
fennunptnt is weaksauce01:20
kanzuretrue, but rauchwerk isn't.01:20
fennhe should be contributing to SKDB instead :P01:20
fenndavidnunez: what do you do when you have every tool imaginable?01:21
* fenn hands davidnunez a magic nano AI blendermobile01:21
davidnunezfenn: I get my 10 neighbors to write one problem on a piece of paper that is just out of their reach but if solved would make all of our lives better01:22
genefenn you start building robots, lot's of robots01:22
fenngene: how many robots? a galactic cluster's worth? now we're getting into philosophy so i'll have to take a time out01:23
davidnunezfenn: ... then I pick a weekend and have us all use the tools to create speculative objects (in 48 hrs) that descibe a world where those problems are solved01:23
davidnunezthen I spend the next few days/weeks building all the steps in between01:23
fenni wish google would show more than 10 threads per page01:23
genea lot of them01:24
kanzureare you some sort of quasi-utilitarian?01:24
kanzureI'm not too interested in what people say they want01:24
fenndavidnunez: speculative objects that solve problems.. are those not tools?01:24
kanzurebut rather the point behind openmanufacturing and a lot of the work there is the ability to just let people do bug reports on human technological civilization01:24
kanzureso, if there are a lot of people unhappy, they should update the architecture for the way they live01:24
davidnunezfenn: Sure! I can agree with that.01:24
kanzurebut usually this can't happen01:24
kanzureso that's where we get into all sorts of fun O'Neill stuff01:24
kanzurebut somehow I don't think that's going to fly with you01:24
fenndavidnunez: so i dont understand the problem with "too much focus on tools"01:25
davidnunezfenn: although they don't necessarily have to work.. they just speculate on what it would look like if they existed01:25
fennso you're disappointed that openmanufacturing isnt a scifi book club?01:25
davidnunezHeh.  I'm disappointed that people aren't solving real problems.01:25
fennme too01:25
kanzurewhat do you think we're solving though?01:26
genebut we don't have the tools!01:26
kanzureI mean, on the openmanufacturing list01:26
davidnunezSolving our need for technology masturbation?01:26
kanzurehow so?01:26
kanzureO'Reilly != openmanufacturing01:26
fennOM has been rather polluted lately and hard to see what it's about01:26
kanzurethat's true.01:26
fennsee thread titled "tired of marc fawzi's crap"01:26
fennnow, technology masturbation01:27
genehmmm... would not having a totally replicating reprap be a problem?01:27
fennthis is basically lusting after technology that is inapproriate for solving a particular set of problems01:27
fenni think it's a symptom of existing in a consumerist society01:28
fennblaming a small group of people on a mailing list won't make it go away01:28
davidnunezThis is good.  I'm getting riled up and am finding new ways to try to describe what I'm feeling.01:28
davidnunezso. I'm not indicting a mailing list.  Not my intent. sorry for that.01:29
fenni'm free to lust after matter compilers because it solves a broad range of problems01:29
genethat's what peer review's for01:29
geneif you can call it that01:29
davidnunezgene: heh.01:29
fenngene: peer review for a mailing list?01:29
geneno for this conversation01:30
fenni'm not following i guess01:30
fenndavidnunez: i've had so many ideas of cool projects that i dont know where to write them all01:31
geneah yes fenn, the classic polyprojectis01:31
fenneventually you just learn to live with it, you'll come up with the idea again in a couple years anyway01:31
fenntypically "projects" are somewhere between art and tools01:32
fenni ALWAYS write down ideas for tools01:32
fennbecause they are the most distilled, pure, unadulterated core concept behind systems01:32
davidnunezSo maybe I'm not interested in open manufacturing.   If you all can focus on building tools and processes that let me organize people to solve problems then it's MY purpose to get people to both participate as users and apply tools.  My frustration is that people who involve themselves in these discussions get lustful after things like reprap and just dive down what, I believe, will be a rabbit hole... for m01:33
kanzure3_"will be a rabbit hole... for m"01:33
fenn"... for m"01:33
kanzure3_well maybe it's because reprap sucks.01:33
kanzure3_also, nobody said an ad hoc design process was a good one01:33
genekanzure,  core group's pondering fluidic control01:33
davidnunezfor most people.  Makezine facilitates that.01:34
fenndavidnunez: are you concerned about how reprap isnt really good for building anything?01:34
fenni mean, low rez plastic with no overhangs..01:34
genenot anymore fenn01:34
fennsorry, no overhangs greater than 45 degrees01:34
genereprap now has support material01:34
fennuh, and some other poorly defined/examined constraints01:35
geneer... scaffolding01:35
davidnunezfenn: reprap's just an example...there's a whole other discussion in my head about how the tools that we DO have can solve most problems that real people are dealing with NOW and not in some self-replicating future. 01:35
fenndavidnunez: you arent going to go on a big "land and capital" rant are you?01:36
davidnunezfenn: so I ask people to speculate in the near-term (1 yr... 1 month..etc).  not quite sci-fi, but just out of armslength01:36
fennthere is more than enough "stuff" to go around01:36
fennthe problem is that attempts to take "stuff" away from the haves and give it to the have-nots tend to end poorly01:37
davidnunezfenn: I think you don't know my politics.  but thanks, anyway.  01:37
fennok, so what are some problems that "real people" are dealing with01:37
davidnunezI don't know.  Get 10 of your neighbors to write down what their problems are.  What bothered you today?  01:38
fennall the digital bathroom and kitchen scales are too expensive, and i dont have any money01:38
fennit's just a load cell ffs01:38
davidnunezMe?  There's a leaky door in my apartment that let's lots of cool air in.01:38
kanzure3_davidnunez: that's taking the wrong way out of the problem. I think you could figure out what sucks just by thinking about it.01:38
kanzure3_those problems all have a common backdrop01:39
* kanzure3_ sleeps01:39
genesleep is for slackers, staying up late is for hackers01:39
davidnunezSo now.  I would get you and 5 other smart people together and we would build, in 48 hours, objects that represented solutions.01:39
fennlike a load cell01:39
davidnunezgreat!  I don't know much about load cells.01:39
fennthey're just wires01:39
davidnunezSo I and the 5 others in the room would get the shared benefit of your solution.01:40
fenni could build one in an hour with a fablab01:40
geneload cell = easy01:40
genecalibrated load cell = hard01:40
fenngene: party pooper01:40
fenngene: you only have to write the code once01:40
genewhy use a load cell?01:41
genewhen you can make a mechanical scale?01:41
fennso i don't go on a gene-esque wild goose chase through the technology landscape01:41
davidnunezGreat.  if you asked 1000 people randomly picked out of a crowd what a load cell was and how they could use it to solve a problem, most would not know 01:41
fenndavidnunez: most people have no fucking clue how anything works01:42
fennthat's a problem, in my book01:42
genewell there is this one liquid that when under pressure changes resistance01:42
davidnunezright.  that's why speculative objects are a good approach.  You don't HAVE to know how it works. you just build a representation of the end result and then build all the intermediate steps... as you learn how it works.01:42
fennhence the fablab, technology literacy, publishing "how to" articles01:42
genefairly sensitive I believe01:43
fennno way01:43
davidnunezthe subtlety is having a goal that's outside of the tools and processes themselves.01:43
geneperhaps we could put out navy style pamphlets on technology01:43
fenni'll just say "it flies, because, you know, magic smoke" and then i design some totally unrealistic floating island thing01:43
davidnunezso you missed my earlier message where I said, "Just barely out of arms length"01:43
fennif you dont know how things work you dont know how things ought to look01:43
genehere's a layman's guide to analog computers01:44
davidnunez...or another way to look at it is that you have a constrained view of the world if you are constantly thinking about the innards 01:44
fennyes, can't see the forest for the trees01:44
fennbut really the only people that think like that are stuck in an engineering job making better widgets in a series of widgets01:45
fennor they have no broad education and must go on raw experience with what they've seen01:46
fennlike hot-rodders01:46
davidnunezMy impression of the openmanufacturing mailing list is that they are people thinking that way... 01:46
davidnunezso that's an image problem, then, if it's not true.01:46
fenn"everyone knows a hemi is the best way to get more horsepower"01:46
fennopenmanufacturing list is sort of an oasis where people have come to water their camels01:47
fennthat was a weird analogy01:47
kanzurehump hump hump01:47
fennain't no sich animal01:48
genetoo much 4chan eh, Kanzure?01:48
kanzureit's the sound of humps forming on my back01:49
kanzuresince fenn said it's a place where people go to water their camels01:49
davidnunezSo I'm most definitely a generalist and live at the application level (I design analog circuits as I need them, but I'd rather use an AVR) So when I think of open manufacturing, I see a group of people going nuts over projects which are difficult for me to understand their application01:49
fenndavidnunez: so, some things that come out of "fablab" solve problems, but a lot of them are just people playing around and/or making art01:49
geneso I hear you like modular robots kanzure?01:50
davidnunezfenn: perfect.  I don't see them as mutually exclusive01:50
genethat's what fablabs would rock at, making modular robots01:50
fennsome people dont think tools are art, but it really just takes a certain mindset01:51
davidnunezI can respect that.  01:51
fennmedieval craftsmen didn't think of cathedrals as art01:51
fennit's just "what you did"01:51
fennanyway, that line of thought goes nowhere01:51
davidnunezso if you were to point me to a project in the open manufacturing world that is most "artful" in your opinion...01:51
kanzurethe shit machine?01:52
davidnunezcloaca?  01:52
kanzuredoes that count?01:52
davidnunezOkay this is interesting.  I learned of that project 01:52
davidnunezby watching "Egg the Art Show" on PBS a few years back..   01:52
kanzureit was recently mentioned on diybio.01:52
davidnunezMaybe you can help me (seriously... a favor, please)01:53
geneok I got a problem01:53
davidnunezin a nutshell, what makes that an open manufacturing project?01:53
geneI need a backlight for my calculator01:53
kanzuredavidnunez: I don't think it does.01:53
kanzuredavidnunez: I thought you meant "posted to the mailing list"01:53
fennit's not an open manufacturing project01:53
fennopen = preferred embodiment for modifications are available, and permission to use and modify them01:53
fenni'm probably missing some points, see the DFSG01:54
fennbasically "show me the code"01:54
fennlets see.. both artful and open..01:55
davidnunezso where is the line, in your mind, between Open Manufacturing and Open Hardware?  (I've got my own definition, but I think yours will be more informed)01:55
fennuh. none?01:55
fennno difference01:55
kanzuredavidnunez: are you familiar with autotools for F/OSS?01:55
fennhardware is often taken to mean electronics for some reason01:56
davidnunezOkay.  So now I've got all sorts of artful open manufacturing projects that opens up01:56
davidnunezlilypad immediately comes to mind01:57
fenn"design" is what they're calling it these days? :)01:57
kanzurehttp://p2pfoundation.net/Product_Hacking for a list of OSH stuffs. but this is hardly organized like SKDB would have it.01:58
kanzurehrm, functionalized01:58
davidnunezI've been working with the definition that open manufacturing refers to the open (and sometimes free/beer) of the process and tools of development and producing objects 01:58
davidnunezwhereas open hardware means your beautiful schematics / designs / blueprints are open and modifiable 01:59
kanzuretools making tools01:59
kanzureautotools ..01:59
fenndavidnunez: i dont have a comprehensive directory of open hardware projects to pull inspiration from01:59
fenn(incidentally this was what my first post to the OM list was about)01:59
davidnunezriff on instructables (I would see that as a possible repository of SOME open projects?  it speaks to both process and object)02:00
kanzureinstructables should be based off of packaged open source hardware projects with computer-readable instructions that can be translated into human readable instructions.02:01
kanzurebut that's another rant.02:01
davidnunezkanzure: so tools making tools doesn't solve real problems in my world view, honestly.  Maybe when you and fenn make it cheaper and more accessible to me and my 10 neighbors than just walking down to home depot. but tomorrow?  not yet.  hence my frustration / impatience.02:02
genehey it's harder writing an instructable than you would think02:02
fenndavidnunez: the instructable about how to make a clear rubik's cube with magnets and acrylic cubes02:02
davidnunezgreat example! 02:02
kanzureyes, tomorrow. that's what the kits are about. 02:03
kanzuresmall stuff at first of course, that's why we do the bootstrapping and upcreation02:04
kanzureis that so hard to understand? :-/02:04
davidnunezUhm. yes it is.  that's your fundamental problem. 02:04
fenni forget why i'm looking for artful open hardware02:04
genewhat could we make as kit02:04
kanzuregene: les and I are already working on that, don't worry02:04
kanzurethat's a minor detail.02:04
geneHey I wouldn't mind helping02:05
kanzurewell I mean right now02:05
kanzurefor this discussion.02:05
genehow about laser cut modular robots02:05
genethat use servos for actuation02:05
davidnunezfenn: you were helping me understand your definition of open manufacturing02:06
fenni dont think it's a definition as much as a culture02:06
davidnunezIt's still blurry and is obviously a source of semantic confusion. 02:06
fennlike, technically a lot of programs are "open source" by the OSI definition, but they were just plonked down by some company02:06
davidnunezwell yeah, but Open processes and culture have been around for decades and, if you stretch the definition, for centuries... what is it about open manufacturing that's different02:07
fennit's about industrial things02:07
fennnot crafts02:07
fenngenerally pursued as a means to an end02:08
davidnunezthis is what's confusing then (since you pointed out the rubiks cube)... 02:08
kanzureyou were asking for art02:08
davidnunezI was asking for art because fenn used that in his definition of open manufacturing, is all02:09
davidnunezartful, actually02:09
fennwell, it's not exactly art in my mind because it's sort of an "ideal"02:09
davidnunezI guess I live in the craft world.. although I do make small runs (100 units or less) of boards and robots and things I design.  I see things like oomlaut which are talked about on the open manufacturing list.  Industrial?  hrm.  02:10
fenn(it = the rubik's cube)02:10
kanzureoomlout, yep, but they've been unfriendly to us for some reason. I tried approaching them and they weren't all that friendly. oh well. their loss.02:10
davidnunezbut is it industrial or crafty or ??02:10
davidnunezSo stepping back: 02:11
fennlike, once dewey garritt came up with that idea, that was it, it's over, the clear magnetic rubik's cube has been discovered02:11
fennkanzure: they probably just misunderstood what you were saying02:12
kanzureI hope so.02:12
kanzureor they might just be business sharks in disguise.02:12
davidnunezif you guys got together in Austin and started talking about a fablab or hackerspace or whatever... those _words_ have some meaning now because of Make et al.  I think I would be surprised to join up and discover a lot of what we've been talking about (tools making tools, etc)02:12
fennwell, as long as they dont sue anyone i dont care what they "are"02:12
kanzurefablab has been careful to keep itself separated from Make02:13
fenndavidnunez: it's hard to talk about things when we dont have words for them02:13
* kanzure wonders why david doesn't sound like les02:13
davidnunezkanzure: explain that, please02:14
fenn"upcreation" is one word i recently learned02:14
fenni've been using "bootstrapping" for years now02:14
kanzuredavidnunez: les actually mentioned that you were one of the previous guys that were pretty close on the idea spectrum02:14
kanzurebut now I'm just confused02:14
fennkanzure: compared to Robot Group he's pretty close02:14
kanzuretrue that :)02:15
fennbtw I've been into this since before Make hit the scene02:16
fenni guess those people used to hang out at SRL or something02:16
davidnunezWell.  Again.  You don't know me.  I know what you mean by "compared to Robot Group" and I think you're way off. 02:16
kanzureso you *are* like the robotgroup?02:17
fenni dont know much about Robot Group either, so dont read too much into it02:17
kanzureif you're more like the robotgroup then alarms should be going off, imho02:17
kanzureas you said- they're in a retirement home now- which is way too much of an analogy02:17
kanzureso what's so bad about not being compared to them? wtf02:17
davidnunezOh.  Wait.  Maybe I misread.  02:18
fenni used to spend a lot of time on the gingery_machines mailing list, but it never seemed to go anywhere because the book series was the only common attractor02:18
fennand we thought we werent allowed to copy the designs or something, so nobody made any improved instructions02:18
davidnunezyeah.  sorry.  I saw this "kanzure: compared to Robot Group he's pretty close" and thought I was being compared to retirement homes02:18
davidnunezso re: me and les and idea spectrum.  02:19
* fenn mutters about singular value decomposition02:20
davidnunezI'm a member of a a couple different hackerspaces (one in a city I'm not even in, but I like them, so I happily pay "dues")02:20
fennwhat do you do to earn money?02:20
davidnunezMe?  I pick really interesting public arts bids or work my relationships with people I've impressed in the past to do fun art/tech/design projects.  02:21
fennplease elaborate on what a "public arts bid" is02:21
davidnunezExample: I'm building a robotic lobster that kids can program via a block-language for the children's museum of austin02:21
ybitwhat's w/ the pointrel social semantic desktop? is it not a recreation of nepomuk?02:21
kanzureit's paul's way of being marc fawzi02:21
fennybit: pointrel is RDF, he just missed the memo02:21
kanzureexcept he's a litlte more informed02:21
fenndavidnunez: where does the money for this lobster come from? and who had to write grants to get it?02:22
davidnunez... public art project:  Working with a building contractor to design 10000 LED sphere to go on top of a firehouse  02:22
* fenn shrugs. sounds cool to me02:24
davidnunezfenn: I subcontract.  It's a paid-for gig. I have an hourly rate, I bid on projects, I get them if I do my homework.02:24
genesuch a shame that much public art ends up at firehouses02:24
genenot where people can see it02:24
davidnunezheh.  people will see this one.  02:24
davidnunezbut yeah like any other freelancing: 20% of my time is development 80% is business and proposals and schmoozing 02:25
davidnunez(which is why I don't think fablabs & hackerspaces should be trying to start consulting businesses)02:25
fennthat's why i wanted an agent.02:26
davidnunezkanzure: so when Les and I talked, it was all about building up a community workshop where members bought access to tools, classes were held in the meeting space, etc.  My disconnect with you is really more about an evolution in my thinking that's taken me away from the logistics of building a space and more towards what you do with it.02:27
fennah i thought of an artful open hardware project, and there's a crapload of it02:27
davidnunezVery Nice.02:28
fennin particular http://www.n55.dk/MANUALS/SPACEFRAME/spaceframe.html02:29
fenni wish they would expand more on http://www.n55.dk/MANUALS/FACTORY/FACTORY.html02:29
davidnunezI was about to say the same thing... there aren't plans to follow to build these02:30
fennno there aren't plans, but all the info is there02:30
davidnunezbut I guess they do list parts02:30
fennit needs more rigorous specification02:31
davidnunezand show photos... so the open process might imply somebody who is great at blueprint making could inject their own drawings02:31
davidnunezand add more specs02:31
fennthey outsourced all the plastic octahedrons, but apparently it's really hard to get small quantities of that sort of thing in the US02:32
davidnunez(bells going off in my head) So would you say this is an example of something (the octahedrons) that could be fabricated in a fablab-like space?02:33
fennhmmm.. i dont know02:33
fenncertainly more difficult than bending sheet metal into angle02:34
fennblow molding can't be that hard can it?02:34
fenni was surprised fablab didnt have a vacuum forming machine02:36
davidnunezre: moving to austin - I think you should.  I think it's a risk, but I suspect that you guys can pull it off.  The truth is that Austin is begging for something like an open manufacturing space and really needs people that are thinking about this full-time to pull it off.  You strike me as somebody who both cares about it02:36
fennor any material deformation processes actually02:36
davidnunezand knows enough to make it work02:37
fennthanks for your vote of confidence :)02:37
davidnunezpersonally the problem of building a fablab, I've decided is not interesting to ME.  So better you than I.  02:37
fennhttp://fennetic.net/pub/inventory-comparison.html shows the strengths and weaknesses of various approaches to accessible manufacturing02:38
davidnunez<mouth dropping open>  See?  this is what I mean. :D02:39
fennand http://www.positron.org/projects/A51/02:45
fennthat's the kind of art I like at least02:45
fennyou can download the code for the CPLD and gumstix; only problem is E-ink won't sell to individuals and it's basically impossible to get a similar display technology from anywhere else02:49
davidnunezYeah. This stuff I can appreciate. And I suppose if Open Manufacturing was all about making these materials and tools and processes available to more people for WHATEVER purpose (art, hobby, problem-solving) then that's very cool.  02:54
davidnunezMy focus is on problem-solving... and I'll encourage my 10 neighbors to use whatever tools are available right now.  and in 5 years when e-ink is available on digi-key, then I'll add that to the problem-solving toolbox02:55
davidnunezI'm a consumer for the stuff you're making, is what it's come down to.  and my responsibility, like in all open projects, is to provide feedback from field tests in "the real world"02:56
fenngod i hope it's not another 5 years02:57
davidnunezI'm not frustrated because I think everyone should be doing this... just that nobody, at all, seems to be. 02:57
fenn<- still waiting for an unencumbered FPGA02:58
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kanzurehm, les has been doing some damage control07:57
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kanzurefenn: I fwd'd "simplistic models of capability growth" from sl4.org. I'm not sure it's interesting enough to warrant consideration, since the variables are too weird/ambiguous/simple/useless.09:01
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fennah finally got my opengl rotations to work15:16
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kanzure--wtf, just got a phone call from Algae Biofuel World Summit 2009 because I downloaded their brochure the other day15:33
kanzure--so they were calling to ask if I had any questions15:34
kanzure--how weird.15:34
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bkeroYou downloaded their brochure and put in real information?15:42
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kanzure--well that was my first mistake, you see15:48
kanzure--the second was answering the phone15:48
fenndid you ask "why are you calling me?"15:48
kanzure--they asked "do you have any questions about the event?"15:49
* kanzure-- leaves the lab15:50
* kanzure-- wonders which lab he is presently in15:50
fenni bet campbell would dig this: http://arxiv.org/abs/0902.087816:07
fenngiant directed graph of corporate ownership16:08
davidnunezrelated visualization : http://www.theyrule.net/16:10
davidnunez(oldie but goodie)16:10
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kanzure3_fenn: looks like Eric Hunting is at it again17:52
kanzure3_I think his email though demonstrates a lack of underlying architecture17:55
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kanzure3_davidnunez: be sure to see the latest posts to the openmanufacturing list :) particularly Eric's and my subsequent response.18:35
kanzurewhois John Carlson and Jayson Tymko?18:46
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* kanzure just got the Pink Army Coop "what we are" doc.18:59
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ybitdirect link: http://seasteading.org/interact/design-contest21:36
ybit"The Seasteading Institute (TSI) is looking for creative and talented designers to construct a seastead using 3-D modeling software."21:36
kanzureaka please do our work for us21:45
kanzure3_wonder why that's on blender.21:46
ybitthe animation community is all about contests and practicing their art, so this is another outlet for it21:48
kanzure3_but this is for engineering21:49
fenni wonder if they intended this consequence "So basically even if you don't win, they still can use your design for commercial use, without paying you a dime!"21:49
kanzurefenn: there's a good email from eric waiting in your inbox21:54
fennheh ok i'll go read it then21:54
fenni wonder if he's been talking to david21:57
fenn(davidnunez that is)21:57
kanzure3_eric? I doubt it21:57
fennyeah it's just funny how similar it is to what we've been talking about the last couple days22:00
kanzure3_not as funny/weird as me running into les, what with the inhabiting the same idea space and such.22:01
kanzure3_I find it more likely that eric would post something similar than it is that I would ever into someone like les :p22:01
fenni wonder if eric could help actually getting books made, since he's in the textbook business after all..22:06
kanzurei bet. :)22:06
kanzuresee also my response to eric22:08
kanzuremaybe eric will move down to austin too?22:10
fennnot likely22:12
kanzure3_"health issues"22:12
fennhe can't be around car exhaust, people smoking cigarettes, paint, etc etc22:13
fenni'm sure he'd like his own fab though22:14
kanzure3_he's emailed me about his looking into a New Mexico fablab22:14
kanzure3_so yes.22:14
fenni wonder if "Maker" is trademarked22:16
kanzure3_I've only seen Eric using it, and then you using it because he used it (same with me I guess)22:16
fennreally? i've heard it other places.. seth frey said it a couple times22:20
fennMaker Workshop, Maker Faire, etc22:20
fenninstead of "maker culture" you could call it "tool cult" :P 22:23
fenn"What is the smallest library that could contain the essential bootstrapping notions and knowledge of civilization? The smallest must in fact only contain information, since via the correct information, any tool needed could be built."  WRONG22:30
kanzureis that kk.org?22:30
kanzureplease point that out on om22:30
kanzure3_http://hackaday.com/2009/02/10/the-ponginator/ yay vern (etc.)22:32
kanzure3_better: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPSoFYHywJw22:37
fennah yes i recognize that honk noise from sprinkler valves22:47
genemy sprinkler valves never honk22:50
kanzure3_maybe you're not using them correctly?22:52
geneI use a pneumatic trigger valve22:53
genethey use electric22:53
genepneumatic gives better performance than sprinkler valve solenoids22:53
fenni never got very good performance22:54
fenncompared to a ball valve, wow!22:54
genethen mod your valve22:54
fennhow's that?22:55
geneadd a pilot valve22:55
geneever tried firing snowballs?22:56
fenni made paintball "mortar shells" with cornstarch/food coloring and 3 styrofoam cups22:57
genebecause PVC becomes brittle near 0 degrees C22:58
fennah, yeah ABS pipe22:58
fennthey should ban PVC22:58
geneABS pipe?22:58
genepressure rated ABS?22:58
fennyes, it's black, looks like PVC pipe, fits pvc fittings22:58
genewhere the heck do you get that?22:58
fennwon't shatter into sharp pieces22:59
fenni got it at the hardware store i worked at..22:59
geneyeah I know22:59
geneyou could fire that at cold temperatures22:59
fennthere's that dark gray pipe, know what it's made of?23:00
geneand high ones23:00
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fenngoogle "abs drain pipe"23:02
genefirefox crashed23:02
genedrain pipe ain't PR?23:03
fenneh well it seems to work :)23:03
genewell it won't turn into shrapnel23:04
geneso I guess if it did break there wouldn't be much of a problem23:04
genehow many psi do you run yours at?23:04
geneI've never taken mine above 60 psi23:06
genewhat sort of range do you get?23:06
fenncrap range, like 100 feet23:06
fennmakes this awful honking noise23:06
fennsounds like a goose exploding23:07
geneas I said use a pilot valve23:08
geneand fill it with helium and extend the barrel23:08
fennand put hypersonic airfoils on the projectile to catch the transverse jets of hot hydrogen?23:09
fennlaunch that spud into space!23:09
geneyou can break the sound barrier if you use helium23:09
fennbut.. why?23:10
genebut we're running out of helium, so  I don't recommend it23:10
genewhy not?23:10
fennbecause there are better ways to make guns?23:10
genewhat's not cool about a tennis ball going at the speed of sound?23:11
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geneor a golf breaking the sound barrier?23:13
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kanzurepfft, 23:40
kanzure"I want to do an inventory .. before I go schlepping it across the countryside"23:41
kanzurethere's a joke about UPS or FedEx in there somewhere23:41
genekanzure want to make a toaster?23:42
genefrom scratch?23:42
kanzure3_" Its author, Thomas Thwaites is trying to make an electric toaster, from scratch. Beginning with mining the raw materials."23:42
kanzure3_That's how I like my toast.23:43
geneyeah me too23:43
genehe wants to visit an oil rig to get teh oil23:43
genewonder if the chem-e's on our team have figured out that magic algae to crude thing yet...23:44
genewonder what that artist is going to do to make the plastic from scratch23:46
genewill he make the catalysts too?23:46
fennwhy an electric toaster?23:48
fennbah he's cheating23:50
fennhair dryers.. 23:50
genehair dryers for stoking a fire23:51
genenot a good idea23:52
genehair dryers have an internal heat limiting switch that prevents them from ever getting too hot23:52
fennand so do APC power stripts :(23:53
generather annoying if you're trying to weld plastic sheets together with one to make a solar balloon 23:53
genebut alas, it might catch on fire23:53
-!- gene [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-92-19.public.utexas.edu] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]23:54
-!- gene [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-92-19.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap23:54
kanzure3_"Left to his own devices he couldn’t build a toaster. He could just about make a sandwich and that was it."23:59
kanzure3_Mostly Harmless, Douglas Adams, 199223:59

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