
--- Day changed Wed Feb 11 2009
genehe's trying to copy a toster00:00
genehe isn't being creative and using ceramics made from dirt for insulators00:00
-!- gene [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-92-19.public.utexas.edu] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]00:26
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-!- nsh [n=kaapo@c49.adsl.tnnet.fi] has joined #hplusroadmap01:57
ybitfree time management software: http://www.rescuetime.com/02:03
ybitick, didn't see that it wasn't completely free02:04
ybithttp://www.rescuetime.com/signup -- shows what you are missing if you just get the free account02:04
nshsounds stupid02:05
nshtempted to sign-up, cain the site with scripted usage then make use of the no-questions-asked money-back guarantee 02:06
nshjust out of principle02:06
kanzure3_I must have a les-meter built in to my head03:13
kanzure3_randomly waking up in the middle of the night just in time to receive his emails03:13
-!- ybit [n=heath@unaffiliated/ybit] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]03:34
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-!- gene [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-92-19.public.utexas.edu] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]03:52
nshhas anyone kicked eliezer in the nuts yet?04:09
nshit's starting to become the only thing i can concentrate on04:09
-!- ferrouswheel [n=jp@121-73-144-159.cable.telstraclear.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection]05:57
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kanzure3_seriously? embedding javascript in the MIME headers? hahah08:34
-!- samrose [n=samrose@c-24-11-214-181.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap09:17
kanzure--a day in the life at fablab austin [to be written] (per alec's suggestion.)10:02
nshconsider investing10:47
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xp_prg2kanzure you here?12:42
xp_prg2are there chips that work with dna?12:45
xp_prg2are they inexpensive?12:45
kanzure3_yes, but not on the consumer market12:45
xp_prg2I can't get one?12:45
kanzure3_I don't know.12:45
fenn"work with dna" probably doesnt mean what you want it to13:06
xp_prg2fenn help me to know what I want to do13:12
* fenn briefly considers using xp_prg2 as an unwitting pawn, and decides against it13:14
xp_prg2no use me!13:17
fenn"no use" you :(13:20
fenndon't encourage me13:20
xp_prg2use me damn it!13:21
fennxp_prg2: show me how to make a validator for yaml (and no, i dont want to use kwalify)13:22
kanzure3_validator? do you mean a grammar parser?13:22
kanzure3_hrm, grammar parser is the wrong word13:23
fennum.. more like "list of acceptable values"13:23
kanzure3_you mean to check whether or not the syntax is valid?13:23
fennbah i'll just match against a regex13:23
fennthanks xp_prg2 13:23
xp_prg2what does that have to do with electronics and dna?13:23
fenni'm doing inventory of my electronics and want a consistent labeling scheme?13:24
kanzuredoesn't gEDA have a BOM tool? I don't recall how good it is though13:26
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fenneach person on your team only needs to save 20 seconds per day to recoup the cost of the service. By using RescueTime, it's almost like adding another person to your team.13:58
fennso basically this is saying each person on the team only helps 20 seconds per day? what?13:58
fennoh, never mind my poor math skills13:59
-!- wrldpc [n=ben@] has joined #hplusroadmap14:06
fennxp_prg2: are you william "tim" heath?15:01
fennah yes, /me finds it in the logs15:02
fenni was wondering why you sign your emails "tim"15:16
xp_prg2cuz it is a nick name and just cuz :>15:39
-!- ferrouswheel [n=jp@121-73-144-159.cable.telstraclear.net] has joined #hplusroadmap15:47
-!- nsh [n=kaapo@c49.adsl.tnnet.fi] has quit ["Your mom is so ugly, when she went to McDonalds, they couldn't serve happy meals."]15:50
-!- splicer [n=patrik@h71n1c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has quit [Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)]16:01
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kanzureso, I'm thinking that there's a way to dynamically plug-and-construct machine that could effectively be called a dynamic n-axis cnc machine16:27
kanzureI was thinking it'd be nice to have an n-axis cnc machine design generator, since after a while the addition of a new axis gets kinda repetitive16:28
kanzurebut then again, I think someone wrote a proof once that a 6-axis cnc machine is sufficiently able to get things done that one wouldn't want to bother with >616:28
kanzure(i've also been thinking of a rocket that sings when flying vertically, as a ridiculous use of the air resistance)16:30
fenn5-axis is generally sufficient16:38
fennsome robot stuff needs >616:38
fennbut only really weird stuff like welding around a corner16:38
kanzureheh there was some ass on the diybio list saying "everybody has great ideas but nobody wants to commit time to them, that's why stuff like diybio always sucks"16:39
kanzuresorry for the fablab I guess?16:40
kanzureI'm pretty sure that's just a meme that a cynic is regurgitating though16:40
kanzure3_"Published works in numerical simulation of DNA migration. in agarose gel electrophoresis"16:43
fennbtw re: n-axis cnc machine, EMC really needs some kind of arbitrary kinematics builder, it would simplify a lot of tech support for people doing weird stuff16:44
kanzure3_oh really?16:44
fennright now you have to write custom C to do all the trigonometry16:44
kanzure3_would metal linkages be ok for arbitrary kinematics?16:44
fennhuh? by definition that's not arbitrary16:44
fennyou mean planar pivots right?16:44
kanzure3_yes, but toss me the name of another type of linkage16:45
fennprismatic, revolute, ball and socket16:45
kanzure3_so, pradeep at ADL is working on metal linkages and maybe a few of those types of linkages 16:46
kanzure3_and then uses these to build some design that matches some kinematic motion profile16:46
kanzure3_(he isn't doing motion profile matching yet AFAIK)16:46
kanzure3_most software like that apparently does it in reverse: user draws a curve, and then the program comes up with a few links of stuffs and different types of links, and then the program comes up with some design.16:47
fenni remember some artist had a collection of linkages that signed his name16:47
kanzure3_that's a neat one.16:47
kanzure3_is that a Signature machine though?16:47
kanzure3_politicians apparently have machines that sign their names via holding pens16:47
kanzure3_but it's probably actuated/digital16:47
fennit was all linkages, not a pantograph16:47
kanzure3_and there's also this -> http://www.robotics.utexas.edu/rrg/research/manipd/16:48
kanzure3_under "Current Research Emphasis" see the first diagram of "starting kinematic configuration" which is what I think you're asking for.16:48
fennmodularity is good, but the more redundant joints you have the harder it is to control16:49
fenndidnt they have some kind of big black truss/tetrahedron?16:50
kanzure3_Marrs, M. R. and Tesar, D.  "Design of an Advanced, High-Precision, Seven Degree-of-Freedom Modular Robotic Manipulator."  Thesis, UT Austin, 1997.16:50
kanzure3_huh? don't know16:50
kanzure3_"Hi Bryan, thanks for that!  I do like the idea of domestic appliances using themselves to replicate themselves like a down to earth fablab/ universal replicator thing (after all mundane domestic objects would most likely be the ultimate use for such powerful tools)!16:52
kanzure3_Anyway, thanks for your interest...  I was kind of wrong footed by the sudden blog attention but it's really encouraging to have people emailing from all over!" - Thomas Thwaites16:52
kanzure3_I really want that to be modular. plug a few of those together or something.16:55
fennhexegrity is possibly the cheapest motion platform possible: http://fennetic.net/machines/hexegrity17:01
fenni want to put one of those on each face of an octahedron17:01
fennif you can make sense of that drawing.. i should really get hacking on that java applet17:02
kanzure3_David Treadwell's business - http://www.quintillionmaterials.com/17:21
kanzure3_aha, here we go17:22
kanzure3_was wondering how I found treadwell17:23
kanzure3_turns out I emailed him back in March of last year about kinematic self-replication and materials science17:23
kanzure3_(as I mentioned, I met him at the robotgroup meeting last Thursday, apparently he recognized me)17:23
fennnice bench; http://pics.livejournal.com/ferrocene/pic/0003wqkr/17:35
-!- samrose [n=samrose@c-24-11-214-181.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)]17:47
kanzure3_complimentary cat.17:48
-!- PeerInfinity [n=someone@] has joined #hplusroadmap18:06
fennthe cat is decorative18:27
kanzureoff to go to a physics test and then the actlab for dorkbot and to chat it up with rauchwerk about things18:31
kanzurehe claims he's "up to his eyes in coding unptnt" but I don't believe that .. if he was really drowning, he would have already given me something to code, or listened to our packaging ideas.18:31
kanzure(why am I still condemned to manipulating pointless (get it?) vectors on paper for tests?)18:31
* fenn manipulates pointful vectors in an applet18:32
fenntrying to figure out the easiest way to do a hamiltonian traversal over an octahedron18:32
fenni guess i'll just type out a bunch of numbers18:33
-!- xp_prg2 is now known as xp_prg18:38
fennhm i dont need the hamiltonian, just the set of non-diagonals18:39
fennman java is lame18:51
-!- gene [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-178-187.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap19:12
ybitbkero: where did you say you were formally an IT administrator? portland uni.. something.. i forget20:51
fennoregon state university open source lab20:52
fennin corvallis, not portland20:52
bkeroybit: That's correct.20:53
bkeroAnd not formerly20:53
fennaw man, i got suckered21:02
fennken perlin's java applet doesnt do a real simulation21:03
fennit just moves the moving thingy closer to the center21:03
fenninstead of simulating all the spring forces on it21:03
fennthis is what I'm going on about: http://fennetic.net/machines/hexegrity/hexegrity.html21:08
fennit should rotate slightly due to the asymmetry in the string attachments21:08
fennoh well it gets the point across21:08
kanzureblah, I left dorkbot early because the only cool stuff there was charlie's bag of reprap parts. but seriously.. it's all "craft" crap.21:13
* kanzure hasn't ran a java applet in .. quite a while. proudly.21:13
fennmoved to: http://fennetic.net/machines/hexegrity-applet/hexegrity.html21:13
kanzureheh, so I went to dorkbot to see dave21:31
kanzureand he didn't show up, but sent me an SMS which I found out about by checking email21:31
kanzureyay technology21:31
genekanzure did you see the wood burner?21:45
geneha you missed the water bridge21:45
genebut yeah, craft shit21:45
genestuff in the other room was cool21:45
fenncnc soldering iron?21:45
* fenn can't imagine any other use for a wood burner21:46
geneas in some pencil drawing on a piece of wood21:46
genehooked up to a neon sign transform21:46
fennisn't wood an insulator?21:47
geneno, and yes21:47
genegraphite isn't21:47
fennuh, so it conducts down the graphite trace?21:47
geneit was quite possibly the most beautiful thing I have ever seen21:47
genekanzure you didn't see the water bridge?21:48
genedue watching an arc burn through wood is something else21:48
genenice and white21:48
ybitbkero: oh. i thought you were with google now21:49
genesame guy also tried to use an X-ray transformer to make a levitating bridge of water between two cups21:49
genedidn't work very well21:50
genekept turning into a jacobs lader21:50
genea jacobs ladder made of DI water21:50
fennwater + HV = fun! or death..21:50
genethis guy was an expert21:50
genehe wore gloves21:50
fenngloves dont do that much at 50kV21:51
davidnunezIm curious (kanzure gene): what, in your mind, elevates an activity outside of "craft shit" 21:51
geneyeah I know21:52
davidnunez...or maybe, what is your definition of "craft crap"?21:52
bkeroybit: That was an internship.  I'm done.21:57
geneis it intended to make people think about certain things, while doing it in approach that has been tried many times before, just dressed up differently21:57
genethat can be considered craft crap21:57
fennor not dressed up differently21:58
fennand having no real use..21:59
genedoes it explode, make loud noises, make bright light, make the very air itself glow?21:59
genenot craft crap21:59
davidnunezI share the frustration, but I think I'm not as dismissive...  22:00
davidnunezHere's an example: LED Throwies.22:00
genebuilding stuff just for the heck of it," hey guys let's build a completely mechanical computer capable of running crisis in real time"22:00
fenngene: uh, sounds pretty cool to me22:01
gene= not craft crap22:01
davidnunezGRL "invented" or more accurately "popularized" LED Throwies and had a really original / political slant to their approach.22:01
genethe sad thing about LED throwies is that people are to afraid to use them, and people are too stupid to recognize them as something other than a bomb22:02
fennhow can LED's be political?22:02
genecan't I just build something just for fun?22:02
davidnunezGRL is all about subversive expression of technology - political.  But that's not the point....22:03
genesubversive and disruptive is how I like my tech22:04
davidnunezTheir throwies have been coopted by schools and magazines and diy crafty clubs who get together and TAPE (not even solder) an LED circuit together.  22:04
genebut they are fun though22:04
davidnunezSure!  Tons of fun and easy.  22:05
geneheh made my own version22:05
genemade a levitating LED lamp22:05
davidnunezBut I get very frustrated because people (not you-- you made your own version) just STOP there.  They don't explore further.  22:05
davidnunezand because of the DIY marketing machine, people are equating LED Throwies with "innovation"  "I'm a 1337 hax0r cuz I made LED throwies by following a paint-by-numbers instruction manual"22:06
genewell I was really just an LED battery and some tape attached to a mylar balloon and balanced in such a manner as to be aesthetically pleasing22:06
davidnunezI don't know how that fits in with "apt-get install washing_machine"  which is the ULTIMATE paint-by-numbers experience... not even painting, really.  22:07
davidnunezbut I do think there is a total lack of "what's next?" and "so what?" in much of the DIY space. 22:08
genein order to be 1337 you must make a machine capable of graffiting a wall from a sufficiently far away to be unnoticed unmarked van22:08
fenncnc paintball gun?22:09
genethrowie gun22:09
fennbut throwies arent graffiti22:09
davidnunezTo sum up (and shut myself up): I think "Hello Worlds" are SO important.   But they are not enough.  People who are excited enough to ask "what next?" have a big empty void to cross to get out of "craft" land22:09
fennit's just a bunch of blinking lights22:09
fennthere's no "message"22:09
genedavid I'll admit, I am guilty of copying projects22:10
davidnunezgene: so do you think when you copy projects you're making "craft crap"?  I'm not trying to be confrontational... I really do want to understand attitudes around these ideas.22:11
fennwell, find some crackers that used to be script kiddies and see what changed their worldview22:11
genehow else was I supposed to get 405 nm laser that cheaply?22:11
fennthough my enlightenment was that we have precious few new ideas, and way more than we realize is copied from others22:11
fenngene: that's not the point22:12
fennthe point is you're trying to do something with that laser, not just make it to say you did it22:12
fennbut david's complaining about people who just build the laser as a science fair project22:12
fenneven though there's no science22:13
davidnunezso in your world view, _applied_ hacking is what makes the activity worthwhile?   Does art fit?22:13
fennif you're not pushing the boundaries or doing quantity production, you're wasting your time22:13
fennquantity production = supporting the rest of civilization22:14
davidnunezthat's good.  That sums it up and can apply to lots of context.22:14
davidnunezif you're not pushing the boundaries of art, you're just painting-by-numbers22:14
fenn== craft22:15
fennuh, i read some definitions of this a while ago, but i cant remember the precise wordings22:15
fenncraft is about the skill with which something is executed22:16
davidnunez(Although.  devil's advocate -- You have to PRACTICE lots before you get to be great.  Copying other people's work is a time-honored tradition for building up skills (think pianists).  You have to be ready with the right tools when the lightning bolt of inspiration hits)22:17
fennblah.. totally unrelated google results for "craft art science"22:17
fennthere are other ways to learn than practice22:17
davidnunezSure.  But it's a good way.22:17
fennalthough i concede that practice is effective22:18
davidnunezHeh.  What's the equivalent to practicing your scales in building robots?22:18
fennthe thing is, you can usually find something new that's still baseline easy, vs copying a hello world program22:18
fennline follower, cockroach (hides from light), balance bot, logo turtle22:19
genewell I just wanted a high powered violet laser22:19
davidnunezTrue.  I guess, though, you'd need to have a little experience to know what's innovative.  You can assume a newbie is going to come up with the exact same set of revelations as all their predecessors for a long while.22:19
fennmeh.. i've never built a line follower but i can guess that it'll be boring22:20
genethough I just found out I might be able to make a spectrograph22:20
davidnunezcross connect photoresistor comparison w/ wheels.  done.22:21
fenngene: have you been following diybio?22:21
genenot really fenn22:21
geneI've been doing schoool22:21
fenngene: well, the discussion i'm following is about an agarose gel in a straw; i'd like to be able to make a cheap spectrometer that you could detect dna with as it goes down the straw22:22
davidnunezbut yeah... actually, it's a good example because there are so many ways you can build a line follower.  It reminds me of when I used to run software interviews... we'd ask "Write a program that sorts a list alphabetically" 22:22
genewell then fenn22:22
davidnunezand then see how long it takes to make the program more and more optimal. 22:22
geneyou might be in luck22:22
fenni dunno if DNA absorbs at 405nm though22:22
fennyou can get 305nm LED's which might work22:22
davidnuneztangent complete.  Thanks!22:23
fenndavidnunez: that's a fairly computer-sciencey question, so you're favoring people who went to school and not necessarily people who know how to write programs that work well and are maintainable22:24
genekanzure, so anychance of visiting the fab22:24
fennits like "write a function that maps a function to a hash in language xyz"22:24
davidnunezfenn: I totally agree.  software job interviews == hazing.   22:24
genedavid it's fun just to build things even if they aren't your own design22:24
genebut I agree, there are lot's of script kiddies22:25
davidnunezgene: so why do you call other people's work "craft crap?"22:25
genebecause I find it uninteresting22:25
fenncraft crap should be well executed if you're going to show it off22:25
davidnunezfair enough.22:25
fennnobody wants to see bad art22:26
genethough people can make bad art if it suits them22:26
davidnunezYeah.  "Don't get too proud of your LED throwies... there's a whole big world out there"22:26
davidnunezI want to be the guy with the lantern waving over the crafters w/ promise out of the mob of paint-by-numbers artists.... giving them a direction to learn and to start applying their hacking to interesting problems.   22:27
davidnunezblah.. blah.. blah... speculative hacking.. blah ;)22:27
genewell one reason for paint by the number type things, is that they can enable one to make something very hard to buy22:29
genelike a potato cannon or a high power laser22:29
fennbut that's something different22:29
fennit's not paint-by-numbers anymore, it's manufacturing autonomy or something22:30
fennassuming you actually do something with it22:30
fennlike shoot potatoes22:30
fenni dunno, maybe a potato cannon is craft crap22:31
fennfor one birthday my dad bought me these little guns you stick in potatoes and squeeze to shoot the potato pip across the room.. i was not very happy22:32
geneI guess it is22:32
genebut mine is unique22:32
genebut no need to go Haruhi complex over things like these22:38
davidnunezThere's a guy that shows up in Make a lot (Will Gurstelle?) that believes the potato cannon is the perfect hello world for kids interested in garage engineering... it's got just enough danger factor and accomplishment difficulty that can hook someone into a world of hacks for life. 22:39
geneno it doesn't22:39
davidnunezfor kids, gene.22:39
geneperchlorate production cells are the way to go22:39
davidnunezI guess a kid would need either the personal drive or support of great parents to build the very next thing after the potato cannon.  it's the NEXT thing you build after the throwie that matters, maybe.  and the next thing after that. .. maybe as long as you're continuing to build up, you're not just "crafting"22:40
fennexplosives and garage engineering is a fine line..22:41
genenever built one though22:41
fennnot sure it's the best thing to be promoting22:41
fennif you had an army of telepresence robots, then fine, blow stuff up22:42
fennbut we dont have the ability to regenerate limbs and organs yet22:42
genewell now that I think about it a chlorate production cell is pretty dangerous to the environment22:42
fenneven professionals get killed, see what happened at scaled composites22:42
genedamn chlorate ion22:43
geneis toxic22:43
ybitbkero: did you enjoy it? would it be an organization you could see yourself working for?22:50
bkeroybit: Absolutely22:51
bkeroIt's the only large company I've seen that I would be willing to work for22:51
genecould this day get any more awesome22:56
gene2 satellites collided in space!22:57
bkeroMore importantly23:03
bkeroNew futurama movie got leaked yesterday.23:03
* fenn has a planetes flashback23:04
fennall we need is an electrodynamic tether, some solar panels, and an electron gun23:05
fennblast those bits out of orbit23:05
fennthough apparently it was in a low orbit so they should decay quickly23:06
fennhaha another collision: http://www.physorg.com/news153144094.html23:08
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-!- PeerInfinity [n=someone@] has quit []23:41

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