
--- Day changed Thu Feb 12 2009
kanzurejust spent the last two or three hours with dave.00:39
kanzurehe's as intense as I am. this shit is going down :)00:41
kanzureso, again we were talking about things and he has been mentioning that the real focus needs to be on open source cad, and furthermore on the interface thereof00:47
kanzuresince we both agreed that the datastructures for parametric engines aren't really all that technically complicated00:47
fennthey shut off the water - apparently the money i lent my ex-roomate to pay the bills didnt go to the bills.. I'm ready to do something different00:48
kanzurein particular he wants to get some grant money to go put in $100k 6-axis Haas shit into les' fablab00:48
kanzurewe were also talking about "serious open source hardware projects"- let's go design a real Haas thing. but even if you had the CAD files for Haas, what are you going to do with them?00:48
fenncad -> haas = non-sequitur?00:48
kanzureum, just jumping around abit00:49
fennlabs.mfg.com = open source VMC (vertical machining center)00:49
kanzureit's hard for me to linearize nonlinear memories that, nevertheless, were acquired linearly00:49
kanzureyeah, Jorge Garrera00:49
kanzurewe talked about him. wasn't interesting because that's not really repeatable00:49
kanzurenote that the Haas stuff is good because the economies of scale involved there to some extent00:49
kanzureif you're producing ten thousand cnc machines, your automation equipment there is going to make sure each machine is specced out exact00:50
kanzuredave was complaining about specifity between different F/OSS cnc machines anyway00:50
kanzuresince you don't have those seven zeroes of detail00:50
kanzureheh, he mentioned something about hexapods00:51
fennopensourcecnc.blogspot.com i mean00:51
kanzureand a BFI application entry00:51
fennwhat's not repeatable about it?00:51
fennno shit00:51
kanzureso apparently he's ran into you before00:51
fennunfortunately all the academic research that's gone into hexapods isn't of much use because they don't share their code (and wont respond to emails from "random people on the internet)00:53
fennso it's actually a lot harder than it ought to be00:53
fennautomatic calibration etc00:53
fennhaas won't get near .0000000100:54
fenn.00001 if you're lucky00:55
fenner, .0001 i mean00:55
fennabout 50 microns00:56
fenner, 5 microns01:01
kanzurefenn: so I want to get all of us in the same room together- you, me, les and dave.01:01
kanzurewould you be okay with that?01:01
fenndouble ball bar gets hexapod down to about 10 microns (this is with fancy equipment and lots of complex error modeling)01:01
kanzureso as for your "getting your lazy ass to austin" timeframe?01:02
fenni'm itching to do something but i dont want to just abandon all my crap and then flail around once i get there01:02
fennhave les and dave met?01:02
kanzureI'm just about to send out an email to the four of us suggesting we get together at some time and place, or really just so that we can start working our schedules in advance for that sort of a meet01:02
kanzureso if I was to suggest a time for us to all meet, 01:03
kanzureif I said late february, would you be able to make that even theoretically?01:03
fennas of right now i dont have any bathroom so i'm not exactly in my comfort zone01:04
kanzurehrm, how's that working anyway?01:05
fenni'm not sure01:05
kanzuregood luck with that'01:05
fenni found that i still have lab keys to a building on campus, so theoretically i can go there01:05
fennwell, it's better than a truck stop at least01:06
fennall that talk, and jorge barrera ended up with a wood router01:09
kanzure3_Haas CNC price list  http://www.haascnc.com/VMC_PRICE_40TAPER.asp#VMCTreePrice01:14
kanzure3_Pallet changer (for multiple tombstones) and Vertical machining center  http://www.haascnc.com/details_HMC_EC.asp?ID=351#HMCTreeModel01:15
kanzure3_For perspective... this is the way to change tools with out a rotary tool changer I described  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3wjO0aaKLQ01:15
kanzure3_uh, that was an email from dave01:15
kanzure3_hah, wtf, "1 MB program memory?"01:17
kanzure3_for the EC-400PP01:17
fenncommercial CNC/CAM gets away with a lot of dark age stuff01:18
fennbtw Haas is bottom of the barrel as far as industrial CNC machinery01:18
fennmuch smarter to buy an old mori seki or something like that01:19
kanzureso apparently dave was once a grad student, but without a research project,01:19
kanzureso he was apparently able to get government funding for LSU's machine shop to get in about 1 CNC machine per every 2 students for the manufacturing class01:20
kanzurethe grant went through and everything was set up and ready to go01:20
kanzureand then he quit LSU and came to austin01:20
kanzureI told him he was a moron and he agreed :/01:20
kanzure(LSU now has their fancy new machine shop installed.)01:20
fennpolonator is basically an inkjet printer, right?01:42
fennor am i missing something?01:42
kanzureI've never seen the hardware.01:43
kanzureever ever ever01:43
fenneverything on here says "overkill" to me http://www.polonator.org/instrument/01:43
fenn5nm resolution, wtf are you going to do with that01:44
fenni thought church was after the $1 genome01:44
fennthere used to be a picture on the website, unless i'm thinking of something else (open hardware DNA synthesizer?)01:45
fennhmm must have been something else, looked different from this (the polonator): http://genomeboy.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/img_4044.JPG01:50
fennyeah that's what i was remembering01:51
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* kanzure makes a graph of fenn's nonaccess to a bathroom and his emailing rate. hrm.05:39
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kanzurefenn: 10:26
kanzuremy mom has a 12 foot trailer10:26
kanzureif I can craft some elaborate excuse for a road trip over a weekend, ..10:27
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bkerokanzure: You're headed up to Oregon, right? 8)11:08
bkeroRoad trip11:08
kanzure3_fenn is in indiana11:08
bkeroPssh, they're only a couple miles apart.11:09
kanzurehm. pink army is being signed into being in an hour. 11:12
kanzureand apparently I'm now doing the website11:12
bkeroAre you a pink surgeon?11:13
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fennif you want to drive a trailer for 3 days it would really help13:47
kanzure--3 days?14:18
kanzure--does anyone remember what I used to record my screen when I did the biotech toolkit youtube thingy?14:19
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fenngoogle says 17 hr each way, but in my experience it takes 20% longer than they estimate 14:22
kanzure--well, if it was going to happen, I'd have to leave on a Friday around 3 pm14:23
fenn< kanzure> I was using recordmydesktop.14:24
kanzure--hm, I figured out istanbul this time14:25
kanzure--turns out you have to clicky the icon in the taskbar to make it start/stop recording14:25
kanzure--video: http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/gears/gearvid.ogg (79 KB) (bad)14:32
fennopengl is tricky to screencast14:34
fenni assume they actually spin with the correct ratios?14:34
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kanzure--you assume wrong foolish mortal!14:36
kanzure--the spinning is just a rate that bounces from 0.0 to 1.0 and then back to 0 sparodically.14:37
fennhmm yep looks like glxgears (motion aliased blur)14:38
fennexcept they all appear to be spinning the same direction14:38
fennif it's GPL you should put that in the source14:39
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kanzure--fenn: les just offered you a bed. neat.15:21
kanzure--well, not a bed, but a place to put a pallet15:23
* kanzure-- leavez15:26
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kanzure3_the nantucket series actually sounds fun.16:17
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fennhaha "that way you avoid putting excess wear on your car"17:06
fenni'm mostly concerned about it how to keep it from blowing up17:06
fennhe didnt really answer the question though17:09
kanzure3_when talking about a protein, "residues 1 through 25" refers to what precisely?17:17
kanzure3_is that 1-25 of the AA sequence?17:18
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kanzureheh, sata is going to start paying me soon17:41
kanzuredouble lifes are neat.17:41
* kanzure twitches in exhaustion17:41
fennwhat do you actually do in his lab?17:42
kanzurecharlie and I have been working on the filter forever or whatever,17:43
kanzureI've been working on some scripts to do GIS number crunching17:43
kanzurehave a presentation tomorrow (and apparently les is picking me up afterwards to go talk some more)17:43
kanzureso, also, I've done some bioinformatics work with another one of his students who does insulin-in-algae expression17:45
kanzureor at least has been trying to do that17:45
kanzureso I was doing genome analysis for codon bias, which I'm not convinced they know what to do with yet (for vector construction)17:45
fennhm. e coli isnt good enough?17:45
kanzurespirulina apparently clumps very easily and can be grown in these giant vats.17:45
kanzuregiant thai spirulina farms and such17:45
fennbut clumping is bad for growth17:45
kanzure(like a seaweed)17:46
kanzureyes, that's true17:46
kanzurebut I think I mainly mean that it is easy to harvest17:46
kanzurebecause you can just run a surface through the waterbody and extract yer goods17:46
kanzureor drain it easily and such17:46
fenni think they use cheesecloth17:47
kanzuresata has an aquaculture bias, obviously17:47
fenngrow me some algae contact lenses17:47
kanzure(todo: build/design handheld lipid analysis machine for commercialization)17:47
kanzuresome wah?17:47
fennyou know, for personal medical autonomy17:47
fennisnt it strange nobody knows what causes nearsightedness?17:48
kanzurea conspiracy!17:48
fenni think it might be due to light exposure as a baby during night-time17:49
fenni dont know how you keep up with so many mailing lists17:52
kanzure3_"How Speakers' Eye Movements Reflect Spoken Language Generation" (feb 13 talk from the "Friends of Ai" group here at UT. hrm.)18:06
kanzureI begin by selling my soul18:07
kanzureum, so pinkarmy is now real18:22
kanzureand I'm shooting Andrew Hessel some ideas on the website stuff18:22
kanzureI suggested tumblr.com as a layout example18:22
kanzuremy brain used to be this large lookup table of "good layouts on the web", but now since I care fuck shit about that, I've lost that ability18:23
kanzuretwitter.com, tumblr.com, ..18:25
fennhuh. googling "weather temperature graph" brings up paul's garden simulator18:46
fenner, "temperature graph weather" apparently word order matters now18:47
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kanzureI suck.19:08
fennit needs to be more ... pink19:15
* kanzure finds another shade of pink. grumble grumble.19:15
fennlooks gray to me19:16
kanzureit is :(19:16
kanzure3_Flickr Pink [#FF0084]19:16
kanzure3_Digg Blue [#356AA0]19:17
fennwould be cool if you had a background like these cells: http://fennetic.net/pub/irc/Colonies-WBC-Stem.mov19:19
fennthere are other movies that have close ups that are like landscapes, but mplayer gets borked for some reason after playing certain movies (get green snow crash)19:19
fennmaybe drew berry would be willing to make a background with those textures19:20
fennbut really i wouldnt try to make a webpage, i'd find some kid who wants to build his web design resume19:23
fennyou can always go through and rip out the web2.0nar19:23
kanzurethe problem is finding somebody legit19:23
fennlike not xp_prg?19:24
kanzureevery web guy that I know, who does web stuff for a living, instantly wants to do flash shit19:24
kanzureand then you end up paying him thousands of dollars for something unbelievably rude to the human condition :p19:24
fenneh i wouldnt pay him thousands of dollars19:25
fenncome on, who wouldnt want to design "webpage for independent cancer research organization"19:25
fennis that sexy?19:25
xp_prgI like flash19:28
fenni like money19:29
fennhuh huh19:29
fenntry white on pink19:39
fennwhite text19:39
fenncd /pub/irc/19:40
fennmeh. http://fennetic.net/pub/irc/index.html19:44
kanzureack, an index.html to /pub/irc/ is evil19:45
fennit will be removed shortly19:47
fennok i give up, web design sucks19:48
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kanzure3_if you mounted a projector on a spinning disk on a ceiling in a circular room, would it be possible to use refresh rate to your advantage to make it look like you have a screen that spans the entire surface area of the wall that is being projected on to?21:11
fennyes but they dont draw the whole screen at once so you'd get slanty distortion21:58
kanzure3_raster scanning?21:58
fennmaybe you could tilt it sideways21:58
fenn"bring everything" he says, hahahaa21:59
fennthat's just the stuff that fits in containers (or almost does, in some cases)22:00
kanzure3_is that maniacal laughter because you figured out how to do it, or not?22:00
fennsure, i can think of a few ways to do it22:00
kanzure3_also, inventory before moving is a good idea.22:01
kanzure3_I wish I would have done that when my father passed away22:01
* kanzure3_ still doesn't trust the "oh just take money out of his wallet, he doesn't mind" philosophy22:01
kanzure3_mc16: tax records, college papers22:02
kanzure3_odd combination?22:03
fennnot really, it's where all the loose papers go22:03
kanzure3_ft56: chemistry22:04
fennnot as impressive as it sounds, unfortunately22:04
kanzure3_"I have fit all of chemistry into this single container"22:04
fennthat's the plan22:04
fenni didnt realize i had 92 fish tubs22:06
kanzure3_what is a fish tub?22:06
fennan air mail shipping container for fish fillets22:06
fennhttp://www.ropakfish.com/fishing.php the 10 and 20 lb22:07
fennmostly 20lb22:07
fenni'd really like to get more22:07
fennperhaps i can just throw away some stuff22:08
kanzure3_eek. pain.22:08
fennthis is post-purge btw22:08
fennthe thing is, it's so easy to not purge something if it's in a nice container22:08
kanzure3_when was pre-post-purge?22:08
kanzure3_your recent move?22:09
kanzure3_oh drats, I forgot to ask for the trailer earlier today22:10
kanzure3_ah, she just emailed me three minutes ago, how convenient of her.22:12
fennit's only 10pm right?22:12
kanzureold people sleep early22:12
fennbtw for reference, a u-haul costs about $1k + gas22:14
kanzuredoes google maps give you an estimate on gas?22:15
kanzure"vs. $blah driving!"22:15
fenni dont know what mileage it would get22:15
* fenn invokes the power of the internet22:15
kanzurewell I was asking about gas because I'll probably have to foot the bill on gas if I drive the trailerbeast up to you22:16
fennwell it's 1000 miles22:17
fenn* 222:17
kanzure3_"excuse me.....you don't know how to drive my car with a trailer...a bit more than hit the pedle and brake"22:18
kanzure3_well, there's her answer.22:18
kanzure(I don't recommend dealing with her)22:18
* fenn squints at the numbers22:18
kanzureif you look real closely, the three zeroes start to become just one really really long zero, you see22:19
fennwhy can't i rent space on a train22:19
kanzure3_because national train infrastructure no longer exists?22:20
* fenn hears trains whistling in the distance22:22
fennreally, that's kinda spooky22:22
kanzure3_http://sites.google.com/site/artmarcovici/unitx from eric.22:30
kanzure3_"UNITX (united networks international transport exchange) is a project that intends to fundamentally change the way our economy22:31
kanzure3_works today. UNITX is a system of corridors located underground in larger urban areas. In these corridors the pictured logibots 22:31
kanzure3_are traveling and transporting goods from house to house. The logibots are able to transport up to 4 boxes with dimensions of up to 60x60x45 cm. "22:31
fennuh. looks really complicated22:32
kanzure3_I can't tell if that's intentional or not22:32
fenneric introduced me to the banana monorail22:33
fennwhich IMHO would be 90 zillion times easier to make than that logibot thing22:33
fennalthough it's in norway, it's still a banana monorail :P22:47
fennkinda hard to see how it attaches on these pics, but i like the hoop design: http://www.geocities.com/ferrobanana/trains.htm?200912#top22:48
kanzure3_enterprise rents out cargo vans for a day or two for $170~22:50
fennthat might work.. i wonder about the weight rating22:52
fennnot like i have any idea how much my stuff weighs22:53
fennwelp the scale will arrive in the mail tomorrow so i can weigh stuff22:54
kanzure3_I am not sure if enterprise lets you do one-way trips22:59
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fenni could probably buy a truck, drive it, and sell it, and make a profit23:42
kanzure3_how do you figure?23:42
fenninstead of paying $7-900 to rent a truck for three days23:42
geneprice of UAVs<price of truck23:42
kanzure3_needs to be a MAV23:42
fennnot sure about that gene, trucks are pretty cheap around here23:43
genehow much?23:43
fennusually they need some care23:43
fennactually there is a pickup truck in my yard that has been abandoned23:43
geneuavs are estimated to be around $300023:43
genefenn, buy a bunch of cordite and BLOW IT TO BITS!23:44
geneor buy a bag of fertilizer and some dizel fool23:46
fennhey this is almost a truck http://bloomington.craigslist.org/cto/1032642036.html23:48
genelooks sort of cool23:48
genebut it would be cooler BLOWN UP!23:49
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