
--- Day changed Sat Feb 14 2009
fenn3 bathrooms??00:00
fenni've been picturing this place as like a steel barn with concrete floors and no interior walls00:00
fennbut it has 3 bathrooms00:00
kanzurebut we're going to be putting in some walls for that renting space apparently.00:00
kanzurewell, there's also some interior walls though I guess00:01
kanzurefor the front office (entry room)00:01
kanzureand then the three bathrooms on one wall there00:01
-!- RiceCake [i=RiceCake@static24-72-67-166.regina.accesscomm.ca] has quit ["Leaving"]00:01
kanzureand then a giant conference room00:01
fennricecake failed :(00:01
kanzureconference room is 271x19200:01
kanzurewhat would that be in feet?00:01
kanzureyes, it would have to be in inches00:02
fennwas the 10 inch bandsaw for wood or metal?00:04
kanzureprobably wood00:04
fenni'm thinking i should bring the gingery lathe and the metal bandsaw00:05
kanzurewell, definitely those two things00:05
kanzurealthough 50 qty ethernet cables always comes in handy00:06
fennwell i have 50 qty a bunch of other stuff too00:06
kanzureI used to carry around ethernet back when I was smarter than I am now00:06
fennlike ethernet switches and thin clients00:06
fennbut i cant take everything00:06
fennthere is somewhat a mass limit in addition to a volume limit00:07
fennwith "normal people stuff" it wouldnt be an issue, but i tend to optimize things for packing00:07
kanzure"20 years of playing tetris have finally paid off!"00:07
fennand metal blocks weigh a lot00:07
fenn20 years of tetris have finally destroyed my suspension!00:07
kanzureI don't imagine you can sue Atari for that eh?00:08
fennso, he has a lot of stuff..00:08
kanzureso les was learning how to weld a few days ago00:08
kanzureapparently he picked it up pretty fast00:09
kanzureanyway, I told him that he looked like Keanu Reeves00:09
kanzure("I know kung-fu.")00:09
kanzure"I know welding."00:09
kanzure"you think that is steel you are welding? huh."00:09
fenni'd like to add a GC-MS to that list..00:10
kanzurea what?00:10
fenngas chromatography mass spectrometer00:10
fennor at least a microscope or something00:11
kanzureyeah, we're definitely going to have to do the diybio hardware dance thingy00:11
kanzureat least a box of straws :(00:11
fennah i've got the straws on the "take" pile00:12
fennthree boxes even :)00:12
fennwrong kind for agarose though00:12
fenntea bubblers and stiff oblique-ended yellow straws00:13
fennwhy doeshe want a 20 inch disk sander?00:13
kanzureis that in the want list?00:14
kanzureoh, you mean why does he have it / want it in the first place00:14
fennits in the 'build' list00:14
kanzurewell, no clue00:15
kanzureit might be something he already has, I kind of screwed up on the build list at one point, but I might have fixed with a copy-and-paste (I will double check in a bit)00:15
kanzureoh, you're right00:17
fenn396 lbs 2HP00:18
fennthose are electrical ponies00:18
kanzureponies? so not a horse?00:18
fennlike a horse but more compact00:19
fennso.. this is really closer to "techshop" than "fablab"00:21
kanzureremember, it was originally going to be the austin techshop00:21
fennwhich shouldnt be surprising i guess00:21
kanzureme wants more big equipment involved00:21
kanzuresorry, size doesn't matter00:23
kanzurejust fabricational capacity00:23
fennthe way i see it, if you have humongous equipment available, you're going to design stuff to be made on that equipment00:24
fennbut that's not really what we're aiming for is it?00:24
fennon the other hand, huge stuff gets the job done quicker00:25
fennand i'd rather have one cnc that gets the job done 20x faster than 20 little cnc's00:25
fennbut if there's more than one person they can't use the cnc at the same time00:25
fennand for non-factory stuff most of the time is setup and dicking around00:26
fennso.. yeah. topic for future meeting i guess00:26
fennguess i should bring the little TIG welder too00:29
kanzureoh, I have a freshman that will be working on the CFD analysis with me00:30
kanzurehe doesn't know anything, but at least it let me pretends I have somebody to work with00:31
kanzure*lets me00:31
kanzureI was shing him the openfoam "water breaking a dam" demo. that was actually a neat 2D demo, looking back on it.00:31
fennCFD for the algae thing?00:31
kanzurebut also for hydrocyclones and other things00:31
kanzurebasically I just want him to get openfoam running, that would be a freaking miracle00:32
fennisnt that what i just said?00:32
kanzurewell, the spiral filter is not a hydroclone necessarily00:32
kanzurethey are different designs.00:32
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fenni think the cone shaped cyclone cavity will work a lot better than your spiral :)00:32
kanzureyeah, I want to try that.00:32
kanzurebtw, it's not my spiral. is gene's.00:33
fenni guess i should have said something earlier00:33
kanzurewell it's pretty obvious though00:33
fennabout the spiral not working00:33
kanzureI mean, we're doing this all wrong00:33
kanzurefirst of all, who the hell manufactures before simulations00:33
fennpeople who are comfortable manufacturing things00:34
kanzuresecondly, finding only a signle reference to a design idea, and running with it ? without simulations or any history?00:34
fennoften it's easier to just try something than set up a simulation which is probably going to be wrong anyway00:34
fennit's one of those dark ages things00:35
fennlike drawing on paper00:35
kanzurebut this is *wrong*00:35
fennor talking to people in person00:35
fennwhat did the tool carts look like? were they like this? http://toolmonger.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/12/post-toolcart.jpg00:38
kanzure3_hrm, maybe, but that might be referring to the giant rolling red toolboxes instead.00:39
fennlike this? http://images.netshops.com/mgen/master:WTR034.jpg00:39
kanzure3_there's definitely one of those rolling around the place00:40
fenni dont see that coming apart into "parts"00:40
fenni really like these http://www.ontarioindustrial.com/user_files/images/wire.jpg00:41
fenndebating whether to bring mine, since i won't have very many fish tubs there anyway (mine are perfect size for 8 tubs)00:42
kanzure3_you should certainly ask. maybe.00:43
fennthere's just not enough space in the car00:44
fennthey do compact very nicely, which is why i like them00:44
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kanzure3_argh. http://ftp.utexas.edu/pub/debian/ 08:30
kanzure3_you mean I've been missing out on this?08:30
kanzureparaview conflicts with mplayer?08:44
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kanzure3_http://grail.cs.washington.edu/projects/videoenhancement/videoEnhancement.htm Using Photographs to Enhance Videos of a Static Scene09:46
jm35 million $ for Twitter Inc., 6 million for the Methuselah Foundation. This is ridiculous. 10:36
kanzure3_http://dvlabs.tippingpoint.com/blog/2009/02/12/python-interfacing-a-usb-missile-launcher heh, wonder if once I get a USB port cad'd up if I should go add it to the pig launcher design (plus a few other mechanisms)12:00
kanzure3_Can anyone give me the name of a handcraft / fine motor skill that is ridiculously obscure?12:16
kanzure3_origami might count12:17
kanzure3_but it's not that obscure12:17
kanzure3_nevermind, lost my train of thought12:18
kanzure3_http://heybryan.org/legal/lee_kottner.txt that export-blog-posts-to-blosxom feature has caused me more legal trouble than anything I've ever done12:55
fennthey have no shame, it says it right there on their blog13:27
fennwriting teacher, no wonder13:33
fennWe are using an original development method we've dubbed "Toy Driven Development". Under this process graphical toys are implemented which allow playing with the features of the library.13:44
kanzurewhat is this?13:44
kanzure3_ http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Lib2geom_Goals13:44
fennfrom  lib2geom, part of inkscape13:44
fenngood for CAM stuff possibly13:44
kanzureDavid Cary and Alec Resnick have finally subscribed to openmanufacturing13:47
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samrosefenn: bugs everywhere is awesome, thanks for the reference16:06
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kanzurehey xp_prg, I have something related to diybio for you to do if you're interested16:20
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xp_prgwhat is it kanzure?16:46
kanzuredid you see pcr.xml the other day?16:47
xp_prgno what is that?16:47
kanzurea molecular biology protocol (PCR) marked up in CLP-ML, an XML format.16:47
xp_prgwow cool!16:47
xp_prgwhat do you want me to do with it?16:47
kanzurethere's a post on the diybio mailing list about it btw16:48
xp_prgoh ok let me look16:48
kanzurewell, I was wondering if you might want to write up gel electrophoresis using the same DTD16:48
kanzureor some other protocol of your choice.16:48
kanzurethere are many: http://protocol-online.org/16:48
xp_prgcan you help me to understand what you mean by mapping a protocol to a dtd?16:48
kanzurewhen did I say mapping?16:49
xp_prgyou are saying to describe a protocol with a dtd?16:49
kanzuredo you know what a dtd is?16:49
xp_prgyes it is a grammar for validating xml16:50
kanzurea DTD for protocols has already been defined (see the email)16:50
kanzureso I made an example, pcr.xml16:50
kanzurePCR is a molecular biology protocol16:50
xp_prglet me see if I can find it16:50
kanzureso, I was wondering if you want to write up gel electrophoresis using that same DTD.16:51
kanzureor some other protocol of your choice.16:51
xp_prgok :>16:51
xp_prgI definitely do!16:51
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kanzure3_http://reactome.org/cgi-bin/eventbrowser?DB=gk_current&ID=379391  dopamine synthesis pathway17:13
kanzure3_does it make sense to want to be able to identify a 'target compound' from these bioinformatics databases, and want to unravel all relevant genomic information that is required to manufacture that item?17:15
kanzure3_would it work if I wrote a program to do that?17:15
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-!- gene [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-91-63.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap18:30
genehow's the fablab coming along?18:30
kanzurehttp://reactome.org/cgi-bin/eventbrowser?DB=gk_current&ID=379391 Synthesis of Dopamine [Homo sapiens]18:30
kanzuregene: did you see the inventory?18:30
geneI believe so18:30
genehey I bet ten dollars we could make to sponsor us18:31
genevacuum pump?18:31
kanzureare you missing a verb in that sentence?18:32
geneI've always wanted a good vacuum pump18:32
genescrew grammar, I'm on the internet18:32
geneimacs might be useful18:33
kanzure but I don't know what the bet is18:33
genethat we could have Make Magazine sponsor our fablab18:33
geneno internet?18:34
geneselling food?18:34
kanzureluke iseman is the local Austin make magazine editor18:34
geneinteresting way to fund a fablab18:34
genethat's how the anime club is funded18:35
kanzuregene: so far it looks like the business model is that some of the space is going to be rented out18:35
kanzurefor $225/mo18:35
kanzureand that this would then pay for the maintenance costs18:35
kanzurethere's already a few people signed up for slots18:35
kanzuresomebody took the double space, and then there's two more people that I don't quite remember18:35
genewhat are people going to be living there?18:36
geneor just run a business or something18:36
kanzurejust some shop space for their own work18:36
kanzureseparate rooms on the side of two of the walls18:36
kanzurethen there'd be an "open to the public" day each week (once things start rolling)18:37
genewhat is reverse kinesthetics?18:37
kanzuresomething about human motion and software18:37
kanzureand probably also video editing.18:37
genereverse kinematics?18:37
genething used to figure how to move ragdolls and robot arms?18:38
genegot me some algae samples18:38
kanzuresort of- like how to make a 2D character animation look like it is actually walking18:38
genewhy would we need that?18:39
kanzureit was just something that les and I were talking about18:39
kanzureso I jotted it down18:39
geneany chance I can visit?18:39
genesee how much vacuum that vacuum pump will do18:39
kanzureI don't know when. it will probably be a few weeks though.18:39
genethat's fine18:40
fennhow big is the "big" air compressor?18:41
genehehehe, we have an air compressor18:42
kanzureyou know what, I don't know, but I'm pretty sure we were walking around with the air compressor nozzle all over the shop18:42
kanzuredoes it make sense if it was wired up to through the whole shop?18:42
kanzurebecause I think that's the case18:42
geneso the shop has amish electricity?18:42
fennwas it like this/ http://www.epowerrail.com/Product pages/air compressors.htm18:43
fenngene: i think i'm going to be making quite a few "amish" items18:43
geneheh, me too fenn18:43
kanzurefenn: don't know. sorry.18:43
fennalgae butter churn :)18:43
genewhat's butter made of again?18:43
genecream and what not?18:44
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fennghee and whey?18:44
kanzurefenn: can you throw a rock at my scheme to splice dopamine synthesis into yeast?18:44
fennno, i think it would work18:44
kanzureI've found the synthesis pathway, but maybe something like the amino acid receptors would be a stumbling block?18:44
geneno it's made by centrifuging milk or something18:45
fennapparently there's an "alkaloid" synthesis pathway that covers a lot of interesting chemicals with a small number of genes18:45
fenngene: you can make butter by putting whipping cream in the blender for too long18:45
genedopamine? why the heck are you trying to  make dopamine ?18:45
fennomgwtf dopamine18:46
kanzurea biology teacher once told me that nobody knew how to synthesize neurotransmitters in bulk18:46
genedepressed or trying to start a new drug ring?18:46
fennuh, that's bunk18:46
fennCO and NO are neurotransmitters18:47
kanzurewell, you could grow neuron cultures I guess18:47
genehmmm... I guess they get em from cow brains18:47
geneyou can get a whole bunch of useful stuff from cow brains18:47
kanzureanyway, it would be nice to be able to synthesize a variety of neurotransmitters18:47
fennlike beta amyloid plaques?18:47
geneI guess so18:47
geneyou want you some alzheimers?18:48
fennhrm wrong disease18:48
fenni'm thinking mad cow disease18:48
genewhat's PPAR used for and why do we have one?18:49
fennfor the spray booth18:49
genefenn, we don't do bioterror here, ok?18:49
fenndefine 'bioterror'18:50
generecreational explosive use is ok, but using explosive for terrorism is not18:50
fennpig launcher = bioterror?18:50
genebioterror, using biological agents to kill people18:50
fennok, i won't kill anyone on purpose18:50
kanzure"micro-capsule destruction by pulse waves for drug delivery systems"18:52
kanzure+ micro-encapsulated neurotransmitters18:52
kanzure+ ultrasound head setup thingy.18:52
generemember kids, if you accidently synthesize ebola, you can easily destroy it with household bleach18:52
kanzure(for targeted neurotransmitter release in certain regions of the brain)18:52
geneI am not a big fan of bombarding my brain with ultrasound capable of breaking microcapsules18:53
kanzurewait, what? make it something sensitive to vibrations, isn't that what the trick is supposed to be?18:54
fennand the blood/brain barrier thing18:54
geneor use resonance18:54
fennwhat happens to the capsule pieces?18:55
kanzureideally you piss them out, but I'm just making this up18:56
fennyeah, that won't happen18:56
fennkidneys only pass small molecules18:56
genehow do you get microcapsules in your blood in the first place18:56
kanzurethis is probably not one of my better ideas18:57
kanzurebest you ignore it18:57
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kanzureI keep forgetting that my neighbor is a comp sci monkey19:20
kanzureover dinner, he asked me for a way to do line-by-line debugging in vim19:20
kanzurepresumably there's a vim plugin related to gdb19:21
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kanzure3_smallest synthesis pathway of dopamine is in neurospora crassa19:34
kanzure3_"N. crassa is used as a model organism because it is easy to grow and has a haploid life cycle that makes genetic analysis simple since recessive traits will show up in the offspring. Analysis of genetic recombination is facilitated by the ordered arrangement of the products of meiosis in Neurospora ascospores. Its entire genome of seven chromosomes has been sequenced.[1]"19:34
kanzure3_ "Strains and other materials for working with Neurospora are available from the Fungal Genetics Stock Center"19:35
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kanzure3_this is fishy.19:39
kanzure3_http://www.genome.jp/dbget-bin/www_bget?md+M00075  <-- this looks better.19:45
kanzure3_l-dopa + 3,4-Dihydroxy-L-phenylalanine carboxy-lyase => dopamine19:45
kanzure3_1,2-Benzenediol:oxygen oxidoreductase + L-Tyrosine:oxygen oxidoreductase + L-Tyrosine,tetrahydrobiopterin:oxygen oxidoreductase19:45
kanzure3_(3-hydroxylating) + L-Tyrosine19:46
kanzure3_=> l-dopa19:46
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kanzurethis is stupid, a computer should be doing this for me19:48
kanzurewhy isn't this program written yet?19:48
kanzurethis ideal program would (1) recursively find all dependencies in the synthesis pathway of whatever compound you're looking to grow, (2) search through a database of available model organisms, and (3) find the one that meets the most number of dependencies in terms of what genes it already has. Of course, it would just find a typical neuron in this case, which isn't too helpful since neurons need smoe more care than mold.20:03
kanzure3_oh yay, I'm so much in luck20:05
kanzure3_huh, tyrosine is synthesized in ecoli?20:05
kanzureoh shit. of course it is. it's an amino acid.20:07
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fennis there a central library of genome sequences somewhere20:32
fennthe sequences themselves can't take up that much space20:32
kanzure3_yeah, ncbi20:33
kanzure3_hold on a sec, there's an ftp link20:33
fennso, why are there all these other genome databases?20:33
* fenn sees a lot of usernames20:34
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fenntoo bad i can't sort by directory content size20:35
kanzure3_(by chromosome)20:36
fennthere's only 40 genomes there20:38
fennneurospora is missing for example20:38
fenncan you copyright a genome?20:39
kanzuredoes a pirate still sail when the sea is stormy?20:39
fennuh, does he?20:40
fennResults 1 - 3 of 3 for "copyright a genome"20:40
fennperhaps i should write a dear lazyweb article20:41
kanzureso, I've narrowed it down to 4 enzymes that I need to add to ecoli.20:41
kanzurebut each enzyme has about four homologous structures that I need to go select from PDB.20:42
kanzure(and apparently they dislike wget. oops.)20:42
kanzure(pdb, that is)20:42
fenn-U "not wget"20:42
fennah what happened to my nefarious plans to have google index my misc directory20:44
fenn"The recipient of the produce contained in this package agrees not to propagate or reproduce any portion of the produce, including (but not limited to) seeds, stems, tissue and fruit."20:46
kanzure3_3F9T, 1JS3, 1JS620:50
kanzure3_1BT1, 1BT2, 1BT3, 1BUG, 2P3X20:50
kanzure3_1WX2, 1WX3, 1WX4, 1WX5, 1WXC, 2AHK, 2AHL20:50
kanzure3_1TOH, 2TOH20:50
kanzure3_which one do I want from each line? 20:50
kanzure3_they are supposedly all the same.20:51
kanzure3_(erm, per line)20:51
fennwhat is that?20:52
kanzurelist of proteins in pdb's naming scheme. 20:52
geneoh damn how did I miss this20:52
genedamn a lot of proteins still arent .pdb yet20:52
kanzurethere's a .pdb file format?20:53
kanzurebecause I just renamed all of these files to .pdb, and they are just FASTFA sequences20:53
kanzureso I don't want to lie20:53
genewhat you don't know?20:53
fennyes there is; i'd just name them .fasta20:54
kanzureblah, okay20:54
kanzureI guess .pdb is what pdb serves up eh?20:54
fennThe Protein Data Bank (PDB) format provides a standard representation for macromolecular structure data derived from X-ray diffraction and NMR studies.20:54
gene.pdb is a datafile for 3d models of proteins20:54
fennit's what you build those ribbon diagrams from20:54
kanzureyeah yeah I know (sort of :))20:54
kanzureokay, it's all .fasta now20:55
kanzurehappy? :p20:55
geneI love fasta is so much easier to understand20:55
fennvs what?20:55
genewhat do you want to use the dopamine for anyway?20:55
kanzurefenn: nick taylor is full of shit20:57
kanzurehe was otherwise promising before his latest email20:58
fennwhen i was in school there was this meme that everything we were being taught would be wrong in five years anyway.. i think it was actually that the professors didn't understand the computer tools20:58
fenn"miraculous healing-power of the human-touch" i wonder if that's in aleister crowley :P20:58
geneWhat I was told fenn, was that you need to know how to use word and type fast, because that's what you should learn in computer class20:59
kanzurequick! smash the keys! make it look like work!20:59
geneyes, that was exactly it21:00
genenow back to dopamine21:00
genemuch more interesting21:00
fennkanzure: you'll love his post to diybio then21:01
kanzureI don't even know how to respond to this first one21:01
kanzurethere's the typical spiell about videos not being searchable, but then procto will pipe up I'm sure21:01
kanzurebut that's not the real crux of the matter21:02
kanzuregene: I don't know why I want dopamine21:02
kanzureI guess I'm just rather attached to my neurotransmitters21:02
fenni understand what he's saying, i just dont think it's important because video doesn't provide social support even if it appears to21:02
geneI know why you want dopamine21:02
fenncurse of the television21:02
kanzurewhy do I want dopamine?21:02
genelot's of people want it21:02
geneyou want to be happy21:02
fennyou want it because you want it21:02
genedopamine makes you happy21:02
kanzuredopamine makes you what?21:02
geneback to topic21:03
fennin hplusroadmap line 119041:21:03
fennTypeError: function does not accept tautology as argument21:04
genehow is dopamine synthesized?21:05
kanzuredid you see the reactome.org link?21:05
fennwhy does my high school diploma get this fancy red embossed leather case, and they send my uni diploma in a cardboard envelope?21:05
kanzurebecause the world hates you21:05
kanzurehm, that's not homo sapiens, sorry21:06
kanzure3_try that one.21:06
fennhuh oryza has dopamine?21:06
kanzurewell there's a catch here21:06
kanzuresome of this is done by an inference engine21:07
kanzureit's in the disclaimer on the neurospora link for instance21:07
fenni guess it's not a very complicated molecule21:07
kanzure(thus why I'm not sure about neurospora. especially since nowhere else on the net mentions it and dopamine, except reactome)21:08
fenndihydroxy phenyl ethyl amine21:08
fennyour bio teacher was definitely full of shit21:08
genebut neurospora looks like nerve cells or something21:08
kanzureso I think I'll just convert the compressed protein data to DNA and go with that21:08
kanzureand then tell people "hey look, drop this into e. coli and you've got a dopamine fountain! (please don't drink from it)"21:09
fennit might be tasty21:09
genethe proteins from the reactome?21:09
kanzurewhat, gene?21:09
geneyou are getting the proteins from the reactome and putting them in Ecoli?21:10
kanzurethe proteins are from pdb21:10
kanzureI tracked down the pathway via KEGG actually, not reactome.org21:10
kanzure3_my notes: http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/dopamine/synthesis_of_dopamine.txt21:10
geneI need to find that research they're doing here on putting eukaryotic genes into e.coli here21:12
genethey talked about making e.coli into somesort of super protein factory21:12
kanzureisn't that standard procedure?21:12
geneit had something to do with eukaryotic gene expression or something21:13
kanzure3_"Expression of mouse tyrosine hydroxylase in Escherichia coli."21:13
kanzure3_looks fairly standard to me though.. I see these studies all the time21:13
kanzure3_"Expression of human tyrosine hydroxylase type I in Escherichia coli as a protease-cleavable fusion protein"21:14
geneno no no no no21:14
genenothing like that21:14
geneI need to find the paper21:14
geneoh wait, they aren't even finished yet there is no paper21:14
kanzure3_"Expression of human tyrosine hydroxylase type I in Escherichia coli as a protease-cleavable fusion protein"21:14
fennis this a biobricks thing?21:14
genethey're still compiling it21:14
geneyes fenn it is21:14
kanzurefenn: who are you asking?21:14
fenngene: to make strawberry flavor and such?21:15
genesaw it at the undergraduate research fair21:15
genesure if you wanted to fenn21:15
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/genetic-circuits.html <- my previous work with regulary circuits and biobricks21:15
genedangit forgot which lab21:17
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kanzure3_http://www.bioinformatics.org/sms2/rev_trans.html <-- need to plug in the fasta sequences into here next.21:22
genewhy not find the originals?21:26
kanzure3_do you know how to translate pdb IDs to genbank/entrez IDs?21:27
geneI heard that different codons for the same protein get translated at different speeds21:27
genetry google21:27
genetry pasting the name into NCBI21:27
genedon't you have the name for it?21:28
kanzure3_there's like 20 names for everything..21:29
genetell me the name21:29
kanzure3_ L-Tyrosine Decarboxylase 21:29
kanzure3_yes, I know the link to entrez21:32
genehave fun finding L-Tyrosine Decarboxxylase 21:32
kanzure3_I think that might be it.21:34
kanzure3_hm, nope, that's dopa decarboxylase21:34
geneI think that's it too21:34
genebut you're trying to make dopamine21:34
geneThe encoded protein catalyzes the decarboxylation of L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) to dopamine, L-5-hydroxytryptophan to serotonin and L-tryptophan to tryptamine. Defects in this gene are the cause of aromatic L-amino-acid decarboxylase deficiency (AADCD). AADCD deficiency is an inborn error in neurotransmitter metabolism that leads to combined serotonin and catecholamine deficiency....21:34
gene...Two transcript variants encoding the same protein have been identified for this gene. [provided by RefSeq]21:34
kanzure3_odd, that organism is Streptococcus21:35
geneI wonder if streptococcus makes you feel better so you go out and spread it more21:39
kanzure3_Drosophila melanogaster tyrosine decarboxylase 2 (Tdc2), mRNA.21:41
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genemaybe you could grow a bunch of fruit flies and harvest their brains21:43
fennor find some grad students and harvest their brains21:47
genebut grad students are useful and relatively expensive these days21:48
kanzure3_haha useful haha21:48
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kanzure3_what's the difference between these two?21:56
kanzure3_they are both called tyrosinase21:57
kanzure3_but are apparently different?21:57
fennone of those has to be wrong21:59
fennprobably the first one21:59
kanzure3_the first one is found in the human genome22:00
kanzure3_(it just happens to be the one I looked up first, and the second one I stopped and scratched my head)22:00
kanzure3_anyway, if that's true, then there's really only 3 genes that need to be inserted for dopamine synthesis22:00
kanzure3_(well, 3 main new genes)22:00
fennthat's not surprising22:04
kanzurenow to patent and hold the world hostage for one hundred billion dollars22:09
kanzureor something like that22:09
fenn"give me money or i'll make everyone really happy!"22:11
kanzurehey, we have a business plan now.22:11
fennin larry niven's books there's a fictional weapon called a "tasp" which acts like those pleasure center stimulators (but wireless)22:12
kanzureI haven't read his books, but somehow I know that22:12
kanzure(maybe I started to read The Ringworld Engineers book)22:12
fennyeah that's where I read it22:12
kanzureso it's my understanding now that if I was to have some ecoli with these genes under expression,22:15
kanzurethat bursting the cells and running it through gel electrophoresis would allow me to separate the proteins by mass?22:15
kanzureand then I'd just need some way to figure out what the relative mass of dopamine is, right?22:15
fenn137kbase is that right?22:16
fennseems awfully long for 3 enzymes22:16
kanzurethat second one is the painfully long one22:16
fennless is choking on that preponderously long line22:16
kanzurewhich is also the one that you suggested might be wrong22:17
kanzuresay, I detect a pattern. heh'22:17
kanzurethat may be the entirety of chromosome 1122:18
kanzure3_though this says that it's indeed tyrosinase22:18
fennnah chromosome is way biggre22:19
fennchromosome 11 is 134 million base pairs22:21
kanzuremrgene.com does $0.50 for up to 3k bp.22:22
kanzureI wonder what the normal price on dopamine is22:23
fennYeast proteins are on average 466 amino acids long and 53 kDa in mass22:23
fennyour ridiculously large gene would be about 45000 amino acids22:23
kanzurewell, what's the max yeast gene size :/22:24
fenni'm guessing around 20kbase22:25
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geneI think you can seperate proteins by electrophoresis22:26
kanzure3_http://www.haque.co.uk/papers/hardsp-softsp-open-so-arch.PDF 22:27
kanzure3_Hardspace, Softspace and the possibilities of open source architecture - Usman Haque22:27
fennhm it probably has a bunch of introns and crap22:27
generelative mass of dopamine = easy22:27
fennyou should find the protein sequence and reverse translate it22:27
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kanzure3_fenn: is that going to be reliable?22:27
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kanzure3_it will take the crud out, yes, but22:27
genewell it depends22:27
geneif there is something that weight the same as dopamien22:28
kanzure3_fenn was talking about something else.22:28
fennwell, what are you trying to do?22:28
fennmake dopamine right?22:28
fennfirst of all, why use yeast and not organic synthesis techniques22:28
genebecause this is texas and anyone with organic synthesis in their garage is a Terrorist22:29
fennor just buy it from sigma aldrich22:29
kanzure3_buy what from sigma aldrich?22:29
kanzure3_"just because"22:30
kanzure3_really there is no point to this22:30
fennok fine22:30
kanzure3_sorry to disappoint, think of it more like an exercise22:30
genewe're doing for the lulz22:30
kanzure3_although I probably should look into organic chem instead :/22:30
fenni wanted to splice the genes for GFP and THC production into pesticide resistant dandelions, then spread them on courthouse lawns throughout the world22:31
fennnow that's bio terrorism :P22:31
genewell fenn22:32
genethere was this guy22:32
kanzure3_fenn: dave asks about caelinux22:32
genewho made some oranges that expressed the THC gene22:32
fennhaven't tried caelinux22:32
genehe spread them, he spread them far and wide22:32
kanzure3_hm, it seems to be packaged with salome, code aster, code saturne, and openfoam22:32
fenngene are you making this up as you go along?22:32
genethe police arrested him, and we don't know what happened to oranges22:33
geneI am not22:33
genethis is all very much real22:33
fennarrested him for what?22:33
genefor making THC oranges of course!22:33
fennis it a crime?22:33
geneI guess so22:33
fennsomehow i doubt it22:33
fennnot yet at least22:34
kanzure3_why would anyone communicate with me via twitter?22:34
geneDATELINE--Tallahassee, Fla.22:34
geneOranges that get you high22:34
geneA Florida Biochemist designs a citrus tree with THC.22:34
geneIn the summer of 1984, 10th-grader Irwin Nanofsky and a friend were driving down the Apalachee Parkway on the way home from baseball practice when they were pulled over by a police officer for a minor traffic infraction.22:34
geneAfter Nanofsky produced his driver's license the police officer asked permission to search the vehicle. In less than two minutes, the officer found a homemade pipe underneath the passenger's seat of the Ford Aerostar belonging to the teenage driver's parents. The minivan was seized, and the two youths were taken into custody on suspicion of drug possession.22:34
geneIllegal possession of drug paraphernalia ranks second only to open container violations on the crime blotter of this Florida college town. And yet the routine arrest of 16 year-old Nanofsky and the seizure of his family's minivan would inspire one of the most controversial drug-related scientific discoveries of the century.22:34
geneMeet Hugo Nanofsky, biochemist, Florida State University tenured professor, and the parental authority who posted bail for Irwin Nanofsky the night of July 8, 1984. The elder Nanofsky wasn't pleased that his son had been arrested for possession of drug paraphernalia, and he became livid when Tallahassee police informed him that the Aerostar minivan would be permanently remanded to police custody.22:34
geneOver the course of the next three weeks, Nanofsky penned dozens of irate letters to the local police chief, the Tallahassee City Council, the State District Attorney and, finally, even to area newspapers. But it was all to no avail.22:34
geneUnder advisement of the family lawyer, Irwin Nanofsky pled guilty to possession of drug paraphernalia in order to receive a suspended sentence and have his juvenile court record sealed. But in doing so, the family minivan became "an accessory to the crime." According to Florida State law, it also became the property of the Tallahassee Police Department Drug Task Force. In time, the adult...22:34
gene...Nanofsky would learn that there was nothing he could do legally to wrest the vehicle from the hands of the state.22:34
genesorry big post22:34
geneall I could find22:34
genecan't find like22:34
genecan't find link22:34
fennthe “Pot Orange” story is a product of South to the Future, a phony news service that’s somewhat Onionesque.22:35
fennaccording to snopes22:35
genewell then we should make some, not for the drugs, but to cause lot's of interesting things to happen22:38
genehaha gfp dandelions22:39
fenni really wonder what the hippies will think of it22:39
kanzure3_you know what, my mom's twin is a hippie22:39
kanzure3_I could totally arrange something.22:39
geneso we could make them the main distributor22:39
kanzure3_she travels the world, so yes.22:40
geneI for one will not partake in the consumption of THC dandelions though22:40
geneI just won't22:40
fennhah from the same article "The idea of nicotine tomatoes would actually be much more viable than THC oranges, since the tomato plant and tobacco are related"22:41
fennhttp://www.nisr.or.jp/englishHP/report2004/NISR04taura.pdf  THC yeast22:41
gene tomacco?22:41
fennand tobacco. neat22:42
geneWTF, srsly WTF, living in a dorm is weird22:43
fennwhy are you living in a dorm?22:44
genebecause I'm at school22:44
geneI do not understand why someone would voluntarily have a green bed sheet duct taped too them22:47
fennso they can pretend to be a spinach tortilla?22:47
genescrew humanity22:48
geneI'm going transhuman22:48
fennyou're going to turn into a spinach tortilla?22:48
geneI'm starting to begin to think humanity needs to be replaced22:51
kanzure3_I've heard that line before22:51
kanzure3_in a movie22:51
kanzure3_it was followed by a swift punch in the face.22:51
genewhy are transhumans always the bad guys?22:52
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fenngene: because people who are satisfied (harmless) don't want to change?23:06
genethey get to survive23:06
fennperhaps harmless is the wrong word23:07
kanzure3_Shortest Perl Script to Find [Government] Corruption"23:32

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