
--- Day changed Fri Feb 20 2009
ybit"I would be willing to volunteer programming time to assist.  I would recommend an ajax interface as that is universally supported.  It is actually quite easy to setup."00:48
ybitokay, i guess that's fine for some.. but that's not what i had in mind when i read your email00:49
ybitbtw, i think william is in this channel...00:53
ybiti forget which nick though00:53
ybit..if he is00:53
ybitooh, right wrldpc00:53
ybitajax man00:54
ybitalways wanting to make an ajax app :P00:54
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kanzureybit: wrldpc is not the person who suggested AJAX08:08
kanzurethat would be xp_prg08:08
kanzureand you're right, AJAX is kind of "a thing that might happen way the hell into the future".08:12
ybitaah yes, wrldpc08:36
ybitargh, xp_prg08:37
* ybit is off to get some coffee08:37
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kanzure--I have some fules named rules2[ruleblah.xml.11:15
kanzure--I'm trying to do this:11:16
kanzure--rename "s/[\[]/\\/" *.xml11:16
kanzure--however, rename says that the regex is not terminated (I've also tried without quotes)11:16
kanzure--but \\ clearly means \, since \ is usually a special character11:16
kanzure--[\[] should match for "[" (since "[" is a special character)-- I've also tried \[11:16
kanzure--huh, it had to be \\\. thought I tried that.11:17
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bkeroTo match [, you should do s/[13:46
bkeroYea, your regex isn't terminated because the ] isn't escaped.13:46
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-!- nsh [n=kaapo@c43.adsl.tnnet.fi] has quit ["Your mom is so ugly, when she went to McDonalds, they couldn't serve happy meals."]15:06
fennkanzure: i think dave's a little too eager to drink the corporate kool-aid.. however i appreciate his enthusiasm15:08
fennhe talks about unptnt like it's a web-2.0 startup, but that's not fitting of it15:09
fenndoes he have any actual hardware projects in mind?15:14
fennrealistic, achievable within six months sort of thing15:14
fenni really need to git-ify my home directory15:39
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davidnunezfrom a dorkbot-boston member: http://tim.cexx.org/?p=57516:25
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gene__hahahah steppin razor17:04
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kanzurefenn: dave seems to have my energy that I otherwise direct to my fingers17:08
kanzurehm, anissimov wants me to moderate an transhumanism-themed anime mailing list17:08
fennperhaps if it had a vinyl cutter17:19
kanzurefenn: one of his hardware projects was the hektor thingy but he used that as an example so I don't know if you mean something else17:30
fenni mean stuff he wants to do17:31
fennbeyond aggregating plans17:32
kanzurehe and I talked afterwards, I suggested legos (as you could have guessed) 17:33
fennlegos for unptnt?17:33
kanzurethat's about the max on the usefulness scale I can see out of this17:34
kanzurelegos for seeding the parts library/database17:34
fennthey arent exactly open designs17:34
fenni mean the configuration of blocks is. oh whatever nevermind17:35
kanzureoh, the configuration is?17:35
kanzureI mean, why is there leocad then?17:35
fennthe original lego was patented until a couple years ago.. i'm sure the newer blocks are patented too17:35
kanzureoh, sure17:35
kanzureyeah, just the basic building blocks in legos17:35
fennand 99% of the people looking at unptnt won't be able to make legos from scratch17:35
kanzureI don't think dave's interested in that17:36
kanzurebut he should be.17:36
fennlego's arent designed for personal manufacture anyway17:36
fennsomething like extruded plastic t-slot framing would be interesting to try to make17:36
kanzureI'm just saying, that seems to be about the max utility of this system17:36
kanzurelike "unptnt for the local lego user group"17:36
kanzureit's not bad, but it's not going the distance17:37
fennyeah it's just a sourceforge clone at best (and I hate sf fwiw)17:37
kanzurehis packaging idea was ok I guess, 17:38
kanzurethe idea of attaching the cad files to the BOM items17:38
kanzurebut then you're not sure if the parts are named the same thing17:38
kanzureerm, I mean, it's not cross-referenced17:38
kanzureit's just "whatever they happen to upload to describe the parts"17:38
kanzureblah, as if each person would upload "all possible information about this single screw in my design that is so large that a single screw doesn't matter that much"17:39
kanzurethat sounds unlikely now that I think about it17:39
kanzurethey have no incentive to be thorough, or make sense at all for that matter.17:45
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kanzurehttp://www.baseplate.com/toys/minifig/ "THIS online toy allows one to explore combinations of LEGO® minifig body parts, combining them into unusual characters. Clicking on the small images of heads, torsos, and legs from the menu of choices places them in a work area. (Randomizers can also be used at this stage.) Once a suitable set of selections has been made, the virtual figure can be named and "built." This completed character appears in its own browser window, from which it is possible to output onto paper. (For those who have never done so, printing from a browser window is done by typing Cmnd-P in the MacOS, or Ctrl-P in Windows.)"18:27
kanzurehttp://www.suave.net/~dave/lgc.cgi lego geek code generator18:27
kanzurehttp://www.scottwardlaw.com/sticker_generator/ Lego CAD Sticker Generator18:28
gene__what's all this with lego cad?18:45
gene__trying to see if autocatalytic  sets exist in lego?18:46
-!- samrose [n=samrose@sa-ga143065.reshsg.uci.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap18:49
xp_prgkanzure send me adp118:53
samrosekanzure, fenn, it is that problem of naming stuff that I am interested in18:53
samrosefor packaging18:53
samrosebut, I also am of the mind that it will emerge from a project that releases a design using a package system that is popular, and people will start following suit from there18:54
samroseit won't be about the package system, it'll be about what is in it that gets a bunch of people using the system to get at and work with what is in it18:55
samrosethen, it'll quickly be about the package system :)18:55
samroseyou know how people are...18:55
fennyeah nobody cares about properly designed systems it seems18:56
samroseuntil they are using a system that they think is not properly designed18:56
samroseit's like being the bass player in a band18:56
samrosenobody remembers who you are18:56
samrosebut your role is vital18:57
samroseIf I hear one more person say "He/she really 'gets' it" I am going to throttle someone :) (was at a conference where I kept hearing people say this in reference to other people)18:58
fenn"it" being a specific thing or just stuff in general?19:00
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samroseyeah "it" is never really defined. this always annoys the fuck out of me19:22
samrose"he just gets it"19:23
samrosenobody gets it19:23
samroseor we would all be sitting on the beach and relaxing, because the guy who gets it would be taking care of everything for us19:23
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fenngene when are you going to bring over the reprap parts?20:29
kanzuregene might come with dr. sata, who might be interested in dumping some money into the place, especially because of his new grant money from DARPA20:31
kanzurebut really he should be thought of as only providing that money20:31
kanzurehe's not really up to speed on what exactly this all .. means..20:31
fennhow much money? ballpark figure20:32
fennand .. why?20:32
kanzurewell, I figure that if he's going to spend money, it might as well go in my direction, if I can provide what he's looking for20:33
kanzure6 figures.20:33
fennthat ought to keep me stocked in chocolate for a while20:33
kanzureright, so if it means he wants to somehow use the tools on occassion or something, maybe that could be arranged, or whatever- I don't know what will go down, but it's just an option I'm keeping open20:34
fenni must say this $65 mobo/cpu combo is much better than my old computer20:34
kanzureI would have to tell les though that sata's not quite an individual to go into detail with about plans simply because he would run away20:34
kanzurefenn: non-laptop?20:34
fennit's called "tubputer" because it's just a bunch of parts in a seafood container20:35
kanzureyes, that's the way to go :)20:35
kanzurehm, $50k social innovation competition paperwork just fell off my desk. don't know if I'm going to enter into that. sata gave me the paperwork. I looked over what's already on the site, there's just not much there, but it seems to be a vote-based system, which means it automagically sucks.20:36
kanzure*dell social innovation competition20:36
fennwhat would sata be doing in the fab? i'm always interested in people's projects20:36
kanzuresata would be sending a student probably, to work on parts or something, I'm not really sure.20:37
kanzurehe seems to like the idea of making commercialized items, so it would be for prototyping stuff I guess20:37
kanzureanyway, on to things that actually matter, since I haven't had a chance to talk with you since you've arrived really20:37
kanzureyou mentioned it was more physical work than expected20:38
kanzureto what extent does this need to be fixed?20:38
fennwhat was?20:38
kanzurehm, the deal with les I guess? I don't know in particular.20:38
kanzurehave you talked with les much, does he seem to be everything I said and such?20:39
fennoh well he's a woodworker, and woodworking is sort of an ancient craft20:39
fenni sort of loathe table saws20:39
fennbut i can put up with itif it keeps the whole place going20:39
kanzureit was carissa's (sister's) birthday tonight, so mom, andrew and larry (old guy living with her) took me out to the Mongolian Grill,20:40
kanzurewe got to talking,20:40
kanzureand mom was laughing about les' 13 inch drum sander20:40
kanzureapparently 13 inches is tiny.. she once had a 30 inch drum sander.20:40
kanzure(she has a woodworking shop of her own down in lockhart)20:40
fennyes we were talking about putting a 48" on the mechmate20:40
kanzureblah, there's probably many things (project wise) that have been mentioned20:41
kanzurewe're kind of back to your original question "what do I do first"20:41
fenni know what to do first20:41
kanzuresitting down and typing out a todo list would take many days20:41
fennsynchronize all my computer crap, set up the electronics area, start working on motor drivers20:42
fennhm i need to make a programmer to program my programmers.. blah20:42
kanzurea flasher?20:42
kanzureI remember nasty schematics for making pic flashers20:42
kanzureinvolving various resistors and capacitors arranged in odd patterns, connected to a serial port on a computer20:43
fennrobo-club was soldering together some boards i had etched, so i took one, but the chip hasnt been flashed yet to enable USB20:43
kanzurebut that was the cheap-skate version20:43
fennyes i'll be making the equivalent for AVR to bootstrap20:43
kanzureUSB would be nice.20:43
fennunfortunately it only works with usb 2.020:43
fenner, UHCI if that means anything to you20:43
fennor was it EHCI? the newer one20:44
kanzureI once had an old external USB hard drive that did this funky ethernet over USB protocol.20:44
kanzurereally not something I'd recommend.20:44
kanzure(that might have been more high-level than UHCI/ehci/ohci)20:44
fenndo you know how to set timezone on linux without using some lamesauce GUI crap?20:46
kanzure`date` ?20:46
fenntzset just tells me to add TZ=... to .profile, which doesn't work for system-wide things20:46
kanzurethere's also /usr/share/zoneinfo 20:47
kanzurewoah, neat, irssi has tab completion for directories20:47
* kanzure is in heaven20:47
kanzuresymlink your /usr/share/zoneinfo/blah to /etc/localtime20:48
fenni was amazed when i first encountered readline completion for program arguments20:48
kanzureyou mean tab completion for arguments?20:48
kanzureI wonder how that works without a .ggo distributed with it.20:48
kanzuresometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't for me20:49
kanzure(based on program)20:49
fennaha Run 'dpkg-reconfigure tzdata' if you wish to change it.20:49
fenni should make a "dear lazyweb please send me this hardware kthx" page20:52
fennfor instance i need a hard drive and a beagleboard20:52
kanzureI have an extra 500 GB floating around somewhere from the death-house20:53
fenni know there are tons of people with beagleboards laying around doing nothing20:53
kanzurefabpal > myfab20:56
fennhard to pronounce20:57
kanzurethe retro way out: xfabuntu20:58
kanzure(actually, the two other major TLDs are not taken for 'fabuntu')20:58
fennhmm what's the letter prefix for icewm?20:58
fennifabuntu? :P20:58
fenngiven les' mac proclivities iFab would be pretty funny20:59
kanzureor given his stacks of ipods.20:59
kanzurefyi, opennovation doesn't have an openfoam backport.21:03
kanzureopencascade, libmesh, deal.II, PETSc, Elmer, but no openfoam21:03
kanzureelmer might be useful though21:03
kanzureElmer includes physical models of fluid dynamics, structural mechanics, electromagnetics, heat transfer and acoustics, for example. These are described by partial differential equations which Elmer solves by the Finite Element Method (FEM)."21:03
kanzure(for some reason I'm already on the elmer mailing list, so.)21:03
kanzure"Temperature distribution of melt flow in Czochralski growth of silicon."21:03
fennxsel really ought to come with xserver-xorg21:07
fennunless there's some other preferred way21:07
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kanzurehad to hunt down a weird 'laspack' (linear algebra solver) for openflower (because I got tired of trying to install openfoam, elmer, etc.)21:31
kanzureand now a bug because someone forgot to include math.h and to define INT_MAX (isn't that a compiler/preprocessor thingy anyway?)21:32
fennwhy isnt openfoam in debian?21:32
kanzurebecause it's so hard to install :p21:32
kanzureI should go ask the debian-science list that question21:32
fennsupposedly there are rpm's21:33
kanzure  maximumTimeSteps=INT_MAX;21:34
kanzureany ideas as to what I should put there? I'm guessing it wants to know my maximum possible integer value21:35
kanzurethat's a kind of funny way to do it21:35
kanzureoh, dot rpm's would be lovely.21:35
fenntry including limits.h21:35
kanzureblah, "fabs was not declared in this scope"21:37
kanzurethis is a rather shady package. feels like it was meant for gcc 3.x.21:37
kanzureoh, that might be from math.h21:39
fennbad build system21:39
kanzurehow do I link to local libraries (.a's)21:41
kanzure"/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -llaspack" even though liblaspack.a has been put into the dir.21:41
fennI did the installation by hand as well, and can't remember  any significant difficulties with installing it except in that there  were some environmental variables that I had to hack into my bash init  scripts.  --bryan bishop21:41
kanzurefor openfoam?21:42
kanzureyeah, I rediscovered that this time21:42
kanzurefuck. 21:42
kanzureah, /usr/share/lib21:44
kanzuredo you know what -lxc might be? libxc?21:45
fenntoo bad you didnt say *what* environment vairables eh? : )21:45
kanzureit's in the openfoam readme21:45
kanzurethey supply some additions to the bashrc file that you include via adding this line:21:45
kanzure. ~/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.5.x/blah/blah/blah/bashrc21:45
kanzureI meant to say /usr/local/lib above21:51
kanzurehuh, openflower is asking me for a "simulation data file", and openflower.sf.net has "coming soon!" for FAQ and 'Documentation' links.21:52
kanzurethere we go.21:53
kanzureout of 21 pages, only page 10 is useful, and even then it's sketchy. nowhere else does it mention a dependence on gmsh (though I should have guessed. openfoam does the same.)21:56
kanzuregod this is such a hack22:01
kanzure  // read the block of the vertices22:01
kanzure  inputFile >> keyword;22:01
kanzure  assert(keyword == "$NOD");22:01
kanzure("assert failed")22:01
kanzurehttp://www.mikero.com/blog/2009/02/20/more-darwin <- hah22:10
fennsee what i mean about it sometimes being easier to just build it?22:11
kanzureit wasn't easier to just build it though :)22:11
fennwhat's this for again?22:12
kanzureme me me me me, but eventually, I'd like to throw in my own partial differential equations and get those solved (which might be more suitable for octave)22:12
kanzurein fact, I might as well just do some funky octave -> gnuplot visualizer22:12
kanzurescrew this22:12
kanzurealso just to get a feel for whether or not filters might work22:13
fennme = mechanical engineering? :P22:13
kanzureno, me as in meeee22:13
kanzurehuh, the openfoam rpm installed successfully.22:13
fennnow to see if it works22:14
kanzureversion 1.3 though. don't know how terribly old that is (1.5.x is newest)22:14
kanzureblah, need to install jdk - I've gone so long without having to resort to jaa.22:14
kanzuredo I want sun-java-6-jdk, sun-java5-jdk, openjdk-6-jdk, ?22:15
fennsomeone was recommending a certain non-sun JVM on #reprap the other day22:18
kanzurethere's one like that.22:18
fennit was called IcedTea22:22
fennso i guess that's just openjdk22:24
fennroad bikes are rather hard to come by around here22:35
kanzurebtw, feel free to impose yourself for grabbing lunch with me any time. i'll pay.22:37
fenni could probably make a business out of importing road bikes from bloomington22:39
kanzureyes, there seems to be a minor bike economy here on campus sort of.22:40
kanzurehttp://disk.ersca.com/ports/science/openfoam/files/pkg-message.in <- how I found how to set FOAMX_CONFIG22:41
fenni love the %%%%%%22:43
fennseems to be some kind of debian repository?22:45
kanzurefoamTestInstallation -> FATAL ERROR: Test_rsh: Test_ssh: No remote shell available. Foam1.3 environment requires either ssh and/or rsh.22:45
fennoh maybe it's freebsd packages22:46
fennstrace foamTestInstallation22:47
kanzurehttp://fab.cba.mit.edu/about/fab/ <- cad.py and such.. just something I need to remember to look into more often22:59
fenndid anything ever come out of kokompe?23:02
fennit was something like a parts library/cad app iiirc23:02
fenninteresting post about how not to run a fablab: http://scripts.mit.edu/~emu/fab/?p=84223:07
fennwell, that's not the actual topic but it's what I get from it23:07
kanzure"dingy grimy overalls… what has spending a year with the FabLab at their disposal done other than to cause them to covet machines and tools they can’t have?"23:10
kanzurereads like something out of a history book23:11
fennyes i'm picturing spanner wrenches and golf caps23:11
fenni dont know who i was kidding, thikning i'd fix one linux install and then immediately start on another23:13
kanzuregit clone ssh://fabguru@fab.cba.mit.edu/srv/www/git-repos/content.git 23:14
kanzurenone are working23:15
* fenn attempts wget23:16
fennuse the rabbit virus!23:16
kanzure8.7 MB in 108 files.23:16
kanzureoh, that was only about.git23:17
fennwow 500kB/s download here23:18
fennexcuse me 85023:18
kanzureI wish 'locate' would sit and watch on the file system for new files to index, I'd really like to figure out where redhat would have put the FoamX configuration file23:19
fennthese guys are hiring "basket builders" for organic produce.. would be awesome to convert this to robots http://www.greenling.com/23:26
fenn(automating myself out of a job in the process)23:26
-!- gene [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-183-69.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap23:28
geneso  fenn I heard you're in austin23:28
kanzureI offered him lunch any time, so maybe he can meet us on campus23:29
fennyes gene that is correct23:30
fennwhat's the best way to get to campus?23:30
geneare you here on business?23:30
fenner.. yeah23:30
fennthe business of TAKING OVER THE WORLD23:30
geneyou came down here on your own business?23:31
genetry taking the bus23:31
genewhere are you currently?23:32
fennles's house23:32
kanzurefenn: funny, I suggested to gene just moments ago that we needed to take over the world23:32
kanzurefenn: is your car drivable still?23:32
fennyes it fared well23:32
kanzurebut there's a giant bus hub near the shop, but it will take an hour by bus to get into austin I think23:32
geneyou drove down here?23:32
kanzure(google maps knows all)23:32
kanzureobvious way to get to campus is to go up congress23:33
fenngene: i came to help get the fablabby started, so i brought a bunch of tools and electronic components23:33
fennif i could rent a train car i would have..23:33
genewould opt for a chinook helicopter 23:34
fennis there anything to do on campus at 1 am?23:34
fennbesides lunch :)23:34
gene1 am?23:34
genenot really23:34
kanzurethere's a few places still open but it's a few blocks of a walk, if you want23:34
kanzurenot on campus23:34
genewell lets see there's an anime screening going on23:35
kanzurewhy wasn't I notified?23:35
genethe anime doesn't have giant robots23:35
kanzurethat's why?23:35
genekanzure it's every friday23:35
kanzuretoday's friday? huh. okay.23:35
geneok, so I propose a beginning fablab project23:36
kanzure5 mi by bus = 1 hour. blah23:36
kanzure5 mi by car = 16 minutes. 23:36
genean easybake PCR thermocycler23:36
genehey, you know what?23:37
geneI bet you could use a reprap as a PCR machine23:37
fennwhy do you have to live in this complicated hard to access place? :P23:37
genewhy not?23:38
kanzurehard to access?23:38
genethey might invent teleporters tomorrow23:38
genekanzure, austin's pretty hard to get around in23:38
genewhere's the fablab again?23:38
geneI might try to bike there23:39
fenn209 E ben white23:39
kanzurefenn: there are garages near campus, try googling for brazos garage, san jacinto garage23:39
genethat's gonna be pretty far away23:40
genethere's also parking meters23:40
kanzurebut no spaces23:40
kanzureunless you go park near somewhere to eat23:40
kanzureoh, wait, yeah, there should be some meters on guadalupe near 24th going in the opposite direction he'd be coming23:41
kanzurewhich are free at late hours.23:41
genefablab looks like it's far away23:41
kanzurehow could you possibly be complaining about 5 miles :)23:42
geneanyway I can get a 3d map of austin to see the grade in the land?23:43
fennit's pretty flat23:43
fenntthere is a river, you might have seen it :)3~23:43
geneI have23:44
geneNow then, all I need is some sort of way to get down to the fablab real nice and fast23:44
fenni was on manchaca looking toward downtown.. couldnt figure out how far away it was because the ground was so flat23:45
geneperhaps a small airship?23:45
kanzuregene: les comes and picks me up sometimes.23:45
kanzurebut I don't know how often that is going to happen overall23:45
kanzurehe suggested that a friend of his, larry, might be doing that23:45
geneI'll have to meet this les guy?23:45
kanzurethere's also the mores.23:45
geneles who again?23:45
fennles is pretty cool23:45
kanzureles your saint23:45
fennles filip23:45
genefenn what do you have that's useful?23:45
fennum, a brain? two hands and eyes?23:46
kanzure"nothing :("23:46
genethe parts you brought23:46
fennnot sure what you mean.. i brought 651 pounds of the best stuff23:46
fennone moment23:46
genemost interesting piece of junk?23:47
geneany high voltage equipment? Lasers? Optics? Old missile guidance systems23:48
genemilling machine stuff?23:49
kanzuredave has a bronze robotic arm ("which is not really a robot")23:50
genethen it ain't robotic23:53
geneit's a pseudorobot23:53
-!- jm [n=jm@p57B9DE18.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #hplusroadmap23:54
fennwhew ok23:55
kanzureheh, by mass :)23:56
geneyou have a vacuum pump23:56
genehow much of a vacuum can it pull?23:57
fennvacuum doesnt necessarily mean "high vacuum"23:57
fennit's for the vacuum bag23:57
geneawww man...23:57
fennactually i havent seen it, so..23:57
fennbut if you're going to mess around with high vacuum stuff you will need a lot of other things23:57
genehow am I ever going to make a room temperature quasi-superconductor?23:57
fennbest served by one of the physics labs on campus i bet23:58
fenn(imagine that)23:58
geneI want one23:59
fennyes i read it earlier23:59
kanzureI have some notes on my server about making UHVs, if you're interested gene23:59

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