
--- Day changed Wed Mar 04 2009
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nshwhat's new?09:31
kanzure-Hi nsh.10:01
kanzure-I got your emails- Ed and I have talked before.10:01
nshsuspected as much10:17
nshbtw, have you watched a japanese anime called Paprika?10:17
kanzure-No, I also haven't heard of it.10:18
nshah, i watched it last night. you might like it 10:18
kanzure-I do find it intersting that in the wired article there's more information on how to build Boyden's/Superkuh's TMS setup than either of them have previously released10:19
kanzure-just by virtue of the photograph of the damn fscking breadbard10:19
* nsh wonders about non-invasive optogenetic technology possibilities10:21
kanzure-didn't that require some sort of genetic augmentation?10:22
kanzure-of course, with the microfluidics virus gradient reactor + my work with pinkarmy, that might be doable, but oncolytic viruses are supposed to only infect cancerous cells10:23
kanzure-and adenoviruses kill some people, so :-(10:23
nshelectroporation 10:23
nshmight be an option10:23
nshif you could do that somehow noninvasively10:23
kanzure-yeah because the first thing in the morning that I plan to do10:23
kanzure-is put my head into a giant fucking electroporator10:23
kanzure-no thanks :)10:24
nshhey, it's better than daytime tv10:24
nshbtw, read your 2.2009 page on folder organisation10:24
nshyou should continue that story about the king and the 10 brightest men10:24
kanzure-that was january btw10:25
nshah, mybad10:25
kanzure-a few days after dad died.10:25
kanzure-had to keep myself busy.10:25
nshah, hadn't heard. sorry10:25
nshwhat program did you use to make the image, btw?10:25
kanzure-gd something. 10:25
kanzure-gdisk viewer?10:26
kanzure-on /shots/, there's an image that has the name of the program in the filename10:26
nshah, will check10:26
kanzure-I think my server is down10:28
kanzure-this isn't good. my presentation is stored on the server.10:28
nshnoticed that too10:29
nshprogram was Graphical Disk Map --http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-analyze-your-disk-usage-pattern-in-linux/10:29
fenni like filelight10:29
kanzure-hrm, I can't remotely powercycle my box10:30
nshthe concentric models are interesting10:30
kanzure-since sshd is failing to respond too.10:30
nshi think you could expand them with some interactivity10:30
nshkanzure, damn; that's never good10:30
kanzure-(I was copying a few hundred GB over the network)10:30
nshp(accidentally fill the disk)?10:30
fenni wish filelight could show slices sorted by number of files instead of size10:31
nshPhilesight seems to show number of files by lines10:32
nsh(from page linked above)10:32
nshalthough, maybe i'm misinterpreting that10:32
nshwhat would be nice would be if you could use an arbitrary fractal algorithm10:33
fennwhen you're comparing 2,000 lines vs 400,000 lines it gets a little iffy10:33
nsh(anything that cuts a finite area into proportal segments)10:33
kanzure-so how am I supposed to do an svn tutorial without access to my svn server.10:33
kanzure-any ideas?10:33
kanzure-I guess tortoisesvn allows local repositories10:33
fennset up an svn server10:33
kanzure-guess I could set one up on this machine10:33
fennwhy do you need to do a svn tutorial?10:33
kanzure-because adl has no source code management whatsoever10:33
fennthen why teach them something lame10:34
kanzure-and they will not understand git10:34
fennthey will piss and moan no matter what10:34
fennbtw kanzure you might want to use some materials from "software carpentry"10:35
fennit's right up their alley10:35
fennperhaps we could implement this for OM: http://bikeshed.com/11:53
fennmore on this line of thought: http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/archives/000922.html11:57
kanzure-"the amount of noise generated by a change is inversely proportional to the complexity of the change"11:58
kanzure-gah, that Ej post to diybio sucks12:04
kanzure-"sorry, this is too simple for me to bother CADing up. and I don't know what CAD or .py is"12:04
kanzure-http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2003-August/218440.html win32, solidworks, com12:25
fennfor a one-off "git r done" project, CAD'ing a gel box is silly12:26
fennhehe i wonder if "markus wankus" is his real name12:27
fennEJ just wanted to share a source of platinum wire, not be a project maintainer12:28
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kanzurefenn: I see.15:06
kanzureOn Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 1:05 PM, Jonathan Cline <jncline@gmail.com> wrote:15:10
kanzure> Is the sharpie idea for single use, or multi-use after cleaning?15:10
kanzure> Do you think the shrinky dinks can be autoclaved or are they15:10
kanzure> 1-use-then-throw-away?15:10
kanzureAnyone know about the shrinky-dink autoclaving?15:15
fennthey're just polystyrene so i assume it's fine15:21
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kanzure" When a particle is flowing in a microchannel, the center position of the particle cannot be present in a certain distance from sidewalls, which is equal to the particle radius." <-- I like how blunt these papers are.15:40
fennyou mean "bluntly obvious"?15:43
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kanzurefenn: do not bother with the p2presearch list.15:58
kanzureit's basically marc fawzi's stomping grounds 15:58
fennoh don't worry, i was just sophistrizing15:58
fenni think the point of that email was lost in the shuffle15:59
kanzurehttp://frwebgate3.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/TEXTgate.cgi?WAISdocID=20316230645+0+1+0&WAISaction=retrieve 15:59
kanzurehttp://frwebgate3.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/TEXTgate.cgi?WAISdocID=20316230645+0+1+0&WAISaction=retrieve Office of Biotechnology Activities; Recombinant DNA Research: 15:59
kanzureProposed Actions Under the NIH Guidelines for Research Involving 15:59
kanzureRecombinant DNA Molecules (NIH Guidelines)15:59
fennwhere's my communications succinctness act16:00
kanzurein the trash can.16:02
kanzurealso, why am I reading papers about microliter-volume fluid separations. this is stupid.16:04
fennit was in a robert heinlein book16:05
kanzureat best you'd just make a giant array of microfluidic devices16:05
fenn"the day they got rid of the lawyers"16:05
kanzurebut at 1 mL/hr, you'd need 100,000 sorters just for 1 cubic meter of water..16:07
kanzure(to process it in an hour, I mean)16:07
fennhmm i had it right the first time16:10
fenn"The Year They Hanged The Lawyers"16:10
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kanzureah, http://heybryan.org/folders.html works now.17:51
kanzurensh wants me to finish the story at the bottom17:53
kanzure"I did it today. It was pretty fun and showed some basic concepts of microfluidics. Now you got me hooked on this stuff, Bryan. Maybe someone could hack an inkjet printer to print on slides. Sharpie lines are a bit thick. I see alot of potential especially for seperating proteins by their sizes or shape. Is this already done? I think this has great DIYbio potential."17:58
kanzuresomebody somewhere did something about something!17:58
kanzureoh yay, Jeswin John posted images17:59
kanzurewoah, his droplets are huge18:00
xp_prgKanzure where are the pics man?18:02
fenni like the paper "fused toner on polyester film" or whatever it's called18:03
kanzurexp_prg: on the email18:03
kanzurefenn: was that on my server?18:03
kanzurewas that the lamination paper?18:03
fennbasically, laminate two laser printed transparencies together18:03
kanzureand then the circuit is in the middle / in between?18:03
fennsearch for 'polyester' in that folder18:03
xp_prgoh cool, didn't see them!18:03
xp_prgwhat did it do?18:04
fennit doesn't do anything :\18:04
kanzurethere was also "Rapid prototyping of micropatterned substrates using conventional laser printers"18:04
fennthat's the thing i dont get about this microfluidics stuff18:04
fennit's like etching circuit boards but you have no electronic components to populate it with18:04
kanzuretrue somewhat18:05
kanzurethere's no control over it18:05
kanzurethis is basically just good for filtering I think18:05
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kanzureor maybe directing microscale reactions18:05
kanzureunless you're able to make the microheater array thingy18:05
kanzurewith 256 addressible resistors18:05
kanzure(did you see that?)18:05
xp_prgkanzure tell me what those pics are all about, what did he do?18:06
kanzuredid you read my email?18:06
kanzurethey are pictures of what I describe in my email18:06
xp_prgwell I didn't really understand the email either18:06
kanzurelike what?18:07
kanzurewere there any words that you did not understand?18:07
xp_prglet me check it again18:07
xp_prgok, so you put water in it and it stays away fromt he sharpie right?18:11
kanzuresort of- only droplets- unless you soak one of the glass panels in piranha for a while18:12
kanzureor rain-x coat it instead of piranha18:12
xp_prgbut how is that useful, what is so great?18:12
kanzureand then you can just "flood it" with water (don't *actually* flood it, but I mean you can run small volumes of water (non-droplet) thorugh it)18:12
kanzurewell, people have done PCR using these systems18:12
kanzureand DNA sequencing18:12
kanzureand DNA synthesis18:12
kanzureand gel electrophoresis without gels18:13
xp_prgok I have done gel electrophoresis18:13
kanzureand Jonathan Cline has been having me read some papers about doing this to make an electroporator18:13
xp_prgcan you help me to understand that using this method?18:13
kanzureyou make an array of dots18:13
kanzurefenn: this is a "must-read": http://heybryan.org/books/papers/microfluidics/Microthermal%20Devices%20for%20Fluidic%20Actuation%20by%20Modulation%20of%20Surface%20Tension%20-%20Basu%20-%20awesome.pdf18:14
xp_prgan array of dots, all I know about right now is 2 panes of glass18:15
xp_prgwhere are the dots etc... ?18:15
xp_prgoh man that paper has lots of math in it18:15
kanzurethe first one does18:16
kanzuretry the other ones.18:16
kanzureanything that you draw on one of the slides must be drawn on the other slide as well (a mirror image)18:17
kanzurean array of dots: make dots. uh. in a grid.18:17
xp_prgso like:18:17
xp_prg* * * *18:18
xp_prg* * * *18:18
xp_prgetc... where the dots are sharpie dots?18:18
xp_prgok then how does that help with electrophoresis?18:19
kanzuredna hits the dots.18:19
xp_prgok, here is what I know, in gel electrophoresis you have a gel, you put the dna in one side of the gel, you then soak the gel in a buffer and then apply a voltage difference and the dna stretches out through the gel in a line18:20
xp_prgwhen you say dna hits the dots I just don't understand how that makes sense, are we not stretching the dna out?18:20
kanzuredo you know why dna stretches out when running it through gels?18:22
xp_prgyes because dna is electrically charged18:22
kanzurewhy use the gel then.18:22
xp_prgcuz it has to push through the gel and the gel traps it18:22
kanzurebut then you might as well just get rid of the gel.18:22
xp_prgso how do the dots come into play as the dna spreads out?18:23
kanzurethink of it actually more like a cheese grater method18:23
kanzureonly the dna that straightens out will flow downwards more quickly18:24
kanzurebecause the cross-section of a pinhead is smaller than the lateral length of dna18:24
kanzurei.e. one nucleotide versus an entire friggin' genome18:24
kanzurewhich will inevitably hit one of the dots.18:24
xp_prgso once it hits the dots what happens?18:24
kanzurelook up the videos on the bionanomatrix website btw18:24
kanzure(that's on the nanoscale though)18:25
xp_prgkanzure please help me understand this, I know I can :>18:25
kanzurewell, depending on how fine the dots are, the dna will have to go in a certain direction, and so will somewhat straighten out18:25
kanzuredepending on the contact angle with the circular dot18:25
xp_prgoh ok18:25
kanzurebut these have to be very tiny dots, otherwise the water will just bounce off of the dots and the dna will never touch it18:26
kanzureI don't know how to better explain that part18:26
kanzureit might not work because of that issue18:26
kanzurebut read the other papers, they should help explain things.18:26
xp_prgso as the dna expands it kind of follows the path the dots lay for it?18:26
xp_prgalso, do you apply a voltage to it somehow?18:27
kanzureI don't remember. I'll have to read back over the papers.18:28
xp_prgwell can you explain what Jeswin did?18:28
kanzureJeswin just did what I wrote in my first email18:29
kanzureLook at the numbers in that email I first sent (#1, #2, #3, #4)18:30
fennyou dont want the DNA to straighten out in electrophoresis18:30
xp_prgyes the water stays away from the sharpie lines right?18:30
fennnormally it bunches up into a blob, roughly spherical18:30
kanzureoh crap18:30
xp_prgfenn you don't?18:30
kanzurefenn: forgive me!18:30
fennthen the size of the blob is proportional to the length of the dna18:30
kanzureerm. hrm.18:31
fennif it stretches out like a snake, then all DNA flows the same speed, more or less18:31
xp_prghmm... ok18:31
fennso that's why they have the multi-electrode gel boxes18:31
kanzureI was confusing the DNA sequencing method, sorry18:31
fennto move it in a zigzag motion to keep it from stretching out18:31
* kanzure must go clense his skin.18:31
fennno biggie18:31
xp_prgkanzure the water stays away from the sharpies lines why is that useful?18:31
xp_prgI am totally confused by why this is useful18:32
kanzurehave you ever heard of the phrase "lab on a chip"?18:34
xp_prgso basically your saying you can direct fluids18:35
kanzurethis can potentially be used to implement a lab on a chip18:35
kanzurethat people can draw. with a sharpie. or print out with an inkjet printer.18:35
xp_prgcan you give me a small example of that, what would be a potential lab experiment you might do?18:36
xp_prgso basically your making a way for the chemicals to flow right?18:38
kanzureand do separations.18:39
xp_prghow would filtration work?18:39
xp_prgmaking the space so small only certain things could get through it?18:39
kanzure(that's the gravity version)18:40
xp_prgwell I don't want to read all that just now, can you just tell me some things?18:40
kanzurewhy not look at the image I just linked to18:40
kanzurewhat's so hard about that18:41
fennwoah is that a microfluidic mass spectrometer?18:41
kanzureI guess so :)18:41
kanzureexcept recording is kind of not the same18:41
* fenn bounces off the walls18:41
xp_prgcuz I am at work and I could get in trouble for reading that is all :(18:41
kanzurein mass spec you usually throw shit at a drum for recording, right?18:41
fenni remember something about atmospheric mass spectrometers glued to the backs of trained honeybees18:42
fennlike 15 years ago18:42
kanzurehah, seriously?18:42
kanzuremy legion of doom is growing more complete by the day!18:42
fennit was at a science conference my mom went to, i could never find anything about it on the web18:42
kanzureI need to go through the papers and collect the images of these separators/filters18:43
kanzureanything that says 'asymmetric', 'hydrodynamic', 'gravity', 'dean vortices', or 'bifurcation' in the paper name is going to have a neat design for these purposes18:43
kanzureand usually some of the 'gradient' papers, but I'm not entirely sure if Whitesides' work is 1-to-1 relevant18:43
kanzure(his work on gradient generators via resistor networks, I mean)18:44
kanzureYamada's papers are goldmines (see refs #32-38 in that pubmedcentral.gov link above)18:44
xp_prgI watched the laser microfluidics video, how did the laser control what was happening just curious?18:44
kanzuredo you know what a laser is?18:44
xp_prgelectrons in a beam18:45
xp_prgI meant18:45
fenni sense the force is wrong in this one18:45
* kanzure will be back in a sec.18:45
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xp_prgkanzure can you answer my question please?18:48
kanzurewhat question?18:48
xp_prghow does the laser move the cells?18:49
kanzuretransfer of energy into kinetic energy18:51
kanzure(eh, sort of)18:51
xp_prgwhat about the sharpie fluid causes the water to stay away from it?18:52
kanzurehave you ever drawn with sharpie on a whiteboard?18:53
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xp_prgok and?18:56
kanzureyou can't erase it easily, can you?18:56
kanzuresharpie is hydrophobic. water avoids it.18:57
xp_prgoh ok18:57
kanzureso surface tension is generally caused by hydrogen bonds18:57
xp_prgbut are chemicals like that?18:57
xp_prgdoes dna stay away from hydrophobic things?18:57
kanzuresome chemicals are hydrophobic, some are hydrophillic18:58
xp_prgwhat is hydrophillic?18:58
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kanzurehm, "20:23
kanzurehm, "20:23
kanzureMartin D. Leach, Ph.D. 20:23
kanzureExecutive Director Basic Research & Biomarker IT 20:23
kanzureMerck & Co. Inc." just posted to diybio20:23
fennmobile fab lab - bringing laser printers to everyone!20:48
xp_prgI don't see the posting20:56
xp_prgwhere is it?20:56
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kanzurefenn: you're welcome to make a better mobile contraption, perhaps a mobile fabratory, and you can bring super laser pointers to everyone21:47
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kanzurehm, for some reason I said 100 microns = 1 mm on diybio. that is wrong.22:36
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