
--- Day changed Sun Mar 08 2009
-!- ybit [n=mint@unaffiliated/ybit] has quit ["leaving"]01:08
-!- ybit [n=mint@unaffiliated/ybit] has joined #hplusroadmap01:25
geneheh I got some spam from them01:31
geneIRL spam01:31
genemail from them a while back01:31
-!- ybit [n=mint@unaffiliated/ybit] has quit ["leaving"]01:37
kanzure"Hydrophilic/hydrophobic patterned surfaces as templates for DNA arrays"01:45
genethat's pretty much how I am after hearing that01:55
genewait a minute, the psp has a 480 x 272 screen01:57
genethat can't be right?01:57
kanzurehttp://ukpmc.ac.uk/articlerender.cgi?artid=1545998 01:58
kanzureRecursive construction of perfect DNA molecules from imperfect oligonucleotides01:58
genedna repair01:59
genedinosaur dna is damaged01:59
genedinosaurs might be profitable...01:59
kanzureI'm trying to find a paper that gives an analysis of the sources of error and error rates in conventional oligo synthesis techniques.03:00
genedamn I need to send you that stuff03:00
kanzurehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oligonucleotide_synthesis "s the number of errors increases with the length of the oligonucleotide sequence that is being synthesized. "03:00
kanzure[citation needed]03:00
genedude why can't we bring back dinosaurs with DNA error correction?03:04
geneI belive I found a solution to head mounted display mounting03:12
genewould you like to know?03:13
geneyou put acouple of titanium mounting brackets into your skull03:14
geneyikes, we might not want to use a LCD screen03:16
-!- ybit [n=mint@unaffiliated/ybit] has joined #hplusroadmap03:16
genemight have to go all out in that case03:19
genekanzure, magnifier glasses03:34
geneare the solution03:34
genewe just put LCD's on them03:35
geneLCDs with cameras for AR03:35
genesteve mann gets 640X48003:40
geneDLP is starting to tempt me03:42
geneis dlp03:43
genewait a second03:43
genethat's it?03:43
geneI think I just realized something03:43
kanzureSyringe method for stepwise chemical synthesis of oligonucleotides http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/picrender.fcgi?artid=320704&blobtype=pdf03:47
kanzureSynthesis of a gene for human growth hormone and its expression in Escherichia coli 03:47
genewith a syringe?03:48
genehow long does that take?03:48
kanzureif you use zinc, 30 minutes per nucleotide03:51
kanzurebut if you don't, it usually takes much less apparently03:51
kanzuregene: become a monk! synthesize your own genome by syringe!03:52
kanzure"oh fuck, I made an error"03:52
geneat 30 minutes per nucleotide it would take OVER 9000 hrs to synthesize the ebola genome03:53
geneno joke03:53
geneor 375 dayw03:53
geneterrorists won't be able to do that03:53
genethey have to be 4 levels above batshit insane03:55
geneand have a lot of time03:57
kanzuresyringe method takes 13 min per nucleotide. haha.04:02
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-!- gene [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-96-13.public.utexas.edu] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]05:08
-!- fenn_ [n=fenn@cpe-72-177-52-180.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap05:19
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-!- elias` [n=me@unaffiliated/elias/x-342423] has joined #hplusroadmap09:06
kanzureCoriolis force?09:35
-!- jm [n=jm@p57B9E8F8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #hplusroadmap09:43
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-!- fenn_ is now known as fenn10:31
fennfor your algae filter can't you use something like this with a really fine mesh? http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.home-food-processing.com/ProductImages/32164.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.home-food-processing.com/browseproducts/-32164-Grape-Spiral-for-Food-Strainer.html&usg=__J2qQqd0XJISZEnRDixJWRE4OYMs=&h=300&w=300&sz=25&hl=en&start=14&tbnid=Iv6wrnzVaAWHgM:&tbnh=116&tbnw=116&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dberry%2Bscreen%26hl%3Den%2610:37
fennduhh sorry about the linkspam10:37
fennas the algae builds up on the screen it gets scraped off and pumped out10:39
kanzureI was thinking of blockin the sensor that signals whether or not the lis is closed on my ps2 ancd then drawing a circular patter as it spins so that I can get a clean microchannel totest with.10:40
-!- PeerInfinity [i=PeerInfi@brndmb02bbp-ac09-53-39.dial.mts.net] has joined #hplusroadmap11:05
kanzure*to test11:23
kanzureCell lysis on a microfluidic CD (compact disc) http://heybryan.org/books/papers/microfluidics/Cell%20lysis%20on%20a%20microfluidic%20CD%20(compact%20disc).pdf12:45
kanzureso apparently elmer and salomé aren't in debian because of those licensing issues of opencascade13:22
kanzureanyway, opencascade 6.3.0 has been accepted into the repos apparently.13:23
kanzure"                      In contemporary phosphoramidite oligonucleotide synthesis coupling13:27
kanzurefailure rates should be 0.5% or less per coupling event.13:27
kanzure"                                                              the nature of coupling13:27
kanzurefailures can be found in Temsamani et al. (1995) and Hecker and Rill (1998).13:27
kanzureHecker KH, and RL Rill 1998 Error analysis of chemically synthesized polynucleotides.13:30
kanzureBioTechniques 24: 256-260.13:30
kanzure"Deletions are most likely to result from incomplete capping or de-tritylation."13:33
kanzurehm, it might be due to the reversability of the detritylation step13:40
fennelmer uses opencascade?13:41
kanzureorigin of impurities in oligonucleotides: http://heybryan.org/books/Biology/Origin%20of%20impurities%20in%20oligonucleotides.pdf see page 2913:49
kanzurewith references :)13:49
kanzureadded the references.13:57
-!- Netsplit verne.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: UtopiahGHML14:19
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kanzuregrated array with sharpie microfluidics: scotch tape dispenser has little spikes in a row. works nicely at scraping off parallel lines. My dispenser here has 17.15:32
kanzurecan tape remove nail polish? because it can remove layers of sharpie..15:40
-!- samrose [n=samrose@c-24-11-214-181.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap15:56
-!- ferrouswheel [n=jp@121-73-144-159.cable.telstraclear.net] has joined #hplusroadmap16:13
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-!- transilluminator [n=biosci@dhcp-128-83-195-173.biosci.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap17:20
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-!- ferrouswheel [n=jp@121-73-144-159.cable.telstraclear.net] has left #hplusroadmap ["Leaving"]18:15
fenni think heekscad might actually be useful already: http://fenn.freeshell.org/motor_mount.png18:31
transilluminatoralso, growing algae in large volumes of water is stupid18:41
fenni recall reading about a tube of heat-sealed plastic that was stretched out on a roof and had circulating algae fed through it18:42
fennit was about 6 inches thick and 50 feet long18:42
transilluminatormost papers focus on photobioreactor issues like "getting light to the algae"18:44
transilluminatorwhich isn't really the real issue in these things. yes, it's important, but I feel that's easy18:44
transilluminatorharvesting is more of a big deal, since the smaller buggers aren't going to just clump together naturally in some cases18:44
fennseems like some sort of spray or waterfall would be beneficial18:44
transilluminatorand chemicals for that are sort of expensive18:44
transilluminatorhow so?18:44
fennfor aeration and temperature reduction18:45
transilluminatoranyway- those papers on flat beds seem useful. just grow it in a few cm of water, but a large surface area18:45
* fenn notes that none of those papers have photos of real installations18:45
fennoh wait, there's one18:46
transilluminatorone mentioned an installation that was tested for 12 days in Japan18:46
fennlooks pretty bad tho18:46
fennvertical flat plate = stupid18:47
transilluminatoryes, I don't know what they are thinking there18:47
transilluminatorthey must be pumping it back up to the top18:47
fenni wish these guys spent more time making working systems and less time with fancy graphs and equations18:48
transilluminatorI demoed gnuplot for two biologists the other day and they went totally ballistic and all happy-feely about how awesome 'splot' was.18:48
fenncan you even rotate it in 3d?18:49
fenndoes it output SVG? :)18:50
transilluminatorit outputs dxf, does that count?18:51
fennapparently it does18:51
fennset terminal svg18:51
fennset output "$file.si.svg"18:51
transilluminatorhm, I did "set term" and looked at the list and didn't see svg there, although the interwebs tell me it does18:51
fennhave to press return to see the full list18:53
fennit works!18:56
fennthat certainly isn't x^2 though18:56
transilluminatorset xrange [0:1]18:57
fennit doesnt want to write the file until i exit19:00
transilluminatorthere's another way to write files.19:00
transilluminatorhow is it that you are only now just discovering gnuplot?19:01
fenni've used it before, i just forget all the syntax every time19:01
transilluminatorwell, no, not the syntax, I can't penalize you for that19:01
* transilluminator leaves19:12
-!- transilluminator [n=biosci@dhcp-128-83-195-173.biosci.utexas.edu] has quit ["leaving"]19:12
-!- katsmeow-afk is now known as katsmeow19:24
-!- willPow3r [n=will@cpe-66-75-6-181.san.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap19:34
-!- gene_ [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-91-133.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap19:57
gene_kanzure find me a tiny 640x480 display19:57
kanzureisn't this what Google is for?19:58
gene_are you busy?19:58
gene_dang, dmd displays are about to get cheap19:59
gene_so here's the deal, you find a display with that rez that is cheap, and find a way to hook it up to say, my laptop, I make you a case for it20:00
kanzurea case?20:01
gene_ugh that's a bit big20:01
gene_IE the part that holds it on your head20:01
gene_and optics20:02
katsmeowMCM was selling 5 and 7 inch led color screen for cheap a while back, set in unside for an ntsc feed, had speakers too, ran on 12vdc20:02
gene_I have a cheap about 5 inch LCD screen20:02
gene_it's heavy and would cause head strain20:02
gene_used on underwater robot control system20:03
* katsmeow nods20:03
kanzureI suggest finding something on ebay from a well-supported, but broken cell phone20:04
gene_good plan20:04
kanzureI wonder if people put up cell phones on ebay once their minutes are used up20:05
kanzurejust because they don't know any better.20:05
gene_that 240x160 looks tempting20:05
gene_my phone has 176*x22020:06
gene_slightly more pixels20:06
gene_but wider screen20:06
gene_oh shit optics20:07
katsmeowsorry Hal, i cannot do that20:07
gene_that weird shapes gonna be hard to make20:07
kanzuregene_: how about you put this on a wiki page20:08
kanzuresince we've already talked about this before in here, and all of those notes have to be retrieved anyway20:08
kanzureso might as well put it in one place20:08
gene_12 for about $40?20:12
gene_damn that minimum order20:13
gene_request a sample ;)20:14
fenngene_: what's this about CNC eh?20:14
fennthe openmoko freerunner has a tiny 640x480 screen20:15
gene_how much?20:15
gene_is it FREE!20:15
gene_how wide is the screen?20:16
kanzurehttp://pipes.yahoo.com/pipes/pipe.info?_id=9c440036b120679b4498fcaa67200718 Google Scholar RSS/email copy20:17
fenngene_: like 3 inches20:17
gene_that's HUGE!20:17
kanzurehttp://davide.eynard.it/?p=35 "I wrote this little perl script which requires two parameters: the name of the author and the paper title. It then queries Scholar and returns the number of citations for that paper. Quick and easy!"20:17
gene_yeah that's quite bulky20:19
fenn43mm x 58mm display aarea20:19
fennwhat did you expect?20:19
gene_expensive yet awesome20:20
* kanzure is trying to figure out if there are any 'google scholar' mashups for trends analysis etc.20:20
* fenn is trying to figure out if gene is a retard20:20
fenngene_: did you get a quote?20:21
kanzurehttp://userscripts.org/scripts/show/836  "saved searches" for google scholar20:21
gene_I should though20:22
kanzure http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/12692 "I'm addicted to 'starring' items in google reader, so I created a script that adds this option to scholar. just search the site and click on the star if a result interests you. Hit 'Starred' next to the search button to see all starred results."20:22
kanzurewhat's the point of that?20:22
kanzureuseful: http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/41663 ScienceDirect popup-blocker Opens PDFs in the same window, not a pop-up20:24
gene_you know I wonder if you can stack those tiny digital picture frames together and offset them just a bit to get a higher res display20:30
fennemagin = $1500 for two displays20:30
gene_or vibrate them like they do with dmds20:31
fenndmd's dont vibrate do they?20:32
fennnot the pixel array20:32
gene_some do20:33
fennnot the pixel grid i mean20:33
fennthe laser galvo's yes20:33
gene_yes the whole pixel array back and forth20:33
kanzurewhat the fuck20:33
kanzureAutoScholar, an automated interface to Google Scholar for grabbing papers written in perl.20:33
gene_double the amount of pixels20:33
gene_you really have to see it though to understand it20:33
fennsee what?20:34
-!- elias` [n=me@unaffiliated/elias/x-342423] has quit [Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)]20:46
gene_electronic viewfinder20:54
kanzurehey, smari's getting slashdotted: http://slashdot.org/firehose.pl?op=view&id=367618921:11
-!- willPow3r [n=will@cpe-66-75-6-181.san.res.rr.com] has quit ["Leaving"]21:41
kanzureFor the witnessing to be legal the parties generally either have to work for some21:48
kanzurethird party whom they've signed right over to (eg IBM). Or else they have some21:48
fennsad but true21:51
-!- katsmeow is now known as katsmeow-afk22:01
fennwow a whole day with no diybio22:26
kanzureI've had no interesting emails this weekend :(22:38
-!- fenn [n=fenn@cpe-72-177-52-180.austin.res.rr.com] has quit ["television time! aieee"]22:54
gene_would you like me to change that kanzure?23:10
-!- ybit [n=mint@unaffiliated/ybit] has quit ["Lost terminal"]23:47

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