
--- Day changed Mon Mar 09 2009
-!- ybit [n=gentoo@unaffiliated/ybit] has joined #hplusroadmap00:30
-!- Fair [n=Nofaris@adsl-75-42-84-143.dsl.scrm01.sbcglobal.net] has joined #hplusroadmap00:48
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kanzureHey ybit.01:01
ybithi kanzure01:03
ybiti've been busy preparing to be productive :)01:05
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@c-24-130-14-113.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap01:05
xp_prghi kanzure you here?01:09
gene_is your skin glowing under a blacklight?01:11
kanzureybit: preparing to be?01:19
ybityup, sadly01:19
ybitbut, it's only for a week01:20
ybitthe preparation01:20
xp_prgkanzure I am trying to present about my embryology experiment tomorrow night, can you be thinking of good papers I could reference please?01:22
kanzureyou haven't been reading any papers?01:34
xp_prgkanzure well I want to, was hoping you could guide me to some is all :(01:41
kanzureyay, I get to pick out some hardware for the lab01:41
* kanzure wonders if he can get a 16 GB RAM server rack..01:42
ybit16gb of ram, lame. you don't know what power is until you've experienced my 768mb server farm01:47
-!- ybit [n=gentoo@unaffiliated/ybit] has quit ["leaving"]01:48
katsmeow-afkwhy ram?01:48
katsmeow-afkaltho, if that HP memory works out, server farms may be giving away their harddrives01:49
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-!- gene_ [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-91-133.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap02:11
gene_so kanzure, I've been thinking02:11
gene_a 128X128 digital picture frame cost $10, this has 16384 pixels02:12
gene_if you can use maskless array gene synthesis to do 8 nucleotides per pixel02:13
gene_you get 131072 nucleotides or 131 KB02:14
gene_that's a lot02:15
gene_131 kbp I mean02:17
gene_$60 in chemicals02:23
-!- Fair [n=Nofaris@adsl-75-42-84-143.dsl.scrm01.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]02:25
-!- gene_ [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-91-133.public.utexas.edu] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]02:53
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kanzurean editor at Wired has asked me to contribute to their article/wiki on the topic09:38
kanzureseems to be the James Choate mailing list10:01
-!- samrose [n=samrose@c-24-11-214-181.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap10:11
kanzurehttp://www.opencascade.org/support/products/advsamples/ "10:30
kanzureThe Advanced Samples Pack is provided with the full source code and is only available to our support clients."10:30
kanzureblah. Two of those screenshots are of a gear and one of a gear + camshaft.10:30
kanzurefenn, have you seen this? http://www.pythonocc.org/10:47
kanzure"pythonOCC is a set of open-source Python bindings for OpenCascade, a 3D modeling & numerical simulation library. It currently wraps more than 7000 OpenCascade classes, that is, about 50% of the whole library content. pythonOCC may be distributed under the terms the CeCILL Licence."10:47
kanzureseems to have an odd license10:47
kanzurewhen I saw watchmen the other night, there was a line in the movie along the lines of ".. because anything free must be socialism, right?~~~ ", and the audience laughed. Shows that all hope is not, in fact, lost.11:09
* kanzure compiles OpenCASCADE.11:10
kanzureapt-get install bibutils11:12
kanzurebibutils: http://www.refbase.net/index.php/Bibutils11:40
kanzurehm, OpenCASCADE is still compiling.12:14
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@] has joined #hplusroadmap12:30
-!- fenn [n=fenn@cpe-72-177-52-180.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap13:01
kanzureok, finally done compiling opencascade13:09
fennwtf did you do that for13:09
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/books/Manufacturing/campbell/bibliography/ via bibutils. 13:10
kanzurefenn, have you seen this? http://www.pythonocc.org/13:10
fennlooking at it now, highly awesome13:11
fenni can't believe that guy who wrote pythonizer sat on it for six years13:11
kanzureI thought he was still sitting on it?13:11
xp_prgkanzure I have used opencascade13:12
fennhe is13:12
xp_prgit is a full scenegraph13:14
xp_prgit works on top of opengl and abstracts many 3d construction details13:14
fennsince you can use .dll's for the windows version i bet you can just use the libopencascade6.2-dev package13:16
fennsorry, libopencascade-dev13:16
xp_prgkanzure how do you hope to use it just curious?13:18
xp_prgwhat is pythonizer sat?13:18
kanzurefenn: shit.13:19
kanzurenow I feel silly13:19
kanzurehm, I can't apt-get it because libopencascade-foundation-6.3.0 does not exist13:20
xp_prgfenn what does he hope to use it for?13:20
kanzurexp_prg: why are you asking.13:21
kanzurego away.13:21
xp_prgjust curious, maybe I can help :>13:21
fennsudo apt-get install libopencascade-dev13:21
kanzurefenn: right.13:21
kanzuredoes it work for you?13:21
fennapt-get does, about to run pythonocc13:21
xp_prgyou can compile from source, I know how to do that kanzure13:22
kanzurexp_prg: why are you unable to read?13:22
kanzureI specifically said that I have compiled it from source.13:22
xp_prgwell your doing apt-get install, you don't do that if you install from source13:23
kanzuredo you know why fenn suggested apt-get install?13:23
kanzureit's because I was compiling from source13:23
kanzureso he suggested apt-get.13:23
kanzurewhat's so hard to understand about this?13:23
xp_prgok :>13:24
fennah i'm so glad i finally turned on ignore13:24
fennoh great another fucking weird-ass french license13:26
kanzureah, I had backports in my sources.list, so I've fixed it now13:27
kanzurehttp://www.me.utexas.edu/~adl/links.htm  heh' we have a twitter feed13:35
kanzurefenn, how did you run pythonocc?13:36
kanzureI went into src/ and ran python setup.py, but then it doesn't find "module_builder'13:36
xp_prgkanzure usually it is python setup.py install13:37
fennyeah i can't find Utils/13:38
kanzurehm, I can't find 'swig'13:38
fenni dont know what CAS_ROOT is supposed to be either13:38
kanzureapt-get install swig.13:38
kanzureokay, now it's working, except g++ has now exited. blah.13:39
kanzureI need to go. will fight with this later.13:39
fenn*facepalm* out of disk space13:48
ybitnice find kanzure: pythonocc14:40
ybitor was it fenn... i'll read the log, still nice find14:41
fenni think debian's package is missing a number of files pythonocc expects14:42
fennStandard_ThreadId.hxx for example14:42
fennhey it's only 3 files that's not bad14:44
fennStandard_PCharacter.hxx and Standard_PExtCharacter.hxx14:45
fennoh. those are in 6.3 14:47
* fenn tries again with opennovation.org packages15:06
ybit13:10 < fenn> since you can use .dll's for the windows version i bet you can just use the libopencascade6.2-dev package15:06
ybit13:13 < kanzure> fenn: shit.15:06
ybit13:10 < fenn> since you can use .dll's for the windows version i bet you can just use the libopencascade6.2-dev package15:06
ybit13:13 < kanzure> fenn: shit.15:06
ybit13:13 < kanzure> now I feel silly15:06
fennybit: yes?15:06
ybithehe, i did the same thing nearly two weeks ago15:06
fennit turns out i was wrong15:07
ybitwhy so?15:07
fennpythonocc is meant to be used with 6.315:07
fennnow i'm trying a different set of packages15:07
fennif i have to compile OCC it's "the wrong way"15:07
fennwell i'm stumped15:26
fennit seems to mostly work, then fails on some obscure swig python error handling thing15:26
fennundefined reference to `PyExc_MemoryError' PyExc_IOError PyExc_RuntimeError PyExc_IndexError15:27
fennand so on for about  a thousand lines15:27
kanzure-_fenn: what are you stumped at in particular? did you get the 6.3 package from opennovation.org's repository?15:51
kanzure-_occ 6.3 successfully compiled, but then cd src/ ; make install hangs for a while. I suppose I should go run that in the background while I'm not actually at home sitting around.15:52
fennwell it seems to get past all the opencascade stuff and now i'm just stuck on some silly python/swig error15:53
-!- ybit is now known as hmatlock15:53
fennand yes 6.3 is from opennovation15:53
fennhttp://pastebin.ca/1356801 is what i did, more or less15:55
kanzure-_is your server still broken?15:56
-!- hmatlock is now known as heath215:57
-!- heath2 is now known as heath_15:57
heath_sorry for the nick changes15:57
-!- heath_ is now known as ybit15:58
ybitbah, i'll stick w/ the original15:58
kanzure-_You don't have write acces to /usr/local/inc directory. Please use 'sudo python setup.py build'.15:59
kanzure-_OopenCascade CAS_ROOT environment variable not set.15:59
fennoh export CASROOT=/usr/share/opencascade/6.3.0/16:00
kanzure-_irssi asks you if you want to paste when the lines that you are pasting are more than 6. why isn't a plugin to dump the paste over the web installed by default?16:00
kanzure-_ah, I think I have to ln -s /usr/local/inc to point over to /usr/local/include16:00
fennyou're supposed to change environment.py :\16:01
fennand it should be /usr/include/opencascade not /usr/local/include16:01
fennyes, this is a pain16:01
kanzure-_error: package directory '/home/bryan/cad/pythonOCC-md0.1/src/../Utils' does not exist16:02
kanzure-_it's true, Utils does not exist in next to src/16:02
kanzure-_I didn't run 16:07
kanzure-_svn co svn://svn.gna.org/svn/pythonocc/trunk pythonOCC though.16:07
fenni dont think the Utils dir has anything important16:09
kanzure-_were you able to find the headers?16:09
kanzure-_oh right. 6.316:09
fennwhat about it16:12
kanzure-_guess I need to install it16:12
kanzure-_or at least the -dev package.16:12
fennget libopencascade-visualization-dev and libopencascade-ocaf-dev16:12
fennthat should get everything16:12
kanzure-_lots of undefined reference errors.16:15
fennok so at least it's not just me16:16
kanzure-_shouldn't there be something in /usr/lib/opencascade/ to represent compiled opencascade libraries that ld is supposed to link to?16:17
fenni think passing -shared to g++ should do something16:18
fenn(not that i have any clue what the problem is or what the solution is)16:18
fenneh guess not16:20
kanzure-_that involves editing setup.py?16:20
fennit already uses -shared16:21
kanzure-_hm, it already uses g++ though16:22
kanzure-_hah, there's like overall 2 total linux users of this package.16:23
fennyeah and i think they're using fedor16:25
fennunless you count the dev a user16:25
kanzure-_https://mail.gna.org/public/pythonocc-users/2009-02/msg00011.html "16:26
kanzure-_https://mail.gna.org/public/pythonocc-users/2009-02/msg00011.html "16:26
kanzure-_On my Linux Ubuntu 8.04 system, this generator fails to parse AdvApp2Var_* 16:26
kanzure-_headers and to generate the AdvApp2Var.i SWIG file. However, this file is 16:26
kanzure-_part of the /SWIG_src_modular_linux_darwin'. How is it possible? The answer: 16:26
kanzure-_I just copied/pasted the Windows AdvApp2Var.i file to this directory! And the 16:26
kanzure-_compilation works on Ubuntu 8.04 (in a sense, it's a miracle, that's why I'm 16:26
kanzure-_not surprised by the issue you mention)."16:26
-!- jm|earth [n=jm@p57B9D814.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]16:27
fennswig is such a pain in the ass for being "simple"16:28
fennspent two days trying to get it to work on my own example file, following tutorials16:29
kanzure-_so Thomas says that the problem is fixed in the latest svn version as of six days ago, but I disagree16:31
fenngod dammit kanzure16:37
fennit's MY ERROR REPORT16:37
fennand you shouldnt attach 800kb to a mailing list, it's bad manners16:38
fennone of these days i'll get an email address that doesn't make me wait 45 minutes for everything16:46
kanzure-_fenn: it's not a mailing list.16:52
kanzure-_I mean, I sent that off-list.16:52
kanzure-_also, it's 600kb.16:53
kanzure-_hm, ADL uses 61 MB of the 2 GB hdd that runs www.me.utexas.edu.16:55
kanzure-_in total, 120 MB is used from /home/ on that machine.16:55
kanzure-_fenn: thomas suggests 'scons'17:14
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-!- Fair [n=Nofaris@adsl-75-42-84-143.dsl.scrm01.sbcglobal.net] has joined #hplusroadmap17:59
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fennsigh.. -lpython2.518:05
fenni hate build scripts18:06
kanzure-_what computer should we get for the lab, fenn? any thoughts? we have a bunch of dell optiplex 755s ("intel core duo"s)18:07
fenni have no idea18:08
kanzure-_bkero: you spend lots of monies on computers, what's hot these days?18:08
bkerokanzure-_: In terms of what?18:08
kanzure-_lab needs a server, and money isn't much of an issue, so something with 2 or 4 GB of RAM and lots of yummy storage space would be nice18:08
kanzure-_ooh, maybe I'll go with the hdd that linus reviewed on his blog18:09
kanzure-_uh, so I have an 18 GB perl file and it has a systematic parse error that can be fixed by replacing all ] by ],18:13
kanzure-_however, this is not something that I want to open up vim for.18:13
kanzure-_is this a job for sed or awk or something?18:13
bkeroGo with some Intel SSDs, 16gb RAM, dual xeons18:27
bkeroor dual shanghais18:27
bkerokanzure-_: sed in place18:27
-!- samrose [n=samrose@c-24-11-214-181.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection]18:31
fenn18GB perl file.. WTF18:39
bkerosed -e /\[/[,/g file.pl18:40
bkerosed -e '/\[/[,/g' file.pl18:41
fenndon't you want -i instead of -e?18:43
fennanyway the problem is the 18GB perl file18:43
bkeroWhatever the in place sed flag is18:46
bkeroYea, -i too18:46
fennwow no more french license20:03
-!- gene_ [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-178-198.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap20:06
fennsurprising they used masks instead of LCD20:46
fennthat's one mask per base pair per array20:46
fenn== a lot of masks!20:46
fennapparently LCD projectors use 0.7" diagonal LCD panels20:48
gene_what they used masks?20:49
gene_they show how to synthesize the photocapper I think20:50
gene_it requires phosgene...20:50
fennsounds scary20:50
fenn(and unnecessary)20:50
gene_Synthesis of photolabile phosphoramidites. The MeNPOC-HEG-cyanoethylphosphoramidite20:50
gene_(CEP) and MeNPOC-base-CEPs were synthesized20:50
gene_according to the protocol described by McGall and colleagues8. Briefly, 3,4-20:50
gene_(methylenedioxy)acetophenone (Aldrich Chemical Co., Milwaukee, WI) was20:50
gene_reacted with glacial acetic acid and 70% (vol/vol) HNO3 to produce methyl20:50
gene_3,4-(methylenedioxy)-6-nitrophenyl ketone. This molecule was reacted with20:50
gene_sodium borohydride to produce (R,S)-1-(3,4-(methylenedioxy)-6-nitrophenyl)20:50
gene_ethanol, which was then reacted with phosgene to produce (R,S)-1-20:51
gene_(3,4-(methylenedioxy)-6-nitrophenyl)ethyl chloroformate (MeNPOC-Cl).20:51
gene_This molecule was attached to hexaethylglycol and A(PAC), C(ibu), and20:51
gene_G(ibu). These molecules were then converted to phosphoramidites by reacting20:51
gene_with 2-cyanoethyl N,N,N’,N’-tetraisopropylphosphorodiamidite and20:51
gene_diisopropyl ammonium tetrazolide to produce the final products.20:51
gene_fenn I like scary things20:51
gene_anyway the chemicals cost $6020:51
gene_but think about it fenn20:51
gene_an 128^2 lcd screen cost ~$1020:52
gene_116 384 pixels20:52
gene_16 384 pixels20:52
gene_18 nucleotides per pixel20:52
gene_294 912 nucleotides20:53
gene_294 kbp20:54
gene_that's a lot20:54
-!- wrldpc [n=worldpea@c-98-217-194-116.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap20:58
gene_dang that method needs a standard DNA synthesizer21:01
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gene_what exactly is a standard dna synthesis?21:10
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xp_prgguys I need help a PHD in protein folding is coming over in 30 minutes he wants to see some papers on embryonic forming in xenopus, can you guys help me find some real quick?23:38
xp_prgwhere would you recommend me putting up a wiki for my project?23:42
kanzureyou fail at life23:55
fenn"we will ensure that our government never opens the door to the use of cloning for human reproduction. it is dangerous, profoundly wrong, and has no place in our society or any society." -barak obama23:56
fennin his stem cell speech23:56
* kanzure hides his artificial womb under his bed.23:57
xp_prgkanzure will you please help me find some good papers on embryonic dna programming of xenopus eggs?23:58
kanzurexp_prg: so you're trying to do a project that you haven't read any papers on?23:58
kanzureyou previously said that you were afraid that you don't understand anything23:58
xp_prgI bought a book man!23:58
kanzureso let me get this straight23:58
kanzureyou're afraid of information and knowledge23:58
kanzureand not only that, but, 23:58
xp_prga guy with a phd in protein folding is coming over in 8 minutes help!23:58
kanzureyou didn't even read through any papers?23:58
xp_prghe is going to help me23:58
gene_Umm kanzure, can you find a nice safe place for me to hide my micromanipulator?23:59
gene_think faster23:59
xp_prgI bought coming to life by Christiane Nusslein-Volhard23:59
kanzurewhy did you buy a book?23:59
xp_prgso I could learn23:59
kanzurehow does that help learn?23:59
xp_prgkanzure seriously I don't have a lot of time just give me a few papers I beg of you!!!23:59
kanzureyou won't read them.23:59

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