
--- Day changed Sun Mar 15 2009
kanzurenow I have big bulky buttons from heekscad added to the InteractiveViewer.py 00:00
kanzurethe stuff at the top (before wx.Menu()) should probably be at the bottom00:01
kanzurefenn: do you want a subdomain on fabfolk.com ?00:03
fenneh sure why not00:07
fennis it going to become active? looks like a godaddy parking page00:07
fennwhat's this .txt crap00:08
fennjust post the .py file00:08
kanzurewell, it's me playing around until I get something that works00:08
kanzurethere is no .py file, it's me doing random shit in the interpreter00:08
fennah, that's nice isnt it00:09
fennyou know it took me two hours to add a c++ function to heekscad00:09
fennvery simple cut and paste job00:09
kanzurewas most of that time spent finding how everything works?00:10
genecareful with domain names00:12
genethey could get squated from under us00:12
geneif we don't be careful00:12
kanzurejust don't run whois without whois installed00:12
kanzurehrm, amy asking about skdb status. "it's closer with pythonocc" is what I've told her.00:15
* fenn sulks00:18
fennactually, since we can open STEP and IGES files, it's a lot closer to being usable with external cad programs00:19
kanzureI don't know about hooking everything to the OCC api, but other than that minor problem, this does make things much easier00:22
fennwell at least it can do stuff like generate thumbnail previews of the cad file00:23
kanzureoh? 00:23
fennfor the wiki package manager stuffs00:23
kanzurewhat generates the thumbnails?00:23
fennsome python script using pythonocc00:24
fennpart of django or whatever00:24
kanzureguess I don't know how custom thumbnails are generated anyway00:24
fennits basically a screenshot, ok?00:24
kanzureoh, I'm sure00:24
kanzuresorry, wasn't thinking00:24
kanzureI know that icons and thumbnails in konqueror are sometimes dynamically generated00:24
kanzurebut I've never investigated how it passes the data to what app and how it gets the thumbnail returned to display00:24
fennwell that would be neat, but it's kde specific00:25
kanzureit also happens on Windows, but yes it's specific to how the file explorer works IIRC00:25
genedynamically generated icons?00:25
kanzureyeah, Solidworks does it on Windows, gene00:25
fennthere's a little thumbnail of your assembly then?00:25
kanzureand without starting up Solidworks methinks. otherwise it would take 20+ seconds to load a folder with a single assembly :P00:26
kanzureso it must be cached?00:26
fennof course i'd rather have a zooming ui but we're getting close at least00:26
geneoh not icons like for firefox00:26
fennbah. i'm sure they can render some geometry without loading 99% of the crap in that application00:26
fennisnt it like 2GB?00:27
geneIt'd be cool of if I saw different icons every once in awhile00:27
kanzuregene: you mean .ico files for bookmarks?00:27
fennyeah it's called a theme gene00:27
-!- RandIter [n=RandIter@pool-71-183-32-51.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap00:27
kanzurehey RandIter00:27
fennit's what you do when you're procrastingating your homework00:27
kanzureare you a random iterator?00:27
RandIterhey guys00:27
RandItermore like a random iteration00:27
fennan objectivist fusion reactor?00:27
kanzurefenn: yes, it's about 3 GB00:27
geneontology center lol00:28
RandIterwhat's the topic of discussion of this room00:28
kanzureRandIter: fablabs, manufacturing, engineering, how pissed off we are at the world for being shitty, 00:29
-!- fenn changed the topic of #hplusroadmap to: the same thing we talk about every night.. taking over the world!00:29
geneshit the world does suck00:29
geneit needs to torn down and reengineered00:29
kanzureplease don't be so destructive.00:29
fennat least give me a chance to make a better one somewhere else00:30
* katsmeow-afk gets the WD-40 prepared for the robot overlords00:30
RandIteryou could try simulating it. might fail tho00:30
kanzurefenn: do you remember the Pinky and the Brain episode where they make a paper mache planet in orbit around the earth?00:30
fennsend us your unwashed masses, your nuclear waste, and lots of compost00:30
genedestructive? come on 5 kg of TNT is hardly destructive00:30
fennand all of your libraries, plz00:31
geneI remember that one00:31
kanzurethe most powerful force in the galaxy!00:31
kanzurefree t-shirts.00:31
RandIterespecially on girls with big ...00:31
katsmeow-afkok, the cross slide screw should *pull* the slide into the work, right?00:32
fennpizza force goes with the square of radius00:32
fennvs a linear extrapolation for girls with big tits00:32
fennactually it's not even linear00:32
genewow I wonder, if we could ever make self-replicating probe if we could make it automatically generate t-shirts for places00:32
kanzurehow is that "wow"00:32
fennkatsmeow-afk: what do i do with this cat that's in heat?00:33
katsmeow-afkyou seriously want to know?00:33
kanzurefenn, irc is not the best place to ask00:33
genehmmmmm... this sounds like something the people in #cosmeng00:33
fenni dont have any q-tips00:33
katsmeow-afkqtips is bad, they leave cotton behind00:34
katsmeow-afkyou you have the right idea, according to most 00:34
RandIterpardom me for being a noob but what's hplus00:35
fenn If humans had orgasms with the intensity of a cat serviced in this way there would be no such thing as war, hunger, capitalism or God. 00:36
geneummm... cats are hardly ever the topic00:37
kanzureRandIter: hplus refers to "transhuman"00:37
fennRandIter: how'd you come across this channel anyway?00:37
genewas it heybryan.org?00:37
katsmeow-afkfenn, you might NOT better turn her loose to a male cat after doing that, because she won't be expecting the male cat to hurt her, and he can't help it00:37
fennshe's an indoor cat anyway, there's FIV going around00:38
* katsmeow-afk nods00:38
geneI think I'm going to leave now00:38
RandIterfenn: i was referred to it by a member00:39
katsmeow-afkmine is also indoor, but she was fixed way way early,, she only thinks she is wanting some00:39
fenna member?00:39
kanzurewe have members?00:39
fennnot only am I a member, I'm the president!00:39
kanzuredid we elect you?00:39
genehahahaha, we're anarchists00:39
RandItersorry. it's late and I'm tired. a user instead00:39
kanzuresince when?00:39
genewe have no government00:40
fenn"user" doesnt convey much more information00:40
kanzurethis is all rather sudden.00:40
kanzurewe went from fenn's tyranny to gene-anarchy to I don't know what all in under 20 seconds00:40
fennall IRC is defacto anarchy until someone imposes services00:40
geneso randiter did you hear about it from a website?00:40
fennalso, i absconded with the treasury before the uprising00:40
geneor a friend IRL?00:40
RandItergene: nope, no website. just irc00:40
genewell then no idea00:41
* fenn looks around at the stony poker faces lurking00:41
kanzurefenn: joke's on you, it was a net deficiet.00:41
geneso what's eccentrcity?00:41
geneWRT to geometry00:41
fenna circle off center of rotation00:41
kanzurein terms of ellipses, it's something like the sqrt of a/b, where a is the value under the first polynomial term, and b is the other for the other00:42
katsmeow-afkya know, i missed the whole transhumanist thread of this room before00:42
katsmeow-afkonly heard of it tonite00:42
kanzureit's because I'm a yak shaver00:42
katsmeow-afkumm, o00:42
fennwe rarely if ever actually talk about it, because 1) there are so many different things to do and 2) talking about transhumanism is lame00:42
kanzureand through #1 you get on thinking about stuff to do and then you get to where we're at now00:43
fennthere's plenty of "wow it would be cool if we had wings" mailing lists00:43
kanzurewhich more or less involves different technologies and blah blah blah00:43
kanzure(that was poorly stated. just assume I said something brilliant there.)00:43
fennmore or less involves fixing the broken world we happen to be in00:44
genecould it mean the displacement of a gear that goes in a circle?00:44
fennat least enough to gain some acceleration potential00:44
katsmeow-afki think the masses will refuse to allow the world to be fixed00:44
fenngene: diagram please00:44
kanzurekatsmeow-afk: who cares?00:44
geneok 00:44
genecoming right up00:44
fennkatsmeow-afk: i dont care about that.. i mean fixing what is possible for an unenhanced human to do00:44
kanzurekatsmeow-afk: I have some old stuff on my site00:45
geneplease wait while I find the book mark00:45
genethis might take awhile00:45
fennlike right now i have to pay some company money just to develop some electronics00:45
fennbecause it's not possible for an individual to do chip fabbing00:45
fennand all the regulatory hurdles and barriers that go along with this00:45
kanzurefenn: well, it is, you just don't know how or don't have the tools immediately available00:45
fennyou could say that about anything though00:46
fennwhat page?00:46
fennok the ring gear has one more tooth than the pinion00:47
fennif they were concentric the teeth wouldn't mesh00:47
fennso you have to move one or the other off center (eccentric)00:47
fennin this case they put the pinion off center00:47
fennaren't you in mechanical engineering?00:48
kanzurefenn: they don't teach us much.00:48
kanzurekatsmeow-afk: one of the things that matters in true transhuman tech issues is the toolchain length from "programmer" and "that which is programmed"- and in the case of transhumanism, that's supposed to be the self00:49
kanzurejust trying to word it more elegantly.00:49
fenneh this diagram is confusing because there's three nested ring/pinion gears00:49
fennthat's a nice way to put it00:50
* katsmeow-afk nods00:51
* katsmeow-afk nods00:51
kanzurethus why I was originally thinking about "recursion path length minimization"- how many steps does it take until you "find yourself back at yourself" ?00:51
kanzurethere is some recursion-path that can take the programmer from lengthy recursions to those recursions that end up "back where they started" (the programmer) even more quickly, minimizing the length of such a recursion, while maximizing the covered 'surface area' and 'volume' of personal possibility space00:51
katsmeow-afkso it isn't about the real world?00:52
kanzureexcuse me?00:52
katsmeow-afkwell, if it's about the programmer, not changing the world, then it's not about the world?00:52
kanzuream I not a part of the world?00:52
kanzuresome buddhists talk about the world and the self being the same thing00:53
kanzurebut I'm not about to get into a discussion about that00:53
fenn"m I helping at all, or did I just cross over into some weird world of animal porn that I never even knew existed?"00:53
katsmeow-afki guess i have hit  abrick wall then, because i cannot get accustomed to breathing burning garbage 24-7 day after day after day,, i need to reprogram others,, or leave00:53
katsmeow-afkand i am working on leaving, physically, because they like it like this00:54
kanzurefenn: who said that?00:54
kanzurekatsmeow-afk: sounds good to me.00:54
fennsomeone on the internets00:54
kanzurefenn: was funny.00:54
kanzurefenn: since it implies he knew about animal porn in the first place00:54
kanzurekatsmeow-afk: and if you get bored, http://heybryan.org/quotes.html has related inspirational quotes related to transhumanism, sort of00:55
fennpigfucker :P00:55
katsmeow-afknah not bored, tween working on the generator and lathe till,, it's 1am now, i am not bored00:57
katsmeow-afki've read transhumanist webpages before, i'll read your's tomorrow00:57
kanzuremost transhumanist webpages are bullshit00:57
kanzurein fact, mine might be bullshit as well00:58
kanzurethe jury's still out on that.00:58
katsmeow-afki'd agree most are fantasy00:58
kanzureinventory: polystyrene drinking straws, average size metal paperclip, at least 10 counts of human hair, a sharpie, and 50 CDs. please make me a singularity from this. kthnxbai.01:01
kanzuregene: I've been meaning to ask you,01:02
kanzuregene: if you could think up a way to make use of human hair to draw microchannels, except reinforcing the hair to make it stronger so that it can push sharpie ink around.01:03
genethat's fucking it kanzure01:03
kanzurenot for rapid one-off prototyping01:04
kanzurewhich isn't repeatable01:04
kanzurenevermind. it'd be useless.01:04
RandIterif one can afford it, does it make sense to pay to get your head frozen upon your death01:04
kanzureinsurance covers that with Alcor these days, btw01:05
kanzureand if you're a student, even better01:05
genenot even for that01:05
kanzureI wouldn't suggest drinking the kool-aide, but certainly check it out and ask a few of the cryonics activists01:05
genethere's a much better way to do it01:06
genelet me dig up instuctions for making stamps01:06
kanzurecan you make stamps without having stamps?01:06
fennif you have an electron beam etcher01:06
geneoh wait01:06
kanzurewtf gene :(01:07
kanzureI don't have an e-beam machine under my bed at the moment01:07
geneyou make the stamps with sharpies and FC01:07
geneferric chloride01:07
katsmeow-afkRandIter, makes as much sense and being buried in a $3000 box01:07
RandIterkatsmeow-afk: the hope is that one's brain can be scanned and simulated in hardware in the future01:07
kanzureor reinstalled into a body.01:08
kanzureor a thousand other procedures.01:08
kanzurethey actually have checkboxes on their forms01:08
RandIterkanzure: reinstalling it into a human body seems much less likely to me, realistically01:08
kanzurefor "[X] reinstantiate me with a human body"01:08
katsmeow-afkyeas, good luck with that01:08
kanzureor "[X] please don't resusitate me if ______"01:08
geneis better01:09
fenn"[ ] reinstantiate me with a ______ body"01:09
RandIterplease don't reinstate me if a texan is president. no offense.01:09
kanzureRandIter: I was thinking of something racist that a famous cryonaught would say01:09
kanzure"don't reinstantiate me if a negro becomes president" - Mr. Walt Disney01:09
kanzureor something01:09
kanzureMichael Isner?01:09
fenndid he actually say that?01:10
kanzureno, but Walt Disney was supposedly racist01:10
kanzure"A long-standing urban legend maintains that Disney was cryonically frozen, and his frozen corpse was stored underneath the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland.[73] However, this was discredited due to the fact that Disney was cremated, and the first known instance of Cryonic Freezing of a corpse (of Dr. James Bedford) occurred a month later in January.[73]"01:11
kanzureah crap01:11
fennhow many people have actually been frozen?01:11
kanzuremany thousands, I hear. have you seen the Alcor tours?01:11
kanzureI actually have a DVD laying around here of the Alcor tour01:11
kanzureAs of January 31, 2009, Alcor had 876 members, and 84 patients in cryopreservation, many as neuropatients.[3]"01:12
kanzurewell, shit.01:12
kanzureI guess that's not a total though01:12
kanzure"independently proposed yet again in 1974 by Mike Darwin, and Fred and Linda Chamberlain. The Chamberlains were the founders of the Alcor Life Extension Foundation."01:13
kanzure" In 1976 Fred’s father became the first of many neuropreservation patients at Alcor[4]."01:13
kanzurenow that's a fairy tale.01:13
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@c-24-130-14-113.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap01:13
* kanzure wonders why his dad had to go off and die without cryo.01:13
RandIterfor persons who've had only their brains preserved, it would be interesting/controversial if in the future, alcor decides to scan them and discard the physical brain.01:13
katsmeow-afki'd like to know what this "scan" is01:13
kanzurethere's stuff in their contract about that apparently01:13
kanzurekatsmeow-afk: slice scanning.01:13
kanzurebut it's unknown whether or not that would capture relevant information01:14
katsmeow-afkyou cannot get the person back from a sliced up brain01:14
kanzurewhat's a person?01:14
katsmeow-afkthe functioning sentiane sapient organism01:14
kanzurewhat the fuck?01:14
katsmeow-afkdamn, i am almost asleep01:14
kanzureis my cat sentient?01:14
RandIterkatsmeow-afk: yeah basically capturing info of a person's brain in enough detail to possibly allow simulating the person in another body01:15
katsmeow-afki do not know your cat01:15
kanzureRandIter: the same question applies to you- wtf is a person?01:15
katsmeow-afkRandIter, a physical slicing won't tell you the electrochemical state01:15
kanzurethere have been many discussions about this on the "let's all get wings" forums01:16
RandIteran I/O device, usually intelligent01:16
kanzureand in particular people ask about whether or not they would be the "same self" if one moment from now your atoms are replaced with identical atoms01:16
kanzureor if your electrochemical states are changed slightly01:16
kanzureand people have to give up because they suck at thinking about these things01:16
kanzure"self" is a rather sketchy topic01:16
RandIteratoms and quantum states should do it, i think01:16
kanzureshould do what ?01:17
kanzuresee what I mean?01:17
RandIterprovide enough info01:17
RandIterthat's basically all the info that's there01:17
kanzurewhat's enough though?01:17
RandIteri don't know, but I'm sure it can be determined experimentally01:17
kanzurethinking of it in terms of "selfhood" is probably not the right way to go about it01:17
-!- Fair [n=Nofaris@adsl-75-42-89-58.dsl.scrm01.sbcglobal.net] has joined #hplusroadmap01:17
kanzureit's the easiest way to explain it to people I guess01:17
* katsmeow-afk tosses Schrodingers cat into the scan01:17
kanzurebut for instance, are you your own father?01:17
RandIterI'm lost01:18
kanzureblah, nevermind01:18
kanzureI'll rant about this later01:18
kanzureprobably on a big page on my site, and nobody will ever read it, but that's ok01:19
RandIteras long as you've a small summary on top01:19
fennkanzure: make sure to go through and delete any whitespace before publishing01:20
fennno, just paragraph breaks and so on01:21
kanzureok. will do.01:21
RandIterfenn: I'm assuming you're being sarcastic, kinda?01:22
kanzureif you look at my pages on my site, I tend to ramble on for many pages without a paragraph break :(01:22
geneare we are who are all the time?01:24
geneor do some events modify us to make us different people01:26
kanzurewhat's the comparison between people?01:26
kanzurethis sounds like philosophy01:26
geneI await the day we are able to answer these questions01:26
kanzuresounds like bullshit to me01:26
genekanzure, you know what we should do?01:27
RandIterwe're obviously changing and are not the same all the time, except my father maybe who seems steady and set in his ways01:27
genewe should barge into a philosophy classroom with lab coats, glasses, and a flask full of green food dye water and yell THIS IS BULLSHIT01:28
katsmeow-afkthen drink it?01:28
kanzuregene: well, depends on which type of philosophy class01:29
kanzuresome philosophers have their head on straight, but it's hard for them to communicate with others01:29
kanzureI mean, how does somebody that doesn't know about "self" talk to people who only want to talk about "self"?01:29
kanzurethat's a very hard thing to do01:29
genewell I don't think we can truly call bullshit on them just yet01:29
RandIteris the topic of 'self' really all that difficult?01:30
geneneed some actual published papers first01:30
fennyou could call your disaster troupe "mystery science theatre 3000"01:30
kanzuremy dad listened to that01:30
RandIteri don't know if it is, kanzure01:30
kanzureRandIter: well, nobody has been able to define it01:30
kanzureit's just as much BS as "consciousness" AFAIK01:30
* kanzure updates recursion.html at the bottom with tonight's line.01:31
genescrew this, let's make a fluidic neural network01:32
kanzurewhy a neural network?01:33
kanzuredo you mean an ANN, a perceptron, or something like that?01:33
kanzureor a Hodgkin-Huxley approximation ?01:33
genebecause it's a neural network01:33
genethat's why01:33
RandIteror maybe a neural network in a dish01:33
kanzureRandIter: http://heybryan.org/2008-08-15.html for notes on that.01:34
fenngene: just call it 'fluidic network' might reduce confusion01:34
genethen how about a missile with a fluidics based guidance system?01:34
gene*warhead not included01:35
katsmeow-afkwon't the accel drain the fluid to the bottom?01:36
fenneh like fins?01:37
fenni just dont see how a missile helps me01:38
fennunless it's boosting to orbit perhaps01:38
geneone of the driving forces behind fluidics was aerospace applications, high heat, high acceleration01:38
fennEMP resistance01:38
genefenn, I want to make a water rocket that can go sideways01:38
geneyup and radiation resistance01:39
fenni want to make a cat that can eat upside down01:39
fennfluidic gastronomical network01:39
geneI need to scan these pictures of fluidics circuits glowing white hot01:39
fennwith molten uranium for blood?01:39
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@c-24-130-14-113.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit ["This computer has gone to sleep"]01:39
geneit can be done01:40
geneyou could use mint julip if you wanted to01:40
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kanzureok, so you have water in a missile making logic operations. now what.01:41
kanzurehah, logic operations with blood vessels. must put that one on my todo list.01:42
* fenn is thinking of this http://www.montesol.org/Games/Eldar/Avatar.jpg01:42
geneabout that01:42
* katsmeow-afk was thnking about MA347612890GT4078579132R74 malumalu Z17924398TZR two thousand modular guidance type 452963752391MQTO gold launch system GLS installed self deciding type double 0 three seven 293165734285YGNKTIO1200YMCA4126PPPKG53 Normad01:43
genefluidics like clean fluids01:43
fenndid tiggr tell you to say that?01:43
genea study on contamination and it's effects on fluidic circuits said that01:44
genealso good system design is important stuff01:44
kanzureI'm glad you finally agree01:44
kanzurehm, that only shows up in heekscad01:47
genenow I wonder01:48
geneif these fluidics things are considered states secrets01:48
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geneI think I should make an amplifer before I make a missile01:50
geneheh amish amplifer01:50
fennthen make a tunable oscillator01:51
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@c-24-130-14-113.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap01:51
katsmeow-afkhydraulic speakers01:51
fenndo it to it01:52
fenna hydraulic cello would be cooler though01:53
genewell I don't have a guitar01:53
genebut my roommate does...01:53
fennyou dont have a cello either01:53
genea cello would be cooler and more steampunk01:54
fennnot sure what "smells like a New Orleans music store" is supposed to mean01:55
geneso that's what the pressure gauge is for01:56
fennpeople are missing the point on all this steampunk stuff01:56
fennno pun intended01:57
kanzurewx.aui.AuiManager.AddPane(self._mgr, m_geometryBar, wx.aui.AuiPaneInfo().Name("GeomBar").Caption("Geometry Tools").ToolbarPane().Top());01:57
kanzureas opposed to: m_aui_manager.AddPane(m_solidBar, wxAuiPaneInfo().Name("SolidBar").Caption("Solid Tools").ToolbarPane().Top());01:57
kanzure(heek's version)01:57
geneso any cool software that can extract geometry from that weird looking thing in the lower right?01:58
kanzureheh, of course, nothing productive shows up01:58
kanzurefenn: is that from 'convert' ?01:59
fennreally you should just trace it by hand or else figure out the equations behind the design01:59
fennautotrace is a separate program that is also integrated in inkscape01:59
kanzurewell now.02:00
geneit by hand ok02:00
genethat works02:00
genethen scan in02:00
genedid I say scan in02:00
geneI mean take  a picture of on a wooden table02:00
fennyou're stuttering02:00
genewell sometimes I stutter IRL too02:02
kanzurethanks for autotrace02:03
kanzureI wonder if ponoko is using that for their "scan in your design and we auto CAD it up" stuff02:03
fennwhat are these people thinking.. rar'ing zip files of jpegs02:04
fennautotrace is not as perfect as you'd imagine02:04
fennit blindly traces whatever you give it02:04
fennat least the inkscape plugin lets you tweak things til it's least sucky02:04
genewell I can remove some stuff from the image using my 1337 pattern recognition ability02:09
kanzurealmost getting there :p02:25
kanzuregod I hate GUIs02:25
fennug it's 2 am already?02:26
kanzureguess I should upload it first huh02:27
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/books/Manufacturing/pythonocc/2009-03-15.png 02:31
genewait second02:32
geneI just remembered02:32
geneyour doing cfd stuff02:32
kanzureat times.02:33
genethat means you could optimize fluidic amplifiers for me02:33
geneerr simulate them02:33
genepretty what is i?02:34
kanzurefenn, did you ever figure out how to do the non-gui demos for elmer?02:34
genethat picture?02:34
geneif you don't tell me, I go sell it to the art museum02:34
kanzureit's that.02:35
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geneSHIT! ractor oerhat reator oveheat!02:39
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bkeroBahahah fucking awesome04:24
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kanzureuch a strange name? From13:57
kanzurelooking around most other people seem to use more 'normal' names. I13:57
kanzurehrm. that didn't work. /me is testing out Zotero13:57
kanzureit doesn't seem to automatically grab PDFs even when it's listed on Google immediately within the citation..14:06
kanzurehttp://www.molspaces.com/cb2bib/ "The cb2Bib is a tool for rapidly extracting unformatted, or unstandardized bibliographic references from email alerts, journal Web pages, and PDF files."14:12
kanzureblack magic?14:12
kanzure(was just plain text apparently. not PDF OCR black magic.)14:49
kanzurehuh, SEC mandated that any company with >$5 billion market cap implement XBRL for quarterly reporting: http://xbrl.org/15:02
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fennsudo make me a sandwich, blarg: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQOkMz3kiS015:39
bkeroNot making fenn a sandwich.15:40
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fenni'd like to see some more detail on that16:40
kanzurefenn: thanks for the sandwhich16:41
fenni think it's just her in a box16:42
fennand you poke her back16:42
kanzurehow do the linear actuators work for the vending-machine like spiral metal thingy that drops the bread and cheese?16:44
genesandvich machine?16:45
ybityou guys talking about the Make machine?16:45
ybitit did a terrible job of making sandwiches :P16:45
ybitbut it could be tweaked16:46
geneI think some sort of pick and place vacuum head would work better for manipulating cheese16:46
geneman I really wish there were totally automated sandwich vending machines16:46
kanzureI think the cheese should be freshly cut16:54
kanzureyou're not going to be able to store slices of cheese for long periods of time in the way that the video showed16:54
kanzureyou can store a brick of cheese with seran wrap actuated covering mechanism16:55
kanzureand then you just need a knife beam.16:55
fennwhat, no waterjet cutter?16:56
kanzurealso, it looks like I'm going to the community college next semester unless I come up with a brilliant plan for what I'm going to do on may 19th (kick out date)16:56
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geneyou need money17:20
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fennhm. potatoes for cnc practice17:22
fennthere was even some article about how to make plastic from potatoes17:23
geneplastic that sucks17:23
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genehmmm... copper hydroxide17:27
genedoesn't seem to hard to make17:27
genehopefully you get to all steps17:28
fennthe key step is cooking in vinegar17:28
kanzureheh, potatoes for cnc practice :)17:28
fennmy idea was to just mill a slab of potato17:28
fenni guess blue styrofoam would be about the same in terms of usefulness17:31
fennand wouldnt get moldy17:31
fennbut you can't deep fry styrofoam17:31
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kanzurehttps://reprap.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/reprap/trunk/users/hoeken/pythagoras/make_bot.py Creates a gcode file and list of rod lengths to build an auto-assembling frame based on various parameters.17:37
geneI wonder if there will ever be a reprap version grendel...17:38
geneit harvests resources for replication rather voraciously17:41
geneIE a true grey goo reprap17:41
genea great threat to earth17:42
gene's biosphere that must never be made17:42
fennyarrwin the reprap pirate ship17:45
kanzurefenn: what blog be you reading?17:46
fennuh, "how to decrease your programmers' productivity"17:46
fennbut i was just responding to "grendel the reprap"17:46
geneheh  yarrwin17:56
genethere are some boats with machine shops in them17:56
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* katsmeow-afk will put all her tools on her boat as well, makes it easier to fix a broken prop or connector or patch a hole18:10
kanzurea female?18:10
kanzureare you a statistical anomaly?18:10
katsmeow-afkdepends on the statistic18:11
katsmeow-afkif you mean will i go to extremes of leaving the country to get away from the macho crap that makes her less than a common stray dog, then yeas18:11
kanzuregood enough18:12
kanzurebut yeah, how much is "all"18:12
kanzurehave you been able to fit a fully fitted machine shop on your boat, and if so, how small are the tools or how large is the boat?18:13
katsmeow-afklathes, drill presses, power hand tools, arc welder, generators, 14 12v deep discharge batteries and ~3kw worth of standby power, 6 desktop putrs, etc,, that's about "all"18:14
katsmeow-afki have a Bridgeport miller base the neighbors have stopped me from even *touching* for years, it's got alot of rust on it now, prolly not worth bringing18:14
katsmeow-afki couldn't touch it, it's been sitting in the weather for 10 yrs, so i dodn't bother getting the powerhead or t-slot table,, but i got erverything else18:15
katsmeow-afkthe main hull will be ~8ft OD, ~45 ft long, the two outer 4ft OD hulls ~40ft long18:16
katsmeow-afklotta surface area on top, and enough below18:16
fennbridgeport is too big for a boat anyway, just a lot of unnecessary worry18:18
katsmeow-afki can build stuff, i know stuff, yet i cannot proove i can read or write18:18
fennyou might have one of those text to speech to text programs18:18
fennwith a cat translator attached to it18:18
katsmeow-afkfenn, yea, i'd haveto center the darned thing way low too, as ballast, whioch i don't really need18:18
katsmeow-afktext to speech and vice versa can't typo lik ei can :-P18:19
geneheh you might want some satellite internet with that18:22
geneand I just plan to go to new zealand18:23
kanzureI wonder why Peter Thiel, for all of the good he thinks he's doing with Aubrey de Grey and SIAI, doesn't just pay to launch a satellite for free/open source projects communication18:27
kanzurewhy doesn't stallman have a satellite yet, anyway?18:28
kanzurewouldn't it help with his rants about freedom?18:28
fenni thought there were a number of HAM piggyback satellites18:32
fennHAM is sort of a weird culture though, but hopefully that will change with the morse code requirement being dropped18:32
fennwhat sort of impact would a satellite have anyway?18:33
fenna big one would be to enable sousveillance which is otherwise blocked by google etc18:33
katsmeow-afkit's stilla good ole boy network tho, at local meetings *no one* talked to me18:33
fennyeah they are proud of doing things backwards and having a closed society18:33
fenna national ham radio organization in the U.S., felt that the ham frequencies would become saturated if many more people became hams. They asked FCC to raise the Morse code testing speed requirement to 12.5 words-per-minute, as this was felt to be difficult enough to keep most people out of ham radio.18:36
kanzurehah. and the jerks that want to regulate diybio want to mimic the ham radio regulatory structure?18:37
fennif you can't make a system that works, legislate the problem away!18:37
kanzure"you can't join unless you can pipette 12.5 test tubes per second"18:37
fennyeah "\18:37
geneyeah, like politicians are even going to legalize us18:43
geneif they even hear about us18:44
genewe're screwed18:44
genewe need to become unregulatable18:44
genejust like the UAV people did18:44
genemake resources so cheap that they can't stop us even if they pass laws18:44
genespace shuttle launch today btw18:45
kanzuremy brother is watching it in florida18:46
fennyou have a brother?18:48
geneit's off18:48
genesaw a rocket launch from an airplane once18:49
fenni wish nasa tv wasn't such a pain18:51
katsmeow-afki got video somewhere of how to wreck a perfectly good C-130 with jato bottles18:54
katsmeow-afkyou strap them on with intent to use them sequentially as needed on touchdown to stop the plane on a 200ft runway, instead, fire them all at once while still 50ft in the air18:56
katsmeow-afkthe plane backs up a lil as it falls str8 down, snapping the wings off at the root18:56
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geneI could a sent you a special windows media 18:58
geneoh yeah18:58
gene I remembeer that one18:58
genefor the iranian hostage rescure mission18:58
katsmeow-afkthey lost helos there too18:59
katsmeow-afkit was like "how can we leave more wreckage and kill more of our own people, and theIranians not know about it till the next day?"19:00
genemms:// 120&pl_b=00D90C08885B60C5B3386F7F5549BD7B08&CG_ID=136816319:01
genegood stream19:01
katsmeow-afkduring Vietnam, they could have (and did)  grabbed the poeple without ever landing anything19:01
katsmeow-afkstream of which?19:01
katsmeow-afkpilot would unhook his chute after landing, hook a ballon, and a modified plane would snag the ballon and lift him off to home19:02
katsmeow-afkit only worked then during the day,, and was like a large pointer to the pilot's location,, but by Iran-crisis time, it col dhave been done at nite  in downtown19:03
genewell, balloon lift isn't very great for lot's of people19:04
katsmeow-afkso they faint, makes for less screaming :-)19:05
genefainting isn't a problem19:06
katsmeow-afkwhat's the problem?19:06
geneit's the sheer amount of mass you have to move19:06
geneballoons are good for a few people 19:06
genebut not a whole crowd19:06
katsmeow-afknylon rope has a lot of give to it, and the transport plane is a multi ton anchor in the sky19:06
katsmeow-afkthe ballon doesn't lift, the baloon only gets th erope up where the plane can snag it19:07
fenngene you were obsessed about this exact same concept like a month ago19:08
genebut i was talking about moving packages not people19:09
katsmeow-afkreturning satallites been snagged mid air the same way,, some didn't get caught <boom>19:10
fennspy planes?19:10
fenni dont get it19:10
katsmeow-afkfilm, prior to digital camers19:10
fennthe satellite de-orbits and then has a parachute line which the plane snags?19:11
katsmeow-afkthe film wasn't allowed to land, it was caught while still on parachute by plane19:11
katsmeow-afka returning payload capsule was done the same way a few yrs ago19:12
fennanyone know why they are spraying sparky liquid stuff at the shuttle engines?19:12
katsmeow-afkone was missed on multiple passes, it hit the ground hard19:12
geneheard about that19:12
genefenn to light them19:12
katsmeow-afkto make sure they don't get pockets of unburned fuel uunder the rocket19:12
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katsmeow-afkbig cloud of H2 andO2 under there would wreck the astronauts' day19:13
katsmeow-afkit must be lit off immeadiately before it collects19:14
katsmeow-afkergo, spray the entire area under th erocket with sparks19:14
katsmeow-afksaw a delta (?) launch attempt once, there was a misfire, then a large billowy fireball all over the launch pad, and then the rocket detonated too19:15
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katsmeow-afkwe useto go out and watch Nike-Zeus and Nike-Ajax launches when i was a kid19:18
katsmeow-afkpart of ABM tests19:18
katsmeow-afkthe good ole days, not knowing who would use your icbm address to deliver a package19:21
katsmeow-afk"it's a nuclear bomb! hide under your desk!"19:22
katsmeow-afktv news here is saying there's an 80% chance of good weather for the nasa launch tonite :-|19:40
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kanzureI wonder how long I can stare at wxpython code until something happens.19:44
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kanzureoh yay, window panes on toolbar objects are partially working now. just need to figure out how to resize the images. these are far larger than 96x9620:06
kanzurehrm, maybe I shouldn't be using wx.DefaultPosition and wx.DefaultSize (or wx.Size for that matter- which doesn't seem to help?)20:07
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kanzurehm, so only if I move the pane and then back to the original place does the 24x24 icon show20:50
kanzure(this is after calling mogrify -resize 24x24 *.png on a copy of the heekscad bitmaps/ dir.)20:50
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kanzureI think it's failing to display the other pane ("tools"- file open/save stuff) because when it boots up it's all on one row, so it's outside of my screen viewing size21:57
kanzurestill doesn't explain the weird initialization state with no icons for anything .. that's another issue I guess?21:57
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fennyou're rewriting heekscad in python?22:14
fennmiddle and right mouse is a bad idea22:15
fennyou can already zoom with scroll wheel22:15
fennif you have no scroll wheel, get with it, it's 200922:15
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fennkanzure: you're using kwrite, do you know about kate?22:22
fennit's like kwrite's older sister22:22
fennoh there it is, nevermind22:23
fennwow kde's standard icons are 67MB (50MB compressed)22:29
kanzureyes, I involuntarily use kate from time to time when it "just happens"22:31
kanzureI can't figure out why my menu bar isn't displaying.22:32
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/books/Manufacturing/pythonocc/iviewer.py includes my modifications. The "m_toolBar" object isn't being displayed.22:32
kanzuredon't know if you can run pythonocc yet..22:33
fennno, i'll try compiling again22:33
kanzurethough it shouldn't matter, you could just strip it out since this is just the wx bullshit22:33
kanzurewell it's not entirely bullshit, but it is unpleasant22:33
* kanzure was playing around with wxglade earlier today, feels impure22:33
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fennalright now why arent my emails getting through to pythonOCC list22:34
fennit worked last week22:34
fenn451 4.4.1 reply: read error from mail.gna.org.22:35
fenn<pythonocc-users@gna.org>... Deferred: Connection timed out with mail.gna.org.22:35
kanzurethey have a weird reply-to setting on their mailserver22:35
kanzureokay, or that.22:35
fenni dont know what that means either22:35
kanzuretheir mail server must have been down22:35
fenneveryone else seems to be able to send messages22:35
fennit's been like this all today and at least part of yesterday22:36
kanzuremaybe it was down for the few minutes when your mail was actually being sent?22:36
fenner, huh?22:37
fennChecking whether c++ compiler "gcc" works...no22:37
fennChecking for C++ header file stdlib.h... no22:37
kanzurethey got up and walked away due to your neglect of stdlib.22:38
fennre: mail, no it says 'could not send message for last 18 hours'22:38
fennbut i have libstdc++ 5 and 622:38
kanzuredefault installation paths?22:38
fennof course22:38
fenng++ -Wall -lstdc++ foo.c  doesn't give any errors22:40
fennwtf is scons doing22:40
kanzurelook for _INC in SConstruct I guess22:41
kanzureI don't know if my notes are going to be helpful. I actually had a bit of a hard time with the last time I was using scons to install it on a lab box.22:42
fenni saw something awesome at the grocery store today22:46
fennorganic pancake batter in an aerosol can22:47
fenncalled "batter blasters"22:47
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fennoh man you have to watch their ad http://www.batterblaster.com/tv.html22:49
kanzure"make a better breakfast faster, batter blaster"22:54
kanzuresoo if I comment out one of my self._mgr.AddPane() lines, the m_toolBar object will display.22:55
kanzureoh wait, no it won't.22:56
kanzuremaybe there's a max of 4 at a time? that's the max that shows up in heekscad, and it's the max that I'm getting.23:01
kanzurebut then why wouldn't they be kind enough to throw an error?23:01
fennre iviewer.py, that's a lot of global variables23:07
fennusually this is done by having an App class which holds all your state23:07
kanzureoh, I should probably be using line 162~ and using 'nb' instead of 'tb'23:07
fennnot that i have any idea what all that ID_ stuff is23:08
kanzurethat's from heeks' enum :)23:08
kanzurevarious constants for interfacing with the wx event handler23:08
kanzure(I think?)23:08
fennit should be wx.* then23:09
kanzuresome of them, are in fact, wx.* 23:12
kanzureand many aren't.23:12
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genebatter blasters are great23:21
xp_prgyou have a gene blaster?23:22
geneno comment23:22
genedon't tell everyone though23:23
geneso I need to find out if stainless steel gets eaten away if electrical current is applied23:24
xp_prgI don't know23:25
geneI want to make me a transcrainial DC stimulator23:26
genewhat's the best way to make an offline version of wikipedia for my laptop23:28
fenndepends how much free space you have23:29
fennthis looks like a good guide http://users.softlab.ece.ntua.gr/~ttsiod/buildWikipediaOffline.html23:31
kanzuregene: there are links from mediawiki too23:31
kanzureanywhere from 4 GB to 160 GB IIRC23:31
kanzurealso, I've been playing around with zotero, and it actually does grab PDFs with citations23:32
kanzureso it's not that bad.23:32
fennh+ :)23:34
fennhow can there be no wikipedia torrent? srsly all you'd have to do is scrape the whole thing and put it in a torrent23:40
fennsupposedly it's only about 420GB23:41
fenn"It's worth noting that to crawl the whole site at one hit per second will take several weeks."23:43
genekanzure do you have a version of wikipedia?23:45
geneon your mondo-huge drive23:47
gene71 gigs free23:51
genenow which one to download23:53
kanzureI might, but I've lost it23:54
kanzureargh. so now the 'geometry bar' isn't displaying. wtf wx, wtf.23:54
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kanzurethis is worse than CSS.23:54
geneat least it's not GOPHER23:57
kanzureself._mgr.AddPane(self.tb, wx.aui.AuiPaneInfo().Name("View").Caption("View").ToolbarPane().Top().TopDockable(True).BottomDockable(True))23:58
kanzureso if I comment that out, the geometry bar shows back up23:58
kanzureeven though that has nothing to do with the existence of the geometry bar23:58

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