
--- Day changed Wed Mar 18 2009
willPow3rinteresting katsmeow-afk00:00
-!- gene [n=chatzill@pool-71-164-238-185.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap00:05
-!- kanzure_ [i=bbishop@] has joined #hplusroadmap00:10
fennrock opera just isn't my thing i guess00:15
kanzurekatsmeow-afk: yeah, I have a partial copy of that :)00:20
kanzurefenn: how about those monitors?00:20
geneshow me teh monoitors00:20
genei missed it00:20
fenni wouldnt mind some monitors00:20
kanzurewhen can you pick up two of them?00:20
fenntomorrow, probably afternoon00:21
fennwhat's the story on them?00:21
kanzurethe deal is I get flat screens if I get rid of these00:21
genehey I might have acouple of monitors00:21
fennoh, ginormous CRT's?00:21
genethey scare me too00:22
fenndamn you00:22
genekanzure have you seen the most glorious thing in the world?00:23
kanzurea vagina?00:23
fennyou got a laptop?00:23
kanzure(another one? wtf.)00:23
genecrisis on high at that big multiscreen monster they have?00:23
kanzurecrisis is a game?00:23
kanzureoh, that one00:24
geneI haven't seen it, but I know it happens00:24
genetake at look at the screens some time00:24
genelooks cool00:24
* kanzure figures out how to mount the new ipod shuffle on his glasses and back ear.00:25
genedoes it have a screen?00:26
kanzurethe controls are attached to the headphone00:26
kanzure(so it's probably some fucked up standard)00:26
genewith an audio interface00:26
kanzureyou have a maximum of like, four functions00:27
fennthe great thing about non-standards is if you're apple you can shove them down everyone's throat00:27
kanzurehow does that work, anyway?00:27
* kanzure sets up his LCD00:28
fenn1) conflate your corporation with a movement against old grey men in corporations, drudgery, and fascism00:28
fenn2) wait 20 years00:29
fenn3) PROFIT!00:29
fennsee how simple it is?00:29
kanzureno :(00:29
genewhere'd you get the new gear kanzure?00:29
* kanzure breaks a hip00:29
kanzuregene: mom00:29
kanzureas a bribe so that I go silently into the home00:30
fennyou bribe easy00:30
geneok now that just freaky00:30
kanzureI'm considering buying a plane ticket anyway though00:30
kanzureI mean, thanks for the gear and such :) but really..00:30
genemy alarm clock was unplugged00:31
genenow it's plugged in and flashing that there was a power outage00:31
geneI'll just assume it was plugged in00:33
kanzureoh shit, I have desk space.00:33
geneor anime figurines00:33
geneor tools00:33
kanzureit was previously filled with monitor monster.00:34
geneI'd go with anime figurines in that case00:35
kanzureI still think it was awesome how we had 4chan running on a 30' screen down in the basement00:36
bkeroI have 4chan on a 30 inch monitor right now00:36
kanzure30 foot00:36
bkeroIn fact, I have it stretched across 2 22"s, and a 30"00:36
bkeroOh yea00:36
kanzurelearn yer english system, foo00:36
bkeroWe do that every day, projector in the living room :)00:36
genebkero what board?00:36
bkerogene: /w00:36
kanzure"all of them"00:36
bkeroalso 4scrape00:36
genegood, never put /b/ on big screen00:37
kanzurepfft, wimp00:37
genehmmm... looks like they're getting raided00:37
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bkeroRaiding /b is like pissing into an ocean of piss.00:38
geneattacked, you know what I mean00:40
geneit's over00:40
fenni'm picturing swat teams throwing hand grenades into the server rooms..00:40
genenot like that00:41
fennthis CNC gig is taking way longer than I expected00:42
fennlooks like hofstadter was right00:43
genebtw have you heard of the cupcake CNC00:43
fennthose guys officially suck00:43
genethe Bre pettis and  Zach Hoeken deal?00:43
gene$750, give me a brake00:44
fennand meanwhile rrrf is totally useless for months00:44
geneoh no, not again00:45
fenni'm going to start selling darwins, since apparently nobody else will00:45
geneoh yeah, one of the core team is making a reprap with $2 steppers00:45
kanzurefenn: how much do they suck?00:45
kanzurethe cnc gig00:45
kanzure*the cnc gig people00:45
fennthat's not what i meant00:46
fennthe makerbot people, zach and bre pettis00:46
kanzurecupcake CNC people suck?00:46
kanzureoh, sure00:46
kanzurebut we already knew that00:46
kanzurealthough zach claims to be willing to listen00:46
genefenn will you sell replicated repraps?00:47
genenot manufactured repraps?00:48
fennerrr... that depends00:48
kanzureit doesn't replicate00:48
kanzurewtf are you smoking?00:48
genereplicate plastic parts00:50
kanzurewhat is 'replicate'00:50
geneit doesn't replicate yet00:50
kanzureit's not like you can make a down payment on replication00:50
kanzure"but it will eventually! but before it does, will you make it replicate to do what you want to do in the near term?"00:51
kanzureseriously though- how does that even make sense?00:51
kanzuremaybe I'm just stupid00:51
kanzureafter all, I apparently am unable to live00:51
kanzure(or something)00:51
geneok it doesn't00:51
genenow help me design a gear profile if you're feeling helpful00:52
kanzurewhat do you mean by profile?00:52
genethe shape of the gear tooth00:52
kanzureshouldn't you pick that out of a catalog?00:53
genebecause reprap can print things that aren't in a catalog00:53
geneand so can a stratasys00:54
kanzurethat's the only reason?00:54
kanzurethat's kind of lame.00:54
kanzureI mean, if you had a use for a weird gear tooth shape, I guess I could see that00:54
geneyeah and gears in a catalog might not be optimal00:54
-!- willPow3r [n=will@cpe-66-75-6-181.san.res.rr.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection]00:54
kanzurebe optimal for what ?00:54
kanzurehere's what you can do00:54
genefor a pneumatic stepping motor00:54
kanzureyou give me the xyz coords for the input00:54
kanzureand then the xyz coords for the output00:54
kanzurewithin a bounding box00:54
kanzureand then tell me the input torque and required output torque00:55
kanzurethen I'll whip you up something that solves it with an optimal design00:55
geneno input torque00:55
kanzurewhat input do you have?00:55
geneit's a motor00:55
geneat about 50 psi max00:55
fennit's not a normal gearbox, it's hypocycloidal00:55
kanzureat some point that has to be converted into mechanical energy..00:55
kanzureI mean, psi is mechanical, but00:56
kanzurenot in the way that matters to a gear00:56
generequired output torque 200 oz inched00:56
geneneed at least 200 steps00:56
kanzurewait, you mean steps for the stepper motor00:56
genewhy? cuz that gives like 0.05 mm resolution00:57
kanzureI was thinking of a different context for 'steps'00:57
generight now I'm reading up on gear profiles and cycloidal reducers00:58
genecycloidal reducers are cool00:58
* kanzure uses the jedi mind trick00:59
kanzure*you want to use this code*00:59
kanzurefenn: you're going to feel stupid if you read that .cs file (in the sense that it's so stupid a monkey could have done it), so don't.01:00
geneI don't trust other peoples code it might break my computer01:00
fennthey should teach proper gear anatomy in computer science classes so i dont have to look at all these awful gear pictures01:01
kanzurehah, well, part of my work now is to implement a better gear visualization / CAD routine via pythonocc01:02
fenni'm always amazed when i see rendered gears that actually have an involute profile01:02
geneyes they should fenn01:02
kanzurenot just meshed?01:02
fenni mean not just flat 01:03
genethose are cogs fenn01:03
kanzurebut aren't some teeth rectangular for planar gears?01:03
kanzurehrm, wait01:03
fennlike http://www.rhino3d.com/resources/display.asp?language=&listing=66301:03
kanzurethey aren't supposed to be prismatic01:03
kanzureI was actually being scolded by one of the mechanical engineers in the department01:03
fennnot like glxgears or that "gears from junkmail" crap that's been going around the web01:03
kanzuresomething about a more .. trapezoidal shape to the tooth?01:03
kanzureah, yeah01:04
kanzurescolded- not really01:04
fennoh you mean not just an extrusion?01:04
kanzurebut "we had a chat"01:04
fennit doesn't really matter, just a finishing step01:04
fennmakes the corners stronger01:04
kanzurefenn: steve contacted me earlier today about an 'ai fellow' that is doing some funky optimization routine on FEA and PDEs to do 20,000~ different models (under finite analysis) in under a minute01:05
kanzuresome sort of black magic in mathematics over part catalogs :)01:05
fenn20k different topologies?01:07
* kanzure nods01:08
geneI'm think I'm going to print this paper of and read01:10
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geneglad the people who wrote it were CONCISE01:11
kanzurewho the hell makes a screen saver out of your web cam01:13
kanzureseeing myself really startled me. "who's staring at me"01:13
genehow'd it get access to your webcam?01:14
geneand btw, just out of curiousity, what's that blinky cylinder icon thing anyway?01:15
kanzureblinky cylinder icon thing?01:15
genewhat does it mean?01:16
-!- xp_gone [n=xp_prg3@c-24-130-14-113.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit ["This computer has gone to sleep"]01:17
geneor just figure out how to make a gear with a pressure angle of 60 degrees01:18
kanzureI don't know what you are talking about01:18
genethe light that pseudorandomely flashes on your computer01:19
kanzurehard disk access01:20
fenngene look at fablib, there is a gear script where you can modify the pressure angle01:20
kanzureit's the NSA sending you secret messages01:20
kanzureit's in moris code, quick! write it down!01:20
genewell you know you can write code to make it output morse code01:21
fennyou will need http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/cs482/fablab/fablib/fablib.tar.gz01:21
fennoff to bed01:22
kanzurehm, did not know there was a gears.py in fablib01:22
genewell goodnight01:22
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ybitkanzure, there's a #fablab irc channel?02:46
ybiti remember seeing it on your homepage a couple weeks ago02:46
ybiti even recall seeing it there last summer :) ...but i've yet to find such a channel02:47
ybitit was actually last Winter or Spring when I became of heybryan.org02:47
-!- kanzure_ [i=bbishop@] has quit ["Lost terminal"]03:09
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-!- faceface [n=dbolser@bioinformatics.org] has joined #hplusroadmap10:28
facefacesomeone on this chan told me about a 'screen for X'?10:29
facefaceI just wonder if anyoen remembers that10:29
faceface screen is a 'terminal server', but there is one for X apparently too...10:29
UtopiahGHMLhttp://www.realvnc.com/ ? ssh tunneling ? 10:35
facefacevnc dosn't look like what I remember, but I'll pass it onto my friend11:12
facefaceUtopiahGHML: do you want to start a company called 'facial genomics'?11:12
faceface(genotyping + facial biomatrics) / association = facial genomics11:13
kanzure"sir, your face officially sucks"11:13
facefacewe go through facebook and email everyone who we predict will get diabetes11:14
facefacesincerely, facial genomics11:16
kanzureoh crap, I think I swallowed my ipod11:17
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facefacewhat were you playing?11:29
UtopiahGHMLfaceface: I admit it's a cuter term than the heavily connoted Physiognomy, much better than Physiognomy corp.11:44
facefaceI never heard that term before11:45
facefacehave you guys seen this... http://twitter.com/biorbot11:45
facefaceits a twitterbot for #bioinformatics11:45
facefaceif you want the twitterbot to join this channel, ask torbjorn on #bioinformatics11:47
UtopiahGHMLguess it would be more useful if it could translate nickname to the correct @nickname (if the user wants to)11:51
facefaceUtopiahGHML: cool idea11:51
UtopiahGHMLbut... I dont really see the point anyway except hammering even more the twitter API :-#11:51
facefacetorbjorn just turned it off, but it could be set up so that only certain users get twitted11:51
facefaceyeah... the point is limited... but its a nice data rich archive of the chan11:52
facefacei.e. you can feed it places11:52
UtopiahGHMLis it an irssi script? seems to be using perl11:52
facefaceUtopiahGHML: I'd suggest you join #bioinformatics and talk to torbjorn, because I'm not sure how it works12:00
-!- xp_gone [n=xp_prg3@] has joined #hplusroadmap12:00
facefaceUtopiahGHML: he seemed interested in your idea to use alternative identifiers in twitter based on registering IRC nicks12:00
-!- xp_gone is now known as xp_prg12:20
kanzure Dynamic patterning programmed by DNA tiles captured on a DNA origami substrate http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/02/090215151807.htm12:21
kanzurepdf: http://tinyurl.com/dgk9bl12:21
fennfaceface: http://partiwm.org/wiki/xpra  but i've never tried it, buyer beware12:39
kanzureANSYS DesignXplorer software adds advanced parametric control to permit study of the simulation response to proposed modifications. The module enables engineers to perform Design of Experiments (DOE) analyses of any ANSYS Workbench simulation, including those with CAD parameters.12:41
kanzureANSYS® Parametric Design LanguageTM (APDL)12:42
kanzurehttp://www.mece.ualberta.ca/tutorials/ansys/AT/APDL/APDL.html  <-- examples of APDL12:42
fenngimme a fucking break, just use a real programming language12:45
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kanzurehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Level_set_method ". The advantage of the level set method is that one can perform numerical computations involving curves and surfaces on a fixed Cartesian grid without having to parameterize these objects (this is called the Eulerian approach).[1]"12:57
facefacefenn: that is what I was thinking of, thanks13:01
kanzurethere we go13:20
kanzurebonus points for figuring out wtf they are talking about13:20
fennpeople used to be so smart13:20
fennnow the best we can do is twitter and make magazine13:20
kanzuregetting depressed?13:22
fennreading about makerbot13:23
fennand dealing with someone trying to edit source code in open office13:24
fennand procrastinating a business call (i may have destroyed the deskCNC controller by plugging in a cable backwards (who makes cables that you can plug in backwards anyway??))13:24
fennthere are IDC connectors on the board but they dont have the tab/notch13:26
kanzure"In an experiment, we deliberately change one or more process variables (or factors) in order to observe the effect the changes have on one or more response variables. The (statistical) design of experiments (DOE) is an efficient procedure for planning experiments so that the data obtained can be analyzed to yield valid and objective conclusions."13:33
kanzure"DOE begins with determining the objectives of an experiment and selecting the process factors for the study. An Experimental Design is the laying out of a detailed experimental plan in advance of doing the experiment. Well chosen experimental designs maximize the amount of "information" that can be obtained for a given amount of experimental effort."13:33
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kanzurehm, I think they're using krylov accelerators13:52
-!- gene [n=chatzill@pool-71-164-238-185.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap14:12
genekanzure you there?14:12
bkeroSlashdot article regarding Linux spokesman: http://pastebin.osuosl.org/2495314:19
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kanzurelast two paragraphs15:19
fenn"A unified theory of transduction"15:22
fennah wouldnt it be nice15:22
fennthey forgot nuclear and gravitational :P15:23
fennnot sure where neutrinic fits into that15:23
kanzurenone of the names he cites show up when queried individually with "theory of transduction"15:25
kanzurebut if you just do transduction+$name, you get lots of "signal transduction" stuff re: cells, which isn't quite the same topic15:26
kanzurewtf is the singularity institute doing on that list?15:28
kanzurethey're not supposed to do shit :/15:28
kanzureheh, BRLCAD is on the list though15:28
fennit's opencog, which is ben goertzel's thing15:29
fenndunno why it's under SIAI15:30
kanzureben is SIAI's "director of research"15:34
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kanzureany ideas on searching for the research on a "theory of transduction" that Crary references?15:35
fenni dont think there is any15:38
fennmail crary@umich.edu15:38
kanzureI don't think he's at umich.edu anymore, he was talking with Steve in Silicon Valley, which is where his business address is, as well as his wife (at the same address), soo15:38
* kanzure is in uber stalk mode15:38
kanzurehis wife: http://twitter.com/mariiannebeth15:40
fennselden@crary.cc ?15:40
kanzureoh snap.15:41
kanzureI don't know if asking him is a good idea since I wasn't supposed to see that email15:41
fennhm, have dave ask him15:41
kanzure:) I asked dave actually about fastfea, will see what he says15:41
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fennhole crap electricity is 1.1 cents per kWh at night16:18
geneyou should move out to a west texas windfarm16:19
genewhere electricity is free at certain times16:19
-!- samrose [n=samrose@oh-69-69-33-40.sta.embarqhsd.net] has joined #hplusroadmap16:54
fennfoam core?16:55
fennoh its acrylic with the paper stuck to it16:55
kanzurefenn: heeks is apparently in #cam from time to time17:04
fennyeah i talk to him all the time17:05
ybitkanzure, so i guess you won't be working with pythonocc for gsoc... are you going to try for brl-cad?17:56
kanzureI've been talking with them for a few minutes in there about their parametrics library re: graphsynth for hypergraphs and constraint satisfaction problems17:56
ybitthere isn't one ruby project listed o.O17:58
kanzurerails is..17:59
ybityeah, i just noticed there's more than one page 17:59
kanzuregnutellavision - real time visualization of a p2p network18:17
fenn"general purpose constraint solver" meaning it will do 3d geometry?18:19
fenndoesn't look like it18:21
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xp_prgfinite domain linear constraints kick ass18:42
xp_prgI finally switched to prolog however18:42
xp_prgjust made more sense for me18:42
ybit i thought http://code.google.com/p/nativeclient/ was neat18:54
ybitand i've yet to check out http://gephi.org/ 18:55
ybitwon't be applying for them, but neat18:56
kanzurereplacement knob for a dishwasher heh'19:40
-!- elias` [n=me@unaffiliated/elias/x-342423] has quit [Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)]19:42
genelooks broken to me19:47
kanzureThermodynamic Analysis of Resources Used in Manufacturing Processes http://is.gd/nWSn20:10
xp_prgI am trying to understand this code:  [[_prefix, _clauses]] = result where result = ['w', 'x', 'y', 'z']20:19
xp_prgit gives the error:  too many values to unpack20:19
xp_prgbut how would [[_prefix, _clauses]] work, what is it doing there?20:19
xp_prgoops wrong channel20:21
kanzureit means you have too many values in your array20:38
kanzureit's expecting it to be [[_prefix, _clauses]] = ['1', '2']20:38
fennit's not actually in fablib20:54
fennerf nevermind, scrollback error20:54
genekanzure could you do something for me?21:03
geneSSH into a lab puter and archive this paper http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6V46-4H57JG1-1&_user=10&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=91bbbdd9d2e752772ffd64989f9df46c21:03
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kanzurefenn: doesn't seem to be much of an error since you didn't say that earlier.21:07
kanzuregene: ok, done21:08
genesweet link21:08
kanzureI was just playing around with some instant velocity center stuff a few weeks ago re: linkages.21:09
genelinkages are fun21:10
geneholy shit, your doing linkages and you aren't taking dynamics?21:10
kanzureyeah, well, fuck them.21:11
kanzureI'm paying out the ass for education, and they put me in basic physics?21:11
geneyou got any secret linkage velocity computation algorithms?21:12
kanzurewell it's actually kind of simple21:12
kanzureone moment, let me dig up my notes21:12
genelet's just say on the last hw the book got two different answers for the same problem using different algorithms21:12
kanzuremethod of finding a velocity on the point of an object by the method of instant centers21:13
kanzureV_A and V_B are 2 points in a purely rotating rigid body21:13
kanzuresuch that V_A dot n_A = 0 and V_B dot n_B = 021:14
kanzurefind the pt of intersect of n_B and n_A21:14
kanzureV_Q = V^P + w^B cross r^(PQ)21:14
kanzurethat pt of intersection is the instant center21:14
kanzurew^B is the angular velocity of point B on some plane N (P&Q are points on a body under pure rotation)21:15
kanzuredon't know if that's useful. 21:15
kanzurebut basically, to compute the velocity of some attached linkage, you just set the origin to be a point on the other rigid body (an offset)21:16
kanzure(that point being, namely, the connection)21:16
* kanzure goes down to grab a bite for dinner21:16
geneyeah that's what we do21:18
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geneI don't believe it21:57
genethey make heat exchangers from plastic21:57
katsmeow-afkand solar collectors too, heh22:09
fennPEX is routinely used for radiant flooring, so why not solar collectors22:13
fenna key parameter in heat exchangers is the wall thickness.. really thin aluminum will crinkle where thin plastic would just flex22:15
katsmeow-afktrue, PEX is approved for drinking water too22:15
katsmeow-afkstill,, no flow on a sunny day , painted black, it could get too hot and stretch permanently, burst, etc22:16
katsmeow-afki know a business making one in white pvc, 1) it's gloss reflective white , 2) it's not rated for hot water 3) they installed it as tight as possible to single non-flow controlled headers, so no telling which way the water is going22:17
kanzureI've lost my train of thought, what am I doing?22:24
kanzurethat would be a good idea eventually, but then what?22:27
genewhatever it is it's what they use in pool heaters22:29
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-!- wrldpc [n=worldpea@c-98-217-178-69.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap23:01
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fenn"there comes a time about this time every night when I'm just too goddamned hyper to bother with all that stuff and I want to just DO SOMETHING instead of ask someone else to start a process to investigate the possibility of someday possibly maybe doing something."23:24
fennwow so even CEO's have this problem eh23:25
-!- willPow3r [n=will@cpe-66-75-6-181.san.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap23:33
-!- faceface [n=dbolser@bioinformatics.org] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]23:41

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