
--- Day changed Sun Mar 22 2009
* kanzure_ sleeps00:03
meoblast001i am so confused00:03
geneit's ok to be confused00:05
-!- gene [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-182-222.public.utexas.edu] has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.7/2009021910]"]01:28
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kanzure_hm, evince 2.24.1 crashes while displaying the third page of the 'thermodynamic analysis of resources used in manufacturing processes' paper.09:21
kanzure_The resolution, effective immediately after it was passed on Wednesday,09:21
kanzure_erm, wrong paste09:21
kanzure_makes MIT the first university to commit to making its faculty’s research09:21
kanzure_papers publicly available. Though the School of Education at Stanford and09:21
kanzure_several departments at Harvard have already adopted these policies, MIT is09:21
* kanzure_ tries xpdf09:22
kanzure_works. hrm.09:23
kanzure_interesting, "prtscrn" on ubuntu intrepid ibex preserves the mouse buffer state.09:25
kanzure_fenn: I don't mean to bogg us down with more Marc Fawzi, but he's reverted to posting on Michel's p2presearch mailing list10:21
kanzure_so he's still holding various discussions about "The meaning of Open" and making comments about how OM isn't open, or somethin g10:21
kanzure_and it's very obvious now that many of these people are talking about things purely from a "social commentary" perspective10:21
kanzure_I don't think any of them actually know why the tools that GNU is built around are so useful.10:21
kanzure_it's as if they just think it's all social argument..10:22
kanzure_I don't know how to show people how that isn't the case, but I'm also not interested in fighting that particular battle with them10:22
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kanzure_hm, reading the cosmic-engineers mailing list, somebody is yelling at them for always wanting to retreat to simulations11:07
kanzure_"There's no way around it, you need to be able to take care of yourself!"11:07
kanzure_("strategies to prevent total system failure" + "you need to be able to take care of yourself" (dependencies, dependency resolution)) is an interesting combination, might make for an effective way to present various arguments..11:20
kanzure_+ careful thinking11:21
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kanzurehm, I think 'fynn' in #python is a poor disguise for 'fenn'16:03
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drazakfenn: I dunno brain, I thought we talked about fruit loops every night!16:17
fenngosh that was weird16:22
fennsearch for "shizuo" http://www.linuxcnc.org/irc/irc.freenode.net:6667/emc/2009-03-22.txt16:22
--- Log opened Sun Mar 22 17:14:07 2009
-!- kanzure [i=bryan@] has joined #hplusroadmap17:14
-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 16 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 16 normal]17:14
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kanzureI have lost two giant 21" CRTs.17:15
bkeroShow hitler is the cube root of hitlerhitler17:15
bkerokanzure: gg, now you have less the cancer17:15
kanzurebut have gained 1920x1080 in screen resolution.17:15
kanzurebkero: Not sure it works like that :(17:15
bkerokanzure: http://staff.osuosl.org/~bkero/newmonitor.jpg17:15
drazakkanzure: 17:16
drazakkanzure: what tests are you interested in seeing on LOAC17:16
kanzurefuck you.17:16
drazakbkero: something I've been wondering17:16
kanzuredrazak: Many, many things.17:16
drazakbkero: is how the fuck inc got an osuosl17:16
kanzuredrazak: PCR, DNA synthesis, DNA sequencing, mass spec, filtration/separation, ..17:16
drazakbkero: inc has a hostmask at osuosl.org17:17
drazakbkero: does he go there?17:17
kanzureI'll have to wait until I get a few more flat screens I guess17:17
kanzureman I'm cheap.17:17
kanzurehow was I possibly living with CRTs?17:17
bkerodrazak: He has an enlightenment handle17:17
kanzurefenn: there's still one CRT left that may or may not work (possibly a pin issue- it was on for a month without use, and then after which it didn't work too well and I haven't fiddled with it)17:17
bkeroEr, an enlightenment hostmask17:17
bkero22:13 [freenode] -!- Inc [i=inc@enlightenment/developer/inc]17:18
drazaknot on other servers17:18
bkeroWe host enlightenment.17:18
bkeroSo he might be using an irssi client from his colo'd box.17:18
drazakbkero: yeah, maybe17:18
drazakbkero: are you morally or legally against fucking with him once in awhile? :D17:19
bkeroDunno, why?17:19
drazakhe's an ass to some people17:19
kanzuredrazak: Did you read the sharpie microfluidics thread on diybio?17:19
drazakkanzure: dna synthesis, hm17:19
drazaknot yet17:19
kanzuredrazak: yes, I have some papers on that17:19
kanzureone moment17:19
drazakI haven't read diybio in awhile17:19
kanzurethis is amazing, I have screen real estate now17:19
bkeroHasn't been an ass to me, but yea.  Enlightenment.  Those people treat clueless users like assboats.17:20
kanzureI can host a condominium on this thing17:20
kanzurethose are some papers on DNA synthesizers on microfluidic chips17:20
drazakbkero: we have the same wallet :P17:20
drazakkanzure: haha, I might get to meet venter17:20
bkerodrazak: What does yours say on the other side?17:21
kanzuredrazak: I've met many people who have met Venter. Please feel free to rant about how awesome I am to him.17:21
drazakkanzure: haha17:21
drazakkanzure: you're only sort of awesome17:21
kanzureI see how it is17:21
drazakkanzure: you'd be more awesome if you were 16 and thinking about it17:21
drazaklike me17:21
kanzuredrazak: I know, I'm so damn old :(17:21
* bkero is 22.17:21
* bkero olds.17:21
* drazak is young17:24
* bkero has become more badass with time.17:24
* drazak is simply badass17:25
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bkeroI was a stupendous badass when I was younger.  Now I'm moreso.17:27
kanzurewhat you're all forgetting is that I'm the best.17:27
-!- wrldpc [n=worldpea@c-98-217-166-23.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap17:27
gene_kanzure I think it's time for  you to start looking into DUAL SCREEN WALLPAPERS17:27
bkeroNobody makes triple screen(with 2 rotated) wallpapers.  Makes me :(17:28
gene_wanna bet?17:28
bkeroFind some 4660x1600 wallpapers17:29
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kanzurehow do I change irssi nick highlighting colors?17:29
gene_don't ask me I don't really have any good walls17:29
drazakkanzure: /hilight17:29
bkeroI really wish I had 2 4:3 ratio monitors to go with my main one.  I have 80 extra pixels of vertical on the sides :(17:30
kanzureit automatically highlights the nickname, is this a setting somewhere for the specific color?17:30
drazakkanzure: uhmmmm17:30
drazak/set something17:30
bkero/hilight -color blue pooping17:31
bkeroThere's a more complex way to match a standard regex too17:32
drazakthat sounds right17:32
drazakI dun remember anymore17:32
kanzureit probably doesn't highlight myself.17:32
drazakkanzure: 17:32
kanzurestill yellow.17:32
drazakkanzure: do you have anything on PCA?17:34
kanzurethe plastic?17:35
kanzureor do you mean PCR?17:35
drazakpolymerase construction and assemplificiation17:35
kanzureno, should I know what this is about?17:36
kanzureit doesn't seem very googleable17:36
drazakthat's how [ ]Synthesis - Parallel gene synthesis in a microfluidic device (1 kb, but parallelizable) - CBA.pdf works17:36
drazakand I don't understand it at all17:37
kanzuregive me one moment, I'm handing a part off to gene_ downstairs17:37
kanzureokay, back17:42
kanzurewill read over that, I don't entirely remember it17:43
-!- wrldpc [n=worldpea@c-98-217-166-23.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap17:44
bkero<3 bitlbee http://bugs.bitlbee.org/bitlbee/chrome/site/BitlBee_gheghe.png17:44
kanzuredrazak: that's probably polymerase-based DNA synthesis17:45
kanzuretemplate-less polymerase.17:45
kanzure'single step assembly of a gene and entire plasmid from large numbers of oligonucleotides'17:45
kanzureI think I have that paper already (ref. 10)17:46
kanzurenope, nevermind17:47
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/top_posting.txt <-- haha17:50
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kanzurehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pysanka "A pysanka (Ukrainian: писанка, plural: pysanky) is a Ukrainian Easter egg, decorated using a wax-resist (batik) method. The word comes from the verb pysaty, "to write", as the designs are not painted on, but written with beeswax."17:59
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kanzurethose are some rather intricate designs for wax..17:59
kanzureis paraffin wax common? I remember it being used somewhere about something somewhere, perhaps in high school?18:03
drazakyou can get a good chunk of it for cheap18:07
kanzurelooks like it's available in grocery stores since it's used for cooking18:07
drazaksmall quantities and more expensive18:07
genekanzure check the coop art store18:11
geneI think they might sell stuff like that18:11
drazakprolly do18:11
genemaybe that's how the soviets made microchips...18:12
geneanyone here run boinc?18:13
geneif you don't I strongly encourage you to18:13
kanzurehave you seen transhumanism@home?18:15
kanzureit's a list of transhumanist BOINC teams18:15
kanzureI suggest you peruse it18:15
kanzurebut I have better things to be running my processors on18:15
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wrldpc_It's my birthday and I'll fly if I want to.  Fly if I want to.  Fly if I want to.     ...18:35
samroseI am interested in BOINC18:36
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kanzuregene: huh, it's not nanopore sequencing21:33
kanzurecould have fooled me.21:33
kanzureargh, I hate this shit21:37
kanzuresays "Nature Nanotechnology Letters" and "Stuart Lindsay"21:38
kanzurebut if you go search the Nature Nanotechnology Letters site with their custom search form, "Stuart Lindsay" brings up absolutely nothing21:38
kanzurewhat the hell?21:38
kanzurewhy don't they give proper citations?21:38
kanzurehuh, Stuart Lindsay has done some work on nanopore sequencing. go figure.21:40
kanzureDNA base pairs are held together by hydrogen bonds. It has now been shown that a scanning tunnelling microscope can be used to measure the strength of hydrogen bonding in such base pairs. These results provide a basis for new types of electronic biosensors and chemosensors."21:41
kanzureyep, STM-based sequencing (or in this case, AFM, but whatever- it was a current with respect to a distance, same thing)21:46
genehasn't been published yet21:48
wrldpcWhat's wrong with delicious as a means to corral links?22:52
bkerodelicious is dirty dirty23:07
kanzurebookmarks are meant for your hard drive23:21
kanzure(and *then* to be uploaded)23:21
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