
--- Day changed Tue Mar 24 2009
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kanzurefenn: les sounds mad at robotgroup, can you get him to subscribe to OM?08:28
kanzurewow I think something happened and I've made 'progress'08:52
kanzurefenn: that thermodynamics paper had a data table of 'power required (kW)' and 'process rate (kg/hr)' and 'electricity required (J/kg)' cross-referenced to different manufacturing processes08:53
kanzureso, if metadata had a place to store strings that are parsed by your GNU units wrapper08:53
kanzurethe 'process rate', for instance, would be particularly useful metadata especially if that 'units' string had a 'kg' term in it08:54
kanzurethen we can demonstrate randomly interconnected strings of processes (even if they don't make sense- we can fix that later with 'does this connection make sense' code)08:54
kanzureI've ranted about this here: http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/Processes#Taxonomy_of_manufacturing_processes but unfortunately now have to run off to class and can't do a quick prototype.08:55
-!- elias` [n=me@unaffiliated/elias/x-342423] has quit [Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)]09:42
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kanzure-hm, so in FEA apps, you get this giant matrix of neighboring coefficients of various PDEs that you solve for, and apparently there are 'bands' that show up in this matrix, which might make for the speedup claimed by the FastFEA guy.14:59
fenni don't think "randomly interconnected strings of processes" will impress anyone15:12
fenn6 pounds!15:19
fennit's not really an "exoskeleton" without a skeleton, eh15:21
kanzure-other things than random connections could be done.16:06
kanzure-blah, normalize() is only for vectors16:07
kanzure-and it's not immediately apparent how to get a list of all components so that I may take the root of the sum of their squares16:07
kanzure-actually it might just be an array-of-an-array16:08
kanzure-so a foreach might do it.16:08
kanzure-aha. yep.16:19
kanzure-that 18 GB perl script was really only supposed to be 37 MB apparently16:19
kanzure-forgot to force a variable to be local-only16:19
kanzure-(yay scoping)16:20
bkeroWrite camel poop16:30
kanzure-hm, maybe we can get diybio to sequence our genomes for us16:35
kanzure-I sent out an email about a genome sequencing lottery.16:35
* kanzure- laughs malaciously16:35
bkero:)  Develop tools to sequence your own genome.  For under $30.  In an hour.16:36
xp_prgkanzure- what is the largest basepair length that can be synthetically created right now?16:37
kanzurewhat do you mean by synthetically created?16:51
kanzurebkero: I guess there's the original Maxmer-something sequencing method, but it doesn't seem too appealing to me16:51
kanzuregod I love this box16:55
kanzurethere's a 1.4 GB memory hoggin' perl script running in the background, and I don't feel a thing16:56
kanzurenah, this is probably a stupid idea17:25
kanzurebut re: that email I just sent replying to Jeff, I wonder if it would be useful to give people a very simple tool that would perform Freitas' KSRM metrics to determine whether or not a design is self-replicating17:26
fennit wouldn't be simple?17:27
kanzureit's a very simple script to imagine, such as the Tukey Ratio, or mean average of parts addition17:27
fennor you mean 'enter the mass of non replicating parts in this box"17:27
fennor something like that17:27
kanzurewell the catch here is that it forces people to type up their design into a format where mean average of parts addition could be calculated17:27
kanzurefor instance, if each part requires 2 things that aren't in the list, ..17:27
kanzure*aren't already in the list17:27
kanzurekinda useless to write a tool before you have the data, heh17:27
kanzurebut it might get the point across?17:27
fennnobody cares17:28
kanzurethe paragraph that reads "An approach to the problem of closure in real engineering-systems is"17:28
kanzureare you sure nobody cares? I get that feeling too, 17:28
kanzurebut maybe a simple tool like this will get them to think better?17:28
kanzure<-- is too young and hopeful of the world :(17:29
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-!- gene [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-92-165.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap19:28
genedamn cold fusion might just work19:31
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