
--- Day changed Fri Mar 27 2009
bkeroPsyco does C translation IIRC00:00
-!- RandIter [n=RandIter@pool-71-183-32-51.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap00:18
RandIteradvertising a new channel #nutrition. sorry for the spam00:18
fennkanzure: can you run InteractiveViewer.py on debian?00:20
fenni get "terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Aspect_GraphicDeviceDefinitionError'"00:33
fenndo you have CSF_GraphicShr defined?00:35
fennbah now it work00:36
kanzureCSF_GraphicShr should be something like /usr/lib/opencascade/libOpenGlTkthingythingy.so00:39
kanzureor something00:39
-!- RandIter [n=RandIter@pool-71-183-32-51.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has left #hplusroadmap []00:42
fenni set it to ''00:42
kanzurebe sure to make good use of my collected pythonocc scripts00:48
kanzureand some stuff in the parent.00:48
fenni think i'm going to read some comics00:48
kanzureI have some starwars comics if you'd like00:49
fennBLAM! was just getting good when i set it down last time00:49
kanzurehaven't heard of it00:49
fennhttp://www.onemanga.com/BLAME/10/01/ was the last chaper i read00:50
fennit's rather different from the rest in that there are actually people00:51
kanzurethe home was a bunch of hairy guys with fros wearing naruto costumes00:56
fennfor real, naruto? or just naruto-like00:57
kanzurewell, a few had his head piece00:58
kanzureno orange outfits00:58
kanzureblargh. I don't see how to make min-a-max as simple as cutting out 'friction fits'.01:04
geneblame is almost too cyberpunk to understand01:30
genestarted wtf is going on?01:40
geneon chapter 401:41
genewhat are those bar things?01:41
genethat face with machine guns?01:43
fennbar things = food?01:45
bkerofenn: What's BLAME?01:45
fennthe face with machine guns is the security guard for that clone facility01:45
bkeroIs it worth erading?01:45
fennit's pretty epic01:45
bkeroManga explosions, super.01:47
fennthose are just little explosions01:48
bkeroI need to turn my laptop sidways to read these01:49
bkeroand do an xrandr -o left01:49
bkeroGot a good way to dump these?  Or should I construct some bash?01:49
geneTCHAC means?01:51
bkeroWhoa, that's really fucking broken.  No rotating for me :(01:52
fennthere is a torrent01:52
fennwith slightly higher res01:53
genewait a second shouldn't he be dead02:04
fennit's just a flesh wound :)02:08
fennalso notice that he can punch through walls and heal rapidly02:09
genehmmmm... I wonder if it's possible to have self organizing infinitely expandible architecture02:09
genewhere's up where's down02:09
fennhe's been traveling for thousands of years i read somewhere02:09
genewhat happens if he falls?02:09
genewhy isn't he dead?02:09
* fenn shrugs02:10
fennyou fall until you land on something02:10
geneand if you hit it too hard?02:10
fennwell, look at what happened to those poor caterpillars02:11
genewhere the hell did they come from?02:11
geneI give up02:12
genethere is just too much02:13
genethe detail is too good02:16
geneflying through megastucture02:20
genehmmm... you have enough steel you could use magnets and stuff02:20
genesomething like this could actually happen02:22
geneif you build something big enough, given the intrinsic limits on computational power and data transfer time, it would take a very long time to even learn of information that's very far away02:23
genein other words tribes would develop02:24
fennthis place is bigger than you think02:26
genescrew that02:28
geneplasmak fusion is easier to understnad02:29
genethan this anime02:29
geneit's a really interesting concept using the plasma to contain itself02:30
gene3 gigawatts from a reaction chamber the size of a basket ball02:32
gene"helix of slightly ionized and excited air is formed by creating a real image of a helical flashtube"02:33
genehuh the air ionizes around a flashtube??02:34
geneit's a helical flashlamp?02:35
geneoh wait it's made by a helical flashlamp connected to a capacitor bank by means of a closing ignitron switch.02:36
geneI want to make one02:37
genewhere can I get a 130 kj capacitor bank?02:52
geneer 100 kj02:54
genethat's about as much energy as burning 2 grams of gasoline02:59
fenntake 2 grams of gasoline, put it in a 2-liter soda bottle, ignite03:05
fennnow imagine that energy coursing through your veins03:05
fenn(what would happen in a capacitor accident)03:05
genejust think though, that's what it takes shoot a plasmoid03:10
genethat's 3 ml of gasoline03:14
genenot much03:15
geneincludes a five hundred microfarad bank rated at 20kV with the high energy density section rated at 22.5 kiloVolts.03:22
genewhere can I get one of those03:22
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genehahahahahah I don't believe it03:43
geneI simply dont03:43
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kanzuredavid treadwell wants to make a reprap.09:19
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kanzureSpringer is going up for sale09:41
kanzureguess we need to rip the database before then09:42
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-!- UtopiahG1ML is now known as UtopiahGHML14:26
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-!- Fair [n=Nofaris@adsl-75-42-81-121.dsl.scrm01.sbcglobal.net] has joined #hplusroadmap16:58
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fennthat's hilarious.. and such a bad time to sell (right after MIT's announcement)17:32
--- Log closed Fri Mar 27 17:54:18 2009
--- Log opened Fri Mar 27 18:02:31 2009
-!- kanzure [i=bryan@] has joined #hplusroadmap18:02
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xp_prgfenn what happened?18:31
kanzurehow do I pass a path location for header files to gfortran?19:29
kanzureerm, includes I mean19:31
kanzureoh, it's GNU, so it should just be -I I guess19:31
kanzureholy crap, is this fortran syntax?19:33
xp_prgwhy are you using fortran?19:35
kanzurethe source code is written in fortran.19:40
kanzuregah, guess I need fortran90 compatibility mode19:40
kanzurehah, it doesn't compile on ubuntu but it compiles on my debian box20:05
kanzureERROR: AddMassFlow: RestMatrix not associated20:08
kanzurebut there's a line that says: 20:09
kanzure  IF ( .NOT. ASSOCIATED( RestMatrix ) ) THEN20:09
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@] has quit ["This computer has gone to sleep"]20:58
kanzureack, elmerfem dynamically generates source files from the configure script, and overwrites modifications I've made to fix errors21:05
kanzurewhich is a stupid idea anyway since it dynamically generates string variables21:09
kanzurebut the path makes it exceed the maximum length of 32 characters21:09
kanzurewho has a max string length of 32 anyway? wtf?21:09
kanzureyay symlinks.21:11
wrldpcI just applied for work at Springer ... sucks.21:27
kanzureit's okay, it's apparently normal for them to transfer around a lot21:30
kanzuresome oldies emailed me and said it happens once every five years or something21:30
kanzureso it's nothing to worry about.21:30
kanzurealso, I presently have a .so in /usr/lib/ that works for my current elmer installation21:30
kanzurebut as I'm compiling, I need to pass -lelmerfem to gfortran21:30
kanzurehowever, it thinks of the old libelmerfem.so file, which is incorrect :(21:30
kanzureI'd rather not move the old file or something.21:31
kanzurehuh, moving it didn't work. well that's weird.21:34
kanzureinstalled g77-2.95 and then had to symlink /usr/bin/g77 to /usr/bn/g77-2.9521:46
kanzureerm, bin21:46
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kanzuregene might like this: http://www.csc.fi/english/pages/elmer/examples/nozzle22:30
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-!- elias` [n=me@unaffiliated/elias/x-342423] has quit [Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)]22:49
kanzurefenn: I might be getting ssh access to this: http://www.tacc.utexas.edu/resources/vislab/images/stallion1.jpg23:16
kanzurefluid flow in a cavity.23:21
-!- jm|earth [n=jm@p57B9BC08.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]23:27
kanzurebefore I forget, and for the record, these simulations are using the same elmerfem software packages as earlier this month, except the only difference now is that I'm running ElmerSolver from the shell, and opening up ElmerGUI to do the postprocessing visualization, instead of relying on ElmerGUI to do all of those examples, or whatever23:29
-!- PeerInfinity [n=someone@] has quit []23:38
fenn75 monitors eh23:49
fennfluid flow looks a lot better with streamlines23:49

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