
--- Day changed Thu Apr 09 2009
kanzurefrom a distance I read "so.. that paper's cool .. there's no values or anything"00:27
fennso er, how do you know treadwell again?01:02
fennoh good it's not the microsoft guy :)01:04
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kanzurefenn: I stalked treadwell down over livejournal one day when I was searching for all chemists on livejournal01:17
kanzureand he was one of the polymathy sorts that turned up01:17
kanzurehe subsequently moved down from ann arbor into (north) austin 01:18
kanzurehe claims "because of you" (me)01:18
kanzuresecretly my plot is to assemble a super legion of polymaths01:20
* kanzure dawns an exoskeleton01:21
fenn(it's "don" btw)01:22
katsmeow-afkhe has the exoskeleton, i think i'd be quiet ;-)01:40
bkeroboxee is such a buggy piece of shit01:56
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kanzurehuh, gmail doesn't work in lynx anymore. (had to resort to links2)08:43
kanzureor lynx doesn't have https support (which I find hard to believe)08:43
-!- fenn_ is now known as fenn10:27
kanzureany ideas on why my connection isn't consistently letting http go through?10:39
fennbad dns, dropped packets, spazzy traffic shaping somewhere10:41
fennfor masochists only (dont say i didnt warn you) http://divajutta.com/doctormo/ubunchu/ubunchu-episode-01.pdf12:36
fennjust doing my job as a meme propagator12:36
kanzureI don't know if it's good or bad that http is still broken for me12:53
fennfor some reason i typed 'sync' to write the disk cache13:09
fennand like 5 seconds later the circuit breaker tripped13:09
ybitthat was amusing and odd13:45
kanzureyay http is back up13:48
kanzurehaha! foolish mortals!13:48
kanzurewtf are these doing in a "50 most different" dataset?13:48
fennthat STEP PDM stuff has absolutely nothing to do with SKDB15:06
fennok maybe section 4..15:10
fennthis would be much less annoying as html15:11
fennaha http://www.steptools.com/support/stdev_docs/express/pdm/html/index.html15:12
fennno that's not really the same document is it15:13
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kanzurestep pdm stuff? are you reading some old emails, or old IRC logs?15:16
kanzuregah, just hang on a sec while I remember all papers that I've recently read that have at least four sections and STEP in the title15:16
fennrecently mentioned by thomas paviot on pythonOCC list15:46
fennwhich you then forwarded to OM15:46
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kanzure"Because this site is 100% flash based it should be fast and responsive!"15:50
kanzureand I see this glitchy screen that's flickering and such15:50
kanzureoh crap that's xp_prg .15:51
xp_prgkanzure flickering how?15:52
xp_prgcheck this out man!15:55
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xp_prgkanzure you here?16:49
fennsweet, a 404, custom tailored for non-flash browsers17:08
fenn(there's not any flash on the 404 page)17:09
fennsounds like you guys need a robot17:13
xp_prgya it is still a work in progress17:14
xp_prgit is using 100% opensource tools however17:14
fennwhat's wrong with html?17:14
xp_prgflash is major power17:14
xp_prghtml is like pencil and paper to me17:15
xp_prgfeen why doesn't kanzure talk to me?17:19
fennprobably has you on ignore17:24
xp_prgI hate that17:25
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fennsounds like you guys are trying to make some kind of video tutorial17:39
kanzurefenn: why does everyone ignore us17:42
fennbecause writing code is un-sexy17:43
kanzurePP1 induces forgetting. DARPP-32 is a "potent" inhibitor of PP1. DARPP-32 purification protocol from bovine brain juice: http://www.jneurosci.org/cgi/content/abstract/4/9917:43
kanzurewhat about lolcatlang? is that sexy?17:43
fennunless you're a furry :)17:43
kanzuredid that blender model of maid may have a skeleton?17:44
kanzurepinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?17:44
fennuse maid-san as a virtual character for tutorials?17:44
fennsatsuki-san :P17:46
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fennok well, um.. i dunno how to do that17:47
xp_prgfenn did you like the video?17:47
fennxp_prg: it's really long17:47
xp_prgbut did you like it?17:47
fenni hate videos.. they're so slow for the amount of information transmitted17:47
fenni feel like i'm in a committee meeting17:47
xp_prgcan you pretend that you like it?17:48
fennoh good they're out of time17:48
kanzurefenn: suppose you have computer-readable instructions for something about something. Convert those into a sequence of basic commands for Maid May to perform. the basic movements will not have to be too precise .. "lift box" -> hands in general region of the box ;-)17:48
fennkanzure: you have to generate an assembly trajectory based on human kinematics17:48
kanzurea basic step would be to make her follow those trajectories/vectors17:49
kanzurewhich is not a big deal17:49
fenni think it's harder than it seems17:49
kanzurefiguring out a correct assembly sequence *and* correct trajectories would be somewhat of an issue, yes17:49
fennpeople do all sorts of optimizations without even thinking about it, like setting something on a bench in the right way to push on it17:50
kanzurealso, I <3 your om post17:50
fenntook too damn long to write17:50
kanzureI don't know if anybody is going to get your point17:50
fennno, the dependency tree is only one level deep17:50
kanzurebased off of historical evidence I mean17:50
fennyeah and they're mostly clueless.. *sigh*17:51
kanzureheh, need to run through a multi-level optimization/constraint problem .. in words! (which is really the wrong format, but whatever)17:51
kanzureblah, okay- anyway-17:51
fenni dont even know what the right format is17:51
fennall i have is dreamland17:51
kanzureyou know what, maybe we should assume that everyone is as stupid as a first prototype of a virtual character to showcase how to put something together17:53
fenni can't think of things to make profitably that people will generally see as useful, because all the broadly useful items are already being mass produced17:53
kanzurein particular, only trajectories that involve no sequences of movements- i.e., only a "one step sweep" motion17:54
fennkanzure: it's true, but they have built-in learning algorithms17:54
kanzureright right, but I just mean this for prototyping's sake17:54
kanzuresince it seems like the only thing that people will understand is a demo video17:54
kanzureit's much easier if the problem space is restrained only to those assemblies that can be made with single-trajectory part mating/motions/fits thingies17:55
fenni'd like to ship them an exoskeleton that moves their hands around to do stuff with real things17:55
fennbut then why do you need a human in the loop at all17:55
kanzureeww, weird scaling algos on the exoskeleton17:55
fenni spose you could just do a pre-recorded VR simulation17:55
fennscaling between human arm lengths?17:56
kanzureif you want to edit 20,000 frames of a maid, have fun with that17:56
kanzurewouldn't it be full body scaling?17:56
kanzureor just a one-size-fits-all suit :p17:56
kanzurethere are certain body proportions17:56
kanzureI don't think it's just arms17:56
fennyeah it's all connected17:57
fennharnessing armies of robot clams to do good work17:58
fennyou know they make pearls by putting a sphere in an oyster and letting it add the last layer on top17:58
fenntito's wrong; the technology isn't that complex17:59
fennit's just secretive and over-engineered by instrument makers17:59
fennkanzure: you know, i'd love to have a rigged model of wiki-chan18:00
fenner, wikipetan18:03
fennwiki-tan? weird name18:03
kanzurethe ostan for mediawiki?18:13
kanzure* OStan18:13
fennwhy is it -tan? that's not even japanese18:14
kanzure* OSchan?18:14
fennChin and tan are mispronunciations stereotypically attributed to small children and are thus perceived as baby talk18:15
fennmmm "smells like babies"18:20
fenndecayed, dried babies18:20
fennhuh http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:3DWikipe-tan.jpg18:23
fennthe program is specifically for 3d anime characters??18:25
fennxp_prg: when they made plates at IU they poured the plates non-sterile, then autoclaved the plates, so they're sterile right up until you first open the lid18:27
fenni guess you need glass plates for that18:31
fennshould wear baking gloves so you don't burn yourself with agar18:32
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fennamazing it works18:34
fenn(the 3d wiki-chan viewer program)18:34
fennthat's a pretty cool rendering engine18:45
fennphew finally that video's over18:52
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fennsweet, a mascot for everyone http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Conservape-tan.png19:08
xp_prgfenn excellent advice!19:24
kanzureautomatic paper metadata extraction19:56
kanzureand apparently also "group sharing" of paper reading19:57
kanzurehm I should run it on my rip of nature20:09
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kanzureis there a preferably safe way to pass a crazily-named string to the shell (it's a filename)?21:45
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kanzureokay :) it's separating finally21:54
kanzurewho wants access to nature since the dawn of time? (see, I know how to use it right)21:54
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genehackerkanzure I sent you that free cad thing23:00
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kanzuregenehacker: yeah, I haven't ripped it yet but it looks interesting23:11
kanzurehello oublei 23:11
oubleiHello kanzure.23:11
kanzureWhat's up?23:13
oubleiNot much. How about you?23:14
kanzureStealing nature.23:14
oubleiHow does one steal nature?23:15
kanzurewhat brings you here?23:15
oubleibkero recommended that I join. :]23:16
kanzureare you an osouso termite?23:16
kanzureI think I spelled that wrong23:16
oubleiI don't know what osouso is, so I guess not...23:16
genehackerone can steal nature by going down the bottom of the ocean and patenting some bacterial genes from hydrothermal vents23:17
oubleiI'm a bioinformatics student at OSU, if that's what you were going for. :]23:17
kanzurehm, no, I was specifically thinking of the open source lab at OSU, but whatever23:18
kanzuresay, could you find me a mechanism of increasing DARPP-32 levels via supplements or something?23:18
oubleiOh, no, I'm not involved with the OSL.23:19
oubleiAnd, no, I couldn't. :x23:19
genehackercould you BLAST a wall away oublei?23:19
kanzureare you sure you're doing bioinformatics? heh'23:19
oubleiI was honestly hoping to lurk, but if we would like to talk about how terrible of a program I am in, I'm game. :]23:19
kanzureoh, lurk away23:20
* fenn lurks23:20
kanzureI caught you delurking!23:20
* kanzure attacks and takes 200 coin23:20
fenncrap. engage lurking fields!23:20
oubleiI recently changed majors. Haven't learned anything bioinformaticiany yet, which is unfortunate.23:20
kanzureno use! increase forward fire power!23:20
oubleiIt is my understanding that I won't be doing much later, either.23:20
fennset away status to maximum!23:21
kanzurewhat! it's over 9000!23:21
kanzurebut really, mendeley is awesome23:21
genehackerwhat was your prevmajor?23:22
oubleigenehacker: biological anthropology.23:23
fennoublei: don't expect to learn anything in school23:23
kanzureso, was that like Margaret Mead meets Lynn Margulis?23:23
fennif you want to learn it, go do stuff, read current things23:23
fennbiobricks could sure use some help23:23
oubleifenn: that is my intention!23:24
genehackercould you also make a handy make sequence IRL button?23:25
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/books/papers/DARPP-32.bib <- 60 references about DARPP-32 and PIP1 re: regulation of forgetting23:26
kanzurewait, that's PP1, not PIP123:26
fenntoo much PP on the brain23:29
fennPP head23:29
kanzuremy psychology lecturer professor guy thingy actually gives proper citations during his lectures23:30
kanzureit's quite amazing, somebody doing something right23:30
kanzureit's how I scoped out PP1.23:31
bkerokanzure: oublei is cools23:41
genehackeryeah he is23:42
oubleiShe. :]23:43
oubleiNo worries. :]23:44

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