
--- Day changed Sun Apr 12 2009
fennsome rather funny movies from Liu's thesis work: http://cg.cis.upenn.edu/hms/research/archive/NASA/images.html00:04
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kanzure"Center for Human Modeling and Simulation"00:10
* kanzure wonders if they have a braincount > 000:10
genehackercheck it out cheap dna sequencer00:14
genehackerjust have to faraday cage the thing00:17
fennwho wants to bet this is a marketing campaign for an upcoming video game00:18
genehackerbah it's for a game00:27
genehackerthat would be what's in the box00:27
fennreminded me too much of ilovebees00:28
genehackerwhat's in the box?00:28
genehackerhahaha bre's getting help making the makerbot from skynet00:28
genehackerif only00:29
genehackerdamn thing might not cost as much00:29
genehackerlink to that mill about same size as maker bot but cheaper?00:29
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kanzurebre's a jerk for not being on om11:00
fennhe's too busy making youtube videos to write text11:03
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kanzureI feel like bre's as much of an ass as tito is now11:09
fennkatsmeow-afk: looks like you could make a stewart platform with those lexus steering units11:13
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kanzurefenn, so I was thinking that with the "doll model" we could just let people assign tasks to The Human when they are making their model. i.e., "need to be able to translate 20 meters in x direction" and they would say, "yes, that's reasonable for a human to do"11:57
fennhow is that better than just not saying anything at all?11:59
kanzurewhat would not saying anything at all look like?12:04
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kanzure"An object that does not alter the color of light reflected from its surface will appear white"12:13
kanzurefenn: what I was thinking of was providing a dummy package, a doll package, with a specific API of different movements that are possible (like for common lab motions that are required)12:15
kanzurethe real sciency way to do this would be to use motion-capture of somebody performing 20 common lab protocols in a lab, and then do regression analysis to figure out all categories of common movements12:15
kanzurebut we know from experience that we can say three or four basic different movements like "move(obj,pos)" and "shake" and so on12:16
kanzureso we would just have to ask whether or not some future 6-axis robo-arm package is compatible with "dummy-doll-1.1.3"12:16
kanzure(in particular, the API with the move() calls and such)12:17
fenni say if you're concerned about compatibility/interchangeability then specify the process, i.e. what happens to the thing you're doing stuff to12:17
kanzurewe were talking about a constraints-based representation of the process of PCR, such that we could say pre/post conditions after each step12:18
kanzureand those conditions might involve something like moving something somewhere else12:18
kanzureso you'd somehow specify that you need to move something12:19
kanzuregah, this is too abstract12:19
kanzurehow are automatic pipetter robots programmed? in terms of CAM..12:20
fennno idea12:20
fenni recall seeing some CSV files on openwetware12:20
kanzureI think they assume a specific array of pipette tips12:20
kanzureand then it's just a matter of passing a few variables about the xy location of where something interesting is12:20
kanzurethey don't even do positioning/staging- they just have an array of pipette-connections that move down on to the array :p12:21
kanzure(well, some of them, I mean)12:21
fenni think it would be rather hard to move drops from one well to another without positioning12:22
kanzurewas thinking of something else then, maybe from The Robot Scientist video where they were doing things in bulk and just transferred things from one array/plate to another12:23
kanzurethey get to assume static frames of reference.12:24
fennit's quite common to have 8 pipettes in a row all doing the same thing12:24
kanzurewait, why can't we assume static frames of reference?12:24
kanzureso, when I was doing benchwork, most people just had little tubes laying around all over the place12:24
kanzureand they never really had a good organization scheme12:25
kanzuresome people were smart and kept them in their plastic-container-array thingies.12:25
kanzureof course, you could get confused when trying to place something at a particular xy location in the array12:25
kanzurebut not if you had instructions or something12:25
fennuh, who doesn't keep tubes in a tube rack?12:25
kanzurewhat are those tiny tubes-that-aren't-tubes that you put in thermocyclers?12:25
fennmini tubes?12:26
kanzuresome people store their NTPs in them12:26
fennthere's two sizes of eppendorf tubes12:26
kanzurehrm. maybe? anyway, those12:26
fennmicrocentrifuge tubes i think they're called12:26
kanzureyeah, that's the size12:26
kanzurethe desktop centrifuges and the small tubes for 'em12:26
kanzureanyway, my labmates didn't have a systematic way of placing them12:26
kanzuresometimes they would just be randomly thrown on ice while something else was being done12:27
kanzure(maybe I'm just the most anal lab monkey ever?)12:27
kanzureanyway, I mentioned this because if we can assume a 'static frame of reference'- like an 'array cartridge' for storing microcentrifuge tubes- then we don't have to deal with positional constraints really12:28
kanzurewe just say whether or not the PCR machine is compatible with a 10x10-skdb-blah-name-microcentrifuge-tube-array12:28
fennok this is nothing new12:28
kanzure(and of course, it wouldn't be, since we'd probably want to design one that didn't work on an array first? I dunno)12:28
kanzureyeah it is12:28
kanzurebecause now we don't have to do all that doll stuff :p12:28
fennyou invented this doll stuff to make things harder on yourself12:29
kanzureanything that implements the microcentrifuge-tube-array will just need to implement move() and transfer() and a few other thingies12:29
kanzurethanks mr. psychologist12:29
kanzure~ :p12:29
kanzurenow how do you tell whether or not you have something that implements the microcentrifuge-tube-array holder and its API?12:30
fennyes it's nice to have a model of what a human is capable of, for checking whether something is compatible12:30
fennno you don't have to specify every little movement in every protocol12:30
fennif it 'implements' something it'll have the tag in it's functionality list12:31
kanzureok, so a pipette will be a compatible part- what my question is asking is how do you know that a human can hold the pipette 12:32
kanzurewe know that humans can hold them (heck, they are designed for grasping)12:32
kanzureoh, it seems I've just pushed the same problem to another place12:32
kanzureif you let me specify that a human can grasp it (this is what I called a "stopper" or "terminator" in terms of the recursion of whether or not the person has a tool laying around to do something, or if they have something equivalent already (i.e., their hands))12:34
kanzurethen that would be so much easier ..12:34
kanzure(than the doll stuff)12:34
fennif it has a handle, feel free to tag it as a handle12:34
kanzurewhat good does that do? ok, you have it tagged 'handle' now what?12:35
fennnow your doll human knows where to pick it up12:35
kanzureoh, you mean tagging a surface/interface on the model as 'handle' and then checking whether or not the "hand" geometrically fits there?12:36
fennsomething like that12:36
kanzurebut some other grasping part in the db might match too12:36
kanzurehm. does there need to be a bias for finding solutions that the "doll" is involved in?12:37
fennno reason to discriminate against artifical humans :P12:37
fennit's a matter of cost optimization12:37
kanzurebut then you'll be building things forever in an attempt to get this weird artificial hand working, giant pipes and manufacturing plants wired up all the way up to Escher's hand (the hand-that-makes-a-hand) 12:37
fennif the human is cheaper/already available, then use it (if you're optimizing based on cost)12:38
kanzurewhereas you could have just used a human hand for that silly PCR protocol so many hundreds of years ago :p12:38
kanzureI see12:38
kanzureso the search algorithm just needs to have some weights that the user can adjust I guess12:38
fennbtw have you seen youtube.com/watch?v=ZaHQ3ZYy4IE.flv and youtube.com/watch?v=u7KIp7A8iqs.flv12:39
kanzureneat. no, I hadn't12:39
kanzurethere was one that I showed you a while back that was proprietary and was doing the typical egg-pick-up and such12:40
fennthe shadow robot hand?12:40
fennsame technology, festo just copied and made a better arm12:40
kanzureheh, a dumbell12:41
kanzurethey so need to show that robot operating a lathe or mill12:41
fenni wonder why it moves so slow12:41
fennairmuscles can move really quickly12:41
kanzureafraid of breaking it?12:41
kanzurehm, crazy mad scientist time: they need a way to convert a given 'muscular definition file'- of some random model- and then a converter to to translate it into an air muscle design12:44
kanzureeven with the "tag an interface as a handle" method, you still need to do 'translational constraints' or some way to specify the required number of degrees of freedom12:47
kanzureotherwise you get a search result that can fit the handle but just sits there12:49
kanzureimagine a giant block of granite but with a sculpted handle-holding-part on one of the faces :p12:49
* fenn imagines12:50
kanzurehas zero DOF12:50
kanzureso there needs to be a way to distinguish it, I mean12:50
kanzurebut if there's a way to do it without 'dolls' .. since you figure it's just me making things more complicated ..12:50
fennthe doll should be able to figure out how to grasp the handle12:51
fennyou shouldn't provide grasp trajectories because they change all the time anyway12:52
fennsimilarly for how to lay out a lab bench, or how to move pipette tip around12:52
fennyou just say what you want done "move this over there"12:53
fennor even better "this should be over there now"12:53
fennand at runtime the doll says 'hey i can do that'12:53
kanzureand at runtime the granite block says "mu" ?12:53
fennor simulation time or whatever12:54
kanzureso why did you spend all that time building the granite block?12:54
fenndunno, wtf is this granite block for?12:54
kanzureit matched the handle12:54
fennwall-climbing exercise?12:54
kanzurenope, it had a hand-sculpture on one of its surfaces12:54
kanzureand it happens to match the pipette handle12:54
fennwas it tagged as a handle?12:54
kanzurethe pipette had a part tagged handle yeah12:55
fennif you want to have a reasonable chance of ever getting around to evaluating the sculpture's suitability as a handle, you should tag it as a handle12:55
kanzureok, so fine, it's tagged handle too12:55
fennotherwise, dont blame me for not being able to read your mind12:55
kanzuremy point is that it just sits there12:55
fennwhy, because it's heavy?12:56
kanzurebecause it's a block of granite12:56
kanzureit doesn't do anything really12:56
fennsure it does12:56
fennever heard of a surface plate?12:56
fennit just sits there12:56
fennbut for some reason people pay thousands of dollars for them12:56
kanzureso why would the doll be chosen over the granite block12:57
fennbecause the doll is a positioner12:58
kanzurehow does the computer know that?12:58
fennthat's one of its functionalities12:58
kanzurethat didn't help :(12:58
fennit's tagged that way12:58
kanzureso a linear actuator is also a positioner12:59
fennthe positioner class allows you to move things within their limits12:59
fennyes a linear actuator is also a positioner12:59
kanzurewithin what limit?12:59
kanzureso you need a way to distinguish positioners12:59
fennforce limits, accuracy limits, travel limits12:59
kanzurewhat is a travel limit?12:59
fennwork envelope12:59
kanzurebut I thought we agreed it changes with respect to force exertion13:00
fennhow far you can move your arm13:00
kanzuredepends on how much I'm lifting/pushing13:00
fennyeah it's a complex problem13:00
kanzureso tagging it positioner doesn't help13:00
fennyes it does13:00
fennit cuts down the search space from literally everything in the database, to just positioners13:00
fennpresumably the search heuristics would look at things you already have first13:01
kanzureum, on another note,13:01
kanzureI've never bought a linear actuator13:01
kanzurebut does it come with information on how much force it can exert or how it changes with respect to motion13:02
kanzureblah, that's hard to describe13:02
kanzurein the case of the Festo hand+arm, you can't lift anything by the fingers that can't be lifted by the first link/arm-part13:02
fennme either13:02
fennunless you count a paintball gun :P13:02
fennlinear actuators are usually constant force with respect to travel distance13:03
fennairmuscles are unusual in this respect13:04
fennignoring the whole complicated arm kinematics for a sec13:04
fennthe airmuscle exerts the most force when it's fully extended13:04
fennand yes, festo provides graphs showing that13:04
fennbut what you're talking about with the hand/arm is totally different13:05
fennthat has to do with wrench space and changes in leverage and moment of inertia as the arm moves around13:05
kanzureok, how about this, what if we classified work envelopes, and we just said that such-and-such is compatible with a class-blah work envelope13:07
fennmost robot arms and human arms have similar extension/leverage characteristics, but for example a hexapod robot is also nonlinear but has totally different kind of nonlinearity13:07
kanzureand a work envelope classification would involve something like a range of masses and motions13:07
kanzure"here's what this work envelope looks like. does this look like your work envelope?" and later we'll write some better software 13:07
fennsure that would probably work fine in practice13:07
fenn'work envelope' means the range of motion in terms of distance13:08
fennpayload and acceleration are described separately13:08
kanzureok, so we need a force-work envelope or something13:08
fennno need to lump it all together13:08
kanzureI think it should be described together as a package13:08
kanzurebecause payload limits change with respect to acceleration and distance13:08
kanzureit's coupled.13:09
fennbut a 1kg payload robot is guaranteed to be able to move 1kg across its work envelope13:09
kanzureo rly?13:09
kanzureok, great13:09
fennit could probably do more in certain poses/distances but that's too hard for stupid humans to figure out13:10
kanzurekind of like "overclocking" or pushing the performance limits13:10
fennnot really13:10
kanzurewhich might not actually be really "pushing it"- but stupid humans and such don't know that ;-)13:10
fenni mean it's like not trying to pick up a jug of milk with your arm fully extended13:10
kanzureI think I can go write some code now13:12
kanzurethe latest xkcd is cute.13:22
-!- genehacker [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-99-202.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap13:41
kanzureaw, so I was making some simple models in heekscad and it keeps crashing :(13:50
kanzuretime to update.13:50
kanzurefenn: um. importing OCC in a python script is a lot of overhead. I don't know how else to get surfaces/faces though :/14:22
fenndont import all of OCC at once14:22
fennjust get what you need14:22
fennfrom OCC import FaceStuffs14:23
kanzureand FileReaderStuffs14:23
kanzurewhat I'm doing is getting a list of surfaces and seeing if it makes sense to reference the internal OCC face IDs with the constraints that are supposedly 'attached' to certain faces/interfaces14:24
kanzurewhich will really make the system throw up every time a model is changed significantly (oh well?)14:24
kanzurehrm, I wonder why "from OCC import BRepPrimAPI" also imported OCC.IGESControl_Writer14:29
kanzureerm, I mean, OCC.IGESControl_Controller()14:29
kanzureoh, I see, it's assuming InteractiveViewer.py14:30
kanzurefenn, do you know which version of pythonocc might be stable?14:50
kanzureI tried out some of the topology stuff, but the faces stuff doesn't work, although on 2009-04-03, Jelle posted some example code, but svn up isn't giving me code that compiles.14:50
fennnone are stable14:52
fennwhere's the code?14:52
kanzuresearch the mailing list archives for BRepFeat14:53
fennBRepFeat.py never gets built15:00
kanzureI see BRepFeat.i 15:03
kanzureI also see BRepFeat.py in pythonOCC/src/OCC/15:03
kanzurehm, there's nothing in there though really15:03
kanzurewhy is SWIG separated into two folders (SWIG_src_modular_linux_darwin and SWIG_src_modular_win32) ?15:04
fennbecause he runs the generator script and puts the output in those folders (instead of just having people build the swig files on their own system)15:06
fenndoesn't make sense to me, and just seems to screw things up more often15:06
kanzureif I remove the swig files, will they be regenerated by the scons/make script?15:14
fennthat's my understanding but it's hard to search for manual changes vs just things he changed in the generator script15:15
fenni keep getting __PYTHONOCC_MAXINT__ undefined in AIS_wrap.cc15:19
kanzureme too15:19
fenn./environment.py:                     ('__PYTHONOCC_MAXINT__',sys.maxint)15:21
fennmaybe that needs to go in SConstruct15:21
fennadd that to DEFINE_MACROS in SConstruct15:27
kanzureI don't see how. DEFINE_MACROS=['WNT','WIN32','_WINDOWS','CSFDB','NDEBUG']15:30
kanzureokay, nevermind, I see it in the linux side of things :)15:31
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kanzurefenn: updating pythonocc didn't seem to make it work, though I don't know why I thought it would16:49
fennwell, that's not surprising16:50
kanzurehow do you know BRepFeat isn't being included?16:51
kanzureoh. 16:54
kanzureBRepFeat.i in the windows version has the word 'Face' in it, but in the linux_darwin/ dir, that word doesn't appear in the file16:54
kanzurethat's probably not much of an indicator of anything being wrong though16:59
fenndo you know anyone named emily daniels?17:05
fennoh hmm nevermind, just a hash collision17:05
fennemily_daniel != emily_daniels17:05
kanzure-what you be doing?17:10
kanzure-I wish all these programmers that really only program on windows would just admit that they are using ubuntu discs to log in every once and a while and check compatibility with linux or something, instead of advertizing it as completely linux compatible or something17:25
fennapparently my mom talks to Sung won Lim (4phlebas on diybio) on twitter, so she forwarded him to me.. one of his twitter friends is 'emily daniels', and one of my contacts in hotmail from god knows when is emily_daniel and i have no idea where it came from17:32
fennhe's also following david nunez, so it wasnt totally unthinkable17:32
fennwow firefox is "so cool" ~~ 17:35
fennAutoCopy. The basic use: It copies anyt text you select on the web as soon as you select it—no Ctrl+C necessary. For pasting into text forms, you simply hit the middle mouse button rather than Control+V.17:35
fennironically it's always firefox that fucks up my x selection buffer17:35
fennif i say "star system" does that mean (to the layperson) a star and the crap floating around it, or multiple stars orbiting each other?17:41
kanzure-single star and other crap floating around it17:43
kanzure-star cluster is the cluster of stars.17:44
kanzure-odd that your mom knew a diybio fellow17:44
kanzure-maybe it's just an effect of being in college, but everything seems different. more crazy-tech getting in the news. more people knowing about transhumanism/singularity stuff. more people interested in diybio. what's going on?17:45
fennyou're asking the wrong guy17:48
* fenn mumbles something about 201217:48
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fenn_sung won lim seems pretty cool http://bookhling.wordpress.com/tag/transhumanism/18:43
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kanzurehm, copying BRepFeat_* and BRepFeat.i from Windows, plus the dependencies that it demands (of the other packages, which you can discover by running scons and letting it fail), seems to let it work. I'm currently compiling via python setup.py install to check to make sure it actually installs or something this time, rather than just assuming my scripts are failing18:50
kanzureneat, it worked19:29
fennwould you dig through your history file and see what files those are?19:29
kanzurehow do I get multiple xterms and konsoles to save my histories right?19:30
fennclose them out, the file is written when the shell exits19:31
fennit will be jumbled though, not chronological19:31
kanzurehrm. okay.19:31
fennalso you have to set something like HISTTIMEFORMAT="%k:%M; HISTSIZE=100000019:32
fenn"%k:%M " i mean19:32
fennto save times to the file19:33
fennnot a very reliable method but i dont know how else to do it19:33
genehackerliquid neural interface19:33
kanzurefenn: there you go.19:35
fennit's malaysian or something19:36
kanzuregenehacker: How does it keep the monolayers separated for separate electrodes? What's the resolution?19:37
fennand danish too, apparently19:37
kanzurethe paper: http://heybryan.org/books/papers/Electrochemical%20polymerization%20of%20conducting%20polymers%20in%20living%20neural%20tissue.pdf19:39
genehackerno idea19:40
genehackerit's so your neurons don't get scarred19:41
fennone way to get high resolution is to make the electrodes as tubes and seep monomer liquid into the tissue around each tube19:42
kanzure-I was thinking it would be neat if there'd be a way to have a high voltage mode where the electrodes would get super hot to polymerize a polymer19:42
kanzure-but that's probably deadly.19:42
fennwater catalyzed reactions could work19:47
fennbut those are often gnarly chemicals19:47
genehackeryeah no shit kanzure19:52
genehackerI don't want to cook my cortices19:56
kanzure-genehacker: when I get some more free time over the summer, maybe I'll show you how to design a brain implant19:57
fenninsert rfid chip + coiled antenna-wire into a syringe; drill hole in skull; insert under meninges20:04
kanzure-um, rfid chips have electrode arrays?20:04
fenngot a better idea?20:04
fennwell, pick one20:05
kanzure-microelectrode array20:05
fennand how do you make that, and how do you implant it20:05
kanzure-you implant it very carefully :(20:05
kanzure-you get it via the link genehacker gave you20:05
kanzure-$80 for a somewhat large array20:06
fenn'large' meaning what precisely?20:06
genehackeryou sterilize so you don't get a nasty brain infection20:06
kanzure-> 10x1020:06
fennalso i'm not terribly concerned about price for a brain implant..20:07
fennas long as it's <$100k20:07
kanzure-since when do you have teh monies?20:07
fenni mean it's not a frickin USB gadget20:07
fennkanzure: how much do you think the surgery would cost alone?20:09
fenni'm talking real surgery here, not power drill + buddy with some ice20:09
kanzure-how about some medical student without a medical license, or doctor in foreign country?20:09
kanzure-I haven't asked them how much it would cost20:12
fenni'm guessing around $5-10k20:13
fennmaybe lots more20:14
kanzure-hm, I don't know how much brain surgery costs20:15
kanzure-also, what happened to all that talk about ultrasound, infrared, or rTMS?20:16
kanzure-much less costly (for the moment)20:16
fennwell, they aren't implants, for one..20:20
kanzure-yes, but if you wanted to really play with implants, you'd do some culturing or testing on rats or rabbits or something first20:28
kanzure-what's wrong with the "a buddy and some ice" approach?20:28
fennyou're likely to die or get an infection20:33
fennalso hard to find said buddy20:33
kanzure-say, .. buddy.20:33
kanzure-nudge nudge wink wink20:34
fennwhy dont i have OCC.Utils?20:34
kanzure-did I do something special?20:34
fennsorry i'm not drilling into your skull20:34
ybiti wonder what the protocols are in China for ordering certain chemicals20:36
kanzure-probably a few drowned female babies20:36
ybiti would like to live there to know and study Mandarin on the side, but I wouldn't go over there first before knowing what their laws are concerning these things20:37
ybit-"to know and"20:37
ybitum, +to 20:37
ybiti want to learn another language, it's something i've thought about for awhile now. i think 2 is enough, more than that and your just wasting your time imo20:39
ybitbut english is the de facto for communication, even the hong kong public library has english on the front20:40
ybitit's statue in the front says "the world is my book", my or our i forget20:40
ybitany insights, surely some of you have thought about this20:41
fenni have thought about moving to china20:41
fennhad intended to learn mandarin but then i forgot the name of the asian culture house or whatever, and couldnt find the schedule for free classes20:42
fennkanzure: firewall is really no big deal in practice20:43
kanzure-what is the technical spec of their firewall anyway?20:43
ybitmandarin is a hideous language though, if it and their culture were more like japanese, that would be great20:43
fennjust doesn't forward packets from certain IP's20:43
fennybit surely you know that half of japanese is derived from mandarin20:44
ybitthe kanji, sure, but the rest makes it easy to pick up the language quickly20:44
fennits sort of like saying 'half of english is derived from latin' though20:45
ybitthe rest: katakana and hiragana20:45
kanzure"raising a string exception is deprecated"20:48
kanzurehuh, face.Complement()20:49
fennswap the normals20:49
ybitfenn: i know what you're talking about when mentioned the chinese learning centers, and i can't find them, looking for it still20:49
fennybit: it was something associated with indiana university20:49
ybitfound it: Confucius Institutes20:50
fennif that's not a missionary i dont know what is20:50
kanzureneat, face.IsSame(other_face)20:51
ybitit's sponsored by the chinese government, it's not a missionary :P20:51
kanzureblah, screw them20:52
ybithmm, did i just paste that again...20:52
ybitdon't know because i cleared the screen by accident20:52
ybitanyway, seems the indiana has a one on campus, and i bet that's where the classes were20:53
fennno, that's IUPUI which is 50 miles north20:53
kanzureso now I'm confused about collision detection because that page doesn't make it sound easy20:53
kanzurebut I'm used to making simple collision detection algorithms20:53
fennthis wasnt a chinese specific thing, they taught all sorts of languages20:53
kanzuremaybe I could do a volume/displacement method20:56
kanzureor, actually, not implementing collision detection for now is ok20:57
ybitkanzure: i'm guessing you are simulating parts of an exoskeleton, right?20:58
kanzurepart mating for skdb.20:58
kanzureI even have a (small) sample catalog of parts made up of pegs and holes (I know, I know, the world sucks)20:58
fennso tell me, does a round peg fit into a square hole?20:59
kanzurewhat type of material?21:00
kanzurecan it be forced into shapes with only 1 to 100 Newtons of force?21:00
fenndepends on the size21:01
kanzurewait, am I the one who is supposed to be right here? or are you trying to bring me down?21:01
kanzureI forget21:01
kanzuresometimes I've put round pegs in square holes, yes21:02
kanzureneat, moving a face doesn't separate it from its object.21:07
ybitthinking i may give up on mandarin. i couldn't trust others to interpret the chinese laws correctly, nor could i trust myself for 7-10 years, or until i could read and actually understand the meaning of the literature.21:08
ybitmay just wait until i can download the language to my brain :)21:08
ybitor use open rTMS to enhance my memory of their 1k+ alphabet 21:08
kanzurethere is no evidence of any enhancements with any particular rTMS stimulation pattern21:09
kanzurejust saying.21:09
kanzuredon't be like the last guy who ran in here wearing a helmet of infrared LEDs claiming to have "positive effects"21:09
kanzurebecause of his n=1 trial testing "with my cat, Whiskers"21:10
ybithmm, no evidence...21:10
* ybit searches21:10
kanzurewell, there is some evidence of really interesting things happening21:10
kanzurelike arms flailing around, regions of the brain shutting off etc21:10
kanzurebut that's not necessarily enhancement21:10
ybityeah yeah, i've seen that21:10
ybitnot what i'm going by though21:11
ybitnot even sure what i'm going by, i could have swore i saw a paper on this...21:11
kanzuresee: http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/open-rtms/21:12
ybitStatistical comparison of memory performance during rTMS and baseline testings21:13
ybit without stimulation revealed no significant chan21:13
ybitbah, i can get that paper21:13
kanzureok, maybe this: http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/open-rtms/Repetitive%20Transcranial%20Magnetic%20Stimulation%20Dissociates%20Working%20Memory%20Manipulation%20from%20Retention.pdf21:14
kanzurePersonality traits are correlated with motor cortex excitability a transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) study"21:16
kanzure"Modulation of the neuronal circuitry subserving working memory in healthy human subjects by repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation21:16
kanzure"Localization of the motor hand area using transcranial magnetic stimulation and functional magnetic resonance imaging" <- bwahaha21:18
ybit"Consensus: Can transcranial direct current stimulation and transcranial magnetic stimulation enhance motor learning and memory formation?" http://filebin.ca/thjmft21:21
ybitsciencedirect's search is terrible21:22
kanzureok, added it21:24
kanzureyeah, it is.21:24
kanzuregoogle scholar for the win21:24
kanzurebtw, I have a subscription to all sciencedirect journals that arrives in my inbox- the equivalent of their "notify me of new interesting shit" and "notify me of anything new", so I have a rather large (10k+) email archive collection of various goings on21:25
ybitTranscranial magnetic stimulation can measure and modulate21:26
ybitlearning and memory21:26
kanzure"Visual working memory revealed by repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation"21:26
ybitanyway, i suppose this is why i was thinking rTMS could help me with Mandarin21:27
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kanzurehaha, I love this: http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/open-rtms/Transcranial%20magnetic%20stimulation-induced%20switch%20into%20mania%20-%20a%20report%20of%20two%20cases.pdf21:29
kanzureCase 1, she's awesome.21:29
kanzurewhere can I sign up to get her?21:30
kanzurecase 2 is also interesting21:30
kanzuretoo bad I'm not depressed. hrm. 21:31
kanzurehow does one become depressed? do I have to "go goth"?21:31
kanzure(I'm kidding, of course)21:31
fenn'increased goal-directed activity' is a symptom?21:45
kanzurebad boy! bad! silly human, having goals!21:48
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kanzure"Prolonged peripheral nerve stimulation induces persistent changes in excitability of human motor cortex"21:59
fennis that a good thing?22:00
kanzuredunno, google scholar doesn't come in "good/bad"-color-vision22:01
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ybitmeh, wrong emoticon, whatever. good joke though :)22:13
genehackerI think it is bad22:15
kanzuredon't go wild just yet, but:22:16
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ybiti'm pretty sure i have everything public on heybryan22:17
kanzurenah, /books/papers/bibliographies/ is new.22:18
ybitbut thanks for the heads up, it takes awhile to cipher through all the docs to find what i need22:18
ybithow recent?22:18
kanzureum, four hours ago?22:18
ybitokay then, i don't have it 22:18
kanzureyeah ..22:18
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kanzuredoes anyone know a good source for acquiring "velvet bean"?23:05
kanzureybit: that rTMS.bib file has been updated.23:05
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kanzurewhere are weight-dosage charts published for pharmaceuticals?23:09
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