
--- Day changed Wed Apr 15 2009
-!- PeerInfinity [n=someone@] has quit []00:09
-!- duzt is now known as anthonyl|sleep00:40
-!- fenn [n=fenn@cpe-72-177-52-180.austin.res.rr.com] has quit ["this computer has been assimilated"]00:46
facefacecan you simulate physical systems in cad like in garrysmod?02:48
facefaceI remember you guys talking about things on this topic, so I guess the answer is yes, I'm just wondering how quickly you can build physically realistic 'stuff' using things like pythonOCC02:49
facefaceand how much more physically realistic it is compared to garrys mod (where there are no gyroscopic effects for example).02:49
genehackeryes faceface03:13
genehackerI believe garry's mod does simulate gyroscopic effects03:14
genehackerjust rigid body kinematics03:16
genehackerIE what I'm having a test over03:17
-!- genehacker [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-173-190.public.utexas.edu] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]03:32
-!- fenn [n=fenn@cpe-72-177-52-180.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap05:07
-!- jm|space [n=jm@p57B9CA8E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #hplusroadmap05:19
-!- samrose [n=samrose@c-24-11-214-181.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap07:44
kanzureI don't understand why this is novel07:49
-!- splicer_afk [n=patrik@h8n3c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has quit ["Ex-Chat"]08:18
kanzureuh oh, don't know who to send this email to. there's a certain set of people that I know that expect to be updated when I have something exciting happen, like an interview, except I don't know the bounds of this set any more since it's so large08:53
kanzurewhat's all this about surface plasmon-enhanced stuff?09:12
myelinza1now that I think about it, zotero is somewhat like my firefox extension that I wrote in 2007 to enable numberpad-scoping of google search results with an autoscroll feature10:18
-!- jm|afk [n=jm@p57B9F9AB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #hplusroadmap11:09
-!- anthonyl|sleep is now known as anthonyl11:17
-!- jm|space [n=jm@p57B9CA8E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Success]11:26
facefacekanzure: actually I wanted to set something like scimate up11:32
facefacecalled 'biobuddy'11:32
facefacein bioinformatics there is a specific bottleneck between biologists and informaticians11:32
facefaceoften biologists need some very simple informatics, and informatics need some very simple bio11:33
facefacethe idea was to partner bio ppl with data with info ppl with algs.11:33
facefaceeach buddy would result in a pub.11:33
-!- nsh [n=nsh@host217-43-230-27.range217-43.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]12:28
kanzurefaceface: that's neat. why would it result in a publication though? says who?12:31
-!- nsh [n=nsh@host86-141-176-82.range86-141.btcentralplus.com] has joined #hplusroadmap12:31
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@208-106-52-115.adsl.dynamic.shocking.com] has joined #hplusroadmap12:39
fennbecause the result of anything at all in academia is a paper12:46
* kanzure turns into a paper12:46
fennit's like a blog... with references, and a paywall12:46
kanzurefenn: should I try to pick a date for you, me and jonathan cline to meet up?12:46
kanzureI really think it would be better if he figured out how to use irc12:47
kanzurebut that doesn't seem to be the case so far..12:47
fenni mailed him yesterday about meeting; he said he'd be on campus today 1-612:47
kanzurewell then. 12:47
fenni said something like 'um, parking, wah! call me i guess'12:47
kanzurethere's a small parking lot on the south wall of my building12:48
kanzureyou can sometimes get away with parking there if it's not a busy day12:48
kanzureusing this: http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/gears/CADgears2/gears.py can you make multiple objects display on the screen? even without the file reading stuff. I seem to be unable to display multiple objects read from a file, and I've been using every debugging trick in the book (passing fake data, using constants instead of reading, etc.)12:54
* fenn grumbles about yet another script named 'gears.py'12:55
kanzureyou better not look at the code.12:55
kanzureit's hideous :(12:55
fenntoo late12:55
fennyou can use a relative path for visualizerOutput.txt12:57
fennwhy isnt this in a git repo12:58
kanzuretry this one: http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/gears/CADgears2/gears_20090415.py (fixes the stupid int(float()))12:58
kanzurebecause my git repos always fail12:58
fennam i supposed to open this from InteractiveViewer?12:58
kanzurethere's an "execute script" option under the 'File' menu12:59
fenndo you have to do  export CSF_GraphicShr=''  to run InteractiveViewer?12:59
* kanzure nods13:00
kanzurebut you have to set the value.13:00
fennok i see some super mario coins13:00
kanzureoh really? how many?13:00
kanzuredid you do anything to fix it?13:00
kanzureare you using gears_20090415.py ?13:00
fennand i think there was a rod/cylinder but it disappeared when i rotated13:01
kanzureyou probably just visually lost track of it13:01
kanzureok, /me goes back to the older version to see what's up13:01
kanzuregee, you know, version control would be great here13:01
kanzureoh wait13:01
* kanzure hunts down the old git notes13:01
fennno it wasnt a rod, just one of the disks on-end13:01
fenni have to exit InteractiveViewer to reload it13:02
kanzuresupposedly display.EraseAll() should do the trick13:02
kanzurebut it never works for me.13:02
fenni didnt do anything but download visualizerOutput.txt and change the path in the file13:03
fenndidnt download _2009041513:03
kanzureok, don't bother13:03
kanzureaw. InteractiveViewer crashes upon trying to load that script over here. how did I write it then?13:06
kanzureor, erm, use it before13:06
kanzureoh, it's because the path is relative13:06
fennit's kind of annoying that python doesn't give you a linenumber mechanism along with the readline() method13:08
kanzureyay display.EraseAll() works now13:08
fenninstead of print "foo" + str(i) + "bar"13:10
fennprint "foo", i, "bar"13:10
kanzurehuh. makes sense. I was trying first print "foo" + i13:10
kanzurebut + would be the + operator for integers13:11
fennalso i think it's worth defining a Gear object before stuffing all the values into opencascade13:12
kanzureI had that in my glxgears.py thingy. so yeah I'll go back to that soon.13:12
fennunless you're really comfortable with pythonOCC introspection13:12
fenndidnt think so13:12
fennoh, another trick for string formatting is like printf13:12
kanzureI know about printf :)13:13
kanzureI told you this code was bad.13:13
fennprint "foo %i bar" % i13:13
fenner, %s13:13
fenn%d dammit13:13
kanzure%d 13:13
fennjust try every letter until you get it13:13
fennsprinkle numbers and decimal points for added effect13:13
fennhey that's what unit tests are for right :P13:14
kanzureeval() and then arrayofvals = range('a','z')13:14
kanzure(who needs documentation)13:14
fennactually since it's a string you could do it in normal code (no eval)13:14
kanzureok, so just assemble \%'s13:14
fennlast night i was working on getting a simple parallel port avr programmer going13:15
kanzurenow that display.EraseAll() works, I can make the script a method and just reload it instead of continuously loading a path to the script etc. it's nice when things work.13:16
fennno matter what i did, nothing worked13:16
kanzurewhat is the programmer made out of? is this one of the makeshift "plug in some resistors and transistors and hope it works" ?13:16
fennthen at the very end, on a whim i tried the usbtiny programmer i had made earlier which isnt supposed to work on old USB port13:16
fennand miraculously it works13:16
fennso now i'm really confused13:16
fennyeah resistors13:16
fenni also have a buffered programmer someone made for me a long time ago, but i might have broken it (that's why i was building the simple resistor one)13:17
fennanyway i can't get a sensible result from the parport13:17
fennvoltages all over the place and i can't seem to get it to change the pin i want13:17
fennbut it changes other pins13:18
kanzurewhat? pin changing? of the parallel port pins?13:18
fennmaybe i'm looking at the connector wrong?13:18
fennchange of pin state, from on to off13:18
fennso i'm glad the usbtiny programmer works but i can only find one of them (i know i stole one back from IU robo club before I left)13:19
fennoh maybe it's in this tub here (usb gadgets)13:19
fennah good there it is13:20
fennnow to see if it works13:20
fennwhoever came up with standard A and B connectors is an idiot13:21
fennoh, right i have to program the programmer first :)13:22
kanzure"I am program, programmer, and that which is programmed."13:22
fennI AM USBTINY13:23
kanzuretreadwell is trying to convince me that the tiny DLP/DMD chip thingies are what I need13:24
kanzurebut these things are still expensive..13:24
fennare they? i dont know where to actually buy them13:24
fennnor have i ever actually seen a unit price13:24
fennyou would assume TI would sell them on digikey13:24
fennall these people talking about <$0.01 RFID tags but i cant find them for <$113:29
kanzurevolume unit discounts13:32
fenn$0.50 in qty 500013:32
fennmaybe that really is the best so far13:33
fenni just have a hard time believing they'd put a $0.50 RFID tag in just about anything you buy at a retail store13:33
fennhm printed tags only came out in february 2009? wtf13:37
fennmaybe the little sticker thingies are just resonant circuits, not really RFID13:37
kanzuretimes a million13:41
kanzureThis small size MEMs (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) assembly made for a blinding output video projection unit. Consists of a .76" x .62" assembly which contains over a million mirrors mounted to a flexible PC cable with tiny gold fingers. Each mirror represents one pixel. We have no info on these however, these were rejected by QC for slight imperfections or scratches. Sold "AS IS" only- No returns. The original cost of these was over $100 each! G15426"13:41
kanzureerm, $313:41
fennyeah good luck interfacing to it13:42
kanzurewhat's that port interface? is that some standard that I already know?13:42
fenni have a bunch of them already; havent we been over this?13:42
kanzureoh, I thought you said you didn't know how to acquire them?13:43
fennwell, ok, perhaps that wasn't 100% perfect way to say it13:43
kanzure"I don't know where to actually but them"13:43
fenni dont know where to buy them with documentation on how to use it13:44
fennjust finding some datasheets could help in figuring out the interface to these $3 chips tho13:44
fenni have no idea if there is any standard interface or what13:45
kanzureemil and I are doing a 9 pm monsters-vs-aliens movie. 13:45
kanzureat the imax down the street13:45
kanzureguess something must be going right13:46
kanzure"Docs? We're talking Electronic Goldmine here, Bryan!14:05
kanzureI've not run across any yet on Google. Perhaps we could throw this out to the Robot Group?14:05
kanzureAs we don't need to create video, we might be able to bootstrap the documentation ourselves. How hard could it be? Let's see...64 pins, 2 states each = 1.8E19 possibilities. You and I could split the job between us, leaving only 9E18 possibilities each."14:05
fennthere's only 25 and i can guess what 4 of them are (power, ground)14:08
fennthis is what they actually look like http://imagebin.org/4561514:09
-!- branstrom [n=branstro@c-be1ee055.438-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #hplusroadmap14:11
kanzureHi branstrom.14:11
branstromHi kanzure!14:11
kanzurewho be?14:11
branstromFound this channel through WTA - transhumanism.se - http://www.biopunk.org/swedish-transhumanists-t78.html14:12
kanzureAh, that's unfortunate. I was hoping you were someone else who I just asked to join the channel. :)14:12
kanzureAnyway, welcome.14:12
kanzurewe're currently complaining about the lack of DMD documentation14:13
kanzurecare to join us?14:13
branstromI think maybe transhumanism.se should be separated from biopunk.org?14:13
branstromDMD means what?14:13
kanzuredigital mirror device. It's a micromechanical mirror array.14:13
fennsuper high resolution in a chip14:13
branstromUh, go ahead, I'll listen in...14:13
fennthey are used in digital projectors14:14
kanzuretranshumanism.se used to be aleph.se, ran by Anders Sandberg14:14
kanzurebut now Anders is some silly philosopher at Oxford14:14
fennit's long been an idea of mine to turn one into a head mounted display14:14
fennwtf is a biopunk14:16
branstromSomeone should take hold of it. I could design a static site or a blog14:16
branstromI'm sure there are people who would help raise it into some remote part of the collective consciousness14:17
fennbranstrom: the more generic and all encompassing you make your organization, the more people will get upset when it turns out not to be what they first imagined14:18
fennsee for example 'world transhumanist association'14:18
fenn'swedish transhumanist association' is only one step down14:19
branstromIt's pretty narrow already, don't you think?14:19
fennmost transhumanists are highly individualistic and don't like people speaking in their place14:19
fennespecially a do-nothing media-hog organization14:20
fennespecially when all they ever talk about is ethics and laws, things that won't exist in a transhumanist context anyway14:21
fennbut whatever, it's just a domain name14:21
branstromHmm, true, but so are humanists, and they're on the rise. As long as you can agree on some principles, I think there's a fair chance you can accomplish something. In addition to being individualistic, I think we also like to be activists?14:21
branstromAnd activists have everything to gain by working together toward some common goal...14:22
fenni don't know what 'activist' means anymore14:22
fennrunning around in the street throwing tear gas canisters at riot cops? is that an activist?14:22
fennwriting snarky comments to slashdot, activist?14:22
fennworking on boring but potentially liberating technology; activist?14:23
branstromAre you so sure we won't have ethics and laws once the ball starts rolling? Maybe they'll just be incredibly more complex?14:23
fenndoing said work at evil corporation/government institution X?14:23
fennbranstrom: of course ethics will still be around; but it's stupid to try to predict what people will be worried about (hint: history has shown that it was never what people predicted)14:24
branstromPeople who want to help the technological revolution come sooner rather than later, and want to bring discussion of all the aspects of it out into the public consciousness in some way, that's an activist in this context, I think14:26
fennmost important is to fix many small, easily solveable problems, not worry about grand philosophical dilemmas14:26
fennlittle things like, you know, not dying14:26
kanzurewhy is it that people that think promoting discussion is so noble?14:27
branstromExcept if you focus too much on the “little“ things, maybe the grand stuff floats out of your control and just evolves mindlessly, and we don't want that, do we?14:27
kanzureanyoen worth their salt is already discussing it14:27
kanzurebranstrom: if you want to help make transhuman projects a reality, give me a fabrication facility14:28
kanzurenot a discussion place14:28
fenni'm tired of discussion, and i suspect anyone who's been aware of the subject for longer than i have, is also tired of discussion14:28
fennmaybe i'm just tired14:29
-!- samrose [n=samrose@c-24-11-214-181.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit [Connection timed out]14:30
branstromSo what would you do if you had... fabrication facilities?14:30
fennkanzure: were there usenet groups about these topics in the 80's?14:30
kanzurefenn: there were mailing lists, but yes14:31
kanzureextropy-chat goes back to the 80s, it's where everyone cool used to hang out14:31
kanzurenow they're just old farts who don't do anything14:31
kanzureanders, eli, ray, etc.14:31
fennnot doers14:31
branstromJust increase everyone's intelligence to make them see the issues more clearly? :)14:31
kanzurewtf is intelligence?14:31
fenndirty word14:31
fennjust increase everyone's godliness14:32
kanzurenonsense word14:32
branstromHave you read On Intelligence?14:32
branstromStill not clear on what it is?14:33
kanzurehe just wrote a bunch of little artificial neural networks14:34
kanzureand came up with some silly HTM theory, which while nice, isn't about intelligence14:34
fennbut kanzure, it's a magic bullet!14:35
fennit must be the one answer we've always been looking for14:35
kanzureoh really?14:35
kanzureokay branstrom solve all my problems14:35
fennobviously, because the universe arranges itself around simple elegant mathematical laws14:35
branstromI have to say I find it increasingly convincing... Read it this autumn14:35
kanzureconvincing of what?14:35
branstromOf course the theory isn't perfect, but no scientific theory starts out with all the pieces put together. It's an incremental process. I think this is a solid theory to start from.14:36
kanzuretheory of what?14:37
branstromAnd they've got it working, haven't they?14:37
kanzureyou can't have a theory when you don't define what you're talking about14:37
fenn"It is the ability to make predictions about the future that is the crux of intelligence." is his definition of intelligence14:37
kanzureoh please14:37
kanzureby that standard, if I make something that combinatorially generates text files of all possible sentences, I'll have the smartest thingy in the universe14:37
fennof course there are numerous counterexamples: music, interpersonal relationships, pattern recognition, abstraction14:38
* kanzure goes back to his programming14:38
fenngoal-seeking is something we're futzing with right now14:39
branstromI don't think you've tried to understand it.14:39
fennrunning a zillion simulations won't help find the path to the goal14:39
fennbranstrom: you're right; i've had all of 7 minutes to read about it14:39
kanzurebranstrom: I don't think you know what I'm saying either.14:40
fennbut i can tell you right now that anyone who tries to squeeze "intelligence" into a tiny little box is going to fail14:40
kanzurewhat I'm saying is that "intelligence" is a buzzword and it doesn't actually exist- no matter how godly people try to describe themselves14:40
branstromWhat godly people? What do you mean by that word? How do they try to describe themselves?14:41
kanzurethey say "people are intelligent"14:41
kanzureor "this person is intelligent"14:41
branstromAnd what's a “tiny little box“?14:41
branstromSo what are you saying, that we can't have a unifying theory of intelligence?14:42
kanzureexactly! because it's bogus!14:42
branstromPlease use proper argumentation.14:42
kanzureyou can't have a "unifying theory" of something that doesn't exist.14:43
fennthere's no logical proof for the existence/non-existence of intelligence14:43
branstromSo intelligence doesn't exist? But you and me, we're intelligent, no?14:43
kanzurewe're what?14:43
fennwhat a semantic clusterfuck14:44
branstromWe understand the world around us, don't we? We can make predictions and we possess abstract knowledge about the goings-on in the complex world that we live in?14:44
branstromDid you really read his book, or did you just read the back cover?14:45
kanzureI read his book.14:45
kanzureI don't see what any of that has to do with whether or not "intelligence" is a true thing.14:45
branstromWhy would we not be intelligent? I don't get it.14:45
fennhm why don't i have this book yet, do either of you have a pdf?14:46
kanzureyes, one moment. it's somewhere. /me digs14:46
branstromfenn: I put a torrent on mininova.org last year14:46
kanzurehm, nope, don't have it on the server14:47
branstromAudiobook + PDF.14:47
kanzureit's actually not worth it, the wikipedia article is a good summary of the arguments14:47
branstromhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memory-prediction_framework This one? Okay...14:47
kanzureI honestly don't see why you had to change the conversation from "intelligence" to "understanding" and "predictions" etc. etc.14:48
kanzureyou're just changing the terminology..14:48
branstromWell, please explain your frustration in better detail.14:48
kanzureyou're the one who believes in this magical thingy called "intelligence" :p14:48
kanzurethat's why I said "we're what?"14:49
kanzurebecause you were essentially saying "we're magical"14:49
kanzureand I completely disagree14:49
branstromI haven't called it magical14:49
kanzureyou said "we're intelligent, aren't we?"14:49
branstromMagic implies undecipherable mystery, which is far from what I mean14:49
kanzurethen why do you use the word "intelligence" ?14:50
kanzureor why do you believe in "intelligence" ?14:50
branstromWhat word should I use, then?14:50
kanzurefor what?14:50
branstromI don't think we've grown up in the same semantic climate... :)14:50
fennthe point is there's no overarching concept that covers everything14:50
kanzure"what word should I use, then?" what word .. "for what" use are you going to use the word?14:50
fennugh.. "real intelligence" vs "artificial intelligence"14:52
branstromLook, every word is ripe with assumptions supplied by our culture and upbringing and so on14:52
kanzureso what?14:52
kanzurewhat I am wondering is "for what". you asked me a question: "which word should I use then?"14:53
branstromWe can't really have a conversation if I have to define every word I use.14:53
kanzurethat's true14:53
kanzurebut it's not like that14:53
kanzuremaybe you're not talking about anything?14:53
fenncan't you guys argue about eugenics or something14:53
-!- elias` [n=me@unaffiliated/elias/x-342423] has quit [Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)]14:54
branstromDo you guys watch Fringe?14:54
kanzureWalter Bishop is based off of me.14:54
kanzure(I'm Bryan Bishop, the real life version of the character)14:54
branstromOh! That's... disconcerting.14:54
branstromAnd strangely erotic.14:55
branstromThe intelligence conversation is making me tired, we'll continue tomorrow, kay?14:55
branstromSomeone's maliciously edited out the reference to you as the true basis of the character ;)14:57
kanzurethe scum of the internet14:57
kanzureyou'll never find a more rechid hive of scum and vilany14:57
branstromSpelled “wretched“, fyi14:58
branstromWho are you guys, anyway?14:58
fennmad scientist, internet anomaly14:58
fennsomething like that14:58
branstromI'm 22, from Sweden, web programmer + designer. Soon to be Cognitive Science student.14:59
fennwhat sort of answer were you looking for?14:59
fenni'm 26 from indiana, USA, now in austin texas to set up a hacker space. soon to be playing with wearable computers14:59
kanzurei'm 19, from austin texas, employed in a bajillion academic labs and a bajillion startups and am secretly an anomaly of the internet manifesting itself in the form of Ai15:00
kanzurenice to meet you15:00
* fenn kicks fennetic.net15:01
fennnot worth what i paid for it :D15:01
kanzureyou paid for it?15:01
kanzureah I see15:01
-!- elias` [n=me@cs78208074.pp.htv.fi] has joined #hplusroadmap15:02
fennmendeley resells your email to spammers15:03
fennoh wait, false alarm15:03
fennthat was some other chem/bio thing i signed up as joe/blow15:03
branstromNice to meet you guys, too.15:04
kanzurejoe blow? I know that guy.15:04
branstromWow, you got a lot going on, kanzure. More than I have, anyhow.15:04
kanzurethat's a recent interview I did, maybe it will help understand what I'm up to?15:05
branstromJust a Rails programmer in the icier part of Sweden. Right near the edge of the wood. Real quiet. o_o15:05
kanzurerails doesn't make you evil. quite the opposite.15:06
branstromThanks, reading15:08
fennwow newegg sells rice cookers?15:10
fennyou know a rice cooker would make a decent bio reactor15:11
fennassuming it were properly hacked for precise temperature control15:12
branstromkanzure: Have you written anything on the non-existence of intelligence, that might be illuminating to someone like me?15:16
branstromWhat about “abstraction“?15:17
branstromYou don't think there's an over-arching algorithm to the sensory data processing taking place in our brains?15:17
branstromI'm pretty much going into Cognitive Science because I'm fascinated by the possible consequences of Hawkins' theory.15:18
fennhence 'emotion' vs 'rational thought' vs 'intuition'15:19
branstromHmm, what if I take back “brains“ and replace it with “neocortex“?15:20
fennargh motherfucking asshats15:20
fennThanks for you interest in OpenWetWare! Unfortunately, we have a new policy regarding usernames where we ask you to give15:20
branstromfenn: alright15:20
fennyour full (publication) names.  Please reapply for an account with your full name, and we'll be happy to process the15:20
fennaccount quickly.15:21
branstromfenn: what kind of wearable computers?15:24
fennthe small and unobtrusive kind, with head mounted display and advanced input devices15:24
fenni.e. not a bar of soap with tiny screen and impossible buttons15:25
branstromAdvanced input devices?15:26
branstromStill wearable, even though they're “advanced“?15:26
fennright now the plan is beagleboard, myvu crystal hacked apart to resemble a microoptical, 3D accelerometer, 2D gyro, GPS module, and finger mouse; will be researching eye trackers for look-and-blink interface15:26
branstromBeagleboard? Myvu?15:27
branstromYeah, yeah.15:28
kanzurefenn: do you need me to rough up the OWW people?15:34
kanzurean email I just received: "I am not a total n00b--to use the WoW-speak--when it comes to the world of biobacking, transhumanism, etc, but I really want to get into the community to learn more."15:34
kanzurebiobacking heh15:34
kanzurehow tall can you make a drop of water before it succumbs to gravity effects?15:36
* fenn mumbles something about naked singularities15:39
fenncall it 2mm15:40
fennit depends on the surface it's on15:40
kanzurefenn: I'm answering the latest DIYbio post asking about ways to transfer genes into organisms.15:41
kanzureso I'm trying to think of the right word for "take the DNA of the organism, splice in a gene through restriction cuts, then ligate it together and then use "15:42
kanzureuh, and then use the method where you tap into a cell and inject new DNA with a physical giant pointy sharp thingy15:42
kanzuresomatic transfer?15:42
kanzurehave people done that?15:42
branstromIf I'd have to blink every time I wanted to click, my cornea would probably get a lot of scratches?15:43
kanzuredoes your cornea get scratched every time you blink?15:43
kanzurehrm. I don't think people have transferred genomic DNA with SCNT though15:44
branstromNo, maybe it'd work. But wouldn't you get tired eventually?15:44
kanzurebranstrom: the mouse was a bad idea.15:45
kanzureI don't like clicking.15:45
branstromNeither do I, but blinking would be marginally worse.15:45
branstromI think.15:45
kanzurehum. dunno. at least you sometimes don't realize you're blinking?15:45
fennwhy arent there any 'green' notebook drives? this ought to be an obvious marketing gimmick15:45
branstromWhy don't we jump straight to mind control?15:46
fennbranstrom: the look-and-blink interface has a lot of unknowns and will probably change significantly15:46
fennbranstrom: perhaps you should ask the KGB about that15:46
kanzurefenn: gene transfer methods, go!15:47
branstromBCI, I mean...15:47
kanzureretrovirus, plasmids, SCNT, 15:47
kanzureanything else?15:47
kanzuremeiosis, mitosis, ..15:47
fennwith two displays, one right, one left, you could only click on the right display if you wink with right eye, etc15:47
fennpeople dont generally wink on accident15:48
fennthen you need two eye trackers though, which precludes a simple one-side attachment15:49
fenni was also considering a 'ear twitch detector'15:49
fennthis would be easy to do, integrated with the glasses and well hidden, but it might get tiring after a while15:50
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branstromA tongue movement detector thingie might work?15:50
fennno thanks15:50
fennthere are other face muscles that could be used too15:51
fenni dont know their names though15:51
kanzureSCNT isn't used as a gene vector?15:52
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fennkanzure: do you want that drive back eventually?16:02
fennmy mom is asking what i want for my birthday16:03
fenntrying to reduce the number of if/and/or/else statements :)16:04
kanzurefenn: no, you can have it16:12
kanzurebut I still think I'm being stupid by giving that to you instead of something with good stuff loaded on it16:12
kanzurethis would be a chance to reduce my SPOFiness16:12
fenni havent installed it yet16:13
kanzurego ahead and use it for now. I have a few others.16:15
kanzureI must be the laziest person on earth, you've been here for, what, two months? and I still haven't got around to this?16:15
kanzurehey cis-action.16:17
kanzurefenn: any ideas on coloring objects in pythonocc? I think it's the "Quantity" module from occ.16:18
kanzureQuantity.Quantity_Color. but then I'm not sure how to set a color.16:19
cis-actionhey guys.16:21
fennthere was an example of coloring16:21
kanzurefenn: test_XDE.py .. but that's not what I want.16:22
kanzureoh, display.DisplayColoredShape(wire.Wire(), 'RED')16:23
kanzurewhich of course isn't implemented blah16:23
fennit's not? i remember seeing screenshots16:24
kanzurewell, in BRepFeat_example.py it uses display.DisplayColoredShape(wire.Wire(), 'RED') but there's no display.DisplayColoredShape() in InteractiveViewer.py16:24
fenn./src/Display/OCCViewer.py:    def DisplayColoredShape(self,shape,color):16:24
kanzurenot found16:25
kanzureis "svn up" supposed to work?16:25
kanzureoh, svn up *16:26
kanzurewhat am I supposed to do with that?16:26
fennhell if i know16:26
fenner, i mean https://mail.gna.org/public/pythonocc-users/2009-03/msg00098.html16:28
kanzureguess it's time for me to rebuild pythonocc16:30
kanzure(though I don't know why)16:30
kanzure"here's a standard protocol for PCR <english braindump>" *wtf*16:33
kanzureit hurts so much :(16:33
kanzurewhy doesn't anybody understand16:34
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kanzurewhy hasn't anybody stolen the NCBI public domain genomes yet? 17:05
kanzuresee typical "wah, people will copyright or patent something you put into the public domain" arguments17:05
kanzurethen point to the public domain genomes17:05
fennbecause NCBI provides free hosting17:17
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kanzurefenn: I don't think that's a reasonable retort.17:35
fennbecause everyone that wants genome data already knows about NCBI?17:36
fennanswers.com succeeded (i guess) in 'stealing' wikipedia because they have good SEO17:36
fennyou can't really advance a genome, so there's no 'embrace and extend' danger17:37
kanzurehuh? evolution?17:38
kanzureI see. it's questionable what an "advancement" was17:39
fenner.. well, the whole concept of patenting a genome doesn't make sense anyway, so the logic is kinda broken17:39
kanzurebut if somebody hooked up a magical advancement super magic bullet machine to the genome repo at NCBI, then would they be concerned and take it down?17:39
kanzureI guess.17:39
kanzureit's just an interesting anomaly on the internet17:39
fennon another planet there might be a torrent of all genome data17:40
fennbut this is earth, where people don't give a shit17:40
kanzureis there any field that studies internet anomalies? astronomers study anomalies in space, but who studies internet anomalies?17:40
kanzuresnopes: "nope, bryan isn't an ai. stop asking."17:40
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-!- drt [n=chatzill@cpe-70-112-223-97.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap17:59
kanzureHello drt.17:59
kanzureyay, is that you david?17:59
drthello kanzure18:00
drtyep it is i18:00
kanzurefenn: treadwell is here18:00
kanzurewe can now proceed to take over the world18:00
kanzuredrt: earlier today we were complaining about the lack of documentation on DMD's.18:00
fennengage power to the plasmak cannons18:00
drtkanzure, i've figured it out. if we each buy 4 of those MEMS devices and check a billion per second18:01
drtwe could finish in 30 years18:01
fennpartly lack of documentation, partly simple lack of availability to 'normal people'18:02
fennif it's a component of a $500 projector it can't cost that much per unit18:03
drtso buy one & take it apart18:03
fennthat provides a source of reverse-engineering data, not documentation18:04
fenni'm concerned the chips they use will be power hogs18:04
fennnot the DLP but the video interface stuff18:04
drtif we just want the end result, we only need to hack the optics18:04
fennif you guys are doing DNA synthesis, that's much less demanding than wearable displays18:05
drtfire teh lazorz @ the mems. the image part of the circuit doesn't need hacking18:06
fennso, $500 is ok for DNA synthesizer hardware?18:06
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kanzureoh, he's right you know18:07
kanzureit would be nice to be able to display images of course18:07
fennyeah i know18:07
kanzurewhich is a good reason to just go with giant LCDs 18:07
fennyou can display images on a DLP in a fairly straightforward way :)18:08
kanzureif you have the documentation.18:08
fennif you have a whole projector you dont need documentation18:08
kanzurewait, am I thinking of a DMD? or a DLP?18:08
kanzurewhich one is the micromirror device?18:08
fennDLP is texas instrument's marketing for DMD's18:08
kanzurewhich one has pixels for light generation?18:10
drthow big do the pixels need to be?18:10
fennthe smaller the better18:10
fennyou'll run into diffraction soon enough18:10
drtwhich means... a few microns, then? DVD lazor resolution?18:11
fennlasers won't fix it18:11
fennand we don't have cheap UV lasers anyway18:12
fennthere's two optics problems: the size of the focusing lens, and the wavelength of light18:12
kanzuredrt: I haven't done the maths yet18:12
kanzurebut ideally, you need an array of something like 100x10018:12
kanzurebecause you're building a strand of DNA at each spot18:12
kanzureand so more => better18:12
fenn100x100 is pitifully small18:13
drtso a BluRay lazer optic system would be better.18:13
drtit's as good as we'll do for cheap18:14
drtthe MEMS devices have a megapixel or so18:14
fenna spinning disc?18:14
fennthe wavelength is somewhat constrained; it has to be energetic enough to remove the photolabile group but not so much that is blasts the dna into pieces18:15
fennkanzure: do you know what wavelength they use?18:15
drtno need for spinning disc. expand the beam to fit the entire MEMS array, but focus it so it'll converge on the synthesis18:15
kanzureno. I don't have any wavelength specs for photolithography / DNA synthesis18:16
drtso don't use UV! DNA doesn't like UV.18:16
fenndrt: ok, so you're just using the blu-ray laser? not the lens/carrier18:16
drtsunburn, and all that18:16
drtright. just the laser18:16
drtgotta run... be back in 20 min...18:16
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kanzureI just wrote a very long email to diybio :(18:37
kanzurehah, nathan asked me for a "brief" description. oops18:38
fennkanzure you really should try to avoid linux-specific jargon when trying to convince biologists to put things in computer readable formats18:41
fennit just makes you look like a wingnut18:41
drtSite-specific binding and stretching of DNA molecules at UV-light-patterned aminoterpolymer films18:42
drtJörg Opitz et al 2004 Nanotechnology 15 717-72318:42
kanzurefenn: can you pick anything out in particular?18:42
kanzuredrt: do you need me to get that for you?18:43
fennIn practice, if the18:43
fennthermocycler ends up with an ethernet connection, then you'd just18:43
fenndump/cat the file to it, or something, or if it's USB-wired, you18:43
fennwouldn't send it through /dev/eth0 but rather elsewhere like a mounted18:43
kanzureyes, that was particularly bad, I agree18:44
kanzuredrt: here it is: http://heybryan.org/books/papers/Site-specific%20binding%20and%20stretching%20of%20DNA%20molecules%20at%20UV-light-patterned%20aminoterpolymer%20films.pdf18:44
-!- samrose [n=samrose@c-24-11-214-181.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap18:44
kanzureHey samrose.18:44
drttry this one instead. it's available online. Thanks, Canada!18:44
drtJörg Opitz et al 2004 Nanotechnology 15 717-72318:44
kanzuredrt: that link above gives you it.18:45
drtfull paper18:45
samrosehey kanzure18:45
drtbut it's not about DNA, but it uses the same photolabile leaving group18:45
kanzuredrt: I have some papers that you might be interested in about photolabile photochemistry DNA stuff18:45
kanzureyou can see them at the top of the list here:18:46
drti'll get right on that ;)18:51
kanzureI'm so confused.18:56
drtreading your list of references18:59
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xp_prgkanzure you here?19:03
drtreading the paper from the Affymetrix peeps "Efficiency of light directed synthesis..."19:06
drti'lll disappear for a few minutes whilst I read this. talk amongst yourselves19:06
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kanzure-xp_prg: yes19:23
kanzure-drt: :) hope you like my paper collection19:23
kanzure-drt: if you want, we can physically arrange for you to get a copy of the data. there's over 40 GB of juicy papers.19:24
kanzure-hehe :)19:24
kanzure-do you have any paper archives?19:24
drtit's like getting a PhD all over again!19:24
drtYep. About 250 pounds of 'em.19:24
kanzure-wait then.19:24
fennis that a good thing?19:24
kanzure-where then is my phd?19:24
fenner, the phd i mean19:25
-!- genehacker [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-174-161.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap19:25
* kanzure- demands a phd19:25
kanzure-genehacker: hey19:25
kanzure-drt: genehacker is the one making a reprap19:25
fennphd's for everybody!19:25
drtLOL. You haven't suffered enough to have a PhD!19:25
genehackerso you talked to Dr. Pryor19:25
kanzure-genehacker: drt is david treadwell, a materials guy who's been helping out with me19:25
kanzure-genehacker: I talked with pryor a while back, yeah19:25
kanzure-he offered me a summer job but I didn't take it19:26
kanzure-wait, he is interested in what I'm doing?19:26
kanzure-he didn't seem too interested when I mentioned it to him19:26
kanzure-I mentioned OROCOS to him and he didn't get all excited or anything19:26
kanzure-genehacker: should I send an email to pryor?19:27
genehackerif you want19:27
fennhow is it that you actually talk to professors? when i was a freshman they wouldn't even look at me19:27
genehackerhe knew what a fablab was19:27
fenn'do you have an appointment?'19:27
genehackerthere was this event here discussing the science of ironman19:27
genehackerplus this guy is pretty cool19:28
kanzure-wtf, science of ironman19:28
* kanzure- missed it :(19:28
genehackerErr, more like engineering of ironman19:28
genehackeryou know what?19:28
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kanzure-cave + iron + man => iron man19:28
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genehackerdude, didn't you see the posters?19:29
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drteveryone wants to talk to Bryan. we're drawn to him like moths to an oxidative plasma19:29
genehackeroxidative plasma?19:29
kanzure-so he knew me? that's good19:29
genehackerlike a plasmak?19:29
genehackeroh you know what?19:30
* fenn repeatedly bashes head into monitor19:30
kanzuregah, too much lag.19:30
kanzure-genehacker: so, re: robotic arms + SLS. I have a new project in the automated design lab19:30
kanzureokay, anyway.19:30
kanzureoh. there I go.19:30
genehackerthey can design purpose built robotic workcells in about a day now19:30
kanzurebasically we get to do SKDB with ADL19:31
kanzureand campbell is thinking of hiring new people over the summer to work on stuff19:31
fenno rly19:31
kanzurefenn should still show up :)19:31
genehackerpryor's working on a "I can't show you this because the military said I can't" project to make an automatic bomb assembly system19:31
genehackeryou know they assemble bombs right there on the ship?19:32
kanzuredo they manufacture the parts on the ship?19:32
genehackerthey put them together19:32
fennsome replacement parts are made with SLS machines19:32
genehackerwith a bunch of humans that work 72 hour shifts19:32
drtoooh! a self-replicating bomb! now that's a career without a future!19:32
genehackerwhat they do is they have like missile bodies and war heads and stuff like that I presume19:33
genehackerspeaking of bombs...19:33
kanzureok sent an email19:34
genehackerto pryor?19:34
genehackerwell I won't be able to talk much, you see I haven't had any sleep19:34
genehackerfluidic guidance of railgun launched missiles19:35
genehackermaybe we could adapt it to make a fluidically guided people seeker19:35
kanzureas fenn said, "you're just interested in it because it has the word fluid in it"19:36
genehackeryeah so?19:36
genehackerit's cool is it not?19:36
genehackera missile guided by a 4 pixel fluidic camera19:37
genehackera thermal imaging camera19:38
genehackerwell I'm afk19:48
kanzurepythonocc is broken now? wah.19:52
kanzureAttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'delete_NISDisplay3d'19:53
kanzureoh, I wasn't root when I installed it20:01
kanzureNeat. I have display.DisplayColoredShape() now.20:01
fennpics or gtfo20:10
fennno, i dont really care, i just wanted to say that20:11
kanzurehad your fill for the day?20:11
fenni do wish the 'gears' would look sorta like gears, or at least be in the same plane20:19
kanzurethey are supposed to be in the same plane.20:20
kanzurethey don't look like gears because I don't know enough about gears to make something that reasonably correctly approximates gears20:20
kanzuremy idea though is to let users dump in standard gear CAD files in the future20:20
kanzureso that this program will just position them20:20
kanzureand the detail is a function of *their* laziness instead of mine20:20
kanzure(because I'm a rotten bastard?)20:20
fennto the core20:20
kanzureso I'm using display.DisplayShape(cylinders[3], 'RED') and when I rotate around, sometimes the surface is yellow, sometimes it's red, sometimes it's white 20:21
kanzureas if there's a light source being simulated20:21
* fenn wonders if cline is ever going to call20:21
kanzurebut then in wireframe mode, the outline is always red (never color changing)20:21
kanzurewhat's up with this?20:21
kanzurefenn: he's never really called me except to say that he's lost or something20:22
kanzure(or lost looking for a space to park)20:23
* kanzure heads down to the imax and to some food20:25
fennhmm. having a hard time articulating why i don't like the openwetware 'full name' policy20:35
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fenn"it's not clear how many people we are losing because they are "freaked out" that people can edit their work under a pseudonym, this number may be larger than the number of people who would be upset about having their real name associated with edits on the site."21:08
fenni must be missing something21:09
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kanzurefenn: the whole point is to let anybody edit21:20
kanzurewhy would we want to restrict diybio? etc.21:20
kanzure it's very hard to program without documentation21:36
kanzurehow do I fix this lighting issue?21:36
kanzureinteresting. if I set the color to 'blue' in wireframe mode, and then switch to shaded mode, the 'blue' doesn't actually stick. how weird.21:38
kanzurebut then if I go back to wireframe, it's back to blue21:38
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kanzureany ideas on fixing this problem?22:30
fenncan you post the script that exhibits the bug?22:30
kanzureyou see it?22:35
kanzureI think XPDE might be what I'm looking for, but I'm scared of it because I have no idea where the documentation is22:35
fennbah. no readline on the python shell22:35
fennhm. ctrl+up-arrow22:36
kanzureI thought you would know that :)22:37
kanzurethere is also some arrow navigation with the popup menus, btw22:37
fenni like wxwidgets because of its strategic value in destroying microsoft, not because it's intrinsically well designed software22:40
kanzurewhere'd that comment come from22:41
fennthe weird shell interface22:41
kanzurehuh? now I'm confused22:43
kanzurethe shell implements python.22:43
fennyeah but it has all sorts of extra features that don't work the way you expect22:43
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kanzurehey drt22:53
* kanzure is hanging out with emil tonight22:53
drtaye, kanzure22:53
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-!- drt is now known as DrTread22:54
DrTreadNickServe is unhappy with my use of "drt", so i'm now the more descriptive "DrTread"22:54
DrTreadyes, yes, it has capital letters. think of it as shouting my name.22:55
fennthat's totally unprofessional. i demand you use your full name and middle initial, so that others don't feel "freaked out" that an anonymous person could read and respond to their comments22:57
kanzureshouting hurts my dendirtes22:57
kanzurefenn: I don't know if DrTread reads diybio or not22:57
kanzureso he might not get that22:57
fennprobably not22:57
DrTreadam so out of teh loopz :(22:57
DrTreadi spends to much tymz readn teh lolcatz22:58
fennDrTread: do you think it's reasonable to require someone to register and post under their full name to an 'open science' wiki?22:58
fenneven if they're not doing 'science'22:58
DrTreadso why are they posting to a science wiki?22:59
fennbecause some idiot decided to make that the place where development happens22:59
DrTread"real" is a funny word in this context. who's doing the checking?23:00
fenngood question, apparently they are too cowardly to use their real name23:01
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fennscience is in quotes because it's not really about science anyway, it's about biological engineering23:06
DrTreadhmmm. i have friends who post on rather dangerous chemistry bboards using a nick, but their real name is visible23:09
fennnothing dangerous, this is pretty mundane stuff23:09
fennpart of what's so maddening is i can't think of any solid reasons either for or against23:10
kanzureDrTread: is it the sciencemadness or rougesci forum?23:10
DrTreadas long as ur not making aerosolized anthrax23:10
kanzureyep :)23:10
kanzurebeen there, done that23:10
DrTreaduh, ok. :)23:10
DrTreadfirst you get a dead sheep23:10
DrTreadand some clay...23:10
fennthen catapult the dead sheep into a secret bioweapons bunker, and while they're busy with that you sneak in and steal the anthrax!23:11
DrTreadLOL "fechez les vacces" as the french kniggits said23:13
kanzuregooglestalk: quantified self meetup23:23
kanzuremark carranza23:23
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kanzurefenn: I need a scheme to get steve to move down here23:31
kanzuremaybe I'll use the XCAF_Doc stuff, though I can't figure out how to display the h_doc object in the interactiveviewer23:39
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kanzurehey cis-action 23:50

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