
--- Day changed Sat Apr 25 2009
drazakkanzure-: do you think immunology would be a good book for disease?00:22
drazakI don't want to tax your internet too much... lol00:22
kanzure-get "pathologic basis of disease"00:23
kanzure-the Saunders book.00:23
drazakthat on your site somewhere?00:31
drazakgot the robbins one00:32
kanzure-close enough.00:35
kanzure-robbins is one of the authors00:35
kanzure-saunders is the publisher00:35
drazakI'm downloading it00:36
drazakit's ass slow00:36
kanzure-I'm getting 800 kb/sec :)00:37
kanzure-if you want, I'll upload it to the university network00:37
kanzure-and it will be ass-fast00:37
fennfaster than a speeding donkey00:38
drazaknah it's ok00:38
kanzure-uploading at 4.2 MB/sec00:39
kanzure-and please tell me what the speed is00:40
kanzure-obviously my internal connection speed is completely unreliable00:40
drazakgot it in like 8 seconds00:42
kanzure-you know, at that rate,00:42
kanzure-I might as well just install mod_proxy or something00:43
kanzure-on the servers at UT00:43
drazakI was gonna offer that to you00:44
drazakbut I don't have a lot of disk space00:44
kanzure-heh some of the other books in /books/Medical/ are funny 00:46
genehackeroh speaking of funny papers00:48
kanzure-it's a book :(00:48
genehackerunplanned space exposure experiment with a flag is interesting00:48
kanzure-hrm. now I need to figure out how to get the javascript working.00:51
genehackerturns out a silk USSR flag doesn't last much more than a year in space00:53
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kanzurehello kardan.10:40
kardanhi, i stumbled about this chan on a site about open source hardware10:46
kardanand i am about to create a linklost for osh10:57
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kanzure-kardan: a what?11:20
kanzure-what is linklost?11:20
kardansry, i meant link list11:21
kardansomething like a research summary11:22
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kanzure-kardan: oh, I have one11:30
kanzure-also, p2pfoundation.net has some good pages like Category:Design and Product_Hacking11:30
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kanzurehrm. meeting up with david at 12:30. 12:06
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ybithttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bryan_Bishop "Bryan Bishop was an American radio personality... ...He was referred to on the show as Bald Bryan." :: i did not know...13:42
wrldpcRandom Question:  any vegans or vegetarians in here?13:52
ybitbut i guess i can't claim that status after eating chowing on some salmon two days ago...13:55
ybitbut i have been for 3 years prior 13:55
ybitwrldpc: why, what's up?13:55
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splicernot me... but i drink a lot of coffee14:38
ybitblender for robotics wiki + link to mailing list15:02
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nshwhat's new in world domination, fellas?15:56
kanzurehi all.16:46
kanzurewrldpc: fenn is vegetarian16:46
kanzurefenn: just talked with les and treadwell for a few hours16:46
genehackerwas it vat grown salmon?16:59
genehackerthey can vat grow goldfish cells17:01
genehackersome guy from nasa was crazy enough to cook and eat the stuff17:02
kanzuregenehacker: you should have come with me today17:06
kanzurewe went to the fablab17:06
genehackerdid you call me?17:07
genehackerdo you have a laser cutter or CNC machine?17:07
genehackerI need to look at apartments...17:09
kanzuregenehacker: I found a place at The Retreat down on Lamar.17:11
kanzurebut if you can find some place on campus, you should go for it17:11
kanzureor near campus17:11
kanzureReliable neuronal logic devices from patterned hippocampal cultures17:12
genehackerhow much17:15
kanzureabout $700/mo17:16
kanzurefor 690 sq ft. 17:16
genehackerfound a closer place17:16
genehackeron speedway17:16
genehackerit's jsut for the summer17:16
kanzureybit: I don't know if that's a good idea or not17:22
kanzureusing blender for robotics?17:22
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* kanzure goes back to working on the firefox extension17:49
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genehackerwhat does the extension do18:00
kanzure-it's for google scholar18:01
kanzure-in particular it keeps track of your queries that you have already done, so that you don't go in circles18:01
kanzure-and the next version will do something like hook up to a dictionary or something18:01
kanzure-to automatically generate new queries with a combination of words and phrases18:01
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kanzure-that are related to what you are trying to find18:01
kanzure-the reason why is because I commonly go in circles on Google Scholar18:02
kanzure-or forget to do a certain query but with a changed term that I later found to be useful or something18:02
kanzure-and if I would have remembered to do that, I would have found something important much much sooner18:02
kanzure-right now I just need to work on the javascript, the gui part is mostly finished18:04
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drazakpeople give me shit for free18:15
drazakI love it18:15
genehackerwhat did you discover one of the advantages of encorporating?18:16
genehackerso you can get companies to send you free stuff18:17
genehackerdear sir or madam my company ######## is interested in utilizing your digital micromirror device in a device we cannot tell you about18:18
genehackermy dad was able to get something like 10 laser diodes that way18:19
genehackersans incorporation though...18:19
drazakI was talking to someone about finding a densitometer in the 80-150$ range18:22
drazakand he was like18:22
drazakif you can fix it you can have this broken one for free!18:22
drazakand I was like18:22
genehackerso apparently you can get big flat panel tvs for really cheap18:24
genehackerbroken ones18:24
genehackerthat have busted caps18:24
drazakthis just has a busted transistoer18:24
genehackerso kanzure, there this new virus out there18:25
genehackeryou heard of that swine flu stuff?18:26
genehackeryou don't think we could make an array biosensor for detecting18:26
kanzure-drazak has been wanting to do just that18:27
drazakbut nobody in diybio has their shit together18:28
drazakincluding myself18:28
kanzure-need a simple way to make rough surfaces18:30
genehackerhave they sequenced it yet?18:30
kanzure-variably rough surfaces18:30
kanzure-droplet actuation without pain.18:31
genehackeris this for an array biosensor?18:31
kanzure-it could be.18:31
kanzure-but in general.18:31
genehackershoot surface with petawatt laser18:31
kanzure-er, I don't have a petawatt laser18:32
genehackerI know some people who do....18:32
genehackerit will always be rough though18:32
kanzure-I need a way to photopattern Rain-X18:33
kanzure-I guess a stencil would work18:33
kanzure-alternating thin lines of rainx is enough to make droplets move over the surface18:33
genehackerwhat is rainx made of?18:34
kanzure-dunno. it's just a general hydrophobic material.18:36
kanzure-it's not easy to draw with- it's meant to coat cars- so it might not be a good idea18:36
genehackeryou could piranha treat some stuff18:36
kanzure-don't think piranha is diy-friednly18:36
genehackerwhat is piranha again?18:39
kanzure-some sort of nasty acid18:39
genehackerh2o2 and some acid?18:40
genehackergoodfd point18:40
kanzure-check this out18:40
kanzure-pg 318:40
genehackerthe system is down18:44
genehackerI can't get in 18:46
genehackerhmmm... you think we could make DNA based vaccines with a gene synth?18:47
kanzure-maybe. but I think an arrayer or something similar to an arrayer wuold make more sense at first.18:47
genehackerwe can use inkjet printers18:48
genehackerif we could figure how to clean the inkjets18:48
genehackerthough the photolithographic method would work too18:48
kanzure-oh shit I feel so stupid-- 18:48
kanzure-Nanodispenser for attoliter volume deposition using atomic force microscopy probes modified by focused-ion-beam milling18:48
kanzure-they make an array of attoliters of water droplets18:48
kanzure-by using surface tension of a hole in the tip of an AFM probe18:49
kanzure-makes sense.18:49
genehackercould we do it fast and accurately?18:49
kanzure-accurately to within 1 meter, sure18:49
kanzure-that's enough, right?18:49
genehackerI figured out how to answer any question in dynamics18:49
genehackerwhat does v =?18:50
genehackerv= 018:50
genehacker0.000000000 billion parsecs per second18:50
genehackeryeah we should just go with the photolithographic method18:51
kanzure-of what though18:53
kanzure-thought you said you couldn't access that paper I linked to18:53
genehacker403 forbidden18:53
kanzure-oh, okay18:54
kanzure-I was using scp instead of sftp, so scp probably wrote some crazy-stupid chmod permissions for some reason or another18:54
kanzure-but yeah, anyway, 18:55
kanzure-what the paper is about is this giant radial design18:55
kanzure-where the lines are hydrophibic and between the lines it's hydrophilic or something18:55
kanzure-or maybe that's the other way around18:55
kanzure-and apparently droplets will go towards the center of that design18:56
kanzure-and it's some sort of self-assembled monolayer of some peculiar chemical that you'll never be able to access in a million years18:56
kanzure-one way to do gradients might be to pattern a surface but from the side18:58
kanzure-for instance, if you've ever shined a laser so that the dot is 'stretched' and coming in at a surface from an angle close to 180 but definitely not 9018:58
kanzure-scp is a method of file transfer18:58
kanzure-so is ftp.18:58
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kanzure-anyway, if you use a photolithographically-curable polymer,18:58
kanzure-you could pattern the surface roughness by *not* doing 90-degree lithography18:59
kanzure-perpendicular lithography I mean.18:59
kanzure-so, non-perpendicular lithography. how do I search for this? heh'18:59
genehackerperpendicular lithography, wat the ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffuuuu-18:59
kanzure-most lithography is perpendicular19:00
kanzure-where you have a light source shinning at a perpendicular angle at the surface you are patterning19:00
genehackeroops I meant non perpendicular19:04
kanzuredoes the capillary force work for droplets?19:33
genehackertell me what your goal is19:34
kanzureself-actuation of a microfluidic device. no external bullshit.19:34
kanzurein a DIY-friendly manner19:35
genehackerfor sharpie or something else?19:35
kanzurei.e., nanotube forests for superhydrophobic gradients are not fair game19:35
kanzuresharpie, or something else, either way.19:35
genehackerok then how about wax micropumps19:36
genehackeryes capillary forces do work 19:37
genehackeryou can make electroosmotic pumps19:38
kanzureI'm not seeing any papers that have done capillary force actuation of droplets19:38
genehackerwhat do you want to use the pump for19:38
kanzureI don't want an active pump19:39
kanzureI want a passive system..19:39
genehackera passive system?19:39
kanzureso that it doesn't have to be externally wired up to anything19:40
kanzurea system entirely made up of surface tension, hydrophobic/hydrophilic or surface roughness, capillary forces, etc.19:40
genehackerinteresting idea19:41
genehackerit would only work once though19:42
genehackerbut that's ok19:42
kanzurewhy would it only work once?19:42
genehackerwhat is the end result a one use biosensor?19:42
kanzurefor instance, consider a hydrophobic surface or something19:42
kanzurethat consists of a gradient due to micropillars of increasingly larger sizes19:42
kanzurethis can be used as many times as you want ..19:42
kanzurethe water will still act the same way when you dispense a droplet on it19:43
genehackersounds like a perpetual motion machine19:43
kanzurenah, there's energy input19:43
genehackeror I don't exactly understnad it19:43
kanzurelike the water.19:43
genehackerput it on a boat19:43
genehackera very tiny boat19:44
kanzurewater can be made to go uphill19:44
kanzureit can also be made to go in a certain pattern on a surface19:44
kanzurethat's the idea here.19:44
kanzurehow is that perpetual motion?19:44
genehackerif you continously remove the water then you are good19:44
kanzurebut the trick is figuring out how to pattern those surfaces using a simple method19:45
genehackerwhat do you want to use it for?19:46
kanzurefor anything?19:46
kanzureI mean, for multiply different projects19:46
genehackername one19:46
kanzureDNA synthesis19:46
genehackerno idea how to pattern surfaces19:47
kanzureideally a mechanical method would be useful here.a19:47
kanzurephotolithography could do it using non-perpendicular lithography, but if you have a photolithography setup then what's the point- just pattern microstructures / micropillars19:48
kanzuremechanical pore creation or something would be enough.19:48
genehackerwell don't you think acoustic actuation would be easier19:48
kanzureand then by modulating the density of pores over the surface, you make yer gradient19:48
kanzureno, because that would vibrate the entire device19:48
genehackerchange the resonant frequency19:49
genehackeruse different frequencies to drive different regoins19:50
genehackeranother good option would be to have one pump and a multiplexing system19:55
genehackerhey didn't you say there was a paper about a substance that changes it's surface tension with light or something?19:56
genehackerbtw know of anyway I could make a small device that jams TVs?19:57
genehackerfrom a distance of very close?19:57
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kanzuregenehacker: it would involve an infrared transmitter and a PIC or something20:09
genehackerI want to build a device that induces a current in the wires connected to a TV, so that the TV displays static20:09
kardan1kanzure, danke fuer deine links vorhin20:11
kardan1ich hab das hier mit eingetragen https://we.riseup.net/opensourcehardware20:12
kanzureI do not think we speak the same language20:15
genehackerhe says he registered for that open hardware website20:16
genehackerjust use google translate20:16
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kardan1haho, i wroe in german to yo20:21
kardan1thanks for your links20:22
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kardan1i addem them to our group site https://we.riseup.net/opensourcehardware20:22
kanzureI see.20:22
kanzureI don't know if you've read through the p2pfoundation.net site yet or openmanufacturing.net20:22
kanzurestallman was yesterday20:25
genehackerah well20:27
genehackerI think I saw someone with an HMD there...20:29
kanzurehow hard is it to acquire ferric chloride?20:32
kanzuredoesn't sound too terrible20:35
kanzurehazard class 820:35
genehackergo to radio shack hard20:50
kanzurebut isn't it a bad thing to go to radio shack?20:51
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kanzure-what is h1n1?21:45
genehackerpapers that are just days old21:45
genehackerswine flu21:45
kanzure-that's fast in terms of response21:45
genehackerhopefully it isn't the next big pandemic21:45
genehackeror anything like the 1918 spanish flu outbreak21:46
genehackerAND A DAMN GOOD THING TOO21:46
genehackerthere's some people infected in Texas21:48
genehackerso how can we detect it21:51
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ybitkanzure i'm not sure either, just found it interesting since i'm a blender fan boy22:34
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genehackerI for one use metasequoia sometimes22:39
genehackerfor modelling22:39
kanzureblender has fanboys?22:42
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genehackerI guess22:59
genehackerevery piece of software is bound to have fanboys22:59
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kanzureIt is time for the cessation of dominantly 20hz and greater brainwaves.23:57
kanzureexcept maybe not23:57
kanzurewhat is this about?23:58
kanzureoh, mirrored content23:58

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