
--- Day changed Thu Apr 30 2009
fennlow cost pcr only $95 for the book??00:08
fennwhat planet are these people from00:08
fennthat last arrow in your diagram should be labeled "and then a miracle happens..."01:20
kanzure-not if you have a small database of quickie equations01:29
kanzure-campbell did his thesis with 300 components in that format01:29
kanzure-er, sorry, I mean the format that represented that bottom mechanical thingy portion of the diagram01:30
fenni'm skimming a-design, it actually looks pretty good01:30
kanzure-yeah, I found the FP stuff odd (page 43 or 63, I don't know which is which)01:30
kanzure-it was basically the same thing as what I was calling "control point"01:30
fennhttp://www.andrew.cmu.edu/org/IDIG/The A-Design approach to managing automated design synthesis.pdf01:31
kanzure-oh. I linked you to the thesis :p01:31
fennnot sure i want to read 63 pages right now01:31
kanzure-that's only because it hates you01:31
fennfair enough01:32
kanzure-I would not recommend reading it01:32
kanzure-most of it was just lots of fluff/padding01:32
fennwhat's the difference between a thesis and a dissertation anyway?01:32
kanzure-ooh, I've never seen that01:34
kanzure-"Is the design as presented above good? [Y/N]"01:34
kanzure-so instead of straight up using physical quantities, he and some previous students have been using bondgraph voodoo magic01:35
fennthat last diagram makes no sense unless you're reading the paper01:38
fennso if he put all this work into a-design how come you're all using graphsynth which totally sucks and does nothing useful?01:40
kanzure-I'm not sure .. but I've already had to "re-come-up-with-stuff" that turns out looking like a-design (particularly the representation portions)01:41
kanzure-so I emailed him after reading his thesis (or the parts of it that were useful)01:43
kanzure-and he responded with this paper as clarification re: the representation stuff01:43
genehackerhey kanzure you don't think you could make an automated design program that designs 3d cartesian positioning systems?01:54
genehackerIE automatically design a better reprap cartesian robot01:54
kanzure-what is involved in a cartesian positioner01:54
kanzure-and why not use emc?01:54
genehackerthe ability to move in 3 dimensions01:55
genehackerI want to find a way to replace all that threaded rod with plastic01:55
kanzure-so I'm not very familiar with different types of positioners01:55
kanzure-I know there are some piezos, but that's not really a design issue01:55
kanzure-that's more of an issue of getting a hunk of piezo crystal01:56
genehackernot even SCARA?01:56
kanzure-what's that?01:56
genehackerit's what we have to figure out how to drive in ME 21801:56
kanzure-what's 218?01:57
genehackera class01:57
kanzure-which one01:57
genehackerengineering computation methods01:57
genehackerME205 levelled up01:57
kanzure-so, what do you mean by referencing SCARA01:57
genehackeryou don't drive a really robot01:57
kanzure-do you mean you have a SCARA robot and you have to write software for it?01:57
kanzure-or do you mean you get to design linkages, or what?01:57
genehackerit's a  non-cartesian positioning system01:57
kanzure-wikipedia says it can access the xy plane01:58
genehackeryou write a program that takes a point and outputs angles on the arm01:58
kanzure-how is that non-cartesian01:58
fennwhat was that FEA shape optimization program01:58
kanzure-fenn: freefem++01:58
fennwas that it? looks like just a generic FEA engine01:59
genehackernon-cartesian as in the coordinate system it makes isn't cartesian01:59
genehackerthink polar vs. cartesian01:59
kanzure-fenn: yes. it was another paper that did the optimization magic.01:59
kanzure-search for "structural optimization with freefem++"01:59
kanzure-paper: http://heybryan.org/books/papers/Structural%20optimization%20with%20FreeFem++.pdf01:59
fennah here we go http://www.cmap.polytechnique.fr/~allaire/freefem_en.html01:59
kanzure-but it was a web page that they had01:59
genehackerthe vector you input to the robot is the angles of the arm02:00
kanzure-so, I still don't understand02:00
fennso anyway, genehacker throw your constraints into that and it should barf out some optimized plastic shapes02:00
fennat least that's my kanzure-level understanding of it :P02:00
kanzure-do you get to choose different actuators?02:00
kanzure-if so, which actuators are fair game?02:00
genehackerno, but if you want02:00
kanzure-do you get to use weird linkages?02:00
kanzure-so yes or no?02:01
genehackerif you want to02:01
kanzure-fenn: err. what?02:01
genehackerI was just thinking of optimizing the current desing02:01
kanzure-fenn: constraints for cartesian movement?02:01
genehackeryou have 3 orthogonal axes of movement02:01
fennbtw genehacker emc runs SCARA kinematics just fine02:01
* kanzure- sighs02:01
fennffs you dont know about emc?02:01
genehackerI did at one point02:02
genehackerbut in my current sleep deprived state02:02
genehackerwait a second02:02
genehackerwait one second02:02
* fenn waits02:02
genehackerdid you just say runs SCARA kinematics?02:02
genehackeras in figures out how to move a machine tool?02:02
kanzure-on the news, there was a mother talking about the flu02:03
kanzure-and how she is protecting her child02:03
kanzure-and she said at the end,02:03
genehackerto machine stuff02:03
genehackerby not vaccinating02:03
kanzure-"so just do what you're supposed to do, keep them clean and keep them in doors if they're sick"02:03
kanzure-"and hopefully they'll find a vaccine soon"02:03
kanzure-not that we, you know, don't already have one :p02:03
genehackerunfortunately there isn't going to be one soon02:04
kanzure-er, wait02:04
genehackerif we get this gene synth working...02:04
kanzure-I've screwed up02:04
genehackerfenn can it do polar robots02:04
kanzure-isn't that just a form of coordinate transformation though?02:04
kanzure-am I missing something substantial?02:05
fennit's "just" a coordinate transformation02:05
genehackercan it move the head at constant velocity>02:05
kanzure-doesn't that depend on your controller02:05
genehackerif it does02:06
fennthere's all kinds of other crap you have to keep separate in the cognitive model though, which trips up a lot of people (programmers)02:06
kanzure-when doing coordinate transformations?02:06
genehackeris it compatible with legos?02:06
fennwhat do you mean constant velocity?02:06
genehackermove in straight line at 3 units/s02:06
fennthere's variable blending of corners to keep the speed up, if that's what you mean02:06
fennsure, that's the most basic thing02:07
genehackerI want to move the arm of a scara robot in a straight line at constant speed02:07
genehackeractually I want to use a polar robot to make straight lines of goop02:08
fennaw poo now i can't find the screencast of the scara simulation02:08
fenni never did figure out how to do a screencast of opengl stuff02:08
fennor i'd just record it myself02:09
kanzure-the mesa 3d people should know02:09
kanzure-(software layer opengl)02:09
genehackerlooks like it might work for me fenn02:09
fenni was using software rendering02:09
genehackerso you know I made a polar 3d printer02:09
fennso you say02:09
kanzure-you're all liars!02:10
genehackerI never got around to writing software to drive it02:10
fennyes, i cut down your cherry tree02:10
fenni cannot tell a lie02:10
kanzure-what about it?02:11
genehackerswine flu02:12
genehackerwell I'm going to bed02:12
genehackerenjoy this:02:12
genehackerautomatic assembly of sand molds and stuff02:15
genehackerspecial truss joints made for robots to assemble02:16
genehackercan't figure out how they work02:16
genehackerfenn that simulation show the arm moving at constant velocity!02:18
fennheh "Egypt slaughtered all its pigs"02:18
genehacker$100 genome02:19
genehackerwell I'm AFK02:19
* kanzure- is still looking for his sap02:24
kanzure-or some way to make roots weep.02:25
kanzure-"The ability to secrete a vast array of compounds into the rhizosphere is one of the most remarkable metabolic features of plant roots, with nearly 5% to 21% of all photosynthetically fixed carbon being transferred to the rhizosphere through root exudates (Marschner, 1995)."02:28
kanzure-it would be so amazingly awesome if we can just get roots to cry out our recombinant proteins02:29
kanzure-put those things into a mist/vapor bioreactor02:29
kanzure-hang them on some metal mesh02:30
kanzure-probably something like a plastic bag + fan + water bottle + growth media of undetermined substrate02:30
kanzure-er, plastic bag would have a hole at the top so that the greeneries could be facing the sun or something02:30
kanzure-or a lighting system.02:30
kanzure-#   Marschner H (1995) Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants, Ed 2. Academic Press, London02:32
kanzure-well that's not encouraging02:32
kanzure-"Structural analysis of secreted root slime from maize"02:35
kanzure-interesting. plant cells "separate" from the root cap to go out to test the soil for various pathogenic-incompatibilities before a root "decides" to grow in one direction in some species.02:38
kanzure-heh "mucilage"02:38
fennscout cells? 02:43
kanzure-I wish *I* had scout cells for dealing with potentially moving into new places or with new people ..02:48
kanzure-leave a few neurons behind or something?02:48
kanzure-eric might find a use for something like that02:49
kanzure-hrm. there's not much of an evolutionary advantage to secrete any particular protein02:50
kanzure-there seems to be advantages to secreting that slime of organic compounds02:50
kanzure-I would think that protein excretion could at least be used to break down hard soil, right?02:51
kanzure-"Regulation of synthesis and transport of secreted proteins in cereal aleurone02:51
fenna lot of secreted "slime" (glycoprotein) is used for communication with bacteria and moisture retention02:56
kanzure-this is the best I can find02:56
kanzure-production of recombinant proteins in plant root exudates02:56
fennwhy plants btw? is yeast or bacteria not good enough?02:57
kanzure-I like the concept of dripping02:57
kanzure-and want to avoid buffers, purification steps, centrifugation02:57
kanzure-god, I suck for wanting to avoid centrifugation02:57
fennyou know you can code for protein secretion from cells02:58
fenner, bacteria and yeast02:58
fennwell, bacteria at least02:58
kanzure-I've seen a few papers about that02:58
kanzure-but it secretes it into the growth medium02:58
kanzure-and that isn't necessarily human digestable02:58
fennyeah it's full of cells :\02:58
kanzure-not that I'm necessarily interested in the human digestion of the products02:58
kanzure-but it would be a very nice perk02:58
fennfertilizer doesnt sound too appetizing either02:59
kanzure-for plants?02:59
kanzure-that's why you use a mist/vapor reactor02:59
fennplant fertilizer for human digestion02:59
fennmist is unnecessary complication02:59
fennyou can grow plants in a pot of water if needed03:00
kanzure-but then you have the roots in the water03:00
fennif you catch mist droplets it'll be full of water and fertilizer too03:00
kanzure-I think we can mechanically constrain that cleverly03:00
fennyou can't have one droplet full of protein and another droplet full of fertilizer, not without some kind of purification03:01
kanzure-make the mist travel more in one direction and have a collection unit thingy03:01
fennbah whatever03:01
* fenn stomps off to do some errand03:01
kanzure-well, I'll consider putting it in water03:02
kanzure-but not if the fertilizer is some nasty cow shit03:02
kanzure-"In modern tobacco farming, Nicotiana seeds are scattered onto the surface of the soil, as their germination is activated by light." (that last paper uses tobacco plants)03:31
kanzure-looks ok to seed them in manure but then wash them thoroughly when transplanting them to a liquid medium or something (once the roots start growing significantly)03:31
kanzure-is it illegal to grow tobacco, and should I care?03:32
ybitfinally the interwebs are working again03:38
ybitwho's solved the flu epidemic yet03:40
ybitany i never got a response (unless it was  while i was offline all day), where did this nice cell membrane svg come from03:43
kanzure-ybit: solved, sort of03:43
kanzure-not really though03:43
kanzure-did you see the oseltamivir synthesis steps I posted to diybio?03:44
kanzure-the genome has been partly sequenced and links were posted to diybio03:44
kanzure-in other news, I've been reading up on recombinant protein expression in plant roots.03:44
ybitfrom latex right?03:45
ybitof a dandelion or something like that03:45
kanzure-well, the latex stuff is if you want to crunch up a dandelion stem and leafs03:45
kanzure-and then you have to centrifuge it03:45
kanzure-but, roots just secrete shit all the time03:45
ybithttp://imgbin.org/images/473.jpg :: picture of the newly planted garden03:46
ybittaken this sunday03:46
kanzure-your garden?03:47
kanzure-not to be mean, but the quality of those photos is terrible03:47
ybiti am mapping it out as well03:47
ybitnot mean at all03:47
ybitit's from my crappy cell 03:47
ybitthat's my initial take on it with inkscape: http://imgbin.org/images/472.png03:48
ybitneed to find some better mapping tools and need to have the soil tested as well03:48
ybitthere's also a creek there, forgot to put it on there03:49
ybitso what did drew endy have to say? :P03:51
kanzure-nothing much03:52
kanzure-he just pointed out some big problems with the article03:53
kanzure-for instance, the author said that you could get free biobricks from the biobrick foundation03:53
kanzure-or that diybio-boston would send you plasmids03:53
ybitmeh, got to hate that03:53
kanzure-so he was concerned about the lies03:53
kanzure-and in particular also concerned with the "anti-scientist" mentality being portrayed03:53
ybit..when journalists botch an article03:54
ybithere's an example, though not as interesting as diybio: www.florala.net/news/2009/01/29/Life/Quidditch.Tournament-3602923.shtml03:54
* ybit wonders why he didn't go for the journalist03:55
kanzure-oh yay, http://www.google.com/search?q=grow+your+own+tabacco&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:unofficial&client=firefox-a03:55
kanzure-apparently people already do it03:55
kanzure-hrm. and people already do hydroponic tobacco.03:56
ybitnot yet... "[22:43] <kanzure-> did you see the oseltamivir synthesis steps I posted to diybio?"03:59
kanzure-5 to 10 gallon bubbler? blah.03:59
kanzure-how is it that they were using just a flask in the paper?03:59
ybitsweet. i'm looking forward to doing a lot of what's mentioned on the mailing lists soon, money is starting to accumulate so that i may04:02
kanzure-this is looking increasingly more reasonable04:04
kanzure-did you see the agrobacterium harvesting stuff?04:04
kanzure-you can hunt around a forest for it04:04
kanzure-freeze-thaw method of transformation04:04
kanzure-then streak it over the leafs of your favorite plant04:04
ybiti saw it, haven't read it yet04:04
ybithave you guys seen the studies showing that older bilingual minds are sharper than monolingual ones?04:08
ybiti wonder how similar a bilingual mind is with a monolingual computer scientist or mathematician04:11
kanzure-maybe supermemo.com has something04:15
ybiti forgot about supermemo04:15
ybitnever tried it either04:19
ybitthere are some interesting faqs though04:19
kanzure-hrm. generation of induced pluripotent stem cells via recombinant proteins.04:27
kanzure-and then the recent one I just linked to- re: recombinant protein expression in tobacco roots, .. might be interesting.04:28
kanzure-those proteins reprogram somatic cells. which is interesting.04:28
kanzure-taq polymerase.04:30
kanzure-hey cis-action 04:57
fennso, once you get a transformed tobacco plant, can you keep it alive indefinitely?10:10
fennor could you breed it and make seeds?10:10
fennkanzure-: did you ever read the paper about transforming with pollen? they used tobacco specifically10:18
fennby Wantana Tangpremsri10:26
* fenn kicks filebin.*10:27
fennftp://ÉúÎïÎÄÏ×/Methods in Molecular Biology/Agrobacterium Protocols I.pdf12:40
fennftp://ÉúÎïÎÄÏ×/Methods in Molecular Biology/Agrobacterium Protocols II.pdf12:40
fenn500 pages with pictures is a bit more than i expected in a 5MB file12:52
wrldpcColossus:  http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-741269046340632338413:49
wrldpcThe film is being played today at the Brattle Square theatre in Cambridge as part of the Cambridge Sci Festival.13:49
kanzure-fenn: no, what pollen paper?13:58
kanzure-wrldpc: we talk about openfarmtech.org in here all the time :p13:58
kanzure-wrldpc: why?14:03
kanzure-oh, you gave me an author name. thank you.14:13
kanzure-hrm. pollen as a vector.14:13
fenn"Genetic transformation in Nicotiana tabacum using pollen as a vector", specifically14:16
fennbut it looks like the same protocol14:16
kanzure-don't have access.14:19
fennif you can find a place for me to upload .pdf's that isnt broken, i'll upload it14:19
fennweb 2.0: making simple things complicated!14:21
kanzurefenn: you already have a user account on adl.serveftp.org14:21
fennah so i do14:22
kanzureno idea what the password is14:22
fenngood :)14:23
kanzureare you able to log in?14:23
kanzureplease put it in public_html just for the sake of it14:24
kanzureor, er, nevermind14:24
facefaceI am not sure if this is the right place to post this but I do not know14:27
facefacewho else to ask. I am currently applying to college and want to study14:27
facefacebioinformatics. I have a few questions which my college advisors cannot14:27
kanzure-"any DNA introduced into the pollen tube tip this way would have to .."14:27
facefacewrong channel14:27
facefaceits not me its some other dude14:27
kanzure-yeah I saw the email14:27
facefacekanzure-: meant to paste in #bioinf14:27
facefacekanzure-: I am a director of bioinf.org now14:27
kanzure-do you mean bioinformatics.org ?14:28
facefaceI don't know what it means14:28
facefacebut they voted me in14:28
kanzure-well, make sure you take good care of /pogo/14:28
facefacePage not found14:28
facefaceThe Pogo - Posam Project!14:29
kanzureseems to work for me.14:29
facefaceI read pongo14:29
facefacebut I see it now14:29
facefacewhat can I do to help?14:30
kanzure-just don't let it vanish14:31
kanzure-fenn: so, this looks easier than hunting for agrobacterium14:31
splicer(I wonder if it's control system is named after the old punk rock dance)14:34
splicer(( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pogo_(dance) ))14:35
kanzureneat, koyaanisqatsi is on google video now14:51
facefaceI love that14:52
splicerspeaking of google video... did you see the show about bacteriophages? apparently the georgians have used bacteriophages and since the 40:ies... and use them as often as traditional antibiotics still.15:02
splicerseems to be a possible solution to the resistant bacteria problem15:02
splicerI love the quote "Once you go around the internet a certain number of times, you begin to run into the same people, ..."15:21
kanzureare you being sarcastic?15:29
splicerit's something that's true... just never heard it put like that before15:31
splicer(Powaqqatsi and Naqoyqatsi are on google video too) 15:32
kanzurehttp://prezi.com/51683/view/#47 annoying bodyhacking presentation15:34
kanzure(for austin)15:34
kanzuresplicer: I like "Anima Mundi".15:34
splicerlooks nice15:37
splicer(anima mundi)15:37
kanzure-I forgot how terrible most AMVs are. people don't even know how to synch up clips to music any more.15:56
kanzure-and rarely anybody edits out mouth movement .. amateurs.15:56
kanzure-splicer: I like 10:40~ in the video in particular.15:57
xp_prgzinc fingers look cool!17:07
xp_prgcan zinc fingers be used in a xenopus egg?17:08
kanzurewhat is a pro domain?17:14
genehackerkanzure I think you are forgetting the true purpose of AMVs17:21
genehackerthe true purpose of an AMV is to liberate music by using fair use17:22
-!- duzt|sleep is now known as duzt17:57
kanzurecis-action: hey.17:58
kanzureany idea what a prodomain is?17:59
genehackerwe need mesh nets18:21
kanzurethere's a protein we can express in tobacco18:23
kanzurethat inhibits myostatin18:23
genehackerhope they aren't right about internet brownouts18:29
genehackerwe need wifi blimps18:32
genehackerhow would we do long range communication though?18:35
genehackerwhat about rain?18:36
genehackerthat stops lasers18:36
genehackerthough I've heard of  military submarines talking to satellites WHILE UNDERWATER18:36
genehackerperhaps just build so many wifi blimps that the FCC doesn't bother asking for liscenses18:37
kanzureresidues 42 through 115 of myostatin can be expressed to inhibit myostatin.18:37
kanzure42 through 115. just remember that and you're good to go.18:38
kanzuredon't know if this has to be intraveneous or if oral administration of this propeptide will cause myostatin inhibition. hrm.18:38
genehackermystatin inhibits myostatin?18:38
kanzurea region of myostatin :)18:38
genehackermakes sense18:39
genehackerwhy are you trying to inhibit myostatin again?18:40
genehackerI know what the result is18:41
kanzurebecaues it is easier to observe myostatin inhibition than it is to figure out whether or not gene expression modulation in the brain is taking place18:42
kanzurethink of it as a precursor experiment18:42
genehackeris this what you want to make with those weird recombination plant roots18:42
kanzuremaybe, it's certainly an option18:42
genehackeryou aren't going to...18:42
kanzurealthough taq polymerase is also a candidate option18:42
genehackerwell let's make a DNA synth first18:43
genehackerwe need an anoxic chamber18:43
genehackerdon't you have to do DNA synthesis in an oxygen free environment?18:43
kanzurewhat type of DNA synthesis?18:43
kanzurebecause remember, DNA synthesis was originally done by pipetting shit in a lab18:44
genehackerthen why does posam do it in an anoxic chamber18:44
kanzureSyringe method for stepwise chemical synthesis of oligonucleotides18:44
kanzureposam is a different technique- an inkjet oligonucleotide arrayer thingy18:44
genehackerI'll think I'll read some papers again18:44
kanzurebe sure to take notes.18:44
genehackerwhy's it done in an anoxic chamber?18:44
genehackeror I might hold off on this until after finals18:45
kanzureand control of relative humidity18:46
genehackeroh that makes sense18:47
genehackerthis makes things easier for us ;018:47
genehackerso, we need to find if LCD screens pass UV18:48
genehackerso one of the limits to how small we can make the spot on the slide is the wavelength of light18:50
genehackerotherwise we need to figure out how to get some DMD chips18:52
genehackerthis one looks like it should work18:57
genehackeraccording to this paper18:57
kanzure-GASP-1 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=gene&Cmd=retrieve&dopt=full_report&list_uids=9737&log$=databasead&logdbfrom=protein19:00
kanzure-(GASP-1 inhibits myostatin)19:00
kanzure-aha, here we go19:02
genehackerthat paper used a VERY tiny LCD screen19:03
genehackera very high res LCD screen19:03
genehackerScreen size18.5 mm × l3.9 mm19:03
genehackerPixel size18 μm × 18 μm19:03
genehackerNumber of pixels1028 × 77219:03
kanzurerats. GASP-1 is 5985 bp. 19:09
kanzureguess we'll have to build a DNA synthesizer.19:09
genehackernot available!19:09
kanzureor 19:09
kanzurejust the primers19:10
genehackerpretty cheap19:10
kanzureso that we could copy it out of the human genome19:10
genehackerIt is expected that this technique can be applied to the fabrication of μTAS chips such as the flow channel with tapered shapes. 3D MEMS devices may also be fabricated without requiring a repetitive exposure procedure. In addition, this technique is expected to be applied to synthesis technology in DNA chip production because this technique can be applied for controlling the lighting area...19:12
genehacker...and exposure distribution in order to control various photochemical reactions.19:12
genehackerif we could only get that 13 by 18 mm LCD19:12
kanzurehave you read the papers that I have?19:13
genehackerI think we have a winner19:19
genehackerbtw look up grayscale lithography19:19
genehackerit's crazy19:19
genehackeryou can make wedges19:20
genehackermaybe we should try goodwill?19:25
genehackerheard they have flat panel tvs real cheap19:25
kanzureso, I'm moving in next to a harbor freight19:26
kanzureand will have spending/project monies19:26
kanzureis this dangerous?19:26
genehackerdon't they sell cheap chinese mills?19:35
genehackerthey do19:36
kanzure-how big?19:40

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