
--- Day changed Fri May 01 2009
genehackerhey do you know how we can get flourescenet labeled bases00:18
genehackerbecause if we can we can make a DNA sequencer using a microfluidic chip00:18
kanzure-pyrosequencing, you mean?00:31
genehackeryou look at the DNA under a microscope as it passes through the channel00:33
kanzure-based off of the color?00:33
kanzure-there's a company that makes tags for different amino acid sequences00:33
kanzure-but the problem is that it is still experimental00:33
genehackerdid you hear about this one company that has made tags for all 4096 combinations of 6 letter DNA00:39
genehackeralso you might want to check out pressure driven microfluidics in the library00:42
kanzure-but how do you establish a pressure without big pumps00:46
kanzure-I guess you can do a twisting screw pressure system00:46
kanzure-but then you need a mechanism to twist/untwist the screw00:46
genehackerthere's a book on that in the engineering library00:56
genehackerconcerned with the design of micropumps, microvalves, and other microfluidic stuff00:56
genehackerso I'm wondering about thinking about visualizing DNA as images01:05
genehackereach pixel of the image would be  one of 4 different colors01:06
-!- any40932005 is now known as katsmeow01:13
genehackermicroscope + projector= maskless litho machine01:18
genehackerand guess what?01:18
genehackerDLP projectors have a uv filter01:18
genehackeryou know what that means!01:18
kanzure-didn't fenn suggest using a projector a few weeks ago?01:21
genehackernot only that but projectors use mercury lamps!!01:27
genehackerthat's exactly what we need01:28
kanzure-genehacker: did you see the spiderman-suit paper?02:10
genehackerstill reading it03:04
genehackerwhat's the holding force per area?03:05
genehackerIE area a of nanotubes supports how much weight?03:05
kanzure-that's something based off of van der Waals adhesion forcesz03:08
genehackeryeah I know03:09
genehackerbut what did they get it?03:10
genehackeror what's a typical value for nanotube based adhesion film03:10
genehacker100 newtons per square centimeter in the shear direction03:14
genehackernot bad03:14
genehackerfor a 300 lb person this means an area of 13 cm is required to support them while climbing(not hanging from ceiling)03:16
genehackerso about a 4 cm side square of this stuff could support you 03:18
genehackerif you didn't hang from the ceiling03:18
genehackerthat's about the area of your hand03:20
kanzure-in the gecko, the feet pads "peel back" to disconnect, but if you are using your hand, I don't think you could "peel" your hand off like that. your hand doesn't *bend* that way.03:21
genehackerto hang from the ceiling you need 133 square centimeters03:22
genehackerthat works out to a square 12 cm squared03:22
genehackernot bad03:22
genehackerso something about the size of a glove could hold you up with one hand03:23
genehackerthis is with a low safety factor though03:24
genehackerso increase the area a bit03:24
genehackerwonder what the safety factor of climbing rope is?03:25
genehackerhmmmm... something about the size of a silicon wafer should do03:27
genehackerhow do you make hierachially branched nanotubes03:29
kanzure-is that what you need?03:33
kanzure-I thought you just need a CNT forest of some sort03:33
kanzure-hrm. Random file I just found. "How to make a BOM with GNU make.html"03:34
genehackeror something like that03:34
kanzure-so you're effectively asking how to make CNTs? :p03:34
genehackerso if we coat about 4 wafers of some sort of flexible material with these nanotubes03:35
genehackerthen we could scale RLM03:35
genehackerthe big building near the engineering buildings03:36
kanzure-oh. the building.03:36
genehackertallest building on campus03:36
genehackerthe one with the telescope on top and the petawatt laser in the basement03:36
kanzure-real-time dynamic prediction, visualization and modulation of human brain gene expression via 3D laser-targeted gene silencing03:49
kanzure-sorry, doesn't exist yet :)03:49
genehackerah man03:50
genehackerwhy do you want to manipulate gene expression in brain cells?03:50
kanzure-brain augmentation03:50
genehackerhave you figured out what you need to augment?03:51
kanzure-I think it might be possible to make it possible to "flip a switch" to change states of mind03:51
kanzure-for instance, if you record the expression of mRNA responsible for "holy shit my most brilliant moment", or something,03:51
kanzure-or "holy shit, I feel great" or "holy shit, this feels piss-terrible"03:51
kanzure-then you could tweak things more to those states03:52
kanzure-there have been studies of gene expression in parts of the human cortex, but not anything about real-time stuff.03:52
kanzure-although there has been some implant studies or something03:52
kanzure-where different mRNA samples are taken at different times03:53
kanzure-it's a microdialysis machine. er, that's not the right name, but it's kinda like that03:53
kanzure-anyway, it's not very portable03:53
genehackerhow do you record the RNA responsible03:53
kanzure-tiny micropipette03:54
genehackerhmmmm... there was something in that microfluidics book I read today about microfluidic neural interfacing03:54
kanzure-wow I don't have any papers on this? wtf03:54
genehackeror something like that03:54
genehackerit involved needles03:54
kanzure-it's like patch-clamp03:55
kanzure-Following whole-cell patch-clamp recording, mRNA can be harvested from living cells by aspirating the cytoplasm into the patch-clamp pipette. Transcripts expressed in the recorded neuron can then be amplified by RT-PCR.03:57
genehackerthat's teh book I read03:57
genehackerdamn not available online03:57
genehackeroops wrong book03:58
genehackeri think03:58
genehackerwoo internet03:59
genehackerthey don't have the whole thing?04:01
kanzure-"RNAi-Induced Gene Silencing by Local Electroporation in Targeting Brain Region"04:05
kanzure-sounds like a bad idea04:05
kanzure-they were doing it to V104:05
kanzure-visual area V104:08
genehackerin humans?04:09
fenn_i really doubt brain gene expression has any effect on how you feel04:23
-!- fenn_ is now known as fenn04:23
kanzure-er, regulation of neurotransmitter production?04:30
kanzure-they aren't coming from nowhere04:32
-!- katsmeow is now known as katsmeow-afk04:45
kanzure-although the point isn't really feeling-modulation04:46
kanzure-but if you can't tell that something is different, what's thep oint?04:46
fennthere could be objective differences even if not any subjective differences04:52
-!- fenn_ is now known as fenn07:14
fenn"Scientists from Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands harnessed energy from the wind by flying a 10-sq metre kite tethered to a generator, producing 10 kilowatts of power."07:40
fenn1kW/square meter of 'stuff' is pretty damn good by any measure07:40
fennthat's better than orbital monocrystalline solar panels07:41
facefacefenn: that sounds awesome07:46
fennsorry i closed the window; guardian fluff article07:49
fennsee http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laddermill07:49
genehackerit is have you seen the ted talk on kite power07:54
genehackerwait a second 100 megawatts?07:55
genehackerhow big?07:55
genehackerand how much?07:55
genehacker480 megawatts is about how much a decent sized powerplant puts out07:56
fenntu delft webpage on laddermill leaves much to be desired07:57
fennthe movie doesn't even show it working, just a pan/orbit shot around the scene07:57
genehackerwell ted talk about kite power shows a video07:58
genehackerworked on a windy california coast though07:58
fennyes, that's makani07:58
fenngosh.. they have video from an airplane of their stupid kite08:00
genehackerso what are the specs on the ladder mill?08:02
fennomg wind tunnel testing of a kite?08:02
genehackerit's true08:04
genehackerthey do that08:04
genehackerso don't winds continously blow above some height?08:04
fennyes, more or less08:05
fennit's like 95%08:05
genehackeroh yeah the jetstream08:06
genehackerwhat do you mean 95%08:06
facefacecan we make a space ladder?08:07
genehackeryeah sure08:07
genehacker100 megawatts they say08:07
facefaceelectricity for 100,000 homes - I heard a physicist who was angry about that term08:07
genehackermy thermo professor doesn't like that term either08:08
faceface'homes' - a very misleading unit08:08
facefaceso the blades of a regular wind turbine are in the air? or teh electricity is generated by the tug?08:09
* faceface checks wiki08:09
facefaceyeah, that movie was seeming to suggest that you would haul up blades ... my mistake08:11
genehackerthey're in the air08:11
genehackeryou see this wind turbine?08:17
genehackerit only puts out 660 kw08:18
genehackerand was very expensive08:18
fennthere is lots of stupidity in the renewable energy field08:20
fennfaceface: the kites just pull on that rope which turns a winch08:21
facefacefenn: right08:22
facefacehow much would the rope cost to get to the really fast winds?08:22
genehackerso I wonder what you do about atmospheric turbulence08:23
genehackerwhat happens when your kites fly into a storm cloud08:23
facefaceDON'T CROSS THE BEAMS!08:23
facefacewhat happens when you hit one in a plane?08:23
genehackeryou don't08:24
facefacegood idea08:24
genehackeryou don't fly planes near it08:24
facefacebut I got the impression they would be well above storm clouds08:24
genehackeror you have some weird system that flys the kite away from planes08:24
facefacewut altitude?08:26
facefacewut roap for dat?08:26
genehackersteel cable08:26
facefacehow high can you go with that?08:26
genehackeruse google08:26
facefacethink for myself? you you insane?08:27
fennsteel would weigh too much08:34
fennyou want something like dyneema/spectra08:35
fennhigh specific tensile strength08:35
fennof course the idea is to do it reasonably cheaply, so perhaps "normal" materials like kevlar or nylon would be suitable08:35
fennfaceface: there's another version called 'flying windmill' that is basically a tethered electric helicopter driven in reverse08:36
facefacedoes the sun produce much in the way of microwaves?08:40
fennum, good question08:44
fennwhat do you mean 'much'?08:44
fennas a portion of total power output?08:45
fenni think the sun only produces microwave as a result of 'churning' in coronal mass ejections08:49
fennso, that is to say, not very much08:49
facefaceno, just enough to focus into some kind of dynamical plama-hydrodynamic structure08:49
fennless than radio, and far far less than infrared08:49
fennwhat are you writing a sci-fi novel now?08:50
faceface;-) 08:50
facefacebut plasma absorbs microwaves... I guess you can't get a plasma in a vacuum08:50
fenni suggested to my mom for one of her novels in which the sun was 'alive' and conscious and communicating to earthlings via maser-induced acoustic hallucinations08:50
facefaceazimov wrote something similar08:51
fenndunno if she ever got around to writing it08:51
fennasimov wrote about everything and butchered half of it08:51
fennbtw the sun is 99% plasma08:51
facefacefenn: but it has some mass to hold it in once place08:52
fennif it werent plasma it couldnt emit microwaves or radio08:52
facefaceI'm thinking of an orbital generator08:52
fennorbiting what? earth?08:52
facefaceyeah, or some remote planet08:52
fennand capturing microwave radiation?08:52
facefacegenerating electricity from microwaves 08:53
fenni think you've got it somewhat backwards08:53
fennall the solar power proposals from the 70's were based on capturing visible to ultraviolet light, converting to electricity and then beam via phased array to a huge microwave receiver on earth08:53
facefaceas asimov wrote08:54
fennoh shut up about asimov08:54
facefacebut I was thinking that plasma-magnetodynamics would be one way to convert light to electrical curent08:55
fennif i ever build a time machine i'm so going to assassinate reagan08:55
* faceface makes a mental note - don't support fenn tachion research08:55
fennno, plasma doesn't have the bandwidth to absorb light energy08:56
facefaceI read about tachions first in a book by azi...never mind08:56
facefacefenn: right, it absorbes microwaves08:56
fenni'd like to make a distinction here between 'light' and 'microwave' so as to retain some clarity of communication08:56
fenn'light' being something you can see08:57
facefacefenn: isn't it all electro magnetic radiation? /me checks his useless physics08:57
fennsure but so is everything08:57
fenne = mc^2 = h*lambda08:57
facefacesmarty pants08:57
facefaceI'm talking about a magnetic field entangled with an electric one that propagates though space at top speed08:58
fennyou were talking about a plasma rectenna08:59
fennor susceptor08:59
facefaceerm... not sure really... hence 'probably sci-fi'08:59
fennhint: metals have much higher conductivity at realistic temperatures and pressures09:00
facefaceI think they're doing it wrong09:01
fennyou know, a light sail kite generator would actually be pretty efficient in terms of mass to power ratio09:01
facefaceyou don't apply the magnetic field, you guide the one that the plasma generates spontainiously09:01
facefacethats why I wonder about the cost of rope09:02
fennwell, what is 'cost' anywya09:02
fenni mean, anything in orbit costs more than its weight in gold09:02
* faceface prices himself in raw material terms09:03
fennso does it make sense to drop that platinum asteroid into the outback or not?09:03
* faceface goes off to sell a kidney09:03
fennwell, you'd weigh less :P09:03
facefaceyou can grow multiple kidneys09:03
facefacesome people09:03
facefaceI mean like 409:03
facefaceanyway, nice talking to you09:04
genehackerfaceface read this:09:33
genehackerif you are into plasma09:33
genehackeror any alexander bolonkin paper on arxiv09:33
facefaceI'd like to run some plasmamagnitodynmics simulations09:34
faceface"compound plasma configuration" - sounds cool09:42
facefacegenehacker: awesome09:44
genehackerplasma that supposedly can support aneutronic fusion09:44
facefacewutsz that?09:45
genehackerfusion without the nasty neutrons09:45
facefaceI'm really bad a parsing words like that09:45
genehackeryou also extract energy from the plasma  by bouncing it through a coil of wire at 60 hz09:46
genehackerpassing it through a coil removes some of the internal energy of the plasma09:46
facefacejust the kind of thing I was thinking09:46
faceface(only naturally I didn't have any details in mind)09:46
fenngene are there places on campus to fly kites?09:47
fennup and around09:47
fennup, up and away, in my beautiful, beautiful balloon09:55
fenn(for future reference) lyrics brought to you care of the prodigy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvmGbkYDWz410:04
genehackerno not really10:08
genehackerunless you go to the top of some buildings10:09
genehacker2.3382 × 1013 joules10:10
genehacker2.3382 × 10^13 joules per meter10:10
genehackerputting compressed air into bags at 1970 ft below water10:11
fennper meter what10:12
fenn1m^3*gravity*1g/cc*1970ft = 5.88MJ10:14
genehackerper meter cubed10:17
fennsry u r wrong10:17
genehackeryour displacing water so you have to take that into account10:17
fenndude, that's 10 terajoules10:18
fennthat's like a supernova or something10:18
fenn23 terajoules10:18
fennheh supernova = 10^46 J10:19
genehackerterajoules what now?10:20
fenn2.3382 × 10^13 joules = 23.382TJ10:20
genehacker6950 megawatt hours per cubic meters is what they said10:21
genehacker6945 excuseme10:23
fennagain cubic meters of what.. air changes volume as it is compressed10:23
fenngod dammit read what i said10:23
fennis it compressed volume or expanded volume?10:23
fennnot like it fucking matters since the numbers are so totally wrong anyway10:23
genehackerair at 866 psi10:24
fennwhatever dude. do the math yourself if it really matters10:25
genehackercalculate energy it takes to life a column of water  1970ft deep 1 meter in diameter  1 meter10:25
fenn1 meter in diameter by 1 meter cylinder is not 1 cubic meter10:26
fennit's 0.785... m^310:27
genehackercolumn is 600 meters high* 1 meter sq diameter*1027 kg/m3 saltwater(of course you're gonna have weird salinity depth changes but I'm not taking that into account) *9.8*110:29
fenngravity*1m*pi*(0.5m)^2*1970ft*1g/cc = 4.62MJ10:30
genehacker=6038760 joules10:30
fennyou keep changing the numbers around, stop it10:30
genehackermaybe they are?10:30
fennsquare diameter.. that's a new one :)10:32
genehackerdoesn't matter10:32
genehackerit's in meters squared10:32
fennwhy are you suddenly interested in compressed air storage anyway?10:33
genehackerkites might have trouble in storms10:34
genehacker23 TJ per cubic meter would be cool10:34
fennyes but unfortunately those numbers are wrong, remember?10:34
genehackerI guess10:34
genehackermaybe there is some factor I'm not taking into account10:35
fennyou just calculated it yourself and got 6MJ/m^310:35
genehackerthe bags are cone shaped10:36
fenn"the Mariana Trench is 11033 meters" -> 0.111TJ/m^310:36
fennso it aint gonna happen on earth10:37
fennand anyway, its not like you can release all that energy instantly10:37
fennyou have to let it rise to the surface in order to expand10:37
fennor else have some super crush resistant shell10:37
fennone problem you might not be aware of is that air heats up as it is compressed10:39
fennso you have to thermally insulate your air tank or else you lose all that energy10:39
genehackerhere's his blog10:39
fennaw man a professor10:40
fennok point me to the numbers10:40
genehackerbags are cone shaped10:41
genehacker50 meters wide min10:41
genehacker80 meters wide max10:41
genehackercone has top cut off10:42
fennwhy does robert kyriades have seamus garvey's picture?10:42
* fenn grumbles about stupid blogs and lazy engineers and goes to read a nice science fiction book10:43
facefaceA single-molecule method for sequencing DNA that does not require fluorescent labelling could reduce costs and increase sequencing speeds. An exonuclease enzyme might be used to cleave individual nucleotide molecules from the DNA, and when coupled to an appropriate detection system, these nucleotides could be identified in the correct...10:49
genehackerwikipedia is wrong11:04
genehackerAt a depth of around 600 meters, Professor Garvey calculates that the bags would be able to store 25 megajoules of energy for every meter cubed11:05
genehackerclose to the energy density of gasoline11:06
genehackerper liter11:06
fennthere, fixed.11:07
fenngarvey is still off by a factor of 511:07
genehackerfactor of 5?11:08
fennfactor of 4.2511:08
fennwhere do you see that quote11:08
genehackerI see what they did11:09
genehackerdamn those brits11:09
fennwere they using 'british meters'?11:10
genehackerno 6,450 Megawatt hours british11:11
genehackeris really 6.450 megawatt hours american11:11
genehackercomma is decimal in europe11:11
genehackermeme rot11:11
fennit's still totally bogus11:11
genehackerso what can store energy in terajoules11:12
genehackerper m311:12
fennum, gasoline apparently11:12
fenn1.3 × 108 J/gallon = 0.03TJ/m^311:13
fennok not quite11:13
genehacker(1 terajoule) per (cubic meter) = 1 000 000 000 000 pascals11:15
genehackeryoung's modulus of carbon nanotubes 1 terapascal11:17
fennantimatter, unrealistic superconductors, black hole energy storage, relativistic thingamabobs11:18
fennfusion, fission, and other non-chemical energy conversion11:18
fennof course you dont say what shape your 1m^3 volume has to be11:19
genehackerwhat do you mean by unrealistic superconductors?11:19
fenni mean realistic superconductors break down after a certain amount of current11:19
fennmetallic hydrogen might do it11:20
genehackeroh really?11:20
genehackerI was thinking the same11:20
genehackerexists at terapascal pressures11:20
genehackercould one even build a container for it?11:21
fennwhat about your bolonkin tubes11:22
fenna cubic meter of tungsten in orbit around earth would have 0.95TJ kinetic energy11:24
genehackernuclear isomers11:24
genehackeryeah that11:24
genehackerelectrons have to be moving fast in order for super conductance to occur11:24
fenno rly11:25
fennthe idea of metastable helium is this:11:35
fennThree helium atoms are aligned in a metastable state. 11:35
fennWhen it reverts to normal state it releases 0.48 giga joules per kilogram. 11:35
fennonly problem is that it tends to decay spontaneously, with a lifetime of a mere 2.3 hours.11:35
fennN20... not nitrous oxide, but Nitrogen-twenty. Basically a buckeyball composed not of carbon but of nitrogen. The story was that the stuff would hold together, and could contain within the buckeysphere other metastable propellents, but if you taunt the Happy Fun Buckeyball, it would explode and provide all kinds of impulse.11:37
-!- any07342458 is now known as katsmeow-afk14:41
facefaceyou guys scan plos one for interest?15:07
-!- duzt|sleep is now known as duzt15:13
wrldpc_off to the venter lecture15:17
wrldpc_i'll report back15:17
kanzurefaceface: http://heybryan.org/books/papers/Rapid%20sequencing%20of%20individual%20DNA%20molecules%20in%20graphene%20nanogaps.pdf15:58
facefaceyeah, I knew you had projects or material on this, but that particular paper passed me by15:59
fennman i never know how to fill out job applications16:14
fennmaybe i should go to goodwill and find some of these mythical LCD monitors to repair16:44
kanzurefenn: what job application are you filling out?16:54
fennsun harvest, it's a little hippie grocery store close by17:00
kanzureI live right behind sun harvest.17:02
kanzureor, I will be living right behind sun harvest17:02
kanzureacross the street is harbor freight. don't know how much money I'm going to be wasting there.17:03
fenni'd recommend not buying anything from harbor freight except perhaps solid lumps of metal17:04
fenntheir hammers are great :)17:04
fennevery once in a while you'll get a good tool, but overall it's a net loss17:05
wrldpcis it the quality of the tools is lacking?17:27
wrldpci don't know how you could really buy a bad screwdriver17:27
fennobviously he's never bought a bad screwdriver before17:30
fennkanzure: do you want to share a room at the shop?17:34
fennthe fabratory17:34
kanzureyes, on the condition that we get an internet connection there.17:41
-!- any93479388 is now known as katsmeow-afk18:17
-!- duzt|sleep is now known as duzt21:28
kanzure-go back to sleep21:30
kanzuredoes anyone have "Biology Complete" ?22:04
kanzure-http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn16124-solarpowered-sea-slug-harnesses-stolen-plant-genes-.html 22:33
kanzure- Solar-powered sea slug harnesses stolen plant genes22:33
xp_prgthat is cool!22:40
kanzure-heh, "Targeting gene expression in the wool follicle in transgenic sheep"22:46

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