
--- Day changed Tue May 26 2009
genehackerjust a funny thing I saw online00:00
genehackerconvince someone to delete system3200:00
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fennpaul really wrote 15 messages to OM today?02:09
genehackerjust posted my ez-DNA synth proposal to diybio02:12
genehackerhopefully something useful will come of it02:12
fennbudokai = martial arts society; tenkaichi = best under heaven02:47
fennliterally: heaven below 102:48
fennwhich would have been easy to figure out if it were written in japanese, btw02:49
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facefacegenehacker: good luck!04:25
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genehackerdownloadan opera09:53
genehackerinstalling opera 09:54
genehackerdoes opera every experience periodic flash failure like firefox does?09:54
genehackerI love opera10:00
genehackerwell i am now hooked10:01
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genehackerno extensions though10:04
kanzuregenehacker: configure it to make tabs on the left-hand side in a readable list instead of at the top10:21
kanzureand then you're all set to go.10:21
kanzurealso, with a multi-monitor setup you can devote a monitor to bookmarks or something, since the bookmark manager is kind of spiffy10:21
nshtrust kanz10:29
nshhe knows bookmarking10:29
kanzureThermodynamic constraints on neural dimensions, firing rates, brain temperature and size10:36
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kanzurecis-action: hey10:53
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kanzurehow close do you need to get two molecules before a chemical reaction occurs? isn't there some curve for different subatomic forces that are acting on molecules that describes how r is always in the denominator or something?11:40
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genehackerkanzure mechanosynthesis?12:25
kanzuredoes this work for anyone12:26
genehackerit loaded 50 milliseconds longer than usual12:26
genehackerit works12:26
genehackercan I get some adblock stuff for opera?12:28
genehackerbtw how do browser companies make money?12:28
kanzureopera sells itself to nintendo/wii/cellphones12:29
kanzurethere's no adblock for opera :(12:29
genehackerwhat about firefox12:31
kanzureit's free/open source software12:31
genehackerthey sell t-shirts I presume?12:31
kanzureMozilla, the foundation that primarily develops firefox, gets money from Google for putting them as the primary search 12:32
kanzureyeah, they sell lots of crap too, but they are largely a non-profit12:32
kanzureso they also work off of donations etc.12:32
genehackerso that's how12:32
genehackeralways wonder12:32
kanzurewell people like me improve firefox for free12:32
kanzurethat's what's so great about open source .. people work on it, and then stuff happens12:33
genehackeranyway I need a way to make phosphoramidite nucleosides12:33
kanzuregenehacker: you should read more papers from acs.org (american chemical society) about DNA synthesis so that you can get a feel for what the fuck the chemistry is all about12:33
genehackerthe papers say how to make the photolabile base things12:34
kanzurethere are possibly some simpler reactions for synthesizing DNA that are out there12:34
genehackerhere's the deal12:34
kanzureusually the chemical reactions for just about anything are available somewhere via ACS :/12:34
xp_prggenehacker I am excited by your idea12:34
genehackerphosphoramidite nucleosides cost a lot12:34
genehackerdo you know why?12:34
genehackerthey are really high purity12:34
genehackerdid you read my diybio post?12:34
kanzurewho are you asking12:35
xp_prgyes I did genehacker12:35
genehackerso now you understand my evil plan12:35
kanzureit's back up12:35
genehackerso I'd like to know how they get high purity stuff12:36
xp_prggenehacker it sounds way cool!12:36
genehackerfrom what I hear, they use chromatography12:36
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genehackerit's cool and I believe would could make a DNA synthesizer, we just need to find a way to get the chemicals cheaply so it doesn't cost $100 each time we run it12:37
kanzuregenehacker: did you know that your email to diybio was so poorly formatted?12:38
genehackerhow so?12:38
kanzureit had line breaks after every other word12:39
kanzuremakes it kind of hard to read12:39
genehackerwell I did copy and paste from notepad12:39
kanzureah, that's why12:39
xp_prggenehacker so you going to make it?12:39
kanzureyou need to enable wordwrapping or something12:39
kanzurebefore you paste12:39
kanzureer, disable wordwrapping I mean12:39
genehackerWTF happened?12:40
genehackerit looked all nice when it posted it in there?12:41
kanzurewell it's because you had line breaks12:41
kanzurewhen gmail sends out email, it splits it up into lines of 72 characters or something12:41
kanzurebut if you have a newline character after 72 characters, then the next line will just have "the stuff <new line here> that you want to .."12:42
genehackerok can I edit my post?12:42
kanzureI suggest resending it12:42
genehackerremove and repost?12:42
kanzurethere is no "remove"12:42
kanzureyou can try sending it to yourself first if you want to see how it will look12:43
genehackerthere is a remove12:44
genehackeron options12:46
kanzurethe "report abuse" thing?12:46
kanzurethat's for spam.12:46
genehackerno it's not12:46
genehackeris that somewhat readable?12:49
genehackerI emailed it to my self and it had spaces..12:49
xp_prggenehacker you going to make this thing?12:51
genehackerif I can get the chemicals to make it work12:51
kanzureI need to hop a bus.12:52
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ultraleibnizgah. campbell!12:56
* ultraleibniz sets everything up again.12:56
genehackeris leibniz a computer?13:04
genehackeryeah I know]13:04
genehackerI need to consider working for the ADL...13:04
ultraleibnizit won't work out this summer13:04
ultraleibnizhe already hired all of the undergrads that he wants to13:04
genehackeroh that's ok13:05
ultraleibnizhowever, he was interested in your super microfluidic synthesize-the-shit-out-of-anything design13:05
genehackerwriting graph grammars for organic chemistry?13:05
ultraleibnizand also probably something involving a component library for the unit processes13:05
genehackerI don't know that much about organic chemistry...13:05
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genehackerheh make the chem e13:06
genehackers obsolete13:06
kanzuredid you see the retrosynthetic route designer paper thingy?13:06
kanzuredrazak_: can you find me any references on physical imprints of the size/shape of different nucleotides?13:07
kardan|hi, whats a AFM cantilever?13:10
kardan|(just read some pages back)13:11
kanzuredo you know what AFM is?13:11
kanzureAFM is atomic force microscopy- one of the forms of analytical instrumentation-13:11
kanzurewhere you use a super-fine tipped needle to poke a surface13:12
kanzureusing a very flimsy reflective 'cantilever', or 'long rod looking thingy' you can detect how much the reflective film bends due to force on the super-fine tipped needle13:13
kanzureyou can detect this by using a laser shinning at the cantilever. based off of the angle of deflection, you can figure out how much force is being exerted on your tip.13:13
kanzureyou detect the angle of detection via (typically) a four-segmented photodiode13:13
kanzurealthough there are some that use CMOS image sensors or whatever13:13
kanzureer, angle of deflection (sorry)13:15
kardan|thats what i am interested too13:15
kanzureare you the one that doesn't speak english?13:15
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bluekanzure"username 'kanzure' is already registered on arxiv.org"13:48
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kanzureOn Tue, May 26, 2009 at 3:00 PM, BillK <pharos@gmail.com> wrote:15:20
kanzure> If you don't have all the legally required animal testing licenses,15:20
kanzure> premises inspections, animal care permits, etc. then what you are15:20
kanzure> doing is torturing animals for a hobby.15:20
Utopiahwatch out, in few days you might have hot celebrities from PETA pounding on your door...15:25
kanzuredo I get to bone them?15:26
Utopiahonly if you don't label that action "animal experiment"15:28
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Utopiah(starting to sound a bit awkward)15:28
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kanzure> But what value do you think such research will have?15:57
kanzure> 'Here, take these pills. A friend of mine fed them to some rabbits in15:57
kanzure> Indonesia and they seemed to be stronger than usual'.  Really???15:57
-!- mindspillage [n=kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]16:07
genehackerI have a damn tiny water pump!16:53
kanzurea tiny wong?16:55
genehackerI'm making a shirt with a heat exchanger16:57
genehackerI needed a pump that would be small yet powerful enough to drive coolant through ~15 feet of aquarium tubing so I don't have to be hot in the summer16:58
genehackerSo I found a $5 motorized water gun16:58
fenn_where did you find that?16:59
-!- fenn_ is now known as fenn16:59
genehackerhappens to have a fitting that fits the aquarium tubing, on one end...16:59
genehackerToys R Us16:59
genehackerwent all over town looking for something like that17:00
genehackerwonder if that pumps strong enough to drive my flamethrower...17:00
-!- duzt [n=duzt@dsl093-216-054.aus1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #hplusroadmap17:00
fennis it just me or are squirt guns steadily progressing towards 'covenant plasma rifle'? http://rsk.imageg.net/graphics/product_images/pRS1C-2305387w345.jpg17:02
genehackerit is but just barely17:10
genehackerit is strong enough but my flamethrower is a bit leakyier than anticipated17:10
genehackerit is not just you17:11
fennthe wikipedia article on water guns is pretty awesome17:13
genehackerI'm document this stuff17:14
genehackerI'm going to document this pump17:14
genehackera water gun that uses a peristaltic pump?17:15
fennit's only to be expected17:16
fennwhite tubing? about 1/8"?17:16
genehacker0.17 inch17:16
genehackeralso this watergun was not meant to be dissassembled17:17
genehackerpart of the plastic was ultrasonically welded17:17
fenntry using a brazilian screwdriver17:18
genehackera crow bar?17:25
genehackerI just use my bear hands17:25
fenni didnt know you were a raccoon17:27
fennthis is much harder to make it work than it seems: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassin_(game)17:29
genehackerarticle = dead17:30
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genehacker_you're already registered in arxiv?'17:36
fenngenehacker_: what article is dead?17:36
genehacker_the assasin game17:36
fenncopy and paste the link17:37
genehacker_what is a brazilian screwdriver?17:38
genehacker_a knife17:38
fenna hammer17:40
fenn... i think. i doubt anybody really knows17:40
fennhow come texas doesnt have anything like this? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Songkran17:46
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genehacker_we do17:53
genehacker_acouple months ago with water balloons and colored powder instead of chalk17:53
genehacker_that was the indian students association thing though17:54
genehacker_so I don't know really17:54
fennit's not hot here in april though17:54
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genehacker_what did I do?17:54
fennyou used a web browser17:55
genehacker_I hit one of the exit keys17:55
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fenngenehacker_: do you know how to use ssh?17:57
genehacker_tell me17:58
genehacker_pump is an impellor type17:58
fenner, well on a windows machine you'd download putty.exe17:58
fennnevermind, i'm just wondering why my mail server is rejecting ssh connections17:59
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drazak_kanzure: what do you want me to look up?18:18
kanzuredrazak_: how to make a hole in which only a certain nucleotide can become stuck in18:21
drazak_could you use part of the substrate section from a reverse transcriptase?18:22
kanzuredrazak_: just so I get things straight, your name is ben too?18:22
kanzurewhy is this channel so heavily b-biased when it comes to letters of first names18:23
drazak_b for brain18:23
kanzuredrazak_: possibly, if you could find one of those papers that studies the angstrom-scale structure via x-ray crystallography or something, it might be a start18:23
drazak_stupid java application18:23
drazak_won't let me alt tab ut of it18:24
kanzure"help! I'm trapped in a java applet!" condolences.18:24
kanzureyay for Austin Che18:24
drazak_isn't makedir the command to make a folder?18:25
* drazak_ losing it18:25
kanzurenow you must sacrifice the gods18:25
drazak_I'm just trying to get music onto my fucking mp3 player18:25
drazak_it's a bitch18:25
kanzure*to the gods18:25
drazak_it won't transfer by usb because it's half broken, so I have to plug the base into the network18:26
fennsounds like it needs an exorcism18:26
kanzureapple be gone?18:27
fennthe worm that ate the apple18:27
drazak_it's a rio karma18:27
fennah, well if it's karma then there's nothing we can do, since obviously you deserve it18:28
kanzurefenn: re: lisp stuff, I've continued to just comment the living hell out of the file and it seems to be making me think I'm making progress18:28
kanzurewhether or not there actually is any progress only time will tell18:28
kanzureer, debug-print-statement-style comments18:28
fennwell, here's how you know if you have someting useful18:28
kanzureif it works?18:29
fennif you can feed it data and it spits out te result of some calculation18:29
fennfor example, f(x) = x^218:29
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fennhullo there splicer18:30
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genehacker_now where do I get 5/8 in diameter pipe?18:30
genehacker_od of course18:30
splicerhi fenn18:30
kanzurethe fact that you have to ask "where do I get this standard-sized part" tells you that something is wrong with the system18:31
fenney i had this idea too (probably aroun te same time, must be te hylaean theoric wave front) http://www.ccrnp.ncifcrf.gov/~toms/patent/molecularrotationengine/18:31
kanzureis that the US obfuscation organization agency?18:31
drazak_got it transfering18:31
drazak_but I think the base is only 10mbps18:32
fennkanzure: no it's a theory of why everyone comes up with te same tings at the same time18:32
genehacker_is that a brownian rectifier?18:32
kanzurefenn: no, the TLD/domain name in the URL.18:32
kanzureccrnp ncifcrf gov18:32
fennit's a muscle fiber powered rotary engine18:32
kanzureah neat18:33
kanzureI'm glad somebody has done this18:33
genehacker_I wonder if this is more efficient than muscle18:33
kanzurehow much power do you get out18:33
genehacker_I wonder if one was ever built18:33
drazak_any of you dudes going to be in boston over the summer?18:33
genehacker_muscle is about 25% efficient18:33
fenndrazak_: i wish18:33
kanzuredrazak_: I will be there in spirit18:34
drazak_I might be a research assistant in boston18:34
drazak_for my uncle18:34
fennwhere does your uncle work?18:35
drazak_research at harvard18:35
kanzureisn't that cheating18:35
drazak_a little :P18:36
drazak_narcissism is horrible until it happens to you!18:36
genehacker_I wonder if this pump would be submersible18:37
* drazak_ nihilist18:37
drazak_kanzure: what was the enzyme called?18:38
kanzurefor what18:38
drazak_kanzure: the one ofr cleaving da 1 nucleotide at a time18:38
kanzureit's related to an endonuclease18:38
kanzurenot a ligase .. it's a... er..18:38
drazak_fenn: were you there when I talked to him last night?18:39
fennhether for art thou, romeo18:39
fenndrazak_: yes18:40
drazak_what enzyme did he say?18:40
fenni wasn't really listening18:40
kanzurehave I been making up enzymes again?18:40
kanzureI could have sworn this exists18:40
kanzureyou could use an endonuclease to cleave off one nucleotide if you attach the cleavage site to it18:40
drazak_I'll just say that18:41
drazak_I'm trying to further impress my uncle so that he'll take me18:41
fenn"A nuclease is an enzyme capable of cleaving the phosphodiester bonds between the nucleotide subunits of nucleic acids."18:41
kanzuredrazak_: the real way to impress him is to read all of his papers and cite it in your proposal or something18:42
kanzurewhat is his name / link?18:42
fennEndonucleases are enzymes that cleave the phosphodiester bond within a polynucleotide chain, in contrast to exonucleases, which cleave phosphodiester bonds at the end of a polynucleotide chain.18:42
drazak_kanzure: e finkelstein18:42
drazak_you know his papers?18:43
drazak_he works on lab on a chip stuff18:43
drazak_he married into the family18:44
fenni dont see any E. Finkelsteins18:44
drazak_I'm not a finkelstein18:44
kanzurethe results on google scholar are nil 18:44
kanzuredoes this guy exist?18:44
drazak_hold on18:45
drazak_he goes by eb finkelstein18:45
drazak_I thought he did e finkelstein18:45
kanzureI only see: The role of VEGF isoforms in tumor angiogenesis18:45
drazak_I saw that one too18:46
drazak_when he was working in syracuse18:46
drazak_his stuff is like darpa now18:46
drazak_so you might have to search patents18:46
fennyay SCIENCE18:46
kanzurefenn: do you have a UT login yet?18:47
fennkanzure: sort of; they wont let me use it for anything18:47
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kanzurefenn: surely they will let you use the library's online services?18:47
fennoh, wow18:48
fennok how do i use this18:49
kanzuredid it log you in?18:49
kanzureit's just a proxy, so it does a search-and-replace on all URLs or something18:49
kanzureand lets you access PDFs from the super-evil journals18:50
drazak_I know my friends university access18:50
drazak_I can use it to search18:50
kanzureI wish I would have had a friend back in the day who gave me university access to scholarly literature18:51
kanzureback in high school I had to steal it from the taliban or something18:51
fenni got a pdf!18:51
kanzurego pokeball!18:51
drazak_I lost it though18:51
fenngood old taliban password bbs'es18:52
fennwe would trade opium and RPG's for journal articles18:52
splicermaybe they are18:53
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spliceris it true that lab assistants are underpaid?18:55
fennhow could it not be true?18:56
drazak_I'll probably work for free18:57
drazak_I'd be staying with him and my aunt in boston18:57
splicersomehow i thougt it was a bit like the software business... not that most people make a lot of money.. but they get by at least.18:57
fenndrazak_: make sure to go spy on the media lab for us18:57
genehacker_TELL US EVERYTHING18:57
drazak_I'm going to spy on the whole thing18:57
drazak_they're growin HEARTS18:57
fennand MINDS18:57
drazak_and BONES18:57
drazak_and KIDNEYS18:57
genehacker_I could use a second heart18:58
genehacker_that way I could be just like doctor who18:58
genehacker_always build in redundancy...18:58
fennsigh.. all my old muds are wiped from the face of the internet18:59
splicerwhere would you put it?18:59
drazak_and he's growing skeletal muscle18:59
fenngenehacker_: and make it run on a fusion reactor core so you dont have to recharge it every twenty minutes19:00
kanzureis it wrong that I've played more MOOs than MUDs? :(19:00
genehacker_now how I'm I supposed to build a handheld switch and battery case that doesn't look like a trigger to a suicide bomber vest?19:00
kanzurejust give it curves19:00
fennit's mostly a matter of which one you were exposed to first, i think19:00
genehacker_deabbriviate those acronyms plz19:01
kanzurefenn: unfortunately, I was exposed to neither 19:01
fenneither one will get you humiliated in public though, so i dont really see the difference19:01
kanzurebut for some reason I said hello on the Artemis Society MOO server19:01
fennMOO is more interactive19:01
kanzureah, that's right, MUDs had more backend servery goodness19:01
fennMUD is more .. solid19:01
genehacker_That's it19:02
fennsort of like secondlife vs WoW19:02
genehacker_I'll use a reed switch19:02
genehacker_deabriviation plz?19:02
fennmulti user dungeon/dimension, MUD object oriented (i guess)19:02
fennit doesnt really elp does it19:02
fennan IRC channel is like one 'room' or grid coordinate in a virtual mud world19:03
fennbut on IRC we can only talk and emote (/me)19:03
fennwhereas in a mud there are also items and actions and state variables like hitpoints etc19:04
kanzureer, wait, did MUDs do IRC integration?19:04
kanzureit was like interactive fiction on steroids19:04
fenni wouldnt be surprised, but usually not19:04
drazak_this is takin for fucking ever19:04
fennthere was a mud-wide IRC channel, channel for each clan or guild or whatever19:04
fenner, except it wasnt IRC19:04
fennthe protocol i mean19:04
fenni think my mind was permanently shaped by early exposure to muds19:05
fennand that's why i feel comfortable with a command line (it's how i learned to type after all)19:05
splicerpeople used to use muds as irc:s19:06
fennVieMUD was heavily influenced by unix concepts19:06
fennyou could do variable substitution, set up aliases, shell history search, etc19:06
fennand of course tab completion19:06
kanzuresounds nice.19:07
kanzuresadly I learned to roleplay on forums .. not quite the best place.19:07
fennmy condolences19:07
kanzuremust increase post count ..19:07
kanzureto get to level 2..19:07
genehacker_I don't roleplay19:07
fennanyway viemud was written in plain C and suffered under the decades of code hacking19:08
fenneventually it was down to just one Implementor19:08
kanzuremuch like nethack?19:08
fennnethack is gross19:08
fennmore like interactive storytelling19:08
kanzurefenn: I introduced you to Bill at The Castilian. he just sent me a link over to this feynman/connection-machine article: http://www.longnow.org/views/essays/articles/ArtFeynman.php19:08
fennbut with guns and swords19:08
kanzurenice to see someone I've known since high school reading longnow.org19:08
genehacker_I like nethack19:09
kanzureyou play nethack?19:09
genehacker_I played it a little19:09
genehacker_I have it on my DS19:09
genehacker_but it doesn't work with my flashcart19:09
genehacker_ever hear of homebrew?19:09
kanzureof course .. we've all done our own gameboy color games at one point or another19:10
genehacker_I haven't yet...19:10
kanzurehex hacking nastolgia.19:10
fennit's really kind of amazing how many awesome ideas people have ad in the past that were just too early19:10
genehacker_too much freestuff19:10
fennstuff like transputer/connection machine, or engelbart's stuff19:10
genehacker_too little freetime19:10
genehacker_who is this bill person?19:11
kanzurehigh school friend19:11
drazak_jesus fuck19:12
kanzurehe's smart, but not in the way that makes him do anything19:12
drazak_this album is a fucking gig19:12
kanzurebut he doesn't do nothing in the same sense that I do nothing19:12
kanzurehe seems to just play guitar or something :p19:12
genehacker_well he might be useful19:13
genehacker_one of my friends who builds ridiculous custom nerf guns also happens to play guitar19:13
fennheh "Instead, we planned to connect the processors in a 20-dimensional hypercube"19:13
kanzureif you want to talk with him, he's bluesplayer@gmail.com19:13
genehacker_he's trying to make his own dart factory19:13
kanzureOR! a 20-d TIMECUBE! yeah!19:14
genehacker_haha time cube19:14
genehacker_The time cube ⬖ ⬗ ⬘ ⬙19:14
kanzureisn't unicode ISO, and not US govt?19:15
fenni, er, yeah19:15
splicerkanzure: Have you directed a swedish transhumanist named Alexander my way?19:15
kanzuresplicer: no, I don't think so19:15
splicerk.. thanks19:15
kanzuresplicer: btw, do you know Anders Sandberg yet?19:15
fennthere was someone in here trying to start wta.se? or transhumanism.se maybe19:15
spliceryeah... alexander wanted transhumanism.se19:15
fennor maybe e was trying to make transhumanism.se more general and less biohacking focused19:15
splicerso sandberg was here?19:16
kanzureit's sad that Anders is just an ethicist at Oxford now19:16
kanzureno, sandberg never talks with me19:16
spliceri don't know any of them19:16
splicerkanzure is the only one who sometimes calls himself transhumanist i know19:19
kanzureI'd rather be a transhuman than an -ist :(19:20
spliceri think their time has passed... but thats another topic19:20
spliceri think it was probably great to be an extropian in the 80:ies19:21
kanzurewhat did they accomplish?19:21
fennthe 2080's maybe19:21
fennif we're lucky19:22
splicerthey were a think tank... they had a lot of fun19:22
fennkanzure: they wrote a bunch of books19:22
fennand had some newsgroup flame wars19:22
fennabout the same as now, pretty much19:22
splicerit was the time to have flamewars19:23
kanzureI should start using history as an example19:23
kanzure"how is this any different from the 80s"19:23
fennit just seems so much more grand because we get a whole decade compressed into a single wiki article19:23
splicerthe garage biology culture needs to get started... we need the new apples and hp:s19:26
kanzurehow can we make sure that doesn't happen to me19:26
kanzuresplicer: nobody cares enough to listen to us19:26
kanzureeverybody's too busy talking about the ethics of biohacking and other bullshit19:26
kanzurerather than actually fixing any of the problems they are talking about19:26
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spliceryup... it's like everyone thinks there are scientists in white lab coats taking care of business.19:27
genehacker_well that's what I'm trying to do with my DNA synth project19:27
genehacker_no response in diybio19:28
kanzurenobody has replied to you19:28
genehacker_because of the horrible formatting?19:28
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kanzurethe second time you sent it, it looked better19:29
kanzureso now it's just because people are lazy fucks19:29
bkerokanzure: yo19:29
genehacker_still it's a big pile of words19:29
genehacker_maybe if I make it easier to read19:29
genehacker_I'll get a response19:30
fenngenehacker_: i'm pretty certain you'll have to build a working model before anyone gets excited19:30
genehacker_I need some damn phosphoramidite nucleosides!19:30
fennso steal some19:30
genehacker_so first I need to find out if they have a DNA synth here on campus, then I have to find a way to disable the alarm system...19:32
kanzureellington has one19:32
genehacker_he does19:32
kanzuredo you want the operating manuals?19:32
genehacker_nah I can find those online19:32
kanzurehow could you if you don't know the model?19:32
genehacker_but if you have em in PDF form send them to me19:32
fenni suspect the nucleosides will be in bottles in a cabinet next to the macine19:32
kanzureor in the refirdgerator19:33
genehacker_because I already found one19:33
splicerthey are expensive i think19:33
kanzureyou found one what?19:33
genehacker_they will be in four different bottles connected to the machine19:33
kanzurenot if they aren't loaded.19:33
kanzurealso, it's more than four bottles19:33
kanzurethose are the dNTPs19:33
genehacker_they tend to stay loaded19:33
genehacker_what is that?19:34
genehacker_perhaps we could borrow some19:34
genehacker_legitly borrow some19:34
fennsort of like borrowing a cup of sugar19:34
fennyou have to say it like 'pardon me, do you have any grey poupon'19:35
genehacker_if we could make a microfluidic instant DNA synth we could ask for about 5 ml and we might be set for life19:36
kanzureyou apparently don't know about debugging yet19:36
genehacker_I wonder how much stuff is used up each nucleotide cycle with the maskless litho thing?19:37
fenndepends how much you add19:39
fennhigher concentration = faster reaction kinetics19:39
kanzurewhy not vary temperature, pressure, concentration, etc.19:39
kanzureI don't know why I don't see more experiments done under high pressure or something19:40
kanzurewouldn't it be advantageous?19:40
fenntemperature might cause bad side reactions like depolymerization19:40
fennpressure is expensive and somewhat dangerous19:40
fennyou have to get into GPa to really see weird cemical reactions19:41
kanzurenot in a microfluidic system. you could apply pressure by turning a screw, or putting a giant brick on it or something19:41
fennunless they're gas phase reactions19:41
genehacker_that is interesting because take a look at this:19:41
kanzurefenn: GPa is probably easier to reach in smaller volumes19:41
fennof course19:42
fenngiga pascal = 145000 psi19:42
drazak_psi no help, but ok19:42
fennpounds per square inc19:42
genehacker_hold on19:42
kanzureI've sometimes thought about a method to make GPa or kPa at least with your finger force19:42
kanzurebut in sufficiently small volumes or something19:42
drazak_I know what psi IS19:42
drazak_oh right19:43
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genehacker_point is in the dna chips by maskless lithography patent, the reaction chamber looks like it is built for high pressure19:43
drazak_101.7kpa=atm gigapascal=10000atm19:43
genehacker_or that it was over engineered19:43
fennwhat makes you say that19:44
genehacker_well when I find it you'll see19:45
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fennso you were making empty threats about your dna synthesizer19:47
splicerthere is probably a very elegant dna synthetization method just waiting to be discovered19:47
fenni have it19:47
splicerthe light thing?19:47
fenncould it get any more elegant?19:48
spliceryou may be right19:48
fennif a mechanical computer were integrated somehow, peraps (not more elegant but infinitely more useful)19:48
genehacker_I'm having trouble finding it19:48
genehacker_mechanical integrators?19:49
genehacker_they exist19:49
genehacker_mechanical differential integrators19:49
fennmechanical computer + laser diodes + dna read/write head19:49
fennthen you have a network between cells, eac cell is a network node19:49
genehacker_maskless photolithography gene synthesis is pretty elegant19:50
fennlaser link being te physical layer, sort of like wifi since you're below the diffraction limit19:50
fennthen the computer could demultiplex single-frequency light, or other data transmission schemes19:50
fenninstead of the write head being "hard wired" to write an A on 440 nm or whatever19:51
fennthere is someting hard stuck underneath my "h" key and i dont know how to get it out without breaking the key off19:52
genehacker_take a look at this19:52
kanzurefenn: laptop keyboards can be removed19:52
genehacker_mechanical computers need to be made very accurately in order to be accurate19:52
fennyeas.. rmm but the laptop would probably disintegrate and i'll never get it back together19:52
splicerfenn: the print head is a protein?19:52
fennsplicer: yes, protein complex19:52
genehacker_are laptop keyboards not supposed to be removable?19:53
kanzureno, they are generally replaceable19:53
fennsplicer: like PolIII but with some antennae stuck on it (in the hard wired version)19:53
genehacker_Dell laptop keyboards are?19:53
kanzuremaybe. you should check the screws.19:53
splicerfenn: checking19:53
genehacker_see sheet seven on the patent19:54
genehacker_that slide is bolted down19:54
genehacker_for alignment19:54
fenngenehacker_: what is the patent number?19:55
fennoh nm i see google now allows you to download a pdf19:56
fennsplicer: the green and purple blob in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6FitehwJg419:58
genehacker_which I why I like google patent19:58
fennsplicer: you'd have to supply it with a fake template strand19:58
fennor else modify the enzyme someow so that the template strand won't interfere with bases in the new strand19:59
kanzureconformational changes to make it only allow certain template nucleotides would be a nice way to go about it19:59
kanzurethen you immobilize the polymerase to an electrode or something19:59
fennand move the dna around? that would take forever20:00
kanzurepolymerase moves the dna20:00
splicerfenn: thanks20:00
fennexponentially forever20:00
kanzurepolymerase moves it I thought?20:00
kanzureis there any immobilized polymerase function studies out there?20:00
kanzureI don't think I've seen any20:00
fennpolymerase moves along the template strand like a train on train tracks20:00
fennyes, i'm sure there are20:01
kanzureok, so you don't have to move the strand then20:01
kanzurethe train doesn't move the planet :p20:01
kanzureunless you're watching futurama20:01
fennthe pacific biosciences<?> sequencer works with an immobilized polymerase20:01
fennkanzure: generally DNA is much higher molecular weight than the polymerase molecule20:01
kanzurebah, it's a strong 'lil fighter20:02
fennso i say the polymerase moves along the DNA20:02
fennnow, in some PCR reaction it might be different20:02
fennbut really who cares20:02
kanzureI think an electrical method to change the conformation of an immobilized polymerase is somewhat more likely to work than engineering a laser/wavelength conformational system20:03
kanzureif only because you can immobilize the polymerase and already have it at a specific location or something20:03
fennyou still have to figure out how to make the correct conformational change, which i think is the hard part20:04
fennin a distributed amorphous system, i dont have to worry about attaching to a specific electrode20:04
fenni just have to make sure the floaty things are all stuck together20:05
fennand it's all bio-producible20:05
kanzuremaybe I should just go read up on protein engineering20:05
fenni mean, why would you want electrodes?20:05
genehacker_I just saw some mammatus clouds20:06
genehacker_are you talking about the method of microarray DNA synthesis that uses electrodes20:06
kanzurethe azobenzene light-gated ion channels are a nice example20:06
kanzuremaybe a polymerase that has different tunnels for different nucleotides in the template would be ideal?20:07
kanzurethis is fenn's super writozyme thingy20:07
fenngenehacker_: yes pretty much.. but the electrodes are the easy part20:07
fennand i think it'd work better without them anyway20:07
spliceras I remember it inside the polymerase there is a mechanism that reads the nucleotides a bit ahead of time... so it's this mechanism that has to be modified?20:07
kanzurefenn: be careful, the electrode methods are a different technique and might be what genehacker_ is talking about .. i.e., the methods that use acids20:08
kanzureer, the acid/electrolysis versions or something20:08
fennwell it woulnt be the first time he misunderstood20:08
genehacker_there was a company made that uses some crazy electrochemical chips to synthesize DNA microarrays20:08
genehacker_chips full DNA strands20:08
fennkanzure: are there well understood (simple) models of protein conformational change in response to voltage/current?20:09
kanzurefenn: voltage-gated ion channels?20:09
kanzureI should hit you over the head for asking that question20:09
fennwtf? ion channel isnt a conformational change20:10
kanzureit opens and closes in response to voltage. the closing is a blocking phenomena20:10
fennwhat makes it move?20:10
kanzurehold on, doing some sys admin bullshit for the sata lab20:10
genehacker_oh shoot20:11
genehacker_I need to sign up for that20:11
fennsplicer: i'm getting polymerase confused with old CNC paper tape machinery now.. are you sure there is readahead in polymerase?20:11
splicerfenn: i'll check... i think there has to be20:12
splicerin the back of my head i think it was like 10bases.. i'll check20:13
genehacker_wouldn't a paper tape driven CNC be a ribosome?20:13
fennsplicer: are you thinking of the mismatch detection?20:13
fennthere's both pre- and post- error correction20:14
splicermmm.. yeah, 20:14
spliceri think you're right20:14
fennas far as i know the actual 'swap' occurs in one step20:14
fennthere's no RAM or anything20:14
fennafter all what would be the point?20:14
kanzuresearch for "voltage-gated" or "voltage gated"20:14
kanzureor just 'voltage'20:15
kanzure"voltage dependent ion gates"20:15
fennthe neuron stuff? dont they work on rate of change anyway?20:16
kanzureah, "voltage drop"20:17
kanzure"it is possible to surmise that when a potential difference is introduced over the membrane, the associated electromagnetic field induces a conformational change in the potassium channel."20:17
kanzure"The conformational change distorts the shape of the channel proteins sufficiently such that the cavity, or channel, opens to admit ion influx or efflux to occur across the membrane, down its electrochemical gradient. This subsequently generates an electrical current sufficient to depolarise the cell membrane."20:18
fennsorry kanzure but your massive page of transcribed professor speak doesn't really help20:18
kanzurethe wikipedia article is better :)20:18
fennas usual20:18
kanzureThe voltage-sensitive protein domain of these channels (the "voltage sensor") generally contains a region composed of S3b and S4 helices, known as the "paddle" due to its shape, which appears to be a conserved sequence, interchangeable across a wide variety of cells and species. Genetic engineering of the paddle region from a species of volcano-dwelling archaebacteria into rat brain potassium channels results in a fully functional20:18
kanzurethere's a domain that is voltage-sensitive. how convenient.20:18
fennare you sure it's voltage sensitive or actually just ion flow sensitive?20:19
fennbecause without a membrane you have no ion flow20:19
kanzurethis article is lacking references20:19
kanzuresomeone deserves to die20:19
fenni can see how that would work20:21
fennit could be like a snap action switch, or like a pressure regulator20:21
fennanyway if my thinking is right it's based on osmotic pressure20:22
fennor whatever the voltage-iduced equivalet is20:22
fenngreat now my n key is doig it too20:22
fennh seems to be better, maybe the thig just moved20:23
* fenn shakes laptop upside dow vigorously20:23
genehacker_looks like It's going to hail here20:23
fennduck and cover20:24
fennone of these days we'll have a super duper protein simulation environment and we can just load the pdb and watch it go20:26
fennlike nanorex20:26
splicerfenn: I think you were right about the mismatch repair .. thanks.20:26
fennthen i won't have to bother with whatever the protein scientists are calling it, i can just see how the damn thing works20:27
-!- splicer is now known as splicer_zzz20:28
fennsplicer_zzz: what does sthf stand for?20:28
fennswedish transhumanist front?20:28
* kanzure goes off to look for some food20:29
genehacker_If we only had ridiculous quantum computers20:29
fennif only google would stop substituing every fucking letter in my search query20:30
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kanzure*** - NTH: (1) is not a non-negative integer21:08
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kanzurecar of (1) is apparently a non-negative integer, however.21:27
kanzuregee, that only took 20 minutes! at this rate,21:27
* kanzure counts21:27
kanzureit will only take forever.21:27
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fenn(forever) is not a non-negative integer21:45
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kanzure#:TEETH_GOAL is not a string21:58
drazak_tomorrow I need to find papers to support my idea22:08
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kanzuredrazak_: have you considered doing it the other way around?22:09
drazak_no :P22:10
drazak_I already emailed the ide22:10
drazak_atomorrow I need to email a bibliography to support it22:10
kanzuremaybe you should download the microfluidics paper archive in the mean time22:10
drazak_got a link that I can wget?22:11
* drazak_ going to bed22:12
drazak_couple more trivia questions22:12
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/books/papers/microfluidics/ 22:14
kanzurethere should be a zip file in there22:14
kanzureor in the parent directory with an obvious name22:14
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kanzure"high voltage awareness day"22:27
kanzuresounds like a job for 4hv.org22:28
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kanzure*** - APPLY: argument (LAMBDA (A) (COND (A (LIST '/ A 'TEETH_GOAL)))) is not a function.22:43
kanzureoh, I guess I should take the car of that22:43
fennkanzure: you know.. maybe you should do some basic lisp exercises first, instead of pretending you know the language22:48
kanzureif you stare at the code long enough, you somehow know it.22:49
fennor think you know it22:50
fennanyway.. what does sata want to do at the fab?22:50
kanzurestore stuff22:50
kanzureand maybe do some wetlab stuff22:50
fennstore as in hands-off or we-can-use-it22:51
kanzureyou know what, I'm not sure22:51
kanzurehe would probably be ok with sharing tools, but I doubt he'd be ok with sharing materials22:51
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fennstoring materials? like chemicals?22:52
kanzureI'm talking out of my ass22:52
kanzureI forget what he was thinking of doing22:52
fennok. i have no idea what sata does or wants to do22:53
kanzureit's also kind of strange because he already has more than enough lab space22:53
kanzureone of the labs is a typical bio lab and classes go on in there22:53
kanzurethe other lab is a concrete attachment to the greenhouse on the sixth floor of another building22:53
kanzurethe greenhouse houses a few rooms, one of the rooms has our 400 gallon algae tanks22:53
kanzurewe also have some field acerage at brakenridge field labs22:55
kanzuremaybe he's interested in using it for development of some equipment. that would make sense.22:55
fennwhat does that mean exactly?22:55
kanzurethat means we struck ground a week ago with some machinery to dig up space for some ponds22:56
kanzure20x20x3 or so22:56
fenni want to do some aerostat/kite stuff in the indefinite future22:56
fennfor bouncing wifi or APRS around22:57
genehackerheh class22:57
genehackerI learned that the hard way22:57
kanzureno, I mean, did we just change subjects somehow?22:57
kanzureby seeing them in there?22:57
genehackerthere's also park that'd be great for aerostats22:57
kanzurewhat's so bad about that22:57
genehackerwe got machinery?22:58
fenner.. all i meant was it'd be nice to have some open area to mess with airplanes and kites and not have some park ranger try to shoot me22:58
genehackergraders or bulldozers?22:58
kanzurenot sure22:58
kanzureI think we rented something22:58
kanzureor, BFL did22:58
genehackerno park ranger's gonna shoot you22:58
genehackeryou have to worry about dogs though22:58
genehackerit's a dog park22:58
fennwell they might mess with my balloon22:58
genehackerkites already fly there22:58
genehackernah dogs aren't too attracted to balloons22:59
fennwhere's this dog park?22:59
kanzuredo you mean zilker?22:59
genehackerI've seen people kite buggy around places like that22:59
genehackerI've seen kites in the trees there23:00
kanzureI've seen people in the trees there23:01
fennpeople in the kites in the trees there?23:01
kanzurethought it was some sort of failed college experiment23:02
fennis there some kind of austin wiki?23:03
kanzurenot that I know of.23:03
fennConnection to host www.urbanaustin.org is broken.23:05
fennoh well23:05
fennlooks like it was up for a whole 4 months in 200723:06
fennThe goal of the Urban Austin project is to give the residents of Austin a complete, continually-updated online reference source of what's being planned and built. It will also serve as an online archive of this period of drastic change in the urban landscape, capturing images of a city in transition.23:06
kanzurethere are some commercial thingies out there, but take it with some salt23:07
kanzurelike austin36023:07
fennaustin360 blows goats23:07
genehackerwhat is austin360?23:12
genehackerexplain why it blows goats23:12
kanzureit's a terrible website23:13
genehackeroh yeah23:13
fennit's mostly ads for TV shows, and the rest is just journalists bitching23:14
genehackerof course...23:14
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