
--- Day changed Fri May 29 2009
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genehackerI know the allegory00:47
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kanzureheh. building-sized animatronics.08:55
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kanzurethere's an IRC for emacs? really?09:29
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kanzurehello ybit 10:07
ybithey kanzure10:09
ybitnucleoside mimics...10:27
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kanzurewhat you really need to do is block the polymerase template strand site with some sort of super molecule that responds to different wavelengths of light and changes shape to one of the four nucleotides12:08
kanzureit may be easier to just start from scratch and find four chemicals that you would like to use as the artificial nucleotides or whatever12:09
kanzureand then hack the polymerase via in vitro compartmentalization to make better choices for incorporation12:09
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@] has joined #hplusroadmap12:27
xp_prgso, it only took 7 embryos?!12:28
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fennwhat am i supposed to do with this inventory list?17:55
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fennthis thingy was generated by a python script http://imagebin.org/5084718:01
fenni dont know what it is, but it proves the concept for heekscad at least18:02
genehackerinstructables is down?18:05
fennthe internet just blew up18:09
-!- bryan_ [n=bryan@dhcp-128-83-195-124.biosci.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap18:09
fenngood morning to you too18:11
bkeroAny of you d00dz want a cheap computer?  Coworker at intel is selling his rig.  XFX nForce 680i SLI board, E6600 Core 2 Duo, and 2x1GB DDR800 Mushkin for $20018:13
fenntbh that doesnt sound terribly impressive18:14
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bryan_for some reason grub doesn't want to boot up ubuntu on my laptop18:16
bryan_all I did was boot into windows to install MSVC9 2008 ..18:16
fennyou get the grub menu?18:17
bryan_fenn: did some spectrophotometry of 680 nm today of extracts from the spiral filter running on 1/12th hp18:17
bryan_just a grub command line18:17
bryan_anyway, the data shows an increasing trend in absorbance18:17
bryan_for n=1 to n=5 runs through the filter of the same sample18:17
fennis that a good thing?18:18
bryan_I don't know18:18
bryan_I think something might be wrong with the universe18:18
fennmaybe it's breaking up clusters of cells18:18
bryan_honestly this thing shouldn't work18:18
bryan_and we didn't do measurements on the other stream output to see if it's greater or less on that one18:18
bryan_so that needs to be checked too18:18
bryan_I did have one idea though18:18
bryan_what if you take the output and route it into a new tank to do incubation18:19
bryan_then you're positively selecting for algae that is easily harvestable via this method18:19
bryan_so do that for some number of generations18:19
fenneh.. good luck with that18:19
fennwell, try it and see18:20
bryan_is there something obvious that I am neglecting that you see?18:20
bryan_I don't know whether or not to trust myself after this thing works ..18:20
bryan_something is definitely wrong with the universe18:20
fennisnt it just a scaled up version of the microfluidics thing?18:20
bryan_although I guess we haven't compared absorbance between both samples18:20
genehackerdoes it work?18:21
bryan_fenn: but it's supposed to only work for laminar flows18:21
bryan_this is not a laminar flow18:21
bryan_genehacker: not sure18:21
fennhow do you know it's not laminar?18:21
genehackerit works18:21
genehackerincreased absorbance= increased concentration18:21
bryan_fenn: reynolds number is way too large18:22
bryan_genehacker: but we didn't test the other output stream18:23
bryan_nsh: paperlink or it didn't happen :)18:23
nshyou find it18:23
genehackernsh you reddit?18:23
* nsh is betting this will lead to intra-cellular turing-completeness within one decade and 5 geniuses18:24
nshi read reddit, yeah18:24
fennnsh: they didnt even use bit encoding18:24
genehackeryou didn18:24
genehackertest the output?18:24
nsh"The RTC Counter can be "reset" to start counting the same series over again, but it has no way to "remember" what it has counted. The team's second counter, called the DIC (DNA Invertase Cascade) Counter, can encode digital memory, storing a series of "bits" of information."18:25
fennthat's just journalist bullshit. it counts in series18:26
genehackerbiological systems are damn noisy18:27
fennideally you'd have gray coding for noise resistance, but binary would prove that it's scalable18:27
genehackerlook at what you see18:27
genehackernotice the noise?18:27
nshnoted thanks, fenn18:33
genehackeryou mean something like trinary code?18:35
genehackerternary I mean18:35
genehackeryou know the russians built a ternary computer?18:35
fennin binary it's easy to get the wrong number by a power of 2^n where n is random18:39
fenn+- 2^n18:39
nshternary is in some ways more efficient than binary for computing as it's closest to base e, which simplifies multiplication18:39
nshif i recall correctly18:39
fenngray code makes it so that those sorts of errors can't happen18:39
fennheh nsh why not just use e-nary :)18:39
nshhowever, their are electronic disadvantages that are considered to outweigh the benefits of ternary on the physical layer18:39
nshword, i'll get right onto my transcendental EPROM ;-)18:40
nsh(would like to see what happens if by some esoteric result in physics that becomes possible...)18:41
fennlots of information theory already talks in terms of nats18:41
nshinteresting, know any examples off-hand?18:41
fenner, no18:41
nshon it18:42
genehackerexplain graycode18:42
genehackerif you don't mind18:42
genehackerI'm sewing right now18:43
nshbecause, they say you rip what you sew18:45
nshok, i'll go to sleep...18:45
fenngenehacker: you know about absolute encoders right?18:46
genehackerbelieve me it's true18:46
fennoh ffs what do they teach you in school18:46
fennok an optical encoder is like on a ball mouse18:46
genehackeroh yeah18:47
fennwhen you turn the wheel a slot interrupts a beam of light18:47
genehackeryeah I know that18:47
fennthat is an incremental encoder, it only keeps track of the least significant bit18:47
fennan absolute encoder stores the whole byte (or whatever number of bits)18:47
fennthat way when you boot up your robot it knows where it is already, without having to go through some kind of initialization procedure18:47
fennok here are two absolute encoders http://sub.allaboutcircuits.com/images/quiz/01237x01.png18:48
fennthe one on the left is binary, the one on the right is gray code18:48
fennnotice that the binary has places where a large number of bits change at once18:48
fennbut the gray code only changes one at a time18:48
fennwhen you're sending a signal down a noisy bus, you can confuse the receiving end into thinking that you're suddenly at 255, but a gray code receiver would know better and discard the result as noise18:50
bryan_imagej rocks for this sort of thing18:50
fennbecause a large number of bits would have to change at once18:50
bryan_these kids were counting the cells by hand18:50
bryan_fenn: will you be around for a few minutes longer?18:51
bryan_joseph might be bringing in some guests18:51
bryan_for his conference thingy18:51
fennhey that's not a .xls file!18:53
fennit's tab-delimited18:54
genehackeryeah they still count cells by hand18:55
fennthat's what a flow cytometer is for18:55
genehackeryou get one of those clicker things an click away18:55
bryan_seriously though, wtf18:55
genehackerfor one minute18:55
bryan_one minute of doodling around with imagej and apt-get and the problem is solved18:56
bryan_stephen was going to sit around counting them by hand18:56
bryan_with his eyes pressed up to the 'scope18:56
genehackerflow cytometers are expensive, clickers are cheap, microscopes are abundant, and undergrads need jobs18:56
genehackerimagej some stuff18:56
fenngenehacker: you're fired18:56
bryan_fenn: were we ever paying him?18:57
fennnow he gets negative cash18:57
* bryan_ checks the group's bank account funds18:57
bryan_it's kinda dry18:57
genehackerI thought you guy's didn't use cash you used wuffie?18:57
fennah that's because i've been funneling into offshore banks18:57
genehackergood I hear micronesian stone coins are a very stable form of currency18:58
fennmillions of years baby18:58
fenncopper barely lasts a century when exposed to the elements18:58
* fenn mutters something about glass optical coins with digital signatures18:59
genehackerso put it in a container in the vacuum of space18:59
fennyou certainly don't understand the whole 'buried treasure' thing19:00
bryan_ok, joseph's not coming19:00
genehackerthe container is an iron asteroid19:00
genehackerthats how space pirates do it19:00
genehackerSPACE COINS19:05
fennyou know, with RFID that wouldnt be a terrible idea19:08
fennbut they shouldnt be shaped like coins19:09
fennlittle stuff like that gets lost too easily in zero gravity19:09
fennyou'd want something like a carabiner i think19:09
genehackerRFID= easily damagable by space radiation19:10
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genehackerunless you make the chips big and on sapphire...19:10
fenni guess the question is 'is the token the unit of exchange, or the number'19:11
fennerm, number = cryptographic key19:11
genehackerif you are far from banks on earth and it takes 20 minutes to validate your key then people might exploit it19:12
fennno, not server based19:12
fennthat's a terrible idea on any planet19:12
fenntransactions have to be self contained19:13
genehackerwhen it doubt dike it out19:13
genehackerwould you even need money on say an asteroid full of resources?19:13
genehackerif you had a super factory capable of making damn near anything?19:14
fenndepends whether you need money or not19:14
genehackerhow about mechanical bump pattern?19:15
fennlike the fiducials on http://reactivision.sourceforge.net/19:17
ultraleibnizfenn: what's the most expensive CFD program that you know of19:31
genehacker[commercial CFD program here]19:32
ultraleibnizwell yeah19:34
fennuh. well probably the most famous one, so that would be NASTRAN19:34
fennhmm no that's not very expensive19:34
fenni give up19:35
fenni dont know any cfd programs19:35
ultraleibnizANSYS has some stuff apparently20:23
ultraleibnizCFD-CAD is another name for something (wtf?)20:23
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drazak_kanzure: should I find supporting papers and post my microfluidics sequencer to diybio? or should I keep that crap to myself?21:06
ultraleibnizdrazak_: I recommend posting21:51
ultraleibnizalso, grub still fails and I can't figure out what's wrong with the limited command line utility it's providing me21:51
drazak_what error?21:51
ultraleibnizthere is no error21:51
ultraleibnizit just doesn't boot ubuntu21:51
ultraleibnizalthough it boots windows..21:51
drazak_well that's just chainloader +1, that's easy21:52
drazak_what do you have for your lines for booting ubuntu?21:52
drazak_the line in the grub config file for booting windows21:52
ultraleibnizerm, I don't know it off the top of my head and it's currently going through some memory diagnostic thingy provided by microsoft21:52
ultraleibnizso I'll grab it in a few minutes21:53
fenn"Setup would notify pilots when brain overload is causing dangerous levels of stress, fatigue and distraction."22:29
fenni didnt know 'brain overload' was a technical term22:30
fennThe researchers are using functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) and other imaging technology to measure blood flow in the brain's cortex and the concentration of oxygen in the blood. This emerging technology offers a non-invasive, safe, portable and inexpensive method for monitoring indicators of neural activity22:31

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