
--- Day changed Tue Jun 23 2009
ybits/cathode ray/electron gun from a crt00:10
fennthere's a lot more to it than just the electron gun00:19
fennthe TV choke coil is probably shaped all wrong for use in an SEM00:19
fennit's part of the flyback converter (HV power supply) so you'd need to make a new coil, and once you've done that you might as well just make everything from scratch00:19
fenninteresting how the black and white scan is preserved in the history of the SVG file00:21
ybittime for sleep00:26
fenndamn chocolate01:15
fenni'd be asleep now if it werent for you!01:16
fennwow 'dot' really sucks at drawing hierarchies02:49
kanzureok. archived the twophoton microscope page, and the parkerlab documents.07:24
-!- ybit [n=ybit@unaffiliated/ybit] has quit ["Lost terminal"]07:25
kanzureapt-get install hwb07:37
-!- samrose [n=samrose@c-24-11-214-181.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap09:50
kanzuretodo: wget http://www.iop.org.ezproxy.lib.utexas.edu/EJ/article/0960-1317/19/1/015007/jmm9_1_015007.pdf -o "A low temperature surface modification assisted method for bonding plastic substrates10:44
kanzureok, it's on adl.serveftp.org now10:46
--- Log closed Tue Jun 23 10:50:31 2009
--- Log opened Tue Jun 23 11:03:20 2009
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-72-177-123-170.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap11:03
-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 17 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 17 normal]11:03
--- Log closed Tue Jun 23 11:10:48 2009
--- Log opened Tue Jun 23 11:31:45 2009
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-72-177-123-170.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap11:31
-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 17 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 17 normal]11:31
-!- Irssi: Join to #hplusroadmap was synced in 1 secs11:31
kanzurebad programming joke of the day: http://imgur.com/nb9LO.jpg11:40
-!- genehacker [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-156-116.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap12:00
kanzuregenehacker: know of a differential equation that relates a gradient to an area, or something?12:07
genehackerno why?12:07
kanzuretesting out skdb12:07
kanzurethe submodule that deals with units in equations12:08
genehackeroh cool12:08
genehackerwhat are you trying to get it to do?12:08
kanzureintegrate with respect to a unit12:09
kanzure(and other things)12:09
genehackercan't some programs already do that?12:09
kanzurelike what?12:09
genehackerwolfram alpha, my calculator12:12
kanzureneither are open source12:12
kanzureI'm using sympy, the symbolic python library for equations12:12
kanzuregoing to be submitting a patch to them soon I guess12:12
kanzuresympy.physics.units is somewhat of a joke :( 12:13
kanzurea bad joke, that is12:13
genehackerhey you don't think you could figure out how the toroidal form levitator in this paper works12:13
genehackerif it works12:13
kanzurenot right now, I'm busy acting like I'm busy12:14
genehackerif the calculations are correct, it's possible to make a device for flying around in the air 12:18
genehackerand all it takes is some sort of superconducting toroid12:18
kanzurelike an airplane12:18
genehackerlike superman12:18
genehackerthough he doesn't explain how the simpler form of the device works12:19
genehackerfrom the looks of it, it should only be capable of going east-west12:21
genehackerbut he says that it can go north south and east west12:22
ybitthis has become old, but can someone please upload a log of the channel for the past two days? i try to maintain a decent log file12:34
kanzureum. actually, no. I have had connection problems.12:36
-!- kanzure- [i=bryan@dhcp-84-36.me.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap12:37
ybitfenn told me the connection was 'fubared' yesterday, so i understand. but maybe fenn, genehacker, or any idlers could?12:39
genehackerummmmm.... I don't have internet where I live12:39
ybitbkero, katsmeow-afk, and nsh are always in here12:39
kanzureybit: fenn is on the same connection.12:39
bkeroI'm always here. 8)12:40
ybita little help then? :)12:40
bkeroybit: I'll upload my log for the channel for the last long while12:40
bkeroybit: http://staff.osuosl.org/~bkero/#hplusroadmap.gz12:41
genehackerhmmm.... flexible superconducting tape12:44
kanzureI think you meant .log.gz, bkero12:45
ybitbkero: i was looking for logs from the past few days, i.e. this past weekend and yesterday :P12:50
bkerokanzure: You're right12:51
bkeroybit: Sorry, it's either you that has to tail -2000 it, or me12:51
ybiti'll do it12:55
ybitjust need the log of last three days to do so though12:58
kanzureimport sympy.physics.units as units12:58
kanzureimport sympy12:58
kanzuretype(units.m + units.m) == <class 'sympy.core.mul.Mul'>12:59
ybit#sympy ??12:59
kanzureyeah but I still get to complain to you12:59
fennhere's what i was working on last night.. it could probably use some graphviz tweaking: http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/fenn/taxonomy-neato.png12:59
fenntaxonomy of manufacturing processes13:00
kanzureso.. hierarchies?13:00
ybitfenn: do you have this in a svg? a lot easier to grep13:01
fennbetter than that13:01
genehackerwhat about robotcasting?13:02
genehackererr robocasting13:04
fennperhaps kanzure would like to get gitweb working so i dont have to do silly git commands on the server13:04
-!- tty1 [n=freemo@unaffiliated/electric-penguin/x-9957366] has joined #hplusroadmap13:10
fennybit: sorry i'm so slow http://adl.serveftp.org/skdb/taxonomy-graph.py http://adl.serveftp.org/skdb/taxonomy.yaml13:13
-!- anthonyl [n=duzt@dsl093-216-054.aus1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]13:17
ybiti'm converting it to a svg13:31
ybitmight take a day or two13:31
ybitoh nm13:33
ybit.yaml is just fine13:33
fenndot does .svg output btw13:37
ybitthat's helpful13:47
genehackercould you spread it out so you can read everything?13:51
fenni was trying to make something more like a cladogram though13:51
genehackerI think I've seen one of these before13:54
kanzureI have found it odd how almost every modern mother has a box of band-aids in the medicine cabinet, but I still don't have a dusty DNA synthesizer in my attic.13:54
ybitbkero: is it inconvenient for you to post a log of the last two days?13:55
genehackerwell think about it kanzure13:57
fennlike this http://www.palaeos.com/Invertebrates/Molluscs/Bivalvia/cladogram.html or http://www.gavinrymill.com/dinosaurs/Cladogram/CladogramComplete.jpg13:57
genehackerwhy would you want a DNA synthesizer?13:57
genehackeryou can just buy synthesized DNA from companies13:57
genehackerthere's no need13:57
genehackeror that's what the companies that sell synthesized DNA say13:57
kanzureso what if that's what they say?13:58
kanzure"why would you need a brain when you can just buy one"13:58
kanzure"why would you need a brain when you can just buy thinktime from Google?"13:58
fenni wish i could buy thinktime from google13:59
fennbut the bastards give it away for free!13:59
genehackersynthetic DNA chemicals are fairly hard to come by13:59
kanzurewhat is this analysis based off of, genehacker?14:00
kanzurehave you figured out how to synthesize GNA yet?14:00
genehackermaybe not14:00
kanzurefenn: if you bought thinktime from google, then you would have to use that thinktime in order to get some return on investment otherwise you'll run out of thinktimes on google14:01
genehackerI might have found a website that sells cheap( ~$25) photolabile? phosphoramidite 14:01
genehackerthe thing about synthesizing GNA is that we have to make photolabile GNA phosphoramidites14:02
bkeroybit: It would be just as inconvenient for me as it is you14:04
genehackerI don't think anyone's done that yet14:04
kanzurewhy not make the photolabile phosphoramidites?14:04
ybitbkero: why is that?14:04
ybiti don't have the log file14:05
fenndidnt he just post the link?14:05
ybityeah, but it ends on friday14:05
ybiti was looking for one of the past 2 days14:05
genehackerI don't know how14:06
bkeroybit: What would you do to cut it down to 2 days?14:06
ybityou could tail or manually copy and paste to a pastebin14:06
ybitor copy/paste to a .txt file on the server14:07
bkeroAny reason you couldn't do that?  I'm actually in class14:07
ybitbecause i don't have the log file14:07
fennseems the log ends on may 1514:07
fennthe one bkero linked to14:07
bkeroDamn irc logging, guess I don't have it then14:08
ybitbkero: alright, and i don't need to bother you right now anyway14:08
ybitfenn, you were on for most of the time i was...14:08
genehackerbut GNA synthesis is pretty simple14:09
fennfine fine14:09
fennit's not like you missed anything14:09
genehackerit's only 3 steps14:09
kanzuregenehacker: ammonia kinase14:10
genehackerwhat's that?14:11
fennybit: http://adl.serveftp.org/last-two-days.log14:11
ybitty fenn 14:12
kanzure"Thus, the two substrates of this enzyme are ATP and NH3, whereas its two products are ADP and phosphoramide."14:12
genehackerok now how do we make photolabile phosphoramidites from that?14:12
ybitfenn: what irc client do you use? that would be great to have a client or plugin which presents the conversation from all rooms like that14:14
fenni actually wasnt trying to do that, i just messed up the logging settings somehow14:15
bkeroybit: http://staff.osuosl.org/~bkero/hplus.log.gz14:15
ybitthanks bkero, was retrieved 14:24
kanzurephosphoramidate = H2NO3P-214:29
kanzurephosphoramide   = H6N3OP14:29
kanzuregenehacker: this is a basic chemistry problem, btw. aminos and estrifications are quite common. 14:31
kanzurefor instance,14:31
kanzurean ester of H3PO3 would be formed by condensation of an alcohol and an acid, plus subsequent elimination of water14:31
genehackeroh cool14:31
genehackerguess I need to learn ochem14:31
genehackergot any books on it?14:31
kanzurestacks of them14:31
kanzurethat ester (er, the phosphite) is useful in making phosphoramidite14:31
kanzurewhich isn't the same thing as making a phosphoramide14:32
genehackervirtual books14:32
kanzureserver is currently inaccessible to pesky outsiders, sorry14:33
kanzuremaybe I'll copy some files to a thumb drive for you and get them on the lab server by tomorrow14:34
fennyou should get rauchwerk to toss you some fluffy clouds14:34
kanzurehe's too busy trying to find actual data14:34
kanzurepentaerythritol synthesis setup: http://www.orgsyn.org/orgsyn/orgsyn/prepContent.asp?prep=CV1P042515:05
kanzure(colored prompt?)15:07
kanzuregenehacker: I am less interested in how to synthesize phosphoramidites as I am interested in figuring out how in the hell you plan to do protecting groups15:10
-!- genehacker [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-156-116.public.utexas.edu] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]15:22
kanzureNPPOC chloride sounds like the easiest to make.15:42
-!- digitaltao [n=digitalt@cpe-72-179-5-147.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]16:17
-!- tty1 [n=freemo@unaffiliated/electric-penguin/x-9957366] has left #hplusroadmap []16:30
fennok the latest rendering looks a lot better: http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/fenn/taxonomy-small.png16:31
kanzure1 g of NPPOC-dC(ib) Amidite from Sigma-Aldrich: $48016:32
-!- digitaltao [n=digitalt@cpe-72-179-5-147.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap16:32
fennand here's one for you ybit: http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/fenn/taxonomy.svg16:32
fennbut the coloring's different since it's random16:32
fenni suppose i could hash the node name and use that as the random seed or something16:33
kanzureor just save the seed16:33
kanzure(er, that you used in the first place)16:34
-!- genehacker [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-156-116.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap16:38
-!- digitaltao_ [n=digitalt@cpe-72-179-5-147.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap16:41
kanzuregenehacker: do you know how to synthesize photolabile protecting groups?16:44
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-!- genehacker [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-156-116.public.utexas.edu] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]17:01
-!- samrose [n=samrose@c-24-11-214-181.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]17:15
-!- PeerInfinity [n=someone@] has joined #hplusroadmap17:19
kanzurewonder why genehacker got all uppity about having to make nucleobases18:04
kanzurenucleotidases do it for you ..18:04
kanzureer, besides the sorting problem18:06
kanzurewhich I guess could be solved by gel electrophoresis and isolating different strands of DNA with mainly one of the four bases each18:06
-!- digitaltao_ [n=digitalt@cpe-72-179-5-147.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]18:33
-!- digitaltao_ [n=digitalt@cpe-72-179-5-147.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap18:34
kanzureybit: did you take my keys?19:01
kanzureblah = pq.Quantity([1],'J*s')20:07
kanzureblah.simplified --> kg*m**2/s20:07
kanzure[1] s*J20:08
kanzureprint q.dimensionality -> s*J20:08
kanzureprint q.simplified -> [ 1.] kg·m²/s20:09
kanzurehm. 'J*s^2' is apparently the same as 'J*s**2'20:10
kanzureinspect.getargspec() looks useful20:24
kanzurebut I'm not sure how much this is going to help to figure out which methods of a package compute various units, like Screw.breaking_force() for instance20:25
fennone way is to make a conversion table/tree with references to the functions20:31
fennthe other way is to put some string(?) "look at me i convert torque to force" in the functions20:31
fennbut breaking_force() isn't even a conversion really (is it?)20:31
-!- genehacker [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-124-98.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap20:38
kanzuregenehacker: you do not add anything to protecting groups.20:49
kanzureprotecting groups exist so that when you shine light at them, they cleave and everything is unprotected20:49
kanzurethen the chemical reactions are able to proceed20:49
kanzurethus, synthesis.20:49
genehackernot even nitrogenous bases?20:50
kanzurewhat are you asking?20:50
genehackerthe photolabile phosphoramidites I read about have protecting groups that cleave off in the presence of light so the next nucleotide can be add20:51
genehackeryou expose where you want the A's to go20:51
genehackerput down the A's and they stick20:52
kanzurewhat does that have to do with nitrogenous bases20:52
kanzureor, rather, what does that have to do with your question20:52
genehackerwe need NPPOC -deoxyadenosine and what not20:52
genehackerhow do we get the deoxyadenosine?20:53
kanzureNPOCC-Cl means NPOCC chloride20:53
kanzurenot deoxyadenosine20:53
genehackerI know20:53
kanzurethen why did you say NPOCC-deoxyadenosine20:53
kanzureanyway, here are some notes20:54
genehackerthe next step is to make the stuff you remove the protecting group from during DNA synthesis20:54
genehackerunderstand now?20:54
genehackeryou can't do dna synthesis with protecting groups alone correct?20:57
kanzurethat's correct20:57
kanzurealthough someone did DNA synthesis on this four-branched dendrimer via condensation of acetaldehyde and formaldehyde 20:58
kanzurebut it was a branched oligonucleotide in the end, not a double helix or single strand20:58
genehackerso how do we use these protecting groups?20:59
genehackerin your notes it says they can be used for peptide synthesis?21:00
drazak_genehacker: think of a protecting group like this, it's like the paper on doublesided tape, you have to take it off before they can stick together21:00
genehackeryeah I know that21:00
kanzureyou add them to the byproducts of the nucleotidases21:00
genehackerwhat's the paper and what's the tape?21:00
kanzurethere is no paper21:00
kanzureyou use nucleotidases to convert your nucleotides to nucleosides21:01
kanzureyou add your protecting groups to the nucleosides21:01
kanzureyou shine light at your nucleosides+protecting-groups to unprotect it21:01
kanzureyou separate your nucleotides by gel electrophoresis21:01
kanzure(er, that step was out of order)21:02
kanzureum, and that "-" in "nucleosides+protecting-groups" should be removed (except that it's harder to read)21:02
genehackerthat's it?21:02
genehackerI thought they modified the nucleosides a bit more than just protecting groups21:03
genehackerremoving the protecting group turns the nucleoside into a nucleotide?21:04
kanzurea nucleoside is a nucleotide without a phosphate.21:05
genehackeryeah I know21:05
kanzureremoving the protecting group means that the nucleoside is able to react with the strand that you are synthesizing21:05
kanzurethe protecting group isn't there to .. er, protect it21:06
kanzurethere's also some other steps in between each cycle of addition of course21:07
kanzureotherwise ddNTPs would just combine into long chains when in storage in their little bottles :p21:07
-!- genehacker [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-124-98.public.utexas.edu] has quit [Remote closed the connection]21:07
kanzureI think I killed him.21:07
-!- genehacker [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-124-98.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap21:13
genehackerugh why am I still using firefox for browsing?21:14
genehackerso here's the deal photolabile phosphoramidites don't have steps in between21:14
kanzureaccording to who?21:15
genehackeraccording to the people who did maskless array gene synthesis21:15
kanzurethat's not helpful because I don't know the name of those people off the top of my head21:16
kanzureapparently I am now admining abundancestudies.org21:17
kanzurebah, no ssh access21:17
genehackerI don't know who21:20
genehackerso how do we get NPPOC-d-adenosine [N6-tac] β-cyanoethylphosphoramidite21:22
genehackerso we can make NPPOC-Cl21:24
genehackerhow do we get from that to d-adenosine [N6-tac] β-cyanoethylphosphoramidite21:24
genehackerso I see21:27
kanzurealready told you how to make it21:27
kanzurein the email21:27
kanzurealso in the link to the notes21:27
genehackerjust add a protecting group to a nucleoside?21:28
ybitwhat is abundancestudies.org?21:28
genehackerwell we need to try this out21:28
kanzureno, NPPOC-Cl is a bit more complicated21:28
kanzureybit: it's joseph jackson's website21:28
kanzurejoseph is trying to make a Journal of Abundance21:28
ybityeah, gl with that21:29
fennhere is your git snack for the day:21:29
fenngit log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit21:29
ybitkind of21:29
kanzurenow we need a catchy name for that21:29
fennalias gl='...21:29
genehackerwhat's the structure of NPPOC-Cl?21:30
ybitsarcasm due to frustration of not recieving the workbench tonight21:30
kanzuregenehacker: I think you should read the notes.21:31
kanzureNPPOC is basically 2-(2-Nitrophenyl) propoxycarbonyl21:31
fennsarcasm is just one more service i offer. chaos, panic, and disorder... my work here is done.21:31
ybitand because "abundance" is highly general at this moment, not saying the journal won't have any substance, it's just hard to say much about something when there isn't a clear definition of what he's after21:32
genehackerok I think I get it now21:32
ybitafk for a few21:32
genehackerso we need to make some of it21:32
genehackerwhy did you say it is hard?21:32
kanzurewho said that?21:32
genehackermaking NPPOC-Cl?21:33
kanzureI don't think I did.21:33
kanzureybit: joseph actually has more thoughts about abundance than he actually bothers writing about. over the phone he's much more thorough. I heard him live on some blog-by-phone thingy.21:33
genehackerno, NPPOC-Cl is a bit more complicated21:34
kanzuremore complicated than what?21:34
genehackeryou said that21:34
kanzuremore complicated than adding it to a nucleotide21:35
kanzureyes, that's what I said.21:35
kanzurethere's a few apparati that you're going to have to build21:35
kanzurelike a distillation column21:35
genehackerand I'm sure we need reagent grade stuff21:36
kanzurefenn: are you just reading off of the coasters over there?21:36
kanzuregenehacker: not really21:36
kanzuregenehacker: the reaction yields are fairly high for the majority of these reactions21:36
genehackerreagent grade means that what you have is very pure21:37
fennyield and purity are different things..21:37
fennwho is 'newell' named after?21:37
genehackerexactly fenn21:37
kanzurehe should still look over the method before giving up21:37
fenni agree high purity reagents are not necessary for starters21:38
genehackergood point21:38
genehackerso how do we 1. get adequate quantities of DNA to digest 2. seperate out different nucleosides21:40
kanzureare you seriously asking #1 ?21:40
kanzure#2 would be some sort of super gel21:41
genehackernot so sure a gel would seperate out different nucleotides21:42
kanzure"A procedure for the rapid estimation of sulfated nucleotides has been developed in this laboratory using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis for separation ..."21:42
kanzurethis doesn't sound like a super big problem21:43
genehackeroh we can do TLC 21:43
genehackerand we can make our own TLC plates according to instructables21:43
genehackernow this is starting to get interesting21:43
fenni'm really wary of any plan relying on 'according to instructables'21:43
fennTLC is basically a glass microscope slide with a thin layer of alumina sintered on it21:43
fennit's like paper chromatography but more uniform and more inert21:44
fennand not terribly useful for bulk quantities21:44
kanzure"paper electrophoresis" huh21:44
fennalso i'm not convinced you'd have enough separation between such similar molecules as the different bases21:44
genehackerI don't think we need bulk quantities21:44
fennit's not electro- anything, the solvent moves along by capillary action21:45
genehackerinstructables has an article about making TLC plates from glass slides and silica gel packets21:45
fenngenehacker: why are you considering making your own TLC plates?21:45
fennthey also had an article about making a clean room by removing the carpet21:46
genehackerwhy not?21:46
fenn"if you're really serious"21:46
fenni think you do need bulk quantities21:46
kanzurehow much is bulk21:47
fennbecause you have to wash the plate off between every base synthesized21:47
genehackercool only one chemical is on the DEA's list II 21:48
fenngenehacker: kanzure says you claim you dont have to wash off the plate, but how could that possibly work?21:48
genehackerand that's the one we can make if we modify some bacteria to make it21:48
* fenn regrets asking already21:48
genehackerI don't know, I have to go change my router's mac address so I can hopefully use the internet at my place21:49
fenngenehacker: you owe me a cookie21:49
genehackersure you can have one21:50
genehackerhmmm... I also have to figure out the password for it if the previous owner changed it21:51
fennpush the button21:53
genehackerthat's all?21:54
kanzurepush the reset button21:58
kanzurefenn: did you ever bother to look over the data in these files?22:01
kanzure(might be a tarbomb)22:01
kanzure^ that one is definitely not a tarbomb, although larger22:01
genehackerkanzure I'd recommend posting that stuff to diybio22:02
kanzurewhat stuff22:02
fennlook over the data? you mean the 3 or 4 columns of unlabeled numbers? (with two or three entries each)22:02
genehackerthe stuff about making protecting groups and nucleosides 22:03
fennyeah i looked at it22:03
fennirssi nickcolor.pl title.pl22:09
-!- kanzure changed the topic of #hplusroadmap to: there is a disturbance in the cookie matrix22:09
fennin irssi-scripts22:11
fennmove to .irssi/scripts/autorun/22:11
-!- genehacker [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-124-98.public.utexas.edu] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]22:23
-!- Netsplit niven.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: tarbo2, kanzure-, bkero, xp_prg22:37
-!- Netsplit over, joins: xp_prg22:37
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ybitkanzure: what extropy mailing list did the "world’s first brain prosthesis" come from?23:21
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