
--- Day changed Sun Jul 12 2009
kanzureit's fine over here :)00:00
fennor rather, i can load thumbnails but not fullsize or scaled images00:02
fennweird it works in wget00:02
genehackerthis one00:18
genehackermaking THC(solvent) from what amounts to scratch00:19
drazaknonyl phenol ethoxy00:19
drazaklovely shit00:19
drazakcleans driveways00:19
fennre 'horribly ugly' http://www.riversimple.com/Services/Media.ashx?MediaId=5200:20
fennit doesnt look half bad with the front ripped off http://www.riversimple.com/Services/Media.ashx?MediaId=6200:21
fennmaybe i'm just some kind of car sadist00:21
fennbut the whole thing is way too overstyled, from the steering wheel to the seats00:22
genehackerI don't know chemistry01:06
genehackerwhich is why I want to make me a chemistry waldo for being ok if things go wrong01:06
kanzurewtf why is roguesci.org down01:23
kanzuredoes anyone have a backup of roguesci.org?01:23
fennarchive.org has some01:32
kanzurethere are various torrents of it01:32
fennwhat is it exactly?01:33
ybitfenn: "A vast collection of explosive synthesis procedures including resources to assist you in understanding some of the technical jargon, and how to synthesize ..."01:37
fennhopefull that's for synthesizing explosives, not the other interpretation01:37
ybitgoogles's grab of the description on www.roguesci.org/megalomania/index.html 01:37
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@c-76-21-115-162.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap01:37
fenni must say i'm somewhat disappointed in this "sysborg" thing01:41
fennit's just TWiki01:42
fennkanzure: how big is that torrent eh?01:42
kanzureadded another gallery01:47
kanzurefenn: the one I found was 180 MB. but it wasn't the forums.01:48
kanzuream not doing it at the moment.01:48
kanzuresysborg? do you mean the indian "open source" drug discovery program?01:48
kanzuresome papers I totally forgot about: http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/nano/01:55
kanzureit seems that the ~bbishop/docs/wearables/ directory is missing some files though :(01:56
kanzurethere used to be at least 20 different images of wearables01:56
kanzurebut now only two01:56
kanzureand then of course these that I still haven't got entirely: http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/open-rtms/01:57
genehackeryes google does02:24
genehackertheir DEA'd02:24
genehackerif you know what I mean02:24
genehackerbut we shouldn't be concerned with energetic material synthesis so much02:25
genehackerjust some of the techniques there should help us with diybio02:26
genehackerso whatever happened to this megalomania fellow02:38
genehackerybit how do I get google's grab of that02:39
fennjust guessing, try site:roguesci.org and wget all the "cached" links02:45
fennbetter idea?02:47
kanzureuse the torrents02:48
kanzurethere's no way google cache has a full archive that they expose to users02:48
kanzureunless someone has broken their hashing scheme yet?02:48
genehackerwhat is wget?02:52
genehackerroguesci has deteriorated into something horrible 02:53
fenni keep hoping you're going to get a clue02:53
genehackernever mind02:53
genehackeroh that02:53
genehackerhold on second02:53
genehackerhey bryan looks great02:54
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kanzureum, thanks but no thanks02:55
fennwell it's a pretty diagram at least http://www.sensorpedia.com/blog/spylib-the-sensorpedia-python-library/03:21
-!- genehacker [n=chatzill@cpe-67-9-157-136.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap03:24
genehackerok how do I get ubuntu to work with my wireless card03:24
genehackeror should it already work?03:24
fenndepends how bleeding edge your wireless card is03:25
genehackeralso can I access my windows files from ubuntu03:25
genehackerI have no idea03:25
genehackerjust how do I get my internet to work?03:25
fennif it doesnt work out of the box, start troubleshooting03:26
fenncan you ping your gateway for example03:27
genehackerI'll think I see if I can't dual boot or something for now03:27
fennwhat does that have to do with networking03:28
fennyou probably just have to run 'sudo pump' or something03:29
fennor tell it what essid to use03:29
genehackerI don't know what you are talking about03:29
fennthen you need to learn03:29
genehackerhow do I tell it which SSID to use?03:30
fennthere is some pointy clicky thing but i do: sudo iwconfig eth1 ESSID foobar03:31
genehackeris there a visual interface, if not give me some instructions on what commands to use03:32
genehackerIE PDF of some help03:32
fennare you lagged or am i?03:32
genehackerUNDEFINED COMMAND: lagged03:33
genehackerI'll figure it out03:34
fenni think it's me03:35
genehackerdamn firefox is leaking memory all over the place03:35
genehackerI think it's gonna die03:35
genehackerthe linux version of windows explorer never crashes right?03:36
fenni suppose one could say that :)03:37
fenni have yet to see a rock-solid web browser anywhere03:38
fennmaybe you could try google chrome and tell us how it goes03:38
genehackerdoes chrome have extensions?03:39
genehackerI mostly use opera now03:39
genehackerwireless card isn't listed03:40
fennlisted where?03:42
genehackeron the list of wireless cards ubuntu supports03:42
fennwhat about madwifi03:43
fennor whatever the binary compatibility layer is called03:43
fennwhat's the card's name?03:43
fennmodel number03:43
genehackerdell wireless 1510 wireless-N WLAN Mini-Card Rev 4.0203:44
fennwhat's the pci identifier03:45
genehackerI'm gonna have to ndiswrapper or whatever03:45
genehackerchipset #?03:45
fenndell 1510 is the laptop model number03:46
fennlspci will tell you the name03:46
genehackerthink I found a solution03:47
genehackergoing to sleep03:48
genehackerif you aren't on mars time you should too03:48
fenni am going to try to do a 24 hour switcheroo03:48
genehackerafter all you are going to LA03:54
fennuh, so?03:56
fennmy sleep schedule's been totally fucked for the last week, i'm trying to fix it03:57
genehackerwhat is that?04:03
fennjust look at http://heybryan.org:8080/sleep/2009_07.html04:03
fennblue is sleep04:03
genehackera program that keeps track of when you are awake>04:03
fennobsessive record keeping04:04
fennmidnight is on the left04:04
fennhow what?04:04
genehackerhow does it work?04:04
fenni have a file with lines that look like:04:04
fenn0545 2020 sleep04:04
genehackerhow does it keep track of you?04:05
genehackerI assume you input the data04:05
genehackernot that you wear an accelerometer04:05
fenni think you'd have to teach it to interpret the accelerometer data anyway04:06
genehackerprogram that does this?04:06
fenndoes what?04:06
genehackeraccelerometer can figure out if you are getting good sleep?04:06
fennhmm. neural network i suppose04:06
genehackerhow does the program that keep track of this work04:06
genehackerwell some guy invented an alarm clock that keeps track of your movements in sleep to figure out when the best time to wake you up is04:07
fennyeah, that's not what this is04:07
ybitemacs org-mode i'm assuming04:07
fennybit: sorta like that, yes, but my own made-up syntax04:07
fennwhen i started i was using the scheduling software from some long dead japanese PDA04:08
fennthe zaurus igeti, if anyone cares04:08
ybiti like the time clocking capabilities it offers04:08
fennit had really good japanese handwriting recognition, so it was useful for looking up kanji and translating to english04:08
genehackercan you understand japanese?04:09
genehackermy motor is going to take a bit more power04:09
fenngenehacker: i can pretend to, and be right half the time :P04:10
genehackeroh so just about as good as I know spanish04:10
fenni was at the head of my class, whatever that counts for04:11
genehackercould you hack out the image recognition software from it put it in a camera phone and make a translator?04:11
genehackerheh I guess my motor should put out enough torque04:12
fennwow all i could ever get it to do was display text: http://www.pat.hi-ho.ne.jp/~sata68/img/p10_nayu.jpg04:13
genehackeris dat sum mango?04:13
fennthe handwriting recognition was highly dependent on stroke order (and it was a touchscreen btw)04:16
fennthere is some open source equivalent software which doesnt work nearly as well04:16
genehackerdo you know anything about digital circuit design?04:17
fennyes, why?04:17
genehackerI'm trying to make a circuit that outputs 110, 011, 101 repeat04:18
genehackeror the reverse of such04:18
ybitaccording to my schedule, it will 2-3 months before i start contributing to skdb, need to see if i can't cut more corners04:19
fennget an AVR, while true { int * foo = [110, 011, 101]; PA0 = foo++; if foo > 2; foo = 0}} or so04:20
fennybit: what does this schedule look like?04:20
fenni mean what are you doing that actually gets done on time?04:21
genehackerAVR? fenn, do you have a machine that makes AVR's?04:21
fennno, so? do you have a machine that makes digital circuit elements?04:21
fenni know what you're trying to do.. stepper motor sequences04:22
ybitmonth one:04:22
ybitfix computer, reinstall gentoo, emacs-org04:22
ybitautoscholar, giant communication matrix04:22
ybitsequence dna: thermocycler/mini thermocycler (paper), open gel box04:22
ybitmolecular biology and genomics04:22
ybitmonth two:04:22
genehackerwell I don't04:22
ybitone giant communication matrix04:22
ybitcomputerized manufacturing process planning systems04:22
genehackerbut I can use one for free04:22
ybitmanufacturing processes reference guide04:22
ybitmonth three through five:04:22
ybitoscillope/ar in freerunner04:22
ybitmonth 6-1204:22
ybitvoice recognition04:22
ybitdiysci.org/toolbook, freefab/skdb/openmanufacturing.org, heath.im, co.de04:22
ybitmonth 12-2404:22
ybitthat's being highly optimistic04:23
fennyou hope to sequence dna in one month from scratch?04:23
ybitparts of it though, yeah04:23
fennfwiw i think 'giant communication matrix' is a poor way to think about things04:24
genehackerybit get me some fluorescently labeled bases then we're talking 04:24
fennmuch better to simply keep a file on each person you know containing everything you know bout them, such as what they know about04:24
fenntakes a lot of work no matter which way you do it04:25
fennso the focus should be on how to automatically keep track of this metadata04:25
fennybit: it looks to me like your "schedule" is more of a priority list than anything04:26
genehackerit's so simple04:26
fennybit: you usually cant buy acrylic glue so you should order that on ebay as it'll take a while to get shipped04:27
genehackerhow this stepper driver works04:27
fennthe stuff in a can made by tapp plastics is good, i think it's either number 4 or number 6, and you need a little bottle with a needle to apply it04:27
fennactive ingredient is methylene chloride so be sure to have good ventilation04:27
fenn(also why you cant buy it anywhere)04:27
fennoops not tapp, IPS weld-on04:28
genehackeryou know what I want?04:31
genehackera cad program that lets you make parts dimensioned by dimensioned04:32
genehackeror is that what parametric modeling is for?04:32
fennit's more than that though, since you can change the dimensions later and have everything update nicely04:32
genehackerwell then why doesn't my cad program easily redimension other dimensions when I redimension the main one04:33
genehackerno alibre04:33
fennhm. i guess you arent using it correctly04:33
genehackerguess I need to rtfm04:33
fennactually you should go to sleep04:33
genehackermust... finish... part04:34
genehackermust help machine overlords dominate humanity04:34
ybitanyway, that's what i'm pushing for. realistically, i'll probably have to add a few extra months to a few tasks. guess i should sleep since i'm babbling now04:36
ybitgn genehacker, fenn 04:38
genehackerok I will sleeeafffaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa04:38
ybitsadly, i understand the sleep-deprived language genehacker is speaking right now04:39
genehackerholy fuck alibtr can do kinematic simulation04:40
genehackermanual explained04:42
fennbtw genehacker the circuit you wanted for steppers is called a shift register04:51
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kanzuregenehacker: a good first step in network troubleshooting is figuring out the brand and name of your wireless card, probably through /proc or dmesg or by physically looking at the damn thing08:44
kanzurethere's a pointy-clicky interface on ubuntu that should automatically run for wireless support. I suspect genehacker is trying out ubuntu.08:45
-!- kanzure changed the topic of #hplusroadmap to: skdb open source hardware package management system. git repo: http://adl.serveftp.org/skdb/ "apt-get for real stuff!" | "the ilnux version of windows explorer never crashes right?"08:46
Utopiah "apt-get for real stuff!" :)08:46
-!- kanzure changed the topic of #hplusroadmap to: skdb open source hardware package management system. git repo: http://adl.serveftp.org/skdb/ "apt-get for real stuff!" | "the linux version of windows explorer never crashes right?"08:46
kanzurebcm432b is way mor than supported IIRC08:47
kanzurethe giant communication matrix idea included the file on each person, by the way. 08:50
kanzuremight be a good time to learn about autoproject and make files. I haven't used makefiles for anything but programming in the past.08:52
kanzureybit: please yell at me so I'll learn org-mode too08:54
kanzurefeels like changing religions08:56
kanzurefenn: did you put the wiki page up somewhere?09:01
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kanzureGitCommandError: "['git', 'blame', '-p', 'master', '--', 'the_filename'] returned exit status 128"09:10
kanzurebut running it myself, it works.09:11
kanzureindex saying that the repo is: ==== <git.Repo "/home/kanzure/code/pydjangitwiki/.git">09:21
kanzurewell that's totally wrong09:22
kanzurehow could it be so confused as to think that I'm using the working dir as the test repo09:22
kanzurehuh. apparently "" defaults to the local dir. so if you have a logical error in your conditionals, you might end up accidentally modifying your working repository09:24
fenndjango isnt normally run from wherever09:25
kanzureno. I was doing something stupid like "if the repodir parameter is a string, then use that as the path", but repodir is a named parameter set to "" by default09:26
kanzureso I meant to say if type(repodir) == type("") and not (repodir == "")09:26
kanzureum. so this passes: self.assertTrue(response.context[0].dicts[0]["folders_for_index"][0].has_key("name"))09:31
kanzurethis does not: self.assertTrue(response.context[0].dicts[0]["folders_for_index"][0]["name"] == foldernamevar)09:31
kanzureit gives a KeyError09:31
kanzurenow how could that be?09:31
kanzurewell that only took forever. test_index() now passes.09:40
fennwhat was the answer?09:43
kanzurewhat was that anime that everyone in japan saw09:47
kanzure"Spirited Away overtook Titanic in the Japanese box office to become the highest-grossing film in Japanese history."09:49
fennkannon or guan-yin09:53
fennkannon sees all suffering with her 12354198724581984985179819845798129812982319847127893978132897528959891 eyes09:53
kanzuredoesn't sound like a fun job09:54
fennnemue akira09:56
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kanzuredoes anyone know what "the hive" was? something about amateur drug chemists?10:29
kanzurewhat could she possibly be saying10:59
kanzurethere's like a ratio of 1000 words to 1 word response10:59
fennsee earlier discussion with genehacker, abstract the process, apply it to your current situation11:04
kanzuredidn't realize I didn't have the driver11:04
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kanzuregee, chromatography makes for a good use of grammar rules13:16
kanzureapparently there are all sorts of rules you have to follow about which process to use next in a chain for purification etc.13:16
kanzure'Logical combinations of chromatographic steps'13:17
kanzurefenn will like "suitability of purification techniques for the Three Phase Purification Strategy:" 13:18
ybitkanzure: emacs has viper mode which makes it easier to switch religions ;)13:32
* ybit will is having to relearn a few emacs commands as well13:34
ybitthink that's the second time i posted the link in here13:36
ybithow to synthesis adradfinil and modafinil13:37
ybitwonder what the drug regulations are in spain13:38
* ybit is having difficulty obtaining modafinil13:39
ybiti keep getting prescribed adhd meds13:39
ybitwhich is what i've been diagnosed with several times13:39
ybitwas misdiagnosed as bipolar by this ahole of a doctor who didn't have time to listen to me explain my situation (two close friends had died recently) and i was going through a bit of a crisis 13:42
ybitanyway, modafinil has been the best med i've taken in terms of productivity, energy levels, and subjectively feeling happy13:45
ybitbut all docs that i've seen (~4) want you to be narcoleptic which poses a problem13:47
* ybit needs to either find a doctor who prescribes modafinil for adhd or synthesize it legally myself 13:47
ybit..or synthesize adrafinil myself (i think it's unregulated, been awhile since i looked)13:48
kanzurewhy is it that I haven't seen much documentation on methlabs on the net?13:48
kanzureit seems like this would be something that would have lots of content out there13:48
kanzurebut it's actually hard to find13:48
kanzurehow do these guys in the ghettos end up making their methlabs?13:48
ybitwell, i know a guy..13:48
ybitthey don't have a lab13:49
ybitthey usually have one person perform this task, another person perform another task, etc. until it's made13:49
kanzuremaybe they buy a "methlab kit" from mexico or something13:49
ybitand they aren't ghetto13:49
ybitjust regular guys/gals, business owners and middle class workers13:50
kanzurewell, here in texas there are stories from time to time about a random trailerhouse having exploded because the methlabie inside was being an idiot13:50
ybithah, yeah13:50
ybitthat's all over the south :P13:50
kanzurebut it makes me wonder: who are these people?13:50
kanzureis there some secret methlab society of information sharing that I am not aware of?13:50
kanzureare n't these people territorial?13:50
ybitdunno about the dealers13:51
kanzurehome meth lab: http://pugetsoundblogs.com/kitsap-crime/files/2009/02/meth-lab-1.jpg13:51
ybiti have exp. with marijuana dealers and they don't seem territorial around here13:51
ybitmaybe it's a different industry because there are so many diff. types of mary13:52
kanzure" suspect in mobile meth lab" <- hah13:52
ybiti'm probably going to have to do some type of outreach from my lab so that cops don't suspect i'm doing any illegal activities with it13:53
ybiti don't plan on doing anything illegal aside from ignoring copyright13:54
ybitand scanning books, downloading music, videos, etc.13:54
kanzure"The Narcotics Digest Weekly tells of a federal grand jury in Kentucky who indicted two men for concealing ice methamphetamine in a motorized, 3-foot hobby rocket -- connected by wires to the vehicle's cigarette lighter. If stopped by police, the men planned to open the trunk of the vehicle, raise the methamphetamine-filled rocket into launching position using a string and pulley system, and launch the rocket into the air. These two men now host Methbusters on the Discovery channel."13:55
kanzure"The methamphetamine situation changed in the mid-1990s with the entrance of Mexican organized crime into production and distribution. According to the DEA, the seizure of 3.5 metric tons of pseudoephedrine (the primary precursor chemical used in the production of methamphetamine) in Texas revealed that Mexican trafficking groups were producing methamphetamine on an unprecedented scale."14:01
kanzure"Biker gangs including the Hells Angels took control over the manufacture of amphetamines using standard laboratory equipment."14:02
kanzurewhat the fuck14:02
kanzurethe "methamphetamine lab seizures in the US" is startling 14:03
kanzurewell, not really, but interesting14:03
kanzurewtf we have a "http://www.usdoj.gov/dea/concern/map_lab_seizures.html"?14:04
kanzureer, sorry14:04
kanzure"National Clandestine Laboratory Database" ?14:04
kanzurethere's been a decline in seizures14:06
kanzure2005: 12.1k, 2006: 7.3k, 2007: 5.9k, 2008: 6.7k.14:06
kanzure"Rolling meth labs are often readily moved to a secluded location to be unpacked to synthesize the drug, such as in a public park,[2] or sometimes set up to render the drug while the lab is traveling in a vehicle."14:07
kanzure"Rolling meth labs can be concealed on or in vehicles as large as 18 wheelers, or transported on something as small as a motorcycle. "14:08
kanzurethese guys outclass me14:08
kanzuremissouri is high: http://www.usdoj.gov/dea/seizures/missouri_pg1.html14:13
-!- kardan| [n=kardan@p54BE67AB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #hplusroadmap14:15
kanzurewell this is odd14:16
kanzureaccording to http://www.usdoj.gov/dea/concern/map_lab_seizures.html14:16
kanzurethere were 6,783 lab seizures in 200814:17
kanzurebut according to the national clanedestine lab registry, there were only 2300 seizures in 200814:17
ybitre: i know a guy. he doesn't do it anymore for future ref14:18
ybit09:22 < ybit> molecular biology and genomics14:19
ybitwtf, how did that come in here14:19
kanzureit snuck in through the back door14:21
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kanzuredoes anyone know what "synthetikal" was? or "the hive"?15:45
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kanzurewhat the *fuck* 15:50
kanzureso I'm randomly appearing in "lists of useful links" on private forums15:50
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kanzure"she has this 125 ml sep funnel of freebase floating on top of distilled water... she holds the vibrator in one hand with its pad facing upward... holding the sep funnel by its neck, she gently lowers its tip down onto the vibrating pad, never letting go with her other hand but holding it loosely... she watches the interface between the two layers and modulates the frequency of vibration by altering the pressure on the neck... she soon detects the characteristic shape of a spherical standing wave in the liquid... reflected on the interface, she sees the standing waves as clearly as in any textbook... by her altering the pressure on the sep funnel's neck, she "tunes" it like a guitar --- its the same thing as altering the tension on the strings..."16:09
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ybithttp://pastebin.com/f2e82b961 :: a note on a clean workspace while carrying out genetic eng.16:20
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kanzurehm, a good list here: "various types of separation processes" - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Separation_process18:07
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kanzure"be a doer not a metooer"18:35
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genehackeroncolytic virus stuff?19:02
genehackerremember that scare report from the security community about rabies?19:15
genehackerer modified rabies?19:15
kanzurehey look everyone I just designed an open source death star19:28
kanzuregive me monies19:28
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genehackerI for one would recommend something like isenhorn fortress21:38
kanzureall protocols are just the application of different instruments with different parameters in succession21:38
genehackerwhich has a liquid metal armor exterior and gun turrets that can be repositioned or put under the liquid metal armor21:39
genehackerhow does your opensource death star work?21:40
kanzureit has an unlimited supply of bullshit powering it21:40
genehackeryou design a couple of cell like modules and repeat all over21:40
genehackerok so powered by nuclear fusion21:41
genehackerand uses a nuclear pumped superlaser21:42
kanzurecolumn chromatography has two basic simple interfaces21:46
kanzureI could be defining it right now if fenn would only work out the class structure with me 21:46
kanzureit's fun blaming other people for my own lack of progress22:11
genehackerit also slow things down...22:22
kanzureneed to re-read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distillation22:53
kanzurevigreux condenser23:02
kanzureraschig rings23:02
kanzureraoult's law23:03
kanzureliebig condenser23:03
kanzure"    the vapor pressure of an ideal solution is dependent on the vapor pressure of each chemical component and the mole fraction of the component present in the solution." hm.23:05
kanzureybit: thanks23:07
ybitkanzure: for?23:23
fennweird, i just had a dream about undergoing phage therapy for a systemic bacterial infection23:42
ybitargh, i think gmail misformatted my email to diytranshumanism :\23:58

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