
--- Day changed Fri Jul 17 2009
-!- ybit [n=ybit@unaffiliated/ybit] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]00:04
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kanzureyaml.constructor.ConstructorError: expected a scalar node, but found mapping00:08
kanzure  in "<string>", line 6, column 12:00:08
kanzure    blockhole: !part00:08
kanzuregenehacker: multiple proteins from a solution00:08
kanzurebased on mass and/or density00:09
kanzure(not sure which)00:09
CIA-73skdb: kanzure master * r5d1467c / pymates/pymates.py : ugh, errors with pymates - http://bit.ly/6fuYm00:10
genehackermultiple proteins seperated?00:26
genehackerif so let's build one00:26
genehackeralso check out Precision Monolithic Casting in Fluidics Quarterly 9 in the Eng Library00:27
genehackerwill give scans later00:27
genehackerhow about around lunch tomorrow?00:34
kanzurei need to do something in the morning, but I will probably be on campus by noon00:35
genehackerok cool00:37
kanzureI'm not digging the MPTS crosslinks for the monoliths in the CD protein purification device00:38
genehackeryes me either00:38
genehackersigma aldric00:38
genehackeryou mean what they used for the colum00:39
kanzureI'd like to see a micrograph of the column.00:39
kanzureoh wait they had one in the paper00:39
genehackerit's some weird silicon compound00:40
genehackermaybe DRT could make it00:40
genehackeryou have >3 ochem books00:40
genehackercan I borrow one00:40
kanzurewhich one00:40
kanzureum. sure. I recommend the PDFs though.00:40
kanzureyou sure you want a physical book?00:40
kanzuredead tree format00:41
genehackerfork em over!00:41
kanzurei think the principle of their MTPS-crosslinked column may be similar to the logarithm involved in gel electrophoresis00:41
kanzureit doesn't look like hte proteins have any particular chemical interaction with the column00:42
kanzuredo you remember the experiment in physics class where you would have this bed board of nails,00:42
genehackerwell duh00:42
kanzureyou would put it on an elevation00:42
kanzureand then roll marbles down and track where they would land with a probability distribution00:42
kanzureI suspect that's what's going on here00:43
genehackermore like gel electrophoresis00:43
genehackerwhere heavier stuff goes slower00:44
genehackeror do you not get the principle of gel electrophoresis00:44
genehackeror do I not understand what you're talking about?00:45
kanzuregel electrophoresis can be described by a logarithm00:45
genehackerhow so?00:46
genehackergive me the formula00:47
kanzuresmall fragments travel much faster than large fragments00:47
kanzureconsider the ferguson plot00:48
genehackerheybryan is down00:48
genehackerand that shows?00:49
-!- wrldpc2 [n=benny@] has joined #hplusroadmap00:49
kanzureit should be back up00:49
kanzureit's the log of mobility versus gel concentration00:49
kanzureguess that's not as helpfulexplaining it00:49
genehackermobility goes WAY DOWN with gel concentration?00:50
genehackergot it00:50
-!- wrldpc2 [n=benny@] has quit [Client Quit]00:50
kanzurewith infinite gel concentration, mobility hits zero00:50
genehackerFUCK YEAH00:50
genehackerthat's on my homework00:50
genehackeroh wait maybe not00:52
CIA-73skdb: kanzure master * r257b63a / pymates/monday.py : it would be nice if this worked by monday - http://bit.ly/ifxf101:02
CIA-73djangit: Meredith L. Patterson master * r0047918 / docs/mlp-workingnotes : 01:08
CIA-73djangit: Committer: Meredith L. Patterson01:08
CIA-73djangit:  On branch master01:08
CIA-73djangit:  Changes to be committed:01:08
CIA-73djangit:  (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)01:08
CIA-73djangit:  new file: docs/mlp-workingnotes - http://bit.ly/5ndE201:08
CIA-73djangit: kanzure master * re684bc8 / wiki/views.py : merged maradydd's notes - http://bit.ly/btAfY01:08
genehackerwhere can I access the chat logs03:26
genehackerheh 03:29
fennwhy does cia say "changes to be committed:"05:07
fenni wish one could add comments to comments05:09
fennit'd probably just turn into some sort of torah-splosion05:09
-!- wrldpc2 [n=benny@pool-173-48-253-182.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap06:27
fenni must admit i dont see the point of this http://gitorious.org/free-manufacturing06:34
fennnor do i understand smari's reply, which seems non-sequitur06:34
Smarifenn, It was an attempt to guide him onto the right track without outright saying that he was barking up the wrong tree.06:35
Smaribesides, he isn't.06:35
SmariWhat he's done so far is fairly good06:39
fennis there a human-readable view of the latex somewhere?06:39
fenni dont actually know how to render latex06:40
Smarihang on, I'll do it.06:40
SmariBy all means learn it. It's a good typesetting system.06:41
Smariit's on its way...06:41
fennasciidoc does everything i want06:41
Smarithat must mean that you do not want normal people to read your documents. Nor have pretty equations. Nor have beautiful diagrams or good margins or awesome PDF files.06:42
fennyou know i really hate "pretty equations" with a passion06:42
fennand latex always seems to make this bobbly up-down text which nobody but me ever mentions06:43
fennSmari: they assume you know wtf they mean in the first place06:43
Smarifenn, don't confuse pretty equations with arrogant mathematicians.06:43
fennhow am i supposed to know what "d" stands for, or that funny squiggle, or your particular arrangement of glyphs06:43
fennthere's no sense to it06:44
fennits 100% pure arbitrary convention06:44
SmariSo is writing in general, isn't it?06:44
fennat least i can look up words06:44
SmariYou can look up notation too.06:44
fennhow do you look up glyphs positioned with respect o another?06:44
Smarimathematical notation has been very much improved over the last 100 years, but it still suffers from its users being very arrogant and not wanting to spend time explaining what the hell they mean.06:44
SmariJuxtaposition bears context, which, if you understand the functionality encoded in a glyph, you will also understand.06:45
fennhow do you look up notation?06:45
SmariHow do you look up symbols in general?06:48
SmariWhen encountered with, say, the greek letter xi, how do you know what it is?06:48
Smarihttp://detexify.kirelabs.org/classify.html  <-- this helps.06:48
fenndoesnt detexify require me to have the latex source in the first place?06:51
Smariif you don't like equations, how do you signify things like, oh, say, Maxwell's equations?06:51
fennthat is to say, not a "pretty equation"06:51
fenni just dont like the hieroglyphics06:51
fennmath is cool06:51
SmariSo you're okay with integral symbols and 'dx' and division lines and subscripts and powers and all that?06:52
fennbut most equations would generate a "error: foo is undefined" if a computer tried to read it06:52
fenn(and the surrounding text)06:52
fennSmari: NO that's the crap i'm against06:53
SmariThat's because computers trying to parse that typically don't have the ability to realize abstract relationships.06:53
SmariThey expect every variable to have a value.06:53
fennthere's nothing abstract about it06:53
SmariAre you saying that   y = a+bx   is not abstract?06:53
SmariThat that particular formula is completely useless without the granted context of the symbols having values?06:54
fennthe problem with that is you dont know which symbols are constants06:54
SmariThen assume none to be.06:54
fennyou have to 'just know' that x is a variable and b is a constant06:54
Smarix need not be a variable, b need not be a constant.06:54
SmariYou could plot that function for varying values of b and a..06:55
fennbut 99% of the time, an arrogant mathematician will expect you to know that you're parameterizing x06:55
Smariyeah, I agree that that is a very bad thing.06:55
SmariI generally don't disagree with you on this.. it is very arbitrary.06:55
fennsee "zen of python" etc etc06:56
Smaribut I'm trying to convey that in this case the price of criticism is a viable alternative.06:56
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fenner, please reformulate that last sentence06:56
SmariShow me a sensible contextual syntax with which I can describe, to grab an model at random from the book beside me, Padé approximants.06:57
fennwell, lisp is one example..06:57
fennnot that i'm saying everyone should switch to lisp overnight06:57
SmariWhere everything looks the same; very horrible to visually parse.06:58
SmariThe thing about math notation is that it's whiteboard friendly.06:58
fenn(and only whiteboard friendly)06:58
SmariAnd for people like mathematicians who do all of their thinking on whiteboards, that's fine.06:58
SmariAs long as they realize that it's only one of many possible notations.06:58
fenni just wish it didnt creep into everything else06:59
SmariOne of my professors once ran through a proof in symbolic logic that you could, logically and without contradiction, use the same symbol repeatedly in a logical statement with different meanings.06:59
fenndammit there ought to be download/executable source for every engineering paper06:59
Smaribut yes, most notation does suck. I don't know how often I've been confused by notation of something relatively simple... and I'm with Lockhart on the issue that teaching notation should be secondary to teaching mathematics.07:00
SmariA lot of schools teach notation as if it were mathematics.07:01
SmariTeach kids to manipulate symbols in a notational grammar, without understanding the underlying abstraction.07:01
fenn93 pages in category Mathematical Notation07:01
fenni'm glad computers can't parse hieroglyphics07:02
Smariyou hit a kid over the head with  (a+b)² = a²+2ab+b²  often enough and he'll remember it and possibly be able to use it, but it won't do him a bit of good because he won't understand it unless he starts playing around with it and explores the implications.07:02
SmariActually.. have you seen Fortress?07:02
SmariCheck it out.07:03
fennwasnt that sort of the point of haskell? but without all the icky symbols07:04
fenn"program structure should reflect the science"07:05
SmariDude. You can't even open a file in Haskell without resorting to Voodoo.07:09
SmariHaskell doesn't reflect any science except computer science.07:09
SmariI would love to see somebody try to write something like haplotype association analysis software in Haskell.07:10
fennactually that sounds like something it'd be good at07:10
fennfactoring large sets07:11
SmariStill sounds like a very far-fetched thing..07:11
SmariLunchtime. Let's see if I can find some food.07:12
fenn"maybe you should have to ask for sequential execution" (from fortress)07:12
Smariisn't it like, 7 in the morning for you?07:12
fennyes, i got up a couple hours ago07:12
SmariDamnit, my falafel isn't hot through07:19
Smarirushing too much07:19
fennburn it! burn it all!07:19
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-!- genehacker [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-158-110.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap07:25
kanzureSmari: you can't generally google an equation.07:43
Smarikanzure, agreed.07:45
fennpaul hasnt been writing to OM, maybe that's why it seems much more topical than usual07:45
SmariI don't know which is funnier.. that you should make that connection, or that you should consider it to be currently topical.07:48
kanzureit's just sad that paul is so far off track07:49
kanzureso that can't be it:)07:49
fennSmari: well i'm quite excited about that cable based dremel thingy07:50
fennmaybe i've just been seduced by the video production07:51
Smarifenn, me too. I set it as "featured video" on the fablab.is/wiki 07:52
SmariBefore that there was no such thing as a "featured video" on the wiki ;)07:52
kanzurehuh didn't know fablab.is had a wiki07:52
kanzureit would be nice plugin for djangit to have git-pull requests for documentation from multiple wikis or something for a common fablab namespace07:53
kanzurejust a pipe dream07:53
fennthat's what samrose is on about "flows"07:53
fenngit seems to work well enough for the linux kernel07:54
Smarikanzure, the wiki is the only thing I touch on fablab.is; the rest is managed by an ass-backwards web management system that only works in Internet Explorer.07:54
SmariNot my choice.07:54
SmariCompany policy.07:54
SmariAnother reason for why I'm quitting.07:54
fennnews, drama!07:55
fennwhat could be more exciting than running a fab-lab in the middle of the ocean?07:55
kanzureon this episode of hplusroadmap, smari meets the league of doom and faces a tough decision07:55
fennSmari: did Kokompe ever go anywhere?07:56
kanzurefenn, do you know what this error is really saying?08:04
kanzureyaml.constructor.ConstructorError: expected a scalar node, but found mapping08:04
kanzure  in "<string>", line 6, column 12:08:04
kanzure    blockhole: !part08:04
fennit's probably the line before it08:05
fennis that code up somewhere?08:06
kanzureyes, it's in pymates/models/blockhole.yaml08:06
kanzureand the error is generated when running pymates/tests.py08:06
fennwhere are you pushing to lately, github?08:06
kanzurefor some reason when I push to /var/www/skdb.git/ my git wants to push to /var/www/skdb/08:06
kanzureit's up to date on hte server08:06
fenn- 'http://heybryan.org/'08:08
fennuh wait nevermind08:08
Smarifenn, not really.08:12
kanzureit might be because of the word scalar in my pymates.py code08:12
Smarifenn, The project died because most of the people involved had never worked on a distributed free software project before and therefore didn't know how to use mailing lists and chatrooms effectively. :P08:13
Smarifenn, there is a fairly neat bunch of code though..08:13
SmariA pretty powerful CSG engine that is just begging to be used for something real.08:13
kanzureCSG? really?08:14
kanzurecan you link to that?08:14
fennis this code available for mere mortals to share/modify?08:14
fenncam.py had some weird license08:14
Smari3cm/minute, 30 cm, ... 90 minutes.08:14
Smarifenn, MIT license, not very weird.08:14
SmariI don't know where the git currently lives...08:15
kanzureSmari: that whole "don't know how to collaborate" issue has come up with the diybio folks too :/08:15
kanzureSmari: you should wrangle your code more effectively08:15
Smarianother cause of it dying is that the repo kept getting moved around without anybody being notified.08:15
fennin particular cam.py said "Permission granted for experimental and personal use;"08:15
fennwhatever that means08:16
Smariwe originally hosted it on the MIT Media Lab cluster, but that crashed (!) and it got pushed to davidad.net, and from there somewhere else.08:16
kanzuredavidad.net is david dalrymple08:16
fenni thought the point of universities was that they hosted stuff for you08:17
Smarikanzure, yup08:17
kanzurei stalked david last year and met him08:17
SmariI met him for the first time in Norway.08:17
kanzurebachelors degree at age 12, CBA by age 15, taught by kurzweil and gershenfeld-- I hated him immediately08:17
kanzure(I kid, I kid)08:18
* kanzure has been jealous08:18
SmariSecond time in Chicago, third time in Boston. It seems that I never meet Fab Lab folks twice in the same country.08:18
Smari(Boston is in Massachusetts, Chicago is in Illinois. I don't consider federations to be countries)08:18
kanzurewouldn't have guessed by anarchism.is08:19
Smarilaser etching marble is coming out at a loss.08:19
kanzurecould you find the repo? that would be hot08:19
SmariI'll make a tarball and share it08:20
fennrepo would be better eventually08:20
Smaribut I don't have one at the moment ;)08:20
* fenn has to go pretend to do stuff08:20
SmariAre you guys familiar with Forrest Green perchance?08:20
SmariHe's from Austin methinks.08:21
Smariuploading the tarball now.. perhaps I should have "make clean" in it first, but I didn't, so there.08:22
kanzurepeople like you who don't 'make clean' are the reason why .. somethings omething something08:23
kanzureI'm sure you can come up with something sufficiently insulting there08:23
SmariThere's some very neat stuff in there.08:24
SmariI had forgotten about a lot of it.08:24
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Smariokay, uploaded with objects :P08:30
Smaria lot of the beauty resides in engine/08:31
Smarithere's some UI attempts in other directories, mostly failed08:31
-!- samrose [n=samrose@c-24-11-214-181.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap08:34
kanzureI am sometimes surprised about how large sources can get08:42
kanzurefor instance, I recall firefox being something like 150 MB08:42
SmariUncompressed it contains 29 MB of testcases.08:43
kanzurehuh, david dalrymple actually contributed code?08:43
samrosehey kanzure, how are the grammars we discussed yesterday generally generated?08:43
kanzureoh, I thought this was the silly desktop environment thingy for semantic webs08:43
Smarikanzure, yes?08:43
kanzuresamrose: you should read graphsynth.com I guess. but allow me to explain.08:43
samroseI am reading now08:43
samroselooks like they enter in08:44
Smarikanzure, so more than half of the archive is just .stl files, etc.08:44
samroseto tables08:44
kanzuresamrose: in graph grammars, there are sets of rules. a "rule" is basically a search-and-replace rule that finds something like on the left and then replaces what it finds with the right08:44
kanzureso yes, a domain expert has to come up with the grammar rules08:44
kanzurehowever, recently one of the programs that Tanin has been working on in the lab08:44
kanzureis a way to automatically extract rules from a graph08:44
samrosebased on Chomsky's theories, looks like08:44
kanzuregiven something like "what the graph generically solves" and "the actual solution"08:44
kanzure(one of the boxes in the lab is named chomsky)08:45
kanzureso there's this tree of possibilities that is generated08:45
samrosedoes the automatic extraction use Natural Language Processing by chance?08:45
kanzureby successive application of different recognized left-hand sides08:45
kanzuresamrose: I don't know what that means08:45
kanzurein the case of rule extraction, there are two graphs that are being worked with08:45
samroseI have been working with natural language processing as a way to auto tag content08:46
samroseand looking at graphsynth, it made me think that it could apply to these grammars08:46
kanzure(1) a "Function Structure Graph" which shows nodes and edges connecting together to symbolically represent something like "import human energy, convert to mechanical energy"08:46
kanzure(2) the "Component Structure Graph" (CSG)08:46
kanzureer, CFG. Component Flow Graph or Configuration Flow Graph08:46
kanzureanyway, the CFG is where you see parts connected to one another that solve something in the Function Structure Graph08:46
kanzureso in automatic rule extraction it's something like taking a look at the tags in the CFG and look at what functions they claim to be solving08:47
kanzureand from there you can extract possible new rules to try out on your data set08:47
samroseI see08:47
samrosethat is really awesome08:47
kanzurefenn and I think it's kind of lame08:47
kanzureit works though08:47
kanzurebut not for actual engineering08:48
samroseWell, the concept is interesting08:48
samroseif you are interested in networks, stuff like that08:48
samrosethe evolutionary design that I have been keeping track of works with different data08:49
samrosebut the process is somewhat similar08:49
kanzureSmari: looks like you have some algebraic classes in kokompe for some reason. did you consider sympy?08:51
Smarikanzure, no we didn't. The algebra in kokompe is a real interval algebra that nobody seems to have devised in software before... at least not freely available.08:52
kanzureliterature references?08:52
SmariThere's a file there somewhere, OpenCAD.pdf, which is a slideshow from a talk I gave in Chicago that explains the concept.08:52
kanzureokay, thanks08:53
samroseI wonder if this rule extraction could work with natural language processing. So that you could take something like skdb data, and process it first, then sort based on names, verbs etc etc, then train a program to use this to build rules.08:53
kanzuresamrose: did you see monday.py?08:53
samrosenat lang processing outputs data like this http://socialsynergyweb.org/culturing/blog/stanford-parser08:53
Smarikanzure, that said, it was made in OpenOffice, so it might exist as .odp or even (gasp!) .ppt08:54
kanzureso, compatibility is a method that I'm supposedly writing08:54
kanzurewhich will figure out whether or not two parts can be combined08:54
kanzurethis is not the same thing as a grammar rule really08:54
kanzureone idea for "automated design" that I've been meaning to flesh out more thoroughly goes something like this..08:54
kanzurethere are all sorts of protocols in biology and other industries08:55
kanzureeven in cooking, and each requires different instruments at different calibrations08:55
kanzureand different parameterizations08:55
kanzureso it would be hot if you could somehow figure out a chain of parts or tools that effectively implement the same solution08:55
kanzureeven if they look different08:55
kanzureso, for instance, there's this peanut-butter-jelly functionCAD file running around here somewhere on mst.edu (somewhere)- it shows the process or recipe of making a PBJ sandwhich. but you could implement the machine with a giant toaster-thingy, or you could have someone in a kitchen carry it out08:56
kanzureso it might not be rule-building, but the end result- a sort of 'automated' design- is kind of the same08:56
samroseyes, this seems dependent on how "solution" is represented08:57
samrosewhat I mean:08:57
samrosehow a machine can compare outcomes08:57
kanzureif you're interested in the comparison of outcomes, 08:58
kanzurethere's a paper that I have been writing on that08:58
samroseand know a similar solution has been acheived08:58
kanzureI turned it in last friday08:58
kanzuresee the "clustering" header here:08:58
kanzurewe did a comparison of designs via something called a DSM08:58
kanzurean adjacency matrix of components from the database08:58
kanzureand then took the euclidean norm of the matrix difference08:58
kanzureand called this the "difference"08:58
samroseI am familiar with clustering08:58
kanzurethere are also some other distance-metrics, like principle-component analysis08:59
kanzurewhich should definitely be incorporated08:59
kanzure(I threw together k-means clustering of the euclidean distance metrics. Nothing spectacularly interesting.)08:59
SmariI've got a paper to write later on on the ferry: "An infrastructure-centric view of the Icelandic financial collapse"... I'm not sure whether to write it in English or Icelandic though.09:00
SmariYay, I can't wait for today's ferry ride!09:00
kanzureferry ride off or on to the island?09:00
SmariGoing home for the weekend.09:00
samrosewhere is "home"?09:00
Smari3 hours out at sea, just me, my laptop, loud music, no Internet. :)09:00
Smaribut I work in Vestmannaeyjar until the 7th of August.09:01
SmariIt's about 4 hours travel between the two places... 3 hours by ferry and an hour's drive... I go home when I can, which is mostly just weekends.09:01
samroseheh, this is pretty innovative if you ask me http://adl.serveftp.org/dokuwiki/scripts09:02
samrosewhat you outline there09:02
samroseSmari maybe will be a calm evening too09:02
Smarisamrose, yeah. It's been calm all week. I was hoping to go out ribbing this week but things didn't pan out..09:03
samrosegot this book from K ̄rlis Repsons via email09:05
samroseheh, not sure what happened there09:05
samrose"Free Manufacturing"09:06
Smaridid you get the .pdf?09:06
samrosehe seems to be talking about what we are talking about09:08
samrosethere are some "rules" that he is asserting that I don't agree with...09:12
samrosebut, it is interesting never the less09:12
SmariI don't think he's barking up the wrong tree, I think he's just making too many false assumptions..09:17
SmariHe's also trying to apply terms like "axiom" to situations where they don't apply.09:20
samroseYes, I think you could point to construction by bees, ants, other insects to prove some of his rules wrong09:32
samrosefor instance09:32
fennwoah 8MB/s from yaxic.org09:40
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Smarifenn, I have good tubes.10:21
drazakkanzure: any luck on any of those papers?10:41
fenndrazak plz post a link to the urls again10:42
drazakmy uncle found me Discher, Putra, and Malchesky10:43
kanzureI don't mean to be "that guy", but, where the hell did my mailbox go10:44
fennthere's some letter on the counter about it10:45
fenndrazak: how do i get full text from that page?10:45
drazakfenn: you're looking at teh wrong guy10:45
kanzurepubmed does not give you full text10:45
drazakno idea10:45
kanzurepubmedcentral does10:45
kanzurepubmed just gives you abstracts10:45
kanzureif you gave a list of pubmed abstract links, fuck you10:45
kanzureyou deserve to not get the papers :p10:45
kanzurebut you can try pubget.com10:46
kanzurehttp://pubget.com/ 10:46
kanzureit largely only works for pubmedcentral10:46
fenni figured it out10:46
fennyou click on the logo of the journal10:47
drazakI don't think you guys will have much luck, not that I think about it10:47
drazakmy uncles harvard journal collection thing only found 3 of them10:47
drazakI wanted teh other ones, but I don't think I'm gonna be able to get them10:48
-!- Smari [n=spm@nmi-gw.eyjar.is] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]10:50
kanzurefenn: any ideas about my bug10:54
fenndrazak i got 1 2 3 4 6 7 910:54
CIA-73skdb: kanzure master * ra401efc / pymates/monday.py : want some overloads eventually - http://bit.ly/9Atkx10:57
* kanzure needs to figure out how to add some hooks10:58
drazakfenn: thanks dude10:59
fenngosh kanzure how did you manage to write such broken code in so few lines11:05
kanzurewhat's so broken?11:05
kanzureweird I looked up my error message and got to here: 11:13
kanzurewhich was submitted by clay@shirky.org11:13
kanzurei think I'm supposed to know that name11:14
kanzureyay got it to suck slightly less11:24
fennkanzure: pull please11:24
kanzuremerge conflict in pymates/pymates.py. /me investigates11:25
kanzureah, looks like we both made Part.__init__ slightly better11:26
kanzureheh I like how we made the same damn changes11:26
fennyay python11:26
kanzurewhat does loader.construct_mapping() do that loader.construct_scalar() doesn't?11:26
fennconstructs a mapping instead of a scalar11:27
kanzuregee thanks11:27
* fenn wonders how to explain this11:27
kanzurewhy does python care about the difference though11:27
kanzuregah our timestamps are off11:28
kanzureyou committed one minute into the future of when I committed the fixed merge11:28
CIA-73skdb: kanzure master * rbb9c88a / (pymates/monday.py pymates/pymates.py): make it suck slightly less - http://bit.ly/1Jn8e11:29
CIA-73skdb: fenn master * r0b6ccdd / pymates/pymates.py : construct_scalar only works for scalar values.. who woulda thought - http://bit.ly/zG92M11:29
CIA-73skdb: kanzure master * rf897824 / pymates/pymates.py : fixed merge issues. gee. - http://bit.ly/69uye11:29
kanzurefenn: there's a way that you can add cia.vc to oyour post-commit hook11:36
fenni'm sure there is11:37
fennwould you rather have cia reposrt status of adl than github?11:37
kanzurealthough the github links are niece11:38
fennwhat does the hook look like?11:38
kanzureit was a clicky button pressy interface on github11:38
kanzureapparently you have to download a script and call the script from your commit hook11:38
* fenn looks11:39
kanzureregistration for skdb and cia is open to anyone though, no passwords on http://cia.vc/ by default.11:39
fennum really? it's asking me for user/pass11:40
kanzureyou still have to log in anyway11:40
kanzureit's so that they can yell at you if you disrupt an actual project11:40
fenni'm thoroughly confused11:41
fennwhy do you keep turning wondershaper off11:41
kanzurewhen you log in, you add a project to yourself11:41
kanzurewondershaper isn't off11:41
fennthen why are you getting 1000ms ping times11:42
kanzureand if it was, I just turned it back on11:42
kanzureI'm getting 500 ms ping times to google11:42
fennit looked like you were messing with it and now it's back to ~1500ms11:44
kanzurewhy does it suck so much11:45
fennbecause you're overloading it, for the fiftieth time11:46
kanzurewhat am I overloading it with11:47
kanzureooh scarry irc text11:47
fennheybryan.org why do you think i keep turning it off11:47
kanzurewhat's the point of telling me to use wondershaper if that doesn't fix it11:48
fennbecause you arent using wondershaper?11:48
kanzurebut I am using wondershaper11:48
kanzurewondershaper eth1 400 400 is what we found "worked"11:48
kanzurebut apparently it's not working anymore?11:48
fennbut you aren't, because when you say you turn it on, it works11:49
fenncan you read a ping result?11:49
kanzurethe time= part?11:49
fennhere's the procedure11:49
fennping google.com, turn wondershaper upload down until ping time is reasonable (<250ms)11:49
fennthen add that to your local bootup script11:50
kanzureaverage roundtrip is 189.47 ms11:50
kanzureisn't that reasonable?11:50
fenndo ping from a different computer11:50
fennwondershaper favors its own short packets11:51
fennwhatever it's at now is good11:51
kanzurewondershaper eth1 200 20011:52
fenntry 400 just out of curiosity11:52
kanzureit was at 400 previously11:53
kanzureok. set to 400.11:53
kanzureok reset to 200.11:53
fennwow i thought 400 would work11:54
kanzureso apparently 50 kbps breaks the router :p11:54
kanzurebut 25 kbps doesn't11:54
fennyeah typically they have an upload of about 40kB/s11:55
genehackerelectron beam on chip11:58
genehackerkanzure how do I access the chat log?11:58
kanzuredo you keep your own logs?12:01
kanzurechatzilla can do logging for you12:02
kanzureso if so you just look on your hard drive12:02
kanzureif you do not do your own logging, then you have to pray to ybit 12:02
genehackerI posted something a while back about a bacteria that produces toluene12:12
genehackeror did it?12:12
genehackerwikipedia article has no info on it12:12
kanzurefenn: when I load something from yaml, all of the attributes go into the first named parameter of my object. why?12:13
fennmapping is wrong?12:14
kanzurefenn: what mapping is wrong?12:15
genehackerthat AB matter has an ultimate tensile strength of 160 wekanewtons per square meter12:15
kanzurei sure hope that's not an si unit12:16
genehackerit is12:16
genehackerweka is 10^3012:16
genehackerof something12:16
genehackera cable of 1 square meter of AB matter would weigh ALOT12:18
genehackerbut one needs AB matter to produce it industrially12:19
CIA-73skdb:  * r3656f597af8d /change.txt: yet another test of cia script12:20
fennabout fucking time12:20
genehackerunless there's some super neutron mirror12:21
fennnow how did that take an hour i wonder12:23
genehackerhuh I'm a bit suspicious now12:25
genehackercalculations of neutron star matter UTS is about 4.4*10^18 newtons/m^2 12:26
genehackerthey say 10 billion times the strongest steel12:27
genehackersteel has tensile strength of 440 MN/m^212:28
genehackerstill that's pretty strong12:28
genehackernow where's the closest neutron star...12:29
fennread "dragon's egg" to get a feel for how things work in neutron stars12:29
fennkeep in mind you'll need a mini black hole to keep the neutronium from evaporating12:29
genehackerbeen wanting to read that12:34
fennhttp://adl.serveftp.org/papers/Robert%20L.%20Forward%20-%20Dragon's Egg.pdf12:36
fennoops forgot one12:37
genehackerbolonkin has some calculations in there about making a version of a human out of AB matter12:37
genehackerIE replace every atom in your body with AB matter counterparts12:38
genehackerand 200 of you could fit in a microbe12:38
fennnot quite that small12:38
fennbased on the density of real neutronium it'd be more like 0.1mm12:39
fenner, 1mm, sorry12:39
genehackerhow do you get that?12:41
genehackeris that hot neutronium?12:42
fennwell lets calculate it12:42
fenngoogle tells me " The density of neutronium is 4 * 10 ^ 17 kg/m^3"12:42
genehackerbolonkin say 3 instead of 412:44
genehackeroh wait he says it varies12:44
fennunits '(4 * 10 ^ 17 kg/m^3)' '70kg/(0.006mm)^3' = about 112:45
fennso i was off by a couple orders of magnitude12:45
genehackerso that's about right12:45
genehackerare you calculating a human by weight?12:45
fennequivalent mass12:46
genehackerbolonkin does it by molecules12:46
fennwhat is a 'molecule' of neutronium12:46
genehackerlike a proton or neutron12:47
fenna proton is a molecule?12:47
genehackerit isn't12:47
genehackerhe proposes the tiny human as a thought experiment12:47
fenni think i've heard enough already12:47
genehackerI think you have12:48
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kanzurefenn: I am very confused.13:31
kanzuredef my_method(first=1, second=2, third=3): #just print out each value and be done with it13:31
kanzuremy_method({'first': 39401})13:31
kanzure(such that my_method does "first = ", first, "\nsecond = ", second, etc.)13:32
kanzureand that dict is given to the first named parameter ("first"), in other words, first becomes a dict13:32
kanzureso my_method prints out "first = {'first': 39401}"13:32
kanzureso when from_yaml calls "cls(data)", where "data" is a dict and "cls" is a bad way of saying "self",13:32
kanzureI don't understand how the yaml peeps expect that to work13:33
kanzurethey are just sending a dict13:33
kanzureguess I shouldn't use to_yaml and from_yaml13:37
fennyou probably shouldnt use to_yaml and from_yaml13:40
fenncls is not "self"13:42
fennsince to/from_yaml is @classmethod, it's the name of the class that's calling it13:43
fenner, the name of the class of the instance13:43
fennwhereas self is the instance itself13:43
kanzureso, in my example yaml file I have a list of interfaces that a part has13:43
kanzureeach interface should have a generic name13:44
kanzureso I thought that calling one of them 'hole' would be ok. (so the line is "hole: !interface")13:44
kanzurethe yamlauthor still has to add a 'name' attribute though right?13:44
kanzureor is there a way around this13:44
fennbecause you can't access the key "hole" right?13:45
fenni would really like to figure out how to do that13:45
kanzureor because we don't know that the key is necessary "hole"13:45
kanzureI guess you can look for keys that are of the correct type13:45
fennthe key could be anything13:45
kanzureno, I mean, er..13:45
fennthe key isnt the type, it's the type of the value it points to13:45
kanzurewhen you have a dict that yaml spits at you from yaml.load(foo),13:46
kanzuremydict = yaml.load(foo)13:46
kanzurefor each in mydict.keys():13:46
kanzureif type(each) == skdb.pymates.Interface: ...13:46
kanzureer. wait.13:46
kanzureyeah ok I think I see what you mean13:47
fennyaml doesnt give you a dict if you use a custom tag ( unless your object inherits from dict, and even then i think it just sets everything as attributes)13:48
fenni was reading about the 'property' keyword; apparently you can have property access via dict syntax?13:49
fennOr we could make a .url property with dictionary access: book.urls['absolute']13:50
fennOr heck, even with attribute access book.urls.absolute13:50
fennor maybe i'm totally missing the point13:50
fennanyway i want to use the property function for stuff like Screw.breaking_strength13:51
fennsometimes you have an actual measured value, and other times you have to estimate/calculate based on possibly crappy data (so its best to have both options instead of always forcing you to calculate)13:52
fennwhat's the python syntax for the parent of an attribute? like for foo.bar, bar.__something__ == 'foo'13:53
fennor just foo, not 'foo'13:53
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fenndamn. BRepPrimAPI_MakeSweep isnt implemented yet14:43
kanzurefenn: dash in #python claims that your foo.bar.__something__==foo is impossible in python14:45
fennthat's lame14:45
kanzurewhy not just get a list of attributes and look for those that are of type 'foo'14:45
kanzureoh, you're asking for a '__parent__' or something14:46
fennbecause i dont have foo to begin with, only bar14:46
kanzureevery bar necessarily creates a new foo?14:46
fennno. what?14:47
kanzurejust got off the phone with someone who wanted to touch bases with me before he presents at DEFCON in a few weeks. huh.14:47
fennnow i forget what i was doing. thanks~~14:47
kanzurefor each foo, for each bar in foo, set bar.__parent__ to its foo. 14:49
fenni told you i dont have foo to begin with14:49
drazakfenn: if it's not too much trouble, could you email that to me?14:51
kanzurethe zip file?14:51
fenncan i get a monitor with lots more than 60fps?14:51
fennand if so, will any graphics card support it?14:51
fenngraphics cards claim to render at 300fps but if your monitor is only running at 60 then what's the point14:52
fenndrazak: i object on general principle14:53
kanzureI still don't see why you can't loop through the key,value pairs in the dict14:56
fennthere is no dict14:56
kanzurethat's how yaml reads it14:56
fennthere's a class with attributes14:56
fennnot if you have a custom tag14:56
kanzurewait, why is that?14:58
fennbecause tags describe the data type14:58
kanzurecould you join #yaml?14:59
fennand the way i'm doing it, the tags come from yaml.YAMLObject14:59
kanzurethe hacky way to do it would be to have something like "hole: !interface\n name: &*" where &* is a special identifier referring to the parent name. but this would be auto-inserted and not written by the user. kind of stupid though.15:06
kanzure"too many values to unpack"15:19
kanzureat the for loop15:19
fennyou might as well just s/((.*): !interface)/\1\n    name: \2/15:19
fennplease dont actually use sed, that's a terrible hack15:20
kanzurearen't we all.15:21
fennspeak for yourself15:22
fenni wonder if i can convert a solid to a shell and _then_ sweep it15:23
kanzureare shells implemented?15:23
fennyes, basically shell == surface15:23
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fennif you sweep a wire you get a shell15:24
fennsomehow this is different from sweeping an edge to get a face.. dont ask me15:24
fennhttp://adl.serveftp.org/lab/fenn/pngs/prism_not_sweep.png shows why i need MakeSweep15:25
fennsort of confusing since there's two overlapping objects15:26
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CIA-73skdb: kanzure master * r4c502fd / (pymates/models/blockhole.yaml pymates/pymates.py): pleasant way to add interfaces - http://bit.ly/NaUQJ15:38
kanzurefenn: why the fuck is hall-heroult.process in / ?15:39
fennbecause it didnt belong in inventory and i was making silly little changes to test the cia script15:39
kanzurewhat about change.txt ?15:39
kanzuremay I delete change.txt ?15:39
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * r4c502fd12b03 /pymates/ (models/blockhole.yaml pymates.py): pleasant way to add interfaces15:40
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * r4fa0eacad95e / (4 files in 2 dirs): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://bryan@adl.serveftp.org/var/www/skdb15:40
fennnow i cant figure out how i made a shell :\15:40
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * rd7b1e5873ab8 /change.txt: clean up yer messes, fenn.15:40
kanzureyay CIA is smart enough to not send duplicates15:40
kanzureI committed to adl and github15:41
kanzureboth have the CIA hooks15:41
kanzureCIA only mentioned the commit once15:41
fennadl has post-receive only15:41
kanzureyeah, so?15:41
fennand it did say the same commit twice15:41
kanzureno it didn't15:41
kanzureit just said: r4c502fd12b03, then r4fa0eacad95e, then rd7b1e5873ab815:42
fennr4c502fd showed up twice, maybe that's not what you meant?15:42
kanzureoh crud it did15:42
kanzurewhat's the point of that?15:43
fenni'm not sure what the point of having two "main" repositories is15:43
kanzuregithub shows pretty sources15:44
kanzurebut now since we have the hook, I'll go disable the hook15:44
kanzureon github i mena15:44
fennwho the fuck brings crying babies to the engineering building15:45
kanzuremaybe the little kid wanted to see the time machines15:45
fennmove along, nothing to see here15:45
kanzurenice to see Ed Boyden there. wonder what he's been up to lately.15:47
fennhuh it worked this time15:51
kanzureI like it when things work.15:54
fenni like it when they work the first time15:55
fennand also the second time15:55
fennone or the other is not so good15:55
kanzurebut the third. who cares about the third. she's a bitch.15:55
fennpoor third15:55
* fenn is reminded of Armitage15:55
fennor battlestar galactica.. same thing i guess15:56
fennany word from jata?15:58
kanzurerescheduled to next week. but she hasn't bought the tickets yet either.15:58
kanzuremaybe I'll call Alex soon15:58
kanzureI haven't actually explained to them the lease expiration date etc15:59
kanzurewhy wouldn't she show up in here before flying us out there. she's kind of lazy.15:59
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fennweirdness is a given16:00
kanzurehm. so. should I do the matrix math stuff now, or the pythonOCC visualization stuff?16:02
kanzurecan't determine the variational priorities here.16:04
fenni'm afraid i dont see the difference16:05
fennmatrix math stuff = translations and rotations in OCC, no?16:05
kanzurewith visualization I could just say "look! it loads a CAD model!"16:05
kanzureoh. hrm.16:05
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kanzureyeah I guess so16:05
kanzureI guess it's also easier to say "hey look! an image thingy!"16:05
-!- splicer [n=patrik@h189n3c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #hplusroadmap16:06
kanzurehello splicer16:06
splicerhi kanzure16:08
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * r964eec078000 /pymates/ (models/blockhole.yaml pymates.py): added coordinates support16:16
genehackerare you messing around with cad stuff?16:29
genehackerare you messing around with cad stuff?16:29
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genehackerare you messing around with cad stuff?16:30
genehackerif you can extrude stuff from a 2d sketch I'll write you a script for making really really weird gears16:31
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kanzuregenehacker: yes16:34
kanzureyou can extrude stuff from a sketch, yes.16:34
kanzuregenehacker: you can install pythonOCC on Windows if you want16:34
kanzuregenehacker: here's how: http://www.pythonocc.org/wiki/index.php/InstallWindows16:35
Smarimaterial properties? Does anybody have a definitive non-redundant list?16:35
kanzureha, ha. no. :(16:35
kanzureSmari: I have a rip of matweb if that's what you're looking for16:35
Smarikanzure, matweb?16:35
kanzureSmari: http://matweb.com/16:36
kanzurehas about 80,000 materials listed16:36
kanzureit's 479 MB in size: http://heybryan.org/books/Manufacturing/matweb.zip16:37
genehackerso I have a matlab program that makes gears16:37
genehackergears like you've never seen before16:37
genehackerbtw does matweb have mooney constants for RTV silicone?16:38
kanzureit only had the most generic of information16:38
kanzureso I'd doubt it16:39
kanzureyou should check16:39
genehackerjust did16:39
Smarikanzure, nice.16:39
Smarikanzure, is that just the database?16:39
kanzureno. that's all of their HTML bullshit. sorry.16:39
genehackertrying to get this hyperelastic modeling thing to work16:39
Smarikanzure, parse..16:39
kanzureI haven't got around to it yet16:40
kanzureI'm not convinced of the general utility16:40
genehackerit's been punching away at my mesh for 8 minutes16:40
genehackerI wonder if it crashed16:40
kanzureSmari: but if you bug me enough I'll get around to it16:40
genehackeror I did something wrong16:40
kanzuredo you really think you'd have a use for it?16:40
Smarikanzure, no. But it would be good to have that kind of dataset parsed nicely anyway.16:42
SmariIt could be culled quite a bit.16:43
kanzuredid you just wake up?16:44
Smarijust got off a boat.16:45
SmariProperties properties properties16:52
SmariSo what I'm doing is generating the model/DTD stuff for a "material"..16:53
Smariwhat is CTE?16:54
genehackerthis thing takes a long time to run16:56
genehackerjust trying to simulate a part16:56
genehackerit's gonna take awhile16:57
genehackerit might even take days16:58
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* kanzure compiles pythonOCC after making a correction in environment.py17:19
* Smari is trying to write code while experiencing a live performance of "Dánarfregnir og Jarðarfarir" on vibraphone.17:21
Smariit's an instrument.17:22
SmariIt's similar to a xylophone I guess.17:22
kanzureif I was going to go outside to eat tonight, where would I eat17:22
SmariThe park!17:22
SmariThe moon!17:23
SmariThe freeway!17:23
SmariThe airport!17:23
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kanzureTopoOpeBRepDS_tools.hxx: No such file or directory17:39
SmariYou said you had a GNU Units wrapper?17:40
kanzureit's in skdb.py in the skdb git repo17:40
kanzuretry class Units and class Measurement etc.17:40
kanzureaha the source of fleas was the garbage disposal17:42
SmariI've got a fairly substantial list of properties..17:43
kanzurestart from the beginning please17:43
SmariWondering whether I should add them all individually to the DTD or create a "subclass" for it..17:43
kanzurea list of potential properties for a material in a material database?17:43
Smarimechanical properties.17:43
kanzurewell this is why yaml is so fun17:43
Smarimechanical, optical,..17:44
kanzureyou don't have to make a DTD with yaml.17:44
kanzureit just loads in the attributes that you specify17:44
SmariNo I WANT to make a DTD.17:44
SmariBecause having a DTD means I have an explicitly defined protocol that can be sanity checked..17:44
Smariand I can autogenerate databases and stuff from...17:44
kanzureyeah I hear that last one I guess17:45
kanzureso, hey,17:45
kanzureI was looking for a tool to automatically generate DTDs given an XML document17:45
SmariYAML means that I end up with a gazillion edgecases unless it just happens to have been the same autistic typist who wrote all the files.17:45
kanzurewhere you get to assume that the XML document uses everything17:45
kanzurebut I've never seen anything that does this17:45
kanzureit seems like an obvious thingy to me17:46
kanzurebut I can't find it. you know of anything like this?17:46
kanzureautogendtd example.xml > example.dtd17:46
Smariyeah.. should be fairly easy: Traverse the tree and write down every tag and property you encounter.17:46
SmariNever seen anything like that though17:46
kanzuredo you have a list of properties already in a human readable format?17:47
kanzureand what are you going to use this dataset in?17:47
SmariI'm converging the map frontend with your SKDB purposes.17:49
Smariso I'm making a few things:17:49
Smari1) XML DTD's for the core stuff    2) Django Model definitions (which are essentially SQL tables)   3) XMLRPC and JSON interfaces to the Django stuff.17:50
kanzureso your map would be a django model?17:50
kanzureis there a generic Google Maps AJAX voodoo magic plugin for django yet? this seems like something taht should exist anywway17:50
kanzuresorry, *django view (not a model)17:51
kanzurealthough I'm sure it will have a few models17:51
Smarikanzure, I've not seen many pick-up-and-play Django apps..17:52
Smarikanzure, but I'm using OpenStreetMap in this.17:52
kanzurebut wasn't that the idea17:52
SmariMy map is a Django model yes.17:52
Smariwell, several models and a few views.17:53
SmariPull the repo.17:56
Smarii.e. tangiblebit17:56
kanzureblah, I need to start keeping track of addresses17:58
kanzureaha git pull worked17:59
kanzureyou deleted the store?17:59
SmariMoved it elsewhere.18:04
SmariWant to keep this clean for this project.18:05
kanzureAnything I should look at in particular?18:05
Smaridoc/*   sources/fabmap/xmlrpc.py  sources/fabmap/models.py18:06
SmariLike where this is going?18:23
kanzureeternal bash history: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/54318:24
drazakoh that'd drive me nuts18:25
Smarictrl+r would become dreadfully slow I suspect.18:26
kanzureoh just running `history 2` is nice18:26
kanzurehistory -w ~/remember/my_history18:28
kanzureit's like a christmas wish18:28
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-!- Jata [n=chatzill@cpe-76-173-244-243.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap18:39
kanzurehello Jata18:40
Jatahello bryan18:40
Jatai gave in to peer pressure, it seems18:40
kanzuredon't do irc, it will ruin your life18:41
kanzureso maybe you could reask the question18:41
SmariIRC skemir heylan.18:41
Smarioh wait, that joke's not funny in this crowd.18:42
kanzureJata: in particular whether or not fenn and i are worth it18:42
Jatawell then18:42
Jataare you and fenn worth it?18:42
Smariworth what exactly?18:42
fennthat's what i was going to say18:42
kanzurewhat do you want to know though?18:43
Jataif you guys fly out here to chat with alex and myself, what are we going to discuss? what magical breakthroughs are we going to pretend to make, and what is alex  going to get out of it?18:43
Jatais the essence of it18:44
fenni want to know what you're pretending to do in the first place, if we aren't there18:44
Jataa great question18:44
kanzurewell actually the real reason would be to see if we can actually work together in person18:44
Jatafair enough18:44
kanzurethere's really no other legitimate excuse for it18:44
kanzurewell, besides my skepticism of alex being real18:44
Jatayeah, this is my thought as well. but it's not me buying the tickets... hah. i have my suspicious sometimes too...18:45
fennall you zombies18:45
Jataso, i assume you're familiar with h+, formerly wta18:45
Jatamkay. so, alex is the new exec dir of h+18:45
fenndoes alex want to do anything beyond fundraising and media bullshit?18:46
Jatahe wants h+ to stop doing nothing, and he hired me to fix that18:46
Jatawell, that's the thing. i don't know what he wants to do, i'm figuring out what it should do18:46
fenni see he's interested in wearables (to put it mildly)18:46
Jatahah, yeah18:46
Jatahave you spoken to him?18:46
Jatawell, you will18:47
kanzureso basically the task is to figure out what they should have been doing 20 years ago18:47
kanzureor how to catch up18:47
kanzureand then to do it18:47
fennbut that doesnt help us18:47
kanzureor do it then figure it out (the other way around)18:47
Jatayes, and yes it could help us18:47
fennwe should be figuring out what to do _now_18:47
Jatathat is the idea18:47
SmariI'm tempted to say something along the lines of, "the people you really want to be calling to a meeting, then, are..." and then give you a list of five people who have more or less plotted out what is going to have to happen in order for humanity to survive the next fifty years. But I'm not going to. Unless specifically asked.18:47
kanzuredoes jata know smari?18:48
Jatawell, these people have been shouting at the top of their lungs about it18:48
Jataand no, i don't think so18:48
SmariI don't think so either.18:48
fennSmari: five people would never agree on anything18:48
kanzurethere's one18:48
Smarifenn, depends on which five people.18:48
kanzureJata: so,18:48
Smarifenn, they needn't agree on everything. Just more than most.18:49
* fenn mumbles something about hive mind18:49
Jatawell, here's the summary of what i would like to see happen with h+:18:49
kanzureJata: so, what is it that you're already doing?18:49
kanzureI've told you about skdb and all of these exciting things happening from my end18:49
kanzureor not happening but that need to happen more18:49
Jatafair enough18:49
Smarithey're certainly happening at my end ;)18:49
fennskdb is coming along18:49
kanzuresmari's ass is being burned and charred as we speak18:50
SmariI'll go stand in the corner.18:50
Jataglad to hear it18:50
* fenn waits patiently for the summary18:50
Jataso: at the moment, we're building a diybio lab, writing lab manuals, talking to people who want to help us build the open source diagnostic chips, etc. pretty straightforward, small scale18:51
Jatai would like h+ to actually be useful to crazy people like you, and other small communities of... creative science18:52
kanzureit sounds like alex wanted to be the center of his "communities of creative science"18:52
kanzureand building a one-off diybio lab  isn't going to cut it (sorry)18:52
Jatayeah, it does, but that's sort of beside the point18:52
kanzure(of course, like any good salesman, I have the solution no less)18:52
Jataobvi, bryan18:52
Jatahaha, okay. let's hear it18:53
kanzureer, I thought I already told you about skdb18:53
Jatayou did18:53
kanzureapparently not well enough18:53
kanzurethere's no reason that diybio labs can't be built DIY-style18:53
kanzurethe idea of skdb is to package that information and the instructions18:54
Jatahow long will it take you to actually make skdb happen?18:54
kanzuresuch as instructions for both procedures and building tools18:54
kanzurewell it's coming along18:54
Jatahow long will it be before i can use it?18:54
kanzurewhat does that mean?18:54
Jatamy point is this:18:54
kanzurethere are some development milestones we are approaching, if that's what you're asking18:54
kanzurefor instance, by monday I plan to have the part mating algorithms done18:54
fennit turns out that everything takes longer than you think18:54
SmariJata, documentation and starter packages.18:55
fennso i expect part mating algorihms done in (3 * 2 to the next unit) 6 weeks18:55
kanzureJata: skdb is kind of the central project to all the clutter.. but I still think pursuing other projects is appropriate.18:55
fennit's not actually central18:55
fennit's the glue that holds everything together18:56
Jatafor me, it's not about whatever silly diybio projects i do right now. there are a lot of really cool projects being worked on. they always take longer than you think. they are expensive. they are time consuming. what would help you?18:56
SmariIt permeates through the æther of Things to Be Done.18:56
kanzureso, instructables and all of these other websites just take pictures of hardware18:56
fennhonestly i think diybio is a waste of time18:56
kanzureand this isn't sufficient for advancing diy and transhumanism18:56
kanzurea photograph isn't sufficient. we need to be more serious about this :p18:56
fennuntil people have a basic manufacturing and chemical infrastructure, how do you do anything?18:56
Jataagreed. the point of diybio, imho, is to make people pay attention18:57
Jatabut that's beside the point18:57
Jatawhat do you need to make skdb happen?18:57
kanzureit's already happening, but slowly because we waste our time at the lab18:57
fenntime and smart people18:57
fennand minions, lots of them18:57
kanzureoh yes definitely minions18:57
-!- QuantumG [n=qg@nuclear.biodome.org] has joined #hplusroadmap18:58
Jataif you could suddenly afford these minions and smart people, would you be able to get results?18:58
fennbut i expect that to happen on its own eventually18:58
SmariI'm fed up of standing in the corner. I'm piping in. Look: Transhumanism is facing a situation where there will be no transhumanism if the current running model of humans doesn't solve a bunch of very very big problems right now and no later than now. These questions all more or less boil down to infrastructure.18:58
fennJata: that's sort of hard to answer.. how would i know?18:58
kanzureI can't point to a website and say, "look! it's spitting out instructions right now!"18:59
fennJata: i'm supposed to answer yes, and you're supposed to believe me, because you're a primate and if i believe in myself then it must be right, right?18:59
Jatathank you, smari. you're allowed to pipe in, and yes, i agree. it's very frustrating. what would you see done?18:59
QuantumGSmari: oh do tell, what problems would they be?18:59
Jatafenn, you aren't supposed to answer18:59
SmariFab Labs and DIYBio Labs and all of that stuff are manufacturing infrastructure, and unless we have those and all of that jazz in every single populated area on earth, we're going to need a distribution system for manufactured goods.18:59
kanzureyes, I've been kind of yelling at jata about infrastructure issues18:59
kanzuredeployable downloadable infrastructure is kind of important glue.19:00
fennwe already have a distribution system for manufactured goods19:00
kanzureit kind of sucks19:00
fenn(well in most populated areas)19:00
Jatafenn, you and bryan are going to come to LA (next weekend?) and hit alex over the head with the importance of infrastructure. then we are going to figure out what we can do to help you. this is one of the major points of the meeting.19:00
Jatathe other point is: as smari pointed out, transhumanism is in a pretty bad state19:01
kanzureyes, it is19:01
Jatathis is annoying to me. we need to fix it. 19:01
Jatabecause the old school transhumanists aren't really helping much19:01
kanzureso while I would like to hit alex over the head about infrastructure,19:01
kanzureI think that alex has the right idea19:01
QuantumGwe all'd like to hear the plan19:01
kanzurethe other day he said something about "ok jata, what do you need to make this happen"19:01
fennpart of the problem is it's a pseudo religious -ism instead of a political -ism19:01
fennreligions don't have agendas19:01
Jatayeah, this is a huge part of the problem19:01
Jatathis needs to all go away19:02
kanzureyay. that makes me happy. I've been bashing my head against these guys for years now. something has changed. :)19:02
Jatai'm currently rewriting all the h+ docs, redoing the website, revamping the thing19:02
kanzureyeah have you poked the new FAQ thing?19:02
Jataany input any of you have is welcome19:02
Jatawhich one?19:02
kanzurethe huge one19:02
Jatathere are like 419:02
Jataoh, god, it's a disaster. i've been tweaking it19:02
kanzurethe monster that shouldn't be touched with a four foot pole19:02
SmariQuantumG, In short 2 billion people living extremely unsustainably, to the degree of possibly irrevertably fucking up the planet and, if not, causing a permanent materials disequilibrium. Another 4 billion, soon to be 5 billion, living more or less sustainably but are largely miserable and want to become part of a future 6 billion person suburbia, where every human being has an SUV and goes to the Canary Islands for Christmas.19:03
fenn"the super FAQ" typical kanzure textsplosion19:03
kanzurehey now..19:03
Jatasmari: energy crisis won't be an issue19:03
Jatabut that's irrelevant19:03
SmariJata, I keep hearing people say that but I haven't seen anybody solve that on the large scale.19:03
QuantumGSmari: and how does this lead to extinction?19:04
fennJata: why did you agree (or think you agreed) with smari earlier?19:04
SmariJata, although I do agree.19:04
kanzureJata: so, how would alex justify h+ funding, say, an h+ diybio fablab fabratory skdb thingy19:04
Jataabout h+?19:04
kanzureas in, "ok wta, we're going to do this now because I think it's cool"19:04
kanzureyeah, I'm just wondering19:04
fennabout planet earth being doomed19:04
kanzureyou can't just snap your fingers and get everyone convinced19:04
Jatayeah, that's pretty much it19:04
kanzureer, me?19:04
Jatai don't think planet earth is going to be doomed. i think our transhumanist hopes coul be doomed19:04
Jatayes you, bryan19:04
SmariQuantumG, not necessarily extinction, but do you not agree that for highly philosophical concepts such as transhumanism to exist, people need to have a moderate degree of comfort - you know, not be want of food, shelter, etc, etc.?19:05
fennwhy do we need to convince everyone?19:05
kanzureJata: why should h+ fund *our* particular transhumanist hopes?19:05
kanzurefenn: because I don't know why it should be us rather than someone else19:05
kanzureI guess maybe there is nobody else19:05
kanzuremaybe that's why..19:05
fennoh. minions, right.19:05
kanzureit's not like h+ members get "free body upgrades" as part of their membership19:06
QuantumGif you want to predict a war or a famine or a dark ages, sure, I could buy that.. with a nice grain of salt.. but when you start talking about there being "no more humans" I gotta chuckle19:06
Jatathis is exactly the problem with h+19:06
QuantumGnow, if you were talking about killer asteroids...19:06
SmariHere's my point: I want to live for another 1000 years, minimum, but as things are going right now I'm not sure I'm going to survive the next 20 years.19:06
Jataarguing over whether we're all going to die... not useful19:06
kanzureJata: so getting the tools to the transhumanists is important, like educating them and so on- and servicing the tools etc.-19:06
kanzuremaybe that's sufficiently legit19:07
Jatayes. most important is making the technology actually happen19:07
Jataskdb, if successful, would be damned awesome19:07
SmariQuantumG, there will be humans. I'm not worried about that. What I'm worried about is that the humans won't be in any position to worry about genetic modifications or the theoretical underpinnings of the universe because we'll be too busy trying to survive.19:07
kanzureI talked with someone on the phone about DEFCON today and mentioned to him that I think of transhumanism in terms of .. being a systems administrator of the brain, sort of.19:07
Jatai would like to live in a world where skdb exists; therefore, i will do what i can to ensure that you are capable of making it happen, however you choose to make it. it's that simple19:07
Jataoh, is anyone going to defcon? we could meet19:08
SmariI wish19:08
kanzureJata: that sounds great, but I'm afraid I may have spoken myself into a hole- for there is a great deal more that can be done simultaneously while the glue is drying19:08
SmariI wish I could be at HAR too.19:08
SmariI'll be at FAB5 though19:08
QuantumGSmari: so in under 5 minutes you've changed your argument.. no wonder you're not gunna live forever19:08
Jatabryan, what?19:08
kanzureJata: fenn made an analogy of skdb as infrastructure glue19:09
Jatai got that part19:09
SmariQuantumG, no, my argument hasn't changed at all. You've just not been following my point.19:09
QuantumGno.. you've just failed to make one19:09
kanzureJata: so while the glue is drying there are other interesting things that would be kickass to work on19:09
Jatayes. 19:09
kanzureJata: for instance, alex indicated interest in the rapamycin experiments19:09
QuantumGthat happens if you don't think before you talk19:09
kanzurealthough I think there might be some other interesting targets19:09
Jatayes! adorable mice.19:10
fennhow about wearable computers that dont suck19:10
Jatathere are zillions of topics19:10
Jatafenn, i like you19:10
kanzurelike how todd might be funding the myostatin inhibitor project too19:10
Jataall of these things should be worked on19:10
kanzureetc. "millions"19:10
kanzureso we just need to make it happen19:10
QuantumGhow about direct neural interface research that don't suck19:10
kanzureQuantumG: have you seen innerspacefoundation.org ?19:10
Jatahow about a lot of things that dont suck?19:10
fennhum. the difference is i think i actually know how to make a decent wearable computer in a reasonable timeframe19:11
Jatahow about -- and i dont know who is in here, so i don't know who i'm inviting -- but why don't interested people with interesting projects get themselves on some hypothetical list19:11
fennbut 'neural interface' could mean 50 things19:11
kanzureyet another list?19:11
Jatanot a mailing list19:12
fenna hit list19:12
kanzurelet's just get it done.. submit a patch.19:12
Jataokay, here's the deal: h+ might be able to fund your independent research. if you want in, you need to make that known19:12
kanzuremake that known how?19:13
Jatahowever possible. my email is parijata@gmail.com19:13
QuantumGwell, making just a battery powered computer with vga out, usb in, and not much else is a challenge.. as I haven't found anywhere you can buy one.  Last wearable I built I used an eeepc19:13
fennare you asking for a grant proposal?19:13
Jataunofficially, yes19:13
kanzureI don't know what's happening19:13
Jataokay guys19:13
Jatathis is why i was reluctant to jump into this channel19:14
Jatai'm telling you what's in progress19:14
Jatai need your input, because it's not happening yet19:14
Jatai have a lot of resources; i need to direct them19:14
fennQuantumG: i'm using beagleboard19:14
QuantumGthere are some low power computers you can get with no embedded keyboard/screen/etc.. they're for home media center use.. and go on about how low power they are.. and yet there's no battery systems for them.19:14
Jatathe best place to direct them, it seems, is to these sort of projects. especially the ones that could be serious business.19:14
fenni have pages and pages of projects19:15
kanzureJata: so the reason why I was asking a lot last week about the itinerary was because you've caught me at a good time19:15
Jatagreat. bring them.19:15
kanzureJata: because if fenn and I were to come up north to meet with you and alex,19:15
kanzureand if something was to click, like if we were to do what we're doing in austin (the fabratory) but up there,19:15
kanzurethis would be a good time19:15
kanzurebecause of leasing contracts19:15
kanzureinvolving the apartment etc.19:16
fenn(everything's north from texas)19:16
Jatahah, okay19:16
kanzureso it's just good timing19:16
Jatais this upcoming weekend still good timing?19:16
kanzureI think that if we had a place to work and implement our infrastructure ideas things could go better19:16
Jatawould you like a place to work?19:16
fennfour letter word19:16
Jataso is play...19:16
fenni guess play is also a four letter word19:16
kanzurefenn has this strange dream of living and playing and building in a giant warehouse of sort19:17
Jatawell, aren't you in luck19:17
kanzurestop reading each others' minds, damn it19:17
kanzurethat's off-topic and not allowed19:17
Jatai have a giant warehouse that i was hoping you guys would be interested in using19:17
kanzurewe need a place to stash machines, tools, materials19:17
kanzureso that we could say one morning "I need to make xyz"19:17
kanzureand then go make it19:17
kanzurewithout fussing about where the hell to get shit19:17
Jatai didnt mention it because i was trying to figure out some clever way to talk you away from texas19:17
fennthat sort of thing takes a while to build up enough junk19:17
Jatabut yes. if you want a warehouse in LA, it's yours19:17
kanzurean inventory system would also be nice19:18
kanzureJata: you don't need to be clever to bring me to the coasts19:18
kanzureaustin is a bad idea for many reasons19:18
kanzurewhy am I here19:18
kanzurewho are you people19:18
QuantumGfenn: thing the beagleboard could produce output for this:  http://www.vuzix.com/iwear/products_wrap920av.html   it's not vga19:18
kanzurefenn just came down here because I told him about the fabratory project19:18
QuantumGI have the VR920 which is vga.19:19
fennQuantumG: MyVu crystal is VGA and costs about $200; you get two displays that can be used separately19:19
kanzureJata: did you ever see the inventory lists in the skdb repo? they were sort of like wish lists19:19
Jataokay, well, fenn, bryan: the purpose of your trip is to tell alex about the importance of infrastructure, about skdb, and to decide what you actually want/need for your work.  we will also discuss h+ and where we'd like to see that go.19:19
kanzureof stuff that would be useful to have or to eventually build19:19
Jatayeah, i figured19:19
kanzureJata: okay, great. if you happen to have h+ers wanting to do some serious projects or something,19:19
fennfabratory fumbled because people were trying to make money off it instead of getting it done19:19
kanzurefenn and I have piles of notes and documents19:19
QuantumGfenn: the wrap 920 is/will be semitransparent19:20
Jatathis is great news19:20
kanzureJata: so it sounds like we have next weekend planned out then?19:20
Jatah+ is a non-profit, we couldn't make money off of you if we wanted to19:20
Jatalet me call alex and make sure it works19:20
kanzurethere's actually a way to make money off of skdb, and alex mentioned that he might want to hear it19:20
kanzurebut it's more of a consulting gig version of cygnus19:20
kanzurebut that doesn't matter at the moment.19:21
fennwhat about offering 'buy it now' button service19:21
kanzureyeah that too19:21
kanzure(joseph jackson wants to do "diybio premium" for a cost or something, but he never got around to convincing me)19:21
fennthat doesnt make sense anyway19:21
QuantumGcommercial makes it possible to jump in at different parts in the production tree.. not to mention the motivation factor.  19:22
QuantumGunfortunately it has negative side-effects too19:22
fennlots of negative side effects19:22
Jataabsolutely. but i dont thikn skdb is there yet... correct me if i'm wrong19:22
fennno, skdb is a pile of poo19:22
kanzurewell the thing is that the parts about ordering stuff19:23
QuantumGfenn: so how are you powering your beagleboard?19:23
kanzureare actually much easier parts19:23
fennQuantumG: 3.7V lithium batteries19:23
kanzureI mean, anybody can slap up a web interface to a store or something19:23
Jatayeah... well, i think we've got some ideas of what we need to discuss. fenn, bryan, unless you need something, i'm ditching this channel19:23
kanzureJata: glad you showed up19:23
QuantumGfenn: any ideas why that web site doesn't sell packs?19:23
fennnice chatting19:23
Jatatake care :-)19:23
-!- Jata [n=chatzill@cpe-76-173-244-243.socal.res.rr.com] has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.5/20090624025744]"]19:24
kanzureI bugged her so damn much about showing up in here19:24
Smariwell, she came19:24
kanzureSmari: sorry I was ignoring you19:25
Smarino worries.19:25
fenni often feel like i'm not as smart as i used to be.. i wonder what it means19:27
kanzureI feel that way about me and programming19:27
kanzureI was a much better programmer when I was 12.19:27
SmariSo was I.19:27
SmariI cry damnation every day on this account.19:27
kanzureis that before or after the beer19:28
QuantumGI wasn't a better programmer when I was younger.. but I certainly wrote more code.. I guess its easier to churn out crap.19:28
SmariSweet alcohol eases the pain ;)19:28
fenni've noticed that code almost writes itself if i'm sleep deprived19:29
fennsort of the opposite of what you'd expect19:29
fennbut the price is that you dont get any new ideas19:30
QuantumGhehe.. I watch my cow-orkers check in code when its 2am their time and it is consistently their worst work.19:30
fennQuantumG: what's the resolution on the wrap 920?19:33
QuantumGpresumably it'll be similar to the VR920.. which is twin 640x480.. and some down-scaling so you can support 1024x768 video modes19:35
fennwhy did you say 'not vga' then?19:35
QuantumGnot a vga connector19:36
fennoh. what's the connector then?19:36
fennsorry. myvu is RCA composite19:36
QuantumGthe VR920 has a vga connector.. 19:36
QuantumGthe AV920 is composite19:36
QuantumGand the Wrap 920AV will be composite19:37
QuantumGI do wonder if they'll make a vga version19:37
fennhmm "please call for pricing" http://www.vuzix.com/iwear/products_taceye_lt.html19:39
QuantumGthe Wrap 920AV with the two optional accessories (6DoF head tracking, and USB stereo camera pair) and the PhasAR input device or some other input device is starting to get to a decent augmented reality system19:39
QuantumGyeah.. they have a military line.. I ignore that stuff.  It's less painful to just pretend it doesn't exist.19:40
fenni dont get it.. it's the same shit, why does it cost 10X just to get one display instead of two19:41
fennreminds me of imitation meat19:41
QuantumGprobably because the military is stupid enough to pay?19:41
fenn100% imitation costs 10x the price of 95% imitation meat19:41
QuantumGVuzix are, clearly, a struggling hardware company who figures going consumer is the only way to stay in business.. only problem is: they suck at it.19:43
QuantumGI mean, shit19:43
QuantumGmake an augmented reality system already19:43
QuantumGa complete solution19:43
QuantumGstick a price tag on it.. it'll be excessive, sure, but if you put a price tag on every part then people can cobble the system together as they can afford it.19:44
QuantumGultimately, what's missing here is the vision.19:44
QuantumGthere's no "this is what augmented reality is for" coming from Vuzix.. they just wanna sell widgits19:45
fennnobody wants to watch DVD's on some weird thing in public19:45
QuantumGsomeone does19:45
fenni sort of figured it was for porn or something19:45
QuantumGwhere public often means "planes"19:46
QuantumGbecause you aint doing it on the train19:46
QuantumGmaybe with the Wrap 920AV you could though19:46
fenneh? why?19:46
QuantumGbecause it is transparent19:46
kanzureSmari: you should set up tangiblebit to cia.vc19:46
kanzureSmari: we have an announcer bot in here (CIA-73)19:46
kanzurewell it's so that we know when you commit19:46
kanzureso that we can pull and play around with it19:47
fennQuantumG: you must live in one of those places where people commute by train19:47
SmariI'll do that.19:47
QuantumGfenn: indeed :)19:47
QuantumGI went on a train yesterday19:47
kanzureSmari: we just set up skdb yesterday, so presumably it will help bring some awareness that we're actually doing some work :p19:47
QuantumGthere was commuters holding iPods watching tv19:47
QuantumGone of them was watching Enterprise19:47
QuantumGI silently mocked him19:47
kanzureguy from bus stop that fenn and I randomly met: "told my sister about you.....give her a holler and see if she can help you !! world domination dude !!!!!!" - on my facebook wall19:48
fennjust imagine, with pervasive AR you could summon a giant bird to take a dump on him19:48
QuantumGit's kinda funny that their camera optional accessory totally destroys the "almost normal" look of the device19:49
QuantumGwithout the cameras you might get comments like "hey, nice sun glasses dude" .. with the cameras you'll get people avoiding making eye contact19:49
fennyeah cameras definitely belong at the sides19:50
fennotherwise you look like a gecko at best19:50
fennsteve mann had it half right with the 45 degree mirror19:51
fenn(it should be a partially silvered mirror)19:51
QuantumGunfortunately he never did anything more to commercialize it than "call me if you wanna commercialize this and I'll ignore you"19:52
fenncommercial design firms just pump out mroe of the same crap over and over, with different plastic styling19:52
kanzurefenn: and then campbell wants us to "automatically design" with that plastic crap19:52
QuantumGfenn: well this Vuzix stuff is pretty unique.. as such they must be struggling19:53
QuantumGpeople buy what they know or what they're told by a personality to buy19:53
fenni had a nice depressing surf this morning of DK ahn's "web portfolio" or whatever it was supposed to be (the guy behind http://youtube.com/watch?v=rWgPH1vMFTk )19:54
fennit's like people forgot how to play with legos19:54
QuantumGits not just legos19:55
fenn(previous comment was relevant because it shows the process by which "designers" are "educated")19:55
QuantumGcad cam has destroyed tinkering19:55
kanzurenot true19:55
kanzureyou just don't have a CADCAM tool19:55
SmariWhere do I put ciabot.pl?19:55
QuantumGya.. 19:56
fennSmari: if it's a bare repo it goes in the directory with config hooks/ etc19:56
SmariI found it19:56
fennQuantumG: i tend to agree somewhat; that's more of a failing with the way cad software has been designed than an inherent property19:57
fennSmari: also take a look at http://kitenet.net/~joey/blog/entry/lazyweb:_git_cia_hooks/19:57
fenni'm not sure why it doesnt do that automatically19:57
QuantumGyoutube is hating19:59
QuantumGgivin' me the wheel of death every 10 seconds20:01
fennyoutube-dl.py ftw20:01
fennwhy is it EDA cad allows use of standardized components but mechanical cad makes you do everything from scratch every time?20:03
fennshouldnt there be an 'auto router' for mechanical stuff too?20:03
fenn"hold these parts in place"20:04
kanzurehaven't we gone over this before?20:04
fennyeah i'm just bitching20:04
fennmore of the same @ http://fennetic.net/cadwiki/20:05
fenn"[calculate cost] by machining time, painting time, electricity consumed, number of assembly steps (total movement necessary to assemble the product)"20:07
fenni guess i got that sort of backward20:07
SmariTesting the bot now..20:07
fennreally you should be designing by choosing the cheapest processes in the first place20:08
fennand that would affect the shape20:08
SmariI'm guessing that didn't work.20:08
SmariI'll fix it later.20:08
QuantumGfenn: do you recommend any AR software?20:09
fennQuantumG: nope20:09
kanzurewhat does that mean?20:09
fennQuantumG: it all looks like crap, unfortunately20:09
fenni havent looked very hard though20:10
QuantumGk, so tell me, is there any open source software that can say "that's a face" on a live video stream?20:10
fennor pretty much any vision library20:10
QuantumGthat's one of the things I'd like an AR system to do.. record every face it sees, and (off-line if necessary) classify them.. eventually to the extent that it can overlay a box around the face and heads up info next to it.20:11
kanzureopencv yep20:12
kanzureI keep on recommending it but I haven't actually used it yet20:12
QuantumGyou can assign names to the faces, notes, etc20:12
kanzureso somebody give me a bloody status note on it or something20:12
QuantumGI think I've downloaded it.. built it.. but I don't remember what, if anything, I did with it20:12
fenni guess i keep assuming everyone will have some wearable thingy with geo coordinates20:13
kanzureah finally got pythonOCC to continue compiling20:13
kanzurefenn: there was a LocOpe* file that included the same file that didn't exist that your last sed line didn't grab20:13
kanzurejust because the list of files didn't include LocOpe* (it was TopOpe* only)20:13
fennpatch plz20:14
kanzurewhat do I diff against?20:14
kanzureor isn't there an svn patch command?20:14
fennjust be more verbose please20:14
fenn"since it may not be possible to go from geometry to process specification without some sort of feature-recognition algorithm (unlikely in a user-generated process specification) we'll have to have process specification tools that "render" to 3d geometry, for instance a thread-turning process will render to a helix with all the thread geometry specifics"20:15
kanzurethat'd be nice to see in action20:16
kanzureis that kokompe?20:16
fennthat's what i'm doing this week20:16
fennwith pythonOCC and skdb20:16
kanzuredid campbell ask you for that?20:16
fenner, yeah i guess20:16
kanzureyou're not one to spontaneously write large blocks of text20:16
fennthat was my "half assed random process string" idea20:16
fennthat text is from years ago20:17
fennit's barely two sentences anyway20:17
kanzurefor you that's a marathon20:19
kanzuredoes anyone know where wx.aui comes from for python?20:23
-!- Smari [n=spm@89-160-140-46.du.xdsl.is] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]20:26
kanzureI can't seem to figure this out20:30
kanzurefenn: how did you get pythonOCC/Tools/InteractiveViewer.py to run?20:30
fennworked first try20:30
kanzurepython version?20:30
kanzurefor some reason apt is telling me that there is only 2.5 available20:31
kanzureand I'm back on testing20:31
fenndo you have stuff in /usr/share/pyshared/OCC/Display/ ? 20:31
kanzureit says that it cannot find wx.aui20:31
fenncan you run the samples/ demos?20:31
kanzureand frankly neither can I. I have no idea which package it is in20:31
kanzureyes, but I need to set CSF_GraphicShr20:32
kanzureyeah I have that too20:32
kanzureer, except for some reason I'm on python2.5/site-packages/..same..20:33
fenncan you do "import wx.aui"?20:33
fenn(from pkg python-wxgtk2.8, now why didn apt-file find that?)20:34
kanzureno, that's what's complaining20:35
kanzure"import wx.aui" is what is failing20:35
fennsomething's wrong with your sys.path i guess20:36
fennif you really do have that file20:36
kanzurewx-2.6-gtk2-unicode is in my sys.path20:39
kanzurebut not wx-2.8-gtk2-unicode20:39
kanzureer how does removing python-wxgtk2.6 require me to get 23.6 MB of new archives?20:40
kanzuremath has defeated me20:41
fennthere's gotta be some open source version of this boxes and arrows stuff http://developer.apple.com/macosx/images/CoreDataSimpleDataModel.jpg20:41
kanzureor, UML renderers, rather?20:42
fennno, i just mean the boxes and arrows stuff20:42
kanzuregraphviz does it if you feed it CSS that it likes20:42
fenn"graph widget" instead of tree widget20:42
fennblender does it20:43
fennin the materials editor, and some of the animation stuff20:44
fennthere's also some drawing program which i cant remember the name of20:44
fennwtf googling "open source procedural" leads to this? http://openfarmtech.org/images/7/7d/Wheel_drive_circuit.jpg20:46
fennthe hive mind surely has me20:47
kanzuredamn it fenn20:47
kanzureI was serious when I said no mind reading in here20:47
kanzureI'll kick you if I have to20:47
kanzure#if you get "wx.aui" not found:20:48
kanzuresudo rm -f /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/wx.pth20:48
kanzuresudo echo "wx-2.8-gtk2-unicode" >> /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/wx.pth20:48
kanzureInteractiveViewer.py now runs20:49
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@] has quit ["This computer has gone to sleep"]20:49
kanzurewow it runs slow here20:49
kanzureawesome. all that work to get a slow-as-all-hell app.20:51
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@] has joined #hplusroadmap21:10
fennthere's some open source compositing drawing program that has some kind of bird and trees as its logo, ring any bells?21:23
kanzurefenn: is there some better way to do this? from OCC.Display.wxSamplesGui import start_display, add_function_to_menu, add_menu21:24
kanzureoh wait nevermind21:25
fennthat looks fine21:25
kanzurewell I could just do OCC.Display.wxSamplesGui.add_menu()21:25
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * rac66a42460eb /pymates/pymates.py: pythonOCC+pymates integrated somewhat. need to write wrapper.21:29
kanzureplease note this is only there for the time being21:31
kanzurethere's no reason pymates should be a mainly graphical thing :p21:31
kanzurebut campbell insists, so.21:31
fennThe concept of the fablab CAD/CAM toolset is to be able to describe almost anything, in a way that can be interpreted by almost any fabrication machine, to make parts for almost anything21:36
fennJust as desktop publication is enabled by algorithmic representation of page layout (page description languages), the fablab CAD/CAM software enables desktop fabrication through algorithmic representation of three dimensional shapes and systems with functional components.21:36
fennwhere 'fablab cad/cam' = kokompe21:37
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@] has quit ["This computer has gone to sleep"]21:37
kanzurenot that it's interesting21:42
fennit makes a blank window?21:43
kanzureyep. fear me!21:44
kanzureyou're not fearing >:(21:44
kanzurehow am I going to run an efficient world domination co-op if you're not going to fear me?21:49
kanzurefenn: how did you get Utils working?21:54
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * r18ba9bcc0740 /pymates/pymates.py: pymates loads CAD files. todo: wx menu file selector.22:06
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * rd7d56e1ac6ec /pymates/pymates.py: added wx.FileSelector()22:55
genehackerdon't they already have that?23:24
genehackersounds like you're reinventing the wheel23:28
ybitdavid dalrymple, 13 year old who graduated from MIT in 2005, that david dalrymple? never heard of him ...'til just now23:53
ybitkanzure: suppose you met him last summer during your internship?23:53
ybitmet a hot waitress today studying to be a neurosurgeon, needless to say, we hit off well23:55
* ybit got the digits23:55
ybit"back of the net!"23:55
* ybit is persuading her to join the darkside of neuroeng23:58
ybitback to reading teh logs23:59

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