
--- Day changed Sat Jul 18 2009
ybitfenn: do you have a link to smari's kokompe project?00:00
ybitor just a link to the source would be nice00:01
ybitoh nm, i see00:02
ybitanywho, concerning dating. doesn't it seem like a big waste of time to anyone else? i highly enjoy my single life and free time00:07
bkeromany people crave intimacy00:08
bkeroHard to find without that part00:08
ybitdating just seems like a way for genes to fuck with the mind00:10
ybitmaybe i'm of that opinion since dating in the past led nowhere but wasting time 00:11
ybitdunno, maybe i'm an ass for saying that00:11
* ybit should remind samrose about some of the natural language processing/semantic project going on @ kde00:12
ybits/some of//00:12
ybitkanzure, fenn: why is it monday.py and not monday.py.html?00:27
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ybitpaste to smari's tangible bit repo?01:09
* ybit doesn't want to sort through emails just yet and concatenate irc logs01:09
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ybitick, hot pre-med neurosurgeon girl is sorority, christian, and in a relationship02:18
ybitphew, what a relief02:18
* ybit likes the single life thank you very much02:19
ybitmuch more time to concentrate on important tasks is one benefit among the others02:20
ybitQuantumG: do you have a link to the PhasAR innput device?02:32
ybitQuantumG: nevermind, got it02:33
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kanzureybit: why do you think it should be monday.py.html?06:40
kanzureybit: tangiblebit is currently only pullable via ssh06:42
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kanzuremerging a file from one old repo into a new repo, preserving history: http://www.simplicidade.org/notes/archives/2009/04/merging_two_unr.html07:55
kanzureis there an alternative to OCC.gp.gp_Dir() ?08:09
kanzuregce_MakeDir, Geom_Direction, hm..08:10
kanzuregp_Ax3 - http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/opencascade/doc/ReferenceDocumentation/FoundationClasses/html/classgp__Ax3.html08:23
kanzuregp_Ax3 (const gp_Pnt &P, const gp_Dir &N, const gp_Dir &Vx)08:25
kanzuregp_Ax3 (const gp_Pnt &P, const gp_Dir &V)08:25
kanzurepythonOCC/samples/Level1/OCAF/DynamicXCAF.py shows how to update objects for translation and rotation but I'm not sure whether or not OCAF is necessary for that08:30
kanzurepythonOCC/samples/Level1/Animation/animation.py answers that08:32
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * r90b13e632f19 /pymates/pymates.py: attempt at translation and rotation (incomplete)08:44
kanzureybit: I met david dalrymple by stalking him down.08:45
kanzureso, no.08:45
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * r5a5d044f8624 /pymates/ERRORS: tracking errors now09:07
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * r9e510ac12f5d /pymates/pymates.py: move_parts success09:14
splicerybit: Take a look at the PUA community09:14
splicer(david dalrymple seems like an impressive guy)09:15
kanzurehis mom lost a bet and had to send him to college09:15
kanzureso he kind of lucked out09:15
splicerhe made the bet I presume?09:22
splicerdoes he claim to be a transhumanist?09:23
kanzureno, his mother did09:24
kanzurewith someone else09:24
kanzureyes, he's into transhumanism09:24
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * rcbf97af0493b /pymates/ (models/blockhole.yaml pymates.py): comments and trying to not suck as much09:36
kanzureto see it in action, go to "do stuff" -> demo; then go to "do stuff" -> move parts; then go to demo and do it again09:47
kanzureit's setup to just move stuff around very basically09:47
kanzurethe new positions and rotations are not taken from the YAML yet09:47
splicerkanzure: does he say he is into transhumanism or is he just interested about the singilarity? I mean does he call himself a transhumanist or do transhumanists point at him and say he is one?09:47
kanzurenobody points at him and says he is09:48
kanzurehowever, I don't recall if he personally claimed he was a transhumanist09:48
spliceryou kind of did09:48
kanzurebecause of his interest in fablabs and kurzweil, I would guess that there's probably a few thoughts about transhumanism swimming around his head about it09:48
kanzuresplicer: didn't you meet him when he came in here?09:48
kanzuresearch the logs for davidad09:49
splicerno, i don't think is was here then09:49
splicerthere are logs?09:49
kanzuredon't you keep logs?09:50
kanzuresome of us do09:50
splicer(i'm bad at reading them)09:50
kanzurelet me upload I guess09:51
spliceryou don't have to09:51
splicerI kind of like the idea that logs are private09:52
kanzureI've asked about making them public09:52
kanzurebut the only problem is that I've insulted way too many people in here09:52
splicerprivacy is a good thing09:53
kanzurenot being mean is better than privacy09:53
splicerthere are many things that are better brainstormed about in resonable privacy09:54
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kanzurehello kardan_ 09:55
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ybitkanzure: because the markup is html10:26
ybitthe code is .py10:26
ybitbut what i retrieved is html it seems10:27
kanzureerror: insufficient permission for adding an object to repository database ./objects10:27
* ybit is a tangiblebit ftr10:27
kanzureybit: how is it html?10:27
kanzurewhat are you looking at?10:27
ybitkanzure: http://github.com/kanzure/skdb/blob/257b63a5f99b33582dec43c7fc39af179eb2dc48/pymates/monday.py10:28
ybittry wget <above link>10:28
kanzureoh, don't do that10:28
kanzurethat's an HTML page10:28
ybitright right10:28
ybiti suppose i was supposed to follow it via web browser10:29
* ybit was slightly sleepy when i suggested it be .html10:29
ybitah, much better10:29
ybitparajita seems prepared to throw money at something10:30
ybityou have to be excited they have a manufacturing facility ready for you two10:30
ybiti know i was getting excited just reading the log10:30
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * r0d214af0e21f /pymates/ (ERRORS models/blockhole.yaml pymates.py): things are getting cluttered. demo1 and demo2 now load YAML values.10:30
kanzureok. chmod g+w * in objects/ did the trick10:31
kanzureybit: guess I strategically neglected to mention parijata to you10:31
kanzureby strategically I mean it was totally unplanned10:31
ybitkanzure: i kind of knew about him through what little you did mention10:32
kanzuresorry, she's female10:33
ybitoh, okay. i forget which one is femal10:33
ybits/femal/female 10:33
kanzureno, what?10:33
kanzurefemale is the one that is not male10:34
ybitthere was someone i thought was originally female but ended up being male, and then the information was confused10:34
ybitkanzure: :P10:34
kanzureyeah she's still suspect IMHO. she's about to throw fenn's most-transhumanist-women-are-really-men statistics.10:35
ybiti think maybe i was thinking smari was female but ended up being male10:35
kanzureI'm sure he'll be happy to hear about that particular misunderstanding.10:35
ybithe could probably do without :)10:35
ybitah, indeed. it is smari because he's from iceland10:36
ybitwhich is the info associated with this info10:36
kanzurefor the record: OCAF is not necessary for translation and rotation10:36
* ybit <3s org-mode. ty for suggesting it10:36
fennthe statistical anomaly isnt about transhumanist women but rather ones who are interested in programming and electronics and tinkering10:40
kanzurearguably you're not much of a transhumanist if you're not interested in programming and electronics and tinkering10:40
fenni wouldnt say that10:41
kanzurehow are you going to do anything if not by tinkering?10:41
fenni think 99% of vampire wannabes are really transhumanists in disguise.. they just dont know it10:41
kanzureputting on a cape doesn't give you the abilities that a vampire is defined by10:42
fennnor does putting on a wearable make you a 1337 $@X0r10:42
fennyah, jazz artist, what did you think i was talking about10:43
kanzureyour leet speek module is broken and no I won't fix it10:43
fennactually i've been half daydreaming about using myoelectric sensors to provide a sort of musical spoken interface10:45
fennit senses the note you're trying to sing, bins it, then turns that into a MIDI signal or whatever10:46
fennall in software of course10:46
fennbased on the speechless speech interface which name i cant recall10:47
fennit has some electrodes that go on your larynx10:47
kanzurehow do you fork something in python? /me googles around10:49
fennor the other way around, making your muscles twitch at the right time would be good training10:49
fennos.fork if that's what you really mean (but i bet it isn't)10:49
kanzureyeah I guess it's not10:51
kanzureimport OCC.Display.wxSamplesGui10:54
kanzure"you'll have to fork it and use something like XML-RPC to send GUI commands'10:58
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kanzurethis sucks.11:08
kanzuresurely other people have wanted this before11:08
kanzureand no, I don't want to have to compile() my source every time I want to send it over to the wxpython pid11:08
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kanzureipytohn -wthread -c "import myWxApp" -i11:49
kanzurefrom: http://allmybrain.com/2009/06/27/launching-wxpython-apps-with-an-ipython-shell/11:49
kanzureipython -wthread -c "import OCC.Display.wxSamplesGui" -i  hrm.. doesn't seem to work11:53
* kanzure googles around for glXMakeCurrent OpenCASCADE12:00
kanzurepymates.OCC.Display.wxSamplesGui.display.Create() makes it work12:09
kanzurehm. processes.py is having some troubles .. what do I do?12:16
kanzurefenn: git status tells me that processes.py has changed. I "rm processes.py" and do ls, and still see processes.py there. what'12:19
kanzurewhat's going on?12:19
fennyou changed it twice, according to git12:19
fenngit reset --hard12:19
fennor stash or something12:19
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * r72cde94a66ae / (pymates/pymates.py shell.py): interactive shell with pythonOCC12:19
kanzurewhen did I change it?12:20
fennum, i dunno12:20
kanzuredo I really want to do git reset --hard?12:20
fennhow should i know12:20
kanzureI did "git reset --hard"12:20
kanzureand now processes.py is in the ls again12:20
kanzurebut vim'ing it brings up a new file12:20
fennit's empty?12:21
fennwell.. did you ever commit it when it had content?12:21
kanzureI don't think so.12:21
fenngit log -p processes.py12:21
kanzureambiguous argument 'processes.py' unknown revision or path not in the working tree12:21
fennare you sure you're not just reading the filename wrong?12:22
kanzureipython -wthread -c "import pymates\n" -i 12:27
kanzureif you're feeling daring:12:27
kanzure(in that order)12:27
kanzureyou can also try: pymates.load_cad_file() but be sure to only use something in models/12:30
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fenni'm not really sure what to think of this (python for .NET (part 2)) http://caseyporn.com/blog/archives/000876.html 13:05
fenn"If you make a __str__() method, it shows up from the .NET side as .toString(), and vice-versa."13:05
kanzureforced naming conventions?13:07
fenn__str__ is used to cast to string13:08
kanzureI thought the point of C was that you just cast it yourself13:09
kanzure(int) some_string13:09
kanzureer, nevermind13:09
fenncasts happen automatically most of the time13:09
kanzureI'm not going to get into this13:09
fennabandon eddy ermine radio slay woman, abandoned dyer miner adios laywoman13:09
fennfor war down since straps take, forward owns incest rap stake!13:10
kanzuregee I sure hope you found those. the alternative is too ridiculous.13:14
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fennhas jm|earth ever said anything in this channel?13:38
fenn"can't remember...basically through immortality and transhumanism topics, and suddenly i was here. this was a year or so ago. i just didn't come into irc before." seems to be the totality of it13:40
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * r5bc2d609acea / (4 files in 3 dirs): multiple parts and YAMLs attempt13:43
kanzurepymates/pymates.py needs a better class structure. and not a list for managing a list of parts loaded.13:47
fennso, a dict instead of a list? that's a one line change13:47
kanzureglobals are lame13:48
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * rf15920090980 /pymates/ERRORS: removed errors13:50
fennlazyweb query: transhumanists that are also into fabratory stuff14:01
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fenni sort of feel dirty using that word14:01
fennlike, person A "is" a transhumanist but person B "is" not14:02
fennbut "transhumanist" is so poorly enough defined that there isnt even really a set of characteristics one could point at14:02
fenni'm sure there are a lot of scientists and engineers who have the same ideas but simply don't associate with this particular word14:03
fenndo we know why todd huffman is interested in fablabs?14:04
kanzurehow he'd fallen down that particular rabbit hole?14:07
fennwell the connection between transhumanism is not entirely obvious and would be the whole point of the panel14:08
fennand fablabs*14:08
fennit might be just part of the whole "make the world a better place through technology" gig14:09
kanzuremaybe taking the approach of talking about transhumanism as being a 'system administrator' to your body would be appropriate14:09
kanzureso you should also sysadmin yer tools14:10
kanzureand get the tools working so that the tools can work on you working on the tools working on you worki-- er, recursion limit error14:10
fennbut fab labs dont cause one to admin their own tools; they're provided and other people use them (or so i think)14:10
kanzurethe panel isn't fablabs. it's skdb and fabratories.14:11
kanzurei.e., not neil's fablabs14:11
fennok so "industrial literacy" in general14:11
fennand competence14:11
kanzureyes please14:11
kanzure"From this combination of passion and inventiveness I began to get a sense that what these students are really doing is reinventing literacy. Literacy in the modern sense emerged in the Renaissance as mastery of the liberal arts. This is liberal in the sense of liberation, not politically liberal"14:13
fennanyway i think "industrial competence" is better because literacy only implies you know how to do something, not that you're actually able14:13
fennor s/industrial/manufacturing/ if you prefer14:13
kanzure'how to be an industrial transhumanist'14:13
kanzure(I was originally thinking more like "industrial badass" but transhumanist came out instead.. sorry.)14:13
fenn"how to hang from tony stark's ballsack"14:14
kanzureyo' just hanging out today14:14
kanzures/tony stark/alex lightman/14:14
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kanzureshould have mentioned sam rose14:28
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fennhuh. nesting algorithm: http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/wp-content/uploads/wordlembauwens.png14:58
fennthat guy sure likes "P2P-"14:59
fenn"Not one person who worked on the Chinese translator spoke Chinese."  There was no theory of Chinese, no understanding. Just data. (If anyone ever wanted a disproof of Searle's riddle of the Chinese Room, here it is.) 15:04
kanzurefenn: did you try out the git filter snippit I posted yesterday?15:14
fennnot yet15:14
fennis that better?15:16
kanzurelooks quicker15:17
fennthere really ought to already be some command, like 'git import'15:18
kanzurelike this? http://wingolog.org/pub/git-merge-unrelated-branch15:19
kanzureer, maybe not15:19
kanzureseems to be for a branch from another repo15:20
fenni dont think git fetch gets the history15:21
kanzurefound it here:15:22
kanzure"Typically when this is the case, the code is just imported directly, throwing away the historical records of how that code came to be."15:22
fennwell i can do that easily enough with cp15:22
kanzurewell that statement would seem to indicate that this does something different15:22
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kanzure"Typically .."15:22
kanzure"This is a travesty."15:22
kanzure"But suffer not:"15:23
fennno thanks15:24
kanzurethrow in a branch and git-filter line I guess15:26
fenni dont understand what he's doing so i'm not going to touch it15:26
fennthe aartemenko one looks better15:26
fennactually the first one describes my situation much better so i'm more confident it'll actually do what i want15:28
kanzuredo you have that link?15:28
kanzurestop mind reading15:28
* kanzure is going to have to start srand()ing his thinking15:28
fenni thought that was the point of all this transhumanist stuff15:28
kanzureit needs a fancier name like "creative imitation" or something15:29
fennsociety for creative imitation of fictional intelligences15:29
kanzureman that's almost as bad as the intro Warehouse1315:30
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kanzurefenn: the git filter line from simplicidade isn't working for me.15:36
kanzureit keeps on just giving me options.15:36
fennentirely possible the syntax to git-filter has changed15:36
kanzureI think prune-empty is wrong15:37
kanzurebecause it's not in the man pages15:37
kanzureand removing it doesn't help anyway. nevermind.15:37
kanzurealso --all is wrong as well15:38
fennit's possible he's using a newer version of git15:39
fennsearch for prune15:39
fenndebian is up to 1.6.315:41
fennin whatever i'm using15:41
kanzureI'm on
fenni'm using "testing"15:42
fenn"In a short aside, it seems that Python programmers are generally nice, amiable people. I don't know if they gravitate to the language, or the language brings this out in them, but it's good to have a friendly community."15:46
kanzurefrom where?15:46
kanzurestill on caseyporn?15:47
fennit's entertaining15:47
fennbesides i can't read 80% of it and not read all of it15:47
fennthis would be a cool thing to have displayed on the wall-screens at HQ http://caseyporn.com/blog/archives/000215.html15:52
fenn"Also, I wrote some code to scrape Google Image Search and retrieve the (real) images automatically. This means that I can augment my text-only visualisation with topical pictures."15:57
fennis there a 'news image search'?15:57
fennit'd be like TV but not15:57
fenni guess you could just filter results by date15:58
kanzureit's fun filtering for "line drawings only" on google images these days16:02
kanzureand then add a technical term to the query like 'schematic' or 'blueprints'16:02
fennhow do you filter for line drawings only?16:02
kanzurethere's a select-box/drop-down-thingy16:02
kanzureit only appears after you have made a query16:03
kanzure(it's on the results page)16:03
fennwhere exactly?16:03
kanzureto the left of where it gives you the number of results found16:03
fennnot for me it doesnt16:04
kanzuregoogle likes experimenting with people16:04
kanzureblueprints of a university: http://ksl-web.stanford.edu/graphics/blueprints/blueprint-1.gif16:06
kanzureso.. there's lots of guns.16:06
fenni want to write a squid proxy that inverts the colors of black and white images16:07
fennif the background is mostly white, that is16:08
fennmostly vehicles and robots looks like16:08
fenni guess google just doesnt like konqueror16:10
fennwow this looks really cool http://exper.3drecursions.com/exper-apophysis-scripts/16:16
fennlooks visually like fractals but i dont think it's as "pure"16:16
fennoh i think it's ElectricSheep16:17
fenni never did manage to get that to work16:17
fenn"Useless Brain Usage"16:18
kanzurecd ~/sandbox/some/useless/repo/ ; git-import-folder ~/code/skdb/ inventory #where 'inventory' could be some other folder name that you want16:20
fennis this some script you wrote?16:21
kanzureyes, one moment16:21
fennnot quite the death star http://www.ottens.co.uk/forgottentrek/images/blueprints/deck06.gif16:23
kanzurequick somebody sue them for patent infringement16:24
fennsue george lucas you mean?16:25
kanzureyes I'll accept ILM instead of money16:26
kanzureum uh oh16:27
kanzurefuck fuck fuck16:27
kanzureline 36 in that file16:27
kanzureoh. $2 is the name, not the actual path16:27
* kanzure sighs16:28
fenni havent actually looked yet, sorry16:29
kanzureit's ok, false alarm16:29
kanzurecloning with a plain path just hardlinks everything?16:36
fennthe enterprise blueprints are actually very detailed and "hard science", quite inspiring to think about regarding autonomous manufacturing facilities 16:36
fenndont tell me you just deleted your repository on accident16:37
fennfind ./ -name 'foo*' | while read i ; do echo $i ; done16:48
fennfind . -name '* *' -print0 | xargs -0 -n 1 -I % echo % rocks16:48
fennprint0 doesnt work with grep as far as i know16:48
fennoh i guess it does16:49
fennoh wait that's for input, not output16:50
kanzurejust trying to rm everything except a certain something16:50
fennfind ./ | grep -v "what you want to keep" | while read i ; do rm $i ; done16:50
kanzureis there a way to not find hidden directories?16:52
* fenn mutters about changing customer specifications16:52
fenndo you think this was drawn by hand or output from a cad program? http://www.logiops.dk/Blueprints/blueprintg36c.jpg16:53
kanzurewhat's with the random japanese16:53
fennairsoft was invented in japan.. they arent allowed to have real guns so they must settle for plastic bb guns :\16:54
kanzureshopt -s extglob; rm !(what-you-want-to-keep)16:55
kanzurethanks for nothing16:55
kanzurewhat do I pay you for16:55
fenngo fuck yourself16:56
fenngrep -E for regex16:56
fenndont forget to escape your .'s16:56
fenngrep -v -E '\.git'16:57
kanzurealthough rm !(stuff) looks more pleasant16:57
kanzureprobably incompatible as all hell however16:57
-!- freedom_ is now known as Phreedom16:57
fenni think that requires bash-completion-lib16:58
fenni dont have shopt16:58
kanzurehi Phreedom 16:59
kanzurerm !(stuff1 stuff2) also works17:00
fennuh, sorta works17:01
fennhow do you know when to put stuff in parentheses17:02
kanzureis there a time when you don't?17:02
fenni.e ls *(mp3) doesnt work17:02
kanzurewow rm !(first second) completely trashed my directory. what's going on?17:02
fenni suggest learning what the expression does before passing it to rm17:03
kanzureit seems that ! is modified by parenthesis after it17:03
kanzureotherwise it's just a regular bang17:03
fennotherwise you end up with something like rm trash/ *17:03
fennwhich probably isnt what you meant17:03
kanzurerm trash/ * would delete ./* right?17:04
kanzurenot /*17:04
fennall the important data is in ~/ anyway17:04
fennor should be17:05
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kanzureman bash #grep for GLOBIGNORE17:06
fennis it just me or is this slightly ridiculous http://www.cygnus-x1.net/links/lcars/blueprints/uss-enterprise-bridge-sheet-8.jpg17:06
fennlists every button and switch http://www.cygnus-x1.net/links/lcars/blueprints/uss-enterprise-bridge-sheet-10.jpg17:07
fenni dont want a filename to ignore, i want a pattern to ignore17:08
fennotherwise i could just mv foo /tmp; rm *; mv /tmp/foo .17:08
fenni guess you could do that anyway17:09
fenni want to be able to automatically generate one of those exploded line drawings from CT x-ray scans17:10
fennit's gotta be cheaper than paying someone to take it apart and make cad models17:11
-!- Smari [n=spm@81-15-55-92.du.xdsl.is] has joined #hplusroadmap17:13
fenni'd like to figure out how to get OCC to do this: http://brlcad.org/gallery/s/renderings/havoc_rtedge.png.html17:18
fennpreferably with output in SVG but i realize that may be asking too much17:21
kanzuredo CT x-ray scans provide enough information for exploded views?17:41
kanzuredon't you usually just see "oh look it's all metal yep" ?17:41
kanzuremeredith is complaining about my terrible djangit programming :(17:51
kanzureSmari: did you ever get cia.vc working for your tangiblebit repo?17:52
fenn"I am making here the distinction here between fabrication -the creation of largely monolithic objects- and building or construction -the assembly of an artifact from parts"17:53
fenni guess i had never actually seen a definiton of "fabrication"17:53
kanzuresounds fine17:53
fenni always imagined it was bending sheet metal or something17:53
kanzureI grew up in a family that called a semiconductor manufacturing plant "the fab"17:54
fennyes i know17:54
kanzure"down at the fab today.. blah blah blah"17:54
fennbut "sheet metal fabrication" is probbly the most common use of the term17:54
kanzurehuge explosions, millions of dollars in damages and angry paramedics on too little sleep studying for their midterms17:54
fennisn't it 100% robotic yet?17:55
kanzureno, not at all- quite the opposite17:55
kanzurethey have dedicated "professionals" to each unit operation17:55
kanzurethese people know all the quarks of their particular instrument17:55
Smarikanzure, nope, I'm working on it now.17:55
fenni thought it more or less had to be roboticized because of the cleanliness requirements17:55
kanzurehah hah17:55
Smarikanzure, I didn't have a computer all day... :(17:55
fennand besides they just do the same thing every day17:55
fennmask, wash, etch, repeat17:56
kanzuresorry fenn17:56
Smarikanzure, guidance re setting up the update hook?17:56
kanzureask fenn17:56
Smarimust I repeat the question prefixed with 'fenn,'?17:57
kanzurehe has autocorrect installed17:58
fennsudo apt-get install cia-clients17:59
fenncp /usr/share/cia-clients/ciabot_git.pl yourrepo/.git/17:59
CIA-73djangit: kanzure master * r7366fe7 / (69 files in 11 dirs): fix names - http://bit.ly/kgV0E17:59
fennedit such that xmlrpc = 1 and all the paths are right17:59
fennmy hooks/post-receive looks like http://pastebin.ca/149955018:01
Smaripost-receive is smart.18:01
fenn$project = 'skdb';18:01
fenni think that's all i did18:02
fenni'm not sure the difference between post-receive and post-commit18:02
Smaripost-commit would probably also run on local commits.18:03
-!- marainein [n=marainei@220.253-197-7.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #hplusroadmap18:03
kanzurehey marainein 18:03
fennsure but i think you'd want that18:03
maraineinhey kanzure18:03
fennit's a moot point if you're monitoring a bare repo (i am)18:03
kanzuremarainein: are you meredith?18:03
Smarifenn, not if it's a server that isn't supposed to be touched in any other way.18:04
maraineinwhat's our topic of discussion?18:04
maraineinkanzure: i certainly hope not18:04
kanzuremarainein: right now we're doing some debugging of various bullshit18:04
kanzuremarainein: but usually it's something along the lines of world domination18:04
fennextracting cad diagrams from x-ray CT scans18:04
-!- maradydd [n=mlp@] has joined #hplusroadmap18:04
fennhow to set up automatic notification of changes to git-repos18:04
kanzuremaradydd: hey18:04
kanzuremaradydd: so, can you paste that path again?18:05
* maradydd brings some of belgium's finest18:05
maraineinct scans of anything in particular?18:05
fennblueberry beer?18:05
maradyddmm right hold on18:05
maradyddso, after some fiddling, i have got djangit working, looking at itself :P18:05
maradyddhowever the archive and history images are broken18:06
SmariJust committed.18:06
Smaribot isn't doing stuff.18:06
fennmarainein: stuff to be inputted into skdb18:06
SmariWhere would I see debug report?18:06
maradyddthe archive images resides at ./templates/djangit-static/static/images/archive.png18:06
fennsmari did you get any errors?18:06
Smarifenn, I'm asking where I would see errors.18:06
fennafter pushing, post-receive should complain18:07
maradyddthe browser's looking for the image at
kanzurefenn: http://heybryan.org/school/History/World History/The Riellian Belgian Waffle Theory.html18:07
Smarifenn, Would it complain back through the SSH pipe or into a file?18:07
fennuh. pipe? are you just in a shell?18:07
fenni guess it would go to stderr18:07
SmariI'm on my local computer..18:07
maradyddthis would seem to work, particularly since we search/replaced some stray instances of pydjangitwiki with djangit :P18:07
Smariand I say "git push"18:07
Smariand it pushes up to tangiblebit.com18:08
kanzuremaradydd: hold on, let me test18:08
kanzuremaradydd: did you pull from me?18:08
fennSmari: yes the error message should be visible18:08
kanzuremaradydd: git pull git://github.com/kanzure/djangit.git18:08
Smarifenn, well, in that case, no error.18:08
maradyddnope did the s/r myself. did you do something else too?18:08
* maradydd pulls and finds out!18:08
kanzuremaradydd: didn't do much else.18:09
kanzuremaradydd: the traceback from my latest version seems to claim that the view that is being selected is the 'view' view18:09
kanzurebut this is completely wrong18:09
Smarifenn, but nothing happened either.18:10
Smariwhich is disappointing.18:10
maradyddi get an error about the print.css file being overwritten by merge18:10
fennyou set $project = 'skdb'; and $xmlrpc = 1; in the ciabot_git.pl right?18:10
kanzuremaradydd: actually I think it's supposed to be djangit-static not just /static/18:10
kanzuremaradydd: print.css should not have been touched by me18:10
kanzuremaradydd: maybe you replaced some crap in there?18:10
maradyddwell there's djangit-static/static/images/archive.whatever18:11
maradyddno i haven't touched css at all18:11
kanzuremaradydd: try this: http://localhost:8080/djangit-static/static/images/archive.png18:11
kanzurethat works for me18:11
* maradydd floods you with error in im18:12
kanzuremaradydd: cd templates/ ; git add print.css; git commit -m'some commit message'; git pull #try again18:12
kanzureer, sorry18:12
kanzurecd templates/djangit-static/ ; git add print.css; git commit #etc.18:13
Smarifenn, suggestions?18:13
* maradydd does same dance for reset.css18:14
kanzurereset.css too?18:14
kanzurewhat's the diff on those files? I haven't touched them.18:14
fennSmari: try running the ciabot with fake values and see if it does anything18:15
CIA-73skdb: kanzure test * rmaster /pymates/ERRORS: removed errors18:16
CIA-73skdb: kanzure this is fenn fucking around with ciabot_git.pl * rmaster /pymates/ERRORS: removed errors18:16
fennapparently ciabot_git.pl expects a commit as the first argument, and master defaults to the last commit18:17
fennor something like that18:17
fenni.e. ./ciabot_git.pl master test18:18
kanzureSmari: you dead?18:18
maradyddhey, now there's a new error18:18
maradyddthere was a lot of stuff i had to do git add with18:18
maradyddthat was weird, why did that happen18:18
kanzurehow did you get those files in the first place if they weren't added?18:19
* fenn loves how marainein and maradydd both show up as red18:19
kanzurefenn discriminates by color apparently18:19
fennIRC with extreme prejudice18:19
maradyddbeats me18:19
maraineinwhat have we done to earn redness?18:20
maradyddred is my favourite colour18:20
fennmarainein: nickcolor.pl in irssi18:20
kanzuremaradydd: did you commit the initialization fixes?18:20
fennmarainein: i guess it does some kind of random hash of your name to pick the color18:21
maradydderm not yet18:21
kanzuremaradydd: yeah look at urls.py if there's a merge conflict.18:21
kanzuremaradydd: that one is kind of important to not avoid18:21
maradyddright, how do i look at the different versions that conflict18:21
kanzureit should be in the file itself18:21
kanzureif you open up the file you will see indicators for where there were conflicts18:22
fenngit status should show "merge:"18:22
kanzurethen you make the corrections that you want, and then you commit it (I think)18:22
maradyddi don't see anything that looks like a conflict indicator18:22
* maradydd tries git status18:23
kanzureare you on linux?18:23
kanzureerror: Entry 'urls.py' not uptodate. Cannot merge.18:23
kanzurefatal: merging of trees 684ac2704430fa1140828ec8caaa39918356008d and 874854e6116fb2cce99785d6782ff0a20b3c2679 failed18:23
kanzureMerge with strategy recursive failed.18:23
fennit just looks like <<<<  ==== >>>>18:23
Smarifenn, what are acceptable dummy values?18:23
kanzureSmari: for project_name use "skdb"18:23
fennSmari: ./ciabot_git.pl master test18:23
CIA-73Tangiblebit: spm test * rmaster /tangiblebit.com/doc/object_properties.txt: More test18:24
fennso must be something wrong with whatever is calling it18:24
maradyddyeah, i saw nothing that looked like that18:24
kanzuremaradydd: what about 'git status', did that tell you anything?18:24
fenni wonder how to get rid of the 'r' before the revision number18:25
fenner, abbreviated SHA18:25
Smarihttp://pastebin.ca/1499564  <-- my post-receive.18:25
kanzureSmari: why do you have "/var/www/skdb.git/" in there?18:26
fenn/var/www/skdb.git/ciabot_git.pl probably doesnt exist on your system18:26
maradyddok *now* i should have some conflicts18:26
kanzuremaradydd: what did you do to fix?18:26
maradyddi had to add the changes i'd made18:26
SmariI don't.18:26
kanzuremaradydd: ah right18:26
* maradydd is still working out this whole dvcs thing18:26
SmariThat's not my post18:26
fenn(that really should have been a relative path but i couldnt figure out where the script was running from)18:26
Smarihttp://pastebin.ca/1499565  -- that's my script!18:27
kanzureSmari: is your script chmodded correctly?18:28
kanzureciabot_git.pl too?18:28
kanzureSmari: can you do an "echo" on post commit or something just to see if that works?18:29
kanzureor not an echo, maybe " echo 'blah' > /tmp/somefile " and then check if that file is updated or not in /tmp18:29
maradyddbryan, this has printf type debugging shit in it, i'm sorry :P18:30
kanzuremaradydd: my code?18:30
kanzureI am not liable for anything I write18:30
kanzureI guarantee nothing18:30
Smarithe hook simply isn't firing.18:30
maradyddno, the crap i'm committing to be able to deal with empty repos18:30
kanzureoh :p18:31
kanzurewell then we'll just have to hang you18:31
maradyddit's like a fifth of the way done or something18:31
maradyddi'll finish it though18:31
fennSmari: what's the absolute path of your hook?18:31
maradyddgrf, all this shit because we had to rename a stupid directory -_-18:32
kanzuremaradydd: oh btw you should have used "git mv" for the directory18:32
* fenn blames kanzure for not slavishly following my suggestions immediately18:32
kanzurehey, pydjangitwiki was a brilliant name18:33
maradyddok i seem to now be up to date18:33
maradyddoh thanks now that i finally got it :P18:33
kanzureno problem18:33
kanzureany time18:33
* maradydd reboots server on localhost18:33
kanzureis this it? git://github.com/abiggerhammer/djangit.git18:34
kanzureit hasn't been updated in 2 days apparently18:34
Smarikanzure, your ability to name things is horribly poor.18:35
kanzureI was thinking of naming my first born "Zeus, God of Thunder"18:35
fennyou ought to see his perl scripts..18:35
kanzureit's impeccable. it's so good that you can't even recognize the genius.18:35
kanzurefenn: http://adl.serveftp.org/dokuwiki/scripts ?18:36
fennyes hang on, i was finding a suitably embarrassing line18:36
maradyddyeah, that one's mine18:36
maradyddi haven't pushed it out i guess18:37
maradyddbut something's still wrong18:37
maradyddthe image is being looked for at instead of
* maradydd tweaks templates/index.html18:39
Smarifenn, this ain't working!!18:39
Smaribe fixink!18:39
maradyddah there we are. much better.18:40
-!- wrldpc2 [n=benny@] has quit []18:41
* maradydd has just pushed18:41
* kanzure pulled 18:42
kanzureoh your right the URLs were wrong in index.html18:42
fennsmari i dont know what to tell you; maybe try pushing to a repo on the same machine?18:42
maradyddthe history, it does nothing18:42
fennand see if it calls post-receive18:43
kanzuremaradydd: the history view isn't implemented IIRC18:43
kanzureoh wait.18:43
kanzureyeah, history_data isn't being used in history.html18:43
kanzureso just add this to history.html 18:43
kanzure{{ history_data }}18:43
kanzurein the future this can be expanded to actually process the data and make it pretty18:44
kanzure(like in index.html)18:44
kanzureindex.html line 21 and line 34 for instance18:44
Smarifenn, I have confirmed that the hook isn't triggered...18:44
fennSmari: but why would that happen?18:44
maradyddnor is ... the default view of any versioned directory?18:44
kanzuremaradydd: well.. not quite.. that's just really because my URLs are all messed up.18:45
SmariI haven't a clue.18:45
kanzuremaradydd: that's because of problems with urls.py18:45
maradyddwhere do i add {{ history_data }} to history.html?18:45
kanzuremaradydd: meh anywhere for now18:45
kanzurepreferably within the content block18:45
fennSmari: what if you do a different hook, post-commit for example18:45
maradyddhah see that was the real question18:46
SmariOh I am a dumbass.18:46
kanzureit would be awesome if somebody more knowledgable about these things could figure out how to fix urls.py .. all of the URLs suck so much and there are all sorts of conflicts between the regular expressions.18:47
CIA-73Tangiblebit: spm * r3c727e4c67c3 /tangiblebit.com/doc/object_properties.txt: A!18:47
kanzurethat looks like it worked, Smari 18:47
Smarikanzure, you were right on the money.18:47
fennso, was it the filename spelled wrong or bad permissions?18:47
maradyddnerp it's 40418:47
SmariI didn't notice that hooks need to be +x to fire18:47
maradyddbut it's looking for /icons/history18:47
maradyddand i can't imagine that being right18:47
kanzureyeah the link is crap18:47
kanzuremaradydd: look at line 29 and line 30 in history.html18:47
maradyddwhat should it be18:47
kanzuremaradydd: it should be linking to href="somefilename/history"18:48
fennhuh i would have expected you'd get a "Permission denied"18:48
maradydd29 and 30 what? history.html is like 15 lines long18:48
kanzuremaradydd: sorry. my mistake.18:48
kanzuremaradydd: in index.html18:48
kanzurewhich is where you have the links and history icons18:48
Smarifenn, no, git apparently checks if hooks are +x, if they are, fires them, if not, nothing.18:48
maradyddo ok18:49
Smariseems like slightly superfluous functionality.18:49
Smaribut nevermind18:49
Smariit works18:49
SmariNow I can get some real work done.18:49
kanzureso it's either the right name and it's correct, or it's the wrong name and it wouldn't matter anywhere18:49
kanzureyeah, superfluous.18:49
maradyddyeh the href is to /icons/archive18:49
maradyddwhere ought that go to18:49
kanzuremaradydd: filename/archive18:49
kanzureor filename/history18:49
kanzurenow theoretically I was going to add some matrix math stuff to skdb/pymates/pymates.py about.. three hours ago. but that hasn't happened for some reason.18:52
kanzurewhat have I been doing18:52
fenntyping a lot18:52
SmariI want to set up so that people can clone through http?18:52
kanzureSmari: just put the .git somewhere accessible by http18:52
fennand then run git update-server-info18:53
fenni guess you could also add that to post-update hook18:54
kanzurebut that would be smartr18:54
fennit breaks things for large repos, supposedly18:54
fennpeople have to download files they already have etc18:54
fennwhen updating18:54
fenni dont really understand what update-server-info does anyway18:55
fenni wonder if i should add these to taxonomy.yaml: http://p2pfoundation.net/Open_Source_Manufacturing_Tools#Fabrication_Technologies18:56
kanzureit's not easy to see which parts of the tree you haven't implemented18:56
kanzureer, haven't written down already18:56
fennpretty sure free-form glassmaking isnt on there18:57
maradyddso now i gotta work out how to make my commits announce on channel too eh?18:57
* maradydd goes back to bryan's instructions18:57
maradyddoh ghc6.10 finished building yay18:58
kanzuremaradydd: the project name is 'djangit'. github should automagically know that though.18:59
Smarihttp://tangiblebit.com/tangiblebit.git/  yay18:59
kanzureso you just have to press a button somewhere18:59
kanzureer a checkbox18:59
kanzureSmari: thanks18:59
SmariUse the SSH if you have it, for pushing privs.19:00
kanzureyeah I still have remote-origin configured for my copy of tangiblebit19:01
* kanzure pulled. only got tangiblebit.com/doc/object_properties.txt changed though.19:01
SmariI haven't changed anything since last night19:02
kanzurewhat a slacker19:02
Smarikanzure, stfu19:02
kanzureit's all in good fun.19:02
maradyddok, so i'm at the service hooks page19:03
kanzuremaradydd: scroll down to CIA on the left19:03
kanzureclick it. then it will load a page with a checkbox. click it. then click 'submit'.19:03
kanzureclick click click. now test I guess.19:04
maradyddoh this cia.vc thing is kinda pimp19:05
maradyddit's like twitter for version control19:05
CIA-73skdb: fenn * r39f0f0246bc4 /taxonomy.yaml: more processes to be assimilated into the taxonomy; many are redundant or irrelevant19:05
CIA-73skdb: fenn * r1885c301f968 /pymates/ERRORS: Merge branch 'master' of adl.serveftp.org:/var/www/skdb19:05
maradyddbrian warner must be shitting himself :)19:05
fenndoes cia do twitter?19:05
kanzureI sure hope not19:05
maradyddthe guy who does buildbot19:06
fennguh. oops19:06
CIA-73djangit: Meredith L. Patterson master * rc20c5d9 / (templates/history.html templates/index.html): fixed urls to archive and history; history now shows dump of data - http://bit.ly/bx7WJ19:07
SmariSince I'm playing with these hooks, I'm going to make a script that tweets changes to the tangiblebit git.19:08
fenni'm sort of surprised cia doesn't do twitter already19:08
kanzuremaradydd: to pull from me regularly, you could do this: git remote add bryan git://github.com/kanzure/djangit.git19:08
kanzuremaradydd: and then you can do things like "git pull bryan master" and not have to remember anything else19:08
maradydddone. will do in future. thx.19:09
maradyddi'm going to put up some sort of rudimentary display in history.html19:09
kanzurethat would be useful19:09
kanzureI was expecting users to just scry so that they could see the past, present and future of the file19:09
kanzurebut a history view also works..19:09
maradyddthen im going to shift focus to some other work i have going on19:09
kanzuregithub has twitter19:10
-!- genehacker [n=noko@cpe-67-9-157-136.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap19:11
kanzureoh they only let you do one post-commit hook at a time19:11
kanzureoh, nevermind19:11
kanzureI disabled CIA on skdb on github, that's right19:12
maradydduh, that wikipedia link goes to a page about magic mirrors and shit19:13
kanzureyeah it's magic mind reading19:13
kanzureI was joking..19:13
kanzurescrying is a scam19:13
fennyou just dont know how to do it right19:14
fennHQ also needs rows of sensory deprivation tanks19:15
kanzurecan we come up with a better name than HQ?19:16
kanzure"the fortress of solitude"?19:16
kanzureok nm19:17
fennthat's like, polar bears and shit19:17
CIA-73djangit: Meredith L. Patterson master * rd624e64 / templates/history.html : Rudimentary history view, ugly, link goes nowhere, timestamps broken - http://bit.ly/14wfKl19:28
CIA-73Tangiblebit: spm * r7a77371c6c51 /tangiblebit.com/doc/manufacturing_processes.txt: Added manufacturing process list.19:28
* maradydd highfives kanzure19:29
kanzuremaradydd: huh?19:29
kanzurewhat's up?19:29
CIA-73djangit: Meredith L. Patterson master * rd624e64 / templates/history.html : Rudimentary history view, ugly, link goes nowhere, timestamps broken - http://bit.ly/zYaqq19:30
kanzureoh fooey19:30
kanzurewhy can't it recognize the same SHA and not send that message?19:30
maradyddoh, that's kind of annoying19:31
CIA-73Tangiblebit: spm * r807c848c9467 /tangiblebit.com/doc/manufacturing_processes.txt: ..19:32
SmariSorry for the tangiblebit spam.19:32
SmariI'm trying something.19:32
kanzurewe're not complaining19:32
SmariIt was a prophylactic statement.19:34
maradyddok i'm taking a break19:36
maradyddi did a goodish deed today19:36
-!- genehacker_ [n=chatzill@cpe-67-9-157-136.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap19:37
genehacker_hq sounds pretty good to me19:37
genehacker_mirc died19:37
-!- genehacker2 [n=noko@cpe-67-9-157-136.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap19:37
genehacker2oh wait it works19:37
genehacker2you have a sensory deprivation tank?19:38
CIA-73Tangiblebit: spm * r492cdcc4b668 /tangiblebit.com/doc/manufacturing_processes.txt: Arr19:41
-!- genehacker [n=noko@cpe-67-9-157-136.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]19:44
SmariNow @tangiblebit :P19:48
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * ra00eeea3d264 /pymates/notes: added more matrix math notes19:50
-!- genehacker_ [n=chatzill@cpe-67-9-157-136.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]20:19
kanzurewhat is the 4x4 matrix called?20:26
kanzureif I was going to give it a variable name20:26
kanzureis there something that would make sense?20:26
genehacker2a 4x4 matrix20:29
kanzureright, for coordinate transforms20:29
kanzureisn't that generic?20:29
genehacker2I don't think so20:29
genehacker2hold on 20:29
genehacker2let me dig out my mat book20:29
genehacker2we skipped coordinate transforms...20:30
genehacker2can't find20:31
genehacker2howabout BK-quadruple stacker20:32
genehacker2it's just a variable name20:33
genehacker2it doesn't matter that much20:33
fenntransform woo20:33
fennwoo was an expletive20:34
kanzureyou can stop20:34
genehacker2firefox is dieing20:39
genehacker2first PDF reader dies now flashplayer is dyinh20:40
genehacker2first PDF reader dies now flashplayer is dying20:40
kanzurewhy are you reading PDFs in a browser?20:42
genehacker2and I can't access the control panel wtf20:42
genehacker2I'm not anymore20:42
kanzureuse opera20:42
genehacker2I am20:42
genehacker2something's wrong with my sound20:43
genehacker2what's that?20:43
fenni thought you were using ubuntu20:43
genehacker2the SCRAM system is jammed too?20:44
genehacker2shit that's bad20:44
genehacker2core is getting hot20:45
fenneject the antimatter before it goes supercritical20:45
genehacker2do you really think I have antimatter?20:45
genehacker2I got a David Kahn style reactor20:45
bkeroThose have nothing on my Munchhaussen reactor.20:47
genehacker2the reason I'm not using ubuntu is because ubuntu isn't compatible with my wireless card20:47
bkerowhat wireless card?20:47
kanzureyou'd be surprised. it probably is compatible.20:48
genehacker2munchhaussen's isn't that a disease?20:48
genehacker2characterized by faking illness or something like that20:49
bkerowikipedia baron von munchhaussen20:49
genehacker2well my soundcard's probably gone to hell20:50
genehacker2kanzure wireless card is definately not supported20:52
genehacker2ndiswrapper GET20:52
kanzurendiswrapper works very well20:53
genehacker2how do I install it if I don't have internet in ubuntu?20:53
kanzuredo you have an ethernet port?20:53
kanzureor thumbdrive20:53
genehacker2no ethernet20:54
fennlazy bum20:54
kanzureI find that hard to believe20:54
kanzurehow could there be no ethernet port?20:54
kanzuredo you know what ethernet jacks look like20:54
genehacker2room mate's having a party right now20:54
genehacker2the room the ethernet port is in is in usage20:55
kanzureget a router20:55
kanzureor a switch20:55
kanzurea switch may be cheaper20:55
genehacker2how big is ndiswrapper?20:56
fennhow about a long ethernet cable20:56
kanzurendiswrapper shouldn't be that large20:57
kanzurebut, it should already be installed on ubuntu20:57
-!- genehacker2 [n=noko@cpe-67-9-157-136.austin.res.rr.com] has quit []20:57
kanzurewhat you need to get is your driver20:57
kanzurefine, don't listen to me20:57
kanzurehow could there not be a guy on campus to help him with this?20:57
kanzure"Angiography is a test in which a physician threads a catheter (a thin flexible tube) to the artery to be studied, injecting a contrast agent, ..."21:03
kanzuremagnetic resonance angiography too21:03
-!- cam3845 [n=chatzill@cpe-67-9-157-136.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap21:03
cam3845ok got it to work21:03
-!- cam3845 is now known as genehacker21:03
kanzuregot what to work?21:04
genehackersinister injection21:05
SmariOh I just had the most perverse idea.21:05
bkeroDo we want to hear it?21:06
kanzure#hplusroadmap can get fairly perverse21:07
genehackerif it's more perverse than /b/ 21:07
genehackerI'll be surprised21:07
genehackerI puked in my mouth21:07
SmariImagine you've got a computer game... a detective game of somesort, doesn't really matter, except, you know, have it set in 1993 or so... and in one of the scenes you have the character come across a computer that may contain files. Here's where it gets good. When you click on the computer or whatever, you see the interface, but what you've actually got is an instance of Virtualbox or something running Windows 3.11, and you can actually do anyth21:07
Smariing within that environment.21:07
kanzureSmari: yeah I thought something like that already exists?21:08
SmariI wouldn't know, I don't play computer games.21:08
fennthe other day on TV someone was running windows in a virtual machine in MovieOS21:08
genehackermouse is all weird21:08
kanzuregenehacker: you can speed it up21:08
kanzuregenehacker: are you in gnome?21:08
genehackerit feels weird when I touch the pad21:08
genehackerno it's too fast21:08
kanzuregenehacker: if you are in gnome you can go to System->Settings->21:08
kanzureyeah you can slow it down21:08
genehackerpad feels slippery21:08
genehackerI know that21:09
SmariIt's just such a delightfully messed up concept... I mean, I can imagine that one of the first things people would do is try to find a way to install Linux on the computer in-game.21:09
kanzureSmari: the trick is figuring out how to make good NPCs or non-playable characters21:09
kanzureSmari: so, I got into programming via video games21:09
kanzureSmari: so when I began writing video games, I got bored quickly21:09
kanzureSmari: so I started to get interested in randomly generated content21:10
kanzureincluding randomly generated stories, maps, quests, non-playable characters, sprites, etc.21:10
genehackerthat doesn't always work too well doesn't it?21:10
kanzureactually Aristotle had an algorithm for coming up with story frameworks21:10
kanzureso I was starting to implement that21:10
kanzureand the idea was to separate the game engine from the representation21:11
kanzureso that the user could play in text mode (interactive fiction), over the web (django), or 2D, or 3D, etc.21:11
fennis that like "plato"?21:11
genehackerthe person?21:12
kanzureyes the person21:12
kanzureThe Aristotle21:12
genehackerlink to algo?21:12
kanzureum. hm.21:12
Smarikanzure, mhm. I like the idea of making computer games, and I like games with very open parameter spaces (tabletop RPG's for example), but I don't play computer games much... it happens every now and then, normally about one week per year. I suddenly think, "hm, I'd like to play X." then I play X for a solid week, and then I spend the following week trying to reimplement it in whichever programming language strikes my phant'sy.21:13
genehackernow why isn't flash working?21:13
kanzureoh there was something I was working on a few weeks ago21:13
kanzuregenehacker: it's probably not installed, are you on ubuntu?21:13
kanzureSmari: there was this nice game written in python+pygame called "vecron" or "velcron"21:13
kanzureit was a randomly generated 2D asteroids clone21:13
kanzurebut with enemies and a terrain/map21:13
kanzureI added a shoot-through-walls feature, but it kind of sucks because I didn't spend enough time on it21:14
genehackerinstalled it21:14
kanzurewhich one?21:15
bkerowin 2221:15
kanzurethat might help21:16
kanzuremaybe it was Plato that I was thinking of21:16
genehackerhold on implementing random walk search algorithm21:16
genehackerthat's what I did21:17
kanzureok just not sure which deb you used21:17
kanzurethere's a way to install it for firefox specifically21:17
genehackergot it21:19
genehackerworks much better than winblows21:20
genehackernow just tell me how to access files from winblows21:20
genehackerand my transformation will be complete21:20
kanzuretry /media21:21
kanzureopen up your file browser 21:21
kanzureand type /media in the address bar21:21
kanzureor just type /21:21
kanzureand look around for stuff like: mnt, host, media21:21
genehackergot it21:21
kanzureit will be in one of those21:21
genehackernot there21:23
kanzureok open up a terminal21:23
kanzuretype cd /21:23
kanzurethen type ls -121:23
kanzurethen tell me what you see21:23
kanzureis that all?21:24
genehackerthere's a bunch21:24
kanzuredo you see mnt, media, or host?21:25
kanzuretype "cd media"21:25
kanzurethen type ls -121:25
kanzurethen tell me what you see21:25
genehackerbut in media is only cd rom21:25
kanzureokay, go back and see what's after media21:25
genehackerit's in host21:26
kanzurethere you go21:26
kanzuregenehacker: you may want to read about pgp and how ssh works21:26
genehackerthere's nothing in my docs?21:27
kanzurewhat path? to see your path type "pwd"21:27
genehackernvm adapted21:28
genehackerblarg alibre doesn't work with linux21:29
-!- jm|earth [n=j@p57B9FF8E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]21:30
kanzuregenehacker: have you tried running it with wine?21:30
kanzurewine lets you run (some) windows programs in linux21:31
kanzurewine is "wine is not an emulator"21:31
genehackercan wine run on windows?21:32
kanzurewhat would that do?21:33
kanzurewine runs windows apps, so if you're on windows, you should just run them anyway21:33
genehackerno but is it possible?21:34
genehackerwell I'll be damned21:35
kanzuretry cygwin I guess21:35
kanzurebut I wouldn't recommend it21:35
genehackeropen office works with that weird vista format21:35
genehackerso how do I get wine to work?21:36
kanzuresudo apt-get install wine21:36
genehackernow time to pimp ubuntu21:44
kanzure    raise LinAlgError, 'Singular matrix'21:45
kanzure[[0 0 0 0]..]21:45
kanzure[[ 0  0  0  0] [ 0  0  0 10] [ 1  1  1  0] [ 0  0  0  1]]21:46
kanzureok yep 21:48
kanzureimport numpy21:50
kanzurenumpy.matrix([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]).I21:50
kanzureworks. don't get a 'singular matrix' error21:50
kanzureT = A * B.I22:05
kanzureA = B * T22:05
kanzurebut I have this backwards22:05
kanzurein the code, my "A" is really #222:05
fennis how you say the inverse22:06
kanzureB^-1 = B.I in numpy22:06
kanzurebut my T is actually being calculated as B * A.I22:08
kanzureOCC.gp.gp_Ax3(o_point, o_n_vec, o_vx_vec)22:19
kanzureo_point = OCC.gp.gp_Pnt(point[0], point[1], point[2])22:20
kanzure141     o_n_vec = OCC.gp.gp_Dir(i[0], i[1], i[2])22:20
kanzure142     o_vx_vec = OCC.gp.gp_Dir(j[0], j[1], j[2])22:20
kanzure143     ax3 = OCC.gp.gp_Ax3(o_point, o_n_vec, o_vx_vec)22:20
kanzure144     the_transform = OCC.gp.gp_Trsf()22:20
kanzure145     the_transform.SetTransformation(ax3)22:20
kanzure146     the_toploc = OCC.TopLoc.TopLoc_Location(the_transform)22:20
kanzureOCC.gp.gp_Trsf(ax3) ?22:22
kanzuretodo: irssi + bpython integration22:23
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * r88bfb288ad4d /pymates/ (models/blockhole.yaml notes pymates.py): almost got coordinate transforms rolling22:24
kanzureillegal medical stuff? doing stuff in the u.s. a good idea or not?22:32
-!- marainein [n=marainei@220.253-197-7.VIC.netspace.net.au] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]22:33
kanzure"we synthesized 500 pounds of modafinil in menlo park today" --HQ twitter feed, 2010. RIP.22:39
-!- genehacker [n=chatzill@cpe-67-9-157-136.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]22:39
bkeroModafinil is the medical name of provigil, isn't it?22:48
kanzureelectrical infrastructure22:53
kanzureshipping container modular design22:53
QuantumGModafinil used in a randomized double-blind study showed that normal healthy volunteers between the ages of 30-44 showed general improvement in alertness as well as mood. In the three-day study, counterbalanced, randomized, crossover, inpatient trial of modafinil 400 mg was administered as well as a placebo to the control group. The conclusion demonstrated that modafinil may have general mood-elevating effects in particular for the adjunctive use22:53
QuantumG in treatment-resistant depression.22:53
QuantumGtranslation: Google puts it in the water cooler.22:54
bkerokanzure: you mean like http://www.sun.com/emrkt/blackbox/story.jsp22:55
kanzuremulti-connector backend for pneumatics, hydraulics, electricity, fiber optics, 22:58
kanzurepallets in shipping containers22:59
kanzureare all containers welded together?23:06
kanzurecost of SU8?23:13
kanzure"we get to tell you what's not going to happen in terms of transhumanist technologies.. unless you can tell us how. otherwise, we're going to go work on it"23:19
kanzureget list of projects from papers@postbiota.org23:27
kanzureDirect confinement of individual viruses within polyethylene glycol (PEG) nanowells 23:32
kanzuregene silencing via light23:36
kanzurepurely protein pluripotency (stem cells)23:37
kanzurenatural competence of e.coli23:37
kanzuregenetic transformation via pollen23:37
kanzureDNA gun (converted .22 caliber gun)23:37
kanzuregenetically encoded fluorescent sensors of membrane potential23:37
kanzureMagA (MRI tag)23:37
kanzure*reporter tag23:37
kanzuremechanosensitive ion channels (activated mechanically- like through magnetically guided particles)23:38
bkeroHaha man, Reno 911 is good.23:38
kanzureProduction of recombinant proteins in plant root exudates 23:39
kanzureThe bladder as a bioreactor - urothelium production and secretion of growth hormone into urine  23:41
kanzureThe mammary gland - bioreactor for the production of recombinant proteins  23:41
kanzureTowards a Spiderman suit - large invisible cables and self-cleaning releasable superadhesive materials  23:41
kanzureChaperonins govern growth of Escherichia coli at low temperatures 23:41
kanzureEmergence of novel color vision in mice engineered to express a human cone photopigment  23:41
kanzureMammalian expression of infrared fluorescent proteins engineered from a bacterial phytochrome  23:42
kanzure Rapid evolution of novel traits in microorganisms  23:42
kanzureretrosynthetic analysis23:42
kanzureVisualization of targeted transduction by engineered lentiviral vectors 23:45
kanzureDo-it-yourself microelectrophoresis chips with integrated sample recovery 23:46
kanzureIntegration of microcolumns and microfluidic fractionators on multitasking centrifugal microfluidic platforms for the analysis of biomolecules 23:46
kanzureKidney-targeted naked DNA transfer by retrograde renal vein injection in rats  23:46
kanzureResistance to diet-induced obesity in mice with synthetic glyoxylate shunt  23:47
kanzuretotal synthesis of rapamycin23:47
kanzuregit remote add some_name bryan@adl.serveftp... master23:49
kanzuregit pull some_name23:50
CIA-73skdb:  * r3a4096a211a7 /trans-tech: ideas for h+23:51
CIA-73skdb:  * r708b55cca80b / (21 files in 3 dirs): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://adl.serveftp.org/var/www/skdb23:51
CIA-73skdb:  * r51ea97c09a0c / (trans-tech trans-tech.yaml): make it load as yaml23:58

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