
--- Day changed Sun Jul 19 2009
kanzureum how do I delete the last three commits?00:00
kanzuregit rebase --onto master~300:00
-!- genehacker [n=chatzill@cpe-67-9-157-136.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap00:00
genehackerthis website came up showing my computer had viruses00:01
genehackerwith fake winblows folders and everything00:01
genehackerI loled00:01
-!- Smari [n=spm@81-15-55-92.du.xdsl.is] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]00:06
CIA-73skdb:  * r0e892a4273da /trans-tech.yaml: more00:08
fenngenehacker: welcome to the higher moral ground00:09
katsmeow-afkhmm,, praps i should ask in here,,, how can i improve the 3D effect on http://DesignerThinking.com/stereoimages.html ?00:12
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * r7c47e0952968 /trans-tech.yaml: tried trans-tech mods00:13
fennkatsmeow-afk: looks good to me; why do you want to improve it?00:14
katsmeow-afkto make it look exelent00:14
katsmeow-afkis there anything i overlooked in the technique?00:14
katsmeow-afktomorrow i start plating the hull over, so tomorrow is the last day to redo pics of the framing00:16
kanzurefunctionality is a tree but the dependency is a graph?00:18
fennkatsmeow-afk: well it looks crappy because you're scaling the images in the browser instead of with an image editing program00:23
-!- Smari [n=spm@dsl-149-118-111.hive.is] has joined #hplusroadmap00:28
kanzurehey Smari 00:33
SmariI'm actually going to sleep.00:33
Smariit's 5:30 :P00:34
katsmeow-afkfenn, i did scale them to 800x600 in imagemajik00:41
katsmeow-afki should scale them smaller?00:41
fenntwo 800x600 pictures side by side means the viewer should have a 1600+ pixel monitor00:45
katsmeow-afk400x300 ?00:45
-!- Smari [n=spm@dsl-149-118-111.hive.is] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]00:46
fennit doesnt look that bad as-is00:47
fenni've just never seen dynamic scaling anywhere on purpose00:47
fennit's usually people being lazy or stupid00:47
katsmeow-afki got tired of every other webpage being fixed too wide00:47
kanzuregit fetch foo --00:53
kanzuregit merge foo/master00:53
kanzuregit remote add foo /tmp/test_work #this was done a few lines above00:53
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * r14c685a39220 /dep/dep.py: work on dep.py00:54
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * r5691a719f7b1 /dep/dep.py: commenting, some unit tests00:54
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * rf12d2429a739 /dep/dep.py: step methods for dep.py00:54
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * rf7fc1e8f69ff /dep/dep.py: fucked up the one unit test.00:54
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * rd5faaab45f55 /dep/dep.py: debugging the unit test (it works now)00:54
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * rab0c93e9bda6 /dep/dep.py: removing cruft00:54
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * r62c2bccda4b7 /dep/dep.py: dep.py stuff00:54
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * r7ba4586a0fca /dep/dependency.py: added dependency.py ideas00:54
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * rbeb860c9a38a /dep/ (dep.py dependency.py): Merge commit 'foo/master'00:54
QuantumGI started some new work yesterday.. considered using git for about 2 minutes.. then just used bzr00:54
kanzureUse of uninitialized value $parent[0] in concatenation (.) or string at /var/www/skdb.git/ciabot_git.pl line 147.00:54
kanzureerror: Object 64d31c9c56250ac6e200d0aadcd35d7321f0f45f is a tree, not a commit00:54
kanzureyay for git-import-folder (when it works)00:55
katsmeow-afkfenn, refresh00:55
katsmeow-afkthe 2nd and 4th are 400x300 from the original 7megapixels images00:56
fennyou mean 3rd and 4th?00:57
kanzurethat was imported from my ~/sandbox/dep/ folder 00:57
kanzureand note how the history is magically preserved :)00:57
katsmeow-afkyeas, sorry00:57
katsmeow-afkthat apparent? they do look less jaggy00:57
fennQuantumG: most people just go with whatever they're familiar with00:59
katsmeow-afkbut i don't have a huge screen to look at the page on, so i dunno what that is doing to layout, or to the other pics00:59
fennthey look exactly the same except for jaggies, on my 1024x768 monitor01:00
katsmeow-afksame size as m ine01:00
* katsmeow-afk edits out the bigger pics then01:00
QuantumGI'm probably equally familiar with git and bzr... and much more familiar with svn... it's just that I find bzr the easiest to use.01:02
-!- any76103195 [n=someone@75-120-43-228.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #hplusroadmap01:13
-!- katsmeow-afk [n=someone@75-120-9-252.dyn.centurytel.net] has quit [Nick collision from services.]01:13
-!- any76103195 is now known as katsmeow-afk01:13
katsmeow-afkthanks fenn :-)01:15
bkero <3 mah git01:16
kanzure"Just a note from a maintainer’s perspective: “pruning” redundant edges might give you a graph that is nicer to look at, but loses some important information."01:33
* katsmeow-afk slaps bkero again01:33
kanzure"I hope, that by looking at the graph, I will be able to identify clusters of dependencies, and split the package in a near-optimal way."01:33
bkerokatsmeow-afk: good heavens, just look at the time01:35
kanzureoh man01:35
kanzurekde depends on perl? hah01:35
katsmeow-afkwell, if anyone wants to know why i don't date, i can point to you as well as some others, bkero01:36
bkeroThis is why I don't use KDE: http://www.gnowledge.org/debmap_view?objid=amarok01:36
bkerokatsmeow-afk: Are you a woman?01:36
bkeroand that sort of humor doesn't appeal to you?01:37
katsmeow-afkrape? nope01:37
bkeroIt's not the rape that's humorous, it's pyramid head.01:37
kanzurewell at least men can laugh about us getting raped01:37
bkeroalso, a clock01:37
kanzureit's a common stereotype to assume that men are not raped01:37
katsmeow-afkif it weren't true that a rape occused,, what, every 80 seconds in the usa01:37
kanzureoccused or occured?01:38
bkerokatsmeow-afk: I can guarantee that I'm unlike any other person you've ever met.01:38
kanzureguess it doesn't make much of a difference01:38
katsmeow-afkkanzure, i did not assume men are not raped, lots legal cases of cops using battons to rape men01:38
bkeroalso lots of men raping men, and women raping men01:38
katsmeow-afkand women raping women01:38
kanzurelook at the time01:39
katsmeow-afkdoesn't really matter who is doing it to whom01:39
bkeroIt's rape.01:39
bkerokatsmeow-afk: Maybe my picture was social commentary on how tragically common rape is.01:39
-!- Overand is now known as Overand|Bitchy_m01:40
bkeroMaybe rapes per capita should be a dataset available by country per year on gapminder.01:40
-!- Overand|Bitchy_m is now known as Overand|Bitchy01:40
kanzurehttp://www.gnowledge.org/featured_maps?subject=bio&objid=517&level=3 meh? what's going on here?01:40
kanzurehey Overand.01:40
katsmeow-afkwell, this could be taken two ways : Several of us use Debian GNU/Linux and among other features we have all appreciated the way Debian software package dependencies are calculated to give us astable package. 01:42
kanzurekatsmeow-afk: I neglected to mention why I was bringing this up01:42
* katsmeow-afk listens01:42
kanzureI recently committed skdb/dep/dep.py01:43
kanzureit's basically some classes for dependency graph modelling01:43
kanzurerelated to hardware and so on01:43
kanzureright now it sucks immensely01:43
kanzurebut this is something that there should be unit tests for, for instance01:43
kanzureit's a useful way of thinking.. and could be improved with some software backing up the thinking and concepts for planning01:43
bkerokanzure: Shouldn't a DEPEND and RDEPEND lists cover that sort of thing?01:43
kanzurein fact, I kind of already implement this when I think naturally- regarding resolved dependencies versus unresolved dependencies, et.01:44
kanzurebkero: RDEPEND?01:44
katsmeow-afki'd like to see the pics fit on one screen01:44
kanzurewhat else are you going to do with all that whitespace01:44
kanzurebut draw arcs :(01:44
bkerokanzure: reverse dependencies01:44
kanzureer, what are reverse dependencies?01:45
bkeroTHey exist in bitbake files, ebuild files, and arch packages01:45
bkerokanzure: runtime dependencies01:45
kanzureI see.01:45
kanzurebut these are different from regular dependencies?01:45
kanzureI need a way to model this.01:46
kanzureso, if you look at skdb/trans-tech.yaml, there's this dependency graph of interesting transhumanist projects01:46
kanzurebut the problem is that it's not easy to "think" about01:46
bkerokanzure: package object, has a list of package IDs01:46
kanzurebecause you're not sure if you're introducing cycles or other weird shit01:46
kanzureand this is all backwards anyway01:46
kanzuresince most of this stuff doesn't happen top-down01:46
bkerokanzure: deb = new package;  deb.dependencies = [screwhead1, screwhead2, thread1]01:47
kanzureand it's kind of weird since as you resolve dependencies, the number of unmet dependencies decreases, or something01:47
kanzurebut then you want to do other things as well like maybe:01:47
bkeroJust a recursive function01:47
kanzureprint_dependencies(depth=inf, deb)01:48
kanzurebut then what about finding cycles?01:48
kanzureI have a find_all_cycles() method in skdb/graphtheory.py01:48
bkeroJust yank cyclical dependency finding from apt01:48
kanzurethis isn't for software01:48
kanzureoh, you mean from the sources01:48
kanzureyeah I already have some code written for it01:48
kanzureI'm just trying to think up some useful tools that would help me01:48
kanzurehelp me interactively construct these graphs01:48
kanzureso that it will yell at me if I do something stupid01:48
kanzureor throw an exception if something stupid is happening01:49
kanzureor if there is some sort of redundancy, or something.01:49
bkeroThat's what exceptions are for01:49
kanzurethis is hard to explain01:49
bkerokatsmeow-afk: What do you do?01:49
bkeroDo you want to do anything?01:50
bkeroWhat would you like to do?01:50
katsmeow-afkdo well what i do01:50
katsmeow-afkdo more of it01:50
katsmeow-afkget paid in some way for doing it01:51
kanzuresounds like a recipe for disaster01:51
bkeroYou want to refine your ability to do nothing?01:51
katsmeow-afkpraps i did not understand the question01:51
ybitkatsmeow-afk welds01:51
ybitfrom what i gather, and so do you bkero 01:51
katsmeow-afkyet, i do not get paid for welding01:51
* ybit is sleepy01:52
ybittoo much emacs for one day, time for bed01:52
bkeroI've done a bit of welding01:52
* ybit waves goodnight01:52
bkeroGoodnight ybit.01:52
katsmeow-afkgnite ybit01:52
katsmeow-afki do what's doc'd on my webpages, and more01:53
bkeroI do a lot of things, welding happens to be one of them.  I don't have a traditional welder, which is often problematic.01:53
bkeroPeople are very shy of my welder, and often tell me that they feel like it is going to kill them just by being near it.01:53
katsmeow-afki removed some things from the website, like the pcb driller01:53
bkeroDrilling holes in PCB?  Why?01:54
katsmeow-afkfor thru-hole components01:54
bkeroEr, I understand why01:54
bkeroBut why remove it?01:54
katsmeow-afki feel i was intensely ridiculed about it, especially the use of flex shaft couplings and "pink" string01:55
katsmeow-afki also destroyed the driller frame01:56
bkeroDidn't realize a PCB could be that tough on a driller.01:56
katsmeow-afkcutting torch is01:56
katsmeow-afkseems, according to everyone who saw the pics, pink string invalidaed the entire copncept of a working pcb driller01:57
bkero:/  That's their loss.01:57
katsmeow-afki could not justify to them the project, so i trashed it01:58
katsmeow-afkno, there's more of them than me01:58
-!- Overand|Bitchy is now known as Overand01:59
bkeroPeople online will find anything to bitch about :/01:59
bkeroA PCB driller sounds useful to me, regardless of the color of string you uesd.02:00
katsmeow-afki thought so also02:01
bkeroI'm always looking to build new tools for myself. :)02:01
katsmeow-afkif i build another on the boat, i won't be putting pics online of it02:02
bkeroThere's a boat involved? :)02:02
katsmeow-afkyeas, it goes behind the pics of the bow i mentioned to fenn02:02
* bkero scrolls back02:03
bkeroI see them now02:05
bkeroThat's some intricate welding work!02:06
bkeroMuch better than mine.02:06
katsmeow-afkuse real welding rods :-)02:06
bkeroWelding rods?  Hell, I don't even have real electrodes!02:06
bkeroOr welding cable.  It's jumper cables, a C-clamp, and vice grips.02:07
katsmeow-afki wouldn't build such a boat without welding rods, i wouldn't trust the welds in the open ocean02:08
bkeroI can't get a very good sense of scale from those pictures, how big is that bow?02:08
katsmeow-afk11.5ft long, 46inches diameter/tall02:09
CIA-73djangit: Meredith L. Patterson master * r77d1d6e / templates/view.html : view.html not prettyprinted but much better now - http://bit.ly/xxobf02:09
genehackerwhat's CIA and why is Meredith using it02:09
bkeroDamn, that's bigger than anything I've made.02:09
bkerogenehacker: CIA reports code commits02:10
* maradydd made a small commit02:10
katsmeow-afkwell, back up using the menu to the little boat,, which i can't launch anymore02:10
maradyddit's early.02:10
kanzurehey maradydd 02:11
* maradydd deliberates between staggering out to look for caffeine or just going back to bed02:12
genehackerI am fully awake02:12
kanzurecaffeine in bed is better02:12
genehackerbut I shouldn't be02:12
maradyddthat means making coffee02:12
genehackerdo you mean HNNNNNNNNGGG?02:12
maradyddand our sink is totally lame and always clogs02:13
* maradydd needs a compost pile and a hose02:13
genehackermy circadian is desynchronized02:13
kanzuremaradydd: so we posted some stuff to skdb btw. feel free to clone or pull from http://adl.serveftp.org/skdb.git/02:13
bkeroThe sink in our hacker space is unusable. :/  Someone decided to pour a bunch of paint down it without water, so it's completely backed up.02:13
maradyddwhat is skdb anyway?02:13
maradyddbkero: oh, lame :( acrylic?02:13
kanzuremaradydd: an open source hardware management system02:13
bkeromaradydd: latex02:13
kanzuremaradydd: it's "apt-get for real stuff"02:13
* katsmeow-afk waves gnites02:14
kanzuremaradydd: you should check out the code. in particular check out skdb/skdb.py and skdb/processes.yaml I guess02:14
maradyddbkero: ugh. :( that's pretty much "replace the trap" right there02:14
genehackerkatsmeowafk gonna sail to New Zealand?02:14
katsmeow-afki wish02:14
bkeromaradydd: We don't know how far it went in either :(02:14
genehackeror somewhere else if things get bad?02:14
bkeroBut I'm going to have to put on my plumbing hat tomorrow.02:14
genehackerdoes it have an M or L on it?02:14
kanzuremaradydd: so think of it as a tool for DIY hardware- tracking dependencies or requirements for which tools are required to build which other tools; assembly instructions; alternative ways to implement it.02:15
maradyddkanzure: mk. at some point it would be cool if you could comment urls.py (or something...) with a representation of what the layout of stuff that djangit is supposed to display looks like02:15
kanzurelayout stuff?02:15
maradyddlayout *of* stuff02:15
maradyddtree diagram02:15
kanzurewell there is no tree02:15
maradyddie when i click on a folder from the home view, what view should i see02:15
maradyddthere is02:16
maradyddit's just in your head and not in the docs :P02:16
kanzurenope, the tree is the file tree in the repo02:16
maradyddwhen i click on history, what should i see, when i click on actions, what should i see, when i click on a filename, what should i see02:16
kanzureand then every file has a / (view) and a /history and /archive and /edit02:16
maradyddok so *what do those look like*02:16
kanzureyes then, that should be done02:16
kanzureoh wait02:16
maradyddwhat data should they contain02:16
kanzuremaradydd: try this: http://adl.serveftp.org:4567/02:16
kanzureah it doesn't load02:17
kanzurewell anyway, it's git-wiki02:17
kanzuredjangit is a copy of git-wiki02:17
kanzuregit-wiki is written in ruby on rails02:17
kanzurebut I find it unmaintainable02:17
maradyddoh, ok then02:17
kanzuregit-wiki is mostly fully implemented.02:17
kanzureso if you go find it and download it from github, you'll get a pretty good idea of wtf is supposed to be going on02:17
maradyddwe can rip off their presentation, that's fine02:18
kanzureyep that's what I've been doing :)02:18
kanzureHTML/CSS sucks02:18
maradyddmake things skinnable02:18
maradyddsigh. i think i'm awake02:19
kanzureso sorry02:19
* maradydd shakes fist at husband02:19
maradyddwhat does he think he's doing, calling me at 8am02:19
maradyddon a sunday02:19
maradyddkanzure: get me a redbull02:20
kanzureI only fetch beers02:20
maradyddkanzure: sudo get me a redbull02:20
kanzureand even then, only for me.02:20
genehackerwe can't get you a redbull02:22
maradyddsee, that's how you know skdb will really have made it02:22
genehackerwe can give you instructions on how to make it though02:22
genehackerstep one get water02:22
genehackerget co202:22
maradyddwhen i can have it apt-get me a redbull02:22
genehackercool water to 69 degrees [ERROR VARIABLE UNIT NOT FOUND]02:23
maradyddi mean we can start with coffee02:23
genehackerbubble co2 through water02:23
* maradydd intends to finish wiring the glove today02:24
genehackeradd red bull syrup to carbonated water02:24
bkeroSpeaking of xkcd...One of the girls in the programmer pen drew this the other day: http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs194.snc1/6533_128702625217_739175217_3516978_7569090_n.jpg02:24
genehackeroh it's you02:24
genehackerdidn't realize you ever came in here02:24
maradyddoh, well done02:25
genehackerthough you might use bacteria to make the caffeine and taurine02:25
kanzureI'm secretly asleep right now02:26
kanzurebut yes, apt-get me food 02:26
kanzureapt-gimme food02:26
genehackerok would you like it delievered via ICBM?02:26
maradyddkanzure: there's potential to tap into local distribution networks02:27
* bkero has bacon+gouda pizza in the fridge.02:27
maradyddin sf i frequently satisfied my hunger via eat24hours.com02:27
bkerokanzure: If you fly up to Oregon, I will give you free food.02:27
maradyddthere's a similar site here in leuven but it's in dutch :(02:27
kanzuremaradydd: yep02:27
genehackerSUCH WEBSITES EXISTS?02:27
maradyddi ordered chicken penne and prawns in tomato cream sauce02:27
maradyddcredit card transaction02:27
bkeroGoogle bought all it's employees dinner every Friday.  It was very nice, I'd just go to some web site, order whatever I wanted, and work would pick itup.02:28
maradyddwhat the world needs is a microformat for ordering food02:28
bkeromaradydd: That sounds amazing, I want some.02:28
maradyddbkero: the chicken penne was nothing to write home about but the prawns were fabulous02:28
maradyddi soaked up all the remaining tomato cream sauce with garlic bread and ate it02:29
genehackerwell the problem is that those in the restaurant business aren't really that interested in formats02:29
genehackerit would be hard to force them to adopt one02:29
bkeroYea, mostly I was mesmerized by the prospect of a tomato cream sauce.02:29
maradyddbkero: not that hard to make -- you know how to make an alfredo sauce?02:30
bkeroI make alfredo sauce all the time.02:30
maradyddgenehacker: yeah, i'm thinking way ahead to the future02:30
bkeroJust tomato+alfredo?02:30
splicerhave you considered the possibility to just let third world kids do the manufacturing?02:30
maradyddgenehacker: the food-ordering websites i've seen invariably have a little self-updating javascript window totting up what you've ordered02:30
kanzuresplicer: why make people do it02:31
splicercause it can be done now02:31
splicer+ simple02:31
maradyddbkero: fundamentally, yes. it's a good sauce base. when i make it myself i'll sometimes throw in a shot of booze and let it cook off02:31
maradyddbkero: vodka in particular02:31
splicerjust get people to maufacture the kids02:31
bkeroI swung by the farmers market today and picked up milk, butter, honey, green peppers, salmon, red+white onions, asian cucumbers, cabbage, and 2 pints of blueberries :)02:31
genehackerwell the best place to force adoption would be silicon valley due to the high density of people who'd use it02:31
genehackerI had insta-meal yakisoba02:32
genehackerit was good02:32
bkeromaradydd: Do you think rum would work?  I just have some white rum about.02:32
maradyddgenehacker: you don't "force" adoption, you turn someone on to the idea, then show why it's useful02:32
genehackerthat's what I mean02:32
maradyddbkero: oh, white rum would be very nice. some spicy peppers too.02:32
maradyddgenehacker: the ultimate goal being for me to be able to apt-get a cheeseburger at 2am anywhere in the world02:32
genehackerI am considering making a robot to make ramen and the sort02:32
maradyddover time you make it location aware02:32
maradyddand so on02:32
bkeroThese are green peppers, not very spicy at all :(.  I just have very spicy curry.  I'd have to go settle with safeway spicy peppers.02:32
genehackerthat is a noble goal02:32
genehackerI support you02:32
bkerogenehacker: japan already beat you to that02:33
* maradydd is a simple soul, really02:33
maradyddbkero: cayenne powder?02:33
bkeroI suppose I do have some of that somewhere02:33
* bkero just moved to new apartment.02:33
maradyddah, exciting02:33
-!- genehacker is now known as genehacker_light02:33
* maradydd 's spousal unit is packing up the old apartment02:33
bkeroI'm supposed to be in Germany right now, but I passed that opportunity up to move my belongings 5 blocks away from my last apartment.02:33
maradyddwhat's in germany?02:34
genehacker_lightbtw how do you do diybio in an apartment?02:34
bkerophpBB is having their annual get-together.02:34
maradyddgenehacker_light: cleanly.02:34
bkeroThey invited me to go since I'm their sysadmin, but I declined.02:34
genehacker_lightcould one do small scale distilling in an apartment?02:34
bkerogenehacker_light: I have a 2bdrm, with one bedroom sealed, air filtered, monitored :)02:34
maradyddsure, just don't blow shit up02:35
bkeroYea, but distilling is illegal :(02:35
genehacker_lightnot alcohol02:35
genehacker_lightsmall scale02:35
genehacker_lightproduction of pure chemicals necessary for DNA synthesis02:35
maradyddi know some guys that make beer in their downstairs shower02:35
maradyddanother guy and his wife make beer in their guest bathroom02:35
bkeroI make beer in my closet.02:35
genehacker_lightsome of the stuff I want to do involves phosgene gas02:36
genehacker_lightwhich scares me02:36
splicerdistilling can smell too02:36
bkeroEverybody in Oregon brews their own beer. :)02:36
genehacker_lighta lot02:36
genehacker_lightbrb going to the darkside02:37
bkero...the force?02:37
-!- genehacker_light [n=chatzill@cpe-67-9-157-136.austin.res.rr.com] has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.0.11/2009060310]"]02:37
bkeromaradydd: I do have to give you kudos.  I've never heard a lady even mention microformats, let alone bring up such an epic idea as microformats for food ordering.02:38
splicera lady even ;)02:39
maradyddas i said, i am a simple being. i want simple things, like 2am cheeseburgers. :P02:39
* bkero has eaten too much junk food. Right now I'll settle for 12:37AM sugar snap peas.02:40
maradyddwell, it's 9:30am, so that means breakfast02:40
maradyddand the bakery people are on vacation this week, so i get to explore and find out what's open02:41
bkeroOh, damn.  You must be over in Europeland02:41
* bkero wants to visit.02:41
-!- genehacker_darks [n=noko@cpe-67-9-157-136.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap02:41
bkeroI've got a lot of old high school friends in Stockholm and Oslo.02:41
genehacker_darksbkero not the darkside some far more evil02:41
bkerogenehacker_darks: kill yourself02:42
* maradydd doesn't live particularly close to scandinavia, but belgium's nice02:42
maradyddwe have the best beer02:42
-!- genehacker_darks is now known as genehacker_dark02:42
bkeroThat's a heavily contested title. :)02:42
maradyddno, really, we do. :)02:42
* splicer lives in scandinavia02:42
genehacker_darkbkero, can't get my cad program to work in linux02:42
bkeromaradydd: What kind of Belgian beer should I try?02:43
maradydddepends. what kind of beers you like usually?02:44
maradyddambers, lagers, pilsners...02:44
bkeroHoppy with a full head, usually a lager.02:44
bkeroI'm really into a good Bock though.02:45
maradyddhopus, if you can find it02:45
maradyddany trappist dubbel or tripel02:45
maradyddduvel's probably not that hard to find02:45
maradyddthough i particularly love kasteelbier donkel02:45
genehacker_darklaughs manically02:46
bkeroThe only Bocks I get out here are an Aventinus Eisbock, and a Rogue Dead Guy.02:46
* bkero considers which store would have a good selection of belgian beer.02:46
* maradydd misses shiner bock02:46
genehacker_darkugh wrong command02:46
bkeroWhat's shiner bock?02:47
maradydda bock from texas02:47
maradyddthey make it near where i grew up02:47
* bkero spent a lot of time in McAllen02:48
maradyddi'm sorry :(02:48
bkeroFriends ran a business out of Renosa02:48
bkeroWent across the border every day to go to work02:48
bkeroOnly white people on the entire block.02:48
genehacker_darkthat's where kanzure, fenn, and I am02:49
bkeroI'm in Oregon.  It's not as hot here.02:49
* maradydd grew up in houston02:49
bkeroMy ex girlfriend is on the road right now traveling through Tennessee on her way to Houston.02:50
bkeroShe's visiting an aunt who lives there.02:50
genehacker_darkspeaking of houston:02:50
maradyddhuh. yes, rain is a very good question02:54
maradyddok bbiab02:54
genehacker_darkit requires blimps to make it...02:56
genehacker_darkrather impractical02:56
splicer1950ies sci fi03:00
splicerwhy not rekindle project orion and send it to space03:01
genehacker_darkthat's why03:03
splicerno hurricanes03:03
genehacker_darkprobability of some of the crew dying during take off03:03
splicer+ in space no one can hear you file share03:03
genehacker_darkbut getting the plutonium is hard03:03
kanzuremake it yourself03:03
genehacker_darkbuilding the plutonium implosion type bomb is hard03:04
genehacker_darkfrom U-238 using neutron bombardment03:04
genehacker_darkquite interesting03:04
genehacker_darkfusion could be easier03:04
genehacker_darkyou saw that plasmak stuff, right kanzure?03:05
spliceri don't think the boms are a problem... people were putting bombs on everything already in the 50:ies03:05
genehacker_darkeven in houses?03:06
genehacker_darkoh wait..03:06
maradyddso bryan03:06
splicerprobably.. if not you could always leave a back pack bomb there03:06
genehacker_darkplasmak people started in a garage03:06
maradyddpart of what i see djangit being particularly useful for is roy fielding's RESTful future03:06
genehacker_darkbut moved out when they were too successful03:06
maradyddbecause django exposes data stores to the RESTful web03:07
genehacker_darkand the braking radiation03:07
maradyddand everything in a git repo is uniquely addressbale03:07
maradydddeath before dishonour, nothing before caffeine03:07
genehacker_darkI read the wrong number, guess this motor I'm designing will work afterall03:08
maradyddthere should, for instance, be inventory tracking software that my local electronics store uses to display their entire stock inventory to the internet03:08
maradyddalso i should get a pony03:09
genehacker_darkdon't get one of those miniature ones, they weren't selected for niceness in the 50s03:11
genehacker_darkIE they bite03:11
bkeromaradydd: we just use digikey :)03:11
maradydddigikey should be restful too :P03:12
genehacker_darkI have a local electronics store that ROCKS03:12
genehacker_darkbut alas the only problem is that you have to check if they have parts03:13
kanzureoctopart.org shouldn't suck so much03:13
genehacker_darkmeredith has a point there03:13
bkeroOctopart is about as good as it gets though03:13
kanzurehow could this be :(03:13
maradyddeh, we'll fix it03:13
bkeromaradydd: Make a python API for it plz? :)03:13
bkeroWell, if it were restful you could just write some simple python objects around it, and all would be right in the universe.03:13
kanzurebut since this isn't the case03:14
maradyddbkero: :( that's like making a python api for amazon :(03:14
maradyddi mean yes someone did that but still03:14
kanzuregah stop being interesting >:(03:14
kanzuresome of us have to pretend to sleep or something03:14
maradyddphysical objects are still very much in the proprietary inventory system world03:14
kanzuremaradydd: while it would be nice to have accesss to those databases,03:14
kanzureI also want my own inventory system03:14
kanzurethis is what we'll be implementing at HQ03:14
maradyddwell, yeah03:14
maradyddso do i03:15
maradyddi have too much shit :P03:15
kanzureer I guess you don't know about HQ03:15
* maradydd priced out rfid bookplates not long ago03:15
kanzurebut anyway, we're getting an HQ apparently03:15
kanzureyeah rfid would be a nice way to do it03:15
kanzureanother way would be the OCR barcode scanner method03:15
maradyddfor the low low price of around 5 grand i can rfid bookplate tag all my books03:15
kanzureand just print out barcodes to throw at everything03:15
kanzuregenehacker_dark: yes03:15
kanzuregenehacker_dark: a warehouse up in LA03:15
genehacker_darkyou mean that warehouse?03:15
genehacker_darkIN LA?03:15
maradyddmm true 2d barcodes probably easier03:15
genehacker_darkyou are going to live in LA?03:15
kanzuremaradydd: aren't rfid chips supposed to cost only pennies?03:16
genehacker_darkwhat about AR codes?03:16
genehacker_darkthose tell orientation03:16
maradyddkanzure: yeah about 50 of them03:16
bkeroJust use QR codes03:16
maradyddbetween us, len and i probably have like 10k books03:16
genehacker_darkkanzure are you moving to LA?03:16
kanzuregenehacker_dark: probably03:16
maradyddthe only prob w/qr codes is that i can't ping for them03:16
genehacker_darkI'm stuck here03:16
splicerwhy keep books in the first place?03:17
kanzurebecause we are packrats03:17
maradyddwith this many books, the "where is foo" problem becomes enormous03:17
maradyddsplicer: what kanzure said, also marginalia03:17
kanzure"the fear of throwing things away"03:17
splicerso scan it03:17
genehacker_darkbooks have radiation shielding capabilities03:17
kanzuresplicer: do you know how long it takes to scan 10,000 books?03:17
genehacker_darkbooks store information03:17
kanzurewhat the fuck is wrong with you :p03:17
splicerI know how long it takes to move them around03:18
splicerand how much they weigh03:18
maradyddi'll, uh, get right on that03:18
kanzuremaradydd: faster!03:18
QuantumGno, how long does it take to scan 10,000 books?03:18
kanzurefaster! do more work!03:18
maradyddQuantumG: ask google03:18
kanzureQuantumG: manually? a long time03:18
QuantumGI'm asking you :)03:18
kanzureif anyone has a book scanner device though, I'd like to use it.03:18
splicerpay the orphans03:18
kanzuremanually I was averaging at 2 minutes per page03:18
maradyddkanzure: my friend abe is building one03:18
genehacker_darkhow the heck did you get HQ and what's becoming of the Austin hackerspace?03:18
maradyddwith some kind of page turny thing03:18
kanzuregenehacker_dark: a story for another time03:19
genehacker_darkok 03:19
kanzuremaradydd: kickass. schematics?03:19
kanzurewait, no03:19
kanzurestop being interesting03:19
genehacker_darka robot03:19
* kanzure goes for reals03:19
splicer...or you could copy 100' books from me or some kid in a few days, for 500$03:20
maradyddsplicer: i can copy 100+ books from bittorrent for free03:20
splicerthat's the point03:20
maradyddbut anyway, len gets headaches reading screens03:20
genehacker_darkdo you have THE GOLDEN BOOK OF CHEMISTRY EXPERIMENTS?03:20
maradyddand besides someday i'm gonna build a huge library with ladders on wheels03:20
maradyddgenehacker_dark: as a pdf03:20
splicerprobably somewhere if it's been out03:21
genehacker_darkladders and wheels pah, why not robots and rails?03:21
maradyddit can be a robotic ladder03:21
maradyddi just want to be able to ride it around the room03:21
splicervery 180003:21
genehacker_darkgood point03:21
splicer"I want to feel and smell the books"03:21
genehacker_darkI NEED MORE POWER03:22
genehacker_darkto run this gear generator03:22
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * r03a0bd809ab6 /pymates/pymates.py: notes to get it working later03:22
maradyddkanzure: you don't look very asleep03:23
genehacker_darkkanzure haven't you sleep coded stuff before?03:23
kanzureyeah :/03:24
kanzureduring my first semester of uni, it was particularly bad03:24
genehacker_darkhow is that possible?03:24
kanzurebecause I would fall asleep at the terminal at the lab03:24
kanzurebut I would be writing out perl03:24
kanzureand so it was just fucking terrible code03:24
kanzurebecause I couldn't keep a line of thought straight for more than a few seconds03:24
maradyddmy job today is to make sense of sleepcoded haskell03:24
genehacker_darkhey how much memory does that box of yours have?03:24
kanzureand I was doing some nasty 20-something table queries in MySQL03:24
genehacker_darkcould you run matlab on it?03:24
maradyddactually i think it might be drunk sleepcoded haskell at that03:24
kanzureI'm surprised drunk+haskell works together.03:25
kanzureI'm surprised haskell works at all.03:25
maradyddchris++ is inhuman03:25
maradyddidk, man, he's a machine03:25
maradyddhe sysadmins at google for 10+ hours a day, comes home, starts drinking, starts coding03:26
genehacker_darkhe probably takes anti-sleep meds03:26
maradyddnah he's canadian03:26
maradyddthey have fucked up circadian cycles03:26
genehacker_darkor maybe he's from greenland03:27
genehacker_darkI hear they're like that too03:27
maradyddi'm gonna be useless come wintertime03:27
maradyddit's gonna get dark at like 4 in the afternoon and imma be like "right, time to sleep!"03:27
genehacker_darkthe sun has no dominion over me03:27
spliceryou're experienced snow before?03:27
* maradydd lived in iowa for 5 years03:28
maradyddso, yes03:28
maradyddwe had snow here in jan and early feb03:28
maradyddstayed on the ground for a few days even03:28
spliceri knew this girl whos mother was swedish and her father greek.... so she grew up in greece03:28
bkero<3 greece03:29
splicer... and she spoke perfect swedish... only in wintertime if you walked with her.. she fell over all the time03:29
maradyddobtw splicer there's a small chance i might be in stockholm in august03:29
splicerI'm not there.. i'm about 10hrs north03:29
splicerstockholm is nice... especially in the summer03:30
splicerit's water03:31
maradyddo right, sweden's like california, tall03:31
spliceryeah, probably more sparsely populated though03:32
splicerwhat would you be doing in stockholm?03:32
maradyddvisiting my friends mikael and susanne03:33
splicer...those are swedish names03:33
splicerwith friends is the absolutely best way to see it03:34
maradyddwell, i hope it happens03:34
spliceryou'll like it a lot I think03:34
genehacker_darka program says that every iteration of a file name already exiost03:36
genehacker_darkmatlab died03:37
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-!- splicer is now known as splicer-afk03:45
maradyddheh. writing noop is totally the protocol implementor's hello world04:33
maradyddnow on to the real work -_-04:34
genehacker_darkhey could somebody write me a format for formating stuff04:52
genehacker_darkIE a format for writting programs that take in parameters and output parts04:53
genehacker_darksay part is a rolamite bearing04:53
genehacker_darkI write code that gives parameters and generates a rolamite bearing from those parameters04:54
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maradyddhas anyone made nanoscale LEDs?07:27
genehacker_darkquantum wells?07:42
genehacker_darkI think so07:42
genehacker_darkdo you want to make a phased array that works in the visible spectrum?07:43
genehacker_darkfor making THE ULTIMATE VIEWING EXPERIENCE?07:43
maradyddshit yo07:53
maradyddviral assembly of quantum dots http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_dot#Viral_assembly07:54
genehacker_darkspeaking of practical biology07:54
genehacker_darkgoogle cuttlefish superconductor07:55
genehacker_darkyou can make a lightweight superconductor with a critical current that is quite high07:55
genehacker_darkfrom cuttlebone treated with yttrium or something like that07:56
maradyddomg hilarious07:56
genehacker_darkbecause cuttlebone is a bit more structured than sintered powder07:56
maradyddi love it when shit like that happens07:57
maradyddso now the question is07:57
maradyddcan we do something like laser sinter powder to make a cuttlebone analogue07:57
genehacker_darkdon't think so07:57
genehacker_darkcuttle bone is like crystalline07:58
maradyddme and my friend were trying to figure out if we could sinter powdercoating material with a laser from a cd-rom drive07:58
genehacker_darksintering is ugh07:58
genehacker_darksintering is take some powder heat it up07:58
maradyddyeah i guess there's the oxidation problem07:58
genehacker_darkpowder isn't a form that metal likes to be in07:58
genehacker_darkespecially when metal gets hot07:58
maradyddyeah yeah but seriously, given time, we could be doing this with 325nm lasers07:58
maradyddand tiny things cool fast07:59
genehacker_darkso metal or whatever joins with other grains around it to reduce surface area07:59
genehacker_darkbut DIY SLS would be cool07:59
genehacker_darkthe machines at my uni cost $25 per inch08:00
maradyddthey're gonna be workin on it in houston08:00
maradyddmaybe here in brussels too08:00
genehacker_darkworking on what?08:00
maradyddthe DIY SLS machine08:01
genehacker_darkbut the thing about cuttle bone is it's something like a single crystal that has a good structure or something like that08:01
genehacker_darkif we could grow cuttle bone in different shapes it might be useful08:02
genehacker_darkSLS was invented not to far from where I am08:02
maradyddyeah so my question is can we laser sinter a structure that provides the same or similar support that the cuttlebone structure provides, for the yttrium metal stuff08:02
genehacker_darkprobably not08:02
maradyddand then cut that into different shapes08:02
fenni witnessed the "pink string incident" and i must say katsmeow-afk took it completely out of proportion08:02
maradydd*shrug* with 325nm precision i think you could get pretty fuckin close08:03
fenncommentary on something hours ago08:03
genehacker_darkcuttle bone is like near molecularly precise08:03
genehacker_darkI think08:03
maradyddthat's fine, make an approximation08:04
genehacker_dark325 nm precision?08:04
maradyddthink like a hacker dude08:04
genehacker_darkplus how do you sinter calcium carbonate?08:04
maradyddhow wide are the gaps08:04
maradyddyou don't need calcium carbonate if you can find something with similar thermal and adherent properties08:04
maradyddand there are a LOT of plastics out there08:04
genehacker_darkoh I was thinking about making superconductors08:05
maradyddso am i08:05
maradyddi read the article08:05
maradyddthe cuttlebone provides a *structure*08:06
genehacker_darkcuttle bone is calcium carbonate08:06
maradyddthey have to dope first and then heat it up to melt the metal all through it08:06
maradydda nonconductor08:06
genehacker_darksuperconducter is made from calcium carbon, yttrium, and other stuff08:06
maradyddso, sinter something out of plastic, *another nonconductor*, that can take 900 degrees of heat so that they can melt the yttrium barium copper oxide precursors and make the reaction happen08:07
maradyddyou have conductors, nonconductors, and semiconductors. calcium carbonate is a nonconductor. so is plastic. they are electrically equivalent.08:08
maradyddi suppose if it's thin enough plastic can be a dielectric, but you could melt it out with a solvent and then repack with ceramic. i don't know, i'm not a materials scientist. *throws up hands*08:08
genehacker_darkcalcium carbonate might provide a crystal structure for the YBCuO to nucleate on08:09
maradyddwell, if that's the case, then i guess my idea's fucked :P08:10
maradyddbut that's the kind of thing the authors of the paper should be able to answer, neh?08:10
maradyddc'mon man08:10
maradyddthink like it's the 18th century08:10
genehacker_darkwell I think I need to read the paper08:10
genehacker_darkin that case08:10
maradyddsomebody just made something cool08:10
maradyddfigure out how to cast a mold of it and make more of them!08:10
genehacker_darkcuttlefish grow cuttlebone08:10
maradyddi mean, fuck, for that matter, grow cuttlebone in a vat if you absolutely must have only the finest of cuttlebone08:11
genehacker_darkyeah that's what I'm hitting at08:11
maradyddbut there are going to be applications for varying grades of superconductor08:11
maradyddso if you can get close enough with an alternate route and the alternate route turns out to be cheaper, do that08:11
maradydd*shrug* we shall see08:12
maradyddi just like seeing potential applications of things that people i know are working on08:12
genehacker_darkthe point with the cuttlebone is that you might be able to useful things with biology08:12
maradyddi thought barium was Ba08:12
maradyddB is boron08:12
genehacker_darkYBCO is an lazy abbrevaition people use08:13
maradyddthe Cu threw me08:13
genehacker_darkgonna see if I can't get this paper08:13
genehacker_darkpaper GET08:15
maradyddschweet, send it to me?08:16
genehacker_darkit doesn't have nasty "I DOWNLOADED THIS, I'M EVIL" tags08:18
genehacker_darkwhere to?08:18
genehacker_darkmight work08:18
genehacker_darkif the plastic doesn't melt at 900 C08:18
genehacker_darkdoesn't really say much about the crystal structure helping08:20
genehacker_darkcombine it with this guys stuff and maybe room temperature superconductors are possible08:22
genehacker_darkall those high temperature superconductors he makes are minority phases 08:22
genehacker_darkmeaning a tiny grain superconducts at high temperatures but not the whole thing08:22
genehacker_darkyup plastic idea might just work08:24
genehacker_darkwait do I transfer this to you via IRC?08:25
fenngenehacker_dark: http://fennetic.net/irc/The_Golden_Book_of_Chemistry_Experiments_-_R._Brent_WW.pdf08:31
-!- Smari [n=spm@dsl-149-118-111.hive.is] has joined #hplusroadmap08:32
fenngood morning my atlantean friend08:34
fennhow are the whales and porpoises08:34
genehacker_darkdamn the sun08:34
genehacker_darkfine if you ask me08:35
Smarimorning my texan buddy.08:35
fenngenehacker_dark: you're taking this goth thing way too seriously08:35
genehacker_darkno I'm on winblows08:35
genehacker_darkthat's why I'm dark08:35
fennself-induced suffering, sounds goth to me08:36
genehacker_darkbesides I don't live in atlantis, I live in Rapture08:36
-!- genehacker_dark is now known as genehacker_vista08:36
Smarithe whales and porpoises are sunbathing on the towels, the puffins are happily splashing in the wave pools, the kittens are on lifeguard duty.08:36
Smarigenehacker_vista, he meant me. :P08:36
genehacker_vistakanzure awake?08:37
genehacker_vistafenn mind explaining how you got a HQ in LA?08:37
SmariI live fairly close to Atlantis. It's about three hours from here by boat.08:37
SmariI'm actually going there later.08:37
fenngenehacker_vista: honestly i dont understand it myself08:37
fenngenehacker_vista: anyway it's not a done deal; we still have to rationalize the madness08:38
genehacker_vistawho's warehouse08:38
fennthe warehouse doesn't exist/hasnt been selected i guess08:38
genehacker_vistawho's the backer to you hackers08:38
genehacker_vistawho exactly?08:39
genehacker_vistathe Marduk institute?08:39
fennhumanityplus.org/ 08:39
genehacker_vistaoh them08:39
genehacker_vistaone person or a bunch of people08:40
fennmostly alex lightman08:40
SmariIt's 13:37!08:40
SmariI'm so late....08:41
genehacker_vistaby funding, how much?08:42
fennno idea08:42
genehacker_vistashould I consider going down there?08:42
fennseriously i dont know very much08:42
genehacker_vistaI'd really like to see instructions on how to make a cheap but capable DNA synthesizer08:43
fennhow about the capillary tube + UV led08:44
genehacker_vistatoo slow08:45
fennpicky picky08:45
genehacker_vistamicroscope + DLP projector+ plumbing08:45
genehacker_vistais what I'm thinking08:45
genehacker_vistabut we really need the chemicals first08:45
genehacker_vistastuck on how to get the nucleotidase08:46
fennunwilling to learn organic chemistry08:46
genehacker_vistaI guess it might be possible to use it in it's impure form08:46
fennno, impure chemicals would just give you crap sequences08:46
genehacker_vistafenn I need to digest DNA to make nucleosides08:47
genehacker_vistathen I need to seperate out these nucleosides and put protecting groups on them08:48
genehacker_vistaI have high hopes for this protein purifier kanzure's been talking about08:50
fenni dont08:50
genehacker_vistaif we could only get the MPTS08:50
fennif only.. you could get photolabile protected nucleotides08:51
genehacker_vistakanzure found how to make em08:52
genehacker_vistaprotecting group is medium modo08:52
genehacker_vistanucleoside might be hard modo08:52
fenncan't you just buy nucleotides?08:54
genehacker_vistawhole process might end up being lunatic mode though08:54
genehacker_vistabuy? what is buy?08:54
fennhow are you going to do PCR?08:54
fennyou need NTP's08:55
fenngoing to make those too?08:55
genehacker_vistawhat are those?08:55
fennoh come on08:55
genehacker_vistaethidium bromide?08:55
fennnucleotide triphosphate08:55
genehacker_vistaI hope too08:56
maradyddfrom salmon sperm?08:56
maradyddthat's how they do it in the industry08:56
fennyou might want to learn some basic biology techniques while you're learning chemistry08:56
genehacker_vistaoh yes the nucleosides?08:56
genehacker_vistathey said salmon08:57
fennmaradydd: please don't give him any more ideas08:57
maradyddfenn: sry :(08:57
maradyddi just thought it might be like uncle fester you know?08:57
genehacker_vistaI took an aquaculture class though08:57
maradydd"start with a field of ergot"08:57
fenngene you saw the strawberry dna extraction right?08:57
genehacker_vistasalmon shouldn't be too hard to grow08:57
fennstrawberries are easier to grow08:57
genehacker_vistawait a second08:58
maradyddaldrich sells it08:59
genehacker_vistaI want to make it08:59
fennmung beans have it.. well, something like it08:59
genehacker_vistait's in chicken muscle09:00
genehacker_vistathough are strawberries really a good DNA source09:00
maradyddthey're octoploid09:00
genehacker_vistawhy not algae?09:00
fennbecause strawberries are bite-sized09:00
genehacker_vistaanyhow how do they make nucleoside triphosphate from nucleosides?09:01
maradydd*shrug* dunno how much dna you extract from a gram of algae vs a gram of strawberries09:01
fenni'd say "and delicious" but after many years i realized i hate strawberries09:01
maradyddfenn: in any case easy to buy in the grocery store09:01
genehacker_vistaalgae is easy to grow09:01
maradyddway easier than whacking off a salmon09:01
fennbut not nearly as entertaining09:01
genehacker_vistaso how is NTP made?09:02
maradyddat idt, the bioinformatics and backend software dev groups got moved to a new building across from one of the university labs09:02
maradyddthe National Advanced Driving Simulator09:02
maradyddfor like the first two weeks all the guys were giggling about how they could look at the window and see NADS09:03
genehacker_vistadrive through DNA sequences?09:03
maradyddhm. eventually i'm going to have to break down and find access to a mass spec or nmr machine09:04
maradyddfiguring out the efficiency of various diy DNA purification methods09:05
maradyddcomparing cost efficiency and shit like that09:06
maradydd*shrug* i'll just have to find someone in chemistry, no big09:06
genehacker_vistacan't you do that with gel electrophoresis09:06
maradyddthat's one way, yes09:06
genehacker_vistaI mean DNA is like a big molecule and all09:06
maradyddmass spec lets you measure how well it worked09:06
fennassuming you're not a total wingnut and can buy samples of pure nucleotides, you could compare with chromatography and absorption spectrometry, which are a bit easier to build at home09:06
maradyddfenn: idt has a production facility here09:07
fenni always wanted to build a mass spec. though09:07
maradyddi haven't worked for them in years but if i walk in the guy who runs the place will recognise me09:07
maradyddwe worked together in iowa09:07
maradyddi had a mohawk back then. now my hair's purple. he'll remember me.09:07
fennthat means you have to go to iowa to access some piece of lab equipment?09:07
maradyddno, it means i have to walk a few kilometers south to idt-europe09:08
fennor is it like a 'oh while i'm here i should measure this'09:08
genehacker_vistafenn theres is a reason I don't want to rely on sigma aldrich09:08
maradyddso if i need some nucleotides, i can just ask09:08
maradyddmaybe use them to calibrate a home built absorption spectrometer09:08
genehacker_vistathe reason is that some people might want to regulate things09:08
maradyddi've looked at those too09:08
genehacker_vistato make things harder for us09:08
fenngenehacker_vista: how about concentrating on the problems that actually exist instead of the problems that might exist09:08
maradyddyup. right now, there are a lot of tools that people are going to need in order to be able to reliably do their own synth09:09
fennfor example: you still dont have chemicals09:09
genehacker_vistaname a problem that exists09:09
genehacker_vistaI'm bored right now09:09
fennwhy are you awake?09:09
maradyddpeople will need measuring equipment to measure the purity of the reagents they have made.09:09
maradyddsince you don't want to rely on aldrich for nucleotides, you want to make them yourself -- you're going to have to QA them09:10
fennmaradydd: yeah i think diybio is really more about diy instrumentation at this point09:10
maradyddso, QA equip is spensive. let's make cheaper QA gear.09:10
maradyddfenn: yeah09:10
genehacker_vistabecause my internal clock doesn't use a quartz crystal09:10
maradydd's what i'm workin on with the diy thermocycler09:10
genehacker_vistadid you see the light bulb thermocycler?09:11
maradyddwell, more properly, the generic embedded language framework for 8-bit subset-of-HTTP servers09:11
fennhave you seen the idaho systems thermocycler?09:11
maradyddthat will drive the thermocycler over the network09:11
maradyddi saw the one on instructables that was like $350 in parts09:11
fenner, idaho technology09:11
genehacker_vistathe lightbulb one was $2509:11
fennthe lightbulb one needs a fan09:11
maradyddthe one on ibles is pimp as shit09:11
maradyddbut requires machine tools09:12
maradyddthat i don't know how to use :(09:12
genehacker_vistaI have machine tools09:12
maradyddyou have to mill an aluminum head so that you can put the heating element in the centre, six holes around that for tubes and one hole for a temp sensor09:12
genehacker_vistaerr I'm a profession machinist09:12
fennthe way the idaho tech thermocycler works is there's a light bulb that turns on and off, and a fan. you put the pcr mix in glass capillary tubes because they heat up and cool down fast. there's a temperature sensor in with the tubes that has the same thermal characteristics09:12
genehacker_vistaI can do that09:12
genehacker_vistabut others can't09:13
genehacker_vistawhich is bad09:13
maradyddfenn: hah, that sounds pretty damn simple.09:13
genehacker_vistaeasybake PCR machine09:13
fenngenehacker_vista: how is your access to machine tools less of a liability than your access to sigma aldrich?09:13
* maradydd ponders what you could do with incandescent lightbulbs and PWM09:13
fenni think they just used a relay09:13
genehacker_vistamachine tools are free09:13
fennit would turn on and off about every five seconds or so09:13
genehacker_vistaaluminum is free09:13
maradyddoh, wow09:14
maradyddok, slower than i thought :)09:14
genehacker_vistascrap that is09:14
maradyddthat's ... pretty damn simple09:14
fennmaradydd: just has to be under the thermal time constant09:14
maradyddok, math for me to learn, thx09:14
fennit's just like electronics09:14
* maradydd is pretty bad at anything analog :-/09:14
genehacker_vistaI like mechanical analog computers09:15
genehacker_vistathey are functions09:15
maradyddbut, i'll plow through it09:15
maradyddbut, in any case, i'm sure the idaho tech hardware can work with my firmware, given the right glue09:16
* maradydd having said that now goes off to look for it :P09:16
maradyddoh halogen okay09:19
genehacker_vistafenn is there another light bulb thermocycler than thisone?09:19
fennare you talking about the "$25 thermocycler"?09:20
fennstainless plant pot with holes drilled in it09:20
fenni gotta say i was less than impressed with their technical execution09:22
genehacker_vistaI'm sure you've heard of DNA world fenn?09:22
genehacker_vistaRNA world09:24
fennthe abiogenesis theory?09:24
genehacker_vistawhere volcanoes act as thermocyclers09:24
fennsomething like that09:24
genehacker_vistaif a thermocycler can spontaneously occur in nature it shouldn't be rocket science to make it work09:24
genehacker_vistaso the plant pot approach should work09:24
fennwell, the water bath approach works, the point is to make a reliable convenient quick cheap piece of lab equipment09:24
maradyddyea fenn i think the glass capillary thing is a good idea09:24
maradyddthose are pretty easy to get iirc09:24
maradyddmed supplies09:24
genehacker_vistafor dna synth?09:24
genehacker_vistait might take forever to synthesize anything fun!09:24
fennmaradydd: i think it would work with regular mini thin wall microcentrifuge tubes too09:25
maradyddfenn: right, they say it just takes longer09:25
genehacker_vistawhere fun ~>600,000 bp09:25
genehacker_vistalike months09:25
maradyddi'll see about setting something up when i get my gear back, i have a few bajillion of those tubes09:25
genehacker_vistaor I need to do the calculations09:25
maradyddthe nice thing about the machined aluminum head was the precision09:26
genehacker_vistaugh I need sl09:26
maradyddall the tube wells were equidistant from the heating element, as was the temp sensor09:26
* maradydd does some parts shopping09:27
maradyddfenn: http://www.instructables.com/id/Coffee-Cup-PCR-Thermocycler-costing-under-350/ has pics and bom09:28
fenni'd be hard pressed to spend $350 making a thermocycler09:29
kanzureyou get nucleotidase from chicken gizzard09:31
maradyddim trying to figure out what's so expensive about it09:31
maradydd6061 Aluminum Rod 1.5" round stock about 5" in length09:31
maradyddCartridge heater 1" length, 1/4" diam 80W09:31
maradyddTemperature controller Omega.com CN8282-R1R2C209:31
maradyddand a 40mm cooling fan09:31
kanzurehow could you not know what ddNTPs are, genehacker_vista?09:32
genehacker_vistaI forgot09:33
genehacker_vistahow does seperate nucleotidase from chicken gizzard09:33
fenninstructable brought to you by "center for parabiotics research"09:33
genehacker_vistahow do you make ddNTPs09:33
fennorganic synthesis techniques is a sure bet09:34
kanzureidt-europe is not diy and you're losing points, maradydd09:34
genehacker_vistahowever kanzure she can do nmr for us09:34
genehacker_vistathink of it as making ballistic tables for us09:35
maradyddkanzure: if i'm using them to calibrate a diy spectrometer i don't care where they come from as long as their purity is guaranteed09:35
maradyddchicken and egg problem solved09:35
genehacker_vistayou know I've heard they use water or tonic water to calibrate things like taht09:36
kanzureheh coffee cop PCR thermocycler :)09:36
genehacker_vistaour spectrophotometer calibrates itself with deionized water09:36
kanzuregenehacker_vista: we already have someone who can do NMR for us.09:37
genehacker_vistalooks expensive09:37
kanzuresome guy from Texas State09:37
fenndan millican or one of the fifty labs you have access to on campus09:37
genehacker_vistaand how'd you get H+ to fund you09:37
kanzuremind control09:37
genehacker_vistasignificant amounts?09:38
genehacker_vistasignificant enough to drop out?09:38
maradyddok, i can get an 80W cartridge heater for around 20 euros so that's not the big expense09:39
genehacker_vista80 watts?09:40
fennmaradydd: i'm pretty sure it's the temperature controller.. industrial automation stuff always costs about 200x what it ought to09:40
kanzurehumanityplus is a front for the data integration entity09:40
* maradydd is looking that up now09:40
maradyddeeepc is slow :(09:40
genehacker_vistadon't ever watch season two09:40
genehacker_vistait's from an anime09:41
genehacker_vistait sucks09:41
genehacker_vistathey cut costs by repeating the same thing over and over for 5 episodes and counting09:41
genehacker_vistawho specifically though?09:42
fennparanoia agent got pretty funny in the middle with budget cuts/general slacking and hating their job as animators (and talking about it on the show)09:42
maradyddyeah $384 for the temp controller -_-09:43
fennmaradydd: so it actually costs negative $34?09:43
fenni will have to pay people to take it away09:44
maradyddmarket values i guess09:44
maradyddok fenn, so why does industrial automation stuff always cost about 200x what it should?09:44
fennbecause guys in suits spending other peoples' money are the only ones who can afford that stuff09:45
fennand they keep paying that much, so the people who make it dont bother selling it for less09:46
fennor i could just wave my hands and say 'supply and demand'09:46
maradyddok, sounds like a problem domain that wants open source09:47
fennyes that's mostly why i'm into open hardware09:47
maradyddmakes sense09:48
fennit's the same deal with lab equipment09:48
fennmost lab equipment is a $2 microcontroller, a square of some exotic material, and some machined aluminum09:50
fenn(or at least it should be)09:51
genehacker_vistatrue true09:52
maradyddso is this temp controller microcontroller-driven?09:52
genehacker_vistaor it's all stain less steel and needs to be held at high vacuum09:52
maradyddthe one linked from the instructable.09:52
fennprobably.. it's got numbers and is programmable right?09:53
* maradydd downloads a product manual to get a better idea.09:53
genehacker_vistagood idea09:54
genehacker_vistathose have helped me reverse engineer stuff09:54
fennthermocouple, 5A relay, 10Hz sampling rate (really?)09:56
fennall the rest is "shitty button interface" as far as i'm concerned09:56
kanzurelist of german terrorists:09:56
* fenn pictures the guy from Die Hard09:57
genehacker_vistapic unrelated?09:57
maradyddhah arduino kegerator temp controller http://www.arduino.cc/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=118767328709:57
maradyddfirst hit when i googled "arduino process controller" w/o quotes09:57
genehacker_vistaoh joy firefox just died09:58
kanzurewhy are you on vista10:00
genehacker_vistabecause my cad program doesn't work in vista10:00
kanzuredid you try wine?10:00
genehacker_vistaI know it sucks10:00
fennmaradydd: why do people use peltiers for PCR thermocyclers?10:00
kanzuregenehacker_vista: did you try wine?10:01
genehacker_vistacan't get it to work with it10:01
kanzurewhat was wrong?10:01
maradyddfenn: digital control over pwm10:01
fennbut the aluminum block takes so long to warm up it barely matters10:01
fennand besides you can do pwm with ceramic resistor heaters10:01
genehacker_vistaoh wait it works10:02
maradyddyeah, the 20EUR thing i found10:02
maradyddcartridge heater10:02
maradyddi guess maybe because you can buy a peltier on ebay for cheap>10:02
fenni imagine it has something to do with cooling down, but why not just a huge finned heatsink10:02
maradyddand it has a nice friendly molex connector on?10:02
fennsupposedly you can't use the cheap ebay peltiers because they'll crack from thermal stress10:03
genehacker_vistathe cooling down part10:03
fenn(keggerator doesnt cycle so no thermal stress)10:03
kanzurekeggerator sounds like a bad KDE app10:03
fennmy keggerator is frozen!10:03
maradyddyeah i mean this dude is using a chest freezer10:04
maradyddno peltiers involved10:04
genehacker_vistaa mechanical thermocycler?10:06
maradyddbut anyway if a thermistor of the right type can be found then a different kind of heating element can be used10:06
maradyddthe software ought in fact to be written so that any sort of heating element, and any sort of sensor, can be used10:06
kanzurea thermocycler wrapper10:07
fennof course10:07
genehacker_vistadigikey or jameco has thermistors10:07
genehacker_vistathey're not expensive10:07
maradyddmmm, abstraction10:07
genehacker_vistaI'm wearing one10:07
kanzuremmm, abstraction- it's what's for breakfast10:07
fennpeople use thermocouples because they're more accurate? why can't you just compensate for the nonlinearity of a thermistor in software?10:08
genehacker_vistathermistors are nonlinear?10:08
* maradydd thought thermocouples were pretty cheap10:08
genehacker_vistathen how do digital thermometers work10:08
fennTC's are cheap but you need a special chip to compensate for the cold side junction10:08
fennor so they say10:08
maradyddbut yes if someone wants to do the interpolation math for the thermistor that would be pretty sweet10:09
fenni dont see why one couldnt use two TC's and do it in software, but maybe i just want to do everything in software10:09
genehacker_vistawhat do drugstore thermometers use?10:09
maradyddor at some point later on down the line show me how to do the interpolation math10:09
fenny = mx + b10:09
genehacker_vistamore specificaly what do digital watches do10:09
fenndo that between points in a lookup table10:09
genehacker_vistayou call that nonlinear?10:09
fennit's called "linear interpolation"10:10
maradyddand they usually have a performance profile in the datasheet10:10
fennthough at 10 hz you could just as easily do some fancy polynomial maths10:10
maradyddso, an approximation can be interpolated10:11
maradyddright, ok, i know some code that uses this and why :P10:11
maradyddthere's a linear interpolation library out there. c++ i think10:11
* maradydd has compiled c++ for ARM10:12
kanzurebig deal10:12
fenndoes C++ even work on AVR's?10:12
maradyddi have noooooo idea10:12
maradyddbut it will run on ARM10:12
genehacker_vistaC++ on a chip?10:12
maradyddi don't just mean i built a cross-compiler, i mean i wrote code in c++ for the arm, cross-compiled it, and it works10:12
fennarm is harvard architecture10:12
kanzuregenehacker_vista: it's not "C++ on a chip"10:13
fennuh. maybe that doesnt matter after all10:13
kanzureyou compile it into a binary made for the ARM architecture10:13
fennanyway including a library for linear interpolation sounds like overkill/bloat10:13
kanzurea dsp should be able to do that10:14
maradyddcommodity hardware ftw10:14
fennwait a sec, i thought this was supposed to cost $310:14
maradyddsome avrs have dsps on don't they?10:15
fennhow did we get talking about dsp's?10:15
maradyddfenn's telling me i need to quit whining and learn the math10:16
maradyddin a very zen sort of way10:16
fennpretty much10:16
maradyddkanzure: listen to this man, he will teach you much10:17
kanzureI figured giving him a place to sleep would be a good start10:17
maradyddsensible enough10:17
kanzuremaradydd: did you make me breakfast?10:18
fennthis is the general idea http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Interpolation_example_linear.svg10:18
maradyddno, was i supposed to?10:18
maradyddfenn: ah right. ian goldberg's got a PIR scheme based on this10:19
maradyddwhich is where i know of the linear-interp lib that they used10:20
fennprivate information retrieval?10:20
maradyddbut if i were a Real Programmer i'd implement the only-as-precise-as-it-needs-to-be code rather than bloating the uC firmware with a library10:21
ybitkatsmeow-afk: could you like me to your website, i'd like to see some of your projects like the pcb driller. i know it's removed, but i can at least grab the content before it's gone :)10:21
ybitbkero: what about you? do you have a personal website? i'd be interested in seeing how your welder was constructed10:21
maradyddesp. since there will already need to be room for uIP -_-10:22
maradyddit might be a $6 uC not a $3 uC10:22
fennybit: http://designerthinking.com/ http://staff.osuosl.org/~bkero/10:22
fennmaradydd: what specifically?10:23
* maradydd is not rewriting the network stack for microcontrollers, i'm already doing it in haskell10:23
maradyddfenn: i want to do the open thermocycler on an 8bit AVR10:23
fenni figured atmega48 would be big enough for both IP and PID algorithm10:23
fennand lookup table10:24
fenni havent looked at avr's in awhile, there's probably something better out by now10:24
maradyddyeah i'm just thinking about the other stuff that needs to be stored on the microcontroller10:24
maradyddand should in fact be burned into eeprom or something10:24
maradydddecisions decisions *waves hands*10:25
maradyddi have software to write first10:25
maradyddand a glove to finish wiring10:25
fennare you one of those people who doesnt have weekends?10:25
maradyddi'm not tied to a desk10:26
maradyddactually i mostly work from my couch10:26
maradyddand my dining room table10:27
fenni havent figured out how to make that work without becoming suicidal10:27
maradyddat the moment i'm a kept woman10:27
maradyddi need to get myself officially admitted to the university and apply for some funding10:27
maradyddthen i'll have an office there, and more people to bounce ideas off of10:28
maradyddwe've got a hackerspace in brussels with some sharp guys though10:28
fennthe onboard cryptography for XMEGA might be useful if you're actually doing something dangerous/important10:36
fennor simply to put it up on the internet10:37
fennhaven't figured out if it makes sense yet10:38
fennyou could ssh in to a local subnet10:38
fennbut that has its own problems10:39
fennnamely that you have to set up a local subnet10:39
fennand gateway with ssh accounts etc10:39
fennwhat's the deal with "RESTful"? i looked at the wikipedia page but didn't really get it10:40
fennit's like saying "simplify, simplify..."10:42
maradyddlet everything be uniquely addressable over http10:47
fennas opposed to what?10:48
fenndoes it have to be http?10:50
maradyddREST, yes, because fielding's one of the http authors10:50
maradyddhe eats sleeps and breathes it10:50
ybitkatsmeow-afk: you're in alabama too?10:52
kanzurewhat's going on here? http://debian.semistable.com/debgraph.out.html10:54
kanzuresmaller: http://debian.semistable.com/dot/libregexp-java_testing.png10:55
* fenn wishes they didnt use dot to render those10:56
fennhum i wonder if i can use their RESTful interface to change it to neato10:57
fennso much for representations10:57
kanzuredebtree is probably better10:58
kanzuredebtree package1 package2 #show the dependency path between the two packages10:58
* maradydd knows not neato11:01
maradyddis the .dot representation of each graph online somewhere?11:02
maradyddalternately is there some common representation between dot/neato?11:03
kanzureyes, dot/neato uses the same format11:03
fenndot draws the nodes in rows/columns and ends up using a huge amount of screen space (which incidentally locks up my laptop when i try to look at the png's)11:05
fennneato pretends there are springs holding the nodes together and they're spread apart by static electricity so it makes a sort of branched amoeba shape11:05
maradyddoh, very nice. i've seen flex modules for that, was curious where else to find it11:06
maradyddthat might have been an excuse to learn flex, now i'm a little glad i don't have to11:06
kanzureflex/bison stuff?11:07
maradyddno, adobe flex11:07
fenndot/neato are part of graphviz11:07
maradyddoy. clearly i have not looked at graphviz in a loooooong time11:07
maradyddwell, bleh. if they just made the point representation available, the user could decide whether to use dot or neato11:08
fenni was hoping that if i changed /dot/ to /neato/ in the url it would "just work"11:10
fennthis is a lot better than the wikipedia page for future reference http://tomayko.com/writings/rest-to-my-wife11:12
maradyddyes, that's the thing that really drove it home for me11:14
-!- Smari [n=spm@dsl-149-118-111.hive.is] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]11:14
maradyddand yeah, that would be a cool thing to do, especially since they do provide the .dot files11:14
kanzureaha, git commit --amend is my friend11:15
fennbut it sounds like http only has 4 verbs? how do you "dot" something over http?11:15
maradyddyou ask to GET some resource with "neato" or "dot" as the argument, as necessary11:16
maradyddif what you want is a neatofied/dotified picture.11:17
fenn"Resources are referred to by a uniform resource identifier (URI)"11:17
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * r5878ae31adea /dep/topsort.py: Merge commit 'dep/master'11:18
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * rab5156a18590 /dep/topsort.py: Merge commit 'dep/master' (kanzure:~/scripts/)11:18
kanzureUse of uninitialized value $parent[0] in concatenation (.) or string at /var/www/skdb.git/ciabot_git.pl line 147.11:18
kanzureerror: Object c8753a8478f0b22af8e05cb9754aa2f62c5aa8ad is a tree, not a commit11:18
maradyddthe image is just presentation11:18
fennso if i have a url http://foo.com/a_graph/dot is that RESTful?11:18
fennbecause shouldnt the url refer to the resource (not the representation)11:18
kanzureuniform resource indicator? URI? gasp!11:18
kanzureum the commit messages there are not very useful11:19
maradyddi'd do something like http://foo.com/graphN?format=dot11:19
ybitkanzure: re: low hanging fruit: open eeg11:19
kanzurebut basically I added dep/topsort.py11:19
kanzureybit: I'm not convinced that eeg is useful for anything except bullshitting your psych professors11:19
maradyddor http://foo.com/graphN?format=neato11:19
kanzureit should be a browser plugin11:19
fennmaradydd: but /dot is so much easier to type11:19
fennand remember11:20
maradyddif you're constructing a URL by hand, sure11:20
maradyddmost of the time this gets done programmatically11:20
maradyddthis is why AJAX works at all11:20
fennbesides i could do http://foo.com/render_dot?resource=GraphN11:20
fennwhere render_dot is some cgi script11:21
fennhow did everything get so backwards?11:21
maradyddah, i think i see the fine line here11:21
maradyddyou're asking whether an argument is properly part of a URI11:21
maradyddand, if so, whether it necessarily should be11:22
ybitkanzure: i plan on using mine to find out how to get 'in the zone' more often. by looking at my sleep and eating habits prior to feeling however it is that i want to feel11:22
ybiti bet the zeo alarm clock could be made for ~$500-80011:23
kanzureybit: I'm sorry, I'm just not too convinced of EEG.11:24
kanzureso you have about 20~ electrodes attached to the skull11:24
ybitalso good for diagnosing11:24
kanzureand somehow this detects some electrical current permeating the skull from within the brain11:24
fennkanzure: he's just talking about monitoring sleep states11:24
kanzuresure then11:24
kanzureyes that's one (good) application of EEG11:24
kanzureer, just to finish my minirant, somehow people think that this 20-electrode-resolution of different signals tells them something specific 11:25
kanzureooh, spooky, you can get a resolution of four different key presses11:25
kanzure:p you can get that by twitching muscles11:25
kanzurethe media, bloggers, all sorts of psych papers, 11:26
ybiti'm guessing that's the general feeling you get when talking to people about eeg11:26
kanzurethere are a lot of more interesting fish in the bucket to shoot at11:26
fennmore SQUIDs in the bucket to deep fry11:26
fennor was tha cuttlefish11:26
kanzuresociety for questionable unidentifiable data?11:27
fennsuperconducting quantum interference device11:27
kanzureoh god11:27
kanzurenice magnetometer pic11:28
kanzurethere's a way to do magnetometers with atom holography and ultracold bose-einstein condensates11:28
fenn" 11:29
fenn A prototype of a Semiconductor Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID).11:29
kanzureor maybe I'm thinking of accelerometers out of UHV BECs11:29
fenn[edit]Uses for SQUIDs11:29
fennThe extreme sensitivity of SQUIDs makes them ideal for studies in biology. Magnetoencephalography (MEG), for example, uses measurements from an array of SQUIDs to make inferences about neural activity inside brains."11:29
kanzure"Another area where SQUIDs are used is magnetogastrography, which is concerned with recording the weak magnetic fields of the stomach"11:29
ybit"""Like repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), neurofeedback is an innovative form of electrotherapeutics that complements neurochemical interventions for mood disorders. "With the use of anticonvulsants as mood stabilizers," Othmer said, "we have seen a convergence of psychiatry and neurology in the field of pharmacology. Similarly, neurofeedback signals a convergence of psychiatry and neurology in bioelectrical approaches to treating af11:29
fennion flows = electric current = magnetic field11:29
kanzureybit: bioneurofeedback with EEG might be interesting, yes11:30
kanzureybit: however it's important that you know that the signal is what you think it is .. and not what you hope it is.11:30
kanzurefor instance, heart beat feedback is kind of an obvious one11:30
kanzureyou can confirm through the age-old tried and true methods of hcecking your pulse11:30
kanzureor using a heart rate monitor11:30
ybito of an obvious one11:31
ybit11:28 < kanzure> you can confirm through the age-old tried and true methods of hcecking your pulse11:31
fenn"After processing to obtain current magnitude, this microscope has been successful at locating shorts in conductors to within ±3 µm at a sensor – current distance of 150 µm"11:31
ybitthere, that's what i meant to paste11:31
kanzureybit: I think you should look around for what you can get out of EEG so that you don't get your hopes up11:32
ybitEEG neurofeedback for treating psychiatric disorders11:32
kanzurelike, look at the actual data from the studies11:32
kanzureybit: do you have a zotero collection of EEG papers?11:32
ybiti don't have unrealistic goals with eeg, it's used for monitoring and aiding in diagnosing mental states11:32
kanzureI have to admit I've actually ignored EEG for the past year so I haven't been following it11:32
ybitpart of open source medicine imo11:33
kanzureybit: also, if you could figure out a spherical coordinate system for brain regions, that would be hot. 11:33
kanzurethere's something in the literature (multiple systems for it actually) but I haven't found them yet11:33
ybitthat would be hot11:33
ybitlowest hanging fruit for diy-trans for me: eeg, laser printer/laminated sheets microfluidics, AR, wearables11:35
kanzureybit: did you see the trans-tech.yaml file in skdb that fenn committed last night?11:36
kanzurewe were brainstorming some low-hanging fruit ideas and fenn wrote them down in a somewhat possibly usable form11:36
ybiteven book scanning can be considered diy-trans, keeping info portable and ubiquitous11:36
fenn"even steel is a post-scarcity technology!" </paul fernhout>11:36
ybiti have a similar file on my computer somewhere, i did indeed see it11:37
ybitalso the communication matrix won't be hard to accomplish11:37
ybitautoscholar's another11:37
ybiteven org-mode can be considered diy-h+ since it allows one to be more productive11:38
ybitfenn: right11:38
fennslippery slope11:38
fennbefore long you'll be buying stock in microsoft11:38
kanzurestuff on the right requires things that are on the left11:39
kanzureno, I still don't get it. why would "dna sequencing" 'require' microfluidics? it doesn't..11:41
ybitwho said that?11:42
kanzureit's in the file11:42
ybitfor hlpc probably11:42
kanzurehlpc isn't necessarily microfluidics11:43
ybitnot necessarily, but what we've been looking at is11:43
fennbut microfluidic dna sequencing does11:44
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * rc884c40198c6 /trans-tech.yaml: added some PCR and DNA sequencing nodes11:45
ybitkanzure: interesting, you have a script that alerts twitter when you make an update11:46
ybiti like it :)11:46
ybitit's really cool to have updates on skdb while at work11:46
ybitminus the work part11:46
fennit does twitter?11:47
fenni mean, i know it's possible, but does it?11:47
* maradydd gets commit tweets from kanzure 11:48
kanzureoh really?11:48
kanzurehuh guess I enabled that11:49
ybitand fenn doesn't do twitter either i'm guessing?11:50
fenntwitter is lame11:50
ybitmaybe you will be more apt to try identi.ca?11:50
fennrandom unsorted emails from people? no thanks11:51
fennjust because it's on the web doesn't make it better11:51
ybitit's more like random txt messages to your phone11:51
fennall the more reason to hate phones11:52
ybitwith a web interface added11:52
ybitbah, could be useful when grepping for info11:53
fennif only i could grep the web11:53
fenn"reclaim google, altavista, dejanews, freshmeat, research index, slashdot and many others from the false-prophet, pox-infested heathen lands of html-forms, placing these wonders where they belong, deep in unix heartland, as god loving extensions to the shell"11:55
kanzuresurfraw :)11:55
fenni suspect google is the closest most people have come to being exposed to the command line11:55
maradyddmy, surfraw has a lot of libs11:56
maradydder, uses11:56
maradyddbunch of perl stuff had to be installed11:57
kanzuresurfraw has recently been somewhat dead11:57
kanzureno more developers hanging around11:57
fennguess they got tired of rewriting the scrapers11:58
fennsurfraw was before people realized they should publish API's11:58
fenntoo bad it hasn't kept up (API's arent exactly easy to use either)11:59
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * r42b7373a3d7e /trans-tech.yaml: updated transhuman tech requirements doc12:00
ybitwhen computerized manufacturing process planning systems and manufacturing processes reference guide come in, i plan on creating a makeshift manual book scanner12:03
ybiti.e. prop the camera on something take pictures12:03
fenni think you will be disappointed in cmpps12:05
fennbtw i have like 250 pages from mprg12:06
fennfrom google books12:06
fennmaradydd: "a Turing-complete language which _cannot be disabled_" - what about the halting problem?12:12
fennor fork bombs12:12
maradyddah, yes, xslt12:22
maradyddthe stupidest thing ever put into a browser12:22
maradyddyes, you can trick the xslt interpreter into an infinite loop12:23
maradyddand the xslt interpreter can't be turned off the way the javascript one can12:23
maradyddthat's an upcoming paper, btw. not done writing it yet -_-12:23
fennok i just thought what you were saying sounded impossible12:23
maradyddyou can turn off javascript in your browser. you can't turn off xslt.12:24
fennthought you meant "here is a turing complete language which is immune to attack"12:25
maradyddno. the exact opposite, here is a turing complete language which is at this time an undisableable attack vector.12:26
maradyddplease do not spread that around, k? i still have to write those papers in order to write my thesis ;P12:26
fennheh ok12:27
maradyddand i've been scooped fairly recently so it burns12:27
maradyddi trust you and bryan as far as i can throw you :P12:27
kanzureimport transtech12:28
fennmaradydd: huh. i thought i made up that phrase12:28
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * r36d529c08ba4 /transtech.py: playing around with the output12:28
fennmust have rattled around in my braincase for a few years unnoticed12:29
kanzureso.. george church emailed me.12:55
kanzureceorge? heh12:55
fennyou should probably read http://www.edge.org/3rd_culture/church06/church06_index.html12:57
kanzure'18 postdoctoral fellows, 14 graduate students '12:58
fennthough its sort of like listening to yourself ramble12:58
kanzureheh dyson dropped out of college during year 2 and then went straight to graduate school at harvard13:00
fenn"those two things were very intensely distressing to the National Institutes of Health. They said, we can't let the Department of Energy steal what could be the biggest prize in history by doing the genome project and we certainly don't want a company to start patenting all of our genes. That got them motivated in a way that nothing else could have...13:10
fennand managed to get us the three billion dollars that we asked for."13:10
fennthree BILLION dollars??13:10
kanzurewhat the hell?13:11
fenn this figure refers to the total projected funding over a 13-year period (1990–2003) for a wide range of scientific activities related to genomics. These include studies of human diseases, experimental organisms (such as bacteria, yeast, worms, flies, and mice); development of new technologies for biological and medical research; computational methods to analyze genomes; and ethical, legal, and social issues related to genetics. Hum13:11
fenni wonder if that all came through13:12
kanzurecomputational methods and experimental organisms are at least up on NCBI somewhat13:12
kanzurethose "new technologies" I'm not so sure about.13:12
katsmeow-afki wonder if they'll blow it all on a microsoft-campus building spree and not actual science13:12
bkeroGenome sequencing was hard work13:12
fennthat was 1990-200313:12
kanzurebkero: ever read "How perl saved the Human Genome Project"?13:12
bkerokanzure: haha no13:13
kanzureit's about a page long, kinda worth it13:13
kanzurehold on13:13
bkeroAh, bioperl13:13
kanzurethat diagram is precious13:13
fenni thought you were going to link to the unsung hacker all-month-coding-spree that won the race13:15
fennor whatever actually happened13:15
fenndo you remember what i'm talking about?13:17
fenni guess it's not in the logs13:18
bkeroThey were using 1 byte per base, why not just use 2 bits per base, and have it be a QUARTER of the size.13:20
fennbyte can encode uncertain values too13:21
fennnot to mention makes the code way easier13:21
fenn4x is not much of a savings for massive headaches13:22
bkeroIt is when it's to the scale of 1-10tb many years ago13:23
bkeroIt's also not that much of a code headache at all.  You just do 2 simple bitwise operations.13:23
bkeroAlthough I see how uncertain values could be a valid argument.13:24
kanzurefenn: yes I remember13:25
kanzureit was posted to the diybio list13:25
kanzure"God speed"13:26
fennmuch more interesting story13:27
fenn(sorry, "why perl is soo kewl" just doesnt interest me)13:28
kanzurehere's Kent's paper: http://genome.cshlp.org/content/11/9/1541.abstract?ck=nck13:28
kanzurerobots.txt exclusion :( http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/algo.html13:29
kanzureah here we go13:30
kanzurenote the beard.13:30
kanzurenice fasta file utilities listed13:32
kanzurehuh these are all nice13:32
kanzurewhy aren't these packaged?13:32
fenni wish people wouldnt say "non-commercial use only"13:32
fenngenome project stuff from 2000? why would anyone package it?13:33
fennredhat 7.3 didnt have dependency based packages13:34
kanzurearen't they only up to redhat 11?13:36
fennblat looks useful and probably should be packaged13:36
fenn"maps your sequence to location in the genome"13:37
fennthe license looks icky anyway13:39
kanzuresome hero he is :/13:39
kanzurestallman should have done it :p13:39
kanzure 780 faFrag - Extract a piece of DNA from a .fa file.13:40
kanzure 781 usage:13:40
kanzure 782    faFrag in.fa start end out.fa13:40
kanzureer, so a regexp basically?13:40
fennif you can call this a license "These executables are free for personal,13:40
fennnon-profit, and academic users.  Commercial13:40
fennusers please make arrangements with 13:40
kanzurebuh? http://biopackages.net/13:47
fennBLAT right there on the first page13:49
kanzure"and is growing at a rate of roughly 20 packages/week."13:50
kanzureheh they reference why repos are a good idea "Couch, Alva - SLINK: Effective Filesystem Maintenance Abstractions for Community-Based Administration"13:50
fenn20/week seems too fast13:50
fennthat's faster than debian13:51
fennunless they mean 20 new versions13:51
kanzureguess it's too easy to convince bioinformatics people that packages are interesting13:52
kanzurebkero: that doesn't seem to convince anyone who doesn't understand packages13:52
fennyou're just mad because diybio ignores everything you say13:53
* bkero just went into work to reboot gentoo's smtp server.13:53
kanzureyeah :(13:53
bkeroLife is hard as a mad scientist. :(13:54
bkeroYou never get invited to fancy parties.13:54
kanzureI thought the point of mad science was to become more mad?13:54
bkeroTo what end?13:54
kanzureto no end13:54
fennbiopackages.net is using CVS, RPM, and perl.. wtf13:54
kanzuremaybe it's old?13:54
kanzuredon't the rpm people hate perl?13:55
kanzurethe deb people are the ones supposedly in bed with perl13:55
fennapt is half perl13:55
fennnot sure about rpm13:55
fennanyway i just thought it was weird13:56
fenn"discourage any kind of negative use and encourage positive uses in every way you can as a top societal priority, not something you just give lip service to for a microsecond in some Congressional session."13:57
fenn"we could have said, this could cause bio-war or robot-war or bug-war or something. We chose not to go that route because that implants in the young mind that that's what biology and synthetic biology is about."13:58
fennam i reading george church or george dyson?14:02
kanzurethere was a section by george dyson on that page14:02
kanzureedge.org is secretly this "forum" where they post replies to each other14:02
fennit's like 30 pages long and seems to repeat some phrases from the top section14:03
katsmeow-afkthe more a republican politician repeats something, the more it's the opposite of what they mean14:03
fennyah the dyson response is at the very bottom, only like a paragraph14:04
fenni guess the top part was just an abstract14:04
katsmeow-afkthe top 29.5 pages?14:04
fennthe part above "Response by George Dyson"14:06
* katsmeow-afk nods14:06
bkerofenn: RPM is 100% dirtiness14:15
kanzuresays a debian sysadmin14:15
bkeroI'm a gentoo sysadmin.14:16
kanzurehuh guess that says something about rpm then14:16
bkeroI have to administer CentOS systems.  They're ugly.14:16
fenn"Somehow having the keys to the chem lab seemed to involve a whole lot more trust than having access to the greenhouse in my previous projects"14:20
fennbkero: i agree, sort of a pale slow funky imitation of debian14:21
bkeroThey're enterprisey14:22
fennfor some reason the phrase "enterprising bastard" springs to mind14:23
maradyddhah, what's what from?14:23
fennapparently it's a synonym for "thief"14:24
fennoh, the quote is from george church's personal bio: http://arep.med.harvard.edu/gmc/pers.html14:26
fenni wonder how they manage to justify the polonator sequencer's cost of $170k14:30
fennpersonal fabomics14:37
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * r9bd7f4422243 / (4 files in 2 dirs): break everything14:57
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * r0c0be7b6939d /pymates/pymates.py: matrix math works now- fixes various index out of bound errors15:12
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * r6931aa85fdb7 /pymates/ (pymates.py rapid-test.py): part mating transformation works (sort of)- is using some fake values at the moment; added a rapid tester script for your convenience15:31
-!- strages [n=strages@c-68-62-216-5.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap15:43
kanzure /home/bryan/manufacturing/national_design_repository/gicl.cs.drexel.edu/repository/data/repository/Autodesk/blowdryer16:12
kanzure"**Note: I cannot provide binaries for this program because it requires16:24
kanzurelibraries that are owned by Spatial. You must own a copy of ACIS to compile16:24
kanzurethis program" lame16:24
-!- drazak [n=drazak@drazak.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection]16:40
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * reb1e620e062e /combined.dat: new users need combined.dat to run tests.py16:50
-!- drazak [n=drazak@drazak.net] has joined #hplusroadmap16:53
-!- Smari [n=spm@] has joined #hplusroadmap17:53
kanzurehey Smari 18:01
Smariy0 Bryan18:01
kanzure1.5 million dollars for a repository? wtf is this bullshit http://www.digitalgovernment.org/search/projects/project.jsp?ID=22618:04
kanzure4 aps (acronyms per second)18:05
SmariIsn't that 157555?18:07
kanzurepymates.move(pymates.total_parts[1], 5,5,-10, 0,0,1, -1,0,1)18:23
kanzureSmari: my mistake. let me correct it: 150k dollars for a repository? wtf is this bullshit18:23
Smarikanzure, indeed.18:24
kanzurebehold! "progress"18:28
Smarithat's rather phallic... what is it?18:29
kanzureit's a peg in a hole in a block18:30
kanzurepymates is a module for skdb to figure out how many ways different oem parts can fit together18:30
kanzureor whether or not they are compatible at all18:30
kanzureso I'm just starting with some basic geometries18:31
kanzureer, there's a hole in the block that you can't see18:31
kanzureguess that's kind of important18:31
Smariisn't that computationally intensive?18:31
SmariFiguring out if things fit together that is?18:32
kanzureit's not as complex as you think18:32
fennthat's why it's the last resort - makes you wonder why we're implementing it first18:32
kanzurethink of it more as features/tags18:32
kanzureand then you match up the tags18:32
fennso the pretty pictures are just icing, even though nobody's bothered to write the cake18:33
fennapparently campbell doesn't appreciate "cake"18:33
fenn<- cake eater18:33
kanzureyou sir have not eaten one single cake the entire time you have been here18:33
kanzureyou are not a cake eater18:33
SmariThe cake is a lie?18:34
kanzureThe icing is the lie.18:34
fennaccording to uncyclopedia: "A very handsome man with a cake fetish." i think that just about describes me18:34
SmariI baked bread today.18:34
fennthe icing contains nutrasweet18:34
kanzurecongratulations, you've been venn-diagrammed into all other ten million plus losers on IRC18:35
fennwow ten million?18:35
kanzurechina, man18:35
fenni feel so, one-with-the-internet18:35
-!- wrldpc2 [n=benny@] has quit []18:38
fenngit/yaml blog engine: http://tom.preston-werner.com/2008/11/17/blogging-like-a-hacker.html18:42
fenn"This is also the engine behind GitHub Pages"18:43
katsmeow-afkfenn, got the first complaint about the pics on the sterioimages.html being shrunk18:43
fennkatsmeow-afk: say what?18:43
katsmeow-afk[18:18] <unkmar> katsmeow-afk: some of us have dual screens and can handle the larger images.18:43
katsmeow-afk[18:18] <unkmar> please don't reduce to 400x30018:43
katsmeow-afk[18:19] <unkmar> I saw detail before that was lost in the reduction. :(18:43
fennsomeone with a 1600 pixel monitor was upset?18:43
fennit just seems like django is a bit overkill for a blog18:45
fennwhy does this stuff have to be so big and complicated18:45
kanzurewhat's wrong with a flatfile wiki?18:45
kanzureer, blog18:45
kanzuresorry. we're talking about blogs, not wikis18:45
kanzurewas using that for a while18:46
fennaether might be worth looking at too18:47
fennanyway blogs suck18:48
fenni just want something to render wiki markup, read text files from a git repo, and not get in the way too much18:48
fennand be easily hackable of course18:48
genehacker_vistawhat did I miss?19:27
kanzurea lot of bad matrix math19:43
Smarii.e., nothing new.19:50
kanzureneat :)20:03
kanzuregmsh seems to do wrl20:13
fennapparently some person made a lego simulator20:21
fennyou could crank gears and linkages and perhaps stick blocks together20:21
kanzureis that leocad?20:22
fenni just saw the movies remember20:33
genehacker_vistabut can model block deformation?20:42
kanzuredoes anyone know where fltk-config could be found? it's not in libfltk1.120:48
-!- katsmeow-afk is now known as katsmeow20:49
kanzuremaybe "fluid"20:49
kanzureyep. that did it.20:49
* kanzure compiles gmsh with ./configure --enable-occ --with-occ-prefix=~/local/opencascade/OpenCASCADE6.3.0/ros20:50
kanzurefenn: could you try wrl/vrml loading in gmsh on leibniz?20:51
kanzurecompiled in 5m57.569s21:00
genehacker_vistaI need to figure out how to ssh into lab computers21:09
-!- Smari [n=spm@] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]21:12
kanzuregenehacker_vista: you can do it on ubuntu by typing "ssh"21:15
kanzureon windows, you can try putty (search for it)21:15
ybit~/manufacturing/national_design_repository/gicl.cs.drexel.edu/repository/data/repository/Lego/lego-wiper is where exactly?21:58
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * r487456e0203e /pymates/pymates.py: correct coords for pymates example22:01
genehacker_vistait's not a matter of doing ssh as it is finding a machine to use22:01
kanzurewhat do you mean?22:01
genehacker_vistaI need a machine to ssh into22:02
genehacker_vistathat has solidworks on it22:02
kanzurehow would ssh work with solidworks?22:02
genehacker_vistaI am confused22:02
kanzurethere's a way to do remote desktop with windows but it sucks because it's windows22:02
kanzuredoesn't have much to do with ssh though22:03
genehacker_vistathe question is can I do that with a lab computer22:04
genehacker_vistaI need to do a computation that takes a long time22:04
genehacker_vistapossibly days22:06
genehacker_vistaotherwise I'll have to test an IRL part22:08
* ybit is thinking for fish:/KIOslave22:08
fennybit you can look at some of the lego-wiper stuff here: http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/fenn/pngs/lego/22:11
fenni just thought it was funny that they stole kanzure's thunder22:11
fennsome screenshots i took of files in the repo: http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/fenn/pngs/nat_repo/22:12
fennnot like they're going to be useful or anything22:13
kanzureit's nice22:13
fenni just have a cad fetish i guess22:13
kanzurehow about the lego videos or something22:14
fennhmm. they're pretty big22:14
kanzurethere's a copy on adl22:15
fennoh? ok22:15
fenni dont see it22:15
kanzureok nevermind. hmph.22:15
kanzure"yer doin it wrong" http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/fenn/pngs/nat_repo/servo_board.png22:16
fennwhat's wrong with that? besides being boring22:16
kanzureare those just block models of electronic components?22:17
fennthey were probably exported from some EDA program22:17
kanzureI sure hope so22:17
fennthat said, some people do cad in autocad :22:17
fenni hate your keyboard btw22:17
kanzurethere is a stack directly behind you22:18
kanzurehave at it22:18
katsmeowcan anyone grab this for me? : http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/118811133/abstract?CRETRY=1&SRETRY=022:26
katsmeowthey want money for it,, unless you have a subscription22:26
ybitsomething has gone wrong with serveftp22:28
ybitcan't start links from there to grab the paper for katsmeow 22:28
ybitdrazak: what papers are you missing?..22:28
ybitah, here we go22:30
ybitkatsmeow: what's the title of the paper, a doi might be helpful too22:31
ybitkatsmeow: the link doesn't work because the cookie has expired22:31
ybitor maybe i'm just not accepting cookies22:32
katsmeowyeas, they have a severe cookie thing going on22:32
ybiti'm accepting cookies22:32
ybitbtw, you're in alabama? what part?22:32
ybitnear the bay?22:33
katsmeowi had to resort to IE to get the page22:33
katsmeow45 min from Bham22:33
ybitsouth or north of bham?22:33
ybitanywho, i'm highly amused22:33
ybiti would have never imagined another alabamian would be in this channel22:34
katsmeowme either!22:34
ybiti'm in florence22:34
ybitthe rest of my family is in birmingham, huntsville, and nashville22:34
ybitanywho, send me the title again and i'll grab the paper22:35
katsmeowi dunno where Florence is, but i have heard about it22:36
katsmeowheard of it,, heard the name22:36
ybitfar northwest, 1.5 hours from huntsville, 2 from bham22:36
katsmeowhow do you get the page?22:36
katsmeow[22:29] <ybit> anywho, send me the title again and i'll grab the paper22:37
ybiti'm trying through my university's proxy right now22:37
ybitbut kanzure has hooked me up with the connection at utexas22:37
ybitwhich has access to many more journals than i do22:37
* katsmeow nods22:38
katsmeowIn later tests, platinum was found in the 22:44
katsmeownodules at concentrations of 0.1 to 0.5 grams per 22:44
katsmeowcost effective to grab some?22:44
katsmeowahhh, now i know why the entire hawaii island chain out towards Japan were made protected: there's estimated 400 million tons of 2.5% cobalt ore out there22:46
ybitargh, again my uni doesn't have access, and i recieve an error when trying to access EBSCO through utexas..22:46
kanzuretry ssh -X :) 22:48
kanzureI've recently rediscovered the joys of -X22:48
ybiti see utexas has access to wiley so this shouldn't take too long22:48
ybithah, links doesn't know what to do with pdf22:51
kanzureybit: ssh -X and run konqueror on adl.serveftp.org. you should be able to get kpdf running.22:53
ybitnever used -X before22:54
ybitybit@adl.serveftp.org's password: 22:55
ybitWarning: untrusted X11 forwarding setup failed: xauth key data not ge22:55
ybitWarning: No xauth data; using fake authentication data for X11 forwar22:55
ybitAn error occurred while loading fish://ybit@adl.serveftp.org:22:56
ybitThe process for the fish://adl.serveftp.org protocol died unexpectedly.22:56
kanzureybit: can you chmod a+r your ~/*.pdf ?22:56
ybitfail everywhere22:56
katsmeowthere's a html version of the page too22:56
ybitkatsmeow: yeah, tried that22:56
ybitsomething about logging in to wiley, guess i would have to setup a username/passwd22:56
kanzureutexas sometimes does not have sufficient access to wiley interscience22:57
ybitkanzure: on serveftp.org?22:57
kanzurestill says permission denied22:58
ybitnow try22:58
kanzurepermission denied22:58
ybit-rw------- 1 ybit ybit   142888 2009-06-20 23:06 Reactive Ion Etching of InP using Hydrocarbons.pdf22:59
ybiti see22:59
kanzurelooks completely wrong22:59
ybitnow try?23:01
ybit-rw------- 1 ybit ybit  1316009 2009-06-20 23:06 Silicon surface texturing by reactive ion etching.pdf23:01
ybitah fuck23:01
kanzurechmod a+r *.pdf23:01
ybitthat works23:02
ybitnot sure what i was doing23:02
kanzureyelling at the filesystem?23:02
* katsmeow goes to put the cat and house to bed23:02
ybitdid your chmod a+r ~/*.pdf first didn't work and my  find path/ -type d -exec chmod a+x {} \; seemed to not work either23:02
kanzureI didn't chmod anything for you.23:03
ybiti tried the command you suggested*23:04
kanzureanywho. I'm gone now.23:04
kanzurebe sure to pull from the skdb repo23:04
kanzurelots of fun OCC stuff added today23:04
kanzurelike skdb/shell.py and skdb/pymates/rapid-test.py23:04
ybitand i'll try fetching the file for you katsmeow23:04
ybitwill do kanzure 23:05
* ybit forgot the Y in ssh, thus -X failed23:08
ybitmy first time to use -X ..now i have reached true linux user status23:09
ybitkatsmeow ^ took long enough23:18
katsmeowand wow at the contents too23:21
katsmeowthanks muchly, ybit!23:22
ybitno probs :)23:23
ybit(i lie)23:23
ybitno probs for now on though, w00t23:23
ybithttp://www.geuz.org/gmsh/ :: Gmsh: a three-dimensional finite element mesh generator with built-in pre- and post-processing facilities23:46

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