
--- Day changed Mon Jul 20 2009
-!- katsmeow is now known as katsmeow-afk00:24
bkeroPretty decent tablet on woot if anyone is interested.00:24
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * rd14365092c23 /pymates/pymates.py: cleaned up some of the variables01:08
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * r81871bf249f6 /pymates/pymates.py: cleaning up cruft, a comment01:20
ybithttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_CASCADE  :: """Open CASCADE is a software development platform for 3D CAD, CAM, CAE, etc. that is developed and supported by Open CASCADE S.A.S.. It is available under the "Open CASCADE Technology Public License" which the developer claims to be "LGPL-like with certain differences". Despite this claim, it is not listed as compatible with the LGPL license by the publisher of the LGPL, the Free Software Foundation. [1] I02:47
ybiti didn't realize there were licensing issues with occ02:47
genehacker_vistaHOLY COW03:16
genehacker_vistaSOMETHING HIT JUPITER03:16
QuantumGthat's what jupiter is for :)03:24
splicer-afk(the vacuum cleaner of the system)03:27
splicer-afkhehehe: http://2012-comet.com/phpbb/2012/03:39
splicer-afk...they sell gifts too of course03:40
genehacker_vista(I'd hit that reference here)03:56
genehacker_vistalol that's not a meteor03:57
genehacker_vistathat's a picture of a nebula03:57
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drazakybit: not too many04:27
drazakybit: there's a few it'd be nice to have on VEGFA isoforms04:28
drazakso, today we transformed cells, when we go in we're killing the ones that didn't transform with amphocilin, wedsnesday we're transfecting them into tissue, tomorrow we're purifying and doing electrophoresis04:32
drazakapparently we're also doing some microfluidics stuff, but that hasn't been shown to me other than changing the flow rate on some devices04:32
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-!- Smari [n=spm@nmi-gw.eyjar.is] has joined #hplusroadmap05:52
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kanzurei compiled my kernel using that flag , and now it boots Windows instead.07:14
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-!- spm_ is now known as Smari07:22
kanzurehi SMari07:27
SmariI hate this laptop07:27
kanzurere: bakcups07:28
kanzurere: backups http://jwz.livejournal.com/801607.html07:36
CIA-73Tangiblebit: spm * r1e590359ba48 /tangiblebit.com/ (3 files in 2 dirs): Restructuring JavaScript interface...07:37
CIA-73Tangiblebit: spm * re2d6f13a4b7f /tangiblebit.com/ (3 files in 3 dirs): Pushing around some javascript functions, cleaning up site management interface.07:37
kanzureyou replaced the #'s with *'s?07:40
SmariThat was one of the changes, yes.07:42
Smari# is enumerations, * is bullet list. I've spent too much time on Wikipedia. :P07:42
SmariI didn't get much work done this weekend, mostly just thinking and planning07:45
kanzurehahah: http://millionairemate.com/ thanks slashdot07:49
kanzurehah: http://seekingarrangement.com/07:56
kanzurefun stuff07:58
-!- genehacker_vista [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-158-110.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap08:01
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * r3535812d1a9a /pymates/shell.sh: interactive shell script added08:04
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CIA-73skdb: kanzure * r490a84d44689 /pymates/monday.py: bus ride commit- cleaning up monday.py09:39
kanzurehttp://mccormick.cx/news/entries/RDC.news recursive dimensional clustering - collision detection in pure python09:47
kanzureer, use this instead:09:53
kanzurehm still doesn't give me anything sooner than 2009-07-1809:53
kanzurewhat was used to generate this image? http://www.reprap.org/pub/Main/AssemblingDarwinMachinery/Assembly.JPG09:54
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ybitkanzure: did you ever find out what created the reprap image?10:35
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ybitmaradydd_ == meredith?10:37
ybitor marnia?10:39
ybitah, mlp10:39
ybit^is for future reference10:39
ybitanyone tried using code_saturne or openfoam? kanzure, i know you used elmer10:41
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ybitneat, sourceforge list of human machine interface software: http://sourceforge.net/softwaremap/trove_list.php11:14
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ybitSmari: i'm guessing you were aware of parsec cee "The PARSEC CEE is the primary achievement of several years of effort at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center. The CEE was developed to allow engineers in the Advanced Concepts Department to rapidly prototype launch vehicle and spacecraft concepts."11:15
ybitrelated to open source medicine: http://medsphere.org/index.jspa which released open vista: http://sourceforge.net/projects/openvista/ documentation here: http://medsphere.org/docs/DOC-118111:20
ybit"OpenVista is the open-source version of VistA, which is an enterprise grade health care information system developed by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and deployed at nearly 1,500 facilities worldwide."11:20
Smariybit, hmm?11:20
ybitSmari: you had developed a model rocket simulation software, correct?11:22
ybiti'm guessing this might be of interest as well, but i guess your focus is slightly different11:23
ybithttp://openrocket.sourceforge.net right?11:24
Smariybit, no, that's not me.11:25
ybitoh, hmm11:25
ybitSmari: you're fablab guy then i do believe11:25
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ybitlet's see QuantumG then, is it your software?11:26
ybitargh, guess i'll have to give in concatenate all these log files11:26
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kanzurebtw, I committed some python wrappers to google scholar to my ~/sandbox today11:58
kanzurenot that anybody can access them11:58
kanzureI also import zotero11:58
ybitCode_SaturneĀ® enables an accurate representation of12:01
ybitthe equipment, medical staff, patient and HVAC12:01
ybit(heating, ventilation and air conditioning) in order to12:01
ybitdetermine zones where contamination risks are high12:01
ybitand to evaluate the efficiency of the ceiling12:01
ybitventilation device.12:01
ybitone use of code_saturne which i think is neat12:01
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@] has joined #hplusroadmap12:03
kanzurewell this is lame12:03
kanzureusing #gp_Trsf doesn't link you to the section on gp_Trsf2d12:03
kanzureseems to use this format though: V1 V2 V3 T XYZ XYZ 12:04
ybitkanzure: is Draw installed to /usr/bin typically?12:04
ybitupdatedb && locate draw shows nothing atm :\12:04
kanzurewhy do you need draw?12:04
ybiti'm just getting my feet wet with opencascade today12:04
kanzurewhat are you doing?12:05
ybitfamiliarizing myself with it12:05
kanzureso you're looking for OCC.Draw ?12:05
kanzurebecause there is no OCC.Draw12:05
ybitthat could be it12:05
kanzureare you configuring the source for compiling?12:05
kanzureor have you installed the debs for opencascade already?12:05
kanzurehave you compiled pythonOCC yet? (etc.)12:06
ybiti've already done ./configure ; make ; make install12:06
kanzurejust wondering at what step of the plan you are at12:06
kanzurewhat have you done that for?12:06
kanzureinstallation notes12:06
ybiti thought they were links to documentation12:07
kanzurethe second one has installation notes for pythonOCC12:07
ybitand it is :)12:07
ybitah yes, both of these are already open12:07
ybitincluding heekscad notes which i'm glad you posted12:07
kanzureso why are you missing Draw?12:07
kanzureI mean, why are you using Draw?12:07
ybitgood question12:07
kanzureer, at what step in this process are you using Draw?12:07
kanzureI have never heard of this program12:08
ybitit was in one of the occ docs i was looking at12:08
fenncompiling opencascade gave me no end of hell12:11
fennis it really as simple as configure && make now?12:12
fennybit: i've collected some intro stuff here: http://adl.serveftp.org/dokuwiki/occ12:13
genehacker_vistawhat do you do with bad data?12:13
genehacker_vistawhen you have no choice but to use it?12:13
kanzureyou yell at it12:13
fennybit: i'm following the bottle tutorial; seems like a good way to learn the API12:13
kanzureyou can also do some statistics to "12:13
kanzure"fix" it12:13
genehacker_vistait's noisy12:13
kanzuretry out the R language12:14
fennall data is noisy12:14
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@] has quit ["Leaving"]12:15
ybitit didn't have a problem with ./configure ; make ; make install12:15
ybitit wasn't painful at all12:15
ybitthanks for the info fenn, i'll check it out when i get back from making pizza in the kitchen12:16
fennspeaking of pizza.. /me heads off to lunch12:16
kanzureme too12:16
kanzurestop following me12:16
fennright, when i stop reading your mind maybe12:16
genehacker_vistawell awesome12:52
genehacker_vistadata works12:53
genehacker_vistaeven though it's noisy12:53
ybitgenehacker_vista: data from what?12:56
ybitafk again, hands are about to be too greasy to type12:56
-!- samrose [n=samrose@] has quit ["Ex-Chat"]12:57
kanzuredoes anyone know a flag to send ./configure for opencascade to only compile the samples?13:02
kanzureor might they already be compiled somewhere on my filesystem?13:02
fenn"People think they are better than average, and better than they are.  Only clinically depressed people have a first-person judgment that matches a third-person judgment of their status."13:07
kanzureand do traumatically depressed individuals invert the whole space-time manifold of valuation judgments?13:08
fennno, apparently they just subtract the pro-me bias13:09
kanzureI hate how people use probability distributions to argue about how good they are.13:09
kanzureanna was big into talking about how she was somewhere on the distribution above average13:09
kanzureand using this in arguments or something13:09
fenni'm 68% better than that13:09
kanzure"I know that because I am over here on this side of the curve, I am therefore able to .."13:09
kanzurethis pattern of thinking spooks the hell out of me13:10
kanzurewhy would anybody rely on it?13:10
fennyou mean relative vs absolute measurement?13:10
kanzureno, the distribution is of scores on a measurement like IQ13:10
fennor just probability in general13:10
kanzurein general13:10
fenni dont see how probability has much to do with being able to do something13:10
fennonly whether it will happen or not13:10
fennfor example i have a 30% chance of actually writing code today13:11
kanzureapparently HR people sometimes do probability distributions to figure out how much to pay somebody based off of expected return on investment, etc.13:11
fennmy sources tell me they just look up what other people with the same degrees are paying in the geographic area13:11
fennbein paid*13:11
kanzurehm I wonder why I keep losing /usr/include/opencascade/config.h13:12
kanzurethe configure script seems to fuck with it13:12
kanzureI stole it from leibniz last night and now it's gone13:12
fennmoney is relative anyway so in a twisted way it makes sense to use relative measurements13:12
kanzurehm leibniz:/usr/include/opencascade/config.h doesn't exist. where have all these files gone?13:13
kanzureaha 13:13
fenn"where have all the files gone" sounds like some beatles song13:13
kanzureor now pikachu:~/local/opencascade/OpenCASCADE6.3.0/ros/config.h_leibniz13:14
kanzureoh maybe pikachu:~/local/opencascade/OpenCASCADE6.3.0/ros/config.h should be copied into inc/13:15
kanzure /* 2009-03-29 Bryan Bishop trying to get gmsh compilation to work with OCC support (ugh) */13:15
kanzureline 344 of config.h from leibniz13:15
kanzureapparently gmsh forgot to do a "using namespace std"13:16
ybitwhat is leibniz?13:20
ybitname of your machines, kanzure?13:20
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kanzureybit: leibniz is this monstrous big black box with a tiny quadcore humming away deep inside13:21
kanzureybit: pikachu is my laptop13:22
kanzureybit: adl.serveftp.org is davinci13:22
ybitheh, i named one of my machines after a pokemon character too :)13:23
-!- genehacker_vista [i=genehack@w-central-233-27.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap13:25
kanzuremyBRepTransformation = BRepBuilderAPI_Transform(OriginalShape,theTransformation)13:27
kanzure TransformedShape = myBRepTransformation.Shape()13:27
kanzurethat is not how I was doing it13:27
kanzuresome examples that use it: http://www.dia.uniroma3.it/~scorzell/cscheme/gallery_toptransformation.htm13:29
fennthat's how the tutorial does it13:29
kanzurein this case the shape is modified13:29
kanzureso any translation is applied to the shape13:29
kanzurebut the way that I was doing it, you just set some coordinates for the shape to be at13:30
* kanzure finds link13:30
genehacker_vistawhat's all this topolgy transformation for13:30
genehacker_vistawhat exactly are you doing?13:30
kanzuregenehacker_vista: automatic part mating13:30
fenngenehacker_vista: playing with virtual legos13:30
kanzureso I was doing this:13:31
kanzureOCC.Display.wxSamplesGui.display.Context.SetLocation(part.ais_shapes, the_toploc)13:31
kanzurewhich set the location of the shape in the display13:31
genehacker_vistacan you make any gear though13:31
kanzurefenn: should I not move the shape itself?13:31
genehacker_vistaif you can figure out mating that should be trivial13:31
genehacker_vistajust mating of rotating parts13:32
kanzureso when you move an object in a CAD file, what feels more natural:13:32
kanzurethe object is no longer at the origin (0,0,0) ?13:32
kanzureor the object is at (0,0,0), and there's a global displacement vector or something13:32
kanzureor some transformation matrix, I mean13:33
fenni like the Transformation.Shape()13:33
genehacker_vistawhat program are you using?13:33
fennbecause you could have different transforms stored for the same object that way13:33
kanzuregenehacker_vista: making my own program13:33
fennlike assembly vs exploded view13:33
genehacker_vistaand can you smart dimenion in it?13:33
genehacker_vistaif yes then send me that program13:33
kanzurethis is skdb, genehacker_vista 13:33
kanzureyes, opencascade does parametric dimensioning13:33
fennwhat is "smart dimensioning"?13:34
kanzuremaybe it's like Microsoft Visual Studio "IntelliSense"13:34
fennyeah i figured13:34
fennbut what does it actually refer to13:34
fennsounds like solidworks BS13:35
ybitScale-Space Representations and their Applications to 3D Matching of13:36
ybitSolid Models13:36
fennsolidworks isnt exactly known for being highly parametric13:36
kanzure"# smart dimensioning knows how to dimension lines and circles differently; when dimensioning between two lines, you can toggle between the distance and the angle. Double-click to change dimension text to a formula; dimensions can be driven by formulas linked from Excel."13:36
fennwhere's that from?13:37
kanzuresounds like it's just a wrapper for dimensioning13:38
genehacker_vistaare you guys making a highly parametric cad system?13:52
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genehacker_vistaif you're making a highly parametric cad system13:53
genehacker_vistaur doin it right13:53
kanzuregp_Ax3 seems to be a local coordinate system http://www.opencascade.org/org/forum/thread_766/13:54
kanzureoh you can grab gp_Ax3 from your cylinder object13:55
kanzureif (aSurface.GetType() == GeomAbs_Cylinder){13:55
kanzuregp_Cylinder myCylinder = aSurface.Cylinder();13:55
kanzuregp_Ax3 myAxis = myCylinder.Position();13:55
kanzuregp_Dir theDirect = myAxis.Direction();13:55
kanzurewhat happened to OCC.ShapePlacement?13:57
kanzurehm there's also ShapeInterface13:57
kanzurewell there used to be at least13:58
fenni guess this explains the Standard_Int stuff? http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/opencascade/doc/ReferenceDocumentation/FoundationClasses/html/classPrecision.html13:59
kanzureweird way to go about it14:00
kanzurethey should just not allow the == operator to begin with14:00
kanzureand just throw an exception14:00
kanzureor a compiler error, I mean14:00
fenni would just overload ==14:00
kanzurewhat's with the terrible formatting on this page14:01
kanzuresomeone failed <br/>10114:01
kanzurethe explanation of SetTransformation on this page actually makes sense: http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/opencascade/doc/ReferenceDocumentation/FoundationClasses/html/classgp__Trsf.html14:03
kanzureI'm not sure though what the example use of SetDisplacement should be14:04
fenni think Ax3 is just translation and rotation; i.e. a subset of affine transforms14:16
kanzurein /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/OCC/gp.py there's a line that says import _gp14:27
kanzurewhere do I go find _gp?14:28
kanzureit's not in that same directory14:28
kanzureI'm trying to figure out if gp_Pnt.Coord() is implemented or not14:28
kanzurethe file documents it as something totally different from the SWIG error14:29
kanzureCoord(self, Standard_Real OutValue, Standard_Real OutValue)14:29
kanzurewhere as I get this error:     return _gp.gp_Pnt_Coord(*args)14:29
kanzureNotImplementedError: Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'gp_Pnt_Coord'.14:29
kanzure  Possible C/C++ prototypes are:14:29
kanzure    Coord(gp_Pnt const *,Standard_Integer const)14:29
kanzure    Coord(gp_Pnt const *,Standard_Real &,Standard_Real &,Standard_Real &)14:29
kanzure    Coord(gp_Pnt const *)14:29
kanzurewell that was a waste of time14:39
kanzurethere's no way to get a Standard_Real int, or at least easily14:39
kanzureyou can try this though: XYZ = OCC.gp.gp_XYZ()14:39
kanzureXYZ._SBDERC_Setgp_XYZx = 1014:40
kanzureXYZ._SBDERC_Setgp_XYZy = 0.114:40
kanzureXYZ._SBDERC_Setgp_XYZz = 214:40
kanzureXYZ._SBDERC_Getgp_XYZx then will return the Standard_Real I think14:40
kanzureer, nope. that just returns a float.14:41
kanzurethere's no OCC.Standard.Standard_Real either14:41
kanzureaha.. all numbers must be floats when you pass them into anything in OCC14:44
kanzureso do something like XYZ = OCC.gp.gp_XYZ(1.,2.,3.) to get something going14:44
kanzurekind of lame that this breaks some of the dynamic typing14:46
fennints work fine for me14:47
fenni mean, no decimal points14:47
fennmight be a python version thing14:47
fenn(2.6 here)14:47
fennfoo = gp_XYZ(1,2,3)14:49
fenn(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)14:49
kanzuregp_XYZ is not gp_Pnt14:50
kanzureget a gp_Pnt's Coord() to work when passing it three variables (X2, Y2, Z2)14:50
fennthat's not very pythonic14:51
kanzureit doesn't even work14:51
kanzureand I'm still trying to understand the documentation14:51
kanzureso I'm doing as you suggested ... running it14:51
fenngood, i hate that kind of code14:51
kanzurebut it doesn't even run14:51
kanzureso what now14:51
fennrunning what?14:51
kanzurethe code that exemplifies SetTransformation for gp_Trsf14:51
kanzureremember? calling Coord(X2,Y2,Z2) of some gp_Pnt object?14:52
kanzureso yeah, that doesn't work14:53
fennhow bout just P2.Coord()14:53
kanzurethat's not what the example says14:53
kanzurewell how do I know what the example is telling me14:53
kanzureif I am unable to run it?14:53
fennthe example is also written in C++, so are you going to put semicolons all over your python code?14:54
kanzurewhy would I do that?14:54
fennbecause the example says so!!~14:54
kanzureyour analogy is flawed14:55
fennwell, does P2.Coord() work or not?14:55
kanzureyes it does14:55
kanzurebtu it's just P1.Transformed(T)14:55
fennok so shut up and get back to work :P14:55
kanzurehas nothing to do with X2,Y2,Z214:55
fennyeah that's the whole point14:55
kanzurebut then why did the example define it14:55
kanzuredefine *them14:55
kanzureand why did the example pass them to P2.Coord() ??14:55
fennbecause variables are precious and we must reuse them at all costs14:56
fennthey probably smoked too much crack that day or something14:57
fennP2.Coord (x2, y2, z2); is valid in C++14:57
fennit's not very pythonic so it's not in the pythonOCC API (i guess)14:57
kanzureI don't think SWIG selectively removes overloaded methods14:58
kanzureor overloads that it dislikes14:58
kanzure"For this point gives its three coordinates Xp, Yp and Zp. "15:04
kanzurethat's not even valid english15:06
kanzurehow was I supposed to know that it assigns the pointcoords to those three variables?15:06
kanzureso anyway that was all because of the example to SetTransformation for gp_Trsf15:07
fenni highly recommend everyone to ignore all that. too bad i can't say that an hour ago and spare myself the grief15:07
kanzureit looks like mostly anything in OCC.gp.gp_* has a Transformed method15:08
kanzure(which you pass your gp_Trsf to)15:08
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * rc05742ebece2 /pymates/notes: monday meeting notes15:16
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * r52440365d8ed /pymates/pymates.py: might have found something interesting in the OpenCASCADE API15:16
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * re031d8145604 /pymates/pymates.py: using a better way of doing transformations15:16
kanzurehah! my dorm internet connection is still active.15:29
kanzure"Moving on 31-July.  I'd like to see the report.  I think we're open to anything for the repository as long as it maintains all of the current information types and has the ability to add new as needed.  I'm around the office this week but will be somewhat scarce next week.15:31
kanzure" - Rob Stone.15:31
fennpretty cool document; from trees to finished product: http://www.fao.org/docrep/009/ag335e/AG335E00.htm#TOC15:31
fenni've been looking at the "secondary machining operations" section15:31
kanzurenice flow graphs15:32
fennnotice how they're all sequential (i.e. a string, not a graph)15:32
fennso we have to tell rob stone how to fix everything in one week?15:33
ybitis pythonocc really that large? i've been make installing for hours15:36
ybitmaybe my comp is under much stress15:36
fennoh you mean opencascade?15:36
ybitthough it may be recompiling occ15:37
fennthe only things in pythonocc are in src/OCC/ build/OCC/ Utils/ and src/Display 15:37
fenn'make install' just stuffs it all in one dir and puts in site-packages or whatever your python install wants15:37
ybiti used "python setup.py install"15:38
fenni didnt have any luck with either that or scons mode=install15:38
ybitguess i'll let it finish before try anything manual15:39
fennif it finishes15:39
ybiti'm not too concerned, occ isn't the main todo for today15:40
fenn"The band saw is widely regarded as among the safest of all woodworking machinery"15:45
fenni guess if your idea of woodworking machinery is "moving blades you shove your hands into"15:46
ybitis citation explorer not working for anyone else?15:52
ybitfirefox 3.0.11 here15:53
kanzureybit: did you try scons with fenn's notes?15:54
kanzurefenn: maybe we just show him what we're working on, and say that "this is a better idea, it does the same thing, and then some"15:55
fenni dont know what you're talking about15:57
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * r8393ef728a06 /pymates/ (mate.py pymates.py): working towards better classes for pymates16:02
fennpeople generally take a bit more convincing than that (which you should know by now)16:03
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * re51c2f20727a /pymates/ (models/peg.yaml rapid-test.py): some danglers that need to be committed16:03
kanzurefenn: what about the technobabble approach? if they want to know what yaml, django, python, OCC, pythonOCC really is, and if they ask, then we tell them,16:04
kanzurebut if they honestly don't want to know, then they should trust what we're doing16:04
ybitkanzure: haven't tried scons, might try that if if setup.py is still doing whatever it's doing now tonight16:07
kanzure"we're early adopters for a system that doesn't exist yet"17:08
genehacker_vistahow's your cad software coming along?17:12
kanzureit's coming along fine17:12
kanzureI demoed it at the lab meeting this morning17:13
kanzure(in particular I demoed pymates)17:13
genehacker_vistacan you extrude from sketch?17:13
genehacker_vistaso how could I plot a curve in it?17:13
kanzureskdb uses pythonOCC which are python bindings to OpenCASCADE17:13
kanzureHeeksCAD uses bindings to OpenCASCADE17:13
kanzureyou can extrude from a sketch in HeeksCAD17:13
kanzureyou can also plot a curve in HeeksCAD (with HeeksPython)17:14
kanzureand then you can export from HeeksCAD to some file format17:14
kanzurewhich skdb can load up17:14
genehacker_vistalet me guess it's text based17:14
kanzure(because skdb is using OpenCASCADE)17:14
kanzuredid you see the screenshots?17:14
genehacker_vistaI did not17:14
genehacker_vistayour thing?17:14
kanzurealso this one17:15
genehacker_vistatext based as in doesn't have a gui17:15
kanzureit does have a GUI17:15
kanzurebkero: yeah i'm a pokemon master17:15
bkerokanzure: I challenge you to a duel.17:15
kanzuregotta catch 'em all17:16
ybitah finally through with compilation17:16
kanzuremy level 100 mewto will beat the shit out of you17:16
genehacker_vistahow do you make stuff in it?17:16
bkeroMy level 101 Missingno will ruin you.17:16
kanzuregenehacker_vista: you make stuff in HeeksCAD or some other CAD app for now17:16
kanzuregenehacker_vista: and then this will assemble the parts, tell you how to make it, whether they are compatible, etc.17:16
ybitnot sure what was taking long earlier but it was installed successfully in ~1min17:16
genehacker_vistawhat happens when you have legos that can interlock in many configurations?17:19
kanzurewell by the end of the week17:19
kanzureit should just find all of those possibilities17:19
kanzuremy idea is to first try just showing this gallery or something17:19
kanzureand then you can arrow through it17:19
kanzureto show the different possible assemblies/mates17:19
genehacker_vistaall the possibilities?17:20
kanzureyes if you have a peg and two holes, the possibilities are a peg in one hole and the other possibility is the peg in the other hole17:20
genehacker_vistawhy not have the human who design the part specify how the part fits together?17:20
kanzurefits together with what?17:20
genehacker_vistawith the other parts17:20
kanzurebut that's the beauty of an interface17:21
kanzureyou don't have to do that17:21
kanzurethat's what the industrial revolution was supposed to be about17:21
kanzureyou just say "it's usb"17:21
kanzureand then any usb device works with it basically17:21
kanzureor at least plugs in17:21
kanzure(whether or not it functions correctly is going to take a lot more programming)17:21
genehacker_vistathe problem is when you have multiple parts that aren't supposed to interlock17:21
kanzureyeah that's why geometrical specificity is neat17:22
kanzureif it's not meant to go there, don't make it look like that17:22
genehacker_vistais this just to figure out if two parts fit so the program can choose the best fitting part17:22
kanzurebut the functional specification stuff comes later17:22
kanzureright now I'm just doing geometry17:22
kanzureno, 17:22
genehacker_vistawhat if I'm designing modular robots?17:22
kanzurethink of it more like "does this make sense or not?"17:22
kanzurefor instance, does a 2 mm diameter shaft fit in a 1 mm diameter hole?17:23
kanzureif not, it's not compatible17:23
kanzurethis just checks compatibility17:23
kanzurecompatibility isn't necessarily the full story though right17:23
genehacker_vistayou might want to add in some does this look right code, for checking if the program hasn't put the thing together wrong17:23
fennit is, actually, you're just not doing enough dimensions17:23
genehacker_vistaIE test if the structure is unstable17:24
genehacker_vistaor what not17:24
fennsimulation testing, sure17:24
kanzurebut that comes later :)17:24
genehacker_vistathough from my experience with simulation testing17:24
kanzurelet me struggle with the matrix math first17:24
fenntoo much work for not a lot of gain17:24
genehacker_vistaIT TAKES A DAMN LONG TIME17:24
kanzureyer doin it wrong17:24
fennthat's why you dont do it until the end17:24
fennand we'd probably do a low rez version anyway17:24
genehacker_vistaif your doing weird nonlinear hyperelastic deformation....17:25
kanzuregenehacker_vista: right now the "interfaces" or "ports" aren't rigid and they aren't elastic17:25
genehacker_vistaand you don't need automatically designed rubbery stuff now do you?17:25
kanzurebut later (maybe you?) will want to define that17:25
kanzurethat's the beauty of the YAML file17:25
kanzureit's a really simple spec17:25
kanzurelemme show you17:25
kanzureer, somebody needs to update /var/www/skdb/ on adl17:26
kanzuregenehacker_vista: here is the spec17:26
kanzuresee blockhole.yaml17:26
kanzureand peg.yaml17:26
kanzureand then you see the CAD files right?17:26
ybitkanzure, fenn: either of you have pythonOCC API documentation? http://www.pythonocc.org/ is down so APIREF-wo0.2.zip is unavailable17:27
kanzureit's useless17:27
kanzurejust use the OCC docs17:27
kanzureybit: http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/opencascade/17:27
kanzurethe OCC docs aren't much better either >:(17:27
fennybit: also bpython or InteractiveInerpreter.py might be useful17:27
genehacker_vistakanzure what about screws17:27
kanzuregenehacker_vista: what about them?17:28
genehacker_vistahow does your program know which way they are supposed to face?17:28
ybitfenn: InteractiveInterpreter.py == ipython?17:28
fennybit: it's in pythonOCC/Tools/ 17:28
kanzuregenehacker_vista: there's a unit vector that points in the direction that they should "mate"17:28
genehacker_vistahow does it figure that out17:28
kanzureybit: there's also skdb/shell.py and skdb/pymates/shell.sh (the second one uses ipython)17:28
kanzuregenehacker_vista: somebody puts that in the screw definition17:28
kanzuregenehacker_vista: and then you download a screw17:28
kanzurethe code I'm writing today/tonight checks that unit vector17:29
genehacker_vistaIE I have a a table, should the long part of the screw be facing in facing the table or not?17:29
kanzureand aligns them for two parts that are supposed to be mating17:29
genehacker_vistait should be facing into the table17:29
kanzurewell I don't know about a table17:30
kanzurehow about a bolt and a hole17:30
kanzurethe bolt should mate with the hole17:30
kanzureon a table I don't know where to put the screw17:30
kanzurebut a bolt clearly goes into a hole, right?17:30
genehacker_vistayeah but how does it decide when there are 2 ways a bolt can go into a hole?17:30
genehacker_vistastill I see the use of it17:31
kanzureboth of them are possibilities. but get this17:31
kanzuresuppose you have a bigger model or something17:31
kanzureand the bolt and a hole/washer are just one part17:31
kanzureif you stick the bolt in one way,17:31
kanzureit intersects with the geometry of the other parts (i.e. solid metal of a giant brick)17:31
kanzurebut if you do it the other way, the bolt's head is facing outwards17:31
kanzureso it chooses the one that intersects the least17:31
kanzureor "is the most compatible"17:31
genehacker_vistawhat if it doesn't interesect both ways?17:31
kanzurewell then they are both valid options.. but why would you have that? :)17:32
genehacker_vistawhy wouldn't you?17:32
kanzureer, you're talking about flipping a washer upside down?17:32
kanzurebecause it doesn't matter which side is the top and bottom17:32
genehacker_vistathe crew head can be one side of the hole or the other17:33
kanzurewhat I'm trying to say is that a bolt that intersects a solid chunk of metal is going to be rated as not compatible17:33
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genehacker_vista---|) or (|---17:33
kanzureif the work piece is 8 ft thick,17:34
kanzureonly one of those will work17:34
genehacker_vistaso why don't you figure in insertion of bolts17:34
kanzuredunno what you're saying17:34
genehacker_vistaafter all one configuration might be harder to assemble17:35
genehacker_vistaIE reaching under the table17:35
kanzurethat's true, but that could be scored later17:35
kanzurethere's a way to "score" an assembly as being hard or easy17:35
kanzureand then you obviously take the easy ones if you want easy17:35
kanzurethat's what someone is doing in the Automated Design Lab17:35
genehacker_vistaok then problem solved17:36
kanzurebut for disassemblies17:36
kanzure(i.e., which way to take it apart)17:36
genehacker_vistagood enough17:36
genehacker_vistaI guess you could have bolt head on outer surface17:36
fenngraphviz really ought to have a geometry kernel17:37
fennsince it's mechanical engineering and all17:37
genehacker_vistathat's another way to settle things17:37
fennhow can you do disassembly without geometry code?17:37
kanzureremember david agu's work?17:37
kanzurehe came up with this shitty way of defining constraints on removing things17:37
fennyeah, i'm just blabbering17:38
genehacker_vistaanyway what sort of matrix math are you doing?17:38
fennthe easy kind17:38
kanzuregrammars are a really terrible way of doing things because you force the grammar-rule-author to try to force his ideas into the grammar rule format.. which isn't necessarily optimal for the problem domain.17:38
genehacker_vistahow is a mate determined?17:38
fennyeah the "rule" format doesn't really allow for functions with parameters17:38
kanzuregenehacker_vista: look at this: http://github.com/kanzure/skdb/blob/e51c2f20727ab3a0d7f060b6af8b09db4e6c7cbf/pymates/models/blockhole.yaml17:39
kanzuregenehacker_vista: do you see the part in blue that says "!interface" ? that means that the hole is an interface17:39
kanzureso right now it's very basic for testing purposes,17:41
kanzureit's just a string ("circle") and if it matches it matches..17:41
kanzurebut before even that,17:41
kanzureI'm going to do some different algorithms like collision detection17:41
kanzureand volume displacement17:41
fennshouldnt there be a list "interfaces" of which "hole" is a member?17:41
kanzureto determine whether or not anything is intersecting17:41
kanzurefenn: no, that's generated at runtime17:41
kanzurefenn: because eventually we don't want "block: !part"17:41
kanzurewe'll want "sterling: !engine"17:42
genehacker_vistahow do you determine what the negative of cylinder looks like?17:42
genehacker_vistajust interested17:42
fennwhat if you have five different holes?17:42
kanzuregenehacker_vista: oh that just means that you cut a cylinder out of the block17:42
kanzuregenehacker_vista: fenn was being picky about what I called it17:42
genehacker_vistayou're cutting out a hole?17:42
fennwell you wrote 'circle' anyway it seems17:42
kanzurefenn: do you see why it would be useful to be able to overwrite the "generic" hole interface for a sterling-engine?17:43
genehacker_vistahow do you determine the hole is the right size?17:43
kanzuregenehacker_vista: collision detection17:43
kanzurebut right now I don't do that, I should have that done by the end of the week17:43
fennkanzure: there's no class inheritance from yaml data17:43
kanzurealso volume interference difference metric stuff17:43
genehacker_vistabrute force? or somet algorithm that looks at the shape of the hole and the shape of the peg?17:43
genehacker_vistaif difference between matrices = zero then peg goes there?17:44
kanzuremeh not really17:45
genehacker_vistawouldn't that be more optimal?17:45
kanzureI don't know how to do that17:46
kanzureclass MySterlingEngine(SterlingEngine):17:46
genehacker_vistaprogram looks for parts labelled circle with the same or large radius as the circular part of the peg's17:47
kanzurethe reason why I do not have a list of interfaces in the file is because that is generated at runtime17:49
kanzurei.e., every attribute that is of type 'interface' is added to the list called "interfaces"17:49
kanzuresorry that was for fenn :p17:49
fennbut why not just write the list in yaml with entries tagged !interface17:49
kanzurebecause it's lame to type17:50
kanzure  hole: !interface17:50
genehacker_vista!interface is not the part that interfaces?17:50
fennyou actually type less because there's no name (necessarily)17:50
fenn- !interface17:50
kanzurewhy wouldn't you name it?17:50
fenn  geometry: foo17:50
fenn  name: hole17:50
kanzurehaving a name tag is lame17:50
kanzureer, name line17:51
kanzurename attribute17:51
kanzurethere we go17:51
fenna mapping key is only useful if it's the same every time17:51
kanzurewe can just sniff for the tag17:51
kanzureit's not a big deal17:51
kanzureit already works, fenn17:51
fennif your key is hole1234: how are you going to know what the key is17:51
kanzurewe already went over this17:51
fennbut you dont have to sniff for the tag17:52
kanzurebut I already am17:52
kanzureand it works17:52
fennyou only have one interface17:52
fennthat's barely testing even one edge case17:52
fennwhat if you have zero interfaces?17:52
fennor a variable number?17:52
kanzurewhat about "what if you.." are you asking?17:52
genehacker_vistawhat happens why I have multiple of the same part?17:52
fenn(those are examples of edge cases)17:53
kanzureedge cases to.. what?17:53
kanzurewhat are you expecting to break?17:53
genehacker_vistawhy change to when17:53
fennyour code :P17:53
fenni'm expecting whatever code does stuff with interfaces to break when it doesnt know what the interfaces are called17:53
kanzurebut it does know what the interfaces are called17:53
kanzureit just looks in the interfaces list17:54
genehacker_vistahmmmm... I think I have some parts that could crash your code17:54
kanzureyes there is :)17:54
kanzureline 6417:55
kanzureline 7317:55
kanzureline 69 too17:56
ybitdef __setstate__(self, attrs):17:58
ybit 73                     self.interfaces[k] = v17:58
ybit 69                 v.name = k17:58
kanzurethanks ybit :p18:01
ybitit's what i do :)18:02
kanzureevery interface should have a name18:02
kanzureI'm prepared to enforce this. :p18:03
kanzuretodo: pymates without OCC requirements18:05
drazakI think I put a half microlitre bovine serum into our diluted dna18:05
kanzurelitre eh18:05
kanzureeuropean elitist..18:05
drazakwell, it was diluted into 100 microlitres18:06
drazakit's just easiest to type18:06
drazaktre is in a row, ter isn't18:06
kanzuret,e,r are both on the same row18:06
CIA-73skdb: fenn * re0bfe2033682 /pymates/ (models/blockhole.yaml models/peg.yaml pymates.py): put interfaces in a list instead of random mapping nodes, remove unnecessary yaml hack18:07
drazakthey're right next to eachother sequentually from right to left18:07
fennok please test and see if it actually works18:07
drazakso I don't have to do a double more18:07
kanzureI refuse to be your guinnea pig!18:07
kanzureline 120 faisl18:09
CIA-73skdb: fenn * r255bc7e4db39 /pymates/models/blockhole.yaml: typo18:10
kanzureer, because of the typo I guess18:10
fenndoes part.interfaces ever actually get used?18:11
fennnevermind i see it18:12
fenni guess you could build a dict which just has keys as the names of the interfaces18:13
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * rda5637bfc43a /pymates/ (mate.py pymates.py): make fenn's changes not break everything18:13
fennlooking better already :)18:15
kanzureis there a cruft-o-vision mode for diff?18:16
kanzuresomething that will highlight code with colors indicating how old the code is18:16
kanzurecompared to other code or something18:16
kanzureso newly committed stuff is brighter or something18:16
fennhmm.. cvs had something called 'annotated view'18:16
kanzureor maybe that should be the other way around18:16
fenn"With the command cvs annotate, CVS offers the possibility to see - for each line in a file - who has modified a line the most recently. This view may be helpful in order to find out who has introduced a change in the behavior of a program or who should be asked about some change or bug in the code. "18:17
kanzuregithub has a "blame" page which displays the output of git-blame but in color18:17
* fenn fires up the pig18:18
kanzurewhat they need are some lines on the side indicating which one was related to which other commit18:18
kanzurefor instance if something was committed twice but the first one was more important, t18:19
kanzurethen it should show a line to the other place in the file that was updated at the same time18:19
kanzureor something18:19
fenni'd like to see a 'number of other functions would break if you modify this line'18:19
fennbut then you'd need complete code coverage18:19
kanzurejust run your unit tests18:19
fennbut the computer should be able to do that18:20
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CIA-73skdb: kanzure * rdcc47d7da403 /pymates/ (assembly.py mate.py pymates.py): rename mate->assembly18:21
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ybitit was DRAWEXE i was looking for earlier18:42
ybitwas in /usr/local/bin18:43
kanzurecan someone remind me why I'm doing part mating and compatibility18:47
ybitbecause you plan on including it in skdb18:48
ybitand i'm guessing fenn is too18:48
ybitsomething infrastructure and advancing h+18:50
kanzuresounds kinda vague19:00
ybitand your point?19:00
kanzuredoes anyone know why I am doing this?19:01
ybitwhat are you getting @ eactly?19:01
kanzurethat I forgot why I'm doing this19:02
ybityou never plainly said why19:02
ybityou just kind of started19:02
ybitprobably due to something you read in a paper19:02
kanzurenope, not that19:02
ybitargh, git add . shouldn't take this long19:03
* ybit wants a central repo for all cad files19:22
kanzurewelcome to skdb19:22
kanzurewhy are you not committing yet?19:23
kanzuredon't you have an account on the server?19:23
kanzureso you don't love me anymore :(19:23
kanzureok I figured it out19:23
kanzureI was doing it so that I could search for compatible parts19:23
kanzure"oh I seem to have this. now what?"19:23
ybiti'm getting there, patience young padawan19:23
ybiti've just now cut my hours in half so i can get to it 19:24
ybiti'm working on a few other thingies right now19:24
ybitwasn't there an entre repo of iges cad files some gov agency is holding?19:26
ybits/an entre/a19:26
* ybit greps19:26
ybiti prefer the skdb name to tangible bit19:28
ybitin acronym form, it's shorter which is great for subdomains :)19:28
ybitand "societal engineering knowledge database" gets to the point of what it actually is19:29
kanzurenobody understands it anyway19:29
QuantumGtranslate it to russian before you make the acronym19:30
ybitfree hardware package management system, what's not to know19:30
kanzurethat's a better name for it19:30
ybitPhreedom, you're needed19:30
ybitPhreedom is sleeping19:30
kanzure"fhpack" for free hardware pack?19:30
Phreedomybit: eh?19:30
kanzurewhat's up?19:30
drazakgot to use some nice restriction enzymes today19:30
QuantumGI was actually thinking the other day that a package management system for cooking would be more fun19:30
Phreedomnot yet sleeping19:31
drazakdid some work with embilical cord stem cells19:31
* ybit didn't mean to wake you up Phreedom :P19:31
kanzureQuantumG: that's what this includes though19:31
Phreedomybit: what did you want me to do? I'm really going to fall asleep and nobody would wake me up19:33
ybitPhreedom: 19:26 < ybit> i prefer the skdb name to tangible bit19:33
ybit19:26 < ybit> in acronym form, it's shorter which is great for subdomains :)19:33
ybit19:26 < ybit> and "societal engineering knowledge database" gets to the point of what it  actually is19:33
ybit19:27 < kanzure> nobody understands it anyway19:33
ybit19:27 < QuantumG> translate it to russian before you make the acronym19:33
ybit19:27 < ybit> Phreedom, you're needed19:34
Phreedomso you're asking if the acronym translated to russian sounds like some curse word?19:34
Phreedomunf in russian everything can be made to resemble a curse word if you try hard enough19:35
Phreedombut it doesn't evoke any direct associations which is good enough IMO19:35
ybitokay you sleep now ;)19:35
PhreedomI didn't really ask for a permission :P19:36
ybitjust in case :)19:36
fennybit: you were asking about some giant gov repository: http://edge.cs.drexel.edu/repository/data/repository/19:36
fenn"national design repository"19:37
ybitah,right, this is where lego came into play19:37
* Phreedom too went straight to lego :)19:37
drazakanyone know any shit about the 293FT cell line?19:37
Phreedomybit:  too many kids in this channel I guess :)19:38
kanzure"In an historic move, Microsoft Monday submitted driver source code for inclusion in the Linux kernel under a GPLv2 license. The code consists of four drivers that are part of a technology called Linux Device Driver for Virtualization."19:38
Phreedomold news19:38
Phreedomand no it's not very useful :)19:38
Phreedombut it's only a matter of time util they bend over19:38
kanzurefenn: todo: think about improving sproutwards or something.19:53
kanzuremaybe a djangit plugin for keeping track of incoming inventory to HQ19:53
kanzurejata is going to buying a lot of stuff, but we need to keep track of it19:53
kanzureshe's officially "the retrieval man" (she even gets a cape)19:54
kanzuremaybe USPS number tracking19:54
kanzureand a bug/feature tracker in general that she can browse through to kick out particular items or something19:54
kanzureit's hard to figure out what to buy versus what to build19:54
kanzureI think though that SU8+PDMS photolithography setups would be worth buying (since it's not a single commodity package- we just need to buy the materials and go find some bins)19:55
fennwhat is sproutwards supposed to do?20:13
kanzurefablab management. it's based off of the original nublabs codebase.20:13
fenngood for warding off sprouts20:15
kanzuremaybe org-mode could help me20:16
kanzurefenn: where's that electronics inventory for IU?20:18
* fenn twiddles his thumbs20:20
kanzureyou're not twiddling, damn it20:20
ybittwiddle harder!20:21
kanzuredamn right he should twiddle harder20:21
kanzurecommit to skdb?20:22
fennwant me to do it?20:22
fenni came up with a yaml format for receipts (you may have seen me entering some)20:25
fennthere's not much difference between a wishlist and a receipt20:26
fenni dont think this list is really complete enough to just say 'have at it'20:27
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fenni think we'd have to write scripts, one for each site, to convert their receipt format to some standardized format (like receipts.yaml)20:34
kanzureeach site?20:34
kanzureokay, that's fine20:34
fennor do it manually if that's a pain20:35
fennbut it seems like for common sites it wouldbe worth it20:35
kanzureno I think that the number of vendors tends to saturate20:35
kanzureer, to stabilize20:36
kanzureI think a receipt should be "tagged" as satisfying a particular inventory-request or something20:36
fennwhat if it combines multiple random stuffs20:36
kanzureeach individual item should be tagged as solving some particular request20:37
fenni was thinking each item in inventory would have an 'allocation' status20:37
kanzurethis may not be the same thing as inventory actually20:37
kanzuresince the receipts and ordering is only casually informed by inventory20:37
kanzureso when inventory is low, you order (or whatever)20:38
kanzurebut in this case we're bootstrapping20:38
fennbut inventory data has to come from somewhere20:38
fennshouldnt that be when you are ordering (and then a little bit at the end when you get it)20:38
kanzuremaybe we should do as you suggested- and turn the trans-tech.yaml file into some skdb packages with a barebones skeleton20:38
kanzureand then slowly fill it in20:38
kanzureand the idea would be that anything that is not in the local inventory20:38
kanzurethen becomes a request20:39
kanzurewhich an order and a receipt will eventually fulfill20:39
kanzureI guess we're assuming that we're building some of those skdb packages on site (which, of course, we are)20:39
* fenn requisitions an aircraft carrier20:42
kanzureheh how'd that one get through20:42
fennbut seriously; at what step do we filter out what we're actually doing vs what is merely possible20:43
kanzurewe should be creating the packages as we go20:43
kanzureand testing them20:43
kanzureso that we don't publish anything stupid20:43
fennskdb is useful because it lets you know what order to do things20:44
fennbut it can only do that if you have complete package specifications20:44
kanzureright, so we need to make it as we go20:44
fennso you have to make the packages first20:44
kanzureremember, skdb doesn't make something possible- it makes it easier20:44
kanzureso we just need to make the packages the old fashion way20:44
fennfirst != as you go20:44
kanzurewe're not going to just spontaneously know everything about SU8/PDMS20:45
fennwell, ok20:45
kanzurebut we do know what sort of basic ingredients we're going to need20:45
ybiti propose another name change: s/djangit/djankit because it has the k from 'wiki' and mostly because it's a lot easier to make perverted jokes with it20:45
kanzurefenn: if we were to be committing a package as it grows and improves,20:45
fennybit: apparently name changes are harder than i thought20:46
kanzurewould we commit that to skdb, or would we have a separate repo?20:46
kanzuremaybe skdb/packages or something20:46
fennkanzure: i think a separate repo, but it would still depend on skdb code20:46
fennat this stage it doesnt really matter20:46
kanzurehuh wonder if I can get part mating down well enough to do it for the equipment assemblies required for PDMS (ok, there's not much.. maybe something to hold a lense. big friggin' deal)20:47
ybitbut srsly, i do like djankit better20:51
ybitprobably not going to change the name, but here's to adding more noise on irc20:52
fennybit: a wiki is a rev ctrl system with a pretty front end; django maps backends to pretty front ends (ew) so therefore git + django = wiki-like thing20:52
ybitthe frontend will probably be a wiki20:53
fennwhat do you mean "be a wiki"?20:54
ybitit will be a rev ctrl system witha pretty front end, as you say20:54
fennthe front end will be a rev ctrl system with a front end?20:54
ybitto be == to exist20:54
fennstack overflow20:54
ybiti really wasn't up for yet another git based wiki, but i suppose i should contribute to djangit20:57
ybitmostly because i like python20:57
ybittime for bed20:58
fenna git plugin for dokuwiki would do fine for 90% of stuff20:59
ybitwhat's the other 10%20:59
fennbut i think we're going to be doing a lot of different experimental views of datasets20:59
fennlike dependency graphs based on the data in the wiki pages (package metadata)21:00
fennor automatically generated renderings of cad geometry21:00
fenninner beauty = what you see through a laparoscope21:50
kanzurecan this be tested?21:51
fenni wonder if futurama "on the moon" episode was today on purpose (anniversary of apollo 11)21:51
kanzurejata is getting a reprap22:02
kanzureapparently a friend is printing the parts for her22:03
kanzureew, very database heavy22:08
kanzureI just want some classes and methods22:08
kanzureyaml inventory22:09
kanzurefirst result: Basic perfusion inventory list - DIYbio | Google Groups22:09
fennmaybe i should write a paper about it22:10
drazakkanzure: remember that microfluidics paper you showed me on dna aseembly using PCA?22:10
drazakthat paper sucked at explaining it22:10
drazakwhereas wikipedia made me understand it right away22:10
kanzurewhich article in particular?22:10
drazakI'm not sure22:11
kanzureheh I like how google has indexed http://adl.serveftp.org/skdb/inventory/comparison/fablab.yaml22:11
drazakit had an image22:11
drazakof dna fragments22:11
drazakexcept it explained it in a very weirdwas,they just said that they came together in the same conditions as pcr22:12
drazakinstead of saying that they're fragments alternating sense and antisense with short overlapping fragments22:12
kanzurefenn: let's make an equivalent of /var/log/dpkg.log eventually22:13
fennwhat does that do?22:14
kanzureit's a log of things added to the localhost22:14
kanzureas well as packages removed22:14
kanzurethere's another one for dpkg to search through.. but I forget where it is located22:14
fennit doesnt look like dpkg actually uses it (not nearly long enouh)22:15
fenndunno where the actual "database" is that apt-get refers to22:15
kanzureI've had to fix it a few times by manually editing it22:15
kanzureespecially when things get really fucked up22:15
kanzureah it's /var/backups/dpkg.status.022:16
drazakyou guys will be glad to know, I was in BSL2 today22:16
kanzureyou're not a real man until you have to invent your own biosafety level classification22:16
drazakthen  there are like22:17
drazak8 real men22:17
kanzurefenn: /var/backups/dpkg.status.0 sucks a lot22:17
fenni thought it only went up to BSL422:17
drazakfenn: well I was including somesecial ones22:18
drazakcan one of you suggest an alarm clock for linux?22:22
kanzurewhat the hell?22:22
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * r14fbe5d9f9df /trans-tech.yaml: er, corrected some requirement issues22:36
kanzurefenn: could you randomly hack out a receipt class or something?22:44
CIA-73skdb: fenn * re81350f399cc /inventory/receipt-schema.yaml: something22:55
CIA-73skdb: fenn * r496d93b8065b / (4 files in 2 dirs): Merge branch 'master' of adl.serveftp.org:/var/www/skdb22:55
fennor look at the other schema stuff in that dir22:56

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