
--- Day changed Sun Jul 26 2009
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@mf10f36d0.tmodns.net] has quit ["This computer has gone to sleep"]00:25
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-!- genehacker_light [n=chatzill@cpe-67-9-157-136.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection]03:08
kanzureMaillard reaction06:49
kanzureAdvanced Glycation Endproducts06:49
kanzure"In a very real sense we are constantly cooking ever so slowly for our entire lives, but because our temperature is so low it takes a century or so just to reach “rare”.  "06:50
kanzure"Dr. Denis Wilson pioneered the concept of resetting daytime body temperature. Dr. Wilson offered a decapitated body model of temperature resetting based on reverse T3 (a thyroid hormone) diversion. While his methods were sometimes successful, he nonetheless had his medical license suspended in 1991 due to flaws in his model."07:10
kanzure"Circadian rhythms control many physiological activities. The environmental entrainment of rhythms involves the immediate responses of clock components. Levels of the clock protein FRQ were measured in Neurospora at various temperatures; at higher temperatures, the amount of FRQ oscillated around higher levels. Absolute FRQ amounts thus identified different times at different temperatures, so temperature shifts corresponded to shifts in clock time without immediate synthesis or turnover of components. Moderate temperature changes could dominate light-to-dark shifts in the influence of circadian timing. Temperature regulation of clock components could explain temperature resetting of rhythms and how single transitions can initiate rhythmicity from characteristic circadian phases. "07:25
-!- Smari [n=spm@dsl-149-118-111.hive.is] has joined #hplusroadmap08:35
-!- Phreedom [n=freedom@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]08:40
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CIA-43skdb: kanzure * r2f194a2a501b /occ_shell.py: fix occ_shell inline documentation09:19
CIA-43Tangiblebit: spm * r8ca1a34ad029 /tangiblebit.com/clients/XMLRPCAuth.py: Added XMLRPC authenticated client based on Troy Melhase's code.09:20
CIA-43Tangiblebit: spm * r3e910059c93e /tangiblebit.com/unittests/ (siteparser.py sitetest.xml): Adding some (broken) tests.09:20
ybitwhere is the tangiblebit code09:23
kanzureSmari: check out skdb/tests.py for usage of the 'unittest' module in python.09:23
Smarikanzure, I know how to use it. I'm just not actually making "unit tests" as such right now, but rather just testing things that will later belong in various units.09:24
Smarikanzure, for some reason this naming made sense to me anyway.09:24
Smariybit, http://www.tangiblebit.com/tangiblebit.git09:24
Smariybit, if you want commit rights, say so.09:25
kanzurebit.git is nice :p09:25
kanzureSmari: have you checked out pyscholar yet?09:26
kanzureit's a python wrapper to Google Scholar that likes to pretend that it is zotero09:27
ybit~/projects $ git clone  http://www.tangiblebit.com/tangiblebit.git09:27
ybitInitialized empty Git repository in /home/heath/projects/tangiblebit/.git/09:27
ybitfatal: http://www.tangiblebit.com/tangiblebit.git/info/refs not found: did you run git update-server-info on the server?09:27
kanzuregit clone git://github.com/kanzure/pyscholar.git09:27
kanzureor on the web: http://github.com/kanzure/pyscholar/tree/master09:27
SmariI'm having trouble with wireless on my new EeePC.. not getting any real work done until that's fixed.09:28
Smariwhat is pyscholar?09:28
kanzureit's a python wrapper to Google Scholar that likes to pretend that it is zotero09:29
SmariUrgh, there's one key missing from the Eee keyboard... the one that makes <, > and | on the Icelandic keymap.09:29
Smarikanzure, zotero?09:29
kanzurezotero is this firefox extension that automagically scrapes metadata from scientific journals (as well as the PDF for a paper)09:29
kanzurebut it's stupid because it's built into fucking firefox09:30
Smarisounds cool.09:30
SmariSounds very cool actually09:30
Smarishall check immediately.09:30
kanzureit's only partially working at the moment- google scholar queries work, but none of the scrapers are fully functional09:30
kanzurethere's a partial sciencedirect scraper in the works.09:31
kanzureeverytihng in results/ is the output of the engine09:31
Smarihaha. apt-get install git-core. :P09:31
SmariI love new computers09:31
kanzureeverything in tests/ are HTML documents that serve as examples for parsing (so that I don't query the real sites every 10 seconds trying out my fixes)09:31
SmariHow would I map the <>| key to the windows key?09:32
Smari(they're almost in the same location... :))09:32
ybitSmari: kde or gnome?09:42
CIA-43djangit: Meredith L. Patterson master * r77d1d6e / templates/view.html : view.html not prettyprinted but much better now - http://bit.ly/UcT4t09:42
CIA-43djangit: kanzure master * r4bc96ba / docs/TODO : notes on what I should be doing - http://bit.ly/zZouI09:42
-!- wrldpc2 [n=benny@c-76-24-1-204.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap09:47
Smaripyscholar looks promising. Have you looked into using Beautiful Soup as a scraper?09:47
Smarihttp://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/ iirc.09:47
Smarifood! bbl.09:47
ybitSmari: if you get time...09:47
ybit09:24 < ybit> fatal: http://www.tangiblebit.com/tangiblebit.git/info/refs not found: did you run git update-server-info on the server?09:47
-!- Phreedom [n=freedom@] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]09:48
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drazakI wonder if it'd be fun to maintain roundworms10:57
Smariybit, gnome.11:05
Smariybit, sorry, was out for food.11:05
Smarikanzure, Beautiful Soup is made of win.11:14
kanzureSmari: xpaths are also made of win. 11:16
kanzureI can nearly copy and paste from zotero's definition files into pyscholar11:16
kanzuresince they both use xpaths :)11:16
kanzurenot only that, but javascript is sufficiently similar to python to not induce many headaches11:17
kanzurenow I just need to figure out a proper class structure for all of this.11:17
kanzurethere was once an app called "xgoogle" that had a class called GoogleScholarSearch which managed all the nitty-gritty11:18
kanzurebut am I going to have a class for each different website?11:18
kanzuredoes that even make sense?11:18
kanzureI guess each class could inherit from a basic scraper definition11:18
kanzureand then each child class would then just rewrite individual methods where needed (?)11:19
CIA-43pyscholar: kanzure master * rf9f6ae7 / (10 files in 2 dirs): added xgoogle archive - http://bit.ly/74wAs11:22
kanzureHey. I'm trying to remember an interesting project I once found. It was this python web scraping library (not beautifulsoup) that had templates for typical scrapes that everyone has to do sooner or later. I don't remember the name of the package. Any ideas?11:24
Smarikanzure, ah, neat.11:26
kanzureSmari: last night I asked around for some ideas on what shell utilities would be nice for getting papers11:27
kanzure"get" and "search" are some obvious shell utilities that would be nice to have,11:27
kanzurebut I'm fuzzy on what the specifics should be11:27
Smarikanzure, searching by category, classification scheme, author, keyword,...11:29
SmariIt would be good to be able to retrieve a list of all recent papers in a particular MSC category for example...11:33
kanzureNCBI/NIH maintains this thingy called MeSH where they classify everything on pubmed and pubmedcentral into this giant hierarchy, is that what MSC is?11:35
SmariMathematical Subject Classification.11:36
kanzureer, where does one find that? I know arxiv has a few math sections, is that what you're talking about?11:36
Smariarxiv has its own classification scheme11:36
SmariMSC is documented on the AMS website..11:37
SmariAmerican Mathematical Society.11:37
kanzurehttp://stringwiki.org/ - for students learning string theory11:38
kanzureok thanks11:38
CIA-43pyscholar: kanzure master * r9cd089a / doc/TODO : for later reference - http://bit.ly/Z8HeO11:38
CIA-43pyscholar: kanzure master * r8713c9c / (arxiv/arxiv.mediawiki arxiv/arxiv.py arxiv/url.txt): arxiv script - http://bit.ly/18G7jn11:38
kanzurepython web scraping utilities:11:54
kanzureboth of these are "frameworks". not sure how they make themselves useful, however.11:55
kanzure(DataHub was that "interesting project" I was trying to find)11:57
kanzurethis is an odd list: http://www.python.org/about/success/12:01
kanzurewhy is "scientific programing" spelled with one "m"?12:01
kanzurehttp://www.python.org/about/success/#manufacturing "# At Philips, The Semiconductor Line in Fishkill Runs on Python"12:02
kanzure"The business logic that drives these components was written in Python, ninety percent of which is common to all of the tools."12:03
kanzuresearching for "Tribon Vitesse" gets some weird chinese results on google12:05
kanzureapparently it's a ship-design optimization app12:06
kanzureIBM/Philips Fishkill plant implemented their tool control in python12:07
kanzureheh I guess that's a reason to want to work there.. something might be going right on their floors12:07
fennare there any search engines that won't mangle and substitute your phrase query?12:12
kanzureyou mean an actual search engine?12:12
fenni used to use altavista for this but apparently they've gone over to the dark side12:13
fenn"The Blind Audio Tactile Mapping System uses Python to provide access to maps for the blind"12:14
kanzuresounds like they finally got a roguelike12:14
fennit's a touchpad with speech synthesis12:15
--- Log closed Sun Jul 26 12:17:17 2009
--- Log opened Sun Jul 26 12:17:21 2009
-!- kanzure [i=bryan@dhcp-84-36.me.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap12:17
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-!- Irssi: Join to #hplusroadmap was synced in 54 secs12:18
kanzureuh oh12:18
kanzurewhat did I do?12:18
fenn"Professor Bishop and graduate student Peter Parente enabled use of the OpenAL library for spatial sound and the Immersion library for haptic feedback from Python."12:22
-!- Phreedom [n=freedom@] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]12:24
kanzureI've been meaning to hook up OpenAL to an ANN for facial recognition of pretty women12:26
fenner.. why?12:26
kanzurebecause I fail at facial recognition12:26
fennbut if you can't tell, why does it matter?12:26
kanzurebecause there are some properties in facial features that may correlate with other features12:27
fennlike, whether they're being hounded after by other guys?12:27
kanzureyes that's one possible "feature"12:27
fennseriously, what "other features"12:27
fennpurity of soul? vital essence?12:28
kanzurewell I was thinking more along the lines of phenotypes12:28
kanzureer, you know what, nevermind12:28
fennit turns out that beauty is more or less close to average facial features12:28
kanzureI don't actually care about the face12:29
kanzureit's just that the face happens to be what you see most often12:29
* kanzure is trying to figure out ipython profiles12:29
kanzure'%hist' and '%edit' are nice12:31
-!- Smari [n=spm@dsl-149-118-111.hive.is] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]12:42
fenncarbothermal processing only gets a few hits from nasa about moon mining12:54
fennpyscholar to the rescue12:55
-!- nchaimov [n=cowtown@c-24-21-45-17.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap12:57
kanzurehello nchaimov 12:57
kanzurefenn: have you considered starting to log temperature?12:57
kanzurenchaimov: be careful, we're all crazy mad scientists in here12:58
kanzurenchaimov: maybe you could mention your cell lineage tracking project?12:58
nchaimovAh, don't worry, I've been immunized against mad scientist disease.12:59
kanzuredoes that come standard in public education?12:59
nchaimovYes... measles, mumps, mad science... all required shots.12:59
kanzuremaybe there's a mad science injection we could concoct13:00
kanzureit would consist of amphetamines, glutamates, and whatever envirotoxin that causes an addiction to chocolate13:00
nchaimovI believe that is called "chocolate"13:01
kanzurefenn: here's the other fellow from yesterday- http://www.google.com/profiles/neondemon 13:02
fennoh, the most awesome person in the world. now i remember13:03
kanzurehuh? the other guy was 'cody'13:04
fennkanzure: ambient temp or core body temp?13:04
kanzurecore body13:04
kanzuredid you see the messages from earlier today about that?13:04
fenni dont think core temperature has as much an affect as you think13:05
nchaimovSo... the cell lineage tracking project... we have time-series confocal slices of zebrafish during development, with certain populations of cells being fluorescently labeled. We want to be able to identify cells and track them over time, automatically generating a lineage. Currently we're trying to improve on this algorithm: (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14566936  "A hybrid 3D watershed algorithm incorporating gradient cues13:05
fennon circadian rhythms at least13:05
kanzurea guy named 'steve' on the singularity mailing list has been running around claiming that core body temp plays a central role in aging and disease13:05
kanzureno, not on circadian rhythms- that was just something from google scholar13:05
fennoh, uh, then what are you talking about?13:05
kanzurebefore the circadian rhythms message :p13:05
fenna large part of the reason for the whole log thing is to track my sleep schedule13:06
kanzurenchaimov: I don't understand. Are you tracking by color?13:06
kanzurefenn: yes, but you and I both were wondering when or where it is optimal to do programming13:06
kanzureor why it is that sometimes stuff happens and other times not13:06
kanzurere: mental inertia13:06
kanzuremaybe it is core temperature related?13:06
nchaimovIf we could get the cells to be different colors, it would be much easier! Currently the cytoplasm of all the cells of interest is labeled green and the nuclei of all cells, whether we want to track them or not, are labeled red.13:07
kanzurenchaimov: Have you considered using the techniques from brainbow? Recombinant fluorescent proteins?13:07
fennkanzure: it's hard to measure code productivity anyway, so what would you plot against?13:07
kanzurelong technical explanation: http://adl.serveftp.org/papers/brainbow_strategies.png13:08
kanzurevarious pretty images: http://heybryan.org/books/papers/brainbow/13:08
kanzurefor instance: http://heybryan.org/books/papers/brainbow/Brainbow_brain_stem.jpg13:08
kanzurefenn: whether or not you feel "in the zone"?13:08
fennso, subjective measurement13:09
fennor whatever the correct way to say that is13:09
kanzureyeah that's also what a set point is13:09
kanzureer, woops not really13:09
fennset point?13:09
kanzureso, I may be at 97.3, but I might think that is "cold"13:09
kanzurewhile you at 97.2 might be too warm13:09
nchaimovThere are some people looking into that type of approach. We don't know how to do that in the cells we're tracking though.13:10
fenn"in the zone" might be a combination of 50 different factors13:10
kanzurethere's some ~3.4 fahrenheit variation that gives a lot of variability13:10
kanzurefenn: that's true- that's worth tracking, however. I think temperature might be an interesting starting point.13:10
kanzurebecause it's easy to change body temp drastically.13:10
kanzurenchaimov: That recombinant fluorescent protein technique requires some genetic engineering. So, it might not be an option.13:10
fennare there any ways to mesure core temp without walking around with something stuck up my ass all day?13:11
kanzureyou mean, besides what's already up there?13:11
kanzure(or something also equally insulting)13:11
kanzurewhat's wrong with taking temperature via the mouth periodically?13:11
kanzurebesides the fact that you have to remember to do it13:12
fennmouth temp changes a lot 13:12
kanzurearmpit temp is useless, I've heard13:12
kanzurehow about skin temperature? that could just be some flat sensors, right?13:12
kanzurebut it's not as detailed and doesn't tell you core temperature13:13
fennskin temp is useless13:13
kanzuresurely there's something other than asstemp13:13
kanzurenchaimov: So why are they fluorescently labeled? Why not just visually track them?13:14
nchaimovDo you know if anyone has done something similar to Brainbow, but for cell types other than neurons?13:14
kanzurenot off the top of my head. but that does make me wonder why they would do neurons first, of all things.13:16
kanzurebesides it being awesome :)13:17
nchaimovkanzure: Um... they would be too hard to distinguish from other types of cells otherwise13:17
kanzurelight-activated oligonucleotides and light-activated ribozymes are neat, but probably not what you need13:17
nchaimovThe lab we're developing the software for is working on the development of cartilage. 13:18
fenn"Ear thermometers measure eardrum temperature using infrared sensors. The blood supply to the tympanic membrane is shared with the brain."13:19
kanzureis that a vein or an artery?13:19
kanzureer, the blood supply to the tympanic membrane I mean, is that from the jugular directly, or is it on the way back from the brain?13:19
fenn"In the early 2000s, ingestible thermistors in capsule form were produced, allowing the temperature inside the digestive tract to be transmitted to an external receiver;"13:20
fenni wonder if that's a "medical device"13:20
kanzureyeah sounds like the jpeg-cam-capsule-pills13:20
kanzureexcept simpler13:21
fennit's practically DIY though13:21
fennRLC resonant circuit13:21
kanzurewhere are you going to get a sensor and transmitter that small?13:21
kanzureand how would you encapsulate it? (I'm still trying to figure this out for general pharmaceuticals)13:21
fennyou want pharmaceuticals to dissolve13:22
fennit would probably have an antenna "tail"13:22
fennor maybe just a coil would suffice13:23
fenni found this amusing: http://picasaweb.google.com/neondemon/DropBox#533469206598750886613:26
kanzureyeah that's the business card he gave me13:28
kanzuremike mentioned that he would like to package the neural tissue scanner into skdb13:28
kanzurehowever, he doesn't know about the licensing of the hardware designs at the moment13:28
kanzurehe doesn't even know if it's a university-only project, or if todd has the reigns on it or what13:28
* kanzure just sent an email off to todd asking about that13:28
kanzurefenn: what should I be doing with pymates today?13:31
-!- strages [n=strages@c-68-62-216-5.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]13:33
-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 20 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 20 normal]13:33
CIA-43pyscholar: kanzure master * r5f88fb6 / packages/classes.py : make the unit tests not fail so terribly, still does not work however - http://bit.ly/ZCPYJ13:55
kanzure"Using a combination of heat and carbon to run redox reactions, like ore smelting.14:01
kanzurei'm designing a utility battery with this technology, we can talk of it sometime."14:01
kanzure"this nothing more than a low frequency RF generator14:01
kanzurei'm using this design i found in maker magazine,  http://blog.makezine.com/archive/2008/03/diy_induction_heating.html "14:01
kanzurefenn: any ideas on how I should be structuring pyscholar?14:03
kanzurefor instance, in pyscholar/sciencedirect-notes.py, there is some code that parses sciencedirect search result pages14:03
kanzurebut it's just code thrown into a file.. should it go into a class method somewhere? if so, where?14:03
ybithttp://bayimg.com/DAcnNaaCN :: ah much better14:17
kanzureis this useful? http://tobyho.com/Prototype_Inheritence_in_Python14:17
ybiter, http://bayimg.com/image/dacnnaacn.jpg14:18
fenn"In Python, you can add methods dynamically, but normally you'd have to add it into the class." wtf is that supposed to mean14:18
fennFoo.bar = lambda whatever14:19
kanzuredoesn't that give an attribute error?14:19
kanzureoh, nevermind14:20
kanzureit doesn't.14:20
kanzureblah = Foo()14:20
kanzure#def say_it(): print "..."14:20
kanzureblah.say_it = Foo()14:20
fennyou have to remember to have a "self" argument14:20
kanzureoh you should do Foo.say_it = say_it14:20
fennone moment14:20
kanzureso yeah, what is this guy thinking?14:21
kanzuredef blah() #define it14:22
kanzuresome_object.blah = blah14:22
fenndef bar(self, x):14:22
fennFoo.bar = bar14:22
kanzure"there are cases where you don't want to add it to the class" (says the page)14:23
kanzurewhat does that even mean?14:23
fennadd it to the instance?14:23
kanzurethat you were too lazy to make a class that inherits it?14:23
fennFoo().bar = bar14:23
kanzurewhat's the big deal? isn't that obvious?14:23
kanzureis this for python 1.x? :p14:23
fenni think this guy just doesnt know python very well14:24
kanzureheh "import this"14:27
fenn"Prototype-based programming is a style of object-oriented programming in which classes are not present, and behavior reuse (known as inheritance in class-based languages) is performed via a process of cloning existing objects that serve as prototypes"14:27
fennsounds like teh suck14:27
kanzuredid you mean this?  f =lambda x: x**2 + 514:29
fenni keep thinking it's lambda(x):14:30
fennwell that was a waste of 15 minutes14:33
kanzuretry imagemagic for concatenating pdf to pdf14:56
fenngs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=finished.pdf file1.pdf file2.pdf15:01
fennwith enough futzing around, "lpr -Ppdf somefile" should work, supposedly15:15
fennthis looks like the easy way out, but why isn't it in debian already?15:16
kanzureit's still funny when I get emails from my grandmother about the singularity. "SCIENTISTS WORRY ABOUT AI KILLING US ALL"15:27
fennthis is pretty cool15:41
kanzurewah. I was talking about this months ago, but now that it's in the news, everyone's going all bonkers15:42
fennin the news?15:42
kanzureyeah the acoustic cavity for microfluidics, for instance15:43
fenni guess there was some article that didnt cite its sources15:43
kanzurealso acoustic droplet stuff15:43
kanzureanywho, I don't understand those photographs on the page15:43
kanzurewhy show the droplet going up in the air?15:43
fennwatch the movie15:43
kanzureit will just fall, which is useless15:43
fennbecause that's what it does15:43
fennno it sticks to something15:43
fenn"Droplets can be transferred with very precise positioning onto a surface suspended above the ejection reservoir."15:44
kanzurexy addressable location for droplet to emerge from the reservoire?15:44
fenni dont know how it actually works15:45
fennwith a phased array of transducers you could theoretically make the droplet come out at any position and angle15:45
-!- timschmidt [n=chatzill@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]15:53
kanzurehm write unit tests before you prototype? I've been doing it wrong15:57
kanzurethe example at the end is a nice treat. didn't know that you could define methods within methods for unit tests and get reusable namespace variables.15:59
-!- wrldpc2 [n=benny@c-76-24-1-204.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has quit []16:00
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * re7cd1d694558 /packages/screw/screw.py: added some python module data to the screw package class16:00
kanzurefenn: can you add some docstrings to max_force and breaking_force in skdb/packages/screw/screw.py ?16:06
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * rfe7a306fad3d /packages/screw/metadata.yaml: first go at metadata for methods16:13
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * r8aca77b8f582 /packages/screw/metadata.yaml: typo fix16:15
kanzureoops :(16:15
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * re7f8b61f9ec4 /packages/screw/tests.py: unit tests for screw package16:22
kanzureI have no clue whether or not line 22 to line 30 is worthwhile in skdb/packages/screw/metadata.yaml16:23
kanzureit's supposed to be some way to describe the methods that an object has. some methods might describe a failure mode, others might do something else entirely.16:24
kanzurealthough max_force isn't necessarily a failure mode16:24
kanzureother packages would call something like "skdb.packages.screw.Screw()" and then look at the documentation and call my_screw.breaking_force(), but for some reason I once-upon-a-time expected to have to do more than just that16:25
kanzurelike if you had an assembly object (skdb.pymates.Assembly at the moment), you should be able to check the methods for each of your parts in the system (a screw is a part, yes)16:26
kanzureso having a skdb.pymates.Assembly.detect_failure_modes() would prove useful16:27
kanzure(of course, Assemblys hould not stay under skdb.pymates forever IMHO)16:27
kanzureoh that's right, we were going to have this subgraph thingy where the interfaces of the screw corresponded to the loose ends/edges in the subgraph thingy describing the part16:36
-!- strages [n=strages@c-68-62-216-5.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap17:41
-!- timschmidt [n=chatzill@] has joined #hplusroadmap17:42
kanzurehey timschmidt 17:45
QuantumGI went to Australia Zoo yesterday17:48
timschmidtI organized and attended the first Michigan RepRap Users Group meeting.17:48
QuantumGit would seem they advocate a global static ecosystem17:48
kanzuretimschmidt: yeah I saw the posts about that17:49
kanzuretimschmidt: you guys kick more ass than a lot of other groups, keep it up17:49
QuantumGI actually asked one of the nuts there if they were against extinction in general or only human caused extinction.. 17:49
kanzureyou guys have a lot of programmers/techies?17:49
timschmidtIt was rock-tastic.17:49
QuantumGhe said they were against extinction in general.17:50
timschmidtYeah, most ass-kickers in attendance had programming experience or we pros.17:50
timschmidtor were17:50
kanzuretimschmidt: why is there no main reprap mailing list?17:50
timschmidtThere supposedly is one, but IDK if it's public?17:50
kanzurewtf is that bullshit17:51
* kanzure has had a long history of being angry at reprap17:51
timschmidtWe had 5 repraps in attendance, 4 for the whole night.  About 10 people stayed the whole night, about 15 throughout the day.17:52
timschmidtWe got all 4 machines nearly complete.17:52
kanzuretimschmidt: do you read openmanufacturing?17:52
kanzureI've been forwarding reprap-michigan's emails over to them.17:53
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/om.html check the first link for instance17:53
timschmidtexcitingly, my wrench-buildable machine got two fully working axes, including motor mounts, lead screws, everything last night.  Still only a wrench and a hacksaw were used.17:56
CIA-43Tangiblebit: smari * rad97f5f8ad14 /tangiblebit.com/clients/tb-get/ (tb-get.py tbdefaults.conf): Added a skeleton of a "tb-get" program that I hacked together on the ferry just now... :P18:09
-!- bzsmari [n=smari@] has joined #hplusroadmap18:10
-!- bzsmari is now known as Smari18:10
Smarikanzure, muhahaha18:10
kanzureSmari: btw, for future reference for fb-get,18:11
kanzurecould you act like you have a fancy wrapper to a dependency resolution engine?18:11
kanzureit's a drop in module that I'm (supposed to be) writing18:11
Smarikanzure, can you expose the interface to me?18:11
kanzureno! there isn't one :(18:11
Smarikanzure, but sure, I just haven't reached a point where I'd need to act like that yet. :)18:11
kanzureSmari: but.. check out the latest update to skdb.git18:12
kanzuresee skdb/packages/screw/metadata.yaml18:12
Smarikanzure, seriously, we really must must must must merge our projects.18:12
kanzureat the bottom there is an example of a dependency hierarchy of sorts18:12
kanzurethat would be something that you should look into ;-)18:12
Smarikanzure, duplication of effort is pointless.. 18:12
kanzureyeah I agree18:12
kanzureis it really just a name change that we have to do, or what18:12
kanzureSmari: I wrote a script called git-import-folder that properly merges all history from another git repo18:13
kanzuremaybe that would be useful?18:13
Smarikanzure, it's also a merge of the design..18:13
kanzurehttp://adl.serveftp.org/lab/git-import-folder (I think)18:13
kanzurethat's true18:13
kanzurehm, where's fenn when you need him18:13
kanzurehe's off welding at the austin fabratory for some reason18:13
Smarimake sure that we're on the same level with how we make clients and servers and protocols and so on.18:14
kanzurefor transferring of packages, I think HTTP is fine18:14
kanzurewhich is how debian does it18:14
kanzurehowever, debtorrent and debp2p looks interesting18:14
kanzureso having a wrapper that enables that in the future would be ok with me18:14
SmariI wrote a small document earlier which was supposed to be a technical brief when I started writing it but by the time I finished it was a philosophical manifesto.18:14
kanzurehappens to me all the time :(18:15
SmariWhat I've written so far assumes HTTP and XMLRPC :)18:15
kanzureI still need you to convince me of XMLRPC.18:15
Smarikanzure, btw, I'm going to be at a conference in India two weeks from now with 300 fab lab people, and if I have something to show them we might gain some developers and possibly a user base too.18:16
kanzureyou should definitely show them pymates :) (the subsection of skdb for part mating)18:16
Smarikanzure, XML per se isn't so great, but the XMLRPC modules available in a lot of languages, including Python, provide transparent interfaces that are very very very nice and easy to use.18:16
kanzurehow is that different from YAML?18:17
kanzurefor instance, there are some examples here:18:17
Smarikanzure, perhaps we ought to make a presentation together... like, just a simple OO Impress thing with some spiffy pictures that explain what we're doing and why.18:17
kanzureum wait don't click that :(18:17
Smarikanzure, XMLRPC is an RPC system, whereas YAML isn't.18:17
kanzureok, that's the right link18:18
SmariI'm not talking data storage here, I'm talking about client-server interaction.18:18
SmariRemote Procedure Call.18:18
kanzureSmari: sure, fenn and I need to do that anyway 18:18
kanzureI've been thinking that "wget" should be sufficient. but maybe there are some other ideas I am missing out on?18:18
Smariwget is fine if you just want to download simple files..18:19
kanzurethese are simple files :)18:19
kanzurethat's the whole point18:19
Smarixmlrpc is really neat in that you are returned spiffy data structures18:19
kanzuresimple but deadly18:19
kanzurebut how is that different from yaml?18:19
SmariI just had a conversation with a friend about this... hehe.18:19
kanzureI'm trying to understand.. sorry.18:19
SmariYeah okay18:19
kanzurehm an "RPC and YAML" article would be nice about now18:21
SmariYAML is an untyped, nonstrict structured document language which works for many things that have non-specific structures and no predefined formatting. XML on the other hand provides strict types via DTDs, which provides for unambiguous structure and linting.18:21
kanzureYAML is typed.18:21
SmariYAML is fundamentally incompatable with RPC18:21
SmariOkay, it isn't.18:21
Smaribut it's very much bad with RPC18:22
kanzurein the case of DTDs, in the current model of skdb, components/parts are responsible for makiing sure they are not bullshitting themselves18:22
SmariAn RPC is simply some way to define functions on a remote location and call them, passing data structures around.18:22
kanzurehm? could you give me an example?18:22
kanzurecan RPC be implemented over CGI?18:22
kanzureer, not that anyone calls it CGI anymore ..18:23
Smarihehe :)18:23
kanzureso why would spitting out YAML text versus XML text not work over CGI/equivalents?18:23
SmariIt isn't spitting out XML text.18:23
kanzureok ok, XML binary18:24
SmariWhich is one of it's biggest features. For the record, I HATE XML.18:24
Smarino, no XML at all.18:24
kanzureXMLRPC == XML + RPC ?18:24
SmariXMLRPC = RPC which uses XML transparently as a transport language.18:24
SmariHere. In the TB Django I have an XMLRPC interface.. with functions such as GetSites(). See sources/fabmap/xmlrpc.py18:25
SmariOr, well.. all the functions in there are exposed as XMLRPC calls, right?18:25
SmariSo now I'm going to do a client script.18:25
Smari>>> import xmlrpclib18:26
kanzureI'm looking at xmlrpc.py and not seeing anything particularly special here18:26
kanzureyou seem to be spitting out dictionaries18:26
Smari>>> srv = xmlrpclib.Server("http://www.tangiblebit.com/xmlrpc/")18:26
SmariThat's part of the point.18:26
kanzurehow is that not YAML?18:26
Smari>>> srv.GetSiteList()18:26
SmariThat's the magic.18:26
kanzureI see.18:27
Smari(the XMLRPC stuff isn't actually running on tangiblebit.com at the moment)18:27
kanzurehow would it be?18:27
kanzureer, by what mechanism would it be running on the server18:27
SmariIf I check out the git, then it will.18:28
kanzureso, django runs it?18:28
SmariBut that there client code will do a HTTP request with an XMLRPC request encoded as the POST data, and then it parses the response back.. (unmarshalling) and returns it.18:28
SmariSo the point is that it's ludicrously simple to use.18:29
kanzureis there a flatfile archive of all of the packages in tb/skdb?18:29
kanzureer, just tb I guess I mean18:29
SmariDon't think so.18:29
kanzurewhy not?18:29
Smaridunno. What do you mean by packages in this case?18:30
kanzureer, the whole idea is that we're writing this system that lets you download "packages" of hardware18:30
Smariah yes18:30
kanzureone package might be "screw"18:30
kanzureanother package might be "milling machine"18:30
kanzureso, I like having a collection of files18:31
SmariI haven't gotten that far.18:31
kanzurebecause all of my hax0r tools work on them18:31
Smarithere's no package stuff at the moment18:31
kanzurethere is in skdb18:31
kanzureso my point is that XMLRPC doesn't really matter in the case of just downloading packages18:31
SmariSo what I've been building mostly is the interface stuff... defining how things go between places.18:31
kanzuremaybe in communicating and passing messages for scheduling of different jobs across different fablabs18:32
Smarikanzure, indeed.18:32
Smariso the packages can be flat - in fact, they should be flat.18:32
Smarior like, as files.18:32
kanzureI was worried you were thinking this was somehow replacing the YAML packaging formats18:32
Smaribut there's a very good reason for using a good RPC system18:32
Smarinot really18:33
Smariexcept that I think YAML is the wrong tool for this job.18:33
kanzurewhat about X11-based message passing?18:33
kanzurejust wondering18:33
Smarithe X11 RPC system is really horrible18:33
kanzuream not being serious18:33
kanzurehave never looked at it18:33
SmariI would be interested in seeing if XMPP would be sensible though..18:34
kanzurejabber? hah18:34
SmariRPC over XMPP... somebody must have had that idea before.18:34
kanzurejer and I talk sometimes18:35
kanzurenice guy18:35
* kanzure eats (so will be slow to reply)18:35
SmariI'm getting ready for bed.. :)18:36
kanzureso, what does tb-get.py do?18:39
kanzureor, what will it do, rather?18:39
kanzureit seems to just be a message passer for clients18:39
kanzureif you return an object of a type that the client doesn't understand, what happens?18:40
SmariIt was intended as a) a test suite for the RPC interface b) an attempt at figuring out what kind of functionality an apt-get like client might have...18:40
Smarikanzure, same as if you pass an invalid parameter type to a function.18:41
kanzureisn't python supposed to be dynamically typed?18:41
Smarikanzure, sure.18:41
kanzureso if you return an object that it doesn't know the class for ..18:41
kanzurethat kinda breaks things18:41
Smariah. Hm! I don't think you can pass class instances. 18:42
Smarijust string, int, double, binary blobs, datetime, booleans, structs and arrays.18:44
SmariI really like the EeePC btw.18:48
kanzureI guess I don't actually care what the format is, as long as the functionality is preserved.19:01
Smarimy only point about format is that it needs to be something that won't cause us lots of headaches later when poorly informed eejits start writing packages.19:14
Smarior generally interfacing.19:14
SmariI've been writing software long enough to have become allergic to freeform user input.. :)19:15
-!- genehacker_light [n=chatzill@cpe-67-9-157-136.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap19:16
Smariidiots. Hiberno-English,.19:18
kanzurethe idea is to make it so that it doesn't happen19:19
kanzurefirst, I came to the general conclusion that idiots will not be package maintainers19:19
kanzurethe basic idea is that package maintainers will submit the (maintained) packages19:19
kanzurepeople talk with the package maintainers and give them the CAD files, the information that the poor sap needs, etc.19:19
kanzurenow, they could figure out how to do it themselves, that's true, but someone is still going to have to review it19:20
kanzureand it would still have to pass various tests19:20
kanzureSmari: is the only reason why you're not committing to skdb.git is because you dislike the name?19:20
Smarikanzure, now it is. Until now it's been that I wasn't sure if we were actually going to merge.19:21
Smaribut now that it's just a naming issue left.. *shrug*19:21
kanzureok. how would you prefer to do a merge?19:21
SmariI don't know. I'm very fond of the TangibleBit name, but I'm open to other names... I just don't understand what 'skdb' means and it's hard to pronounce :)19:22
Smarias for merging files, I think your git merge thing is the right way to go..19:23
kanzureit means 'societal (engineering) knowledge data base'19:23
kanzureI am fine with tangible bit as a name19:23
Smarithe skdb file system is a bit messy... should we come up with some file structure for the project's files or just see what happens?  19:25
kanzureyou should pull and move stuff around as you see fit :)19:26
SmariI'm a file system neat freak, sorry19:26
kanzurelast night we moved some documentation around, and cleaned things up a bit19:26
Smariokay, how about you merge the gits and I'll move stuff around tomorrow :)19:26
* kanzure is working on that19:27
kanzurejust did git-import-folder and for some reason it didn't include your history.19:27
* kanzure fixes.19:27
Smariokay.. I have a headache, probably allergy related.. going to doze off. Will I be very shocked if I pull tomorrow? (The correct answer is yes)19:30
kanzurehopefully in a good way?19:30
Smariyay :)19:30
Smariyou rock. In theory at least.19:31
kanzureok merge was successful19:33
kanzureunfortunately it merged to skdb/tangiblebit.com/clients/clients/tb-get/19:33
kanzureobviously that's kind of wrong19:33
kanzureunless you happen to be a fan of terrible directory structures?19:33
SmariI am not.19:33
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kanzuregit-import-folder ~/local/tangiblebit tangiblebit.com/doc .20:05
kanzuregit-import-folder ~/local/tangiblebit tangiblebit.com/clients/ .20:05
kanzuregit-import-folder ~/local/tangiblebit tangiblebit.com/sources/ .20:12
* kanzure pushes20:12
CIA-43skdb: spm * rf661e872a51b /sources/templates/fabmap/sitedetails.json: Converging, some bugs in the sitedetails.json template though, ignore for now.20:12
CIA-43skdb: spm * r467a9c5659d7 /sources/ (15 files in 5 dirs): ...20:12
CIA-43skdb: spm * r577bd652bc22 /sources/ (__init__.pyc settings.pyc urls.pyc): Removing .pyc's20:12
CIA-43skdb: spm * r863d30e46493 /sources/xmlrpc/ (__init__.py views.py): xmlrpc interface.20:12
CIA-43skdb: spm * r6d569de900ba /sources/ (8 files in 3 dirs): Removing some .pyc's I lost.20:12
CIA-43skdb: spm * r7c4dc8342c53 /sources/ (fabmap/views.py fabmap/xmlrpc.py settings.py): Implemented some FabMap related XMLRPC request stuff.20:12
CIA-43skdb: spm * r56965e715993 /sources/ (fabmap/views.py fabmap/xmlrpc.py settings.py): More XMLRPC features; changing JSON views to wrap XMLRPC functions (it's faster and cleaner!).20:12
CIA-43skdb: spm * r5a3bf411f971 /unittests/xmlrpctest.py: More XMLRPC features; changing JSON views to wrap XMLRPC functions (it's faster and cleaner!).20:12
CIA-43skdb: spm * r7c6f48a6e778 /sources/ (fabmap/models.py fabmap/xmlrpc.py settings.py): More XMLRPC stuff and material properties draft (in fabmap/models.py)20:12
CIA-43skdb: spm * r5f419b31f47a /doc/material_properties.txt: Bla20:13
CIA-43skdb: spm * r7f1dcf54ea5f /doc/object_properties.txt: Testing bot20:13
CIA-43skdb: spm * re27799c67d93 /doc/object_properties.txt: More test20:13
CIA-43skdb: spm * rc9616942783b /doc/object_properties.txt: .20:13
CIA-43skdb: spm * rd31b1090c284 /doc/object_properties.txt: A!20:13
CIA-43skdb: spm * r27a10aa724ef /doc/manufacturing_processes.txt: Added manufacturing process list.20:13
CIA-43skdb: spm * r4fa9eb3a2b16 /doc/manufacturing_processes.txt: ..20:13
CIA-43skdb: spm * rfa44f3017188 /doc/manufacturing_processes.txt: Arr20:13
CIA-43skdb: spm * r0345f4cc7366 /doc/ (process_list.txt sitemap.txt): Restructuring JavaScript interface...20:13
CIA-43skdb: spm * rd5617e7a8b78 /sources/templates/fabmap/index.html: Pushing around some javascript functions, cleaning up site management interface.20:13
CIA-43skdb: spm * r7b164daab956 /doc/manufacturing_processes.txt: Pushing around some javascript functions, cleaning up site management interface.20:13
CIA-43skdb: spm * r866caccffb50 /sources/ (fabmap/views.py fabmap/xmlrpc.py urls.py): More XMLRPC and Javascript glue.20:13
CIA-43skdb: spm * r73f0f30974dc /doc/DTD/site.dtd: Added <site> DTD.20:13
CIA-43skdb: spm * r3557015c0ae1 /sources/ (5 files in 3 dirs): XML and YAML exporters for Site model. XML Conforms to site.dtd. XMLRPC interfaces for fetching also implemented.20:13
CIA-43skdb: spm * ra87b8bd8cffb /doc/DTD/site.dtd: XML and YAML exporters for Site model. XML Conforms to site.dtd. XMLRPC interfaces for fetching also implemented.20:13
CIA-43skdb: spm * r1749898af07f /sources/templates/fabmap/index.html: Map and LatLon selector development. Why the hell doesn't OpenLayers have a DragMarker class?!20:13
CIA-43skdb: spm * rac62b95bec29 /unittests/ (siteparser.py sitetest.xml): Adding some (broken) tests.20:13
CIA-43skdb: smari * rbefd63579dcd /clients/tb-get/ (tb-get.py tbdefaults.conf): Added a skeleton of a "tb-get" program that I hacked together on the ferry just now... :P20:13
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * reffa2a6470ce /clients/ (XMLRPCAuth.py tb-get/tb-get.py tb-get/tbdefaults.conf): Merge commit 'git-import-folder-merge/master'20:14
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * r13abf374ba1a /doc/ (6 files in 2 dirs): Merge commit 'git-import-folder-merge/master'20:14
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * r6db0b476730e /unittests/ (siteparser.py sitetest.xml xmlrpctest.py): Merge commit 'git-import-folder-merge/master'20:14
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * r57db6f821660 /sources/ (27 files in 9 dirs): Merge commit 'git-import-folder-merge/master'20:14
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * r01d8146ce1a3 / (50 files in 6 dirs): moved pymates/ and dep/ to the sources/ dir20:24
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * r33412f964145 / (7 files in 3 dirs): move stuff around20:24
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * r0dbff270d812 / (26 files in 4 dirs): completely cleaned out the main directory20:24
kanzureannnd now everything doesn't work20:24
kanzurenot like it worked to begin with20:24
kanzurefuck you, world20:24
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * r402bd285fe8a / (dice.py sources/dice.py): okay, one more20:25
kanzuregit log --follow should definitely be the default20:36
kanzurewhat's the point of it *not* being default?20:36
QuantumGits git, nothing makes sense20:38
QuantumGmost likely it isn't the default because it uses more cpu20:38
QuantumGor something equally inane20:38
kanzurethe problem is that when you move a file, it actually just "writes" the file or something20:39
kanzureso "git log" doesn't bother to track the renames in the logs20:39
kanzure(renames are separate actions)20:40
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CIA-43skdb: kanzure * re81396d571c4 /doc/TODO: get rid of mysql eventually21:59
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * r943f74185d59 / (152 files in 28 dirs): moved stuff around21:59
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * r9dbf74459dc6 / (inventory/urls.py urls.py): forgot to move urls.py to inventory/22:02
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * r5dfdc4d777e2 /inventory/ (7 files in 4 dirs): used 'expand' to convert from tabs to spaces22:10
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * r08c23de6b5f1 /unittests/ (siteparser.py xmlrpctest.py): tab hunting season22:11
CIA-43skdb:  * rb0265f8e4642 /packages/screw/ (metadata.yaml screw.py): i dont think info about the software should be in the screw package; i'm not sure screw.py actually belongs in the screw example package22:13
CIA-43skdb:  * rd51371a2fb2d / (155 files in 30 dirs): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://adl.serveftp.org/var/www/skdb22:13
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * r5651c768c695 /clients/tb-get/tb-get.py: even more, forgot this one22:15
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * rbcd5ca682b83 /packages/screw/ (metadata.yaml screw.py): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://bryan@adl.serveftp.org/var/www/skdb22:15
kanzureif screw.py doesn't belong to a screw, then what does it belong to?22:16
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ybitwrldpc2: the other day you left the channel.. you might like to try pure data22:21
ybitit's what i was looking for..22:21
ybit19:09 < ybit> also http://electro-music.com/forum/forum-112.html is of interest22:22
wrldpc2ty ybit ... who was that musician as well?  e209?22:22
CIA-43skdb:  * r6329e4394363 /doc/comparison/readme: everybody loves documentation22:23
CIA-43skdb:  * rf6c10daff08c /clients/tb-get/tb-get.py: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://adl.serveftp.org/var/www/skdb22:23
wrldpc2i need to code a robust piece of lyric permutation software.  a robust piece of language processing that eats text, builds linguistic models based on the character/string rules it finds in the text, and then permutates verse after verse after verse of rhymes.22:25
wrldpc2using some kind of crude "bible code" esque modeling rules or something.22:26
wrldpc2character distance and shit.22:26
wrldpc2there are probably many ways to deconstruct a piece of text and build a model of it.22:26
ybitoh yeah...22:30
ybitand something else was relevant...22:30
ybit20:09 < ybit> http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/04/080401150755.htm is \22:30
ybitwhat i was looking for earlier22:31
ybit20:09 < ybit> http://music.princeton.edu/~dmitri/ChordGeometries.html22:31
wrldpc2has anyone done a double blind study on the emoto shit22:32
ybitanything to help musicians not make crappy music22:32
genehacker_lightheh that's interesting compressing  an mp3 down by a lot22:37
ybitwrong link22:38
-!- strages [n=strages@c-68-62-216-5.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]22:38
ybitthere, that's what i had meant to paste 22:40
-!- strages [n=strages@c-68-62-216-5.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap22:40
fennwrldpc2: havce you looked at megahal?23:06
fennwhy not?23:06
fennit's exactly what you desribed23:06
fennok so it doesnt rhyme, but that's only because english spelling is whack23:07
fennnote to self: wear sunscreen next time i do a lot of welding23:59

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