
--- Day changed Mon Aug 10 2009
-!- Utopiah [n=libre@rps7452.ovh.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection]00:16
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CIA-38skdb: fenn * r 9bc1588f07a9 /packages/lego/demo.py: forgot to commit this00:23
CIA-38skdb: fenn * r 17052d3078f1 /packages/lego/demo.py: yaml output looks better because vectors are collated (this is because default_flow_style is not False but yaml_flow_style is False)01:03
CIA-38skdb: fenn * r d24aef571b81 /packages/lego/interfaces.py: fix part list for options, and overly long repr01:03
CIA-38skdb: fenn * r 59dab83c7aa2 /core/interface.py: excise dead code; fix makes_sense01:03
CIA-38skdb: fenn * r 06ad37cb5539 /core/interface.py: wtf is a mate??01:05
CIA-38skdb: fenn * r 8a090f68f2e6 /core/interface.py: some stuff that was bugging me. i guess Mate does nothing special02:38
CIA-38skdb: fenn * r e8fb78770c67 /core/part.py: some day i'll figure out how to not repeat this code everywhere02:38
CIA-38skdb: fenn * r 9a563e1d7813 /core/yamlcrap.py: setify really should go somewhere else since this has nothing to do with yaml. also, __setstate__ never gets called unless you do copy.copy() so i commented it out02:38
CIA-38skdb: fenn * r e5175613af87 /packages/lego/demo.py: a more entertaining demo... shouldnt pymates do something like this?02:38
CIA-38skdb: fenn * r aeca5bcc2865 / (core/part.py packages/lego/data.yaml): initialise interface.part after loading yaml (doesnt work??)02:38
CIA-38skdb: fenn * r a1e07da6510a /packages/lego/demo.py: print out a list of compatible interfaces for eac interface in brick102:38
fennkanzure: i want some screenshots of it working, dammit!02:39
fennomg it's clear from pymates you have no idea why my functions do02:52
fennnext time you need help please ask for it02:52
fenn'rad' stands for radius03:01
fennin point_shape03:01
fennelevation is rotation around the x axis, azimuth is rotation around the z axis03:02
genehackerhow do you avoid gimbal lock?03:02
fenngo away03:02
kanzurefenn: you were giving me x and y03:04
fennpoint_shape doesn't return anything03:08
fennit does the rotations in the correct order so you dont have to figure it all out again03:08
fennwhy don't you just import it form paths.py and call the function?03:09
kanzurereal_point_shape returns the shape03:10
fennthere is way too much crap going on in this script for a single transform03:11
fennwhere are the brick shapes actually rotated?03:12
kanzuresee line 14703:14
kanzureor search for transformation003:14
fennso you never actually use real_point_shape03:14
kanzureI use it in draw_mating_arrows()03:14
kanzurewhich is what I was complaining about last night03:14
fennfuck the arrows03:15
kanzurewell if I can't get arrows right, how am I going to be sure that the legos are right?03:15
fennbecause they line up like legos03:16
kanzurewell they didn't anyway03:16
fennbecause you rotated them wrong03:16
kanzureand there are many ways to be wrong and still look like you line up like legos03:16
fennhere's my suggestion:03:20
fennforget about the arrows, import point_shape from skdb.paths and use that to rotate the shape03:20
* fenn attempts to sleep03:24
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-!- kardan_ [n=kardan@p54BE6F70.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection]06:19
kanzure"When it comes to the physical world, we're acutely aware of our limitations, and we build systems to overcome them (e.g. stairs to climb vertically, wheels for easy transport, etc). When it comes to the mental world, we have this unreasonable view of ourselves as supermen. We think we are always in control, and that we are always responsible. We need to understand our mental limitations so that we can design systems (e.g. public/company policy, transportation systems, etc) to overcome them (and make the world a better place)."07:11
kanzurefound from: http://yro.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=1330685&cid=2900624307:11
kanzure"The free market sees taxation as damage and routes around it."07:12
kanzurehttp://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=h111-1464&tab=summary Learning Opportunities With Creation of Open Source Textbooks (LOW COST) Act of 200907:19
kanzureor see http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d111:h1464:07:19
kanzurenot sure what's going on here: http://www.flatworldknowledge.com/07:23
kanzureon capmetro.org under "allsystemsgo" they have a slideshow of photos of capmetro's operations08:11
kanzureone of the photos is an "artist's depiction of future capmetro buses and trains"08:11
kanzurenot that I have anything against artists08:12
kanzurebut I would be much more impressed by an engineer's take on things08:12
fennsilly man, why would an engineer design a train08:12
kanzureoh right, he's the "conductor"08:12
-!- drazak is now known as draz|lab08:52
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kanzureheh irc+root => trouble09:58
CIA-38skdb: fenn * r a0ab4f6e6b33 /paths.py: booya10:07
CIA-38skdb: fenn * r b35589d95096 /core/skdb.py: return package10:07
draz|labkanzure: when is books/ getting copied to adl.serveftp?10:54
-!- Netsplit simmons.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: ybit, gerryg11:05
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CIA-38skdb: kanzure * r 6d2347409c50 /pymates/pymates.py: committing before I cause some serious damage11:30
CIA-38skdb: kanzure * r 4f9281e10595 / (core/skdb.py paths.py): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://bryan@adl.serveftp.org/var/www/skdb11:30
CIA-38skdb: kanzure * r 9eae5750183e /paths.py: fix fenn path stuff, show an arrow11:30
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kanzurefenn: what should I be doing?12:10
kanzurefenn: it would be helpful to replace point_shape with something else because at the moment part.interfaces[num].point isn't being updated. the points are different, but you can't really be sure what transformation to apply to get the real location of the interface points for some given shape in part.shapes[]12:10
fennwhat are you doing (in general)12:15
fennguh. serial vs parallel mates12:19
ybitbut physics over the last 100 years - and especially12:29
ybitover the last couple of decades - has increasingly shown us that the12:29
ybitworld is neither continuous nor infinite; it has solid finite limits12:29
ybiton almost everything.  Even more remarkable is that we've pretty much12:29
ybitreached some of those limits"12:29
* ybit doesn't life definite statements12:29
ybitjust say 'it seems at this moment that we _may_ have reached reached some of these limits12:30
ybit_at this moment_ as well12:31
* ybit is sick12:31
* ybit caught something from all the little kids and stinky grown-ups looking for school supplies last night12:31
ybitliterally, it was difficult to breathe around some of the customers12:32
genehackerheh that's funny fenn12:32
ybitlet's hope i'm working in a cleanroom soon12:32
genehackerwas it h1n1?12:32
genehackerif you turn up immune to it12:33
genehackercan I get some of your antibodies?12:33
* ybit is using some right now12:33
ybitit's illegal to share meds, but come on down (to florence, al) and i'll give you a few. it's not like it's the first time i've shared teh goods12:34
fennkanzure i'm working on adding a transform to each mate, fwiw (so we dont replicate work)12:34
genehackerI was only joking ybit12:36
ybityeah.. uh.. i was too... ;)12:36
kanzure1151: preparation of sonicated salmon sperm DNA12:40
* kanzure thought of genehacker12:40
genehackerit's a highly useful waste product of the salmon fishing industry!12:41
genehackerthough we can't rely on such sources12:41
genehackerwith global fish stocks the way they are12:42
genehackeri see why you don't use alibre kanzure12:47
genehackerwine isn't compatible with it12:48
-!- splicer [n=patrik@h55n1c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #hplusroadmap13:12
fennis there a way to make load_CAD shut up?13:20
kanzurenot to my knowledge :(13:42
kanzurehttp://adl.serveftp.org/protocol-online/library-of-protocols.txt this list might be incomplete because of a perl script error regarding wide characters (and because I'm in a hurry), but it's about ~2000 lines that associate titles to the protocols13:44
fennyou fucker13:51
fennrun john on your own computer13:51
fennhmm i guess it's been going for a week already?13:52
-!- kardan| [n=kardan@p54BE3385.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #hplusroadmap14:01
genehackerhuh kanzure you aren't torrenting on fenn's computer now are you?14:26
CIA-38skdb: fenn * r 7c52d66b63b6 /packages/threads/metadata.yaml: package needs name for package_file i guess14:43
CIA-38skdb: fenn * r 4226f25f028f / (7 files in 3 dirs): split stuff that depends on OCC into its own module.. this is the only way to include things from inside core/14:43
kanzurethere's no reason that package needs a name.. package_file should be able to figure out the package's name because when a package is instantiated it gets a package_name variable14:46
kanzureor at least it's supposed to get a package_name variable (even when loaded via yaml)14:46
fennplease explain with valid python14:47
fennyou know all this module stuff is really annoying14:48
* draz|lab making SDS-PAGE gell14:52
kanzureorigin interface: orientation=<0,0,1> at (0,0,0)14:57
kanzureor actually, orientation = <0,0,-1> at (0,0,0) so that everything is "right side up" when it's put into the system)14:57
CIA-38skdb: fenn * r 2c11b0062458 / (geom/geom.py paths.py): add a transform to the Part15:54
CIA-38skdb: fenn * r 09425a01f6be / (geom/geom.py paths.py): key binding, fight some more with transforms15:54
fenntodo: write some unit tests for interface transforms15:57
wrldpc2what was this stuff about atherosclerotic plaques as being a good compression strategy for vital compounds16:00
wrldpc2i need as much data on atherosclerotic plaques as possible.16:01
-!- kardan [n=kardan@p54BE3385.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #hplusroadmap16:22
kanzurehttp://adl.serveftp.org/protocol-online/full-librar.txt full index of all pages (for realz this time)17:08
-!- elias` [n=c@cs78208074.pp.htv.fi] has joined #hplusroadmap17:24
fennthat's only like 500 more than last time (around 2000->2500)17:30
ybitfenn: you mentioned ocr for these books... i don't know if that's the way to go...17:40
ybitthere are images to consider..17:40
ybitmaybe something more suited for this would be a script to straighten the images and then just concatenate the files into a pdf17:41
fenn" show the `best match so far' as search strings are typed:                                          17:41
fennset incsearch 17:41
ybitthough it would be nice to have the text in plain text format17:41
ybitstraighten, crop, fix the contrast, etc.17:42
ybithas anyone setup gnus with dovecot, offlineimap, and some mta?17:43
* ybit has been having troubles with dovecot17:44
ybitsome prefer courier to dovecot17:45
ybithttp://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/FuzzyOcrPlugin :: This plugin checks for specific keywords in image/gif, image/jpeg or image/png attachments, using gocr (an optical character recognition program). 17:46
ybit...for email17:47
* ybit assumes17:47
ybitfoss ocr programs: http://jocr.sourceforge.net/ :: http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/9676  17:49
ybit<-tesseract-> http://code.google.com/p/tesseract-ocr/ :: http://www.gnu.org/software/ocrad/ocrad.html :: Clara http://www.linux.org/apps/AppId_7668.html17:50
fenni haven't had much luck fos FOSS OCR17:51
bkeroybit: tesseract is the only one worth a damn17:51
bkeroand tesseract is a MOTHERBITCH TO SET UP17:51
ybitquirky is the word linux journal used17:51
CIA-38skdb: kanzure * r 5da2d5afacf7 /readme: update the readme to reflect new directory structure17:51
CIA-38skdb: kanzure * r 4150900e41dd /doc/BOMs/analytical-instrumentation: clean up analytical-instrumentation17:51
CIA-38skdb: kanzure * r 676387fba22a /doc/BOMs/analytical-instrumentation: yamlification of analytical-instrumentation17:51
bkeroWell, to set it up on gentoo17:51
bkeroI had to make ebuilds for 3 packages that weren't there17:51
kanzuretesseract is terrible for OCRing papers17:51
* kanzure is speaking from experience17:52
bkeroThat didn't have any point releases, so I had to roll back to a specific commit in revision control17:52
bkeroThen patch that17:52
bkeroThen isntall those, rename libraries, fix makefiles17:52
bkeroHave a hemmorage, sacrifice 3 cats17:52
* kanzure leers at CIA17:52
bkeroThen it might work17:52
kanzuregood bot17:52
ybit17:49 < bkero> Have a hemmorage, sacrifice 3 cats17:54
* ybit thinks twice about tesseract being mostly vegeterian and all ;)17:55
ybitwho did you have to pray for when sacrificing cats? almighty tux or 17:51 < ybit> 17:49 < bkero> Have a hemmorage, sacrifice 3 cats17:57
-!- elias` [n=c@unaffiliated/elias/x-342423] has quit [Connection timed out]17:57
ybitstupid putty pasting17:58
ybitjoke isn't funny now if it ever had a chance of being so.17:58
* ybit waves hands angrily at putty17:58
* ybit had an excuse to use the soldering station today. k-mart is installing hidden cameras because they suspect some employees are stealing, so i got to repair a spycam today18:00
CIA-38skdb: kanzure * r 68684a01d528 /doc/BOMs/analytical-instrumentation: bah, cleanup18:01
ybitdidn't get to go soldering, gramps became worse today :|18:01
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CIA-38skdb: kanzure * r bee06af5baec /doc/BOMs/analytical-instrumentation: more cleaning18:24
kanzureMeSH tree 2009: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/cgi/mesh/2009/MB_cgi18:51
kanzure"Laurie later revealed that he initially thought the show's central character was Dr. James Wilson. He assumed that House was a supporting part, until he received the full script of the pilot episode.[39] The son of a doctor, Ran Laurie, he said he felt guilty for "being paid more to become a fake version of [his] own father."[34] From the start of season 3, he was being paid $275,000 to $300,000 per episode, as much as three times what he had previously been making on the series.[40][41] By the show's fifth season, Laurie was earning around $400,000 per episode, making him one of the highest paid actors on network television.[42]"19:09
CIA-38skdb: kanzure * r df6b3bb73e08 /doc/proposals/biology-protocol-ontology.yaml: biology protocol ontology, not sure what to do with this19:42
kanzuredissociated cultures of cerebellar neurons: http://www.protocol-online.org/cgi-bin/prot/view_cache.cgi?ID=262419:44
kanzurehttp://www.jove.com/index/details.stp?ID=152 Culture of Mouse Neural Stem Cell Precursors (video protocol)19:45
kanzuredoesn't look like UT has access to currentprotocols? wtf? http://www.currentprotocols.com/cell-culture19:46
genehackerintravenous administration of adenosine causes feelings of doom19:47
draz|labkanzure: UT doesn't19:53
draz|labkanzure: I don't thing UB does either19:53
draz|labkanzure: aka I tried to get to current protocals the other day from your server19:53
-!- draz|lab is now known as drazak19:53
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kanzure"Microfluidic culture platform for neuroscience research"20:19
drazakkanzure: you get nature protocals though?20:43
drazakwe don't at the lab20:43
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kanzurevarious new neuro papers:21:03
-!- genehacker [n=noko@pool-173-57-41-223.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap21:10
QuantumGMost people work just hard enough not to get fired and get paid just enough money not to quit. 21:11
QuantumGCapitalism tries for a delicate balance: It attempts to work things out so that everyone gets just enough stuff to keep them from getting violent and trying to take other people's stuff.21:11
QuantumG - George Carlin21:11
kanzuresay something interesting please21:19
fenni found this amusing21:21
genehackerchoosing random wikipedia article21:36
genehacker"Bullet hell" (?? danmaku?, lit. "barrage" or "bullet curtain") is a shoot 'em up in which the entire screen is often almost completely filled with enemy bullets.[9] This type is also known as "curtain fire",[16] "manic shooters"[5] or "maniac shooters".[17] This style of game originated in the mid-1990s, and is an offshoot of scrolling shooters.21:37
ybitwhat's the best way to share your local files?21:46
ybitand let friends be notified of updates? 21:47
ybit|wget --mirror21:47
kanzureprobably rsync21:51
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ybiti like how you can make comments when committing via git, wonder how this could be done with rsync21:59
CIA-38brain: kanzure master * re17e9c4 / neuron-types.yaml : different types of neurons - http://bit.ly/JYvah21:59
ybitmeh, doesn't matter unless it's code or a todo.org21:59
ybitand both can be handled through git22:00
ybitsache just refers me back to tags bbdb and emacs on her site22:03
kanzureif you were going to give yourself a new sense, what would it be?22:07
kanzuretodd kinda cheated by implanting giant magnets in his fingertips22:07
kanzureinfrared vision might be nice22:07
kanzureybit: haha, so much for all that productivity22:07
ybitmeh, i kind of figured she was referencing her own maintained projects when she mentioned the other scripts in the linux world22:09
ybit\o/ Home-made Taq polymerase purification protocol22:09
ybitanyone here aside from me going the gnus|bbdb route?22:10
kanzurenot at the moment, too busy acting like I'm being productive22:10
ybiti've been having trouble with nnimap and ssl :|22:10
genehackerI want a distance sensor on my back22:10
ybitand yet kmail works in seconds -_-22:11
ybitgenehacker: rfid 22:11
ybitkmail+dovecot that is22:11
genehackerNo I want an ultrasonic sensor hooked up to a tactile stimulator22:11
kanzurenice overview: http://heybryan.org/books/Biology/neuro/neurotransmitters_niemczycki.txt22:12
genehackeralso want a radiation sense22:12
kanzurea geiger counter?22:12
genehacker*ionizing radiation22:12
genehackera geiger counter22:12
ybitre:pretending to be productive, well you and fenn have sure fooled me22:13
genehackerso if I drive past a uranium deposit I'll know22:13
kanzurehave you even tried running the code?22:13
ybitevery flippin hour i recieve about ~5 txts from twitter about skdb22:13
kanzureoh, did I not turn that off?22:13
kanzurewhy are you getting text messages22:13
ybitnah, but it's cool22:13
kanzuredoes it wake you up at three in the morning?22:14
ybitbecause i subscribe to people.. because sometimes i get distracted from thinking about my todo.org at work22:14
ybitheh, i turn my cell ringer to alarm only at night22:14
ybitvery nice overview of neurotransmitters22:16
genehackerkanzure automatic design discussion in reprap22:29
genehackertopic: PCB autorouters suck22:30
genehackersimilar problems might arise for automatic design22:31
ybitso.. apparently i've just recieved a lump sum of money but won't recieve it until i'm in my thirties..22:36
ybityay for money i may never recieve22:36
kanzurethat's how I felt when my dad died22:37
-!- genehacker [n=noko@pool-173-57-41-223.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]22:49
ybitwget http://dl.torrentreactor.net/download.php?id=1345063&name=Four+Tet+4+Album22:57
ybitfast download and good music22:57
-!- genehacker [n=noko@pool-173-57-41-223.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap23:06
ybitlocal huntsville makers channel is lame, all they talk about is movies and previous/upcoming meetings to discuss even more about movies23:52
genehackermore like watchers channel23:54
ybitpeople might say that this channel just tweets about nothing if it weren't for some of you actually contributing relevant content23:55
ybit[Wed May 27 2009] [17:46:18] <brim-ackis>       plotters, saws, engravers, hammers, ossiliscopes, etc23:55
ybitthat's what their shop consists of23:55
ybitin the process of obtaining a welder23:56
ybitsounds kind of lmae23:56
* ybit has that and more here23:56
genehackerdid you just say engraver?23:57
genehackerwhat sort of engraver?23:57
genehackerif it's not automatic then it's useless as far as I'm concerned23:57
ybitdunno, join #makerslocal and ask but don't be surprised if they completely ignore you and continue conversating about some movie they are or were watching23:57
genehackerwhat sort of movie?23:58
ybiti dunno23:58
* ybit ignored that part23:58
genehackersurely not the ones in theaters23:58
genehackeryou need to know what people discuss before you can derail their conversation23:59

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