
--- Day changed Sat Aug 15 2009
ybitstrages: also look into http://studierstube.icg.tu-graz.ac.at/handheld_ar/artoolkitplus.php 01:00
ybit..if you are looking into the artoolkit01:00
ybitoh yeah, link: http://studierstube.icg.tu-graz.ac.at/handheld_ar/artoolkitplus.php01:01
CIA-38skdb: kanzure * r f23019f08a16 /unittests/test_geom.py: make tests work01:20
kanzurewait, what?01:21
kanzurewhy does that work for me?01:21
kanzurethere's "geom.blah()" sprinkled throughout that file01:21
CIA-38skdb: kanzure * r 16ab66e6f3ee /unittests/test_geom.py: outline of further tests01:47
fennstupid perl scripts.. why is it chopping off two characters from the commit hash?02:03
-!- any20111617 is now known as katsmeow-afk02:18
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kanzurehey davidnunez 06:55
davidnunezhow's your fab lab coming?06:57
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* kanzure goes back to sleep (will be back soon)07:03
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kanzuretodo: fetch Hydrogen Storage On Carbonized Chicken Feather Fibers10:49
kanzurere: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/06/090623120833.htm10:49
kanzurefound that in an email from the spacesettlers mailing list asking whether or not chickens would have a role to play on a spacehab :p10:49
kanzurehttp://adl.serveftp.org/lab/super_what.py 11:32
kanzurefenn: any idea why the name attribute isn't what I think it should be?11:32
-!- elias` [n=c@cs78208074.pp.htv.fi] has joined #hplusroadmap12:01
kanzurehey elias` 12:02
-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 29 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 29 normal]12:02
flamoot"The problem with hydrogen as a gas or liquid is its density is too low," Wool says. "Using currently available technology, if you had a 20-gallon tank and filled it with hydrogen at typical room temperature and pressure, you could drive about a mile. When we started we didn't know how well carbonized chicken feathers would work for hydrogen storage, but we certainly suspected we could do a lot better than that."12:43
flamooti don't understand at all12:43
drazakI really should read about beta-catenin12:43
flamootdon't chicken feathers plus hydrogen take up more space than just hydrogen ?!12:43
flamootanyone please12:46
flamootis the hydrogen in -solid- form ?!?12:47
kanzuredrazak: I typoed the hell out of that. sorry12:57
kanzuremight be beta-catenein or beta-catinein or something :)12:57
flamoot13:49 <@flamoot> oh i can still remember julie tolentino12:59
flamoot13:49 <@flamoot> the dancing filipino12:59
flamoot13:49 <@flamoot> we used to run around12:59
flamoot13:49 <@flamoot> she and flouncin' freddy were goin hot and steady12:59
flamoot13:50 <@flamoot> now she runs a dike bar, the biggest one in town12:59
drazakkanzure: how did you typo the hell out of it?13:02
drazakI'm so confuzzled!13:02
flamootthat article actually really angried up my blood13:06
flamoot-i- cant picture any denser storage of hydrogen than as a compressed gas13:06
kanzuredrazak: by not checking whether or not I got the spelling correct13:18
kanzureis gp_Trsf._CSFDB_Getgp_Trsfloc supposed to return anything for a gp_Trsf that has been .SetTranslaton()'d ?13:18
drazakkanzure: why were you typing it anyway13:25
kanzurewas listing out some ideas for using neural stem cells13:27
drazakbeta-catenin doesn't have much to do with neural stem cells13:32
bkero9~p/win 2213:40
drazakwell, unless you mean because of wnt signaling13:41
* ybit is either going to purchase http://www.excaliberpc.com/590907/samsung-nc10-14gbk-160g-xp-10.2.html or http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=9370272&type=product&id=1218093001788&ref=06&loc=01&ci_src=14110944&ci_sku=9370272 within the next couple of weeks13:51
ybitunless anyone knows of something better?13:52
ybitbtw, if the treo 700w can handle AR apps, then the freerunner won't have a problem13:52
bkeroybit: Actually14:14
bkeroI'd recommend going on eBay and picking up a Fujitsu P162014:14
bkeroSame size as either of those, much higher resolution, and has an ultra low voltage core 2 duo instead of an atom.14:15
bkeroThey used to be really expensive, but circuit city lease returns all got shoved on eBay, and drove the market value way way down.14:15
bkeroalso it's a tablet :)14:16
drazakergh, what's the nmap flags for network discovery?14:17
drazakI want to know what hosts are online on my /2414:17
kanzurewell, for ping at least14:19
ybitbkero: what size keyboard is that? 14:23
bkeroybit: better than an aspire one, eee 10" and dell mini 9/10.14:24
bkeroI haven't measured the damn thing.14:24
ybitthe heh14:25
ybitjust wondering if it compares with the samsung netbooks, which have 93% and 97% regular notebook size keyboards14:25
* ybit has large hands14:26
ybitbkero: thanks for mentioning it14:27
bkeroI just got one.14:27
bkeroSIck of having 3 atoms in the house.14:27
bkeroNice, comes with a dock, extended battery, and dual battery charger14:27
CIA-38skdb: kanzure * r 596603ad27ae / (geom/geom.py unittests/test_geom.py): flesh out the Transform class, make the unit test for Translation pass14:51
fennkanzure: re super_what.py: doing "self =" in an init doesn't do what you want.. it just sets the local variable self to whatever, since python assigns by reference15:01
kanzureoh lovely15:01
fennso if you did print self.name right after assigning it, it'll say hello2 but otherwise say hello in the rest of the program15:01
fennbtw why do you want to do self = anyway?15:02
kanzurethat was a few hours ago, I figured out the right way to do it since then15:03
kanzureer, sort of. I figured out the right way but didn't implement it entirely.15:03
fennflamoot: the hydrogen is dissolved into the solid, so yeah i guess you could say it's in solid form15:04
fennflamoot: and to be a nit picker as usual, liquid hydrogen is denser than compressed hydrogen gas15:04
CIA-38skdb: kanzure * r f010c82ea8e8 /geom/geom.py: fix it so fenn doesn't get confused when he inevitably reads the code a15:06
* fenn tries to fix ciabot15:06
kanzurethat's probably their max message length15:06
kanzureoh, the last two characters15:07
fennthe first two chars of the commit hash15:07
fennsubstr($commit, 2, 12); probably has something to do with it15:08
drazakkanzure: the PI at my lab is going to be making oligos next week15:09
kanzureby hand?15:09
drazakhe's making them for gel shift assays, so they're radioactively labeled15:09
kanzuremaybe you mean he's just labeling them15:10
CIA-38skdb: kanzure stuff * r master /geom/geom.py: fix it so fenn doesn't get confused when he inevitably reads the code a15:10
drazakhe said he was making them15:10
fennwhat is 'stuff' supposed to be, a branch?15:10
kanzure'stuff' is not a branch over here.15:10
fennit was just what i typed when i ran the script15:11
CIA-38skdb: kanzure see? * r master /geom/geom.py: fix it so fenn doesn't get confused when he inevitably reads the code a15:11
kanzuredevil magic15:11
CIA-38skdb: kanzure * r 369247a /geom/geom.py: quick typo fix, also testing CIA15:12
drazakkanzure: I think he words were "i need to make oligonucleotides, the labs gonna get hot next week"15:12
kanzureit's just surprising if he's really bothering to do that15:13
drazakhe used to do it in grad school15:13
drazakI guess that's just what he does15:13
fenn__doc__ = gp_Trsf.__doc__15:13
fenn__doc__ = gp_Trsf.Inverted.__doc__15:14
drazakkanzure: he's going to do footprinting too15:14
fennyou're going to make gel molds of your feet, how fun!15:15
kanzurefenn: nope15:15
CIA-38skdb: kanzure * r 99648aa /geom/geom.py: worked on Rotation15:27
kanzurehm totally forgot about this: 325 def get_point(self): return list(self.__gp_Pnt_point.Coord())15:28
fennelif not gp_pnt == None: 15:36
fennsame as saying "elif gp_pnt"15:37
fennassertNotEqual( Point(1,2,3).Transformed(gp_Trsf()), Point(1,2,3))15:42
fennthat's wrong15:42
kanzurethey should be equal15:42
fennassertFalse(Point(1,2,3).Transformed(gp_Trsf()) is Point(1,2,3))15:42
kanzurepoint1 = Point(1,2,3)15:43
kanzurepoint2 = point1.Transformed(gp_Trsf())15:43
kanzureassertFalse(point1 is point2)15:44
fennsame thing15:44
* kanzure adds15:44
CIA-38skdb: kanzure * r ff60d0c /unittests/test_geom.py: test Point.Transform15:46
fennTypeError: __init__() should return None, not 'Point'15:58
kanzurewhy is __init__ returning something?15:58
fennbecause i'm stupid16:09
kanzureI can accept that answer.16:15
CIA-38skdb: fenn * r de77dc2 /geom/geom.py: modernizing safe_* functions16:20
CIA-38skdb: fenn * r 682b3cd / (geom/geom.py unittests/test_geom.py): remove safe_* functions, allow passing OCC_triple as first argument16:20
CIA-38skdb: fenn * r 0dc7f38 / (geom/geom.py unittests/test_geom.py): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://adl.serveftp.org/var/www/skdb16:20
* fenn gets out the butterknife16:20
kanzurefenn: test_yamlcrap.py is failing on test_bad_tag16:33
fennis Point.Transform supposed to change Point? i mean gp_Pnt.Transform modifies the point, but gp_Pnt.Transformed doesn't16:53
fenntest_bad_tag always failed16:53
kanzurePoint.Transform could be called Point.Transformed if you're having an anxiety attack about the name-switcha-roo16:53
kanzurePoint.Transform was supposed to return a new Point, not change the current self16:54
fennright, i think we should stick to OCC naming conventions if it's so close16:54
fenni mean you even capitalized the method16:54
fenni dont think we should have any attributes/variables named transform16:55
fennso it's a verb then16:55
fennnot a noun16:55
fennuse transformation if it's a noun16:56
fennfucking math people fucking everything up all the time16:56
CIA-38skdb: fenn * r 0f9d9cc / (geom/geom.py unittests/test_geom.py): fix bad init when passing gp_Pnt to Point16:57
fennsince when does "if 0" do something different than "if 1"17:09
fennif 1e-999: print 'hi'17:12
fennthis is bullshit17:12
kanzurein all other languages, "0" is considered to be "false"17:18
kanzureso that's why I keep finding it strange that you want me to do stuff like "if some_var"17:19
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CIA-38skdb: fenn * r 31c1c06 / (6 files in 5 dirs): not blah == None -> blah is not None17:37
-!- embraceunity [n=quassel@] has joined #hplusroadmap17:37
kanzurehey embraceunity 17:37
fenni think my not (x==None and y==None and z=None) was wrong anyway17:38
kanzuretry z==None17:38
fennit wasn't a type17:38
fenni mean the logic of the statement was wrong17:38
kanzureyou lose points for making typos about your typos17:38
fennshould have been x==None or ...17:38
fennthere wasn't any typo!17:38
kanzure"it wasn't a type"17:38
fenngo to hell17:39
kanzurebtw, Point().Transform() doesn't work17:39
kanzureI think your hack broke it17:39
fennwhat is Point() supposed to do?17:39
fenner. see this is why methods shouldnt be capitalized17:39
kanzureValueError: invalid null reference in method 'gp_Pnt_Transformed', argument 2 of type 'gp_Trsf const &'17:40
fennok so should class Transform: actually be called Transformation?17:41
kanzureone step at a time17:41
kanzuresure why not17:41
kanzurebut it's still broken anyway17:42
fenn>>> geom.Point(1,2,3).Transform(geom.Transform())                                                    17:42
fennPoint(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)17:42
CIA-38skdb: kanzure * r 7a0a62e / (geom/geom.py unittests/test_geom.py): added unit test for stacked transformations17:57
CIA-38skdb: kanzure * r f831921 / (6 files in 5 dirs): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://bryan@adl.serveftp.org/var/www/skdb17:57
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kanzureybit: I would appreciate it if you could somehow stalk me down a webkit+xpaths doohickey.19:20
kanzureand eventually I need to bother myself with setting up a squidproxy server somewhere19:31
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CIA-38skdb: kanzure * r 06fe686 / (5 files in 3 dirs): added a unit test for (basic) part mating transforms21:13
kanzuretest_geom.py fails somewhere but the failure is weird and was unexpected21:14
kanzurealso I think I meant to do Transformation.run() somewhere but I don't remember doing it, so watch out for it's lackage21:17
CIA-38skdb: kanzure * r 7ffb2d3 /pymates/pymates.py: fix pymates imports21:57
kanzureso now it's just a matter of writing the correct unit tests in test_geom.py to make sure mate_connection() in geom.py works correctly. (it currently does not.)21:58
ybithrm, so kanzure, you, samrose, and smari are developers of openkollab?22:07
ybitthere is an irc channel #openkollab22:08
kanzurewhat the hell is openkollab22:14
kanzurefrom what I can tell, it's nathan's attempt at hijacking om22:15
-!- tropology_ [n=michael@adsl-68-255-103-62.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #hplusroadmap22:29
kanzurehi tropology_ 22:29
-!- tropology [n=michael@adsl-76-223-1-47.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]22:38
kanzuretodo: mate first part with origin and some direction at origin22:42
ybitopenkollab, from what i've gathered and veriefied on their irc channel is an initiative to develop collaboration tools...22:58
ybithttp://www.societyofrobots.com/robot_ERP.shtml 23:38
ybithttp://ros.sourceforge.net/ :: robot operating system23:39
ybithttp://wagn.org/Explore_Organize_Thrive is what openkollab is basing their development around23:41
fennybit: if you know why my name is on the openkollab page please tell23:46
ybiti have no clue23:52
ybiti was surprised to see all those names on there and no discussion about it23:52
fenni was to busy looking at pictures like http://media.englishrussia.com/jungle_pet/1_016.jpg to fix it23:54
-!- marainein [n=marainei@220.253-229-53.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #hplusroadmap23:55
ybitFolding DNA into Twisted and Curved Nanoscale Shapes is in /usorted23:56
ybitmeh, lame23:57
ybitwhere's the cad program all these news outlets speak of23:57
fennwhat's this supposed to mean, "beware of underwater robotic tentacles"? http://englishrussia.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/000dqw64.jpg23:58
fennybit: nanorex?23:58
ybitis it nanorex?23:59

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