
--- Day changed Tue Aug 18 2009
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flamoothttp://hardware.slashdot.org/story/09/08/17/1938243/IBM-Scientists-Build-Computer-Chips-From-DNA biotech lithography01:45
ybitkanzure: feel free to upload underground sources of adderall and modafinil at anytime within the next few seconds :)01:50
fennthe whole point is to not have to use a chip01:51
fennybit based on my observations of kanzure i dont think adderall is necessarily an enhancer01:52
QuantumGnever read the slashdot summary (let alone the title) as representative of the article01:52
ybitfenn: how so?01:53
QuantumGit's pretty cool, they're doing DNA origami with lithographic guides01:53
fennybit: well it just seems to make you keep doing whatever you're doing01:53
ybitor was that a joke lost in teh interwebs?01:53
fennwhether it's a good idea or not01:53
fennThe company is researching ways in which DNA can arrange itself into patterns on the surface of a chip, and then act as a kind of scaffolding on to which millions of tiny carbon nanotubes and nanoparticles are deposited. That network of nanotubes and nanoparticles could act as the wires and transistors on future computer chips01:54
fennit's not lithography01:54
fenncalling it a 'chip' is also misleading because the process is inherently 3D01:55
QuantumGread the article ffs01:55
fennwhat article01:55
fenn"A paper describing the scientists' achievements was due to be published Sunday" is so fucking specific01:56
fennwhy does everyone have to start talking as soon as i decide to go to bed01:57
fennwell, whatever. you can get TFA yourself if you want it01:58
fennand btw i hate slashdot01:58
QuantumGbut yes, the fact that they take something as low tech and cool as dna origami and then go throw it at million dollar hardware and make a big deal that they get good results is pretty ironic.01:59
fenni just hope they manage to keep their patent grubbing paws off of my substrate02:00
-!- wrldpc2 [n=benny@pool-173-48-253-182.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap02:07
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--- Log closed Tue Aug 18 03:12:56 2009
--- Log opened Tue Aug 18 03:13:08 2009
-!- kanzure [i=bryan@] has joined #hplusroadmap03:13
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kanzureany idea where genehacker has been?06:43
kanzuremakebase.org ?07:17
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drazakwe're diying some shit at the lab07:37
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draz|labkanzure: I'm all for open source, but rms is extremem08:32
kanzurerms isn't open source08:59
ybitheh, good point09:46
ybitdraz|lab: how is he 'extreme'?09:46
kanzureare women supposed to be attracted to tentacle porn?09:46
ybitmaybe if they are women with tentacles09:47
ybitdoes that lists underground suppliers? ;)09:47
kanzureI seriously don't know how to figure out a list of underground suppliers09:48
kanzureotherwise I would already have it09:48
-!- kardan_ [n=kardan@p54BE2FBC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #hplusroadmap09:48
kanzurelet me repeat: I suck at infiltrating the underground world of undergrounds09:48
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ybitapparently you can buy marijuana online09:50
ybiti was asking around about it and several of my friends who know growers say you buy it online09:50
ybitthat has to be the most unsafe way of going about obtaining pot09:50
ybitpot +seeds09:50
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* ybit isn't looking to grow for the record09:51
ybitdea, please don't bust down my doors today, i want to have a productive day without such nonsense09:51
ybitlet's see.. 09:57
kanzurewhat about it?09:57
ybitwhoops 09:57
ybitwhat else am i missing?09:57
kanzureoh shit I forgot about bio.cc09:58
kanzurethanks, I thought it was in another folder09:58
* kanzure should link to there instead09:58
ybitjust trying to figure out how to go about creating a network of rsync mirrors09:58
ybithow to figure out which papers to include is the question at hand09:59
kanzureI think adl should be the rsync mirror for now09:59
kanzureer, maybe not actually09:59
kanzureif eugen can find some high bandwidth server somewhere that would be hawt09:59
ybitmaybe just find 3-4 people willing to setup a mirror, and whatever they put up, you mirror09:59
kanzureadl could be a mirror I guess10:00
ybitwell then we have 4 people willing 10:01
kanzurehow did you get superkuh?10:14
ybitwhat do you mean get?10:19
ybitoh, no.. he isn't willing10:19
ybiti haven't asked, maybe he is10:19
ybitit's you, me, ted, eugen10:19
kanzureted who?10:20
ybitted smith10:20
ybitdunno, said he was game when i asked who was willing to host some stuff10:20
ybitguess the first couple of sentence are confusing10:27
draz|labto eat lunch of not to eat lunch10:30
ybitto not and explain why rms is extreme :)10:31
fennrms is an extreme reformist, which is not extreme enough10:38
fennbut he generally has the right idea10:38
kanzurepeople like to misunderstand him, even though his whole thing is him trying to distinguish himself from the open source movement10:38
fennthere is no "open source movement"10:38
fennthat's an organization10:39
kanzuredon't they promote the existence of "an open source movement"?10:39
fenni suppose10:39
fennOpen Source Initiative was formed and chose the term open source, in Michael Tiemann's words, to "dump the moralizing and confrontational attitude that had been associated with 'free software' in the past and sell the idea strictly on the same pragmatic, business-case grounds that had motivated Netscape."10:40
fennwhich is funny because netscape had to be dragged kicking and screaming, even though they were basically bankrupt10:40
kanzurewonder why rms chose 'free software' instead of something more googleable10:41
fenngoogle didnt exist in 198010:41
fennbesides, GNU is pretty googleable10:42
kanzureGNU is one particular free software project (er, umbrella)10:42
kanzure"The GNU Project was launched in 1984 to develop a complete Unix-like operating system which is free software: the GNU system."10:42
fennfrom stallman's point of view, software isn't free unless it's GPL :P10:42
kanzurehuh gnu.org got a facelift10:43
Phreedomfenn: not so10:43
fennPhreedom: fine, fine10:43
Phreedomfenn: it's free if it satisfies some conditions10:43
Phreedomgpl is one of tools which make it possible10:43
fennPhreedom: lawrence lessig is saying we should defend copyright because without it GPL would be unenforceable :(10:44
kanzureI like how gnu.org's philosophy page explains that they limit themselves to software because software is easier to copy than a chair10:44
kanzure"Free software is a matter of freedom: people should be free to use software in all the ways that are socially useful. Software differs from material objects—such as chairs, sandwiches, and gasoline—in that it can be copied and changed much more easily. These possibilities make software as useful as it is; we believe software users should be able to make use of them."10:45
fenner, s/defend/not totally abolish/10:45
kanzuresandwiches have just as many recipes as software10:45
kanzurewhy not call it "freedom software" ?10:48
kanzureor "freedom ware" :p10:48
fenni guess we're stuck with "free-libre" and "free-beer"10:49
fenngood luck getting americans to say a foreign word10:49
kanzurehuh these gnu.org pages are hard to read10:50
kanzurestallman sucks at writing as much as I do10:50
fennno he is much better than you at writing10:50
kanzurethis page sucks10:51
fennor maybe he just works on it more10:51
fennwhy don't you like it?10:51
kanzurehe goes on and on about how different the terms are without explaining the differences10:51
kanzurehe draws up a few strawmen and says that the OSI isn't interested in the moral imperative of freedom10:52
fennwell, they aren't, according to the quote i just pasted10:52
kanzurewas the source of the quote rms?10:52
fennno it was michael tiemann10:53
fennscroll up plz10:53
kanzurehah sorry I did scroll up to re-read it and totally neglected to see tiemann there10:54
Phreedomkanzure: well the difference is that open source cares about opening sources, while fsf cares about satisfying the criterias of free software10:54
Phreedomthere are differences10:55
Phreedomtivoisation, patents and whatnot10:55
kanzureI have never, ever heard it like that, phreedom10:55
kanzurethat "they care about .. opening sources"10:56
fennsome unscupulous businesses have taken OSI quotes and turned it around to mean just that10:56
fenn"look at us, we're cool and open source (and if you redistribute this code we'll kill you)"10:57
* kanzure queues up the hounds for releasal10:57
PhreedomBSD=open source10:57
Phreedomyou can close the sources and patent algos10:58
fennis BSD patented or tivoized?10:58
fenncan i redistribute, modify, and use BSD for whatever purpose?10:58
Phreedomfenn: you can, yes10:58
fennso why not say BSD=Free software?10:59
Phreedombut it doesn't protect you from $SOME_EVIL_CORP doing nasty things10:59
Phreedomlike tivoisation or simply withholding sources10:59
Phreedomeg I have a BSD formware in my router10:59
Phreedombut I can't modify it10:59
fennyou can't modify it?10:59
fennbecause you don't have the source10:59
fennso then it must not be "open source"10:59
Phreedomit's some BSD os10:59
Phreedombut it doesn't help me at all11:00
fenni don't understand.. how is it open source if you don't have the source?11:00
kanzure"He did not miss the point of the Open Source movement. That movement does not say users should have freedom, only that allowing more people to look at the source code and help improve it makes for faster and better development."11:00
Phreedomit's open source which suddenly becomes closed source11:00
Phreedomthere are no safeguards11:00
fennwell then it wasn't open source in the first place11:01
Phreedomfenn: you are arguing about semantics of words11:02
Phreedomwhich is not correct11:02
fennif you don't have the source code then WTF is the point of all this word play11:02
Phreedomyes, this is a word play11:03
Phreedomwe are talking about specific distribution/license terms11:03
kanzureno we're not11:03
Phreedomgenerally called open soruce and free software11:03
Phreedomone allows tivoisation, other tries to resist it as much as possible11:03
fennkanzure: hardware lock-in to a specific binary compiled from ostensibly open source software11:04
Phreedomone ignores patents, other tries to keep patent troubles to a minimum11:04
Phreedomone allows closing of the sources, other doesn't11:04
PhreedomSPECIFIC terms11:04
Phreedomnot some general meaning of words open and source11:05
fenn'allows closing of the sources' doesn't seem very open source to me11:05
fennyou might as well make it public domain11:05
kanzureI think I'll stop using the word "open source"11:05
kanzurebut "free software" is ungoogleable11:05
fennkanzure: freedom of software, or free-libre11:05
PhreedomBSD = an attempt at making stuff public domain, while still forcing people to say who created it11:06
Phreedomyeah enlgish sucks in this area11:06
Phreedommost other languages have different words for free and free11:06
kanzurethat's not the real issue, phreedom11:06
kanzurethere's a difference between freedom and free11:06
kanzurefreedom beer and free beer11:07
ybittada, english suceeds11:07
Phreedomkanzure: freedom source? eh?11:07
ybit11:01 < Phreedom> most other languages have different words for free and free11:07
ybit11:01 < kanzure> there's a difference between freedom and free11:07
Phreedomfreedom is a noun11:07
fennffs just say "freedom of"11:08
kanzurefenn: I'm not trying to do word-play11:08
Phreedomwhich isn't and exact translation11:08
kanzurethere's actually a subtle concept that isn't being conveyed11:08
fennit's not word-play, it's a standard way of describing rights11:08
PhreedomXXX is freedom of software... doesn't sound good either11:09
fennand has a bonus of evoking grade school brainwashing (at least in america)11:09
kanzurefenn: intentional proactionary acts of freedom11:09
fenn"freedom of software movement"?11:10
fennNo results found for "freedom of software movement".11:10
fennany idea what this is about? 'The last straw was when the FSF started threatening open source software projects with lawsuits for the "crime" of being stretched too financially thin to reasonably comply with the onerous demands of the GNU General Public License.'11:21
fennhmm this is interesting. see Q4 Q5 and Q6 http://www.mepis.org/node/1072511:23
kanzure"unencumbered redistribution"11:25
fenn"pre-shaved yaks"11:28
kanzurewhat do you do once you get your yak shaved anyway?11:28
fennit's on russ nelson's t-shirt (president of OSI for one week)11:28
kanzuredo you herd them?11:28
fennkanzure: whatever you were doing before you started shaving it11:28
kanzureheh is freedom anything more than the unfettered, unencumbered redistribution of pre-shaved yaks?11:29
kanzurei'm not asking a philosophical question11:30
fenndepends if you are considering the freedom of an individual or multiple individuals11:30
kanzureso an individual isn't a yak?11:30
kanzureor, what?11:30
fennyou know what yak shaving is right?11:30
kanzureI've been accused of yak shaving11:31
fennwell, freedom doesn't particularly have anything to do with receiving pre-shaved yaks11:31
kanzuredoesn't it?11:31
fennit's a byproduct11:31
kanzurepre-shaved yaks are a byproduct?11:32
fennthere is no "wealth for all" movement as far as i can tell11:32
kanzurehow could that be? pre-shaved yaks don't come from wooly yaks .. they come from yaks that know when they have the wolf's fur pulled over them.11:32
fennyou're confusing yaks with yak shavers11:33
kanzureer, what's the term for "being fooled" that involves a wolf and fur or something?11:33
fennsheep shape11:33
fennwolf of nine tails11:34
kanzurepulling the sheep's wool over the eyes11:34
kanzurewolf's in sheep clothing11:34
fennthat's so 1800's11:34
fennyes i know. i just didn't want to say it first11:35
kanzureanyway, that might not be it11:35
kanzureyaks and yak shavers are not different imo11:35
fennwell i suppose "all is 1" if you get down to it11:35
fennbut as a practical matter, matter and energy are not equivalent11:36
fennand neither are programs and programmers11:36
fennmaybe once you become an atomic programmer11:37
kanzurepre-shaved yaks are a byproduct of yak shavers. ok. but the yak shavers use pre-shaved yaks (tools) to shave the yaks anyway, or else they would be sued by the big bad civilization on the horizon.11:37
fennnature provides free yaks11:37
* ybit wonders what's with all this yacking about yaks11:38
kanzuremy point is that 'freedom' actually just means the unencumbered redistribution of yaks (but it's most likely the pre-shaved ones will be redistributed more often)11:39
kanzurebut I was asking fenn whether or not that made sense11:39
kanzureand he said freedom didn't have much to do with the receiving of pre-shaved yaks11:39
fenni just thought it was a funny t-shirt11:40
fennplenty of free software involves yak shaving11:41
fennin fact it's almost the definition of software development11:41
kanzureer my point was to just get a better definition of 'freedom' than the vague nonsense that others tout all the time11:41
kanzure"without externally imposed restraints"11:42
fennfreedom is the ability to do whatever you want without fear of consequences11:42
kanzureok, "without externally imposed threats"11:43
fennthere's also stuff like "freedom from suffering" or "freedom of powered flight" or whatever11:44
fennthose might just be metaphors though11:44
kanzureyeah a lot of "rights" that people supposedly "have" are just political wishy-washy pieces of crap11:45
fenn"freedom of speech" really means "you won't be shot for saying whatever"11:45
kanzurewhich isn't true11:46
fenner, "freedom of press" might have originally meant the same thing, but has come to mean something different11:46
kanzureyou *will* be shot regardless of whether or not you have a "freedom of speech"11:46
kanzurea freedom of speech doesn't stop bullets 11:46
fenni mean "we won't shoot you"11:46
fennand associated stuff like "we won't stand by and let someone shoot you, if reasonably possible"11:47
fennlike when worf spared whatsisname.. then the king was like "fine i'll just get your brother to do it instead"11:48
fenni dont really know what that principle is called11:48
kanzurethat klingon should have just killed both worf and his brother, klingons are supposed to be vicious like that11:49
fenndon't you know enterprise officers are invincible?11:49
fenninteresting map http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Reporters_Without_Borders_2008_Press_Freedom_Rankings_Map.PNG11:52
fennNamibia is more free than US11:52
kanzurehah. "the declaration of unencumberence is where .. a person declares their unencumberence and accepts their freedom.'11:52
kanzureok back to work with me11:53
ybitbkero: know of a better deal? you seem to be up on this kind of stuff :)12:02
ybithttp://www.memorylabs.net/sebast721sa3.html :: that's not a bad deal: 1.5tb 32mb $12012:04
kanzure32mb cache?12:05
kanzureybit: try this? http://torvalds-family.blogspot.com/2008/10/so-i-got-one-of-new-intel-ssds.html12:07
kanzurewoah ridiculously expensive12:12
kanzureyou might as well buy a tape drive12:12
kanzure"As of 2008, the highest capacity tape cartridges (Sun StorageTek T10000B, IBM TS1130) can store 1 TB of data without using compression." wtf?12:15
kanzurethat's weak12:15
kanzurehell yes: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tape_library12:15
kanzure10 cents per GB? wtf is this crap12:16
ybithttp://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=2145406&pagenumber=1&RSort=4&csid=ITD&recordsPerPage=5&body=#ReviewStart or http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=4323601&pagenumber=1&RSort=4&csid=ITD&recordsPerPage=5&body=#ReviewStart12:19
ybithttp://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=4605437&Sku=D162-1020 looks pretty12:20
ybitno eSATA port though12:21
ybitand maybe lastly http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=4143852&RSort=4&csid=ITD&body=#ReviewStart12:25
kanzurecan you make magnetic tape with polystyrene or boPET polyester, gamma ferric oxide, chromium dioxide, organic resin ?12:27
kanzureiron oxide was used in the 1950s for half-inch magnetic tape12:27
kanzureheh bits per inch12:27
ybithttp://arstechnica.com/open-source/news/2005/12/linux-20051218.ars/ :: Fish: the fridnly interactive shell. 12:29
ybitFish: the friendly interactive shell12:29
ybitTired of those same old shells? Linux.Ars has an in-depth look at fish, a GPLed command-line shell for Linux and other Posix-like system. Also, Developers Corner looks at new Javascript features in Firefox 1.5.12:29
ybitLast updated December 18, 2005 8:00 PM CT12:29
kanzurehuh there's such a thing as "magnetic ink" 12:30
kanzureer, used for tapes I mean12:30
kanzurenot e-ink stuff12:30
kanzure"This screenshot shows fish flagging a misspelled option for ls. fish also flags such errors as mistyped files, command names and mismatched parenthesis."12:32
fenni didn't like fish.. don't remember why12:38
fennhmm thats sorta lame12:40
fennshows prompt as ~/c/s/doc>12:40
fennbut typing cd ~/c<tab>s<tab>doc won't actually get you there12:40
draz|labbits per inch12:41
fennhelp launches a browser in fish? wtf12:43
fennok that's enough of that12:44
bkeroybit: Just saw your post12:46
bkeroybit: You can get better ones for cheaper on newegg12:46
bkeroand you don't have to deal with tigerdirect :)12:46
ybitfenn: /me wasn't advocating switching to fish, it just had some nice ideas to implement in your own shell (zsh ftw)12:52
ybitwww.pricewatch.com is nice also, just in case nobody here knew about it..12:54
fennfroogle works pretty well if you aren't trying to squeeze out the last penny13:06
fenn<- allergic to bullshit13:06
bkeroHehe fish13:19
bkeroI remember using pricewatch back in middle/high school13:19
bkeroNowadays I just use newegg if it's around the cheapest price13:19
bkeroEither that or zipzoomfly13:19
CIA-31skdb: fenn * r 50d0ae1 /geom/geom.py: fix move_shape and point_shape so coordinate_arrows works13:25
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ybitwtf. who, why. i will bop them on the head for this!13:47
ybitguess i should bop myself on the head for closing the emacs session13:48
-!- Phreedom [n=quassel@] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]13:49
kanzurehuh the people on the phone at nsf are actually helpful13:50
ybitoh that reminds me13:51
kanzurethey transferred me to this guy:13:51
ybitneed to call the phs13:51
kanzurethat page is somewhat worth reading btw14:02
kanzure"Manufacturing Maps: A New Math Model for 3-D Tolerance Analyses in Process Planning, CMM Inspection and Statistical Process Control"14:11
fenn"education had utterly destroyed his abilities to do engineering design. So he figured that, if he couldn't do design, the next best thing would be to teach it."  anyone else see the problem in this logic?14:23
fennnote to self: order of gp_Trsf.Multiply() statements do indeed matter14:27
kanzuredo you run up or down the tree? re: Transform.run()14:28
fennwhy do you say run instead of walk?14:29
kanzurewalk is fine14:30
fennthe algo is wrong too14:30
fennyou have to multiply by each node along the way, not just the root nodes14:31
fenner leaf nodes14:31
* fenn squints at it14:32
-!- kardan__i is now known as kardan14:33
kanzureI'm not convinced anyone gets funded via unaffiliated grants 14:35
fenni never said they did14:35
fennwhy get_children()?14:36
fennwhy  return_list = copy(self.children)14:37
fennthe way i'd do this is apply(self.Multiply, self.walk)14:38
fennalso i dont think it's the transform that's a tree14:40
fennthe connections form a tree (actually a graph but i'm too lazy for that right now)14:41
kanzurewhat the hell is apply()14:42
kanzurethe connections do not form a tree because parts are connected, but that doesn't mean that the CAD has to be rotated in a particular way14:43
kanzurethe connections do form a tree, but not the same one14:43
fennsorry, map() not apply()14:43
fennwell a particular single transformation sure as hell isn't a tree14:44
kanzureyeah it's just a node14:44
fennso why is it a tree?14:44
kanzurebecause a transform is built on top of other transforms14:45
kanzureyou apply the transform separately14:45
kanzuredon't you?14:45
fennright now?14:45
fenntrouble parsing "don't you?"14:45
kanzureum, "because of OCC, right?"14:45
fennare you asking the right way to do things or the way it currently works?14:46
kanzureI think OpenCASCADE transforms only work when you do one thing at a time14:46
kanzureand thus why I made a little tree dealy14:46
fennall transforms work that way14:46
* fenn abandons this conversation and returns to writing code14:48
kanzurehuh unaffiliated individuals might be able to apply for NSF equipment grants14:48
fennthere's no particular reason universities should be preferred, it's just that supposedly they are cheaper than doing it on your own14:48
fennbecause they provide facilities and so on14:48
draz|labok, gel is running15:01
kanzurehuh I'm getting a check for $0.01 from a brokerage account15:09
draz|labthey really value you15:10
draz|labit's like seinfeld, 100 checks for .40$15:10
kanzurewhat would happen to the economy if everyone wrote checks for only pennies at a time?15:11
kanzureer, when the paper becomes more valuable than the numbers written on them15:12
ybithmm.. is it possible to get ahold of anesthetic agents if i'm not a doctor?..15:14
CIA-31skdb: fenn * r 88ca5cd /paths.py: nothing to see here. move along, citizen.15:16
CIA-31skdb: fenn * r 4cacce9 /doc/todo/TODO: typo15:16
CIA-31skdb: fenn * r 4af0d74 / (5 files in 3 dirs): transform is a verb. transformation is a noun.15:16
ybitit might be near impossible for a hackerspace to implant an mea in a mouse if ya aren't allowed to use the required tools15:16
fennlike a mouse15:16
CIA-31skdb: fenn * r 1ee4ac1 /paths.py: missed a few15:19
ybitgettong this stuff isn't difficult. not sure why i forgot about co2's effects wearing off, if given in an appropriate dosage15:24
kanzurefenn: many anesthetic agents traditionally come from plants15:29
kanzureno clue about "modern" anesthetics however15:29
ybitAvertin is made by mixing equal amounts of tribromyl ethyl alcohol and tertiary amyl alcohol, then diluted to 2.5% in water or saline. Avertin has toxic degradation products, therefore, only a freshly mixed solution should be used. The 2.5% solution must be stored at 4?C in the dark. The pH of the 2.5% solution must be above 5.15:31
kanzureyou can get a mouse from a local breeder15:32
kanzurehowever you should check their living arrangements before purchasing a batch of mice from whoever15:32
kanzurethis is usually how high school psych teachers do it apparently15:32
kanzurethe NSF guy called me back and explained how ridiculously screwed I was15:33
kanzurehe even drew me a probability distribution curve15:33
kanzuresomething about less than a 1e-5 chance 15:33
kanzurehe was actually quite a friendly guy15:34
kanzurebut it's easy to be friendly when delivering ungood news15:34
fennwhat if you were affiliated with a nonprofit15:34
kanzureeven then15:34
kanzurehe recommended "the small business" sector15:35
kanzurebasically he said that unaffiliated individuals essentially means "people with three nobel prizes"15:35
kanzure"and they happen to also be retired"15:35
kanzures/sector/division of NSF/15:35
fennpeople with three nobel prizes have honorary positions at 20 universities15:35
kanzureno kidding15:35
kanzurehow does that work anyway?15:36
kanzurefenn, I nominate you for an honorary position at the University of Asspirates15:36
fennreputation currency or something15:36
fennwe asspire to surprise sexcellence15:36
ybiti bet that's going to be an interesting email "hi i'm unaffiliated with a university and was interested in the legality of euthanizing mice. kthnxbye"15:40
kanzureyou should probably call other countries, to be honest15:41
ybitif all else fails, put the research on a motherf'n boat15:41
kanzuresome agency in england :p15:41
ybit"stupid americans"15:41
fennwhy would brick.interfaces[0] be of type "function transformed in module geom.geom"15:49
fenn(transformed is the name of the function)15:49
kanzurewhy is an interface a function?15:50
fennfrom geom import *; print i15:50
fennwell it still doesn't explain why 'Direction' object has no attribute 'x'15:51
kanzureI have no idea what you are talking about15:52
kanzurecan you please just tell us what you do that generates the problems?15:52
CIA-31skdb: fenn * r db133e8 /paths.py: why doesnt this work?15:54
kanzurewhy doesn't what work15:54
kanzurecontextless angry comments about code are useless15:55
fenndo 'git show' to get just that commit15:55
kanzurejust because you modified a certain section of code doesn't mean it's the topic of your complaints15:55
fennwhat else would i be talking about?15:56
kanzurehow the hell do I know?15:56
kanzurethat's why I asked15:56
fennyou look at the diff15:56
fennjust run it plz15:56
fennthen repeat the same steps by hand in bpython and note any differences15:56
kanzurewhat same steps?15:56
fennit's probably something i should have seen by now15:57
kanzureis it test_transformation()?15:57
fennwhen you run paths.py test_transformation gets called automatically15:57
fennwhy would i be complaining about something totally different from what i modified in the file? that doesn't make any sense15:58
fennoh btw i just discovered how to do an interactive shell with bpython16:01
fennfrom paths import display16:01
kanzurewhat about it?16:01
kanzureare you sure it updates teh display?16:01
kanzurebecause it's porbably just the one where you move it over the window and it freezes16:01
kanzureor it steals context if you do display.start_display()16:01
fennit opens up a blue window and i can do display.DisplayShape(blah)16:01
kanzuredoes it steal context?16:02
fennit changes the window focus but meh16:02
kanzureif you move a window over it, and then off of it, does it still show?16:02
kanzuredoesn't look like it16:02
kanzurewhat's wrong with the ipython interactive shell?16:03
fennthe window grays out but you can still add stuff to it with display.DisplayShape16:03
kanzuredoesn't happen with ipython16:03
fennor display.Repaint()16:03
fenni hate ipython16:03
kanzureis there a way to call a method every n time-units?16:03
fennyou could spawn a thread but i don't know much about that16:04
kanzurein javascript there's a way16:04
kanzureno, I just want to call a method every 5 seconds, or something16:04
fennwhile True; os.sleep(5); blah()16:04
fennno yourself16:04
kanzuredo you know javascript?16:04
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fenni gotta go16:04
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ybitwaiting to hear back from http://www.fda.gov/AnimalVeterinary/ScienceResearch/default.htm16:15
ybitcould take up to two days to hear back, kanzure, what were you asking the nsg guy about?16:16
kanzureabout the mention of "unaffiliated individuals" in the nsf grant docs16:17
ybitgetting a grant while not being affiliatd with a uni?16:17
kanzurebecause frankly it seemeed weird16:17
kanzuresince nobody ever ever talks about it16:17
ybitso who are those unaffiliated individuals?16:17
kanzurepeople with three nobel prizes16:17
ybitwhat about someone who dominates in # of responses to email lists ;)16:18
ybityou sending lots of emails, meh.16:19
ybitPhreedom: what's with you using quassel?16:19
ybithow dare you abandon ship of the kde efforts ;)16:19
ybiti probably shouldn't tell the lady who asks where do you plan on obtaining anesthetic agents "from my local drug dealer of course, but don't anyone"16:23
ybitbobke: howdy, who are you?16:25
ybithi mason-l 16:25
bobkehody, fine thnx16:25
bobkedid you find out i use quassel too? :)16:25
ybitgood, goood.. now who are you affiliated with, and if you are unaffiliated, do you have 3 nobel prizes?16:26
bobkei'm unaffiliated :)16:26
ybitwith 3 nobel prizes?16:27
* ybit crosses fingers16:27
ybitrats and turtles16:27
ybitso what is your interest and what is that you do?16:27
bobkei'll take a screen of what i'm doing16:27
ybitand how come i've never seen you until now, i ask myself16:28
ybitit better not be anything sexually oriented toward my mum16:28
ybiti wouldn't do anything to you, i'd probably just have a hard time talking to you afterward16:28
kanzureybit: are you high16:29
kanzurewhy not apply this energy to skdb?16:29
kanzuregit clone http://adl.serveftp.org/skdb.git16:29
ybitheh, no. but i do have some wonderful bread being digested by my stomach right now.. and some pineapple orange juice16:29
ybiti am installing ncache atm16:29
ybitand mostly talking16:29
kanzurebobke: weird stats bar to the left16:30
ybitbobke: so what is this for?16:31
bobkeit's a toy i'm playing with16:31
ybithey it's better than sports16:31
bobkethe point is to evolve critters that show interesting behaviours16:32
ybitdo you play with the code any?16:32
bobkeof course, it's mine16:32
bobkeright now i'm trying to get the bodyparts from intersecting16:33
kanzurehm display.Repaint() doesn't work16:39
kanzureoh, nevermind16:39
kanzurewx.CallLater() doesn't work, then.16:39
kanzureybit: honestly the mice are the last step :p16:40
ybitah, so you wrote the little program. neato. sorry, i was afk, kanzure brought down the whip and made me start working16:40
kanzureybit: get to work on your microcontroller designs16:40
kanzuredamn right I did16:40
kanzureback to work!16:40
ybitncache 2.3 won't compile with nginx version newer then 0.7.43 it seems16:59
ybitso, so sad16:59
kanzuredoesn't seem to do anything: http://wiki.wxpython.org/Timer17:00
-!- draz|lab is now known as drazak17:03
fennwah. why aren't there debs for pythonOCC yet?17:11
kanzureprobably because we're the only two losers using it17:12
ybitnginx, itself, can be used as a caching proxy17:14
ybitmaybe i'm jumping ahead of myself setting this up since i don't even have a method of extracting relevant text from pages of interest17:17
kanzurehaving it cache data gives you incentive to do something with the data17:18
fennkanzure: you broke it!17:18
fennmuch better17:18
kanzurehad to crab a 70kb xmms dependency17:19
* kanzure nods17:20
kanzurehad it on leibniz:/mnt/maxtor/software/17:20
* ybit wonders where xpathBrowser.js is17:26
bobkemaybe on hitler:/seagate ?17:27
bobkesry :)17:27
drazaknah, that's only  if you're running windows 717:30
kanzurehuh? I'm using an old version of "mv"? how is that possible17:34
ybitit's highly simple to extract the data with twill17:34
ybitxpathextract <dataName> <xpath>17:34
ybitmv hasn't moved along? *comedy drums*17:35
kanzurelooks like it doesn't support javascript17:35
fennwow.. hitler != leibniz by  along shot17:36
ybityeah, i just read some dev saying it doesn't support it17:37
kanzureybit: but twill in javascript means you could just append it to the page as it loads in uzbl/webkit17:37
kanzure(like in greasemonkey)17:38
kanzurewtf copy doesn't have a "don't ever overwrite" option?17:39
kanzureonly an interactive thing? bah17:39
kanzurecp -p -i * /somewhere/ | yes "no"17:40
kanzurethis is bogus17:40
fennoh nm.  -n, --no-clobber: do not overwrite an existing file (overrides a previous -i option)17:41
kanzureI have no "-n" option17:42
kanzurewhat version?17:42
kanzurecp (GNU coreutils) 6.1017:42
kanzure"Written by Torbjorn Granlund, David MacKenzie, and Jim Meyering.17:43
kanzurethat's it, Torbjorn: it's gnu hunting season.17:43
kanzurewtf wtf17:43
kanzurewell I guess it's kind of pointless now17:46
kanzurebut: http://imgbin.org/index.php?page=image&id=70317:46
ybityou could try using setopt if you're using zsh17:46
ybitsetopt noclobber17:47
fennybit: why are you using zsh?17:47
kanzureer, more direct link: http://imgbin.org/images/703.png17:48
kanzureok, have 7.4-2 now17:48
* fenn wonders if kanzure took his medication today17:49
kanzureyes, but it's long past its effective reach17:49
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ybitfenn: mostly because it's pretty17:49
fenncould you provide some example of how it's different from bash?17:50
fennnon-trivial example17:51
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kanzurewait wtf17:51
kanzurefenn: why didn't you catch me on this one17:51
kanzurepiping into "yes"?17:51
kanzurewhat the *fuck*17:51
fenni didnt think that was real code17:52
fennso apparently there is a "yes" command? that's obnoxious17:52
fennbut there's no "no" command17:54
fennmaybe there's a "maybe" that randomly alternates between y and n17:54
kanzurewonder if you can pass a null pointer to "yes"17:55
fennin bash?17:56
* ybit really needs some type of bell for this channel..17:56
fennybit ybit ybit ding ding ding17:57
ybithttp://www.unumu.com/docs/oreilly/unix3/korn/appa_08.htm look at A.8.2. Completion and if you get a chance, run autoload -U compinit17:57
kanzurecoreutils replacement: http://www.busybox.net/about.html17:57
fennyou dont want to use busybox unless you have to17:58
ybitalso run promptinit to get a full listing of some more mods,17:58
kanzurefenn: bad experiences?17:58
fennit's just not as comfy17:58
ybitzsh makes it easy to extend the prompt, its like weechat for shells17:58
fennkanzure: no man pages for example17:58
ybitand with zsh, you can tab complete to a man page you forgot what you were manning in the first place17:58
fennbusybox is designed for embedded systems and boot disks17:58
ybithttp://friedcpu.wordpress.com/2007/07/24/zsh-the-last-shell-youll-ever-need/ 18:03
fenn$ man ba18:03
fennbaby                  barchart              basename18:03
fennis that not normal bash functionality? (i have bash-completion installed everywhere)18:03
kanzureworks for me.18:04
ybitthat's typical bash_completion18:05
ybiti think most of the major cases for or against a shell aren't really worth mentioning, i think it's what you are comfortable with, the rest can be scripted18:05
fennwell it basically just looks exactly the same except for some minor differences, but everyone uses bash so why change18:06
ybitjust like vim vs. emacs, you find solutions to your problems.. if vim doesn't have an equivalent of gnus, you use something like mutt (if you want to avoid emacs)18:06
kanzurefenn: you're talking with a gentoo user..18:06
fenni assume there must be some reason it's still around besides just "what i've always used"18:06
fennthey can't be serious18:07
fennThe multiline command editor makes composing small scripts on the command line much easier then just having one line to edit with. 18:07
ybitkanzure: soon to be exherbo18:07
ybitdid kanzure steal the topic from #madscientists? :)18:09
kanzure06:47 -!- Topic for #madscientists: Welcome to #madscientists, a channel for science  enthusiasts, sane and otherwise! Please keep maniacal laughter to a resonable  level. The operator is Greg Courville, a.k.a. enginuitor, reachable at  Greg_Courville@GregLabs.com ...18:09
fennenginuitor was never particularly angry18:09
kanzureI like the "Why exherbo is not for you" section18:10
ybitangry/mad, it's almost a play on free and freedom18:10
ybitexcuse me, freedom of*18:10
kanzurethere's a difference18:11
ybitor non-shaven yaks18:11
fennbearded yaks?18:11
kanzurefenn: non-fatty acid liver disease?18:11
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ybitin the nude, free loving hippy yaks18:11
kanzureno, NOT in the nude18:11
fennyet another fine linux distro18:11
fenn"There’s no guarantees that the packages we provide work properly."18:12
fennso, basically, there's absolutely no point in using this?18:12
ybitif you're dumb, yeah18:13
kanzure"don't use this ever" is a really good way to keep people away18:13
ybitkind of smart on their part, because in the beginning it is a lot easier not to worry about the userbase18:14
fennthey should have called it VaporWare18:14
ybitthe ones who won't contribute18:14
kanzurecp -vprn is my new friend18:15
fennwhy -n?18:16
kanzureno clobber18:17
fennbut what if you want to clobber18:17
kanzureI don't.18:17
* kanzure gets out his clobbering hammer18:17
fennthe sledge-o-matic18:18
ybitdon't! don't do it man, what have the naked yaks ever done to harm you18:18
ybit"The latest release of twill is twill 0.9, released Thursday, December 27th, 2007;"18:20
ybitnow that's what i call active development18:20
ybitdid anyone ever get around to reading "Large-scale Simulation of Neuronal Systems"18:21
ybittrying to determine if it's worth my time18:21
kanzureremind me again where you mentioned it?18:22
ybiti don't know if i did or if any of you did18:22
ybitnot sure where it came up18:22
kanzureyou should just install NEURON or GENESIS or pGENESIS and get on with it18:22
kanzurefor some reason all of these lame packages have names in all caps18:22
kanzure3sh was apparently a shell that bootstrapped itself18:26
kanzureand was also an assembler, or something18:26
kanzurejay freeman apparently.18:26
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ybitcurrent page: http://localhost/twill_js/test.html19:00
ybit>> fv 0 age 1019:00
ybitERROR: no matching forms!19:00
ybitanyone want to test for the same prob?19:00
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ybitit's form 3, but even that's giving the same prob19:03
* ybit does a strace19:03
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flamoot"An oil-filled transformer exploded at the Sayano-Shushenskaya power plant in Siberia, destroying three turbines and bringing down the ceiling of the turbine hall, which then violently flooded. The dam itself did not sustain any damage. It is unclear how many people were killed, but with 12 confirmed deaths and as many as 64 still missing (all presumed dead), this is a serious incident. 19:07
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ybitI have this web page that has JavaScript on it, and my Mech program doesn't work.19:36
ybitThat's because WWW::Mechanize doesn't operate on the JavaScript. It only understands the HTML parts of the page.19:36
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ybitso what scraper does handle js?19:38
kanzurehtmlunit, but it's not a scraper19:38
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kanzureybit: why do you need javascript support?19:42
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kanzurein the case of XMLHttpRequests being made, you can fake those requests (if you already know what they are)19:42
ybiti dunno, i didn't think much of it.. some websites have the content hidden in js, so i just figured it made sense to have js support19:44
kanzureheh youtube has an api with python examples? http://code.google.com/apis/youtube/overview.html19:44
ybitneed to something like grep js site1.html | wc ; repeat19:47
ybitfrom bookmarks... just to see exactly what the worst case we may be dealing with..19:47
kanzurethe solution is to start making scrapers and a good scraping interface 19:48
ybitor.. not and just tweak the code as the crapwraps comes in19:48
kanzureand then people will start contributing it19:48
kanzurepyscholar never did get a good class structure19:51
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fenni'm thinking skdb.load_package should do load_data() as well, and we can have some other function to load just the metadata20:19
drazakkanzure: hey arnold20:20
kanzurefenn: sounds fine20:20
drazakkanzure: did you get the idea for your domain name from the show hey arnold20:22
fenndoes it really take >64 people to run a power plant?20:23
fenn"we need them on-site so they'll be there in case anything goes wrong"20:24
kanzuresomeone just searched for "spherical capacitor" and somehow got to heybryan.org20:26
kanzuredrazak: no20:26
kanzuredrazak: although I did watch it at cici's pizza once20:26
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kanzure"Selective aluminum passivation for targeted immobilization of single DNA polymerase molecules in zero mode waveguide nanostructures Korlach et al"20:27
kanzureit's also interesting to see which papers people are searching for, or something20:28
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kanzureis this a real place? :/20:42
fennin the grim future20:42
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kanzureemil launched21:44
ybithttp://www.emilnet.org/scripts/home/publigen/content/templates/show.asp?L=EN&P=252&vticker=news,110,Training Activities&ITEMID=2 ?21:47
kanzureno, emil gilliam22:01
* ybit shrugs22:04
ybitclosest thing related to this channel: http://transhumanistwiki.com/wiki/Emil_Gilliam 22:04
ybithttp://www.technologyreview.com/blog/arxiv/23998/?a=f :: How to Forecast Malicious Internet Attacks :: http://arxiv.org/pdf/0908.2007v122:08
kanzureybit: he used to hang out in #sl4 in 200222:26

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