
--- Day changed Thu Sep 03 2009
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fennthis is pretty cool; 1kJ from 1l of salt water: http://www.physorg.com/news171102611.html02:20
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kanzureeveryone sucks but me02:48
fennheh "fenn is there all day tomorrow" really?02:49
kanzureOR ELSE02:49
kanzureybit: would it be sufficiently geeky to make a lego afm?02:54
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fenngenehacker: i probably won't be there tomorrow, since it seems i'm waking up at 2 am these days03:04
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CIA-32skdb: fenn * r e91e7c7 /packages/threads/ISO_and_UTS_Thread_Dimensions.svg: yoinked thread diagram from wikipedia07:09
CIA-32skdb: fenn * r ee67c54 /core/interface.py: make this work on systems without igraph, at least the non-cgraph related parts07:09
CIA-32skdb: fenn * r 7664b40 /unittests/tests.py: add test for a Unit bug i noticed today07:09
CIA-32skdb: fenn * r 92975cd /unittests/tests.py: fix screw loading07:09
CIA-32skdb: fenn * r 3016659 /core/supplemental_units.dat: more07:09
CIA-32skdb: fenn * r 31d1010 /unittests/tests.py: 1/unit didnt seem to be working07:09
CIA-32skdb: fenn * r ed23e62 /core/supplemental_units.dat: Merge branch 'master' of ~/git/skdb07:09
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fennNotImplementedError: In user defined base classes, abstract methods should raise this exception when they require derived classes to override the method.08:03
fennnotice it doesn't say "when you are too lazy to actually write the code, raise this error instead"08:04
kanzureI'll define my own error, then08:05
fenncool i never knew about Warning exceptions08:06
kanzure"warning this sucks" ?08:07
fennDeprecationWarning PendingDeprecationWarning RuntimeWarning SyntaxWarning UserWarning FutureWarning ImportWarning UnicodeWarning BytesWarning08:07
fennBase class for warnings about constructs that will change semantically in the future08:09
CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r 88d8290 /readme: updated readme to represent some recent work08:18
CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r d290ca3 / (4 files in 3 dirs): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://bryan@adl.serveftp.org/var/www/skdb08:18
CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r 2901258 /readme: dumped some text into the readme08:18
kanzureack I never pushed that original update to readme? oh well08:28
fenndid you try to rebase or something?08:33
kanzurenothing went wrong08:33
fennmove along, citizen08:35
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kanzurecore/interface.py has an assertion error: assert self.interface1.part in cgraph.dict().values()08:38
kanzurewhich makes sense because I don't have igraph08:38
kanzurecan you point me to the dot deb for igraph?08:38
fennnow i can't find it in ubuntu either08:42
fenni wish there was a dpkg-where-did-this-come-from08:42
fennyou can add this to /etc/apt/sources.list: deb http://cneurocvs.rmki.kfki.hu /packages/binary/08:44
fennappparently i downloaded the .deb's somehow08:44
kanzurethis doesn't sound like a very standard package, fenn08:44
fennthere aren't any other python graph packages are there?08:45
fennanyway it looks a lot more complete than python-graph08:45
kanzurepython-graph - transitional dummy package08:45
kanzurewhatever. I'm just hoping there isn't too much cruft to get skdb running on someone else's system08:45
fennwtf where did python-graph come from08:46
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fennso apparently now python-graph is in debian (was it not before?) but is not in ubuntu intrepid08:46
kanzurepython-graph has been in debian for a long time08:47
kanzureoh it might be called 'python-pygraphviz'08:47
fennthat's not useful08:47
fennit just does some crap like graphviz.write_dot_file08:48
fenner, graphviz.read_dot_file08:48
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fennboo hiss09:14
fenni just realized that pitch is not the same as distance/thread for multi-start threads09:16
fennso, access denied, and access denied. thanks a bunch09:25
kanzureno problem09:28
kanzurejust showing the "progress"09:28
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fenn1:1 scale gundam is sufficiently h+ to warrant mention in here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/nophotonolife/3822887753/10:21
fennno need to thank me for sparing you from inane otaku/furry comments10:25
kanzure"-Andrew is commiting $2000 toward the first 2 issues, covering copy-10:28
kanzureediting, print samples, graphic design, etc "10:28
kanzurehttp://vixra.org/ arxiv.org alternative10:32
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genehackerpossible kit idea11:51
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katsmeow-afkwhat does it mean "stack overflow" ? http://imgbin.org/index.php?page=image&id=74715:20
kanzurestderr to stdout: something-that-generates-errors 2>&115:22
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kanzureIOError: error in package "lego": could not read file "3673.png"15:26
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ybitso what's the differing of opinions between fenn & kanzure and smari & samrose?16:55
drazakabout what?17:04
kanzureabout who's more awesome17:08
kanzureclearly I think I am more awesome17:08
ybitjust wondering why tbit and skdb split as soon as they merged17:13
ybitover xml?..17:13
kanzurethey split?17:14
kanzurewhen did this happen?17:14
ybitis what i'm told by smari17:15
kanzurehe hasn't told me anything17:15
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ybitgive me awhile, and i'll give you a copy of the conversation17:19
ybitemerging python atm so i can't sync my imap folder17:19
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fenni haven't heard anything from smari at all in months17:38
fennwell, a month17:39
fennafaik tbit was just inventory/site stuff, so far17:39
drazakI'm going through xkcd and finding comics that my physics teacher may have missed, he likes xkcd, but I'm sure he hasn't read all of the old comics17:42
kanzure"The government had to nationalize a bunch of patents, set the license fees reasonably and pay back the original inventors to get more people working on planes."17:49
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kanzureupdated the description19:19
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ybitkanzure: gingery?19:59
drazakthey say gingerol boosts brain power20:00
ybiti see20:00
drazakI dunno if that has anything to do with the gingery thing20:00
drazakwho knows20:00
ybitit's referring to david gingery20:01
drazakoh right20:01
drazakwell gingerol does that too20:01
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ybitkanzure: give me admin privs please21:11
kanzureon what?21:11
ybiti want to ban xp_prg :P21:11
kanzurethere are no ops in here21:11
* ybit raises his fists to gods of nix21:11
ybitdammit, so many package dep issues in my portage install, taking me forever to do simple things like install occ or use anything which requires python -_-21:12
ybiti thought occ was installed, but it wasn't there was some python dep problem, python-updater fails, revdep-rebuild failed, maybe this emerge world won't fail. i either need more control (a la lfs or slack) or less (a la arch)21:14
* ybit likes his time though so arch is appealing21:14
ybitalias ohshit='emerge -DNuva world && revdep-rebuild'21:15
fennkanzure: it was from fritzing.org21:15
fennmyriel milicevic http://neighbourhoodsatellites.com/21:18
ybit02:48 < kanzure> everyone sucks but me21:18
kanzureit's true21:18
ybitis that what you tell yourself when you wake up kanzure? :P21:18
fennhe remixed it into a techno song and falls asleep listening to it21:20
kanzureit's no-suck trance volume three (radio edit)21:20
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ybitright, so military grade soldering was listed in one of the sites above21:23
ybitfinishing going through the training on the manual tomorrow, yayboo21:25
ybitseems nothing has changed since '79, imagine that21:25
ybit-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----21:26
ybitHash: SHA121:26
ybitThat's a partial misunderstanding. I did merge with SKDB at one point,21:26
ybitbut almost immediately thereafter a certain conflict arose and I have21:26
ybitsince been developing Tangible Bit independently as before with a21:26
ybitgrowing assortment of collaborators. It wasn't a major conflict, just a21:26
ybitdifference of opinion between myself and Sam on the one hand and Bryan21:26
ybitand Ben on the other, and Sam and I decided to keep plotting our own21:26
ybitpath for now and perhaps try again at a merge at some later date.21:26
ybitEither way, the SKDB name would never have worked for me. :)21:26
ybit- Sm?ri21:26
ybit- Show quoted text -21:26
ybitHeath Matlock wrote:21:26
ybit> 2009/9/1 Sm?ri McCarthy <smari@anarchism.is>:21:26
ybit>> Thanks for the pointer. Do you think we need to rebrand?21:26
ybit> I thought you already rebranded by merging with SKDB?21:26
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ybitVersion: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)21:26
ybitComment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org21:26
ybit-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----21:26
ybitfigured i would just paste since python wants to be stubborn tonight21:26
kanzurenot sure what conflict he's talking about21:27
kanzurehonestly sam didn't want to talk with me or something21:27
kanzureand got angry and never came back21:27
ybitreally? man.. i don't recall that21:27
ybityou two seemed to be hitting it off about some evolutionary programming or something21:27
kanzureyou'd think so, but he didn't seem to understand my tone or something21:28
kanzureand he thought I thought he was a moron21:28
ybitthe logs show no sign of him getting angry, maybe through email?21:29
kanzuresearch the logs for "difficult"21:29
ybit% grep -i -r difficult irclogs/freenode/\#hplusroadmap.log | grep samrose21:29
ybit11:18 < samrose> well, the intitial work could be difficult21:30
ybitno? then what convo..21:31
fenni agree sam had some totally unrealistic expectations and thought we were just making up the whole de-facto industry standard data suckiness problem21:32
fenni thought he agreed to port some matweb data though21:32
kanzurehmm I recall the same too21:32
* ybit recalls that part of the convo21:33
fennthat was Tue Jul 21 200921:34
kanzuredoesn't take that long to write a crappy parser21:34
fenni think he was more into community gardening or something21:35
fennsorry, "urban agriculture"21:35
fenn< samrose> but, typing shit out by hand is not how I usually operate, and I disagree that you'd be forced to type this out all by hand no matter what21:36
genehacker2conflict with skdb?21:37
fenni guess that was the disagreement21:37
kanzuresamrose just wasn't listening 21:37
fennat least with samrose21:37
kanzureyou don't just magically get data from The Void21:37
genehacker2ok so does it matter if someone disagrees with skdb?21:38
kanzurenot really. but smari is actually a somewhat good programmer21:38
kanzureand he ran a fablab back in the day21:38
kanzureso having him contributing is pretty neat21:38
genehacker2but is it necessary?21:38
kanzureare you necessary?21:38
fennsmari is smart and has the right motives and ideals, and basically working on the same thing.. i think it matters21:39
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genehacker2I am not sure if I am necessary21:39
fennwell so far you haven't even managed to install any supporting libraries21:40
fenn(or download any code even?)21:40
ybit19:57 < samrose> java is actually a great programming lang21:41
ybitthat's disappointing :)21:41
fenncomments or thoughtful edits appreciated http://adl.serveftp.org/dokuwiki/skdb21:41
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ybitfenn: did you give proper attribution for that image?21:42
ybitor request to use it? if not, that's cool... it's just something to consider when you go skdb.org or whatever21:43
fennno, kanzure stole it, 100% of the blame -> kanzure21:43
fennit's not quite right anyway21:43
fennthere's nothing about networks and sharing21:44
genehacker2you could use an image search engine to find the source21:44
ybitremove the circuit board plugged into the wall and the breadboard and replace it with a human thinking of submarines would be more appropriate21:44
ybitgenehacker2: he already knows where it came from21:45
ybitsee fritzing21:45
* kanzure proposes we steal the artist21:45
genehacker2or at least ask for permission to use the image21:45
ybitmy company has offered to give me solidworks, *blah*21:46
ybitwas re:"If you have access to expensive proprietary CAD software such as Solidworks, CATIA, or AutoCAD, and wish to help, please contact us at openmanufacturing@googlegroups.com"21:46
fennalright, get converting!21:47
genehacker2convert what?21:47
fennum. stuff.21:47
ybitother cad programs already do this if i'm not mistaking21:47
fenndo what?21:47
fennimport .SLDPRT files?21:47
fennich dont think so21:47
ybitwhat's the point of needing someone else to physically give you the program on the cd when this is available21:48
kanzurefyi, I have a copy of solidworks 2005, 2006, 200921:48
kanzureand autodesk inventor and mechanical21:49
fennme too me too21:49
kanzureI also have a copy of pro/e21:49
fenni have solidworks 201321:49
fennpost-mayan calendar version21:49
* ybit needs a good enough computer to run a virtualized windows session21:49
ybitfenn: please seed ;)21:49
genehacker2do you even use those kanzure?21:49
kanzureyes sometimes21:49
genehacker2on wine?21:51
kanzureunfortunately no21:51
kanzureautodesk stuff is hard to set up under wine IIRC21:51
kanzurelots of license-server bullshit21:51
fennybit: ok here's something to convert, i just ran across it the other day, not that i'm particularly interested in it but it would make a good skdb package except for all the files are .SLDPRT: http://blog.backblaze.com/2009/09/01/petabytes-on-a-budget-how-to-build-cheap-cloud-storage/21:52
fenni should probably have been keeping a list of neat stuff but in the wrong format, oh well21:53
fennand there's the whole "national design repository" which contains god knows what21:53
kanzureyou rang?21:53
kanzurejust spit out the files21:53
fennare you talking to me?21:54
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genehacker2magnetic monopoles exist22:05
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ybitthat's 22tb on each one of those backblaze hard drives..22:41
ybitwow, i need to sleep22:42
ybitwas thinking they were shooting for 1pb with one of those boxes22:42
ybitoff to bed it is while gcc recompiles...22:45
ybitbtw, fenn, where'd you hear about this blackbox setup?22:45

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