
--- Day changed Sun Sep 06 2009
CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r cef5c3d /unittests/test_geom.py: fuse some more boxes and test their volumes00:06
katsmeowybit, you need crt electron guns?00:07
CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r e6ca3cf / (30 files in 2 dirs): move unit tests around00:14
-!- mason-l [n=x@202-89-188-136.static.dsl.amnet.net.au] has quit ["Ex-Chat"]00:19
katsmeowybit, speak up before he busts the crts up00:20
CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r abc7ef9 / (doc/proposals/graphtheory.py graphtheory.py): move graph theory code out of the main directory and into the abyss00:23
kanzuretodo: write unit tests for my assembly part overlap detection methods.00:27
* kanzure sleeps00:27
fennkanzure: torque is N*m/rev, not N*m as is often said00:33
fenndumbasses who think angles don't exist00:33
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genehackerkanzure does sciencemadness work for you?00:50
genehackeroh wait nvm00:55
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fennkanzure: BRepAlgoAPI_Fuse(brick1.shapes[0], brick2.shapes[0]) takes just as long as a boolean common operation (10 seconds)01:07
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ybit2katsmeow-afk: yes i do08:01
ybit2as the fenn mentioned once before though, the choke coil may be wrong for sem08:02
ybit2don't know just yet08:02
kanzurehello bct 08:13
kanzurefenn: should I bother writing the unit tests then?08:30
kanzurealso it doesn't take that long on my laptop to do Fuse08:30
kanzure2.6sec to run through test_geom.py08:30
kanzureactually the unittest module claims 0.746sec08:31
kanzureand BRepAlgoAPI_Common takes less than 1sec to run on two boxes08:34
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kanzurefenn: what's wrong here?08:40
kanzureopt = brick1.options(brick2)[0]08:40
kanzureopt.interface1.part is None08:40
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kanzureload_CAD() makes that not be None? wtfc09:10
kanzuregrr the bullshit from STEPImporter isn't using stdout or stderr09:35
kanzurebut maybe it's because somebody forgot to turn off the debug flags on the configure script when compiling opencascade for the dot debs?09:36
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-!- goonie_ is now known as goonie09:54
kanzurepythonOCC-0.3/src/samples/Level2/DataExchange$ python import_step_single.py &>/dev/null10:05
kanzurewell that's one way to get rid of the annoying output10:05
kanzurealthough that gets rid of absolutely everything10:05
kanzureheh things work for once: brick1.interfaces.index(opt.interface2)10:08
fenni don't see how it could be neither stdout or stderr and still show up10:09
kanzureit's stdout but in the library10:09
kanzurepython only controls python stdout apparently10:09
kanzureunless there's a way to "lock" the "global" stdout or something?10:09
fenni dunno10:10
kanzure*but in the OCC library10:10
Utopiahnot sure it was shared here earlier http://www.wikid.eu/ "WikID, the Industrial Design Engineering Wiki"10:51
kanzuredoesn't seem to have much content10:55
fennwhat content there is doesn't seem to be useful10:59
fennnegatively useful in fact11:00
fenn"a coffee mill changes beans to coffee, a chair supports (prevents one from becoming tired), and a poster provides information (decreases uncertainty)"11:00
fennis it just me or are all those sort of non-sequitur11:01
kanzurefenn: http://adl.serveftp.org/yaml-test.py11:01
fennor plain wrong even11:01
fennwhy is it a 'str object'?11:04
kanzurebecause it's a string in the yaml snippit11:07
fennwhy is it a string?11:07
fennit should be 'Blah' or 'instance'11:08
kanzurelook at the yaml string11:08
kanzureyaml will read "interfaces:" and see that it has two values in the list11:09
kanzurein the sequence11:09
kanzureso it's correct11:09
fennwell, bad kanzure11:09
kanzureno this is fine11:09
kanzurethis is supposed to show that post_init_hook is not being called11:09
kanzureand now I can play around with FennObject.from_yaml quickly11:09
fennmy_blah = yaml.load("!blah\ninterfaces:\n- !interface hello\n- !interface hello211:09
kanzurewhy should it be an interface?11:10
fennotherwise you get an error because it's a string11:10
kanzurethe point is that *any* list doesn't load11:10
kanzureno you get an error because it doesn't have an attribute11:10
kanzurethat you supposedly added in post_init_hook11:10
fennplease make modification and test before continuing bitching11:10
kanzurethe string error is *correct*11:10
kanzureit's true that str has no attribute "part"11:11
kanzureBlah.post_init_hook sets str.part11:11
fenn'foo'.part = 'bad kanzure'11:12
fennAttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'part'11:13
kanzurehey wtf is "yield" doing in yaml/constructor.py11:13
fennit's a generator..11:13
kanzurewhy does it have to be a generator11:13
fennbecause they work better on huge files11:13
fennyaml is designed to work with streams i think11:14
fennmake up your mind11:14
kanzuremy mind about what?11:14
fennthe other day you were bitching about how people didn't use generators11:14
fennand how it broke your 15k bookmarks11:15
kanzurebut now it's breaking something else because they didn't bother to implement post_init_hook for us11:15
kanzurethis is really something that they should have done11:15
fennare you sure?11:15
kanzureyes if it's a generator11:15
fenni'm not totally sold on the idea of post_init_hook11:15
kanzurewhat would be the other way to do it?11:15
fennin __init__ somehow11:15
kanzuresame problem11:16
kanzurein __init__ it's only "partial" apparently11:16
kanzureand then later yaml throws the lists into the dictionary or something11:16
kanzuresee, it's because of the generator11:16
fennyou mean it fills out the lists later, but you have a pointer to an empty list in the attribute11:16
kanzureconstruct_yaml_seq in yaml/constructor.py is basically: data = []; yield data; data.extend(self.construct_sequence(node))11:22
fennseems out of order doesn't it11:23
fennshould be: data.extend(self.construct_sequence(node)); yield data11:24
* kanzure tries11:24
fennmaybe they did it that way for some reason11:24
kanzurelike loading big files?11:24
kanzuredoesn't seem to fix it11:26
kanzurealthough I'm doing FennObject.yaml_loader.construct_yaml_seq = my redefined method11:26
kanzureoh it's not even called11:29
kanzure>>> FennObject.yaml_loader.__bases__11:30
kanzure(<class 'yaml.reader.Reader'>, <class 'yaml.scanner.Scanner'>, <class 'yaml.parser.Parser'>, <class 'yaml.composer.Composer'>, <class 'yaml.constructor.Const11:30
kanzureructor'>, <class 'yaml.resolver.Resolver'>)11:30
kanzure 22 FennObject.yaml_loader.__bases__[4].construct_yaml_seq = _construct_yaml_seq11:31
kanzuredidn't work. hrm.11:31
kanzuresomehow I can't seem to overwrite construct_yaml_seq11:31
kanzureyaml.constructor.Constructor.construct_yaml_seq = _construct_yaml_seq11:32
kanzurealso doesn't work11:32
kanzurerunning out of ideas11:33
kanzureAttributeError: 'FakeInterface' object has no attribute 'extra_attr'11:37
CIA-32skdb: fenn * r a98b061 /packages/threads/threads.py: minor changes11:40
CIA-32skdb: fenn * r ca37fa5 /core/yamlcrap.py: appears to fix the null sequence upon loading problem11:40
fennyay sleepycode11:40
fennyou will have to ask my hypothalamus wtf i just did11:42
kanzurenot your hippocampus?11:43
kanzurefenn fails brains11:43
fenna hippocampus says what?11:43
kanzureyou set deep=True on construct_mapping in from_yaml11:43
fennyes but why?11:43
fenndoes that construct the node tree entirely first?11:44
kanzureyes, it's what happens when you specify your own __setstate__ too11:44
fennif self.deep_construct: for dummy in generator: pass11:46
kanzurefrom copy import copy, deepcopy; from skdb import *; lego_pack = load_package("lego"); lego_pack.load_data(); brick1 = deepcopy(lego_pack.parts[0]); brick2 = deepcopy(lego_pack.parts[0]); brick1.load_CAD()11:46
kanzureAttributeError: 'Lego' object has no attribute 'load_CAD'11:46
kanzureoh I didn't import geom11:46
kanzurecatastrophe inverted11:46
fennbrick1.interfaces[0] == brick1 ?11:47
kanzure>>> brick1.interfaces[0].part11:47
kanzureLego(name=2x2 round brick, num_pegs=4, num_holes=4)11:47
kanzure>>> brick1.interfaces[0].part == brick111:47
fenndo i get a raise?11:49
kanzureyou wrote nine characters11:49
kanzureyou must write 100klines/week to get a raise11:50
fennthat should mean i get a raise and a cookie too11:50
fennfor not writing piles and piles of crap11:50
kanzuremr. anderson, a company is like a centipede11:50
kanzureif any one of its employees has a problem, the company has a problem11:50
kanzuredo I make myself clear?11:50
fennall legs and no brain?11:50
fenna poisonous monster?11:50
kanzurewell not if you're in the myzeopta period11:50
fennwhere's my rabbit11:50
kanzuresilurian period11:51
fennwho comes up with these names?11:51
kanzureold men who still play with dinosaurs11:52
fenn"Murchison named the sequences for a Celtic tribe of Wales, the Silures, following the convention his friend Adam Sedgwick had established for the Cambrian."11:52
fennobviously i don't know my welsh tribes11:52
kanzuretoo bad he didn't name them after whales11:52
fenni thought it sounded rather tolkein11:52
kanzureShamoo, Shamploo, 11:52
kanzure"in the shamoo period, giant man-eating centipedes roamed the cerniferous forests"11:53
fennright, so now that the problem is solved, you have to continue to stampede in some direction11:54
* fenn suggests the todo list11:54
kanzurewell I was actually working on something else originally11:54
kanzureso I'll be getting back to that11:54
kanzureunless you have some particular suggestions ..11:55
fennno, i'm going to continue making fun of the product design wiki11:56
kanzuremaybe you should be more constructive11:57
kanzureand add a graph with boxes and arrows11:57
kanzureI'm sure they'll love it11:57
kanzuresounds like they already have at least one of those11:59
fennand no manufacturing step anywhere on it12:03
fennis it bedtime yet?12:04
kanzuredidn't you just wake up?12:04
fenni woke up at 1112:05
kanzureoh it was me that just woke up12:05
fennwhy did you wake up in the middle of the night?12:06
kanzureI didn't. went to sleep at 12 and woke up at 8.12:06
fennum. what's up with the latest email to OM?12:10
kanzureJ. Andrew Rogers?12:12
kanzurebtw JAR follows Eugen Leitl around on the net a bit12:13
kanzurehe is an annoying crypto guy12:13
fennno, you forwarding something you just wrote via eugen leitl?12:13
kanzureyou wrote it12:14
kanzurehe picked it up12:14
kanzurethought I'd forward it since that text hasn't been on om yet12:14
fennJAR sure likes to make sweeping generalizations12:19
fenni just want one specific example of WTF he's talking about12:19
fenntime python -c 'import skdb'12:26
kanzure"overhumanism" ? http://www.antipope.org/charlie/blog-static/2009/09/chromed_jackboots.html#comments12:51
kanzurefenn: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Lego'13:19
kanzurethis is in import_package_classes13:20
kanzurethe line is: cls = getattr(module, class_name)13:20
kanzurewhere module = packages/lego/lego.py13:20
fenni don't have Package.import_pakage_classes13:20
kanzureit's the same thing as import_package_classes though13:21
kanzuredummy = Package(package)13:24
fennright, so i can find the packages directory13:24
fennwhich could be located anywhere13:25
kanzureyes I know13:25
* kanzure fixes13:25
fenni guess that should be using settings instead13:25
kanzureyay it works now13:27
kanzureshould I delete all this load_package, open_package crap?13:27
kanzuretechnically it still works, but is less awesome13:28
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kanzure  File "/home/kanzure/code/skdb/packages/screw/screw.py", line 68, in __init__13:51
kanzure    res = unit()13:51
kanzure  File "/home/kanzure/code/skdb/packages/threads/threads.py", line 43, in tensile_area13:51
kanzure    assert Unit(self.pitch).compatible('mm/rev')13:51
kanzurehow did it make that particular leap?13:51
kanzurethat's from test_package.py13:51
kanzureunit = getattr(self.thread,k)13:52
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-!- dira [n=chatzill@] has joined #hplusroadmap14:44
kanzurehello dira14:45
dirawhat's up?14:45
dirahow's the collision thing going ?14:45
kanzureopencascade's BRepAlgoAPI_Common and BRepAlgoAPI_Fuse methods apparently take too long when a brep model is anything more interesting than a giant box.14:46
dirais it sorta mesh model Collision detection?14:50
kanzurethe method using common and fuse boolean operations is just a way of combining brep models, which are not meshes14:54
kanzureand then I take the volume of the resulting meshes14:54
kanzureresulting breps :)14:54
kanzurefenn: have you ever noticed that the option.connect() output is in the wrong order?15:14
kanzure>>> option.connect()15:14
kanzureconnecting 2x2 round brick's stud  to 2x2 round brick's anti stud brick1[6] to brick2[2])15:14
kanzurebut if you investigate, brick2.interfaces[6].connected is what is set (not 2)15:14
kanzureer nevermind15:16
kanzuresilly me15:16
* dira watches kanzure talking to himself15:18
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kanzurewhat is a DSFiller?15:49
kanzurehm I bet the skdb import time is spent making that units file every single time15:55
-!- strages [n=strages@c-68-62-216-5.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap15:57
kanzurehttp://exotk.org/ wrapper for opencascade from 200216:02
-!- genehacker [n=noko@pool-173-57-48-104.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Read error: 148 (No route to host)]16:04
kanzurewell I fail at linking16:17
kanzurethere's a part 2 which is more revealing16:17
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kanzureassembly_volume_estimate takes less than half a second for Package("lego").parts[0]17:33
CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r 524be53 / (7 files in 4 dirs): fixed Package, wrote more geom tests, wrote more package tests17:41
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-!- QuantumG [n=qg@] has joined #hplusroadmap18:52
QuantumGdid ya miss me?18:52
kanzurenot much18:54
kanzurewhat's up?18:54
QuantumGwas looking at single board computers last night18:54
-!- wrldpc2 [n=benny@ool-ad03fe34.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #hplusroadmap18:54
QuantumGand basically came to the conclusion that an eeepc did everything I wanted for cheaper.18:55
QuantumG'cept that it weighs 900g with battery18:55
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* kanzure considers setting up a source code documentation militial front18:57
QuantumGa low power sbc with wifi, usb and programmable IO.. that doesn't cost more than a netbook... 18:57
kanzureanyone who writes undocumented code gets shot18:57
kanzurewhat the fuck is this: http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/opencascade/BOPTools_PaveFiller.cxx18:58
kanzurenotice how all the comments are: // purpose:19:00
QuantumGI've heard some people use that extension to me generated cpp19:00
kanzureand hten it's totally blank19:00
QuantumGso not finding comments in it is not that surprising19:00
kanzurewhat's the point of a comment saying "purpose" and then not filling it in?19:00
QuantumGoh, I love people like that19:01
kanzureno you don't19:01
QuantumG"I read this paper about how to implement an algorithm and it had psuedocode in it, so I'm going to put that in my comments and then implement it"19:01
kanzureIMHO giving a reference to a paper would be better than this shit19:02
QuantumG"if you want to know what my code does, go read the paper.. and no, it's not publically available."19:02
kanzureah you mean they don't understand it19:02
QuantumGvariable names like "VF" 19:02
QuantumGand functions like "PerformVF"19:02
QuantumGwhat a dipshit19:02
kanzureI should show you my professor's code19:02
QuantumGspeaking of retarded programmers.. I checked out the opencog code the other day to see if there had been any change.. they seem to have added a few more kitchen sinks to the codebase but *still* no-one has joined any of it together into something that *does something*19:03
kanzureimho I've never seen any indication that goertzel can code19:04
kanzureso I've mostly ignored opencog19:04
QuantumGhe's an academic19:04
QuantumGno-one else there can code either though19:04
kanzurenah he's just timothy leary reincarnated .. as an academic.19:04
kanzuredid you see equer.lisp?19:04
QuantumGand people who can code are scared off by them19:04
QuantumGyes, but its lisp, so I kinda expected it to be horrid 19:05
kanzurewhile I'm complaining,19:06
kanzuresomeone wrote this:19:06
kanzurein the lab that I work in.19:06
kanzureshe subsequently got a master's thesis for this "innovative" work19:07
kanzurebut if you look at it, it's just six conditionals19:07
QuantumGto be honest, it's a master's thesis, I don't actually expect much more19:07
kanzureif that's true then I should be able to write a few lines of bullshit and get a degree too19:08
QuantumGmaster's thesis = baby's first unpublishable paper.19:08
kanzuremaybe you just have low standards19:09
QuantumGI'm just cynical because I've hung out with post-grads :)19:09
QuantumGI dunno how profs do it :)19:10
kanzurewait till you meet the postdocs19:10
QuantumGthem too19:11
QuantumGanyways, I'm thinking of building a blimp19:12
kanzureout of what?19:12
QuantumGwhere blimp is a generous description19:12
QuantumGcomputer controlled floating garbage bag would be more accurate19:12
kanzureyou mean American Airlines?19:13
QuantumG1. buy some clothes line, garbage bags and rent a helium canister.. fly some tethered experiments, collect some data, etc.19:14
kanzurewhat data?19:14
QuantumGhow long they stay up.. how accurate first principles are at predicting lifting weight, etc19:15
QuantumGobserve how bad wind affects it19:15
QuantumG2. attach a biprop radio controlled plane fuselage to it.. get a feel for how much power is needed to stabilize it.19:17
QuantumGget some idea of the battery requirements.19:17
QuantumG3. work out a mass budget and redo the experiments with that amount of ballast.19:18
QuantumGand that should give me enough information to work out the kinda of sensors, actuators and computational requirements to automate a stable platform in medium winds.19:19
kanzureheh I'd be tempted to run a little regression analysis kernel hooked up to some altimeter or gps system19:21
kanzureso that it would try to figure out a governing equation for what the hell to do to maximize height or to stabilize height at least (or whatever goal you want)19:21
QuantumGyeah.. is gps sufficient?  19:21
kanzureprobably not19:21
kanzuredon't altimeters exist?19:21
kanzurealtitude meters?19:21
QuantumGwell, ultimately I want a rock steady platform19:21
QuantumGfor camera mounting19:21
QuantumGcause that's fun :)19:22
kanzurehow do you expect to be rock study with unpredictable winds?19:22
kanzureNWS doesn't get down to sub-meter resolution for wind contours :p19:22
QuantumGwell, as best as is acheivable19:22
genehacker2a solar balloon is what you get when you use garbage bags19:31
genehacker2have to deal with the pesky sun after all19:32
genehacker2I don't have the exact numbers, but helium expands a lot when you heat it.(compared to say nitrogen)19:33
genehacker2you might use some sort of mechanical active stabilization system19:34
genehacker2or some quad thruster mechanism to stabilize your camera19:34
genehacker2quite interested in this project19:35
QuantumGI was going to use white garbage bags :)19:36
kanzurewhy not black?19:37
QuantumGand yeah, I have no idea how to control buoyancy19:37
QuantumGno reason19:37
kanzureblack will cause more heat19:37
genehacker2garbage bags suck19:37
genehacker2they lose helium faster than say mylar or anything metal coated19:38
QuantumGthey're also cheap and available19:38
genehacker2got a walmart nearby?19:38
QuantumGno, but go on19:38
genehacker2buy space blankets19:39
genehacker2about a buck for ~2 meter squared piece of metal coated mylar19:39
genehacker2anyway how big is your blimp going to be?19:39
QuantumGaiming to lift about 1kg of payload19:40
genehacker2ok so let's see here19:41
QuantumGwould love to do less.. for example, my radio controlled biprop is only 100g .. but sbcs are annoyingly expensive19:42
QuantumGsingle board computers19:42
QuantumGusing a netbook is massively more affordable19:42
genehacker2how many channels is your biprop?19:42
genehacker2a NETBOOK?19:42
genehacker2in the air?19:43
QuantumGtethered :)19:43
genehacker2so the size of your balloon is big19:43
genehacker2then you got to make it really aerodynamic19:43
genehacker2you might want to make a zeppelin19:44
genehacker2otherwise you're going to need to pressurize it19:44
QuantumGyou're quickly exceeding my capabilities19:44
genehacker2wind is going to be a problem19:44
genehacker2unless you live in a windless area19:44
genehacker2how do you intend to turn garbage bags into a blimp?19:46
genehacker2welding, taping, or gluing are your options19:46
QuantumGdude, I intend to fill the bags with helium and tie them off19:46
QuantumGthis is why I said blimp was terribly generous :)19:47
genehacker2a small party helium tank usually only fills about 1 garbage bag19:47
genehacker2so a tethered balloon?19:48
genehacker2why put a biprop on it?19:48
QuantumGa CL class tank will fill 50 party balloons, or 7 of the garbage bags I'm looking at.. 19:48
QuantumGbecause that's the (broken) radio controlled plane I have :)19:49
genehacker2and what's the purpose of putting a plane on there?19:50
genehacker2if you want to maneuver it around...19:50
QuantumGto see if it can drag around the balloons19:50
genehacker2I'm betting not19:52
genehacker2if there is even a slight breeze19:52
genehacker2it's heading straight to the ground19:52
QuantumGthat's ok, failing is learning something to.. but not trying worse19:52
genehacker2I'd also advise rigging up a self destruct cord or tying them nice and tight so they don't end up getting away and shooting into the upper atmosphere19:53
genehacker2like one of solar balloon's did19:54
QuantumGyeah, I'll be tying the plane to the ground a bit tighter than I tie the balloons to the plane.. but I'm not sure I really care if I lose either :)19:54
genehacker2might want to put a parachute on that netbook19:55
QuantumGyeah.. if I ever get up to that stage.19:55
genehacker2it's not that hard really19:56
genehacker2what's this for anyway?19:57
QuantumGyeah, it'd be nice to be able to film something19:57
genehacker2so there are formula's out there for figuring out the atmospheric drag on stuff based on the cross sectional are19:58
QuantumGyeah, I've done it before19:58
QuantumGthe equations that is19:58
QuantumGfor rocket stuff19:58
genehacker2you can also calculate the thrust your biprop produces by using formulas (propellor efficiency doesn't exceed certain bounds) and the rating on your motors19:59
genehacker2and actual test data if you want19:59
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genehacker2also making gores to make a blimp shaped balloon isn't that hard20:02
QuantumGwhat do you know about buoyancy control?20:03
genehacker2I built my own system20:03
genehacker2for my solar powered balloon20:03
genehacker2so you can drop weights and let helium out20:04
QuantumGas in solar panels or as in solar balloon?20:04
genehacker2solar thermal balloon20:04
QuantumGahh cool20:04
genehacker2you could use ballonets20:05
genehacker2if your balloon can hold pressure that is20:05
genehacker2you can heat and cool the air in your balloon20:05
genehacker2of course when you want to change bouyancy this involves change the volume of your balloon20:06
QuantumGI never understood ballonets.. do ballonets need to be inside the balloon?20:06
QuantumGright, that makes more sense20:07
genehacker2ballonets decrease the amount of air it displaces20:07
QuantumGthe changing volume bit20:07
genehacker2is quite pesky20:07
QuantumGpumping air is, umm, currently beyond me :)20:08
genehacker2because you can't make your whole blimp just a helium balloon20:08
CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r 8e61ed1 /core/units.py: make skdb load faster by not excessively generating combined.dat in core/units.py20:08
genehacker2then use nichrome heaters and water20:08
genehacker2nichrome burns a hole in a balloon letting the helium out20:09
genehacker2a water pump pumps water out when you want to go up20:09
CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r 0890feb /readme: updated the readme20:12
QuantumGso yeah, just coming up with some computer controlled buoyancy control would be an interesting problem.20:13
kanzurehmm.. http://github.com/kanzure/skdb/graphs/punch_card20:16
genehacker2analog punch card?20:22
kanzureshowing when we've written code for skdb (well, committed it)20:23
kanzureassembly_volume_estimate([lego1, lego2]) works, but assembly_volume_actual gives RuntimeError 'StdFail_NotDone' due to BRepBuilderAPI not liking the BRepAlgoAPI_Fuse operation or something20:31
kanzureI guess I can do something other than fuse to figure out the volume, like taking the sum of the volume (assembly_volume_estimate) and subtracting the volume of the boolean common20:31
genehacker2can you calculate area too?20:41
genehacker2there's a nice litle formular that gives you mold solidification time when you plug in area and other factors20:42
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QuantumGPeople who think human level AI is only 10 years away have actually never tried writing a human level AI :)21:53
QuantumGIf we knew exactly how to do it now, we'd be working on the engineering problems for 10 years.21:53
QuantumGHowever, I will say that in 10 years time it will be easier to start a project like human level AI. You'll still fail, but it'll be cheaper to fail. So maybe in 10 years we'll start learning how to do it.21:53
kanzurewhat the fuck is ai?21:59
QuantumGdon't get into a semantic argument :)22:00
kanzuresorry, I just think you're bullshit22:00
kanzurehowever I think this of everyone who talks about ai22:01
kanzurebecause they all have the same answer22:01
QuantumGwell, when I say a human level AI I have a very practical answer... a software program that is capable of doing a wide range of tasks given to it in natural language to an acceptable degree.  And the reason why I say "human level" is cause currently these tasks can only be done by humans.  22:02
QuantumGI'm not interested in Turing tests22:03
QuantumGor any of the other nonsense22:03
QuantumGI have a practical expectation of what a human (say, employee) should give me in response to my instructions, and that's what I want from human level ai.  If the human can't deliver, I fire em.. if the program can't deliver, I ask for a refund :)22:05
kanzuresorry I must have lost the point22:05
kanzureare you trying to build a brain or not?22:05
katsmeow-afkare these expectations including physical acts, or merely understanding the directions?22:06
QuantumGkanzure: not right now22:06
QuantumGkatsmeow-afk: well, my employees are software developers :)22:07
QuantumGI rarely tell them to do physical things..22:07
kanzureyou have employees?22:07
kanzurehi, my name is kanzure22:07
kanzurewho are you?22:07
QuantumGyour name is brian :)22:08
kanzurebut really, who are you?22:08
kanzureand why do you have employees?22:08
QuantumGI'm Trent22:08
kanzureyes, mr. waddington :p22:08
kanzurebut that doesn't answer my question22:08
QuantumGwell, I'm not sure why the two are related.. I don't really define myself by my profession.. but to answer your question, I own a part of a software company.22:09
kanzurejust have never heard of it22:09
kanzurehave known you for a few years by now22:09
QuantumGI don't really talk about who I work for/with .. after a few bad experiences22:09
QuantumGuntil I'm no longer working for/with them.22:10
kanzuresounds shady22:10
QuantumGthat's the internet for you22:10
QuantumG"you insulted me on Slashdot, I'm going to hack your company's website."22:11
kanzuremaybe ten years ago22:11
kanzurenow it's "I'm going to cloud your ajax xss attack vectors, n00b"22:11
QuantumGI actually had someone call one of my employers22:11
QuantumGit was embarrassing.22:12
kanzurefor the thousands of emails that I send out on the internet with my phone number in them,22:12
kanzurenobody calls me22:12
kanzurethis is probably a good thing22:12
kanzurebut it's kind of surprising22:12
kanzurepeople seem to be afraid of the telephone22:12
QuantumGoh, and even going to the trouble of not talking about my employment I still get people posting my address, telephone numbers, pictures of my house from streetview, etc..  fucktards.22:13
QuantumGI've had people harass my mate in Canada who provides the account I'm ircing from22:14
QuantumGand used to provide my website before I moved it to dedicated hosting22:14
QuantumGmaybe this all says more about me than them22:14
kanzureyou might just be a collosal jerk :p22:14
QuantumGno doubt22:15
ybit2http://www.electraflyer.com/electraflyerc.php *drool*22:22
ybit2http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWoLsJz8J5U 22:22
ybit2i wonder what type of glider the electraflyer-x is built from22:23
katsmeow-afkybit, speak up before he busts the crts up22:23
QuantumG Empty weight w/battery packs22:24
QuantumGMaximum Take-off Weight (MTOW)22:24
QuantumG380 lbs (172 kg)22:24
QuantumG625 lbs (283 kg)22:24
kanzurewish I could remember what I was doing22:24
QuantumGbefore or after ranting with me about ai :)22:25
* ybit2 will take either: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schempp-Hirth_Duo_Discus or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DG_Flugzeugbau_DG-100022:25
* katsmeow-afk tells him that ybit doesn't want the electron guns22:25
ybit2i'll take them, if anything, they make for fun sculptures 22:27
QuantumGsure hope its better than Slacker Uprising22:28
katsmeow-afka glider makes fun scuptures?22:31
ybit2an electron gun22:32
katsmeow-afkoh, i don't think he wold save the crt necks after busting them, tomake sculptures22:33
ybit2i made mine look like a robot and it was a great crt monitor decoration until i decided to look inside all of its components22:33
ybit2anyone have glider knowledge?22:34
* ybit2 searches for a flying enthusiasts channel22:34
ybit2[03:34] [473] #aviation You need to be invited to that channel22:35
kanzurethere's a uav channel somewhere22:35
katsmeow-afkFCC is rather strict22:35
katsmeow-afkerr FAA22:35
kanzurethere's an open source uav project channel on freenode22:35
kanzurethere's also #highaltitude or something22:35
ybit2i just want to know where the propeller is, or is it tied to an airplane..22:35
ybit2the two gliders that were linked22:36
ybit2what are you ?? about? 22:36
katsmeow-afklinked gliders?22:36
ybit222:25  * ybit2 will take either: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schempp-Hirth_Duo_Discus or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DG_Flugzeugbau_DG-100022:37
katsmeow-afkthose are gliders, they have no props22:37
ybit2figured i might as well get a two seater when i get into this business22:37
ybit2motor gliders like these are what i'm looking for22:38
QuantumGisn't a motor glider a plane? :)22:38
katsmeow-afkoh, that folds back into the fueslage22:39
QuantumGahh, I see22:39
QuantumGA motor glider is a fixed-wing aircraft that can be flown with or without engine power. 22:39
katsmeow-afkyou can see the hatch open behind the wings, on top22:39
ybit2something like the HK36 Super Dimona is probably what i'm looking for22:41
ybit2i think i linked to a youtube vid of an electric glider this past week or so22:41
ybit2that's it22:42
ybit2problem with this is that you have to pay fees to the airport for the aircraft to park there22:46
katsmeow-afkor, pull the wings off shorter spars22:58
QuantumGa plane you can put on the back of your car, like a boat, is a *long* time coming.22:58
QuantumGquite possibly that drivable plane concept is going to be available first.22:59
katsmeow-afkof course, but there have beena few that trailered22:59
ybit2for only $150k22:59
ybit2or more, just guessing22:59
QuantumGpeople pay that for a boat.22:59
katsmeow-afkpull off the rear draggy wheel, insert trailer hitch, fold or detach wings, drive off23:00
QuantumGI guess the difference is that you can't go get drunk on your plane.23:00
ybit2katsmeow-afk: that's an idea23:00
QuantumGcatch birds.23:00
ybit2http://www.solar-flight.com/projects.html is nice too btw23:00
ybit2http://pastebin.com/m289978ed 23:11
* kanzure compiles sgeom23:14
ybit2interesting fact: Wind machines were used in Persia as early as 200 B.C.[2]23:18
katsmeow-afkunless you cold a sailboat as a wind macine23:19
katsmeow-afki have this spot on my index phalange where i grabbed some red hot steel with a ole in the glove23:20
katsmeow-afkso excuse my typoing23:20
ybit2it was a windmill23:20
ybit2The first windmills were developed to automate the tasks of grain-grinding and water-pumping and the earliest-known design is the vertical axis system developed in Persia about 500-900 A.D. 23:20
ybit2where did this 200b.c. come from..23:21
QuantumGsome other wind machine perhaps?23:28
kanzureis "watching code compile" a legitimate hobby?23:50
QuantumGI dunno about hobby, but its certainly a living23:51
kanzureyou mean to say that people should be paying me for this?23:51
QuantumGoh, and [insert dis about Gentoo here]23:52
kanzureit's not gentoo23:52
genehacker2watch that code compile!23:53
kanzureoh no I missed a parse error on line 3812423:56

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