
--- Day changed Wed Sep 09 2009
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genehackerwhat does it use for actuation?00:59
genehackerHuge superconducting electric motors hooked up to huge harmonic drives?01:00
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fennman that looks just as crappy as the original xml05:30
fenndid they really write up 260 different artifacts?05:34
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kanzurefenn: no what they did was click around in repositoryEntryApp06:57
kanzurewhich is even worse.06:57
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kanzurewhat is it with you bloomington people and fencing? 07:36
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kanzurefenn: you'll need to fill out http://www.tramor.com/austin/creekvillage/default.htm for the apartment09:51
kanzureit's not an immediate priority09:54
kanzurehm I must have missed this: http://search.cpan.org/~markov/XML-Compile-1.07/bin/xml2yaml (not that it matters)09:55
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kanzureautomating maintenance instructions study: http://cg.cis.upenn.edu/hms/research/PAR/docs/ami-new.pdf11:04
kanzureI'm only up to page 13, but so far its' nice11:04
kanzurenot sure how the long action names given on page 11 work .. I guess they are expecting only humans to be doing the maintenance and thus an action with a name like "grasp-a-steering-wheel" or "sit-with-foot-on-the-accelerator-pedal" isn't completely crazy.11:05
kanzurethey have this "parameterized action representation" that they are using. each par has some tests to determine whether or not the action is applicable in a certain 'scene' or situation.11:06
-!- dira [n=chatzill@] has joined #hplusroadmap11:06
fennkanzure: you know writing lots of code is a bad thing right?11:07
kanzurejust trying to make stuff work11:15
dirait is evaluated as original sine in 21st century11:20
kanzurehttp://www.aiai.ed.ac.uk/project/ghostwriter/ "The prototype has been used to demonstrate the interactive and semi-automatic production of a significant portion of a complex maintenance procedure for the Falcon 900 aircraft in both English and French. The resulting texts are at a level close to that produced by human authors."11:21
CIA-32skdb: fenn * r c390d62 /gui/gui.py: App.working_part11:24
CIA-32skdb: fenn * r e4e4a0a /paths.py: fix pick_interface, added show_bounding_box11:24
CIA-32skdb: fenn * r 692f382 / (core/skdb.py tests/test_geom.py tests/test_mating.py): make test_geom pass; move crap that locks up into its own file11:24
CIA-32skdb: fenn * r b43f091 /paths.py: simplify and remove unused junk11:24
fennno example output from ghostwriter?11:27
fennkanzure does test_mating.py hang for you?11:29
kanzuregimme a sec11:34
kanzurepg 40 has "figure 23" .. I think the "trees" thingy (last line) is how they are able to determine whether or not that user's capability (from a capability list) match what the instruction generator intended11:35
kanzurethe meaning of that snytax was explained earlier in the document however11:35
kanzurenot sure why they chose to be so cryptic about it (everything else is clear, so why not the lexical stuff?)11:35
kanzurefenn: seems to.11:35
kanzureheh neat there's a glossary11:37
kanzureyeah page 19 has the first appearance of the weird symbols seen in pg40 fig2311:39
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kanzureoh boy. "lexalized tree-adjoining grammars"11:45
fennwhat is geom.add_shape for?11:46
fenn'''add a shape to self.ais_shapes. this isn't as exciting as you think it is.'''11:46
kanzureself.ais_shapes is now self.shapes11:46
kanzuregeom.add_shape can be deleted11:47
kanzureunless add_shape is a Part method11:47
kanzureum it probably is but it's not used anywhere anyway11:47
kanzureholy shit the authors of that paper actually have code and a mailing list for their bullshit11:48
kanzurenorman badler is worth stalking11:59
fenndamn i seem to have lost all the volume stuff in geom through a series of git screwups12:06
fennoh wait nevermind12:07
-!- |kardan| [n=kardan@p54BE53E2.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]12:10
kanzureheh they have a python implementation12:10
kanzureor at least, I think this indicates they have a python implementation: http://cg.cis.upenn.edu/hms/research/PAR/docs/parSlides.txt12:10
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kanzureyay for randomly guessing URLs: http://cg.cis.upenn.edu/hms/research/PAR/code/12:11
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kanzuregah 40312:11
CIA-32skdb: fenn * r 8253cb6 / (geom/geom.py tests/test_geom.py): use Bnd_Box.IsOut12:13
CIA-32skdb: fenn * r db24c9f / (geom/geom.py tests/test_gui.py): trying to clean up geom12:13
CIA-32skdb: fenn * r dcff348 /geom/geom.py: remove old unused junk12:13
CIA-32skdb: fenn * r f9c337d /geom/ (geom.py volume_collision.py): move volume stuff out of geom12:13
CIA-32skdb: fenn * r 70c11f4 /geom/geom.py: remove more junk12:13
fenngeom.Rotation and Translation were for storing gp_Trsf-like things in yaml, right?12:15
fenncouldnt we just save x_vec and y_vec instead?12:15
fenner, point, x_vec, y_vec12:16
kanzureRotation and Translation were not for storing 12:16
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fennattack of the clones13:42
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kanzurehttp://cg.cis.upenn.edu/hms/research/PAR/movies/ 14:04
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kanzurehttp://cg.cis.upenn.edu/hms/research/PAR/code/databaseGUI/c++_tips.txt still 404.. hm.14:04
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kanzureneed to stalk: ftp://ftp.cis.upenn.edu/pub/14:08
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kardan|wow, we got a downstream of your videos of 5 mb, kanzure 14:43
CIA-32skdb: fenn * r 78da328 /geom/geom.py: oops, need this for Shape15:15
CIA-32skdb: fenn * r 95025e9 /paths.py: transparent bounding boxes15:15
CIA-32skdb: fenn * r 0af67cb /gui/gui.py: added delete function15:15
CIA-32skdb: fenn * r bad6522 /paths.py: save AIS handles for later use?15:15
fennwell that was surprisingly easy15:16
* fenn twiddles furiously15:16
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CIA-32skdb: fenn * r f71f57a /paths.py: bad search and replace15:57
CIA-32skdb: fenn * r 1daf796 /packages/threads/threads.py: try importing geom16:00
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fennkanzure: http://falstad.com/mathphysics.html http://falstad.com/circuit/18:09
fennapparently openfarmtech is using that as their electronics simulator18:10
fennare there tools to find duplicate information in a giant mess of files?19:02
fenn(have i asked this before?)19:03
fenni know gqview had some sort of image search function19:03
fennbut i'm thinking more general, like for source code or cad files19:04
ybitthe gingery machines, was any of this released online, because from what i see it's all in book format19:04
* ybit is looking for welding projects19:04
fennit's all in book format19:04
ybitbkero, katsmeow-afk..19:04
fennhowever, if you need scans of the books, that's available *ahem*19:04
* ybit wants19:05
fennhold on19:06
fenngingery didnt use much welding in his books19:06
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fenni think only the gas furnace and sheet metal brake were welded19:06
ybitthinking of creating my own workbench19:06
ybitsince i don't have one19:06
ybitthat might be useful to have19:06
ybitspeaking of sheet metal: http://www.metalwebnews.com/howto/rolls/rolls.html19:10
fennwow kanzure i'm impressed with your gingery collection19:10
-!- superkuh [n=hukrepus@unaffiliated/superkuh] has quit [Excess Flood]19:10
ybitdon't really understand the point of this yet: http://www.metalwebnews.com/howto/stand1/stand.html19:10
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fennhmm its 372MB19:11
fennthat'll take a while19:11
ybithttp://www.zena.net/htdocs/welders/projects.shtml Build Your Own 150A, 100% Duty Cycle, Mobile Welder Build Your Own 400A, 100% Duty Cycle, Mobile Welder19:11
fennybit: tellme what you want first: http://pastebin.ca/156051019:14
QuantumGJust reviewed our itinerary for SpaceVision in November, it's going to be one hell of a good trip. Are you going? http://bit.ly/1ptfeh19:15
-!- xp_lunch is now known as xp_prg19:19
ybitdrwxr-xr-x 2 fenn fenn 4.0K 2009-09-09 19:09 Dave Gingery - Build Your Own Metalworking Shop From Scrap 1-519:20
ybitand Metal Cutting Bandsaw.pdf19:20
fennokie, 1-4 on their way19:21
fennuh. apparently fennetic.net is having dns troubles19:22
ybitfilebin and dcc send rarely fails :)19:24
ybitor if it's on adl, sftp or wget works too19:25
fenndcc never works, are you kidding?19:26
ybitby the time the general workbench, welding workbench, and welder cart are built, maybe tim will have documents available on his machine19:27
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ybiti should have been, but i'm most just suggesting alternate means of sharing if all else fails19:29
fenn5min ETA19:29
kanzurethe problem ks our upload19:32
kanzureso it wouldn't matter really where we put it19:32
kanzureand frankly I'm not sure filebin and crapshoot will have better speeds than the local university19:32
fennbtw if you like welding, you'll love casting :)19:33
ybiti just started reading a book on casting today19:35
genehackerI got to take over 100 measurements of hardness on two welded bits of metal today 19:35
kanzuremaybe you should rename that file?19:37
fennthe bandsaw file was screwed up apparently, but it's not a big deal anyway since apparently the design wasn't all that good19:37
fennvince gingery already yelled at me once for hosting files19:38
kanzure"IronPython is ".NET-native" -- so it will be preferable if you want to fully integrate your Python code with .NET all the way; Python.NET works with Classic Python, so it lets you keep your Python code's "arm's length" away from .NET proper. (Note that with this code you can actually use extensions written for CPython from your IronPython code, so that's not a discriminating condition any more).19:39
kanzurewhy does pythonnet build python.exe?19:42
ybithttp://www.millerwelds.com/interests/projects/ideagallery/download/966792622/ guessing that's a torch welder, these tanks are cheap19:43
ybitvalley air (the place where i got the rods today) carries medical gases for a cheap price, this news made me happy19:44
fenncan anyone buy medical gases?19:44
ybitco2 was about $25 for so many lbs which i forget atm, but it seemed very cheap and that indeed he was willing to sale it to me19:46
ybitkatsmeow-afk: you were right on the price, 10lbs for $26 (that's with tax)19:47
fennwell CO2 is hardly a "medical gas"19:47
ybitthough it has medical applications :)19:47
fennit's strongly hallucinogenic, you better believe it19:48
ybitoh boy, don't tell this to the teenies19:48
fennit will never catch on because you feel like you're dying (also it has to be mixed with oxygen or you really will die)19:48
fenngoogle 'carboxy'19:49
* ybit usually wikipedia's if the subject being searched is known19:49
fennok apparently that wasn't the right keyword19:49
fennno, this is a mix of CO2 and O219:50
ybitthis was one of the first acids i studied in some chem clas19:51
ybitah, i see19:51
ybitCarbogen was once used in psychology and psychedelic psychotherapy to determine how a patient would react to an altered state of consciousness or to a sensation of loss of control.[4] 19:52
ybiti react terribly in this scenario19:53
ybitwell, i get used to it though i don't like it19:53
fennmaybe you should go skydiving instead19:53
ybitthat i wouldn't mind19:53
ybitminus the fee which could be used more wisely19:53
ybitfenn, didn't you say you were going to upload 5-7 + Metal Cutting Bandsaw.pdf? :)19:56
ybito.O Build a Coil Winding Machine.pdf19:56
ybitso cool19:56
fenndid I? well ok..19:56
fennBandsaw is messed up btw19:56
ybityeah you did and you said there would be a special surprise which i wouldn't expect (Build a Coil Winding Machine.pdf19:57
* ybit wonders how one would go into business for him/herself19:59
ybitin metal casting19:59
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ybitthe editor(s) in the book from today said there was enough money to be made for paying the bills and some20:00
* ybit wonders if some diyers would like custom fabricated microfluidics devices to toy around with20:01
* ybit wants to work for himself or possibly with friends20:01
ybitany38051773: you mentioning that you mostly use 1/8 rods awhile back helped me today20:02
genehackerwell of course we do ybit20:05
ybitnot necessarily always the case, most people prefer not to be bothered with running their own business, it's a little time consuming20:06
fennybit ETA 2 hours, will be at ybit2.tgz20:09
genehackerso do you have a microfluidics machine that I can download plans for?20:09
ybiti have a photlith + other machines, you provide the design, i can fabricate the device20:11
genehackeryou have a photolithography machine?20:12
genehackerwhere'd you get it?20:12
genehackerdo you have borosilicate plates? and a machine for fusing them together?20:13
fenni have a self replicating nanoassembler, just send the designs and i'll get right on it20:13
genehackerwhat file format?20:15
genehackerwill .pdb work?20:15
genehackergot a frictionless bearing I'd like to test20:16
fennSTEP-XML plz20:16
fennoops i mean STEP-NC-XML20:16
* fenn guesses the humor is lost on everyone20:17
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genehackerso ybit do you have borosilicate plates or not?20:17
genehackerand can you do greyscale lithography?20:18
genehackerall I care about is borosilicate20:21
ybithuh, seems i'll be doing some castin in about two weeks since we have those capabilities at the junkyard, w00t20:28
ybitsorry, genehacker, was on the phone.. not sure if we have borosilicate glass or not, will check tomorrow20:29
ybiti'm 90% certain we can do grayscale lith 20:30
ybitblack and white, sure, grayscale, i'm a hesitant to say for sure20:31
ybitfenn: humor wasn't lost :)20:32
fennybit: step-nc is supposed to be able to run any kind of machine tool20:32
ybithttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STEP-NC that i didn't know about20:33
genehackerso what are you using for masks?20:34
genehackerif you are using masks then this may not work out20:34
genehackerthe cost may end up being prohibitive20:35
fennybit before you go off making lots of patterns and kneading sand, take a look at http://buildyouridea.com/foundry/lost_foam_howto/lost_foam_howto.html and uh, not fennetic.net20:35
* any38051773 tries pouring copper into a cast of a pcb20:37
ybitgenehacker: it's a plastic transparency film20:37
genehackerare you using any optics20:38
genehackerto reduce it?20:38
genehackerand do you align the film?20:38
ybitdon't know20:38
ybithaven't used it20:39
ybitlet me get back with you tomorrow when i'm not mostly using my male intuition which tends to get me in trouble :)20:39
genehackerwell if you can etch borosilicate it might be useful20:39
genehackermight make an NPPOC-Cl production reactor20:40
-!- any38051773 is now known as katsmeow20:40
* fenn covers his eyes20:41
ybitnice link fenn20:41
ybitwe have quite a bit of aluminum to work with, my dad was saying something purifying the alluminum, the more pure, the higher you can charge20:42
ybitdin't quite catch it all, my mind was wondering20:43
ybithe knows quite a bit about this kind of stuff20:43
ybitkatsmeow: do you have the plans for your boat already?20:44
katsmeowprolly good histrength scrap from "used" rocket engines up there?20:44
katsmeowthe plans?20:44
ybitwe have tons of scrap, whatcha need?20:44
katsmeownono,, you need scrap aluminum20:44
katsmeowi thinked20:45
ybitoh yeah, that's what i'll be starting with20:45
* katsmeow ponders dinner20:45
ybitmay i suggest friskies fine cuts tuna in sauce?20:45
genehackeryou know you can calculate solidification time with Chvorinov's rule?20:46
ybitgenehacker: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casting20:46
ybitokay, just making sure20:46
genehackerI'm learning about casting20:46
* katsmeow wipes up the drool20:46
ybitgenehacker: in the intro to manufacturing class?20:47
* ybit is jealous20:47
ybitmostly that you have a book that i don't have ;)20:48
ybitfeel free to send it my way when the class is over20:48
fenn<- not impressed by dead dudes' names20:49
fenn"The mold constant B depends on the properties of the metal, such as density, heat capacity, heat of fusion and superheat, and the mold, such as initial temperature, density, thermal conductivity, heat capacity and wall thickness." none of which we're going to tell you how to actually calculate20:52
genehackerit's large and massy20:53
fenni don't want your dead matter anyway20:53
fennhow the hell do you pronounce "chvorinov"?20:53
ybitPhreedom ?20:54
genehackerch vor i nov20:54
ybitworks for me20:55
genehackeris the rule20:55
genehackerV= volume of the casting20:55
genehackerA=exposed surface area20:55
genehackerC is a constant20:55
genehackerjust wiki it20:56
fennyar. so as i was saying earlier about casting, i wrote up some crap here http://fennetic.net/machines/lostfoam21:05
ybit20:51 < fenn> "The mold constant B depends on the properties of the metal, such as density, heat capacity, heat of fusion and superheat, and the mold, such as initial  temperature, density, thermal conductivity, heat capacity and wall thickness." was from the wiki entry21:05
fenngenehacker: it's the "just a constant" part that bugs me21:05
fennwhat good is calculating something if it varies unpredictably?21:06
* fenn goes to bed21:08
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bkeroybit: ?21:34
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ybitbkero: i was asking for welding project suggestions21:58
bkeroYou awnt a project to practice welding?21:59
katsmeowweld up a better wheeled cart for your new welder ;-)21:59
ybitkatsmeow: that's already on the list :)22:01
ybithttp://www.metalwebnews.com/howto/cart/cart.html and there are some on miller's site22:02
katsmeowguy tried to sellme one when i bought mine, i looked at him like he was nuts,, "i just bought atool to make one, why would i uy one?"22:02
ybitbkero: yes22:02
bkeroybit: electric bicycle :)22:04
bkeroBattery racks for an electric vehicle22:04
bkeroa rollcage for a car22:04
bkerocoat rack22:04
bkeroa jig for making something22:04
bkeroWeld yourself a bed frame or make a throne out of a shopping cart.22:05
bkeroTake a stop sign out of it's post and weld it onto somebody's hood.22:05
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ybiti like that last idea :)22:13
ybiti considered an electric bicycycle, but i usually just hop in the car.. so parts for my electric automobile would be more likely built22:16
ybit19:27 < ybit> by the time the general workbench, welding workbench, and welder cart are built, maybe tim will have documents available on his machine22:17
ybitstill stands22:17
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genehackerspeaking of electric bikes22:29
bkeroElectric cars do need battery racks22:29
bkeroand they're often the toughest part22:29
genehackerI need a way to get from point A to point B(distance: ???) in less than 10 minutes22:30
genehackerdistance= <0.5 miles22:30
bkeroStandard bicycle is easiest22:30
bkeroand can easily do that22:31
genehackerbicycles need to be locked up22:31
bkeroso lock it up?22:31
genehackerthis takes time22:31
bkeroLocking up a bicycle will take under 30 seconds22:31
genehackerI have to secure both wheels22:32
bkeroIs theft a problem on your campus?22:32
genehackerI think so22:32
bkeroEven with locking it up a bicycle is easily the fastest and most accessible22:32
bkeroIt takes less time to lock up a bike than it does to walk to your destination from a parking lot.22:33
genehackerI'm considering powerskates22:33
bkeroand carrying them into class with you?22:34
genehackerwhy not?22:34
bkeroBecause I'd rather not carry wet muddy skates into class with me22:34
bkeroand my bag is 3lb 2oz22:34
bkeroThe skates would be quadrouple that22:34
genehackermud isn't a problem where I am22:34
bkeroIt never rains where you are?22:34
genehackernope almost every surface is concrete22:35
bkeroEven with concrete, mud will still come from somewhere22:35
genehackerplus I just want some way to get around besides walking22:35
bkeroSeems much more inconveient than a bike22:35
genehackerpoint taken22:36
bkeroMotorized skateboard, scooter, bicycle, jetpack22:36
genehackerI tried the scooter option22:37
genehackerit was impractical22:37
bkeroScooters are pretty awkawrd22:37
bkeroI'd only recommend an oversized one powered by an electic motor22:37
bkeroElectric motor22:37
genehackernearly impossible to ride a scooter with a backpack22:37
bkeroI have a gas bicycle kit and an electrical bike kit I've pieced together.22:37
genehackerjet packs are impractical because of fuel requirements22:38
genehackerperhaps I could make a magnetic harpoon and latch onto cars and use that to pull me a long 22:39
genehackerjust like in snowcrash22:39
genehackeroh wait22:39
genehackernot enough cars going where I want to go22:40
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ybiti think this is what i should build: http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/200411/04/images/1103_D05.jpg23:02
genehackerdo you have a humongous injection molding machine?23:04
ybitor this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-Ijsfg4tx423:05
-!- katsmeow is now known as katsmeow-afk23:06
kanzurexmidtd2py.py is neat.23:08

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