
--- Day changed Thu Sep 10 2009
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kanzurepoultry is exempt from the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act?07:20
katsmeow-afkit's too costly to convince the chickens to be euthanised willingly,, or to sneak up on them07:30
katsmeow-afkthe chicken industry could not find a polite way to hang them upside down, or to avoid with certainty their heads not being accidently ripped off when being forceably aligned to the electric water bath or the neck slitters07:31
katsmeow-afkgetting their heads into the electric water wasn't guaranteed even if that entire end of chicken was dunked, so the slitter would cut an unstunned bird, or someone would haveto manually remove the bird fromthe conveyor and send it back again from the start07:35
* katsmeow-afk has a deja vu about this topic07:38
fennprobaby just a past life or something07:43
katsmeow-afkso i am repeating this with great fidelity, great07:43
CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r 384050a /core/graphsynth.py: decided to rewrite graphsynth. boo and hiss to dotnet08:01
CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r 3979564 / (7 files in 5 dirs): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://bryan@adl.serveftp.org/var/www/skdb08:01
fenncore/ ?08:02
kanzurewe want Part to inherit from Node right?08:02
fennthat's definitely a module, might even belong in another repo :P08:02
fenni still want to be able to swap out various graph back ends08:02
kanzureI don't really want to use svn to store this08:02
CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r 758365b / (core/graphsynth.py thirdparty/graphsynth.py): ok, move it to thirdparty08:03
fennsomehow i doubt he'll be pleased :)08:04
fennshouldn't "#these dont need to be here" stuffs be in __init__?08:05
kanzurenot really, some of them are just for reference08:05
fenni dont understand08:07
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kanzurefenn: the names of the attributes are different in my python version08:07
fennarc.directed seems pretty obvious08:07
kanzureso I wanted to make sure I remained consistent08:07
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fennclass data is basically useless08:09
fennit should be for stuff like constants08:09
kanzureyes that's why I just explained what those were for08:10
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CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r 04f87f4 /thirdparty/graphsynth.py: more graphsynth programming09:41
kanzureit's entirely possible that I misunderstood pythonnet09:41
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CIA-32skdb: fenn * r c071c22 /packages/threads/generate.py: attempting to generate thread geometry.. segfaults for unknown reason14:05
CIA-32skdb: fenn * r d9f43d8 /thirdparty/graphsynth.py: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://adl.serveftp.org/var/www/skdb14:05
fennwhat causes segfaults?14:11
CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r c73780e /thirdparty/graphsynth.py: more graphsynth14:32
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kanzureancient but good: http://www.kurtz-fernhout.com/oscomak/need.htm14:40
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kanzurefenn: does this sound right? "information is tokenized; knowledge is parsed."15:16
fennsounds like bullshit to me15:22
kanzureum I'm trying to figure out how XML confuses something15:25
kanzurepeople seem to think that if you can read XML you therefore have knowledge in your system15:25
kanzurebut that's not true, you just have all of these crappy data structures15:25
kanzure"knowledged is parsed" just means that there has to be something that interprets the data and checks if it makes sense.. it doesn't matter how it gets to the checker.15:26
kanzureanyway the point should be making sure the data makes sense.. don't know why people are thrilled about sysml15:36
kanzurethe horror: http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/sysml/15:36
kanzure      <ownedAttribute xmi:type="cmof:Property" xmi:id="Connector-redefinedConnector" name="redefinedConnector" type="Connector" upper="*" lower="0" subsettedProperty="RedefinableElement-redefinedElement" association="A_redefinedConnector_connector">15:39
kanzure        <ownedComment xmi:type="cmof:Comment" xmi:id="Connector-redefinedConnector-_ownedComment.0" annotatedElement="Connector-redefinedConnector">15:39
kanzure          <body>A connector may be redefined when its containing classifier is specialized. The redefining connector may have a type that specializes the type of the redefined connector. The types of the connector ends of the redefining connector may specialize the types of the connector ends of the redefined connector. The properties of the connector ends of the redefining connector may be replaced.</body>15:39
kanzure        </ownedComment>15:39
kanzure      </ownedAttribute>15:39
kanzureright, so ..15:40
kanzurecompare that to: http://adl.serveftp.org/skdb/packages/bearing/data.yaml15:40
CIA-32skdb: fenn * r d99c2c5 /packages/threads/generate.py: another way to fail utterly15:52
CIA-32skdb: fenn * r da6e215 /thirdparty/graphsynth.py: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://adl.serveftp.org/var/www/skdb15:52
fennwas that <body> automatically generated or something?15:55
kanzuremy thoughts exactly :(16:03
kanzureit makes my inner child cry16:03
kanzureweep, even16:03
kanzureI'm drowning16:03
kanzurehalp halp16:04
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* wrldpc2 throws kanzure life preserver.16:51
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kanzurewtf? "Cybercrime is now larger than the international drug trade..."17:15
kanzure"Over eleven years ago (1998), the UN reported that "illegal trade in narcotics has a captive market of about 190 million addicts and users worldwide, and is estimated to be worth more than 400 billion dollars a year"."17:15
kanzurethe second quote was a counterquote to show that the cybercrime statement was bullshit17:16
kanzure(both were published, but the second one was from the UN)17:16
fennsource of first quote?17:17
kanzureslashdot article17:17
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kanzurefenn: http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x267/fresh2fly4u/robot_chicken.jpg18:23
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genehackerthis bacteria can make a chemical needed to make synthetic dna20:18
genehackermake the chemicals to make synthetic dna20:19
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any54444979if that works to turn sugar into plastics, why aren't we seeing bioplastics yet?20:27
QuantumGcause sugar is worth more than plastic20:28
genehackerdon't know20:39
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genehackerfrom the aerial photographs it looks like you have a big backyard, correct?21:24
genehackeris the ground relatively flat?21:50
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wrldpc2since when does tim o'reilly act as a shill for u.s. milcom?22:05
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ybit2hey you microfluidics cats22:52
* ybit2 was kicked out of the house for most of the day while older women drunk and did crazy things like talking about cleaning and stuff22:53
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ybit2genehacker: i asked about the borosilicate glass plates, but the guy said no, that they use fr4 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FR-4 ...that's as far as that part of the conversation got today.. you kind of have to know the guys to understand...well fuck, leave then 22:54
ybit2for future copying and pasting to genehacker22:55
ybit2they got out of the glass stuff awhile back is what the guy said22:55
ybit2and yes we can do grayscale22:56
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ybit222:52 < ybit2> hey you microfluidics cats23:26
ybit222:53  * ybit2 was kicked out of the house for most of the day while older women drunk and did crazy things like talking about cleaning and stuff23:26
ybit222:54 -!- genehacker [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-34-238.public.utexas.edu] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]23:26
ybit222:54 < ybit2> genehacker: i asked about the borosilicate glass plates, but the guy said no, that they use fr4 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FR-4 ...that's as far as  that part of the conversation got today.. you kind of have to know the guys to understand...well fuck, leave then 23:26
ybit222:55 < ybit2> for future copying and pasting to genehacker23:26
ybit222:55 < ybit2> they got out of the glass stuff awhile back is what the guy said23:26
ybit222:56 < ybit2> and yes we can do grayscale23:26
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ybit2papers to grab:23:47
ybit2Microfluidic systems on a printed wiring board platform 23:47
ybit2A novel microfluidic integration technology for PCB-based devices: Application to microflow sensing 23:47
ybit2Design and fabrication of microfluidic devices integrated with an open?ended MEMS probe for single?cell impedance measurement 23:47
ybit2Microfluidic systems in PCB technology23:48
ybit2Integrated microfluidic components on a printed wiring board platform23:49
ybit2Low cost piezo printhead based on microfluidics in printed circuit board and screen-printed piezoelectrics  <- name of patent linked to23:49
ybit2time for bed23:49
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genehackerthey did do glass?23:58
genehackerdoes this facility do microfluidics?23:58

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