
--- Day changed Sun Sep 13 2009
CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r 56651f8 /import_tools/surf.py: o hai. just some stl2cad code. dont use it.00:08
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* kanzure considers using python-cluster00:49
kanzurewget http://sourceforge.net/projects/python-cluster/files/python-cluster/1.1.1b3/cluster-1.1.1b3.linux-i686.tar.gz/download00:49
kanzureoh scipy already implements that00:49
katsmeow-afkthey still working on shrdlu ?01:02
katsmeow-afkit's amasing that so long ago they had a code base that could answer questions like that, and no one has done better since?01:04
katsmeow-afki do recall in the early 80's a computer program in Fla decided a dictator of a small country was a lot like a strict male parent of a human family,, and a couple years later, all data about it disappeared01:11
genehackerI recall seeing a picture of a tiny submarine in a bloodvessel, it didn't work but I can'01:15
genehackert find any documentation of it today01:15
genehackerdefinately sounds cool01:16
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kanzureblack out :(05:53
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kanzureneat I found an IGES/VTK viewer built with OCC10:32
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fennNizhny Novgorod region11:45
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fenn_adli suppose i should fetch those papers on the linuxcnc wiki while i have paywall access11:55
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fennis there a preferred way to access a paper in the form of "doi:10.1016/S0010-4485(97)00033-X" besides just constructing the url?12:29
fenn"Lee et al." sure writes a lot of papers12:34
kanzurefear the security? http://projects.opencascade.org//cgi-bin/secureippop/foo.txt12:35
kanzurefenn: there's a doi resolver out there12:35
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fennyou'd think someone would publish the sequal to "simulation of linearly moving tools" ("simulation of circularly moving tools") in the same journal, but no..12:40
fennit's in some other journal i don't have access to12:40
fennIEEE bastards12:41
fenncan anyone give a simple 1 sentence explanation what a convolution is?13:07
kanzure$75 million for Cascade development?13:08
kanzurefenn: adl.serveftp.org has ieee access13:09
fennapparently not13:09
kanzureif not then me.utexas.edu will have access 13:09
fennuh. not sure what you mean by that13:10
fenncan you get some papers for me?13:10
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fennMaeng et al. (2004) "A fast NC simulation method for circularly moving tools in the Z-map environment", IEEE Proceedings of the Geometric Modeling and Processing 2004 (GMP’04)13:10
kanzurethe ieee link would be nice13:10
kanzureoh man. ancient: http://web.archive.org/web/19961231061423/http://www.matra-datavision.com/13:11
fennwell i suppose that's where i'm going wrong (the link) is this it? http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=97777313:12
kanzureieee xplore is probably hosting it13:13
fennalso this one, which had a preprint online but links seems to be dead: Dragomatz and Mann, "A Classified Bibliography of Literture on NC Tool Path Generation", CAD 29(3), 199713:13
kanzure.. somewhere13:13
fenndoes UT not have IEEE Xplore subscription?13:15
fennaha.. this animated gif demonstrates convolution pretty well http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Convolution.html13:21
kanzurefenn: ut does, but it is sometimes not accessible through ezproxy13:23
fenni'm not using ezproxy13:23
kanzureand sometimes me.utexas.edu has more access than students13:23
fenni'm using minsky13:23
kanzureme.utexas.edu has more access than adl.serveftp.org13:23
fenni don't have access to me.utexas.edu?13:23
kanzureguess I could log in for you if you want13:24
fennit's not a big deal, i'm just annoyed on principle13:24
fennwow finally i know how "gaussian blur" works13:25
drazakkanzure: could you setup an ssh-proxy between me.utexas.edu and adl.serveftp.org? ssh -D8084 kanzure@me.utexas.edu13:35
* fenn reads http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Probabilistic_context-free_grammar13:43
fennsomehow i got here from deconvolution13:43
fenn(expectation maximization algorithms)13:44
fennit's really amazing how much statistics they never bothered to even mention in statistics class13:50
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kanzureOCC 6.2 build fixes and patches http://homepages.cae.wisc.edu/~kraftche/OCC/patches.html15:16
fennhey ybit wanna weld me up one of these? http://www.tflex.com/design/examples/exsa3_big.jpg15:32
fennalso you will want to anneal it for a few days afterward15:32
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genehackerpower blackout?15:58
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genehackerSo what's wrong with this statement:16:15
genehackerThere are, however, a number of reasons for thinking that Blue Brain will not succeed, at least not in reproducing all of the brain's myriad faculties. One of these concerns what some scientists regard to be an inherent limitation of digital computers. In 1931, Austrian mathematician Kurt Gödel showed that complex mathematical systems contain statements that cannot be proved within the formalism of mathematics, even tho16:16
genehackerarticle goes weird after this and is in dallas morning news16:19
genehackernvm no big deal16:19
fenngodel is just about proving self consistency, which isn't strictly necessary for most things16:30
genehackeralso there was a proof that showed neural networks can be taken as turing machines16:31
genehackerfrom this article here16:31
ybitthanks for http://homepages.cae.wisc.edu/~kraftche/OCC/patches.html kanzure 16:39
ybitgrr, no hilighted messages.. didn't see your message fenn, or i would have the machine on the spot ;)16:40
kanzure"The stack can be smashed. Alexander Yurchenko <grange@rt.mipt.ru> wrote a17:03
kanzureproof of concept exploit for OpenBSD to demonstrate that arbitrary code could17:03
kanzurebe executed through ".htaccess" files.17:03
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katsmeow-afk[offtopic] On http://ep.yimg.com/ca/I/directron_2069_4192158117:28
katsmeow-afkMy pci slots on the motherboard don't have two keys like that card has slots. Mine are only one key. Is this a new pinout, or did they eliminate a set of pins on the edge connector for reasons of their own, and this will still work in my computers?17:28
kanzurequery: opencascade %7E17:31
kanzureresult: fenn.freeshell.org/bookmarks-09-20-08.adr17:31
drazakif it fits, and your computer posts, then it probably works17:31
kanzureget out of my search results >:(17:31
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QuantumGkanzure: http://www.philosophy.ox.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0019/3853/brain-emulation-roadmap-report.pdf  got that one?17:32
drazakkanzure: is pyscholar working?17:32
kanzureno, it isn't17:32
kanzureQuantumG: somewhere. you want?17:32
kanzureis that the bostrom roadmap with anders?17:32
QuantumGnah, its all there17:32
QuantumGany good?17:33
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kanzureI only glanced at it17:33
kanzureI thought it would be shit because bostrom was involved17:33
kanzurebut it actually looked like it had a chance17:34
QuantumGEvery time I hear Kurzweil talk he mentions all this great "brain scanning" research that is going on, then provides no references.  One particular thing he says a lot is functional decomposition of the brain and how non-biologically plausible emulation of those functional centers can reduce the computational requirements of whole brain emulation.  Yet I've seen no research on *that*.17:38
* katsmeow-afk wrote off Kurzweil as not doing anything new, he merely does a news feed on his site now17:38
kanzurewhat happened was that sometime in 2000 kurzweil read a few mailing lists and documented everyone's work17:39
kanzureif you read through the references in his books, they are basically all of the usual suspects that are still on the mailing lists17:39
* katsmeow-afk nods17:39
genehackerhehehe I think you forgot the he wrote a book part17:39
kanzurenot really17:39
QuantumGI wrote him off around the time he started a hedge fund :)17:39
genehackerI think only one place is doing brain scanning and that would be that aggies17:39
QuantumGand now a "university" that is more like a church.17:40
fennthe latest in agricultural technology: http://englishrussia.com/?p=203317:41
genehackerpeople are cheaper than robots17:42
genehackerI can't wait till the opposite is true17:42
fennwhoare "the usual suspects" re: kurzweil sources17:45
fenns/whoare/who are/ (no pun intended)17:45
genehackerwho are kurzweil's mysterious hidden sources?17:49
kanzurehttp://pdesinc.aticorp.org/whatsnew/recprac209v1a.pdf <-- ap209 recommended practices17:51
fenncontext please17:51
kanzurefenn: eli, eugene, anders, lee corbin, damien broderick, ..17:52
kanzureap209 is stpe17:52
fenn... and what am i supposed to do with this file?17:53
kanzurenothing since you already have a step importer17:53
fennok just checking17:53
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kanzureguhr? http://opencascade.com//ex/att/92_Fan.brep17:54
fennthat's not what i expected a .brep to look like17:55
fennactually OCC doesn't do AP20917:57
fenn209 is product data (like skdb metadata sorta)17:57
fennmaybe this is worth reading after all17:59
fennit does seem sort of haphazard18:00
fennfor instance "product category" can be "assembly", "cast", "machined", "linear_static_analysis"18:02
genehackerkanzure can heekscad read .stl?18:05
fenni bet it is slow for complex models though18:06
genehackerthat's ok18:07
genehackerI just need to see a general shape18:07
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ybit_only_ 100k for a car crusher19:47
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ybitaccording to howstuffworks, $30k for an older model19:53
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ybitanyone familiar with these processes of recyclying vehicles?19:58
katsmeow-afkwhat part?20:04
katsmeow-afkcar crusher: 8ft x 16ft 2 inch plate steel , apply repeatedly from altitude until the vehicle has assumed the requisite dimensions20:06
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katsmeow-afksome cut the frame the engine sits on, selling the engine and tranny to a reseller, some cut the rear spring shackels to resell the diferential if a rear wheel drive20:07
katsmeow-afkif the doors are in high demand, either cut the hinges, or unbolt them20:08
katsmeow-afkremove anyting else needed, a la chop shop20:08
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katsmeow-afkcause whatever is left to assume the smallest size convienent for shipping to a place which will drop it into a big chipper (like a log chipper, only heaver), or a gawdawefull compressor20:09
katsmeow-afkas opposed to a normal affordable compressor20:09
katsmeow-afkgas tanks must be removed, they have been known to explode at inconvienent times during the recycling20:10
katsmeow-afksome metals, like platinum in the convertors, or aluminum pistons, heads, blocks, tranny housings, are usually worth pulling for separate recycling20:11
katsmeow-afksome places put entire engines into aluminum pots and screen out the steel bits when they pour the molten al out20:12
katsmeow-afkif the engine and tranny and differential are removed, the gawdawefull masher will reduce a car or pu truck  to a 2x2x2 block20:13
katsmeow-afka regular masher is top-down only, making the vehicle more vertically challenged, to short to get into, otherwise same dimensions20:14
katsmeow-afkin poor neighborhoods, steel belted tires are saved, the tires are burned in large fires, the steel belts sold as scrap,, these fires must be cool, not hot, and therefore massively smokey, else the steel will oxidize away in the fire20:16
katsmeow-afkfor the olde C2, C3, C4, FMX, etc big trannies, a lot of people will stand them up onthebell housing,and whack the output shaft with a sledge hammer or drophammer, busting all the insides out the front end, pouring the tranny fluid into the ground20:18
katsmeow-afkif the wire is yanked from the vehickle to recycle the copper separately, the wire is also put in a fire to burnthe insulation off20:19
katsmeow-afkbrass or aluminum radiators or ac coils are salvaged often, and melted down20:19
katsmeow-afkcarburators are removed with a sledgehammer and melted20:20
katsmeow-afkit's a dirty and cruel business20:20
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* katsmeow-afk has witnessed this cruelty :-(..20:22
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ybithttp://www.eshield.net/ ...20:36
ybitjust thinking of ways to reduce energy costs20:38
ybitheated tile or concrete floors is another20:38
ybiteshield or insulating foam..20:38
katsmeow-afkwho are you talking to?20:39
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ybitsomeone had mentioned heat shields as a way to reduce energy costs20:39
ybitanyone who happends to comment on this babble :P20:39
ybitmaybe this should be in #hackerspaces since it's all for building a hackerspace20:39
katsmeow-afkhttp://www.eshield.net/  is bs, they deal only in radiant heat, and won't deal with convective 20:40
katsmeow-afkuse closed cell foamif you can, or high density cotton or fiberglass20:40
ybitalternative to searchirc: http://irc.netsplit.de/20:41
katsmeow-afkinsulation can pay for itself, i can heat this room for weeks with no other heat input, keeing it above 72F 24hrs/day , with 2 kerosene lamps on low, or one single burner propane lamp on medium20:41
katsmeow-afkthat's when some 24hrperiod don't get above 32 outside20:42
ybitone of the things i've been doing today is figuring out the cost to build such a facility as outlined yesterday20:42
katsmeow-afkwhat about the "paying forit" part?20:42
katsmeow-afkgot $millions ?20:43
ybitthe land isn't flat, so we'd have to build it up. that's not a problem, you get concrete companies that need a place to get rid of concrete to come and dump it there, it would probably take 2 years for them to make the land which isn't flat (~12 acres) level with the road20:44
ybitprobably looking at initially a $300k profit each year20:44
ybit$200k at the min.20:45
katsmeow-afkwho is going to profit by dumping concrete during a housing slump?20:45
ybitno i'm talking about running the junkyard and purifying alluminum, and selling other metals20:45
kanzureselling to who?20:46
ybitkanzure: i have no clue20:46
katsmeow-afkif you keep on top ofit, yeas, but if you hold the metals, and the bottm drops, you find you paid more for the scrap than you can sell the refined metals20:46
kanzurethen where is all that profit coming from?20:46
kanzuresorry, I must not understand math20:46
katsmeow-afkand,itis seriously dirty business in all ways, you will meet drunkards, theives, scam artists, etc20:47
ybitthis is coming from dad who has worked it for several years 20:47
katsmeow-afkand you are liable for environemntal cleanup20:47
katsmeow-afkpeople will sell you aluminum cans with dirt in them20:48
katsmeow-afkthey'll sell you cars they don't own, with gas tanks full of water,,and you'll pay steel prices for that water and deal with the cops the next day over th stolen car20:49
ybitrecently my grandfather became sick, he wasn't running the business like it should be, he was expecting to die or something, i dunno... but it wasn't ran like it should be (see the junkyard right beside for an example of a somewhat better system), anyway, my dad and i are considering re-opening the place, and i want it to become a place for working with metal, rebuilding engines, and eventually doing what i'm doing right now, which is designing and fab20:49
ybiti want it to be a hackerspace where anyone can come in and build whatever the heck they want20:50
katsmeow-afkyou'llhear of a massive generator theft, or ac unit theft, and the next day you get al this copper and aluminum, and you'll buy it and keep your mounth shut or they'll burn your business20:50
ybiti don't doubt that20:51
ybiti've heard several stories from my grandfather20:51
ybithe wasn't the cleanest businessman when he started off20:52
ybitanyway, this is only one of several things i've been thinking about20:52
katsmeow-afkk, as long as you know it isn';t glamourous and won't attract decent women,, altho you could prolly pimp hookers there too20:53
katsmeow-afkif you are on a railroad line, yu could prolly scrap railroad cars and engines, lots of metals and heavy equipment there , but you'll need dedicated heavy demolition tools too20:56
katsmeow-afk1000's hp diesels, 1000's hp electric motors, etc20:57
katsmeow-afki picked up a couple camshaft drive gears fromone, each *camshaft* gear is 5x the weight , and are bigger than, the *flywheel* on my 350 truck engine20:58
kanzureybit: fenn and I were planning these modular deconstructable pieces for the warehouse20:59
kanzurei think you shouldn't get yourself rooted down to one location20:59
kanzureto be honest you're not much help being somewhere else21:00
kanzureespecially since we all share essentially the same ideas21:00
kanzureno reason to not also share tools and other stuff.21:00
ybitso come here? :)21:00
* katsmeow-afk pats out the burns on the ybit21:01
kanzurewell we should go where the support is21:01
kanzurelos angeles was looking like a good target21:01
kanzurebut at the moment I'm very confused about the status of that gig21:01
kanzurejata hasn't been online in weeks, so it's unusual21:02
ybitimo, hackerspaces have the potential for being the next big thing in manufacturing.. hackerspaces + skdb21:02
kanzureto be honest I haven't seen a hackerspace doing anything particularly well21:02
kanzureieee electrical engineers have better electronics workbenches than hackerspaces in most cases21:02
katsmeow-afkbut how many where you are will invest in it there, or pay to be part of it, ybit?21:02
katsmeow-afkyeas, tools tend to walk off21:03
kanzurethe point that alex lightman was originally trying to make was that there are a number of similar initiatives on the web that kind of need the same backend tools in order to happen21:04
kanzureimho if he is still interested in funding us, I say take it21:04
katsmeow-afkmy stepfather would goto a hobby shop for the sole reason to steal tools21:04
ybitnot everyone can afford to have large machines at their place, until there's a matter compiler, people will need access to these machines21:05
kanzureI don't think the "access" model works21:06
ybitplease explain21:06
kanzurethe reason why the philanthropy model works is because it's a protective bubble against civilization's bullshit while we fix it21:06
ybitand what's with you capitlizing your "I's" ;)21:06
kanzurethat's a good question21:07
kanzureI can't seem to make up my mind21:07
ybitif someone complains about lower-case, tell them to write a script and be quiet 21:08
ybitwhen you say access model...?21:09
ybitwhat are you saying exactly, businesses?21:09
ybitphilantrhopy == hackerspaces21:09
ybiti'm guessing21:09
kanzurewhere you have an allocation model and the livelihood of the overall kernel (the infrastructure, system, etc.) depends on people being happy with the allocation schedule21:09
kanzurewhen in fact it may be computationally impossible to make them all happy due to how many of them there are21:09
ybitso eliminate the jews already ;)21:09
kanzureit shouldn't be about making them happy, it should be about you doing what you need to do21:09
kanzuremeanwhile if you try to do a business on your own, mission integrity can easily be compromised by current civilization bullshit21:12
kanzuremaintain coherence of vision.21:13
ybitwhat's the plan to remove the occ dependencies or at least to bundle everything into a nice package for skdb?21:13
* ybit wants kanzure to define civilization bullshit or at least give just a few examples21:14
katsmeow-afkcivilization bullshit = you can't do that here21:15
katsmeow-afkcivilization bullshit = we think you are trying to make robots take over th w orld21:15
kanzurewait, aren't we?21:15
katsmeow-afkcivilization bullshit = stock market crashed, there's no money to hack in your space21:15
ybitokay, on the same page21:16
kanzurecivilization bullshit means, rent.21:16
katsmeow-afkcivilization bullshit = new sewagetreatment plant next door to you21:16
ybithmm, metacurrency might fix that21:16
katsmeow-afkwell, ybit's dad owns that place, no rent21:16
kanzurehow about no currency21:17
ybithey! i have rent...21:17
ybitthat they save for me...21:17
katsmeow-afksuuurrree they do21:17
ybitso i'm told, at least i'm happy with the "allocation schedule" here :P21:18
kanzureuntil you're not, and then it's too late21:18
ybit*cough*buzzkill*cough* ;)21:19
katsmeow-afklife is a buzz kill21:19
ybitwow, i now know why i take anti-depressants, it's because i hang in here too much :P21:19
kanzurewhat the fuck man?21:20
kanzurewe're kicking ass. (sort of)21:20
kanzurerelatively I mean :)21:21
katsmeow-afkcan i have some of them?21:21
bkeroBahaha, http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/kotaku/full/~3/CGI7ZZWRZdI/a-post+apocalyptic-marriage-proposal 21:21
ybitthey are just tiding me along until adrafanil lands in the mailbox sometime in the next few days21:21
ybitkatsmeow-afk: i have about 5 left21:22
ybitthey are only 10mg21:22
* katsmeow-afk looks for a source21:23
ybitget on a boath and make some already katsmeow-afk 21:27
ybitbkero: katsmeow-afk is planning on making a hovercraft iirc21:27
bkeroWhat powerplant?21:27
katsmeow-afkhover assist, not a normal condition21:27
ybitPhreedom plans on it as well21:27
katsmeow-afkhover is way down the line, i don't plan on launcing th eboat with a hover system in place21:28
bkeroI wonder how feasable it would be to get a lot of magnets over my body and levitate myself in a chamber with a gigantic electromagnet on the bottom21:28
katsmeow-afkbe aheck of a way to get unbeached at low tide tho21:29
drazakyou can do it without magnets on you, if the electromagnet is big enough21:29
katsmeow-afkbkero, great, till you rolled over and the magnets were on the upper side and crushed you21:29
ybitkatsmeow-afk has a point21:30
* ybit wonders how katsmeow-afk is typing away while being afk 21:30
ybitor maybe afk stands for AssFuckingKitties21:30
* ybit shrugs21:31
bkeroPoor kitties :(21:31
bkeroMaybe it stands for ask fucking kanzure21:31
ybitah :)21:31
ybitkatmeow has sure been afk a lot lately21:32
katsmeow-afki am busy elsewhere, sorry if by dropping in i other you21:32
ybitwe like you katsmeow-afk, even if afk represents an obscene action none of want to imagine21:33
ybit21:17 < kanzure> how about no currency21:34
ybitlike the gift economy i suppose21:34
ybitwhich iirc works well with metacurrency21:34
ybit21:13 < kanzure> maintain coherence of vision.21:36
ybiti'm guessing NPOs have a difficulty with that as well21:36
* ybit is curious what building costs are for a mid-sized plant21:37
kanzureideally not a gift economy21:37
kanzureplanned parenthood and planned civilization hood is a good idea21:38
ybitwhat materials are needed and how much of it that is21:38
kanzurehowever, planned parenthood isn't necessary if you're generally working within some assumed bounds21:38
kanzuremid-sized what?21:38
ybitthe drawing from yesterday, wondering how much it would costs to build something like that21:39
ybitkatsmeow-afk: not sure if it was your or not, but didn't you give me the 1 foot of concrete tip? maybe it was kanzure21:39
ybitgetting concrete isn't that big of a deal, i'm mostly curious what these reconfigurable walls are made out of and if i can build them or should i purchase them. and what material should the overall building structure be made from... 21:41
kanzuredon't purchase them21:41
ybitkanzure, fenn: what version of debian are you two running, i'm going to make the switch soon enough, compile times are killing my productivity21:47
kanzureusually I install stable first and upgrade to unstable/experimental21:48
ybithow unstable is debian unstable?21:49
kanzurenot very21:50
ybitso just a few problems here and there aren't easily resolved with a little intuition or searching21:50
kanzurenot even that21:51
kanzuredebian "stable" means "if it crashes I will eat my hat"21:51
kanzuredebian experimental and unstable means "you have a good number of nines there"21:51
kanzureand not too many dependency problems21:52
kanzurethe one major complaint I have is that they took away my xmms within the past two years21:52
kanzurebut you can install that from a private deb21:52
kanzureso it's not too terrible :)21:52
* ybit doesn't understand "you have a good number of nines there" urbandictionary tells me it's equivalent to a bullet so.. "you have a good number of bullets there" which i interpret as you have a few bullets blasting at you from time to time that you may have to be aware of.. which scares the shit out of me21:53
kanzureno, "nine nines" is usually a metric in uptime/stability21:54
ybitphew, okay21:54
-!- genehacker [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-34-238.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap22:02
genehackerspeaking of vehicle recycling you guys here about what happened with biodegradable wiring?22:03
genehackerin the EU, they passed a law that said all vehicles had to have biodegradable wiring to make them easier to recycle22:04
genehackerproved to be disasterous when the wiring degraded22:04
ybitone thing i'm curious is to how the plastics are removed22:18
ybitthat's one thing i don't know about, don't really see us smashing our own cars though, not much to gain by doing that22:19
ybit7 2009      50122:22
ybitdata from the amount of posts, that happens to be the busiest time of the year for the interwebs iirc22:22
ybitright before everyone goes back to school, people tend to do a lot more with online communities22:23
-!- genehacker2 [i=genehack@] has joined #hplusroadmap22:23
ybitand then the rate at which community transactions take place is slowed down.. but i wouldn't say progress isn't being made, it's just less talk and more doing22:24
kanzureunit tests aren't that good of a metric to be honest22:26
kanzureespecially in the early stages of a project22:26
kanzureclasses change every single commit, it seems22:26
kanzurebut over time the testing framework should solidify as we start to see how things are working out22:27
-!- genehacker [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-34-238.public.utexas.edu] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]22:27
genehacker2what's the surface area of the testing framework?22:29
kanzureI'm sorry, what?22:30
kanzureare you asking how many tests we have?22:30
kanzure=========================================================== 11 failed, 53 passed in 35.02 seconds ===========================================================22:31
ybithttp://www.popularmechanics.com/marketing/covers/?fullSize=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.popularmechanics.com%2Fimages%2Fcovers%2F200910.jpg&caption=October%2C 2009 does anyone have access to this22:33
genehacker2it was a failed attempt at a joke22:35
superkuhybit: http://rapidshare.com/files/277948930/Popular_Mechanics_2009-10ab.rar (14MB)22:37
ybitthank you superkuh 22:39
ybithttp://www.ireport.com/docs/DOC-328198 photo 9, anyone have a clue what that is?22:39
kanzuremotion blur22:40
ybitlooks like birds22:40
ybitat an extremely high altitude :P22:40
ybitPopular_Mechanics_2009-10ab.rar is not RAR archive22:55
ybitNo files to extract22:55
ybitah, silly me22:56
kanzureheekscad just committed some code for sketches, genehacker222:59
kanzureabout two minutes ago22:59
kanzureso it's probably been tested for all of about ten minutes22:59
kanzure(how's that for bleeding edge?)22:59
-!- wrldpc2 [n=benny@ool-ad03fe34.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #hplusroadmap23:03
genehacker2does anyone know what it's called when you tell a function which function to use?23:04
kanzurea "callback"23:05
genehacker2for example I'm trying to write a program where I specify which equation the program uses in calculations23:06
kanzurein python and some other scripted languages, you would do something like this:23:07
kanzure(1) define function123:07
kanzure(2) define function223:07
kanzuresuppose function1 and function2 do different algorithms23:07
kanzure(3) run the search and pass function1 as the callback (unless you want to use function2) in order to provide whatever's calling the callback with some information about what to do next23:07
genehacker2function1 needs call function 2 and input variables into function 223:07
kanzureum that's just a function call23:08
genehacker2but I need to tell function1 which function it needs to call to input variables into23:08
kanzureyep that's a callback then.23:09
kanzuredo you have python installed?23:09
ybitgenehacker2: i thought you were using ubuntu at some point?23:10
genehacker2I'm trying to program in something my teachers might understand23:10
genehacker2I'm using winblows at the moment23:11
ybitif they can't understand python, there's a problem with your teacher23:11
kanzuregenehacker2: try this, http://pastebin.com/f3ee408ea23:11
kanzurejust a quick demo to show you what i am talking about23:12
genehacker2I don't know python23:13
kanzureis it hard to understand23:13
genehacker2I'm trying to do this23:15
genehacker2except I can't do it like they do it23:15
genehacker2because the matlab on the appserver doesn't have the symbolic math toolkit installed23:15
kanzurei thought symbolic math is the point of matlab23:16
genehacker2matlab does stuff with matrices23:17
genehacker2I think I got an idea of what I need to do23:25

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