
--- Day changed Tue Sep 15 2009
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kanzureted's "100kgarages" website sucks08:34
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kanzurehm there's a #tangiblebit?08:55
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deviantlarvahi kanzure 09:03
kanzurewhat's up?09:04
deviantlarvanothing for now, just hanging around to see how things happens^^09:07
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deviantlarvasee ya10:00
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CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r 7b8da88 /thirdparty/graphsynth.py: wrote find_delegate to graphsynth to help find matching objects with similar dictionaries10:41
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kanzuregenehacker: you going to the presentation at noon?10:58
genehackeryes where is it again?11:00
kanzureone moment11:00
kanzureNST 1.104 at 12PM11:01
kanzureso i deleted 22,000 emails from my account on gmail and not even a megabyte was freed?11:11
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kanzurefenn: Range("20 m", "kg") shouldn't this fail?11:37
kanzureok time to go act as if i know molecular biology11:39
fennso much for reading the papers before i show up :P11:39
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kanzurehttp://adl.serveftp.org/lab/2009-09-15-rothemund-utexas.html rothemund talk notes13:32
fenncaDNAno is written with "Adobe Air"13:32
kanzuregod no :(13:32
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-!- Smari [n=spm@194-144-23-6.du.xdsl.is] has joined #hplusroadmap14:27
Smarihappy now?14:27
kanzureyes I am14:29
kanzurewe were talking about something earlier today but i'm not sure what or where to pick up14:30
Smarithink about it. I'll be back whenever my assignment for tomorrow is done.14:37
kanzureguess i'll act like i'm doing homework too for the time being14:37
fennlong DNA sequences containing occasional errors would still be usable for DNA origami14:40
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fenneven if a similar sequence would be prohibitively expensive to synthesize for gene coding purposes, it would still be economically viable for origami14:41
fennbecause the exponential increase in getting an error doesn't matter, only the total error rate14:41
fennjavascript makes my eyes film over14:45
fenni'm sure this code does something interesting but i just don't see it14:45
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kanzurefenn: what code in particular?15:31
kanzurei'd be happy to walk you through some javascript bullshit15:32
kanzurejust don't ask me to explain DOM to you15:32
kanzurefor some reason i'm reading a nuclear radiation book15:32
kanzurei don't understand why everyone is crazy about radiation instead of radioactives15:33
kanzurei mean, when it comes to carcinogens, radioactive isotopes lodged in your body are more damaging than just some dosage of radiation15:33
fenncadnano, it's written in actionscript15:38
fennnanoengineer-1 is C and python, and it's GPL so that's pretty sweet15:38
kanzurethere was another one btw15:40
kanzurei hope i'm not thinking of cadnano15:40
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fennkanzure: gamma radiation can cause secondary radioactive isotopes15:47
drazakkanzure: eugen is sort of annoying, and yeah, people fuckup the formatting, they don't need to be crusified every time, and sometimes it's because the client doesn't show them they're top posting, IE. my phone didn't show that when I replied that it had kept the quoted text, so I had no clue15:56
* fenn curses the unix gods16:02
fennPyQt version 4.2 or later is required, but version 4.3.3 was found instead. Please update your PyQt to version 4.2.16:02
* bkero hugs the unix gods.16:02
bkeroPoorly written software16:03
fennif test $found_major_version -gt $min_major_version; then16:03
bkeroPoorly written software16:03
bkeroShouldn't that be gre?16:03
bkeroI guess there'd need to be two conditionals, if gt then proceed, eq check minor16:04
kanzurewell these results are all pretty neat: http://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&q=maintenance+procedure+validation+tasks+automated+instructions&btnG=Search16:47
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ybitso i was thinking today that...17:22
ybit17:13 <ybit> ..the more the business does, the less time i have to pursue my own projects because i'll be so tied down with administrative tasks17:22
ybit17:13 <ybit> so it might be good to just make the business operate smoothly and pursue my other hobbies not as a business but as a hobby17:22
ybit17:14 <ybit> here's kind of an updated plan.. will probably be redrawn and edited17:22
ybit17:14 <ybit> http://filebin.ca/rtotgu/b4200.png17:22
ybitso just make the junkyard run smoothly and have time to pursue me hobbies 17:22
ybit13:32 < fenn> caDNAno is written with "Adobe Air"17:26
ybit13:32 < kanzure> god no :(17:26
ybitwe've already been over this you two17:26
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katsmeow-afkybit, got storage, you need to store big stuff people give you for next-to-$nothing, so if i need 4 identical 90 degree heavy gearsets for my load-carrying dinosaur's legs , you can hand me 4 identical differentials17:31
katsmeow-afkif someone sells you arc welders as scrap, you do NOT trash them, you save them, or at least all the parts, like the 300amp@600v diodes, the phase control scrs, the transformers, the leads, etc17:34
ybitof course silly :P17:35
katsmeow-afkif i want a hovercraft engine, you sell me a working all-aluminum 4cyl car engine17:35
katsmeow-afkif i want a PT oat engine, you sell me the biggest diesel you have17:36
ybitbut the point of this is that i have time to pursue hobbies because running a junkyard, like any other business takes time, but keeping it just a junkyard is a lot less hassle then making it a junkyard + 50 other services17:36
ybitbut it's also still providing a place to tinker if ya look at the drawing17:37
katsmeow-afki agree, to a point: you will make more money selling intact stuff to people who want that stuff, than selling it merely for it's weight17:37
ybittinking == building ai robot overlords17:37
* ybit doesn't know what ass fucking kanzure-ish means.. are you doing it or not... so confused17:41
* katsmeow-afk reminds ybit that she has no external genitals to be ass fucking anyone17:51
katsmeow-afkand, if you were discussing this at your business while i was there, i wouldn't be back17:52
* ybit reminds katsmeow-afk of strap-ons 18:15
* ybit keeps his mouth shut for now on though :)18:15
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drazakkanzure: why do people on diybio have an issue with just doing shit18:43
QuantumGcosts money right?18:45
drazakwell if they're building electroporators18:46
drazakthen they can fucking try a heatshock18:46
ybithttp://creativecommons.org/videos/mayer-and-bettle2 is kind of scary19:29
-!- sutr [n=suty@209-33-226-43.dsl.infowest.net] has joined #hplusroadmap19:30
ybithi sutr 19:30
ybithttp://elm-chan.org/works/vlp/report_e.html is similar to the $10 xy laser scanner project19:32
ybitsutr: who are ya? what are your interests, concentration, and hobbies?19:34
sutrnothing going on really, I dont have investment interests, I just heard of your site and thought it sounded interesting, electronics and engineering is intresting as well19:39
ybitour site?19:40
sutrthe channel19:41
ybitthe wiki seems to have been long forgotten, mostly cause kanzure's server was afk (in whatever way you want to take that ;)19:41
ybitwell.. guess i'm off to install the new 1tb hdd finally19:43
kanzurewoah wtf is with the diybio@gmail.com idea?19:51
kanzurei don't even begin to understand explaining why that's a bad idea19:52
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kanzurewhat am i doing?20:04
kanzuredoes anyone know what i claim to be doing right now?20:05
drazakkanzure: yeah, I know20:22
drazakI only ever comment on the biology, other than eugen leitl being a pussy20:23
kanzureso can someone tell me why we haven't split off yet from diybio and all these other groups?20:24
drazakI dunno20:24
drazakwe need a group for discussion of science20:24
drazakno politics allowed20:24
kanzurei think you can talk about politics if you're really careful, or if it's one tenth of your output/bullshit or something20:24
kanzurebut yes20:25
kanzurei don't know how to say it, but it sounds like a lot of people on diybio are total fucking idiots20:25
drazakgeneral rule is no politics20:25
drazak85% of them20:25
drazakmeredith, whomever that is,knows shit20:25
kanzuredrazak: have you noticed anything about the biologists in your lab?20:27
kanzurelike, something pathological?20:27
drazakit's hard to tell20:31
drazak3 of them don't speak english well20:31
drazakwhich leaves me and one other guy20:31
drazakand he's kinda weird, like me20:31
kanzurethat's not a very large lab20:31
drazakit's 5 of us20:31
drazakin the other labs all the english speakers are techs, and don't give two shits20:33
ybit'm a little late to the party20:37
ybitbut this is funny imho: http://geekz.co.uk/lovesraymond/wp-content/ep009.jpg20:37
drazakLOL STALMAN20:38
drazakI mean uh20:38
kanzureybit: steve's brother joe publishes that20:39
drazakkanzure: I dunno, the other native english speaker is an MD/PHD student, so he's allowed to be weird20:39
kanzureno, i'm not talking about weirdness20:39
drazakkanzure: describe better what you mean?20:39
kanzurei'm talking about this total cluelessness about computers and technology20:39
ybitsteve richfield?20:39
kanzureybit: steve rayhawk20:40
drazakdefinitely not20:40
drazakthey know where their towels are20:40
kanzurepeople on diybio don't even seem to know what the fuck email is20:40
drazakand they all say they're programmers learning biology or biologists learning computers20:40
ybit20:24 < kanzure> so can someone tell me why we haven't split off yet from diybio and all these other groups?20:42
drazakmore like cluefulbiopeople20:42
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* ybit pulls an esr...20:43
ybitor diysci20:43
kanzureybit: unfortunately that was invaded by poets20:43
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ybitthese poets only showed up in the last email20:43
ybitaside from my mine20:44
kanzureno, they were all about "dancing on fluffy wings of bullshit" or something20:44
ybiti'm guessing you were referrign to paul and patrick20:44
ybito.O didn't see that one20:45
kanzureyes i think it was probably patrick20:45
drazakthe thing is20:45
drazakdiybio is all like20:45
kanzurei think that the problem is their assumption that it has to be easy immediately20:46
kanzureour job is to make it easier, that's true, but it doesn't just start off being ridiculous20:47
kanzurethe backend is made, and then the frontend is the simple display stuff20:47
kanzurebut until that point, you can't water things down20:47
drazakand people don't know shit about biology20:48
ybithttp://groups.google.com/group/diysci join or flame it if you want but stop complaining, grrr 20:51
drazakybit: are you heath matlock?20:52
kanzurewhat's wrong with you?20:52
fennbad ybit, bad!20:52
* ybit was waiting on it :)20:52
drazaktaking initiative? bad!20:52
kanzureno, that's not initiative20:53
kanzureit's yet-another-group with nothing behind it20:53
drazakkanzure needs more email groups20:53
kanzuredo i?20:53
ybittrue that20:53
kanzurefuck you all20:53
kanzureyou people suck at mailing lists :p20:53
drazakI've seen that before20:53
ybitno fuck you and you're top-posting hating madness ;)20:53
drazakI don't even fucking know what top-posting is20:54
kanzuredrazak: it's where people do some stupid email formatting and make it hard to follow20:54
ybityou have been banned from the mailing list drazak ;)20:54
kanzureybit: maybe you should work on skdb instead of making yet another mailing list20:54
ybitkanzure: this is more of a joke20:54
ybitspeaking of skdb... time to go install me occ on this debian sys20:55
drazakyeah, I mean, read the home page20:55
kanzureybit: i suggest following the instructions on the dokuwiki installation on adl.serveftp.org20:56
* ybit sees no instructions on http://adl.serveftp.org/dokuwiki/occ20:56
drazakwoohoo I have 293B's expressing an non-replicating adenovirus for mef2c!20:56
kanzureybit: try the pythonocc page :)20:57
ybityou ricer you, choosing unstable packages20:58
ybiti'll have to upgrade to unstable it looks like20:58
kanzureyou won't have to "upgrade" per se21:00
kanzurejust change the lines in your /etc/apt/sources.list file a bit21:00
kanzurehave you run a debian box before?21:00
ybitdon't forget, i've used ubuntu once before21:00
ybitokay, several times21:01
ybitbut this pinning thing is new to me, i kind of like it21:03
ybitwhile dist-upgrade takes its precious time, think i'll call it a night since i don't have adrafanil just yet to keep me fully awake throughout the day 21:06
ybitfenn: /etc/apt/preferences21:06
fenni dont think i've ever looked at that file21:06
ybitfenn: http://pastebin.ca/156782221:06
fennactually it doesn't exist21:06
kanzurethat's a good reason to have never looked at it21:07
ybiti had to create mine as well21:07
ybitand i'm hopefully about to pass out on the bed behind me, gn21:08
fennsounds like a pla21:08
fenni'm going to bed too.21:09
fennyour transcript is missing what anyone besides rothemund said21:10
fennit's sort of confusing21:10
kanzureit doesn't indicate what they said21:10
kanzureer, distinguish21:10
drazaklink the transcript again pl0x21:11
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kanzurei also took another transcript today21:15
kanzurethis presentation was from a guy from Schlumberger21:15
drazakyour spelling sucks21:16
kanzurehe talks fast21:17
drazaktype faster21:17
kanzure120wpm not fast enough for you?21:17
drazakfaster damnit! :)21:18
kanzureand here's the transcript from the schlumberger speaker: http://heybryan.org/school/me136n/2009-09-15.html21:18
CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r 2c295fe /tests/ (test_units.py test_yamlcrap.py tests.py): cleaned up unit tests21:26
CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r db2d6aa /tests/test_units.py: added some tests for ranges of different and multiple units21:26
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genehackeryou can mold metal with magnetic fields22:22
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